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The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs, Update on Alcohol

by James J Rybacki Pharm. D.

The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs, Update on alcohol is the latest edition of the widely acclaimed family of Essential Guide publications. From potentially life-saving drug interactions to preventing alcohol poisoning, the book is a must read for every family. Find out about key things to talk to your doctor about before drinking, 11 impacts on medicines and health drugs never to combine and even objective web sites to help.

La ciencia de hacerse rico

by Wallace D. Wattles

Este es un libro pragmático, no filosófico; es un manual práctico, no un tratado teórico. Está dirigido a los hombres y mujeres cuya necesidad más apremiante sea el dinero; a todos los que desean hacerse ricos primero y filosofar después. Sea lo que sea que se diga a favor de la pobreza, la verdad es que no es posible llevar una vida realmente plena o exitosa sin ser rico. Nadie puede llegar a la cima de su talento o al máximo desarrollo de su alma sin tener dinero. Hay una ciencia para hacerse rico y es una ciencia exacta. Hay leyes específicas que rigen el proceso de adquirir riquezas y una vez que cualquiera aprenda y obe­dezca estas leyes se hará rico con una certeza matemática. El plan de acción que propone esta obra ha sido ampliamente comprobado y ha superado la prueba supre­ma de todo experimento práctico: este plan funciona.

Sistema de la llave maestra

by Charles Haanel

“La naturaleza obliga a todos a avanzar en la vida. La persona que piensa no se conforma con vivir como una planta, sino que desea superarse y desarrollar su capacidad mental. Este desarrollo sólo es posible cuando el individuo eleva la calidad de sus pensamientos e ideales y, en consecuencia, sus actos y circunstancias. Es sumamente importante estudiar el proceso creativo del pensamiento y saber cómo aplicarlo. Gracias a ese conocimiento aumentará el grado de evolución de la vida humana sobre la Tierra. El pensamiento es el poder espiritual del cosmos que trabaja por medio de su creación: el hombre. El sistema de la llave maestra enseña cómo usar ese poder de forma constructiva y creativa. Esta obra constituye la guía y la explicación de tal proceso. El sistema de la llave maestra le otorgará una mejor personalidad y le proporcionará un nuevo poder para lograr cualquier propósito personal y una renovada capacidad de disfrutar la belleza y maravilla de la vida.”


by William H. Stein

¿Quiénes son los ganadores? La respuesta a esta interrogante es muy simple: la gente exitosa, los hombres y las mujeres que han conquistado metas importantes en su vida y han llegado a donde el resto de las personas no consigue llegar. Sus profesiones y edades son muy variadas; también lo son su origen, formación y cultura. El presente libro es una guía para sortear con éxito los problemas de la vida. “Para cambiar tu vida por fuera —afirma Louise Hay— debes cambiar tú por dentro. En el momento en que te dispones a cambiar, es asombroso cómo el universo comienza ayudarte, y te trae lo que necesitas.”

No me vendas, ayúdame a comprar

by Helios Herrera

El libro No me vendas. ¡Ayúdame a comprar! te permitirá estar actualizado en el mundo de las ventas, además de incrementar tu conocimiento para un éxito comercial. ¿Cuántas veces has soñado con que tus clientes te digan clara y directamente por qué no te compraron? La capacitación y las obras que han formado a miles de vendedores históricamente aborda el tema desde el análisis del proceso de la venta. No obstante, quien tiene la última palabra y quien acepta o no cerrar el trato, es el comprador. Esta obra analiza el proceso a través del cual todos compramos. Si te dedicas a las ventas, si quieres incrementar tus ingresos y establecer relaciones duraderas con tus clientes, no puedes más que darte la oportunidad de comprender, desde su óptica, el proceso que les permite aceptar o rechazar tu oferta.

