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Showing 16,376 through 16,400 of 36,712 results

I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life

by Brad Formsma

“Important and exciting! I Like Giving could be the beginning of a movement of generosity.” –Mark Batterson When you choose to live a generous life, you start to change and so does the world around you. Something incredible happens when giving becomes your own idea, not something you do out of duty or obligation.When you move from awareness to action, miracles happen. As you make giving a lifestyle, you’ll realize you’re not only loving life more, you’re also creating a more generous world— a better world for all of us.Rich with inspiring stories and practical suggestions, I Like Giving helps you create a lifestyle of generosity. Inside you’ll find:• Giving—something you get to do, not something you’ve got to do.• How to raise kids with a sensitivity to others’ needs.• You don’t have to be a millionaire to make a difference.• Practical ideas for giving to people around you every day.I Like Giving is about experiencing the joy of giving. We all have something to give. Giving goes way beyond money or things. It can be a listening ear, a touch, or simply the gift of time. Giving is living.

I Never Knew I Had a Choice: Explorations in Personal Growth

by Gerald Corey Marianne Schneider Corey

Thousands of readers have used the honest and inspiring I NEVER KNEW I HAD A CHOICE: EXPLORATIONS IN PERSONAL GROWTH, now in its Tenth Edition, to focus on their personal growth and effect personal change. Through their warm yet thoroughly research-based discussion of significant dimensions of life, Corey and Corey help students expand their awareness--and understanding--of the choices available to them. The text explores choosing a personal style of learning, the effects of childhood and adolescence experiences on current behavior, meeting the challenges of adulthood and autonomy, and many other issues related to personal growth and development. As they work through the text's self-inventories, exercises, and activities--and read first-person accounts of the difficult choices real people have made--students will gain insight into their lives, beliefs, and attitudes in a personally empowering way.

I Was There the Night He Died

by Ray Robertson

"Ray Robertson is an irrepressible voice, with brass balls, and a heart of gold. I Was There the Night He Died is a hilarious, moving, insightful, and timely piece of modern realism, delightfully void of literary pretension. Here, at last, is a novel that rocks and rolls."-Jonathan Evison, author of The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving"So," she says. "Who died tonight?"Sam Samson, meet Samantha. Sam's a novelist: his dad has Alzheimer's, his mother died of stroke, his wife was killed seventeen months ago in a car crash. Samantha, eighteen, is a cutter. She lives across the street from Sam's parents' house. Marijuana and loneliness spark an unlikely friendship, which Sam finds hard to navigate, especially as his dad's condition worsens and the money for his care suddenly vanishes. Yet somehow, between a record player and a park bench, through late-night conversations about the deaths of Sam's musical heroes, and ultimately through each other, Sam and Samantha learn to endure the things they fear most.Starring a 40-something writer who stumbles through the small town he thought he'd left behind forever, and a marooned teenager who wishes she were anywhere else, I Was There The Night He Died is a saucy, swaggering look at loss, love, and the redeeming power of music in the twenty-first century.Praise for Ray Robertson,A Women's National Book Association Great Group Reads Author, 2013Shortlisted for the Hilary Weston Prize, 2011and the Trillium Prize, 2008 "Ray Robertson is the Jerry Lee Lewis of North American Letters."-Chuck Kinder, author of Honeymooners "Both playful and profound, laced with insight from music to history, politics to literature, high to low culture."-National Post "Robertson's art is as character-driven as Mordecai Richler's ... he wants us all to behave better and doesn't care who he angers along the way."-Globe and Mail

I'd Rather Be Short: 100 Reasons Why It's Great to Be Small

by Becky Murphy

"5'1 is the new 6'2, and Becky's book proves it."—Kristen Bell Leggy supermodels and pro basketball players be warned: being tall doesn&’t mean you&’re always a step up in life. Graphic designer Becky Murphy is five-foot-nothing and proud to be petite. Sure, sometimes being diminutive gets you the short end of the stick, but there are also plenty of unique advantages to being under 5&’4&”—and Murphy has compiled the 100 best reasons in the delightfully whimsical I&’d Rather Be Short. Illustrated in a charming, quirky style, I&’d Rather Be Short highlights the benefits of being petite, from the sensible to the absurd, including: · You get the best of both worlds: kids&’ meals and cocktail parties · You&’re never expected to help your friends move · Concertgoers usually won&’t hassle you when you shimmy up to the front · You&’re less likely to get struck by lightning · Skirts can be dresses; dresses can be skirts · You&’re just the way you should be Witty and heartwarming, I&’d Rather Be Short is a celebration of self-acceptance—and an instant ego boost to pint-sized ladies everywhere.

