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Klesh Rahit Jeevan - Novel: क्लेश रहित जीवन - कादंबरी

by Dada Bhagwan

तुम्ही जीवनात होणाऱ्या क्लेशांपासून थकून गेला आहात का? आणि चकित आहात की हे नवीन क्लेश कुठून बरे उत्पन्न होतात? क्लेश रहित जीवनासाठी तुम्हाला फक्त पक्का निश्चय करायचा आहे की लोकांसोबत असलेला व्यवहार तुम्ही समताभावे पूर्ण कराल आणि तेही त्यात यश मिळेल की नाही याची चिंता केल्याशिवाय. मग एक दिवस तुम्हाला तुमच्या जीवनात नक्कीच शांती लाभेल. जर बायको-मुलांसोबत अधिक गुंतागुंतीचे कर्म असतील तर त्यांचा निकाल करण्यात जरा जास्त वेळ लागतो. जवळच्या माणसांसोबत असलेला गुंता हळूहळू संपुष्टात येतो. चिकट कर्मांचा निकाल करतेवेळी तुम्हाला अतिशय जागृत राहावे लागेल. जर तुम्ही निष्काळजीपणा आणि आळस दाखवलात तर हा सर्व गुंता सोडवण्यात तुम्हाला अपयश मिळेल. जर कोणी तुम्हाला कटू शब्द बोलला आणि त्यावर तुमचीही जर कटू वाणी निघाली तरीही तुमच्या बाहेरील व्यवहार इतका महत्वपूर्ण नाही कारण तुमची घृणा समाप्त झाली आहे आणि तुम्ही समभावे निकाल करण्याचा दृढ निश्चय केलेला आहे. बदला घेण्याच्या सर्व भावनांपासून मुक्त होण्यासाठी तुम्हाला परम पूज्य दादाश्रींकडे येऊन ज्ञान घेतले पाहिजे. मी तुम्हाला मुक्त होण्याचा रस्ता दाखवेल. जीवनात थकलेली माणसे मृत्यूला का कवटाळतात? याचे कारण ते जीवनातील ताण-तनावाचा सामना करु शकत नाही. इतक्या अधिक ताण-तनावात तुम्ही किती दिवस जगू शकाल? किड्या-मुंग्याप्रमाणे आजचा मनुष्य निरंतर त्रासलेला आहे. मनुष्य जीवन मिळाल्यानंतरही कोणी दु:खी का असावे? संपूर्ण जग दु:खातच आहे आणि जो दु:खात नाही तो काल्पनिक सुखात हरवलेला आहे. या दोन टोकांमध्ये जीवत झुलत आहे. आत्मज्ञान प्राप्त झाल्यानंतर तुम्ही सर्व कल्पना आणि दु:खांपासून मुक्त व्हाल. दादाश्रींच्या या पुस्तकात क्लेश रहित जीवन जगण्याच्या चाव्या आणि योग्य समज देण्यात आली आहे.

Measuring Happiness: The Economics of Well-Being (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Joachim Weimann Andreas Knabe Ronnie Schob

An investigation of the happiness-prosperity connection and whether economists can measure well-being.Can money buy happiness? Is income a reliable measure for life satisfaction? In the West after World War II, happiness seemed inextricably connected to prosperity. Beginning in the 1960s, however, other values began to gain ground: peace, political participation, civil rights, environmentalism. “Happiness economics”—a somewhat incongruous-sounding branch of what has been called “the dismal science”—has taken up the puzzle of what makes people happy, conducting elaborate surveys in which people are asked to quantify their satisfaction with “life in general.” In this book, three economists explore the happiness-prosperity connection, investigating how economists measure life satisfaction and well-being.The authors examine the evolution of happiness research, considering the famous “Easterlin Paradox,” which found that people's average life satisfaction didn't seem to depend on their income. But they question whether happiness research can measure what needs to be measured. They argue that we should not assess people's well-being on a “happiness scale,” because that necessarily obscures true social progress. Instead, rising income should be understood as increasing opportunities and alleviating scarcity. Economic growth helps societies to sustain freedom and to finance social welfare programs. In this respect, high income may not buy happiness with life in general, but it gives individuals the opportunity to be healthier, better educated, better clothed, and better fed, to live longer, and to live well.