Storey's Basic Country Skills: A Practical Guide to Self-reliance

by Storey Books Staff John Storey Martha Storey

Whether you live on a small suburban lot or have a many acres in the country, this inspiring collection will empower you to increase your self-sufficiently and embrace a more independent lifestyle. A variety of authors share their specialized knowledge and provide practical instructions for basic country skills like preserving vegetables, developing water systems, keeping farm animals, and renovating barns. From sharpening an axe to baking your own bread, you'll be amazed at the many ways learning traditional skills can enrich your life.

Tor Darknet: Master the Art of Invisibility

by Lance Henderson

Want to surf the web anonymously? Cloak yourself in shadow? I will show you how to become a ghost in the machine - leaving no tracks back to your ISP. This book covers it all! Encrypting your files, securing your PC, masking your online footsteps with Tor browser, VPNs, Freenet and Bitcoins, and all while giving you peace of mind with TOTAL 100% ANONYMITY. - How to Be Anonymous Online AND Offline - Step by Step Guides for Tor, Freenet, I2P, VPNs, Usenet and more - Browser Fingerprinting - Anti-Hacking and Counter-forensics Techniques - Photo & Video Metadata - How to Encrypt Files (I make this super simple) - How to Defeat NSA Spying - How to Browse the Deep Web - How to Protect Your Identity - How to Hide Anything! Tor & The Dark Art of Anonymity The NSA hates Tor. So does the FBI. Even Google wants it gone, as do Facebook and Yahoo and every other soul-draining, identity-tracking vampiric media cartel that scans your emails and spies on your private browsing sessions to better target you - but there's hope. This manual will give you the incognito tools that will make you a master of anonymity! Covered in Tor: - Browse the Internet Anonymously - Darkcoins, Darknet Marketplaces & Opsec Requirements - Tor Hidden Servers - How to Not Get Caught - Counter-Forensics the FBI Doesn't Want You to Know About! - Windows vs. Linux Network Security - Cryptocurrency (Real Bitcoin Anonymity) - Supercookies & Encryption - Preventing Marketers and Debt Collectors From Finding You - How to Protect Your Assets - Home, Money & Family! - How to Hide Anything from even the most trained IRS agents The Invisibility Toolkit Within this book lies top secrets known only to the FBI and a few law enforcement agencies: How to disappear in style and retain assets. How to switch up multiple identities on the fly and be invisible such that no one; not your ex, not your parole officer, nor even the federal government can find you. Ever. You'll learn: - How to disappear overseas - How to wear a perfect disguise. - How to bring down a drone. - How to be invisible in Canada, Thailand, China or the Philippines. - How to use Darkcoins on the run. - How to fool skip tracers, child support courts, student loan collectors - How to sneak into Canada - How to be anonymous online using Tor, Tails and the Internet Underground - Edward Snowden's biggest mistake. Usenet: The Ultimate Guide The first rule of Usenet: Don't Talk About Usenet! But times have changed and you want what you want. Usenet is the way to go. I will show you: - How to use Usenet - which groups to join, which to avoid - How to be anonymous online - Why Usenet is better than torrents - How to use Tor, How to use PGP, Remailers/Mixmaster, SSL. - How to encrypt your files - Which Vpn and Usenet companies rat you out, and which won't. - How to Stay Anonymous Online You've probably read The Hacker Playbook by Peter Kim and the Art of Invisibility by Kevin Mitnick. While those are fine books, you need this super pack to take it to the NEXT LEVEL. Scroll to the top of the page and select the "buy" button and wear a cloak of invisibility INSTANTLY!

Changes & Choices: Personal Development and Relationships

by Ruth E. Bragg

Changes & Choices: Personal Development and Relationships helps young teens develop the relationship skills they need as they face the transition to adulthood. The text helps students make adjustments by explaining the changes they are experiencing and exploring the choices they will be making. It discusses relationships with family members, friends, classmates, and coworkers. <P><P>An entire chapter discusses character, values, standards, and ethics. <P><P>Stories about teens dealing with changes and choices appear throughout. <P><P>Activities linking technology, creative and critical thinking, ethics, and allied subjects in other curriculum areas follow each chapter.

