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Showing 16,551 through 16,575 of 36,712 results

Magical Moments: Discover How to Easily Create More in Your Daily Life

by Deborah Borgen Kim Bjørnqvist

Magical Moments: Discover How to Easily Create More in Your Daily Life reveals a step-by-step manual to make sure that everyone gets access to their innate resources. Included in these steps are simple exercises and techniques you can use to improve and create smooth flow in daily life. You will see the importance of having life visions to stretch towards and setting clear goals. In order for humans to choose happiness we must know how we function and how we can rid ourselves of worries, release stress, old fear and phobias---creating lasting changes. Near-death experiences showed Deborah Borgen that humans have many unused resources within. She wants everyone to have access to these enormous, undreamed of possibilities that lie within every human. Deborah has dedicated her life to showing people how they easily can improve and enrich their lives. A scientific research project on Deborah Borgen’s course, which this book is based on, reveals a great leap within mind development.

Mailchimp Pour Les Débutants: Le Guide Du Marketing Par Email Pour Les Auteurs Indépendants

by Adam Netherlund Leslie Pierobon

En tant qu'auteur indépendant, vous avez peut-être entendu parler des newsletters et songé à en créer une. Mais comment s'y prendre ? De nos jours, il existe énormément de possibilités -- AWeber, Constant Contact, iContact, Vertical Response et tant d'autres -- mais l'une des plus populaires est MailChimp.Si vous avez déjà pensé à essayer MailChimp mais ne saviez pas vraiment par où commencer, ce livre est pour vous. Suivez de simples instructions étape par étape qui vont vous aider à facilement envoyer votre première campagne et à entrer en contact avec vos fans.Dans ce court guide conçu pour ceux qui débutent avec MailChimp, vous découvrirez :- comment créer un compte ainsi que votre première liste ;- comment créer différents types de formulaires d'inscription ;- comment créer votre première campagne ;- comment analyser les statistiques ;- des idées pour créer votre mailing list (spécifiques à l'auto-édition) ;- des conseils généraux et les choses à faire/ne pas faire lors de la création de vos campagnes ;- les possibilités offertes par les plugins Wordpress, les applications mobiles, les formulaires pour tablettes et pour Facebook.Le marketing par e-mail n'est ni difficile ni onéreux, alors détendez-vous et commençons à vous ouvrir à de nouvelles compétences.

Make it Happen: Surrender Your Fear. Take The Leap. Live On Purpose

by Lara Casey

You were created for a purpose, and it's time to make it happen.Make It Happen is the story of how I surrendered my fear, took the leap, and got a life. In my case, a perfectly imperfect, fulfilling life as a mama, a working woman, and a grateful wife. This is the story of how I chose to make "it"—a greater purpose than mine—happen, and how you can too.Make It Happen is forwomen who find themselves worried, anxious, and completely overwhelmed by the constant chase for perfectionthose seeking the courage to jump into a new ventureworking women who are struggling to "do it all"weary wives and moms looking for relief from burning the candle at both endsanyone who dreams of a life lived not by accident, but on purposeYour time has come to take a leap of faith. Join me as we surrender our fears, end the chase for perfection, and say yes to cultivating the meaningful lives God desires for us.You know all those things you've always wanted to do?You should go do them.

Make it Last: Sustainably and Affordably Preserving What We Love (Diy Ser.)

by Raleigh Briggs

Make It Last: Prolonging and Preserving What We Love bridges the gap between life in a disposable culture and the basic skills needed to save money and live more sustainably.<P><P> This book teaches you how to extend the lives of the things you love by repairing clothing, preserving home-grown food, and even repairing your kitchen sink. Raleigh Briggs takes her longtime commitment to community building through the DIY movement and shares her valuable experience with the reader through a conversational tone in her hand drawn and illustrated guide.