If You Can See It, You Can Be It: 12 Street-smart Recipes For Success

by Jeff Henderson

In his latest book, Chef Jeff Henderson, the New York Times best-selling author of Cooked: From the Streets to the Stove, From Cocaine to Foie Gras, presents two decades of life lessons that he gained on his redemptive journey from drug dealer to TV celebrity chef to nationally acclaimed speaker. He has devoted himself to mentoring and motivating at-risk and vulnerable Americans, and his remarkable achievements and inspiring presentations have made him a sought-after speaker for business and non-profit organizations, addressing tens of thousands of individuals each year at conventions, conferences, and seminars. Now, with the 12 inspiring and pragmatic "recipes" he offers in this book, you can discover your hidden business aptitudes, make life-changing decisions, and secure bulletproof personal and professional success. Whether you’re a "have-not" suffering from generational or situational poverty or a "lost-a-lot" knocked out by the economic recession, you’ll learn something from Chef Jeff’s unique perspectives on the virtues of self-knowledge, hard work, determination, and leverage in the real world. Reboot your dreams and gain a new foothold on the ladder to success!

If You're In the Driver's Seat, Why Are You Lost?: A Roadmap to an Amazing Life

by Lawana Gladney

From break-ups and family fall-outs to career stalls and unexpected losses, life is filled with events and circumstances that can knock you off your feet and leave you feeling stressed, confused and lost. Whether you're embarking on a career at age 22 or are seeing your children off to college at age 52, If You Are in the Driver's Seat, Why Are You Lost? gives you the strategies to help you map out your life direction, leading you to the life you want.Filled with insights, information, and solutions, this book is a practical guide that teaches how to take control and regain personal identity by learning how to manage emotions, stress, health, and other factors keeping you from happiness. Dr. Lawana Gladney acts as your personal coach and provides inspiration with ideas, easy strategies, and sound advice to help you cope with stress and navigate through everyday challenges.Arming you with helpful techniques for letting go of the emotionally destructive people, thoughts, words, and regrets of the past in a manageable way, If You Are in the Driver's Seat, Why Are You Lost? is a roadmap to creating an amazing life.

Ignite the Light: Empowering Children And Adults To Be Their Absolute Best

by Vicki Savini

In today’s society kids hardly get to enjoy their childhood, as they are faced with mounting pressures at school, within their family, and among their peers. Children are overexposed to violence and deprived of lessons on self-love and inner peace . . . but imagine a world where they are given tools to speak their truth, follow their hearts, and above all believe in themselves.You see, deep inside every one of us is a light that shines brightly when we are aligned with our higher self—our absolute best self. When we allow fear to drive our action, we dim that light within. Yet when we believe in ourselves, speak our truth, and do what feels right in our hearts, we ignite the light and become the best possible version of ourselves.Whether you are a parent, a teacher, a child-care worker, or just a person who would like to leave this world a little more peaceful than you found it, this book will give you the tools to educate, enlighten, and empower our children to see that they are perfect just as they are. Ignite the Light is a practical step-by-step manual for change that provides tools from which all children—and all families—will benefit.

The Illusion of Well-Being: Economic Policymaking Based on Respect and Responsiveness

by Mark D. White

The use of measures of economic output to guide policymaking has been criticized for decades because of their weak ties to human well-being. Recently, many scholars and politicians have called for measures of happiness or subjective well-being to be used to guide policy in people's true interests. In The Illusion of Well-Being, Mark D. White explains why using happiness as a tool for policymaking is misguided and unethical. Happiness is too vague a term to define, and too general a concept, to measure in a way that captures people's true feelings. He extends this critique to well-being in general and concludes that no measure of well-being can do justice to people's true interests, which are complex, multifaceted, and subjective. White suggests instead that policymaking be conducted according to respect and responsiveness, promoting the true interests of citizens while addressing their real needs, and devoting government resources to where they can do the most good.