The Surrendered Wife: A Practical Guide for Finding Intimacy, Passion, and Peace with a Man

by Laura Doyle

This controversial approach to marriage has transformed thousands of relationships, bringing women romance, harmony, and the intimacy they crave. Like millions of women, Laura Doyle wanted her marriage to be better. But when she tried to get her husband to be more romantic, helpful, and ambitious, he withdrew -- and she was lonely and exhausted from controlling everything. Desperate to be in love with her man again, she decided to stop telling him what to do and how to do it. When Doyle surrendered control, something magical happened. The union she had always dreamed of appeared. The man who had wooed her was back. The underlying principle of The Surrendered Wife is simple: The control women wield at work and with children must be left at the front door of any marriage. Laura Doyle's model for matrimony shows women how they can both express their needs and have them met while also respecting their husband's choices. When they do, they revitalize intimacy. Compassionate and practical, The Surrendered Wife is a step-by-step guide that teaches women how to: Give up unnecessary control and responsibility; Resist the temptation to criticize, belittle, or dismiss their husbands; Trust their husbands in every aspect of marriage -- from sexual to financial; And more. The Surrendered Wife will show you how to transform a lonely marriage into a passionate union.

Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing

by Daniel Foor

A practical guide to connecting with your ancestors for personal, family, and cultural healing• Provides exercises and rituals to help you initiate contact with your ancestors, find ancestral guides, and assist the dead who are not yet at peace• Explains how to safely engage in lineage repair work by connecting with your more ancient ancestors before relating with the recently deceased• Explores how your ancestors can help you transform intergenerational legacies of pain and abuse and reclaim the positive spirit of the familyEveryone has loving and wise ancestors they can learn to invoke for support and healing. Coming into relationship with your ancestors empowers you to transform negative family patterns into blessings and encourages good health, self-esteem, clarity of purpose, and better relationships with your living relatives. Offering a practical guide to understanding and navigating relationships with the spirits of those who have passed, Daniel Foor, PhD, details how to relate safely and effectively with your ancestors for personal, family, and cultural healing. He provides exercises and rituals, grounded in ancient wisdom traditions, to help you initiate contact with your ancestors, find supportive ancestral guides, cultivate forgiveness and gratitude, harmonize your bloodlines, and assist the dead who are not yet at peace. He explains how to safely engage in lineage repair work by connecting with your more ancient ancestors before relating with the recently deceased. He shows how, by working with spiritually vibrant ancestors, individuals and families can understand and transform intergenerational patterns of pain and abuse and reclaim the full blessings and gifts of their bloodlines. Ancestral repair work can also catalyze healing breakthroughs among living family members and help children and future generations to live free from ancestral burdens. The author provides detailed instructions for ways to honor the ancestors of a place, address dream visits from the dead, and work with ancestor shrines and altars. The author offers guidance on preparing for death, funeral rites, handling the body after death, and joining the ancestors. He also explains how ancestor work can help us to transform problems such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious persecution.By learning the fundamentals of ancestor reverence and ritual, you will discover how to draw on the wisdom of supportive ancestral guides, heal family troubles, maintain connections with beloved family after their death, and better understand the complex and interconnected relationship between the living and the dead.

