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Showing 13,851 through 13,875 of 36,684 results

Beyond the Good Girl Jail: When You Dare to Live from Your True Self

by Sandra Felt

Contrary to common theories, it is not only good to focus internally, but it's actually healthy to the point of being crucial to developing a loving, spiritual self. Here, Felt uniquely describes the process of that growth and how each step feels in vivid detail, utilizing right-brain language and poetry that emphasizes experiential maturation in addition to left-brain comprehension. Beyond the Good-Girl Jail is unique in that it is written from a neutral, encouraging, developmental point of view, rather than a mental health point of view, which is sometimes interpreted as judgmental and shaming. It is theoretical in the basics, yet practical. It is psychological, yet not steeped in pathological jargon. Part of the appeal of Felt's approach is her use of case examples and illustrations of the "Self Principles" in various common situations. When you listen from a deeper place, you hear a deeper truth. This stick-to-the-ribs book will have readers thinking long after reading it. They will not only remember the words and stories, but they will experience a shift in their language and a surprising growth in their choices.

The Great American Health Hoax: The Surprising Truth About How Modern Medicine Keeps You Sick—How to Choose a Healthier, Happier, and Disease-Free Life

by Raymond Francis

Described as "one of the few scientists who has achieved a breakthrough understanding of health and disease," Raymond Francis draws deeply from his years of personal experience and professional training. A chemist and a graduate of MIT, Raymond exposes the truth about why the conventional approaches to health and disease aren't working. In The Health Hoax, Francis blends wisdom from his previous books with new information and research, then he pulls out all the stops and creates a simple roadmap to health so that you can get well, stay well and never be sick again. Francis believes that, through education, we can put an end to the epidemic of chronic disease while providing a solution to the biggest social and economic problem of this century—the costs of global aging. In The Health Hoax, Francis exposes the truth about how to stay healthy and introduces us to a way of life that can become a "highway to health", while he quite effectively demonstrates that we really don't have to be sick. Then, he reminds us that not only is there absolutely no fun in being sick, but we are going broke trying to pay the cost. Francis realizes that the only solution for individuals and society as a whole is to maintain health. But health is a solution that we must choose, and once we make that choice, we must learn how to achieve it. Fortunately, learning how to be healthy has never been easier—The Health Hoax makes it simple. Because the human organism is a magnificent self-regulating, self-repairing system, it is capable of being completely functional and in excellent health for well over 100 years of vital, productive life. We are the sum of everything that goes into our system – it is our job to support it. When we make the choice to properly care for ourselves, our bodies will reward us with the gift of good health and long life. All we need is a tool to help us master the elements of health that are the most important. This book is that tool. It will empower you to choose health and never be sick again!

Breaking the Mother-Son Dynamic: Resetting the Patterns of a Man's Life and Loves

by John Lee

Therapists and the general public are familiar with the terms "(s)mothering," "helicopter moms," and "boomerang sons" because they have been popularized in films like Monster in Law, Cyrus and Failure to Launch—but what makes for humorous fodder onscreen depicts a troubling issue that's being played out for real in therapists' offices, bedrooms, and divorce courts across the nation: an epidemic of men who are enmeshed in unhealthy, energy-sucking, and emasculating relationships with their mothers. Even though these men are grown and living away from Mom, her influence has left them unable to fully commit or to fully love, and they are plagued with anger issues, indecisiveness, depression, or toxic stress.In Breaking the Mother-Son Dynamic, John Lee takes an eye-opening look at how a mother's love or lack thereof impacts a son's life choices and life partner or lovers. Perhaps you are one of these men (or maybe you recognize these behaviors in the man you love). Do you hold back, swallow, or bottle up things you wish you could say to your mother for fear it would upset or "kill" her? Did you grow up hearing negative things about men, masculinity, being a male, and how you shouldn't be like 'the rest of them'? Does your mother, or did she, fail to respect your boundaries as a child, adolescent, or adult? Does your mother keep referring to you as her "baby" or her "little boy" even after you became an adult? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you may be caught in an unhealthy mother-son dynamic that is negatively affecting key areas of your life. Several years ago, John Lee wrote what came to be the most authoritative book on why men run from relationships, The Flying Boy: Healing the Wounded Man. Here, he visits the mother-son relationship and gently but assertively shows men how to separate from the mother energy that has a massive pull on their hearts and souls, no matter how young or old they may be. In a work that is a combination of memoir, self-help psychology, recovery and personal growth, he discovers: why a relationship of 50-50 responsibility doesn't work, and what does work; how men can stop "sonning" mothers, lovers, and wives; why one must learn his or her own "rhythm of closeness"; how to be really present to those we love and to life itself; and much, much more. Using case studies, personal stories, and assessments, the book helps men release any anger and grief toward their mothers and teaches them how to take responsibility for their adult selves; most importantly, Lee provides an understanding of what healthy adults should—and shouldn't—expect from each other. Lee shows wives and girlfriends how to stop being their man's surrogate mother and shows well-meaning mothers how certain behaviors may perpetuate an unhealthy cycle and how to better relate to their sons in healthier ways. By helping mothers and sons identify this dynamic and providing them with the tools to dismantle it, this book will change lives. For anyone who is ready to make a clean, clear, and guilt-free separation from the kind of (s)mothering and "sonning" that just hasn't worked, John Lee will show them the way.