I'm Free, I'm Free, I'm Free: A Semiserious Guide to Early Housekeeping, or Things You Wouldn't Let Your Family Tell You

by Janet Mccart

If you've just graduated, or if you haven't--if you're going to advanced school, or if you aren't--if you're setting things in motion to strike out on your own--or if you blew the first or second go at liberty and having your own living space--you're in the right place. If you are serious about rules and guidelines and closets and all the details, go see Martha. If you'd prefer some easy-going, mildly cynical guidance, I'm Free, I'm Free, I'm Free: Now What? is for you. Align the Law of 'what goes up must come down' with the Golden Rule. Now add beds, moving, bills, friends, food poisoning, cleaning, toilets, money, rentals, baseline manners, and roommates, and you have a pretty good idea where we're going here. The bottom line of I'm Free, I'm Free, I'm Free: Now What? is to help you become sort-of informed so that you decide, and whatever happens, it's your fault.

Imagine the Life You'd Love to Live, Then Live It: 52 Inspired Habits and Playful Prompts

by Peg Conley Maggie Shannon

Peg Conley has been an artist all her life but, like many of us, took a long detour into the working world where she was a "corporate sales queen" in Seattle with a lot of success and a happy, busy family. Art became the thing she did on vacations, weekends and when she could carve time out of her busy life. Something gnawed at her, a nagging feeling that life might hold something else for her in the midst of it all. Then came the big "aha" moment--Peg heard a still small voice inside: "Imagine the life you want to live, then live it. It's that simple!" Her family encouraged Peg to pursue her passion. Despite a great deal of fear, Peg Conley did the thing she thought she could not do and dropped her big job, big house and big life and moved to San Francisco to start a business based on her artisan stationery. From a handful of handpainted cards, calendars and posters, her company Words & Watercolors was born and has been inspiring people, winning awards and raking in the sales ever since. Peg's intention with her work is to inspire and her art and writing all speak to life's great truths and those aha moments for which we all need reminders. What do you "imagine" your Ideal Life to be? It may take some time for it to unveil itself. You will need to have an idea of what it is you are looking to create. Spend some time in contemplation. For some that means a quiet meditation where images might come to you. For others, you might write about something you've always had a longing to create, or a dream that seemed far away and not attainable yet it doesn't go away. The dream nudges at you, asking you to pay attention. Where words work for some people, pictures work for others. You may want to create a vision board. Gather your old magazines and begin ripping out the pictures that appeal to you, or draw your own images. Your Ideal Life will come alive via the images that resonate with you. Don't hesitate to pick up a pen, pencil or crayons even and fill the blank pages with doodles of any kind. Do you still think of becoming a nurse? Don't be disheartened, go online and research classes you can take at your local college to start the process. As someone once said, if you don't start now, 5 years from now you still will be where you are but if you begin with baby steps, in 5 years you could be in a completely different place! So ask yourself the question: "What does the life I long to live look like?" Imagine it! Draw it, write it, collage it and just plain dream it. Believe you can have it and then go about creating it as you take daily steps towards becoming an enhanced version of yourself! All successful people are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.