Sacred Relationships: The Practice of Intimate Erotic Love

by Padma Aon Prakasha Anaiya Sophia

A workbook on divine sexual expression, sacred relationship, and uniting the Divine Feminine and Masculine• Explains how to transform your relationship into an initiatory temple of spiritual development and ignite the alchemical process of Sacred Marriage--union with God• Offers female specific, male specific, and couples exercises for self-awakening, womb pulsing, yoni-lingam evolution, and a series of sacred body rites • Integrates wisdom from shamanic, gnostic, tantric, and alchemical traditions with sacred sexual practices, including teachings from the Temples of Isis Sexuality is one of our core soul qualities, best evidenced by the design of our physical and spiritual bodies and their inherent propensity for sexual expression. By embracing your sexual power in a loving union, you can enact a sacred trinity between your two souls and the Divine, transforming your relationship into an initiatory temple of spiritual development and awakening yourselves to divine gnosis, direct knowing of God, through sacred body rites.In this workbook, Anaiya Sophia and Padma Aon Prakasha explain how to reactivate your primal sexual expression in harmony with the Divine, navigate the waters of Divine Relationship with a partner, and ignite the alchemical process of Sacred Marriage or Hieros Gamos--union with God. Integrating shamanic, gnostic, tantric, and alchemical traditions with sacred sexual practices, including teachings from the Temples of Isis, they explore how to unite the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within each of us and experience the Great Work of sexual alchemy. They explain how, when two lovers come together and abandon themselves to loving each other, they re-enact the primal union of the Cosmic Couple, Shiva and Shakti, that created the universe.Weaving together mystical feminine wisdom, transcendent masculine consciousness, and sexual psychology, the authors offer practical tools to balance your masculine and feminine energies, help with relationship obstacles, and bring about sexual healing, emotional clearing, spiritual growth, and physical release. Offering female specific, male specific, and couples exercises, they detail practices for self-awakening, womb pulsing, yoni-lingam evolution, and a series of sacred body rites. Through these heart-opening practices, you can not only deepen your connection with the Divine but also develop a loving connection with yourself, with your partner, and with the world around.

El Secreto del éxito

by William Walker Atkinson

No es que no creamos que haya un secreto del éxito sino que como se han dicho tantas tonterías, dudamos sobre cuál será la postura de un maestro. Es más fácil llenar páginas con buenos consejos o unos cuantos principios, que esforzarse activamente y ponerlos en práctica. Además de las buenas cualidades que llevan al éxito, hay algo más: el que busca el éxito posee dentro de sí mismo la cualidad que, puesta en acción, constituye el verdadero secreto del éxito. Esta obra revela qué es ese algo interior, y lo que obtendrá todo aquel que lo desarrolle y lo ponga en acción. Todos lo tenemos, sólo depende de nosotros sacarlo para expresarlo. Esta expresión individual es EL SECRETO DEL ÉXITO. De eso hablaremos en este libro; conviene aprender este “secreto”.

Il Metodo Phillips Per Smettere di Fumare

by Phillips Jones Paolo Martino

Un metodo semplice per smettere di fumare. Contiene un insieme di tecniche e procedimenti alla portata di tutti, che ti insegneranno a programmare il tuo cervello per lasciare definitivamente il vizio del fumo. Con la lettura di questo libro e la conseguente messa in pratica delle sue raccomandazioni, non solo sarai capace di smettere di fumare, bensì d'ora in avanti riuscirai a raggiungere tutti gli obiettivi che ti proponi e le mete. Non è solo un piano per smettere con il vizio del tabacco, bensì la spiegazione dei comportamenti, principi e regole che segue il cervello, più i metodi per programmarlo in funzione dei tuoi desideri e necessità Con esercizi semplici e chiari che ti aiuteranno a conoscerti meglio sempre di più, a rafforzare la tua autostima e la tua auto valorazione. Una lettura piacevole con la quale oltre ad apprendere come smettere di fumare, passerai momenti divertenti con barzellette, racconti ed aneddoti graziosi e divertenti.

Del otro lado de la pared

by Mario Reynoso

¿Has escuchado la frase “No es grande aquel que nunca falla sino quien nunca se da por vencido”? Uno de ellos es Mario Reynoso, que en estas páginas no te cuenta sólo cómo se convirtió en ultramaratonista, sino que te entrega su alma, su pasión por superar el dolor, el cansancio, los errores. Su historia es el reflejo fiel de que la felicidad es el camino, no la meta.