Make It Mighty Ugly

by Kim Piper Werker Kate Bingaman-Burt

Fans of DIY projects and crafts will conquer their fear of failure and create their own masterpieces using this fun and inspiring handbook. Get Crafty. Make Great Stuff. Be Creative! The number one fear of all creative types--crafters, DIYers, makers, artists--is that failure lurks right around the corner. Crafty blogger and creativity guru Kim Piper Werker urges everyone to pick up their pen or paintbrush or scissors and make something mighty ugly: get that "failure" out of the way. This friendly book offers up a multi-pronged approach to overcoming creative fears through inspiring essays and anecdotes, interviews, exercises and prompts, and sage advice from all over the creative spectrum to help individuals slay their creative demons.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Make Up: Your Life Guide to Beauty, Style, and Success--Online and Off

by Michelle Phan

Michelle Phan has believed in makeup since the first time she was allowed to try eyeliner. When she looked in the mirror and saw a transformed version of herself looking back, she fell in love with the sense of confidence that makeup could give her. Ever since she posted her first makeup tutorial on YouTube, she has dedicated herself to inspire millions by using makeup as a tool for transformation and self expression. Now, Michelle has compiled all of her best wisdom into Make Up: Your Life Guide to Beauty, Style, and Success--Online and Off. From creating a gorgeous smoky eye to understanding contouring to developing an online persona, Michelle has advice to help you transform every facet of your life. Make Up is packed with Michelle's trademark beauty and style tutorials, stories and pictures from her own life, and advice on the topics she is asked about most, including etiquette, career, entrepreneurship, and creativity. From the everyday (such as how to get glowing skin) to the big picture (such as how to turn your passion into a profession), Make Up is a practical and empowering resource to help anyone put their best face forward.

Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life

by Patti Johnson

Make Waves encourages readers to step up and be the one to initiate change in their work and lives. Author Patti Johnson walks readers through the tools and techniques that they can use to create change in their own situations. Johnson elaborates on these tools even further to give readers a sense of how to encourage and instill these "wave-making" behaviors in others within their organization. Using several diverse case studies as illustrative examples, Make Waves highlights the important steps that individuals at any level can take toward positive change. By reinforcing readers' desires to contribute and make a difference, Johnson connects on an individual level and bridges the gap between that desire and the actions necessary to realize bigger changes. Change can be big or small. It is the act of stepping up that Johnson embraces, as well as the ripple effect on those around. Interviews with famous Wave Makers, as well as everyday people, illustrate why it is important to be the one to start change.

Make Your Mark: Getting Right What Samson Got Wrong

by Brad Gray

Wrestling with our calling in life is a fundamental struggle for just about everyone. Who are we supposed to be? How are we supposed to live? What are we supposed to do? These are all questions many of us grapple with. Surprisingly, the Samson narrative is one of the most instructive stories for helping us answer these questions. Often touted as a story about muscles, testosterone, and seduction, there is so much more to this ancient account. Employing all the best tools for interpreting the Bible today, Brad Gray unpacks the Samson story anew, giving us fresh insights into the universal callings of those desiring to live out God's fullest design for life. With passion, humor, and skill, Brad shows us how we can get right what Samson got wrong in order to flourish in our humanity, to make the most of the lives we've been given, and to leave a positive mark on our world.

Make Your Own Lunch

by Ryan Porter

Helping young people find their path to a successful future-with or without college College isn't right for everyone. And as tuition costs continue to rise, more and more young people-from straight-A students to the not-so-avid pupils-are choosing an alternative to the 4-year degree. Yet there is little support to help them find their track to a promising future beyond the classroom. Make Your Own Lunch empowers and guides young people as they search for their answer to the age-old question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Readers discover new ways to pursue their interests and gain experience through travel, philanthropy, and more.

Making Marks: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing

by Elaine Clayton

Through the simple act of drawing--whether it's doodling or creating detailed illustrations--embrace your inner voice and unlock the power of your intuitive intelligence.Do you remember being a child and the pure joy brought on by a box of crayons and piece of paper? Do you still find yourself sketching away every time you pick up a pencil? That's because drawing is a natural impulse that stays with us throughout our entire lives. Whether you are doodling in a notebook or carving your name in the sand, this simple, stream-of-consciousness activity is a window into your deepest, truest self. In Making Marks, you'll learn that every single line, smudge, or spot you make contains visual imagery with the power to heal the past, develop your sense of empathy, and reveal solutions and answers you never realized before. You don't need to have any specific experience or skills to benefit from this book; through simple steps and interactive exercises, people of all ages and artistic abilities can gain insight and learn to reconnect with their creative selves. With beautiful black-and-white and full-color illustrations, Making Marks is a powerful guide to self-discovery. Tap into your unconsciousness as artist and spiritual guide Elaine Clayton takes you on a journey of the soul.