Rise of the Servant Kings: What the Bible Says About Being a Man

by Ken Harrison

The "how-to-get-it-right" book for today's Christian man--in marriage, family, work, friendships, with God in all of life. Men are hungry for authenticity and for sound and bold biblical teaching on true masculinity. Every day men ask themselves questions about how to be better fathers, husbands, friends, and men, but it's difficult to find satisfying answers. Rise of the Servant Kings explains that true masculinity is found in absolute surrender to God, which always results in humble character and is expressed in courage and generosity. When a man truly understands God's desires, he will naturally express godly masculinity, Ken Harrison weaves together his experiences as a police officer in one of the deadliest areas of the country, with many years as a business executive and ministry leader, to share deep truths for men direct from God's Word.

Small Guide, Big Journey: The Pocket Companion to a Conscious Life

by Beata Bishop

All of us have different ways of living our lives, but within that huge, rich bundle of possibilities some basic themes will always be present. These – family, relationships, stages of life, death and survival – have concerned humankind since the beginning of time, yet today we still have to find individual answers to the profound questions they pose.The purpose of this small guide is to shed light on the many important aspects of our shared adventure and to present new viewpoints and possibilities – and perhaps solutions to persistent problems of daily living. Regard it as an invisible but enthusiastic travelling companion whose great gift is to teach us to live consciously.

Pack Borja Vilaseca (contiene: Encantado de conocerme | Qué harías si no tuvieras miedo)

by Borja Vilaseca

Dos libros de Borja Vilaseca, el autor del momento. Conócete a ti mismo a través del Eneagrama y prepárate para el cambio de era. ¿A qué estás esperando? Súmate a la revolución. Qué harías si no tuvieras miedo El mundo para el que fuimos educados está dejando de existir. Somos una generación de transición entre dos eras: la industrial/analógica y la del conocimiento/digital. De ahí que no nos quede más remedio que reinventarnos, cuestionando las viejas creencias y consignas con las que fuimos condicionados. Lo más difícil consiste en vencer el miedo al cambio. Irónicamente, evitar el riesgo y permanecer en nuestra zona de comodidad es lo más arriesgado que podemos hacer. Ha llegado la hora de saltar al vacío y emprender la travesía por el desierto, descubriendo de qué manera podemos desarrollar unaprofesión útil, creativa y con sentido que aporte mucho valor añadido. Solo así lograremos gozar de ingresos económicos abundantes y recurrentes en esta nueva era. Encantado de conocerme Hay tantos caminos para conocerse a uno mismo como seres humanos hay en este mundo. Estar verdaderamente bien con nosotros mismos es una simple cuestión de sabiduría. Y aunque es cierto que puede aprenderse sin ayudas externas, existen algunas herramientas psicológicas que contribuyen a facilitar, profundizar y acelerar este proceso de autoconocimiento. El Eneagrama es una de ellas. Es como un manual de instrucciones de la condición humana mediante el que podemos comprender las motivaciones profundas muchas veces inconscientes que hay detrás de nuestras conductas y actitudes. A través de la descripción de nueve tipos de personalidad, nos ayuda a ir más allá del ego y a reconectar con nuestra verdadera esencia.

New Aging: Live Smarter Now to Live Better Forever

by Matthias Hollwich Bruce Mau Design

Aging is a gift that we receive with life--and in New Aging, the architect Matthias Hollwich outlines smart, simple ideas to help us experience it that way. New Aging invites us to take everything we associate with aging--the loss of freedom and vitality, the cold and sterile nursing homes, the boredom--and throw it out the window. As an architect, Matthias Hollwich is devoted to finding ways in which we can shape our living spaces and communities to make aging a graceful and fulfilling aspect of our lives. Now he has distilled his research into a collection of simple, visionary principles--brought to life with bright, colorful illustrations--that will inspire you to think creatively about how you can change your habits and environments to suit your evolving needs as you age. With advice ranging from practical design tips for making your home safer and more comfortable to thought-provoking ideas on how we work, relax, and interact with our neighbors, and even how we eat, New Aging will inspire you and your loved ones to live smarter today so you can live better tomorrow.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Life Is a Series of Presentations: 8 Ways to Punch Up Your People Skills at Work, at Home, Anytime, Anywhere