Tu vida en disfrute

by Jose Atl

¿Qué tan abierto estás a aceptar el cambio? ¿Qué situaciones de tu vida, pasadas o presentes, no aceptas? ¿Realmente te amas? ¿Eres amigo o enemigo de tus pensamientos? ¿Sabes por qué estás en esta vida?¿Qué le cambiarías a tu vida para que la disfrutes al máximo? Estas son algunas de las preguntas en las que el escritor, coach y conferencista en procesos de transformación del ser humano, José Atl, nos invita a reflexionar en su libro Tu vida en disfrute. A lo largo de estas páginas, el autor nos brinda herramientas para que podamos vivir la vida como en realidad deseamos y no como nos han dicho que tendríamos que vivir. Se trata de conceptos de superación y desarrollo personal y espiritual que podremos aplicar en el día a día en nuestra persona y en nuestro trabajo, con nuestros hijos, familia y amigos, a fin de generarnos bienestar, tranquilidad y armonía. Hallaremos algunas definiciones de valiosos elementos para el crecimiento interior, como son la apertura, la aceptación, el agradecimiento, el amor propio, el manejo del pensamiento, el autoconocimiento y el cuidado del cuerpo.

Despertar: Conciencia de Vida

by Jose Besil

Invertimos mucho tiempo, dinero y esfuerzo para capacitarnos en conocimientos racionales y materiales, pero nos olvidamos de conocer y comprender nuestra naturaleza emocional y espiritual. Ignoramos la necesidad primordial de saber quiénes somos, desde antes de nuestra concepción y hasta después de nuestra transición del mundo material, pasando por la herencia genética, religiosa, cultural y social, sin analizar ni comprender nuestros pensamientos, miedos, sentimientos, emociones y los estados de ánimo que nos provocan, al igual que el ego y su gran influencia, sin entender cómo, a través de la meditación y la oración, con la visión del corazón, podemos lograr la paz interior, conocer la verdad y alcanzar la libertad, conectándonos espiritualmente para, así, trascender. Esta es la invitación que José Besil nos hace en esta obra: despertar y tomar conciencia de nuestra vida, la que era antes, la que es ahora y la que será por siempre. No hay regalo más valioso que desarrollar la conciencia, pues significa descubrir la presencia de Dios en nosotros. Despertar conciencia de vida es una herramienta valiosa, práctica y útil; además, su contenido y profundidad nos concientizarán acerca de lo más importante que poseemos: nuestra vida y nuestra esencia, para lograr conocer la verdad que nos hará libres.

Powering The Lean Enterprise: Fundamentals of Lean for Super-Charging Your Company & Your Life

by Bill Artzberger

In Powering the Lean Enterprise, author Bill Artzberger introduces basic lean rules and principles in a variety of simulated cases drawn from his personal experiences as a lean coach, trainer and manager. In each instance, Bill presents a different scenario for implementing lean technologies. “The goal of lean is to identify and eliminate non-essential and non-value-added steps in the business process in order to streamline operations, improve quality and gain customer loyalty,” states Bill. “Implementation of lean technologies for a significant number of prestigious Fortune 500 as well as smaller companies has netted larger profit margins, higher quality products and services, improved employee engagement, increased customer satisfaction, and lower operating costs. The ROI for lean is off the charts.” In this book you will learn about: Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset, Lean Culture, The 4 Lean Rules & 5 Lean Principles, Choosing Lean, Lean Transformation Roadmap, Lean Leadership, Five Common Lean Pitfalls & How to Avoid Them, Kaizen Workshops, Daily Improvements - Kata

Chosen: Strategies for Revolutionary Leadership

by Jamelle Sanders

Chosen is a timely book from one of the most respected leadership experts in the world. In his unique style, Jamelle addresses the challenges, crossroads and cures for leadership in the twenty-first century. This book shatters every preconceived notion and idea that you have about leadership. You will be challenged to shift your perspective on leadership and redefine how you lead in this era. Chosen introduces you to new concepts in leadership like authenticity, selflessness and heart-centered leadership. Chosen will challenge your character, development and principles. The world is looking for soul leaders with the courage to propel radical change!

Teu outro Corpo

by Lisa Wagman

Você já conheceu alguém e instantaneamente sentiu que o conhecesse? Por que nossos sonhos dificilmente fazem sentido? Por que algumas pessoas se sentem como uma mulher no sexo masculino ou um homem no sexo feminino? Estas são apenas algumas das muitas perguntas que você pode ter. Seu Outro Corpo te leva a um mergulho profundo de sua alma: * Almas gêmeas, conexões e guias - quem são e seu relacionamento com eles. * Sonhos - três tipos diferentes que temos e sua relevância para a sua alma. * Reencarnação - seu propósito, por que continuamos a reencarnar o que o corpo te dá.