Imagine the Life You'd Love to Live, Then Live It

by Peg Conley M.A. Maggie Oman Shannon

Peg Conley has been an artist all her life but, like many of us, took a long detour into the working world where she was a "corporate sales queen" in Seattle with a lot of success and a happy, busy family. Art became the thing she did on vacations, weekends and when she could carve time out of her busy life. Something gnawed at her, a nagging feeling that life might hold something else for her in the midst of it all. Then came the big "aha" moment-Peg heard a still small voice inside: "Imagine the life you want to live, then live it. It's that simple!" Her family encouraged Peg to pursue her passion.Despite a great deal of fear, Peg Conley did the thing she thought she could not do and dropped her big job, big house and big life and moved to San Francisco to start a business based on her artisan stationery. From a handful of handpainted cards, calendars and posters, her company Words & Watercolors was born and has been inspiring people, winning awards and raking in the sales ever since. Peg's intention with her work is to inspire and her art and writing all speak to life's great truths and those aha moments for which we all need reminders.What do you "imagine" your Ideal Life to be? It may take some time for it to unveil itself. You will need to have an idea of what it is you are looking to create. Spend some time in contemplation. For some that means a quiet meditation where images might come to you. For others, you might write about something you've always had a longing to create, or a dream that seemed far away and not attainable yet it doesn't go away. The dream nudges at you, asking you to pay attention. Where words work for some people, pictures work for others. You may want to create a vision board. Gather your old magazines and begin ripping out the pictures that appeal to you, or draw your own images. Your Ideal Life will come alive via the images that resonate with you. Don't hesitate to pick up a pen, pencil or crayons even and fill the blank pages with doodles of any kind. Do you still think of becoming a nurse? Don't be disheartened, go online and research classes you can take at your local college to start the process. As someone once said, if you don't start now, 5 years from now you still will be where you are but if you begin with baby steps, in 5 years you could be in a completely different place! So ask yourself the question: "What does the life I long to live look like?" Imagine it! Draw it, write it, collage it and just plain dream it. Believe you can have it and then go about creating it as you take daily steps towards becoming an enhanced version of yourself! All successful people are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.

Imagine This: Creating the Work You Love

by Maxine Clair

Maxine Clair, award-winning author of the critically acclaimed short story collection Rattlebone and the novel October Suite, has assembled a deeply inspirational yet practical book to help readers access their inner creativity. Imagine This is a beautifully written set of deeply personal stories from which Clair draws examples of how we can be aware of the now, keep ourselves motivated, and create work of which we are proud.Imagine This explains how some of us consciously choose the vehicle through which we express our magnificence - be it business, art, science, or other - while others of us have dutifully plied a trade in arenas that society has suggested are worthwhile, with self-expression only fixed on a hobby. Both, Clair maintains, can contribute to a good life. Occasionally, however, a moment comes that is sufficiently insistent on deep examination. In that moment we float the possibility for expression of a greater self.Imagine This shows readers how to be aware of these moments and how our inner creativity is always seeking an outlet. By combining captivating memoir with step-by-step advice, Clair helps us find and develop our own unique and personal creative outlets.

Impact: Great Leadership Changes Everything

by Mark Albers Tim Irwin

New York Times bestsellerFor more than 25 years, organizational psychologist and management consultant Dr. Tim Irwin has worked with thousands of leaders in well-known global companies. He knows most leaders work for recognition and advancement and they want more challenge and responsibility. He's also found this to be true: Most of us want to make a positive difference through our work and to have our lives count for something more than simply making a living. We want to make an impact.Yet when we look around our organizations, we don't see many leaders who have real impact. We see them just managing the daily rat race. Somewhere along the line, many began working for money instead of for meaning, for status instead of for a lasting legacy.In Impact, Irwin identifies the principles and beliefs that lead to great leadership-ways in which you can grow and thrive and be trusted by others. Learn how to be the kind of leader that motivates others in meaningful work and great accomplishments and what you can do to stay on track so you avoid a path of personal destruction so many leaders go down today.Accessible, humorous, and engaging, Irwin's latest book shows you how to live the vision you began your career with and then finish strong for a lasting impact, the hope of every great leader.

The Imperfect Marriage: Help for Those Who Think It's Over

by Darryl Strawberry Tracy Strawberry A J Gregory

A marriage guidebook for the not-so-perfect marriage--filled with extremely candid, practical, and biblically based principles--proven to make any relationship successful.Darryl and Tracy Strawberry admit they have "made every possible mistake you can make in marriage." Together, this devoted couple has suffered through--and survived--adultery, addiction, financial destruction, and many other all-too-familiar struggles. A no-holds-barred account of their personal journey, The Imperfect Marriage provides a step-by-step program that will help you and your partner understand the key issues that could be causing damage in your relationship and recognize turning points on the journey toward marriage restoration. Darryl and Tracy Strawberry know firsthand what it takes to make it through the battle and how to come out victorious. Beginning with putting God at the center, their words will inspire you to transform your marriage into an enduring and vital relationship. The Strawberrys keep it real and preach it real. They deal with real people, real problems, and offer solutions for the present. Through candid anecdotes, a great deal of self-awareness, and a true sense of honesty, Darryl and Tracy offer the vision, encouragement, and practical advice that every healthy marriage needs in order to thrive. Whether you and your partner are looking to heal a broken relationship, or avoid the mistakes that doomed a past one, The Imperfect Marriage offers the guidance and wisdom you need to make your marriage a success.