Malalties del cor (Marato #2014)

by Varios Autores

La Marató de TV3 és un gran esdeveniment anual: un programa de televisió en directe de prop de catorze hores de durada, impulsat per TVC i la Fundació La Marató de TV3. El llibre de La Marató va néixer en l'edició del 2008, dedicada a les malalties mentals greus. Amb vuit relats de ficció sobre aquestes malalties, escrits per a l'ocasió per escriptors i escriptores catalanes, es va vendre a les llibreries des d'unes setmanes abans del programa i va ser tot un èxit, i va crear un nou pont de col·laboració entre La Marató de TV3 i el món cultural.El llibre, que cada any es dedicarà a les malalties protagonistes de "La Marató" de TV3, té un doble objectiu. D'una banda recaptar fons per a la recerca biomèdica. De l'altra, sensibilitzar sobre les malalties tractades en el programa. Els dos objectius són possibles gràcies a la col·laboració desinteressada dels escriptors i escriptores que hi participen i de les editorials que, amb la coordinació del Departament de Publicacions de TVC, fan possible que els seus relats es converteixin en un llibre que arribi als ciutadans. Per setè any consecutiu, El llibre de La Marató forma part d'aquest projecte solidari amb un recull de textos i il·lustracions d'autors i il·lustradors de prestigi que, de forma desinteressada han cedit els seus textos i dibuixos.Aquest el tema de la marató es les malalties del cor.

Mami,¡no quiero ser obeso!

by Alexandra Orozco

En nuestros países hispanos poco utilizamos la palabra obesidad; tal vez porque no nos sentimos obesos o no vivimos de cerca el problema. Pero el tema se ha convertido en una preocupante realidad cuando las estadísticas demuestran los altos índices de niños hispanos con sobrepeso en Estados Unidos y empieza a sentirse en los países de habla hispana. Me preocupa pensarlo y me atemoriza cuando miro a mi alrededor y encuentro que esas estadísticas sí coinciden con la realidad. Hace poco por mi trabajo tuve que estar en varias reuniones sociales a las que fui invitada; con gran sorpresa encontré que había mujeres muy delgadas y muy bien arregladas comentando todo el tiempo sobre belleza, sobre lo último en cirugía plástica, dietas, etc. , mientras tanto sus hijos daban vueltas alrededor de las mesas donde servían la comida, sirviéndose postres y pasabocas sin parar, otros jugando videojuegos y algunos, muy pocos, jugando algún tipo de deporte. Y fijándome al detalle encontré que sus hijos en su mayoría eran gordos y algunos estaban obesos. ¡Déjenme decirles que esto me aterró! A partir de esos días empecé a observar de una manera más aguda este fenómeno y cada vez que iba a restaurantes, centros comerciales, o parques, veía lo mismo. Me pregunto, ¿por qué ellas sí pueden mantener un peso normal y sus hijos no? Sería interesante saber la respuesta. ¿O por qué aquellas que están pasadas de peso tienen hijos que siguen su modelo? La respuesta es muy sencilla: estamos enfrentados a una generación de "Padres Permisivos”. Así como la generación de "Padres Autoritarios” nos dejó el temor, pareciera ser que esta época estuviera creando niños débiles y confundidos. Una manera de demostrarles el amor a nuestros hijos y que ellos sientan que nos preocupamos por ellos es a través de su alimentación. ¿Por qué? Porque su cuerpo forma parte integral de la armonía que debe tener cualquier ser humano. Esta armonía está distribuida en Cuerpo, Mente y Alma. El cuerpo es como la estructura de un edificio o la forma de una escultura que tiene que sustentar su autonomía. El papel que desempeña la nutrición o la forma de alimentarnos diariamente en nuestra vida es muy importante. Un adecuado estilo de vida es la mejor prevención de las enfermedades en la edad adulta y proporciona una correcta salud en las etapas del crecimiento. Debemos comprender y enseñarles a nuestros hijos que "Somos lo que Comemos”. .