Being Relational: The Seven Ways to Quality Interaction and Lasting Change

by Louise Phipps Senft William Senft

Our world is a crowded and hyper-connected place and it is becoming more crowded and hyper-connected every day. The challenges of our world call us to evolve as a species at a pace that has never been necessary before - not in our physical attributes, not in our emotional capacities, not in our mental capabilities, and arguably not even in our use of technology to master the environment and harness its resources. We are called to evolve in the ways that we interact with each other as fellow inhabitants of Earth. Being Relational details seven ways of being in relation to others that capture the heart and soul of all that is self-help. It is grounded in method, and is supported by relational conflict theory and brain science findings. The seven ways of being that promote quality face to face interactions and positive transformation are rooted in teachings from many sources – conflict resolution, negotiation ethics, neuroscience, multiple faith traditions and numerous popular self-help and business books. It is a unique collection of teachings that focus on what happens in human interaction. This unique approach is inspired by thousands of broken relationships that the Senfts have mediated and coached back to strength and connectedness over the last two decades..

Connecting with Coincidence: The New Science for Using Synchronicity and Serendipity in Your Life

by Bernard Beitman

We've all experienced or heard of surprising events and unexplainable coincidences—money that seems to come from nowhere, a spontaneous idea that turns into a life-changing solution, meeting our soulmate on a flight we weren't supposed to take, or families being reunited by "accident" after years of separation. Often these coincidences are explained as being controlled by a higher power or pure chance. But for the first time since Carl Jung's work, comes bold new research that explains scientifically how we can identify, understand, and perhaps even control the frequency of coincidences in our everyday lives. Bernard Beitman, a leading expert on Coincidence Studies, proposes a greater personal responsibility which depends partly upon newly discovered "grid cells" located in the brain, near the hippocampus. But neuroscience cannot complete the entire puzzle, and in this fascinating guide, Beitman provides the missing piece. From analyzing true stories of synchronicity from around the globe and throughout history, he shares key personality characteristics and situational factors that contribute to the occurrence of meaningful coincidences in our lives. Where other books on coincidences tend to be theoretical, inspirational, or story collections only, Beitman's book is the first to provide a scientific understanding and practical ways in which readers can use them in their own lives. He reveals: How to activate your observing self so you don't miss synchronistic moments How serendipity can offer insights into solving problems or making difficult decisionsWhy stress activates meaningful coincidencesWhich states of mind impede our ability to experience synchronicityHow to interpret the meaning of a coincidence Why being attuned to coincidences is a learned skill—and how to hone your sensitivity.

Time for Me: Daily Practice for a Joyful, Peaceful, Purposeful Life

by Ruth Fishel

How often have you read a book that was life changing? You know that if you practice what it suggests your life will be better, yet somehow you forget. You forget to meditate in the morning. You forget that three breaths calm you down. You forget all the lessons you learned. Time for Me is different because it contains wisdom that really works. We have the ability to rewire and create new neural circuits in our brains, and the more we practice something new, the more we can form new neural pathways with each repetition. In time, these new pathways become deeper than the ones made by our old habits and they become automatic. That means, if we were to practice all this week thoughts such as 'I am happy' or 'I am calm', we would be more apt to return to them when we feel otherwise. The seeds of all human characteristics are within us—good and bad—the ones that grow are the ones we nurture, and that is why the wisdom in Time for Me is designed to be practiced every day.