Import/Export Business

by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media Inc

Ultimate directory for conducting export-import operations in the country. Strategic economic, investment, export-import, and business opportunities info. Important export-import, government, and bus contacts and more.

Import/Export Business

by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media, Inc

The experts at Entrepreneur provide a two-part guide to success. First, learn how to become a successful import/export agent without leaving home. Then, master the fundamentals of business startup including defining your business structure, funding, staffing and more.This kit includes: Essential industry-specific startup essentials including industry trends, best practices, important resources, possible pitfalls, marketing musts, and more Entrepreneur Editors' Start Your Own Business, a guide to starting any business and surviving the first three years Interviews and advice from successful entrepreneurs in the industry Worksheets, brainstorming sections, and checklists Entrepreneur's Startup Resource Kit (downloadable)More about Entrepreneur's Startup Resource KitEvery small business is unique. Therefore, it's essential to have tools that are customizable depending on your business's needs. That's why with Entrepreneur is also offering you access to our Startup Resource Kit. Get instant access to thousands of business letters, sales letters, sample documents and more - all at your fingertips!You'll find the following:The Small Business Legal ToolkitWhen your business dreams go from idea to reality, you're suddenly faced with laws and regulations governing nearly every move you make. Learn how to stay in compliance and protect your business from legal action. In this essential toolkit, you'll get answers to the "how do I get started?" questions every business owner faces along with a thorough understanding of the legal and tax requirements of your business.Sample Business Letters1000+ customizable business letters covering each type of written business communication you're likelyto encounter as you communicate with customers, suppliers, employees, and others. Plus a complete guide to business communication that covers every question you may have about developing your own business communication style.Sample Sales LettersThe experts at Entrepreneur have compiled more than 1000 of the most effective sales letters covering introductions, prospecting, setting up appointments, cover letters, proposal letters, the all-important follow-up letter and letters covering all aspects of sales operations to help you make the sale, generate new customers and huge profits.

The Impossible Will Take A Little While: Perseverance And Hope In Troubled Times

by Paul Loeb

What keeps us going when times get tough? How have the leaders and unsung heroes of world-changing political movements persevered in the face of cynicism, fear, and seemingly overwhelming odds? In The Impossible Will Take a Little While, they answer these questions in their own words, creating a conversation among some of the most visionary and eloquent voices of our times. <P> Ten years after his original edition, Paul Rogat Loeb has comprehensively updated this classic work on what it's like to go up against Goliath--whether South African apartheid, Mississippi segregation, Middle East dictatorships, or the corporations driving global climate change. Without sugarcoating the obstacles, these stories inspire the hope to keep moving forward. <P> Think of this book as a conversation among some of the most visionary and eloquent voices of our times--or any time. Contributors include Maya Angelou, Diane Ackerman, Marian Wright Edelman, Wael Ghonim, Václav Havel, Paul Hawken, Seamus Heaney, Jonathan Kozol, Tony Kushner, Audre Lorde, Nelson Mandela, Bill McKibben, Bill Moyers, Pablo Neruda, Mary Pipher, Arundhati Roy, Dan Savage, Desmond Tutu, Alice Walker, Cornel West, Terry Tempest Williams, and Howard Zinn

Impostor: Gain Confidence, Eradicate Shame, and Become Who God Made You to Be

by Rita A Schulte

The courage to be yourself Are you tired of pretending? Of spending so much time and energy trying to live up to the expectations of others? Of being afraid to show people the real you? Do you sometimes feel like an impostor in your own life? So many women today are living the &“try hard&” life. Trying to be perfect. Trying to maintain control. Trying to be what others want them to be. In her counseling practice Rita Schulte meets women in this place almost daily. In Impostor she combines medical research with moving stories from her own life and practice to help you uncover the lies, distortions, and other contributing factors that set up the imposter self. You will learn: · How five core needs drive our behavior · Why we pretend · Why we fear being known · How to give up the &“try hard&” life once and for all Most importantly you&’ll discover what it takes to distinguish the impostor&’s identity from the one that is intrinsically yours in Christ. Healing will come as you remove the mask and begin the journey of self-discovery.

