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Chicken Soup for the Working Mom's Soul: Humor and Inspiration for Moms Who Juggle It All

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Patty Aubery

Mom's work is never done Whether you work full time or part time, in an office or from your home, or are a stay-at-home mom, Chicken Soup for the Working Mom's Soul is for you. The stories found in this heartwarming book are from women who, day in and day out, juggle and balance their careers and their families. Whether it's a busy day at the office, followed by music lessons and baseball practice, preparing dinner, or helping with homework, then snuggling and tucking in the little ones, life for a working mom is a busy one. But it is also an enriching and rewarding life, and the stories shared in this book by working moms will show you that it's not important to be "Super Mom" all the time, just some of the time!

Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul

by Bud Gardner Mark Victor Hansen Jack Canfield

Being a writer can be a lonely and frustrating experience. The stories in this book--by a wide range of professional writers, novelists, journalists, freelancers, poets, and screenwriters--will give readers insight into the human trials, tribulations, and triumphs of writers, and writers a source of inspiration and commiseration. Whether readers are beginning writers, seasoned pros, or wannabes, the stories of purpose, passion, endurance, and success contained in Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul will inform, entertain, uplift, and inspire them. In its pages, they will learn important lessons on: the importance of perseverance, the value of being yourself, the process of discovering your own voice, the need for mentors and allies, and the power of following your heartfelt dreams. Contributors include: Sue Grafton, Steve Allen, Dave Barry, Agatha Christie, Art Linkletter, Terry McMillan, and more.

Chicken Soup from the Soul of Hawai'i: Stories of Aloha to Create Paradise Wherever You Are

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Sharon Linnéa Robin Stephens Rohr

All over the world people have a word for paradise: Hawai'i. Now there's a book that captures that magical place for its millions of residents, the 7 million visitors who make a pilgrimage there each year, and the millions more who long to feel the magic of Hawai'i on cold winter mornings. While the Hawaiian landscape is unparalleled--sun-drenched beaches, wild waves, snow-capped peaks, cascading waterfalls, and dramatic volcanoes--the true spirit of Hawai'i lives in its people and their experiences. Now, the people of Hawai'i and those who love it share its special magic in this beautiful collection of stories. From celebrities including Bo Derek, Clint and Dina Eastwood, Don Ho, Regis and Joy Philbin, and Kelly Preston, to native storyteller Nalani Olds, activist and teacher Kanalu Young, and world-class surfers, athletes, hula masters, and master chefs, this book brings the gifts of Hawai'i to the world. Whether readers remember Hawai'i as the place where they fell in love or celebrated their honeymoon, the place they yearn to visit or the place they call home, this book exudes the aloha spirit with every turn of a page.

Chicken Soup Stories for a Better World

by Mark Victor Hansen Jack Canfield

101 of the most uplifting stories you've ever read about people reaching out, stepping up and transforming their lives and the world around them?

Chicken Soup to Inspire the Body and Soul: Motivation and Inspiration for Living and Loving a Healthy Lifestyle

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Dan Millman Diana von Welanetz Wentworth

Need a physical and spiritual boost to kick the year off right? Need some extra power to reach goals and commitments? With hundreds of exercise plans, diet gurus, and spiritual advisors out there clamoring for airwaves, there's a noticeable void of inspiring stories to give people that extra push to get them started and keep them going This book is not a replacement for yoga or The Zone; it is a companion - a reminder that hard work and determination really do pay off, and that our bodies are gifts to be cared for and treasured through exercise and healthy living.

Children, Morality and Society

by Sam Frankel

Children and questions of moral behaviour are prominent social discourses. Adult attitudes towards children and their recognition of right and wrong impact upon society deeply, shaping the ways in which we think about children's participation, their citizenship and how they are 'governed' within the community. But upon what basis are such practices and policies built and how do they reflect the reality of social life for children? This work argues that much of society's thinking in relation to children and questions around social behaviour are linked to misplaced assumptions that are routed in views from the past. However, it is by engaging with children though a sociological perspective that it becomes clear that morality is not something that just happens to children but is part of their everyday lives. By drawing on empirical research this book highlights the extent to which children engage with questions of morality as they seek to navigate the complexities of the social world around them, arguing that children should be seen as active members of society with both the capacity and understanding to grapple with discourses of morality.