Listen Like a Dog: And Make Your Mark on the World

by Jeff Lazarus

Have you ever talked to a dog. Not just the "Who's a good boy? Spike's a good boy" stuff, but really talked? About your struggles, your heartaches, your joys—baring your soul to a canine friend? If you have, chances are it made you feel free to say whatever you wanted, without the burden of justifying your position, sounding witty, or telling an entertaining story. Free to take your time, without fear of judgment or recrimination. Even if you can't have a real discussion, when compared to conversations with humans you'd probably admit that dogs are the better communicators—paws down. Why? Because even though they don't speak our language, they really listen. It's time to take a fresh look at listening and we need go no further than the furry best friend at our feet. Dogs don't interrupt us, finish our sentences, offer advice, try to top our stories, or text us instead of talking to us. Dogs pay extremely close attention to us; they study our facial expressions, our body language, our eye movements, and our voice patterns. Dogs do not just listen with their ears, they listen with their entire being. True listening can enhance every relationship in one's life, and can transform broken associations and inject new life into business and social interactions. It is the magic ingredient that forges real connections with others. People want good listeners in their inner circle, they want do business with them, they trust them and will share critical information with them. That means the person who masters this skill has enormous advantages, both in business and in his or her personal life. By listening like a dog, readers will find renewed connection and a deeper sense of compassion, companionship and understanding with the people in their lives.

Standing Strong: An Unlikely Sisterhood and the Court Case that Made History

by Diane Reeve

Diane Reeve thought she had found everything in handsome Frenchman Philippe Padieu. Believing him to be her last great love, she spent every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday with him for four years, and they were about to buy a house together. When Diane learned he had Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday women, too, she was devastated. But the pain was just beginning. A week after their breakup, during a routine exam, she tested positive for an STD. After calling every woman she found in Philippe's phone records, she was told to get tested for something much worse: HIV. The sick reality was that Philippe was deliberately infecting multiple women—women in their 20s through 60s, with little in common except their vulnerability. It was a sisterhood none of them wanted to belong to, but it became their lifeline as they struggled with anger, the specter and stigma of an HIV diagnosis, and failing health. Despite plummeting t-cell numbers and declining health, Diane vowed to stop Philippe from victimizing anyone else. In a race against time, she tracked down as many of his conquests as possible. Against all odds, this unlikely group made legal history, successfully prosecuting Padieu and sending him to prison for assault with a deadly weapon. This fascinating case—won only through the help of new DNA science—is Diane's story of victory and her mission to bring awareness and empowerment to others. As she explains, "Courage is doing what's right, even when you're afraid."

Becoming a Sage: Discovering Life's Lessons, One Story at a Time

by Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse

The art of becoming a sage mixes personal life experience with learning from ancient and historical people who have gathered their own wisdom. Sages know that they stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before. In Becoming a Sage, international bestselling author and master storyteller Wegscheider-Cruse encourages readers to find their own personal path through a series of short stories, lessons learned and prudent quotes that validate each experience. Her stories span deep lows and soaring highs—a lifelong journey of lessons learned and a celebration of living with those lessons. Each tale will bring solace, comfort, and joy to readers, and inspire and teach them how to record their own stories. It will bring readers through guilt, fear, and forgiveness to reach personal transformation. Wegscheider-Cruse knows that it's not always easy to tell our stories; they can be scary or feel too private. But, as we grow older, we find courage and confidence by deciding to become "a teller of the truth." Our sharing is the legacy that we leave to family and friends; Becoming a Sage is the remarkable legacy Wegscheider-Cruse leaves to us all.

Stopping the Noise in Your Head: The New Way to Overcome Anxiety and Worry

by Dr. Reid Wilson

If you or someone you love suffers from excessive worry, anxiety, panic, OCD, or phobias, you know how crippling it can be. Of course, worry can be an important asset when it forces our attention on problem-solving. But anxious worrying can cause us to unnecessarily focus on a threat, to retreat and avoid, and to seek reassurance and safety—which is no way to foster a life of growth and excitement. In his fifth published book, Dr. Reid Wilson proposes a groundbreaking, paradoxical approach to overcoming anxiety, worry, OCD, panic, and phobias by moving away from comfort, confidence, and security and willingly moving toward uncertainty, distress and discomfort. Through the use of unconventional strategies, readers will learn how to confront anxiety head-on and step forward into the face of threat. Drawing on a range of sources—from firefighters and fitness instructors to Sir Isaac Newton and Muhammad Ali—Stopping the Noise in Your Head: The New Way to Overcome Anxiety and Worry demonstrates the importance of shifting our perspective and stepping toward our challenges in order to regain control of our lives.