by Tony Jeary Kim Dower J. E. Fishman

Presentation Mastery Is the Key to Professional and Personal Success. As presentation coach to America's top CEOs, Tony Jeary has become known as Mr. Presentation . In his work with more than 500 world-class organizations in 35 countries, he has found a common denominator in every situation: Your success in life depends upon how you approach the millions of opportunities before you. And in this insightful and compelling book, Jeary reveals the eight simple secrets that you can put to work immediately to achieve dramatic results both at work and at home -- and everywhere else! Unless you're a hermit living on a mountaintop, your life largely consists of your interactions with the people around you. Whether you call them presentation skills or people skills, these eight essential practices will allow you to master any interaction, whether it involves a roomful of colleagues, a small group, or just one other person. You will learn to understand both why the eight essentials work as well as how they work, including: the single word that will convince 93 percent of your listeners every time the big question presenters consistently forget to ask themselves the 10 personality types you must be able to recognize and handle the firepower of your own Presentation Arsenal the magic behind the mnemonic I P R E S E N T. Engaging, informative, and loaded with useful anecdotes, this book will teach you easy-to-use skills that change the way you approach every situation and that will have an immediate impact on you, both professionally and personally. Because your life is a series of presentations.

Taming the Spirited Child: Strategies for Parenting Challenging Children Without Breaking Their Spirits

by Michael H. Popkin

Do you dread parent-teacher conferences? Does your child really know how to push your hot button? Has your child been labeled "defiant" or "rebellious"? Here are proven strategies that have helped millions to tame -- not break -- a spirited child. Parents are often faced with scary labels for their children, such as attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, bipolar disorder, or hyperactivity. In this uniquely prescriptive guide, leading parenting expert Dr. Michael Popkin shows parents how to think differently about so-called problem children. The effective strategies within this guide will quiet the difficulties spirited children have at home and school while exposing the unique, special gifts they possess. Develop a relationship with your spirited child by:-- Building relationship skills -- Disciplining with encouragement-- Balancing the power dynamic -- Curbing tantrums effectivelyWith step-by-step methods for every type of misbehavior and every child's unique personality, this comprehensive guide will help parents cultivate their child's spark, not extinguish it -- and reach beyond depressing labels for their beloved children.

Downsizing: Confronting Our Possessions in Later Life

by Professor David Ekerdt

As life unfolds, things tend to accumulate. When older adults undergo health, residential, and marital changes, they will face a reckoning with their lifelong store of possessions—special, ordinary, and forgotten. Such a predicament now confronts tens of millions of Americans as the Baby Boom cohort passes into retirement and beyond. Despite what a thriving industry of clutter manuals tells us, for most older adults, downsizing is no simple task.Drawing on in-depth interviews with recent movers in over a hundred diverse U.S. households, David Ekerdt analyzes the downsizing process and what it says about the meaning and management of possessions. He details how households approach and accomplish downsizing, exploring the decision-making process and the effectiveness of different strategies. From an expert gerontological perspective, he considers the cognitive, physical, emotional, and social tasks that the process entails and the role of factors such as gender and class on the divestment of things. Ekerdt finds that despite the fatigue and emotional challenges people encounter, afterward they report satisfaction in having completed a downsizing and feel empowerment on the other side of the task. Offering an empathetic and practical look at one of life’s major transitions, Downsizing brings forward the voices of elders so that older adults, their families and friends, and practitioners working with older clients can understand and benefit from their experience.

What Makes an Effective Executive (Harvard Business Review Classics: Ser.)

by Peter F. Drucker

In his sixty-five-year consulting career, Peter F. Drucker, widely regarded as the father of modern management, identified eight practices that can make any executive effective. Leadership is not about charisma or extroversion. It’s about these practices: Effective executives ask, "What needs to be done?” They also ask, "What is right for the enterprise?” They develop action plans. They take responsibility for decisions. They take responsibility for communicating. They focus on opportunities rather than problems. They run productive meetings. And they think and say "we” rather than "I.” Since 1922, Harvard Business Review has been a leading source of breakthrough ideas in management practice. The Harvard Business Review Classics series now offers you the opportunity to make these seminal pieces a part of your permanent management library. Each highly readable volume contains a groundbreaking idea that continues to shape best practices and inspire countless managers around the world.