Choose the Life You Want: The Mindful Way To Happiness

by Tal Ben-Shahar

What kind of life do you want for yourself? What choices will create this kind of life? In his New York Times bestseller Happier, positive psychology expert Tal Ben-Shahar taught us how to become happier through simple exercises. Now, in Choose the Life You Want, he has a new, life-changing lesson to share: Drawing on the latest psychological research, Ben-Shahar shows how making the right choices—not the big, once-in-a-lifetime choices, but the countless small choices we make every day almost without noticing—has a direct, long-lasting impact on our happiness. Every single moment is an opportunity to make a conscious choice for a happy and fulfilled life. Choose the Life You Want covers 101 such choices, complete with real-life stories, to help you identify and act on opportunities large and small.

The Chotchky Challenge: Clear The Clutter From Your Home, Heart, And Mind... And Discover The True Treasure Of Your Soul

by Barry Dennis

Chotchky is a variation of a Yiddish word typically referring to something of little value . . . but it can also mean something much more profound. It’s the excess "stuff" that we’ve accumulated in our homes and hearts—the meaningless possessions, negative beliefs, self-doubts, and toxic relationships that drain our time, energy, and money. The challenge is to identify our chotchkies and understand how they’ve infiltrated our lives and lulled us to sleep. Our soul tries to get our attention through our subtle thoughts and feelings that seem to whisper, There is more to life than this. But our chotchkies keep coming, filling us with a false sense of purpose. <P><P>In this deeply insightful and often humorous work, spiritual teacher Barry Dennis shows you how to attain complete and total freedom from all of your chotchkies. When you’re free, you will come face-to-face with the true nature of your soul and finally be able to focus on what really matters. This won’t be easy . . . but just because something isn’t easy doesn’t mean it can’t also be fun. <P>Your soul awaits. Become part of a new paradigm that is leading the way to a more balanced and peaceful world. It’s time to take the chotchky challenge!

A Christmas Message of Hope from the Angels: A short ebook collection of inspirational writing for the festive period

by Lorna Byrne

From the Sunday Times number one bestselling author Lorna Byrne.In this short ebook Lorna, who sees angels with as much clarity as the rest of us see people, tells of the special angels she sees at Christmas. She movingly describes the Christmas angels she has seen since she was a child, dropping balls of light onto each and every home, helping us to reconnect with our memories of Heaven. Lorna tells of the blessing angels who she sees walking down from the sky at this time of the year, moving in a way that no other angel does, and reaching out to touch each one of us. This book will awaken the Christmas spirit within all of us with its message that Christmas is about much more than material things - that Christmas is above all at time for kindness and love. THIS CHRISTMAS THEMED BOOK CONTAINS:*The special Christmas Message of Hope chapter from Lorna Byrne's number one bestselling A Message of Hope from the Angels*A Christmas prayer*An interview with Lorna Byrne

A Christmas Message of Hope from the Angels: A Short eBook Collection of Inspirational Writing for the Festive Period

by Lorna Byrne

From the Sunday Times number one bestselling author Lorna Byrne.In this short ebook Lorna, who sees angels with as much clarity as the rest of us see people, tells of the special angels she sees at Christmas. She movingly describes the Christmas angels she has seen since she was a child, dropping balls of light onto each and every home, helping us to reconnect with our memories of Heaven. Lorna tells of the blessing angels who she sees walking down from the sky at this time of the year, moving in a way that no other angel does, and reaching out to touch each one of us. This book will awaken the Christmas spirit within all of us with its message that Christmas is about much more than material things - that Christmas is above all at time for kindness and love. THIS CHRISTMAS THEMED BOOK CONTAINS:*The special Christmas Message of Hope chapter from Lorna Byrne's number one bestselling A Message of Hope from the Angels*A Christmas prayer*An interview with Lorna Byrne