Soar Above: How to Use the Most Profound Part of Your Brain Under Any Kind of Stress

by Dr. Steven Stosny

Success in work, love, and life depends on developing habits that activate the powerful prefrontal cortex when we need it most. Unfortunately, under stress, the human brain tends to revert to emotional habits we forged in toddlerhood: blame, denial, avoidance, reacting to a jerk like a jerk, and turning our connections into cold shoulders—or worse. In Soar Above, renowned relationship expert Dr. Steven Stosny offers a ground-breaking formula for building new, pressure-resistant habits. Based on research in psychology, neurobiology, and anthropology, Stosny will show anyone how to switch to the adult brain automatically when things get tough and to soar above the impulse to make things worse. Filled with engaging examples from his lectures and therapeutic work with more than 6,000 clients, he explains how to use two potent laws of emotion interaction--reciprocity and contagion-- to inspire those around you, creating collaboration and community instead of chaos and confusion. Most importantly, readers will learn how, through practice, they can get off the treadmill of repeating past mistakes to become their best selves at home, at work, and in the world. Stress is inevitable in life, but this illuminating book gives anyone the practical tools to rise above.

Out of the Doghouse: A Step-by-Step Relationship-Saving Guide for Men Caught Cheating

by Robert Weiss

It's all about cheating--the biggest threat to intimacy. Typically, men are good at creating rifts in relationships but terrible at mending them, especially after they've repeatedly betrayed their partner through sexual infidelity. For the most part, cheating men are both intimacy-challenged and empathy-challenged, and, as such, they lack the skills needed to overcome the damage wrought by their infidelity.Robert Weiss has spent over twenty years in the treatment of sex and intimacy issues. He's helped both cheating men and their betrayed spouses move through the horrors of infidelity. In Out of the Doghouse he shares his expertise, illuminating the ways in which men can move beyond their usual feeble efforts to smooth things over. Saying "I'm sorry" and trying to "buy forgiveness" with flowers and jewelry may temporarily calm the stormy seas of infidelity. However, these actions do nothing to re-establish intimacy and trust—the key components to help the distraught woman feel better about her relationship over the long-term and get over the cheating.The simple truth is men and women are very different when it comes to intimacy and relationships. While men are able to compartmentalize things like sexual infidelity, women typically view cheating as an affront to their entire relationship. They think, "If he is lying to me about sex, he's probably lying to me about everything." For betrayed women, trust just flat-out disintegrates. And without proper guidance, men have little hope of restoring it. Weiss provides exactly the needed guidance in Out of the Doghouse, helping men move past the usual infidelity roadblocks that result from cheating in ways that will not only save a damaged relationship, but restore intimacy to make it better than ever.

Men Chase, Women Choose: The Neuroscience of Meeting, Dating, Losing Your Mind, and Finding True Love

by Dawn Maslar

Love is one of our strongest biological drives, but it can be frustratingly elusive and misunderstood. Music, literature, and movies are filled with common folklore about love and millions of TV viewers tune in to shows like The Bachelor and read the latest relationship tome with one simple hope: to uncover some nugget of mystic wisdom that will help them understand the exciting, addictive, insane experience called 'love'. Men Chase, Women Choose, is the first book to offer cutting-edge research that explains how the brain works when two people first meet, start to date, fall in love, and then move into long-term, real love. Maslar's unique approach brings together the latest and most relevant neurological, physiological, and biochemical research on the science of love while incorporating stories and examples of composite characters based on participants of her popular classes and seminars. She explains that 'love' is actually neural activity as well as the presence or absence of certain neurotransmitters that bathe the brain, and it follows a precisely timed path of four, easy-to-understand phases: the exciting norepinephrine-charged meeting phase; the addictive dopamine dating phase; the insane falling-in-love and losing your mind phase; and finally, the safe, warm and wonderful, true, long-term love phase. For the past decade Maslar has made it her mission to learn all she can about the science behind falling in love, including its evolutionary benefits. Her goal—and the purpose of this book—is to help men and women find and maintain love by understanding and applying the science behind it. The bottom line? We actually can have long-lasting, nourishing, exciting, passionate love with little or no risk!