Be the Gift: Let Your Broken Be Turned into Abundance

by Ann Voskamp

Be the Gift, by New York Times–bestselling author Ann Voskamp, will challenge and encourage you to listen to God and look for opportunities to be His gift to others.The idea that even in the depths of our own brokenness God can use each of us to be a gift to someone else is powerful—that He makes each of us enough to give to someone else. Just as powerful is the realization that in becoming God’s gifts to others, our lives become more abundant: “Maybe the only abundant way forward is always to give forward.” Ideas this powerful need to be put into action.Live out the messages in Ann’s bestselling books, The Broken Way and One Thousand Gifts, with Be the Gift, a practical guide that takes you through each day of the year with ways to bless those around you.Featuring selections from The Broken Way and Ann’s blog, beautifully designed quotations, inspirational verses, and Ann’s signature photography, this gorgeous book will be an incredible gift to any loved one. It also includes pages of perforated gift tags in the back to include with a meal dropped off for an ailing friend or a pie baked for a friendly neighbor or even passed to a friend with a much-loved book.One Thousand Gifts encouraged readers to live a life of thanksgiving and to chronicle the gifts from God in their everyday lives. The Broken Way reminded that freedom is not found beyond fear and pain, but within it. Now Be the Gift will unpack and chronicle the next step to really live in communion—opening ourselves up to givenness in spite of our brokenness.

Be Brilliant: How to lead a life of influence

by Janine Garner

Slow down, own who you really are and unleash your inner brilliance.You already have everything you need to become truly brilliant — to lead a successful, fulfilling life — even though it doesn’t always feel like it. When everything external to us is moving so quickly, we feel out of control and exhausted; we worry about what we don’t have or what we need more of; we seek solutions to band-aid our perceived imperfections and doubts. Crowded calendars and unending demands at home and work give us little time to look internally — though it is within each of us where the answers can be found. At a time when we suffer from unprecedented stress, comparison-itis and self-doubt, author Janine Garner asks us to slow down and turn our focus inward. She challenges you to take ownership of who you are and who you want to become, to rise above limitations, and unleash your brilliance within. <br style="background-attachment: scroll; background-clip: border-box; background-color: transparent; background-image: none; background-origin: padding-box; background-position-x: 0%; background-position-y: 0%; background-repeat: repeat; background-size: auto; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; -webki

How to Be a Well Being: Unofficial Rules to Live Every Day

by Andy Cope Sanjeev Sandhu James Pouliopoulos

Make the Most of Every Single Day Uncertainty, instability, pressure, anxiety and now pandemic pandemonium . . . the world is hell bent on robbing us of our wellbeing. It's time to fight back. Twenty-Two Rules for Life that Just work It's time to ditch the tired, old wisdom, and take life into your own hands. We've all fallen for the mantra that 'you only live once,' but it's a big fat lie. The truth is that you get to live – really LIVE – every single day of your life. Based on the wisdom of Positive Psychology, How to be a WELL BEING teaches you to: Strive toward your true potential Stop wasting time and start achieving Focus on what's truly important Rethink your thinking Find meaning and fulfillment Upgrade to YOU 2.0 It's time to raise your personal bar from mental health to mental WEALTH. 'Memento mori' – remember death. No more messing around. No more wasting time. A new world calls for new rules. It's time to re-focus on what's most important and to take massive strides towards your true potential. 'I forget what came before sliced bread, but whatever it was, this is better than that.' —Mylee from Swindon