La ciencia del sosiego: Cómo celebrar la vida con plenitud

by Ramiro Calle

¿Existe la fórmula del sosiego? Sí y como sucedió con la de la felicidad y la del amor Ramiro Calle ha dado con ella. Como hiciera con sus exitosos títulos publicados en Kailas La ciencia de la felicidad o La ciencia del amor, nuestro más ilustre pensador ha reflexionado sobre el fenómeno del sosiego hasta extraer sus mejores pautas y consejos para desgranarnos el gran y único camino hacia el sosiego. El término «ciencia» puede resultar frío para asociarlo al sosiego, pero no lo es. Ciencia es habilidad, destreza, sabiduría y conocimiento profundo. El sosiego, además de ser una filosofía de vida, siguiendo estos parámetros, es una ciencia que se puede estudiar, y sobre la que se puede aprender. De hecho, este ambicioso tratado propone la gran teoría del sosiego y la calma interior. Porque es la experiencia más intensa y profunda, y también más transformativa; la más verdadera y espiritual. Hoy día todos necesitamos sosiego, de ahí las enormes posibilidades de este título. Con este libro, cuya apariencia en la cubierta hemos diseñado muy similar a los grandes éxitos de La ciencia de la felicidad y La ciencia del amor, pretendemos hacer la obra definitiva que cierre esta trilogía. La ciencia del sosiego invita a la reflexión, pero sobre todo al cultivo de la paz interior, y procura algunas enseñanzas esenciales para vivir en el ahora y conectar con el momento presente de una forma profunda. Ramiro Calle nos guía en esta búsqueda del sosiego a través de la liberación del sufrimiento innecesario y del conocimiento de nosotros mismos y de nuestra mente. Nos ofrece la fórmula infalible para alejarnos de nuestras propias ataduras rumbo a la armonía interior. Es tal vez el tratado más relevante que el autor ha escrito, y constituye un verdadero tratado de cómo lograrlo.

Los cinco mandamientos para tener una vida plena: ¿De qué no deberías arrepentirte nunca?

by Bronnie Ware

En el momento de tu muerte, ¿te lamentarás amargamente por lo que pudo haber sido y nunca fue o celebrarás haber llevado una vida plena y satisfactoria? Bronnie Ware ha conocido muchos trabajos, pero solo uno de ellos le cambió la vida de verdad. Tras dedicarse a ofrecer cuidados paliativos a pacientes terminales sintió que, por primera vez, había recibido mucho más de lo que jamás podría dar. Recopilando cuidadosamente las lecciones de sabiduría y sentido común que las personas a las que cuidaba le contaban en sus últimos momentos, inició un blog que recibió más de tres millones de visitas en su primer año. De la creciente demanda de un libro que plasmara su historia personal surgió esta obra, en la que la autora nos transmite la experiencia de los que echan la vista atrás al final de su vida y nos explica cómo evitar esos remordimientos universales de los que parece que solo somos conscientes cuando es demasiado tarde para evitarlos. Reseña:«Estremecedor y emocionante.»The Sunday Times

Cincuenta sombras de placer: Secretos sexuales para convertir la ficción en realidad

by Marisa Bennett

Disfruta como nunca con este divertido, excitante y útil compañero de cama. Si las novelas eróticas alimentan tus fantasías más secretas, o si quieres condimentar un poco tu vida sexual, aquí tienes una guía que te ayudará a convertir la fi cción en realidad. Atrévete a romper las reglas del sexo tradicional explorando el placer de los pequeños dolores y aprendiendo a usar aquellos músculos que ni siquiera sabías que existían. Con un tono pícaro, esta guía ofrece sugerencias, trucos y consejos que te descubrirán nuevos y excitantes mundos. Curiosear con el BDSM, iniciarse en el arte del azote, atar con pañuelos y corbatas de seda, mejorar las técnicas de sexo oral o dominar trucos para aumentar el placer de tu pareja son algunas de las cosas que sabrás hacer después de leer este libro delicioso y picante que, además, acompaña cada una de sus técnicas con pasajes del Kamasutra y piezas de literatura erótica clásica.

Cincuenta sombras de placer

by Marisa Bennett

Si hasta ahora las novelas eróticas han alimentado tus fantasías más secretas o si lo que quieres es condimentar un poco tu vida sexual, aquí tienes un libro-guía que te ayudará a convertir la ficción en realidad.Explora el placer de los pequeños dolores, aprende a usar aquellos músculos que ni siquiera sabías que existían y atrévete a romper las reglas del sexo tradicional.Curiosear con el BDSM (Sadomasoquismo, dominación, etc.) puede ser intimidante. Probablemente te vienen a la mente imágenes de collares de perros, mazmorras, y un hombre vestido en cuero que se llama a sí mismo señor «Bolasdedragón». No te asustes, hay maneras para que una mujer «normal» se introduzca en este mundo con su pareja, en la comodidad de su dormitorio y sin la necesidad de una habitación roja o una mazmorra .Con un tono pícaro, este libro explica las 30 técnicas básicas (y suaves) de BDSM. También nos habla de las distintas técnicas de sexo oral, de algunos trucos para aumentar el placer de la pareja y hasta nos ofrece una lista de bibliografía recomendada. Cada técnica está complementada con pasajes del Kama Sutra o de otras obras de erótica clásica, que otorgan al libro un componente emocionante y picante.Con algunas sugerencias, trucos y mucha diversión, los consejos fáciles de una experta que encontrarás en este discreto libro harán de él todo lo que necesitas para empezar a vivir tus propias aventuras eróticas -quizá con tu propio Christian Grey.Disfruta como nunca con este divertido, excitante y útil compañero de cama.