Miracles We Have Seen: America's Leading Physicians Share Stories They Can't Forget

by Dr. Harley Rotbart

This is a book of miracles—medical events witnessed by leading physicians for which there is no reasonable medical explanation, or, if there is, the explanation itself is extraordinary. These dramatic first-person essays detail spectacular serendipities, impossible cures, breathtaking resuscitations, extraordinary awakenings, and recovery from unimaginable disasters. Still other essays give voice to cases in which the physical aspects were less dramatic than the emotional aspects, yet miraculous and transformational for everyone involved. Positive impacts left in the wake of even the gravest of tragedies, profound triumphs of heart and spirit. Preeminent physicians in many specialties, including deans and department heads on the faculties of the top university medical schools in the country describe, in everyday language and with moving testimony, their very personal reactions to these remarkable clinical experiences. Among the extraordinary cases poignantly recounted by the physicians witnessing them: A priest visiting a hospitalized patient went into cardiac arrest on the elevator, which opened up on the cardiac floor, right at the foot of the cardiac specialist, at just the right moment.A tiny premature baby dying from irreversible lung disease despite the most intensive care who recovered almost immediately after being taken from his hospital bed and placed on his mother's chest. President John F. Kennedy's son Patrick, who died shortly after birth, and whose disease eventually led to research that saved generations of babies.A nine-year-old boy who was decapitated in a horrific car accident but survived without neurological damage. A woman who conceived and delivered a healthy baby—despite having had both of her fallopian tubes surgically removed.A young man whose only hope for survival was a heart transplant, but just at the moment he developed a potentially fatal complication making a transplant impossible, his own heart began healing itself.A teenage girl near death after contracting full-blown rabies who became the first patient ever to recover from that disease after an unexpected visit by Timothy Dolan, the man who would go on to become the Archbishop of New York.A Manhattan window-washer who fell 47 stories—and not only became the only person ever to survive a fall from that height, but went on to make a full recovery. Miracles We Have Seen is a book of inspiration and optimism, and a compelling glimpse into the lives of physicians—their humanity and determined devotion to their patients and their patients' families. It reminds us that what we don't know or don't understand isn‘t necessarily cause for fear, and can even be reason for hope

The Essence of Resilience: Stories of Triumph over Trauma

by Tanya Lauer Kathleen Parrish

When trauma enters the lives of the unsuspecting, it steals from their very soul. It not only robs them of peace and joy, it can take years and decades from their lives while they desperately try to fill the hole in their heart, pretending that their soul isn't leaking out of it. No one is ever prepared for trauma and no one is ever left unchanged by traumatic events. In the face of such adversity, what allows one person to find the gift in their wound and another to suffer endlessly? Enter Tanya Lauer and Kathleen Parrish, professional counselors at the internationally renowned residential treatment center, Cottonwood Tucson. With over 40 years combined experience helping people survive trauma and find the "gift in their wound," Lauer and Parrish offer The Essence of Resilience—an urgent and vital answer to this all-too-common marauder. Topical tools for healing include: Story, Relationships, Trust, Compassion, Gratitude, Animals and Pets, Nature, Humor, and Spirituality. Through stories, compassion and understanding, they guide readers straight to the heart of resilience—that place where we learn to heal and thrive.

What Will They Say About You When You're Gone?: Creating a Life of Legacy

by Rabbi Daniel Cohen

"This book is a beacon of light and a touchstone for the timeless values of leading a purposeful life." --From the Foreword by Senator Joseph Lieberman There's not one person alive who hasn't confronted their own mortality. Each of us, at some point, wakes up to the reality that our time on Earth is limited. But how do we lead our lives with a sense of urgency every day? How do we develop the courage to make choices not based on pressure but on principle? How do we create the sacred space to reflect on who we are and who we want to be so we can realize our innermost goals and dreams? What Will They Say About You When You're Gone? points the way. Esteemed Rabbi Daniel Cohen will help you rise above the distractions to tap into the best version of yourself. Through a unique blend of storytelling, practical exercises, and profound wisdom, he will teach you seven transformative principles to reverse engineer your life so that you are living with purpose and passion, so that the person you are today more closely aligns with the person you aspire to be.