Get Sh*t Done: The Ultimate Guide to Productivity, Procrastination, and Profitability

by Jeffrey Gitomer

Discover the lost secrets of accomplishment and achievement! Do you want to do more, accomplish more? Of course you do, everyone does. So, what’s stopping you? Get Sh*t Done not only shows you what’s preventing you from daily achievement, it provides the tools and the strategies to help you get to where you want to be. Get Sh*t Done is much more than just the title of this book, it’s the method that unlocks the secrets of accomplishment and achievement—the GSD Secret Formula. In this book, you will learn to identify and implement the elements of superior productivity, eliminate the causes of procrastination, and achieve the best possible outcomes in business and in life. This valuable guide gives you a comprehensive, step-by-step plan for achieving maximum productivity. Bestselling author and "King of Sales" Jeffrey Gitomer guides you through each aspect of the GSD process, from attitude, desire, and determination, to goals, productivity, resilience, and fulfillment. Engaging and easy to read, this book shows you how to discover the best ways to invest your time into productive and profitable actions—and feel great about your achievements. Using the proven, immediately-actionable GSD Formula, you’re on your way to: Doubling your achievements, your work habits, and your income Implementing simple shifts and simple actions that increase positive outcomes Recognizing the early warning signs of procrastination and reluctance Eliminating the major GSD distractions that hold you back Discovering how to select, set, and achieve your goals Get Sh*t Done: The Ultimate Guide to Productivity, Procrastination, & Profitability is a must-have resource for anyone who wants to never again say "I'll do it later" and just get it done.

Why We Do What We Do: Understanding Our Brain to Get the Best Out of Ourselves and Others

by Dr Helena Boschi

Practical tools and tips to lead a healthy and productive life The brain is the basis of everything we do: how we behave, communicate, feel, remember, pay attention, create, influence and decide. Why We Do What We Do combines scientific research with concrete examples and illustrative stories to clarify the complex mechanisms of the human brain. It offers valuable insights into how our brain works every day, at home and at work, and provides practical ideas and tips to help us lead happy, healthy and productive lives. • Learn about how your brain functions • Find out how emotions can be overcome or last a lifetime • Access your brain’s natural ability to focus and concentrate • Think creatively The thoughts you have and the words that you speak all have an effect on your neural architecture — and this book explains what that means in a way you can understand.

Die Kaffeebohne: Wie Sie sich entfalten und kraftvoll Ihr Leben verändern können

by Jon Gordon Damon West

Der Bestsellerautor Jon Gordon und der aufstrebende Star Damon West liefern mit "Der Kaffeebohne" eine illustrierte Fabel, die den Lesern beibringt, wie sie ihre Umwelt verändern, Herausforderungen meistern und positive Veränderungen bewirken können. Das Leben ist oft schwierig. Es kann hart und stressig sein und sich anfühlen wie ein Topf mit kochendem, heißem Wasser. Die Umgebungen, in denen wir uns befinden, können uns verändern, schwächen oder härter machen. Sie testen sozusagen, wer wir wirklich sind. Wir können wie die Karotte sein, die im Topf schwächer wird, oder wie das Ei, das hart wird. Oder wir können wie die Kaffeebohne sein und uns entfalten, das heißt die Kraft in uns entdecken, unsere Umwelt zu verändern. Das Buch von Jon Gordon und Damon West ist eine inspirierende Geschichte. Sie handelt von Abe, einem jungen Mann, der voller Stress und Angst ist, während er sich den Herausforderungen und dem Druck in der Schule und zu Hause stellt. Eines Tages, nach dem Unterricht, macht ihn sein Lehrer mit der lebensverändernden Lektion der Kaffeebohne bekannt. Diese kraftvolle Botschaft verändert die Art und Weise, wie er denkt, handelt und die Welt sieht. Abe entdeckt, dass er, anstatt sich von seiner Umgebung zum Schlechten verändern zu lassen, jede Umgebung, in der er sich befindet, zum Besseren verändern kann. Ausgestattet mit dieser transformativen Wahrheit begibt sich Abe auf eine inspirierende Reise, um sein Leben wie die Kaffeebohne zu leben. Wo auch immer sein Leben ihn hinführt, von der Schule, über das Militär bis hin zur Geschäftswelt, zeigt Abe, wie diese einfache Lektion die unaufhaltsame Kraft in jedem entfalten kann. "Die Kaffeebohne" ist eine wunderbare Schnelllektüre, die für Leser jeden Alters konzipiert wurde, so dass jeder von ihrer transformativen Lektion profitieren kann. Die im Buch enthaltene Weisheit hat, wenn sie gelesen und geteilt wird, die Kraft, unser Leben und die Welt um uns herum zu verändern. Man muss sich nur entscheiden: Bin ich eine Karotte, ein Ei oder eine Kaffeebohne?