City of Style: Exploring Los Angeles Fashion from Bohemian to Rock

by Melissa Magsaysay

A deep appreciation and a wild visual ride through the wonderland of Los Angeles-styleLos Angeles harbors its own canon of styles: Romantic Bohemian, Glamour, Skater and Surfer, Rocker, Chola-Style, Indie-Eclectic, and Casual Chic—each shaped by the unique mix of subcultures, climates, geography, history, and personalities that have coexisted in different pockets of the greater LA area. These signature looks continue to inspire celebrities, clothing designers, and stylists the world over. In City of Style, Melissa Magsaysay, style editor for the Los Angeles Times, draws on decades of the best, most iconic examples of LA-style and explores the trends, tastes, and fashion innovations of today's Angelenos—while offering a taste of the retail landscape, a guide to stores and shops, and helpful tips on how to buy and wear key pieces for each different style. Featuring exclusive interviews with Los Angeles's most influential designers, retailers, and trendsetters, including:Monique LhuillierTrina TurkTony HawkGeorgina Chapman (Marchesa)Phillip LimSlashCameron SilverCynthia RowleyAnd more.

Clutter Busting Your Life

by Brooks Palmer

Over the course of his career helping people let go of things they no longer need, Brooks Palmer has been struck by the many ways that clutter affects relationships. In these pages, he shows how we use clutter to protect ourselves, control others, and cling to the past, and how it keeps us from experiencing the joy of connection. With insight-prompting questions, exercises, client examples, and even whimsical line drawings, Palmer will take you from overwhelmed to empowered. His gentle guidance will help you to not only clear clutter from your home but also enjoy deeper, more authentic, and clutter-free relationships of all kinds.

The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems, Reaching Goals, and Developing Others

by Keith E. Webb

The COACH Model® is a radically different approach to leading people. You will learn how to create powerful conversations to assist others to solve their own problems, reach goals, and develop leadership skills in the process. The COACH Model for Christian Leaders is packed with stories and illustrations that bring the principles and practice to life.

Code to Joy: The Four-Step Solution to Unlocking Your Natural State of Happiness

by George Pratt Peter Lambrou

We are meant to be happy. Instinctively, we all know this, somewhere deep inside. We all know what it's like to feel a burst of delight. Every one of us has at some point in our lives experienced a sense of ecstatic joy, of euphoria at the sheer sensation of being alive. Have you ever wondered why that experience has to be so rare and fleeting? The answer is, It doesn't.—from Code to JoyAll the positive thinking, affirmations, talk therapy, and pharmaceuticals in the world will never be enough to make us as happy as we were designed to be, according to acclaimed clinical psychologists George Pratt, Ph.D., and Peter Lambrou, Ph.D. That's because those approaches fail to address a third aspect of the human organism, one that bridges the gap between mind and body: the biofield.Combining six decades of clinical experience with cutting-edge research, Drs. Pratt and Lambrou have developed a revolutionary program for rediscovering (and then never again letting go of) your innate happiness in four simple, proven steps.Pratt and Lambrou's program has already transformed the lives of more than 45,000 clients, including professional athletes, top executives, and celebrities. Code to Joy can transform yours, too, with all the science-based tools and guidance you need to complete the process of becoming a more focused, more powerful, and more deeply joyful you.

Codependency For Dummies

by Darlene Lancer

Codependency is much more widespread than originally thought. You don't even have to be in a relationship. Codependents have trouble accepting themselves, so they hide who they are to be accepted by someone else.Codependency for Dummies is the most comprehensive book on the topic to date. It describes the history, symptoms, causes, and relationship dynamics of codependency and provides self-assessment questionnaires. The majority of the book is devoted to healing and lays out a clear plan for recovery with exercises, practical advice, and helpful daily reminders to help you know, honor, protect, and express yourself.It clarifies deep psychological dynamics that underlie codependency, yet is written in a conversational style that's easily understandable by everyone.You will learn:How to raise your self-esteemThe difference between care-giving and codependent care-takingThe difference between healthy and dysfunctional familiesHow to set boundariesHow to separate responsibility for yourself and for othersHow to overcome guilt and resentment

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: CBT self-help techniques to improve your life (Teach Yourself General Ser.)

by Christine Wilding

"Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is now hugely popular, and as a self-help technique that has helped millions of people in the UK alone, and as an NHS-funded treatment for illnesses like depression. Teach Yourself: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy was one of the first and most successful books on CBT. This new edition shows how CBT techniques, which focus on using altered patterns of thinking to achieve goals and overcome problems, can make a major difference to your mentality.The first half of the book explains the background to CBT, what it is, and how to use it. The second half of the book gives examples of how you can use CBT to deal with specific issues, such as helping to overcome depression and anxiety, and boosting your mindfulness, resilience, assertiveness and self-esteem."