Reimagining Women's Cancers: The Celebrity Diagnosis Guide to Personalized Treatment and Prevention (Reimagining Cancer)

by Michele Berman Mark Boguski David Tabatsky

America's fascination with celebrities never gets old. From People magazine, with a readership of 43 million to Internet sites like with over 80 million monthly views, celebrity information not only sells, it educates people about important issues––including cancer. Information is empowering and reading about a famous person coping with cancer can not only be inspiring, it can save a life. That's what Reimagining Cancer exemplifies through each of the books in the series Cancer doesn't have to be a death sentence. About half of all cancers are preventable and can be avoided if current medical knowledge is better delivered*. This new series, beginning with Reimagining Women's Cancers—focusing on cancer of the breasts, ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva—provides readers with that critical information to help them manage, cope, and recover through a concise, easy-to-read style and format. Beginning with a view of basic anatomy and an overview of how we view a particular cancer today, chapters flow easily into an explanation of signs, symptoms, diagnosis, scientific information and guidelines, and include a comprehensive survey of treatments and prevention. Woven throughout are stories, both medical and anecdotal, from women such as Angelina Jolie, Joan Lunden, Melissa Etheridge, Sandra Lee, Rita Wilson, Christina Applegate, and Suzanne Somers. Education is the key, and by using celebrity stories, Reimagining Women's Cancers can attract countless readers who might otherwise not pay attention to an epidemic that is likely to affect them or a loved one. * The recent World Cancer Report from the World Health Organization

Reimagining Men's Cancers: The Celebrity Diagnosis Guide to Personalized Treatment and Prevention (Reimagining Cancer)

by Michele Berman Mark Boguski David Tabatsky

America's fascination with celebrities never gets old. From People magazine, with a readership of 43 million to Internet sites like with over 80 million monthly views, celebrity information not only sells, it educates people about important issues––including cancer. Information is empowering and reading about a famous person coping with cancer can not only be inspiring, it can save a life. That's what Reimagining Cancer exemplifies through each of the books in the series Cancer doesn't have to be a death sentence. About half of all cancers are preventable and can be avoided if current medical knowledge is better delivered*. Reimagining Men's Cancers—focusing on cancers of the prostate, penis, and testicles—provides readers with that critical information to help them manage, cope, and recover through a concise, easy-to-read style and format. Beginning with a view of basic anatomy and an overview of how we view a particular cancer today, chapters flow easily into an explanation of signs, symptoms, diagnosis, scientific information and guidelines, and include a comprehensive survey of treatments and prevention. Woven throughout are stories, both medical and anecdotal, from men such as Joe Torre, Robert De Niro, Sir Ian McKellen, and Scott Hamilton. Education is the key, and by using celebrity stories, Reimagining Men's Cancers can attract countless readers who might otherwise not pay attention to an epidemic that is likely to affect them or a loved one. * The recent World Cancer Report from the World Health Organization

Essential Living: A Guide to Having Happiness and Peace by Reclaiming Your Essential Self

by Shelly Uram

Most of us think that the key to happiness and fulfillment is having more money, greater career success, or a loving relationship or family. Yet even when we achieve these goals, we ultimately still find ourselves not fully satisfied or happy, and in an endless cycle of wanting more or something different. Why is this? As noted psychiatrist Dr. Shelley Uram shows us, when we peel back the layers to reveal what we really want most in life, it turns out to be the qualities that are already present at our very core—our Essential Self. They include peace, joy, love, a sense of freedom, and a sense of connectedness. However, until we reconnect with our Essential Self, most people do not remember who they are at their very core.In Essential Living, Dr. Uram explains how our ancient survival brain mechanisms shortcircuit our connection to our Essential Self, starting when we are young children, which ultimately leads us away from who we really are and down a path of unnecessary suffering. She then provides readers with self-assessment exercises, frameworks, and tools to chart a personalized return to the Essential Self. By learning how to quiet the ancient survival brain and reclaim our essence, we can discover an unlimited wellspring of what will truly sustain and fulfill us.