The Man in the Mirror: Solving the 24 Problems Men Face

by Patrick M. Morley

Are you ready to trade the demands of the never-ending rat race for the timeless rewards of godly manhood? Join the millions of others who have turned to The Man in the Mirror as their go-to guide for over 30 years.In this updated and expanded edition of The Man in the Mirror, bestselling author Patrick Morley helps you overcome common roadblocks in the road to spiritual growth and chart a path toward becoming a better leader wherever you are--at home, in your workplace, and in your community.With its practical advice, thought-provoking questions, and biblical insights, The Man in the Mirror will challenge you to reflect on your life, identify your problem areas, and make the changes necessary to love God, yourself, and others better.Along the way, Morley addresses the questions he's asked the most often, including:How can I fix my broken relationships?How can I establish financial strength?How do I tackle pride, fear, and anger?How do I set priorities and decide what's important?Praise for The Man in the Mirror:"Every once in a while someone comes along and says what I've been trying to put into words for years. This is one of those books. It's Augustine for the twentieth century. Real. Honest. Hard-hitting. Taking on the dragons. Read this book at your own risk. It's a serendipity--one surprise after another."--Lyman Coleman, bestselling author"To 'walk your talk' as a successful businessman is a challenge very few meet. Pat Morley walks his talk. He is a successful businessman, and he brings his wisdom and experience to all of us in a very readable and understandable form in The Man in the Mirror. I encourage you to not only read this book but also practice its principles."--Ron Blue, managing partner, Ron Blue & Co.

Management: Top Secrets Of Highly Effective People On How To Acquire Habits To Increase Your Self-discipline And Poor Time Management (Brian Tracy Success Library)

by Brian Tracy

The strength of any organization is determined by the quality of its managers. What they do and how they do it is the key determinant of corporate success. Want to become invaluable to your company? Boost your managerial skills. The good news is that great managers are made...not born. When you discover what the most successful managers know, you will unlock the secrets to turning even ordinary employees into extraordinary performers. Now with this handy little book, success expert Brian Tracy reveals how anyone can easily: Set performance standards Delegate productively Define key result areas Concentrate attention and resources on high-payoff activities and eliminate distractions Hire and fire effectively Build a staff of peak performers Hold meetings that work Foster team spirit Communicate with clarity Negotiate successfully Remove obstacles to performance Set the right example Make good decisions quickly And more Filled with practical, proven techniques and tools, this essential guide shows you how to bring out the best in your people--and hit new heights in your own career.

Management Skills: Easy-to-Follow Lessons on Effectively Managing People (Idiot's Guides)

by David Rohlander

Being a manager is tough, and being a first-time manager is even tougher. Idiot&’s Guides®: Management Skills is a hands-on guide to helping managers of all experience levels survive and thrive in the often murky and difficult world of management. Readers of all skill levels will benefit from this book. First-time managers will learn how to make the transition from peer to leader, how to formulate their own management style, the basics of managing people, how to recruit and hire key talent, and how to communicate constructively. Experienced managers will benefit from proven advice and techniques to help fine-tune their skills and deal with many of the most common problems that every manager is confronted with—from hiring and firing, to dealing with problem employees, to motivating and inspiring employees to be self-driven and successful. Along the way, all readers will learn essential skills that will help them be more successful as a manager and employee.

Manifest Moment to Moment: 8 Principles To Create The Life You Truly Desire

by Tarun Tejpal Carrol McLaughlin

Imagine that you hold in your hands the power to change your reality—that you are capable of creating your highest vision and desire. In fact, you are. Manifest Moment to Moment is your guide to setting your intent, determining your soul mission, and realizing your most heartfelt longings. Hands-on and thought provoking, this book invites you to go within and unearth your unique, infinite possibilities. This information is imperative for anyone wishing to change the parameters of his or her life.Healer and inspirational teacher Tejpal and renowned professor and harpist Dr. Carrol McLaughlin have created eight principles, as well as practical exercises and tools, to enable you to begin successfully manifesting moment to moment. Discover your life purpose, and tap into your limitless potential to achieve your dreams. The place to begin is within. And the time to begin is now!