Step Off!: My Journey from Mimbo to Manhood

by Dan Cortese

Recognized from Seinfeld and MTV, Dan Cortese now gives readers a personal and humorous look at the life and career of an American TV actor and host Fans of Veronica's Closet, MTV Sports, What I Like About You, 8 Simple Rules, and Castle will relish this exclusive account of Dan’s life and career. Step Off! is a hilarious look inside the eccentric experiences of a Hollywood favorite. He discusses life from his own honest, outrageous Hollywood perspective. Cortese shares the lessons he's learned—and a few he hasn’t—working on screen for over two decades as an American actor. He also reveals details about his most rewarding job: being a father. Step Off! is a side-splitting, heart-warming journey through Dan’s life and career, showing the hilarious and memorable aspects of acting, fame, and striving to be a super dad. Follow the actor’s path from working in a steel mill in Pittsburgh, to the rock-climbing "Mimbo" on Seinfeld, to his life as a father of three. You’re sure to laugh with this noteworthy celebrity book from Dan Cortese.

Work Together Anywhere: A Handbook on Working Remotely -Successfully- for Individuals, Teams, and Managers

by Lisette Sutherland Kirsten Janene-Nelson

“An excellent guide on how teams can effectively work together, regardless of location.” —STEPHANE KASRIEL, former CEO of Upwork IN TODAY’S MODERN GLOBAL ECONOMY, companies and organizations in all sectors are embracing the game-changing benefits of the remote work­place. Managers benefit by saving money and resources and by having access to talent outside their zip codes, while employees enjoy greater job opportunities, productivity, independence, and work-life satisfaction. But in this new digital arena, companies need a plan for supporting efficiency and fostering streamlined, engaging teamwork. In Work Together Anywhere, Lisette Sutherland, an international champion of virtual-team strategies, offers a complete blueprint for optimizing team success by supporting every member of every team, including: • Employees advocating for work-from-home options • Managers seeking to maximize productivity and profitability • Teams collaborating over complex projects and long-term goals • Organizations reliant on sharing confidential documents and data • Company owners striving to save money and attract the best brainpower Packed with hands-on materials and actionable advice for cultivating agility, camaraderie, and collaboration, Work Together Anywhere is a thorough and inspiring must-have guide for getting ahead in today’s remote-working world.

Before I Got Here: The Wondrous Things We Hear When We Listen to the

by Blair Underwood

NAACP Image Award–winning actor Blair Underwood collects the best of the profound words of America&’s children—including his own—in this touching collection perfect for sharing with loved ones.Blair Underwood, known to millions as a star of television and film, has delivered brilliant performances in Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker and as the voice of Makuu in Disney Channel&’s The Lion Guard, among others. But his proudest accomplishment is being a loving husband and father of three children who keep him in touch with the true meaning of life—not fame, but family. When Blair Underwood&’s young son told him the dream he had about &“the last night before there are no more mornings and no more nights,&” Underwood asked him, &“Who told you that?&” His son replied, &“God told me when he made me, but I only had one ear at the time, so I could only hear a little.&” Through conversations with family and friends, Underwood discovered how very often people have children who say things that have &“left them with their jaws on the floor.&” As a consequence, he and Donyell Kennedy-McCullough created a website as a destination for others to share their profound moments with children. The response from people all over the world was tremendous and led to the creation of Before I Got Here, a collection of the best of the conversations and stories from people&’s responses, revealing just how brilliant and spiritually in tune our children can be. Before I Got Here makes you smile in the tradition of Kids Say the Darndest Things, and inspires—with the wonderful photographs of children taken by coauthor Donyell Kennedy-McCullough—is a wonderful gift for ourselves and others, showing the inherent wisdom that children possess, with the power to astound us and change our lives.