Hairlooms: The Untangled Truth About Loving Your Natural Hair and Beauty

by Michele Tapp Roseman

Words have power, and those that Black women often use to describe their hair are derogatory: nappy, steel wool, out of control. They often personally inherit these terms and pass them along without even realizing the crushing effects these words have on their feelings about the person they see in the mirror. While many books on the market address the practical ways of styling Afro-textured hair naturally, Hairlooms asks: Why is it so difficult for Black women to embrace their hair? and How can Black women overcome the multi-layered challenge of embracing their natural hair and beauty? Author Michele Tapp Roseman helps readers answer these questions for themselves, to write a new story that they can pass along. A recent Huffington Post article "Natural Hair Becoming Even More Popular Among Black Women" revealed a marked increase in the number of Black women who do not chemically treat their hair, yet also struggle to accept their natural hair and beauty. Through personal, revealing stories Hairlooms examines the issues behind these struggles. Guided exercises throughout help readers "comb through" their self-perceptions and form a plan for self-acceptance and personal empowerment. Hairlooms includes 32 compelling personal stories about those who have embraced their God-given hair and beauty, including: Major General Marcia Anderson—Senior advisor to the Chief on policies and programs for the U.S. Army Reserve, and the first woman to earn the distinction of a two-star general in the U.S. Army Reserve. The late Dr. Maya Angelou—World-renowned poet and author. The recipient of 30 honorary degrees and former Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University. Lisa Price—Founder of Carol's Daughter hair and beauty brand, a favorite of celebrities, and now sold in stores from coast-to-coast. Now owned by L'Oréal, Price is still at the helm of this growing business. Jane Carter—A professional hair stylist/colorist and salon owner, she founded the Jane Carter Solution after an allergic reaction caused by prolonged exposure to chemicals in traditional hair care products. Today, Jane Carter Solution sells millions of dollars' worth of products in Whole Foods Market, Sally Beauty Supply, Walmart, Target, CVS, and Walgreens stores. A'Lelia Bundles—Great-great granddaughter of the first Black female millionaire and hair-care creator, Madam C. J. Walker. She has teamed with Sephora and Sundial Brands to launch the Madam C.J. Walker Beauty Culture product line. A'Lelia is also a seasoned journalist, public speaker, and author of the New York Times bestseller, On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C. J. Walker. Kim Coles—Hollywood actress, comedian, and featured guest on Dr. Drew's Lifechangers "Good Hair Debate" episode. Tomiko Fraser—The first African-American woman signed exclusively to Maybelline, and the longest-serving spokesperson for any cosmetics company.

Connect: How to Know if He's Really Your Man

by Dawn Burnett

Wellness strategist Dawn Burnett has an impressive track record for helping people unlock better health and greater vitality. Like all of us, however, she has had a life filled with highs and lows. The child of divorced parents and a survivor of abuse, she was in a toxic marriage and then, just after her divorce, was hit by a drunk driver. These events, and the discovery that her son had a life-threatening condition, led her to a wake-up call. Studying to become an alternative medical practitioner to heal her child, she also sought answers on how to heal her own life. Along the way, she charted a course to ultimate wellness on a path filled with valuable lessons, deep wisdom, and insight on a variety of issues—including personal relationships. She recognized that becoming trapped by the toxic emotions of our past can weigh down our spirit and sabotage any chance we have at happiness today or in the future. The result is Connect, a light but powerful little book that provides humorous yet effective ways to address key issues facing serious relationships. Filled with personal, engaging stories, complemented by captivating illustrations, it reveals: the pitfalls of dating in the digital age; the many ways we unintentionally sabotage our relationships; why we find ourselves choosing mates from the never-ending 'carousel of losers'; and how we judge ourselves—and others—without mercy. The antidote is a simple, empowering plan readers can implement themselves to heal their own hearts, pinpoint their true dreams and desires, and find meaningful and lasting bonds with their partners — whether they have already met or are still looking. This amazing little book is big on success, and will help readers finally attain what they outwardly say they want—without the emotional resistance associated with trying to change their partner.

The Painting and Piano: An Improbable Story of Survival and Love

by John Lipscomb Adrianne Lugo

Growing up more than a thousand miles apart and worlds away from each other, Johnny and Adrianne seemed to have all that children could ask for. Born into a Great-Gatsby-like party, old-money wealth and privilege defined Johnny's childhood in Ladue, Missouri—the Beverly Hills of St. Louis. Born addicted to heroin in New York City, Adrianne was placed as an infant with loving, middle-class Jewish foster parents on Long Island. However, the demons of their respective biological mothers would eventually tear their fragile young lives apart as told in this compelling tandem narrative. Eventually, destiny would bring Johnny and Adrianne together, but first they had to endure the painful toll that alcohol, drugs, and a negligent court system would take on them. With parts of Adrianne's story ripped from national news headlines, their journeys take them for the depths of despair and near death to their first serendipitous introduction and the moment each knew they were finally safe. Filled with hope, inspiration, and humor, The Painting and the Piano is an unforgettable story of pain, loss, and the undying human quest for happiness.