The Definitive Book of Body Language: The Hidden Meaning Behind People's Gestures and Expressions (Mira Ser.)

by Allan Pease Barbara Pease

Available for the first time in the United States, this international bestseller reveals the secrets of nonverbal communication to give you confidence and control in any face-to-face encounter-from making a great first impression and acing a job interview to finding the right partner.It is a scientific fact that people's gestures give away their true intentions. Yet most of us don't know how to read body language-and don't realize how our own physical movements speak to others. Now the world's foremost experts on the subject share their techniques for reading body language signals to achieve success in every area of life.Drawing upon more than thirty years in the field, as well as cutting-edge research from evolutionary biology, psychology, and medical technologies that demonstrate what happens in the brain, the authors examine each component of body language and give you the basic vocabulary to read attitudes and emotions through behavior. Discover:* How palms and handshakes are used to gain control* The most common gestures of liars* How the legs reveal what the mind wants to do* The most common male and female courtship gestures and signals* The secret signals of cigarettes, glasses, and makeup* The magic of smiles-including smiling advice for women* How to use nonverbal cues and signals to communicate more effectively and get the reactions you wantFilled with fascinating insights, humorous observations, and simple strategies that you can apply to any situation, this intriguing book will enrich your communication with and understanding of others-as well as yourself.From the Hardcover edition.

Una vida con significado: Realice su potencial eterno cada dia

by Jim Graff

Aprenda 5 pasos sencillos para vivir cada día el propósito que Dios le ha encomendado ¿Ansía usted vivir una vida con significado? Muchas personas luchan por encontrar un sentido a su vida. Si usted es uno de ellos, Jim Graff lo entiende. EnUna vida con significado, Graff da a conocer cinco claves que le darán los recursos y la motivación para desarrollar su potencial como persona. Usted puede apoderarse de una vida con significado y vivirla en toda su plenitud a través de: El desarrollo de laconfianza El fortalecimiento delcarácter Laconcentraciónen la voluntad de Dios Lacooperacióncon Dios (y con otros) en la realización de los designios de Dios La participación en lacomunidad Descubra la importancia y el impacto de estos cinco principios en su vida aprendiendo a vivir en sintonía con el singular propósito que Dios le ha legado. Aprenda a vivir según los anhelos de su corazón. Una vida con significadole ayudará a convertirse en dueño de su propio valor --un valor que Dios le otorgó con su bendición--, y a vivir una vida plena de sentido. El resultado será una transformación asombrosa. . . no sólo en su vida sino ensu actitudhacia la vida.

Step by Step: Daily Meditations for Living the Twelve Steps

by Muriel Zink

Since Muriel Zink began her own recovery work over thirty years ago, many people in self-help and anonymous recovery programs have shared their concern with her about finding concrete, practical ways to use the Twelve Step model, developed originally by Alcoholics Anonymous.In STEP BY STEP, Muriel devotes each month of the year to an in-depth exploration of one of the Twelve Steps, with daily entries. The steps are presented in the chronological order of the months, though any of the meditations can be used out of sequence. No matter where we are in our recovery, these wise, inspiring messges and meditations can help us "step" our way to healthier, more productive lives.From the Trade Paperback edition.