Say Yes to What’s Next: How to Age with Elegance and Class While Never Losing Your Beauty and Sass!

by Lori Allen

Women today are facing so much uncertainty—about life and the future. The need to pivot is stronger than ever, but many of us feel powerless to change or simply don&’t know how to take that essential first step. For Lori Allen, business owner, breast cancer survivor, and star of TLC&’s Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta, these vital life lessons are the inspiration for her new book. Say Yes to What&’s Next is more than just a guide for our best tomorrows, it&’s the beginning of a life-makeover movement for women of all ages.Lori Allen&’s advice stems from the ups and downs of her personal life: from building one of the biggest and busiest bridal megasalons in the country to navigating her position in the sandwich generation and caring for a husband battling cancer during her breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Lori shares her life experiences with confidence, wisdom, and her signature humor to model how today&’s women—especially those of us approaching age fifty and beyond—can live out the coming years as the best of our lives. Whether you&’re feeling invisible, ignored, or like your voice doesn&’t matter, or you&’re simply uncertain about what&’s next, Lori offers advice on what to do, what not do, and how to see your way through the unexpected. In Say Yes to What&’s Next, Lori addresses crucial issues, such ashow to pivot, embrace the unexpected, and live out your passionhow to practice essential self-care that enriches your mind, body, and spirithow to make space for yourself and your priorities while still being a caring partner, parent, and friendhow to maintain a close circle of girlfriends at every age and stage of lifehow to take charge of your money and attain financial freedom and securitySay Yes to What&’s Next is a life makeover and therapy session all in one, as Lori helps women from all walks of life shape their futures with confidence, style, and sass. This is your opportunity to get real with yourself, to give yourself the truest form of self-care by putting yourself first. Discover your potential by saying yes to what&’s next.

God Walk: Moving at the Speed of Your Soul

by Mark Buchanan

Drawing on Jesus's example of walking, bestselling author Mark Buchanan explores one of the oldest spiritual practices of our faith. What happens when we literally walk out our Christian life? We discover the joy of traveling at the speed of our soul. We often act as if faith is only about the mind. But what about our bodies? What does our physical being have to do with our spiritual life? When the Bible exhorts us to walk in the light, or walk by faith, or walk in truth, it means these things literally as much as figuratively. The Christian faith always involves walking out, as again and again we find the holy in the ordinary. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, and then he was off. The most obvious thing about Jesus's method of discipleship, in fact, is that he walked and invited others to walk with him. Jesus is always "on the way," "arriving," "leaving," "approaching," "coming upon." It's in the walking that his disciples are taught, formed, tested, empowered, and released. Part theology, part history, part field guide, God Walk explores walking as spiritual formation, walking as healing, walking as exercise, walking as prayer, walking as pilgrimage, suffering, friendship, and attentiveness. It is a book about being alongside the God who, incarnate in Jesus, turns to us as he passes by--always on foot--and says simply, "Come, follow me."With practical insight and biblical reflections told in his distinct voice, Buchanan provides specific walking exercises so you can immediately implement the practice of going "God speed." Whether you are walking around the neighborhood or hiking in the mountains, walking offers the potential to awaken your life with Christ as it revives body and soul.

Fear Is Just a Four-Letter Word: How to Develop the Unstoppable Confidence to Own Any Room

by Tracy Tutor

From the first female real estate broker on Million Dollar Listing LA, a no-nonsense guide to analyzing big egos, deflecting power plays, and taking control of any room.Behind Tracy Tutor's on-screen persona is an uncanny knack for projecting confidence in the most intimidating of circumstances. The breezy, tough-talking, utterly inimitable businesswoman has rivaled her male co-stars to land increasingly high-profile deals in the world of LA real estate. Now, Tracy is leveraging her years of experience to write the go-to manual for any woman struggling to convince people she's in charge.If you get thrown off course by narcissistic personalities or freaked out by high-stakes situations, don't assume you're weak. When fear is running the show, you get wrapped up in your head and start missing important cues. Yes, the people you're dealing with seem scary, but they're more predictable than you think. Once you understand them, it's easy to push the right levers of influence to get what you want.Through candid, hilarious stories of her rise through a world of misogyny and cutthroat business dealings (text message screen shots from creeps included!), Tracy offers a crash course in the psychology of power dynamics and social signaling. You'll learn: • What five things you should always find out about someone before you meet them • How to choose the perfect outfit for an important meeting, even when dressing on a budget • When and how to use humor strategically to lighten the mood and command authorityThis book is a must-read for any ambitious woman who wants to win her next business confrontation before she even walks into the room.