Success Affirmations: 52 Weeks for Living a Passionate and Purposeful Life

by Jack Canfield Ram Ganglani Kelly Johnson

Jack Canfield is a master motivator, world-renowned teacher, and bestselling author of The Success Principles. In his latest book, Success Affirmations, he helps readers break through to new levels of passion, purpose, and prosperity with 52 affirmations and time-tested wisdom. In our 24/7 world, where we move at warp speed, sometimes we let life happen to us instead of taking control of our direction. Other times, we suffer from information overload, and we fail to consciously control our positive thoughts, and we allow negativity to take over. For those who want to rise above, to get unstuck, or to catapult to a new level success, Jack Canfield will show you how positive affirmations can transform your life in extraordinary ways. Canfield, with the help of esteemed coauthors Kelly Johnson and Ram Ganglani, explains what positive affirmations are (and what they are not), why they are so effective, and how to effortlessly integrate their practice into your life. Pulling the most effective tenets from his bestselling book The Success Principles, Canfield covers all areas of life, from financial prosperity and creative pursuits to your career and positive relationships. Success Affirmations reveals: How to avoid letting life just happen to you, and how to proactively go after your dreams How to use the power of deliberate thought to create the reality you wantHow to identify your true passions and purpose to direct your affirmations to concrete goals, not nebulous ideas or someone else's visionHow to harness positive energy to attract what you want in your life through the Law of AttractionHow to unplug from technology and plug into your true source of energy And much more!

Prodependence: Moving Beyond Codependency

by Robert Weiss

Do you love an addict? Do you sometimes feel like their addiction is your fault? Are people calling you codependent? If our treatment toward loved ones of addicts alienates them, it's time we change our approach.With Prodependence, Dr. Robert Weiss offers us the first fully new paradigm in over 35 years for helping those who love and care for addicts. An attachment-focused model, prodependence recognizes that no one can ever love too much, nor should anyone be pathologized for whomever they choose to love as is often the case. Prodependence informs caregivers how to love more effectively, but without having to bear a negative label for the valuable support they give. When treating loved ones of addicts and other troubled people using prodependence, we need not find something "wrong" with them. Instead, we acknowledge the trauma and inherent dysfunction that occurs when living in relationship with someone whose life is failing and keep moving forward. Validating a caregiver's painful journey for what it is opens the door to support them in useful, non-shaming ways. Helping people take incremental, positive steps toward intimate healing is what Prodependence is all about!

The Ten Worlds: The New Psychology of Happiness

by Dr. Ash ElDifrawi Dr. Alex Lickerman

What exactly is happiness that we spend our lives pursuing it more fiercely than anything else? The answer, Drs. Lickerman and ElDifrawi argue, is that happiness isn't just a good feeling but a special good feeling—in fact, the best good feeling we're capable of having.Enduring happiness is something we all want yet many of us fail to achieve. Look around you. How many people do you know who would say they feel a constant and powerful sense of satisfaction with their lives? How many people do you imagine wouldn't find their ability to be happy impaired by a significant loss, like the death of a parent, a spouse, or a child? How is it possible to be happy in the long-term when so many terrible things are destined to happen to us?In this highly engaging and eminently practical book—told in the form of a Platonic dialogue recounting real-life patient experiences—Drs. Lickerman and ElDifrawi assert that the reason genuine, long-lasting happiness is so difficult to achieve and maintain is that we're profoundly confused not only about how to go about it but also about what happiness is.In identifying nine basic erroneous views we all have about what we need to be happy—views they term the core delusions—Lickerman and ElDifrawi show us that our happiness depends not on our external possessions or even on our experiences but rather on the beliefs we have that shape our most fundamental thinking. These beliefs, they argue, create ten internal life-conditions, or worlds, through which we continuously cycle and that determine how happy we're able to be.Drawing on the latest scientific research as well as Buddhist philosophy, Lickerman and ElDifrawi argue that once we learn to embrace a correct understanding of happiness, we can free ourselves from the suffering the core delusions cause us and enjoy the kind of happiness we all want, the kind found in the highest of the Ten Worlds, the world of Enlightenment. The Ten Worlds:Hell Hunger Animality Anger Tranquility Rapture Learning Realization Compassion Enlightenment

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