¡Sálvese quien pueda!: El futuro del trabajo en la era de la automatización

by Andres Oppenheimer

Manteniéndose fiel a su característico estilo periodístico, Andrés Oppenheimer lleva a sus lectores en un nuevo viaje, esta vez a través del mundo, con la intención de comprender cuál será el futuro de los trabajos de hoy en el día, mientras se aproxima lo que muchos han denominado como la era de la automatización. Tal como lo indican dos de los entrevistados de Oppenheimer -ambos expertos en tecnología y economía de la Universidad de Oxford- el cuarenta y siete por ciento de los trabajos existentes corren el riesgo de automatizarse o volverse obsoletos debido a los avances tecnológicos y el crecimiento de los productos y servicios en línea que están por venir en los próximos veinte años. Oppenheimer conversa con expertos en sus campos y examina los cambios que ya comienzan a desarrollarse en varias áreas de empleo, incluyendo en la industria de alimentos, en el mundo legal, en la banca y en la medicina. Oppenheimer contrapone también las perspectivas de los "tecno-optimistas" con las de los "tecno-negativistas" e intenta encontrar un término medio entre una visión alarmista del futuro y una que es demasiado acrítica. Autodenominado un "optimista cauteloso", Oppenheimer opina que la tecnología no necesariamente creará un desempleo masivo, sino más bien cambiará drásticamente la definición de lo que hoy conocemos como un "empleo".

Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real Productivity

by Charles Duhigg

<P>From the author of the New York Times bestselling phenomenon The Power of Habit comes a fascinating new book that explores the science of productivity, and why, in today's world, managing how you think--rather than what you think--can transform your life. <P>A young woman drops out of a PhD program and starts playing poker. By training herself to envision contradictory futures, she learns to anticipate her opponents' missteps--and becomes one of the most successful players in the world. <P>A group of data scientists at Google embark on a four-year study of how the best teams function, and find that how a group interacts is more important than who is in the group--a principle, it turns out, that also helps explain why Saturday Night Live became a hit. A Marine Corps general, faced with low morale among recruits, reimagines boot camp--and discovers that instilling a "bias toward action" can turn even the most directionless teenagers into self-motivating achievers. The filmmakers behind Disney's Frozen are nearly out of time and on the brink of catastrophe--until they shake up their team in just the right way, spurring a creative breakthrough that leads to one of the highest-grossing movies of all time. <P>What do these people have in common? They know that productivity relies on making certain choices. <P>The way we frame our daily decisions; the big ambitions we embrace and the easy goals we ignore; the cultures we establish as leaders to drive innovation; the way we interact with data: These are the things that separate the merely busy from the genuinely productive. At the core of Smarter Faster Better are eight key concepts--from motivation and goal setting to focus and decision making--that explain why some people and companies get so much done. <P>Drawing on the latest findings in neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral economics--as well as the experiences of CEOs, educational reformers, four-star generals, FBI agents, airplane pilots, and Broadway songwriters--this painstakingly researched book explains that the most productive people, companies, and organizations don't merely act differently. They view the world, and their choices, in profoundly different ways.<P>In The Power of Habit, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Charles Duhigg explained why we do what we do. In Smarter Faster Better, he applies the same relentless curiosity, deep reporting, and rich storytelling to explain how we can improve at the things we do. It's a groundbreaking exploration of the science of productivity, one that can help anyone learn to succeed with less stress and struggle, and to get more done without sacrificing what we care about most--to become smarter, faster, and better at everything we do. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Lenguaje Corporal: ¿cómo Ser Un Detector De Mentiras?

by Joe Wezowski

Presentamos casos de estudios basados en experiencias de la vida real del autor, que involucran Agentes “convertidos”, Espías de la KGB y Funcionarios del Gobierno encubiertos. Además, se revela la metodología desarrollada y utilizada por la CIA para detectar el engaño en los ámbitos del contraterrorismo y la investigación criminal, y te muestra cómo puedes aplicar estas técnicas en tu vida diaria. Echemos un vistazo a los temas más importantes que se han tratado en este libro. El Eneagrama, es una herramienta antigua y poderosa que se utiliza para ayudar a las personas a reconocer sus tipos de personalidad y, por lo tanto, a comprender mejor sus acciones, pensamientos y sentimientos de una manera más íntima. Tina Madison ha utilizado este eficaz instrumento en su consulta médica durante muchos años, desarrollando una profunda comprensión de su aplicación en el mundo actual. ¡ Desplácese hacia arriba para comprar su copia hoy!

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