Improving Your Memory: How to Remember What You're Starting to Forget

by Janet Fogler Lynn Stern

An essential handbook packed with proven techniques for remembering what you don’t want to forget.In the years since the previous edition of Improving Your Memory was published, technology has dramatically changed how we keep track of life’s many details. Appliances and car lights turn themselves off, smartphones and computers remind us of appointments, and Google lets us search for the information that we can’t remember. Still, we grow frustrated and anxious when words won’t come, when we misplace items, or when we forget meetings, birthdays, names. University of Michigan social workers Janet Fogler and Lynn Stern have completely updated their friendly and usable guide to memory improvement techniques. Recognizing that people worry something is wrong with them when they forget things, Fogler and Stern suggest that the antidote to worry is taking positive actions to help us remember what we want to remember. They provide readers with tools for understanding and improving memory, including sixteen helpful exercises. Simple techniques like writing information down, creating a catch word or phrase, altering something in your environment, and reviewing details in advance can put you actively in charge of retrieving information more easily. As in previous editions, Improving Your Memory reinforces memory techniques through real-life examples. This accessible handbook also discusses how memory works; how it changes with age, stress, illness, and depression; and why people remember what they do. Many readers will see immediate improvement in their memory after reading the book.

Improving Your Memory: How to Remember What You're Starting to Forget

by Janet Fogler Lynn Stern

“The finest handbook we’ve seen on the subject.” —AARP MagazineAppliances and car lights turn themselves off. Smartphones and laptops remind us of appointments. Google lets us search for information we can’t remember. Yet with all these advances, we still grow frustrated and anxious when words won’t come, when we misplace items, or when we forget the name of the person in front of us.Now, University of Michigan social workers Janet Fogler and Lynn Stern have completely updated their friendly, practical guide to memory improvement techniques, many of which can provide immediate results. Recognizing that people worry something is wrong with them when they forget things, they suggest that the antidote to worry is taking positive action to help us remember what we want to remember. They provide tools for understanding and improving memory, including sixteen helpful exercises. Simple techniques like writing information down, creating a catch word or phrase, altering something in your environment, and reviewing details in advance can put you actively in charge of retrieving information more easily.As in previous editions, Improving Your Memory reinforces memory techniques through real-life examples. This accessible handbook also discusses how memory works; how it changes with age, stress, illness, and depression, and why people remember what they do.“One of the most complete memory training guides available . . . This volume has clearly emerged from considerable practical experience with conducting memory courses.” —Contemporary Gerontology

Improvisation On the Edge

by Rinde Eckert Joan Sunderland Ruth Zaporah

Directed not only toward actors, dancers, and other performing artists who draw upon improvisation as part of their craft, this Zen-infused memoir of a life lived creatively will pique the interest of anyone in search of liberation from self-limiting concepts. What does it mean to live in a body? What does it mean to improvise? Do we wonder whether we're capable of improvising--to make up things as we go, step into the unknown, take a risk that changes our notion of ourselves and the world? Author Ruth Zaporah has been a professional physical theater performer, writer, director, and teacher for forty years. Early on she realized that with a shift of perception, every moment of an improvisation holds both the familiar and the utterly new. With the same shift, so does every moment of life; every moment holds both the known and the unknown. And, as Zaporah says, "The body leads the way in this book. In each chapter the world is experienced by it and of it. It is the body that adds richness, wildness, and grace. The body invokes images and feelings. It is the body that imagines." Improvisation on the Edge recounts events from Zaporah's life such as improvisational shows in the war zones of Sarajevo and Kosovo; apprenticing with a Huichol medicine woman from Chiapas, Mexico; understanding the concept of "practice" while on a beach; a bus ride in Cuba; a car ride in Estonia; the intricacies of onstage collaborations. Interspersed are chapters about awareness, listening, adapting, resiliency, time, space, silence, simplicity--all within the context of everyday life in the body. In several other chapters, Ruth writes from the logical (and nonlinear) voice of the improviser as she is on stage, within the immediate embodied process. A fascinating glimpse into the mind of an artist and true master of improvisation, this book will appeal to performers, teachers, and anyone who has ever needed to "wing it" with confidence and grace. Table of Contents 1. Something That Needs Listening To 2. Mirror Mirror 3. On My Wall 4. Tutu Solitude 5. A Mind in Three Episodes 6. A Splish Splash Orchestra 7. A Take on Talk 8. Bobby's River 9. Roar 10. Meet Yourself Babe 11. Nuts and Bolts 12. Out of Chaos 13. Changing Course 14. The Flying Shaman 15. You Could Say Death 16. Ain't It The Truth 17. The Raging Boomerang 18. See This Feel That 19. Stalking War 20. Your Mother Just Died Christina, Leave the Backdoor Open 21. The Illusive Genture 22. A Pack of Lies 23. Again Gun and Boys 24. A Ride in Estonia 25. Art and Heart 26. Floating to the Surface 27. Stuffed With Junk 28. A Chair in Cuba 29. Any Where Practice 30 Teacher Says 31. Older and Under