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: CBT self-help techniques to improve your life (Teach Yourself General Ser.)

by Christine Wilding

"Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is now hugely popular, and as a self-help technique that has helped millions of people in the UK alone, and as an NHS-funded treatment for illnesses like depression. Teach Yourself: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy was one of the first and most successful books on CBT. This new edition shows how CBT techniques, which focus on using altered patterns of thinking to achieve goals and overcome problems, can make a major difference to your mentality.The first half of the book explains the background to CBT, what it is, and how to use it. The second half of the book gives examples of how you can use CBT to deal with specific issues, such as helping to overcome depression and anxiety, and boosting your mindfulness, resilience, assertiveness and self-esteem."

The Collected Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn

by Florence Scovel-Shinn

Collected here are all four of Florence Scovel Shinn's landmark books. Her wisdom and advice are timeless. In these four books you will discover the power of the spoken word and how to invoke the Law of Attraction. In the Game of Life and How to Play It, Florence Scovel Shinn gives us the rules to the game of life. But more importantly she also gives us a manual that instructs us on how to win the game. A wonderful and simple-to-follow book on the power of right thinking. Your Word is Your Wand is a book of affirmations. These affirmations will help you invite the things that you want into your life and to banish those things you do not want. There is power in words, and this book helps you unlock that power. Within each of us there is a door to success. The difference between people who succeed and people who do not is the knowledge of how to succeed. Let Florence Scovel Shinn's classic book The Secret Door to Success show you how to find and unlock the door to the secret knowledge of success. Success can and will be yours! In the Power of the Spoken Word you will learn that our words have the power to change our lives. By paying more attention to how we speak, and hence how we think, we can change our circumstances for the better. The Power of the Spoken Word will help you make the positive changes that you've always wanted to make.

Come On Home: Healing the Homesickness of the Soul

by James W. Moore

Drawing on Scripture and his own stories, Moore explores how to embrace the New Testament theme that happiness is the by-product of being in "right" relationships, of being "at home" with God and with others. More than once, Jesus reminds us that the Great Commandment is to love God and to love other people. And that is what Matthew 6:33 is all about: "But seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness and everything else will fall into place for you." This book contains a discussion guide.

Coming Clean: Diary of a Painkiller Addict

by Cathryn Kemp

'A brave, heartfelt and extraordinary book' Corinne Sweet, author of Overcoming Addiction, psychologist and broadcaster What if the drugs that were meant to cure you slowly started to kill you?After falling dangerously ill with acute-on-chronic pancreatitis, Cathryn Kemp left hospital with a repeat prescription for fentanyl, a painkiller 100 times stronger than heroin.Within two years she was taking almost ten times the NHS maximum daily dose - all on prescription - and her life began to spiral out of control. Cathryn discovered she had just three months to live, unless she gave up the drug she clung to so desperately.After selling everything she owned and checking into rehab, Cathryn was told by the doctors that recovery was highly unlikely. Yet to everyone's amazement, she proved them wrong.Coming Clean is a poignant, vivid and honest memoir of a woman's struggle with, and subsequent victory over, her demons. It is a love story, a horror story, a survival story, and one that shows the very real dangers of the over-prescription of painkillers.

Coming Home to Who You Are: Discovering Your Natural Capacity for Love, Integrity, and Compassion

by David Richo

We already possess everything we need to have satisfying relationships and a happy, fulfilling life; all we need to do is learn how to bring forth our natural wisdom--which includes our innate kindness, understanding, and courage. Psychotherapist David Richo draws on four decades of his counseling experience to create this manual on how to nurture the best in ourselves and our relationships. He teaches how to access our natural abilities to: * Care for ourselves as the basis of caring for others * Find freedom from fear * Maintain healthy boundaries in relationships * Develop greater honesty with ourselves and others * Let go of regret The book also includes practical exercises--including journaling, contemplation, and guided meditations--to foster inward growth and lasting positive change.This book is a completely revised and updated edition of Everyday Commitments.

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