We Are the Economy: The Buddhist Way of Work, Consumption, and Money

by Kai Romhardt

A no-nonsense Zen approach to our economic realities can change everything and help us regain our freedom. Is it possible to be personally fulfilled, and also make a difference within our current financial system? If you're skeptical, business coach and Zen practitioner Kai Romhardt proposes a minimalist, awareness-based strategy that totally reconfigures our core economic relationships: work, consumption, and money.How do we do that? We need to pause, breathe, and get in touch with our true intentions. Too often, we think of the economy as something outside of us, as beyond the scope of our individual choices. We're unhappy with how things are going, with unthinking growth that polarizes our world and condenses wealth at the top, but we don't know what to do. Romhardt argues that individuals who wield a sharp Buddhist mindset can, in fact, create change through personal decisions: when we can see in to society, and in to our constructs, we become empowered to choose deeply real and purposeful lives.

Bigger Better Braver: Conquer Your Fears, Embrace Your Courage, and Transform Your Life

by Nancy Pickard

"Nancy Pickard shows us how to override our fears, bust through our excuses, and go for our dreams. Filled with relatable stories, tried-and-true teachings, tools, tips, as well as useful exercises and meditations, this book supports you in stepping out of your old definition of self and re-thinking your next chapter." - Kelley Kosow, author of The Integrity AdvantageIn Bigger, Better, Braver, master integrative life coach Nancy Pickard challenges us with life-altering questions: Is there something you’d love to do but haven’t found the courage?Do you want to give yourself over to the fullest possible experience of living? Do you want to take a leap toward a bigger, better, braver life? Bigger Better Braver is a proven, step-by-step guide for executing the vision you have to live the life you are meant to lead. Enhanced with inspirational client and personal stories, it shows you how to get unstuck from old behaviors and take bold steps toward something new and larger in your life.The book is a journey, as Nancy lays out time-tested tools to face and overcome, get free of your comfort zone, cultivate fear as a force for change, and discover courage to take bold steps in the future. She teaches how to be more present, use your intuition, and stop living on autopilot. Chapters include: •Uncover Your Vision•Planning Your Leap•Understand Faith and Fear•Staying the Course, and more. Ms. Pickard proves her methods work. She reinvented herself as a master life coach, and climbed Mount Kilimanjaro at 61- experiences that became her vision for your bigger life. Not everyone must climb a mountain to live larger. Your bigger life can be anything that brings elation, accomplishment, fulfillment, and connection with the spirit of who you are. Bigger Better Braver provides the pathway to uncover your personal vision and opens the door for a major life change."Nancy’s step-by-step approach to change provides the puzzle pieces that create the inner foundation for successful outer change that is Bigger, Better and Braver. May you use this process to create the better story that your life is asking, and may that new story equip you to serve the world in the way that only you can." - Gail Larsen, author of Transformational Speaking

I Have Walked With the Living God

by Pat Robertson

A soul-searing chronicle of God&’s miracle power. Many know Pat Robertson as the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network whose programs have inspired faith in thousands of viewers. But Robertson&’s ministry extends beyond CBN: he founded Operation Blessing which continues to provide hunger relief, safe water, orphan care, disaster relief, medical care, and development to communities in every US state and in over ninety countries. Robertson also organized The American Center for Law & Justice which has protected the rights of pro-life demonstrators as well as religious groups and individuals. In this heartwarmingly honest account, Robertson gives you an inside look at his life and legacy, and shares about the power that dwells behind what&’s visible. Packed with explosive truths about the reality of God, I Have Walked With the Living God lays bare Robertson&’s deepest feelings about a God who brings miracles into the daily lives of those who trust Him. Discover what God can do when one hard-headed businessman meets the supernatural. You will learn how the miracles of the Bible can be yours today. Read this and you will never question the existence of God again! This book shows that a walk with God can be exhilarating, rewarding, and full of promise. Your fears will fade in the presence of the Living God.

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