Impulse su liderazgo: Un plan de mejoramiento de 90 días (JumpStart)

by John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell, #1 New York Times bestselling author, presents his 90-day guide to improving your leadership. Whether you want to increase your influence, prepare yourself for that big promotion, or get a handle on leadership for the first time, you can trust John Maxwell to help you in the journey. JumpStart Your Leadership will give you the insight, inspiration, and instruction you need to see tangible improvement in your leadership skills in ninety days. Maxwell gives you clear leadership principles, prompts you to examine yourself, and provides actionable step to help you become the leader you've always wanted to be. And there is space for you to take notes and document your journey. Maxwell says, "Leadership develops daily, not in a day." This portable volume will give you the tools to develop as a leader and activate your leadership potential. Derived from content originally published in The 5 Levels of Leadership

In Your Prime: Older, Wiser, Happier

by India Knight

Humane, witty, wise and full of practical advice: India Knight's guide to ageing is the book every woman has been waiting for.'Our mothers' fifty is not our fifty. We have no map, no blueprint, no nothing. We have no sense of what is and isn't age-appropriate, or even of whether age-appropriateness is still relevant. We're supposed to be grown-up, but we seldom feel it.'Part guide, part memoir, part manual, in In Your Prime India Knight seeks to provide proper, weighty answers to the questions women are asking themselves now. Covering a wide range of subjects from clothes and cosmetics, being a parent to older children, having older parents and what that entails, and of course, the menopause, In Your Prime is the definitive, much-needed guide to approaching middle age with confidence and panache.India Knight is the author of three previous novels: My Life on a Plate, Don't You Want Me and Comfort and Joy. Her non-fiction books include The Shops, the bestselling diet book Neris and India's Idiot-Proof Diet, the accompanying bestselling cookbook Neris and India's Idiot-Proof Diet Cookbook and The Thrift Book. India is a columnist for the Sunday Times and lives in London with her three children.

Indie Spiritualist: A No Bullshit Exploration of Spirituality

by Chris Grosso

Brutally honest and radically unconventional, Chris Grosso's collection of stories and musings about his meandering journey of self-inquiry, recovery, and acceptance shows what it means to live a truly authentic spiritual life. Set amongst the backdrop of Grosso's original music (includ­ed for download via QR codes in the text), Indie Spiritualist encourages you to accept yourself just as you are, in all your humanity and imperfect perfection.tion of vignettes shows what it means to live an authentic, open, and mindful life. Indie Spiritualist empowers you to accept yourself as you are, in all your humanity and imperfect perfection.

The Inner Camino

by Sara Hollwey Jill Brierley

Are you looking to make real and lasting change in your life? The Inner Camino offers a reliable method to support such change effortlessly, even when we feel imprisoned in situations that appear intransigent or hopeless.With easy to follow maps and a compass to re-orientate the reader in the direction of their true purpose in life the Inner Camino guides the reader on an inner pilgrimage. Along the path the reader learns to dream into hitherto undreamt visions for our world and ourselves. This guidebook is practical, unsentimental and packed with immediately applicable insights towards clearly identified and easily accessible goals.The Inner Camino takes the reader on a heroic journey of awakening within. It initiates an extraordinary expedition, both deep into our own psychology, and to the heights of our numinous potential, our mystical capacities. Between these two differing terrains, the Inner Camino follows the way-marks through our most creative source of wisdom, our Intuitive Consciousness.

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