Mann ki Shakti: मन की शक्ति

by Maxwell Maltz

साइको साइबरनेटिक्स में 31 नुस्खे और मानसिक प्रशिक्षण अभ्यास शामिल हैं, जो डॉ. मॉल्ट्ज़ की सिखार्इ बातों पर अमल करने में आपकी मदद करेंगे। इससे आपको लगभग किसी भी लक्ष्य को जल्दी और आसानी से हासिल करने में मदद मिलेगी।

Manners That Matter Most

by Norah Lawlor June Eding

Etiquette is one of the most valuable assets a person can have: knowing how best to present yourself, and how to deal with others in a direct, effective manner, is paramount in all personal, professional, and social relationships. Manners That Matter Most seeks to resurrect the bygone customs of good manners and graceful style; all while updating and applying them to the modern age. Covering topics from introductions, greetings and thank-you's, to the etiquette of modern technology (including appropriate places and times to call and text), Manners That Matter Most is a valuable resource and a much-needed guide in our fast-paced world. Suitable for all readers in all social situations, Manners That Matter Most contains both the information and the support you need to gain and give more consideration in your social encounters. With an emphasis on graciousness and chivalry that lends the book its authoritative tone, Manners That Matter Most is the essential companion for anyone looking to put their best foot forward in any situation. Manners That Matter Most also includes: * Inspirational quotes on the importance of courtesy, respect and dignity * The 25 essential lessons everyone should learn to cultivate better manners * Tips for more effective communication with family, friends and co-workers Manners That Matter Most takes an old subject and presents it in a fresh and accessible way, as it reminds us why good practice in etiquette not only makes the practitioner look good, but enhances society as a whole. With Manners That Matter Most, the world opens up--and you know just what to say.From the Hardcover edition.

A Man's Way through Relationships

by Dan Griffin

An essential guide that centers on three core areas of men's relationships: self, others, and higher power/God, and offers readers the opportunity to complete exercises pertaining to each area.Dan Griffin, MA, is the author of A Man's Way through the Twelve Steps and co-author of Helping Men Recover. With two decades of experience in the mental health and addiction field, he is an international speaker and trainer and leads men's retreats throughout the country for treatment programs and in the twelve-step community.

Mantén vivo tu sueño: Lecciones de la vida de José

by Erwin W. Lutzer

Através de este interesante estudio de la vida de José, el autor Erwin W. Lutzer muestra a los cristianos de hoy cómo pueden... * aceptar su sueño como dado por Dios y lleno de fe * entender cómo un sueño puede ser destruido por el pecado * fortalecer su sueño y vivirlo * manejar las pruebas y dificultades que surjan a lo largo del camino Este recurso inspirador anima a los creyentes a buscar la guía y dirección de Dios a fin de mantener vivo su sueño. Through this engaging study of the life of Joseph, author Erwin W. Lutzer shows today's Christians how to: * embrace their dream as God-given and faith-filled * understand how a dream can be shattered by sin * nurture their dream and live it out * handle the tests and trials along the way This inspiring resource encourages believers to look to God for guidance and direction to keep their dream alive.

The Map of Heaven: A neurosurgeon explores the mysteries of the afterlife and the truth about what lies beyond

by Dr Eben Alexander III Ptolemy Tompkins

When Dr Eben Alexander wrote about his own startling near-death experience in Proof of Heaven, he was contacted by countless people from all walks of life. His story had touched them personally and they in turn had their own miraculous experiences of the afterlife to share with Eben. In The Map of Heaven, Eben recounts the astonishing stories he has heard on his travels, from near-death experiences and encounters with angelic beings to inspiring messages from departed loved ones. Each account helps us to understand just how vast the universe really is. Drawing on these accounts and lessons from religious leaders, philosophers and scientific investigations into the role of consciousness, Eben explores our true place in the universe and what exactly exists beyond death.

The Map of Heaven: A neurosurgeon explores the mysteries of the afterlife and the truth about what lies beyond

by Dr Eben Alexander III Ptolemy Tompkins

When Dr Eben Alexander wrote about his own startling near-death experience in Proof of Heaven, he was contacted by countless people from all walks of life. His story had touched them personally and they in turn had their own miraculous experiences of the afterlife to share with Eben. In The Map of Heaven, Eben recounts the astonishing stories he has heard on his travels, from near-death experiences and encounters with angelic beings to inspiring messages from departed loved ones. Each account helps us to understand just how vast the universe really is. Drawing on these accounts and lessons from religious leaders, philosophers and scientific investigations into the role of consciousness, Eben explores our true place in the universe and what exactly exists beyond death.

La mar de noches

by Raúl González Mar Montoro Sara Gonzalo

Todo lo que necesitas saber para disfrutar del sexo de forma sencilla y satisfactoria. ¿Te gustaría saber si estás enamorado? ¿Desearías conquistar a alguien? ¿Necesitas consejos para superar una ruptura? ¿Te preocupa la falta de libido? ¿No sabes si te gustan las personas de tu sexo? A diario escuchamos en los medios de comunicación diversas opiniones sobre el sexo y sus alrededores. Es muy fácil hablar de ello, pero ¿realmente se explican con profesionalidad los fenómenos químicos y pasionales que tienen lugar entre hombres, mujeres y viceversa? Mar Montoro, presentadora del programa radiofónico La mar de noches, y Raúl González y Sara Gonzalo, sexólogos, te ofrecen en La mar de noches consejos, trucos, soluciones a posibles problemas, o experiencias sobre la pareja, el deseo, la naturaleza masculina y femenina, y más# para que disfrutes de unas relaciones sexuales divertidas, fáciles y placenteras. Deja a un lado tus dudas y descubre todo aquello de lo que no te hablaron... y haz realidad cualquiera de tus fantasías.

A Maravilhosa Vida Após a Morte: Aventuras Adicionais em Do Outro Lado da Vida

by Richard Martini

"A Maravilhosa Vida Após a Morte: Novas Aventuras do Outro Lado da Vida". Minhas aparições públicas sempre trazem um pico às vendas dos livros, enquanto falo não apenas da minha jornada ao material, mas também dos relatos consistentes de que pessoas sob hipnose profunda e durante experiências de quase morte relatam sobre a vida após a morte. Eu fiz minhas próprias versões em áudio dos livros, assim como as publiquei, e recebo e-mails de todo o mundo de pessoas me agradecendo por ajudá-las no sofrimento. Portanto, esse gênero não é para todos, e recomendo considerar o material antes de fazer uma tradução. Tudo o que posso dizer é que é uma alteração da mente e, talvez, dê uma olhada em algumas das palestras do meu livro no YouTube sob MartiniProds, se você puder, para ter uma ideia de como essa pesquisa surgiu. Ele aborda várias áreas diferentes, da ciência (entrevistas com cientistas, neurocientistas) a transcrições reais de pessoas sob hipnose profunda, a entrevistas com pessoas que nunca foram hipnotizadas, não pensavam que poderiam ser, e ainda falam clara e conscientemente da perspectiva de estar do outro lado do véu, por assim dizer. Existem três livros e todos, mas "A Maravilhosa Vida após a Morte" volumes um e dois juntos, então há bastante material aqui. Uma tarefa assustadora para dizer o mínimo! Mas, ao final das contas, esse é o tipo de material que muda a vida de quem o lê e, talvez, de quem o traduz. Obrigado pela sua consideração.

Mark Twain on Common Sense: Timeless Advice and Words of Wisdom from America?s Most-Revered Humorist

by Stephen Brennan Mark Twain

Revered as one of America's greatest humorists and author of the "Great American Novel" (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), the words of Samuel Langhorne Clemens-more commonly known as Mark Twain-resonate as strongly today as they did when he wrote them more than a century ago. A close friend of Nikola Tesla and heralded by William Faulkner as "the father of American literature," Twain's wit, wisdom, and influence continues through the present day.Printer, typesetter, steamboat pilot, miner, reporter, journalist, author, inventor, humorist, investor, publisher, lecturer-Mark Twain was known as many things during his lifetime and has had at least as many titles thrust upon him since this death, but perhaps what he is best known for is being a source of good old-fashioned common sense. Whatever the topic-whether science and technology, life and love, history and culture, travel and exploration, civil rights and human rights, labor and politics, or ethics and religion-Twain had much to say and many ways to say it. Here, culled from his greatest novels, speeches, letters, conversations, and lectures is the best wisdom and advice-humorous, sardonic, and insightful as always.

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