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Authentic: How to be yourself and why it matters

by Stephen Joseph

The hunger for authenticity guides us throughout our lives. People strive for joined-up living, where on the one hand what they say and do reflects what they think and feel, and on the other what they think and feel reflects who they are.Stephen Joseph has pioneered developments in research into authenticity, drawing on the solid science of positive psychology to develop what has become one of the gold-standard tests for assessing authenticity. His and others' findings reveal that when people are in relationships in which they feel accepted, understood and valued, they drop their defences. They naturally begin to examine themselves psychologically, accommodate new information and live more authentically. What's more, the latest studies reveal that it is authenticity that leads to true happiness.In Authentic, Stephen Joseph presents his fresh and inspiring perspective on the psychology of authenticity alongside practical advice and exercises for the reader. Drawing on the wisdom of existential philosophers, the insights and research of psychologists, and case studies from his own and others' clinical experiences, he shows how authenticity is the foundation of human flourishing - as well as how the ideas relate to debates about the importance of happiness.

Caviar Dreams, Tuna Fish Budget: How to Survive in Business and Life

by Margaret Josephs

Pretty Mess meets #Girlboss in this part memoir, part entrepreneurial manifesto from The Real Housewives of New Jersey&’s &“Powerhouse in Pigtails.&”Margaret Josephs is a hustler. She&’s a tough cookie. She speaks her mind. She never leaves the house without lipstick on. She&’s also a devoted wife, mother, daughter, businesswoman, lifestyle expert, and fan-favorite star of the reality TV series The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Sounds pretty glamorous, right? Well, things are never exactly as they seem. Before she arrived where she is today, &“The Marge&” was born to young immigrant parents. Raised by a single party-girl mother who left her physically abusive father when she was one and a half, she was taught that it was more important to look good than to feel good. No structure. No rules. No blueprint for future success or stability. But like most people who struggle through atypical childhoods, destructive relationships, and career challenges, she forced herself to wake up every morning and put one high heel in front of the other, even if she didn&’t know where she was going. Margaret took the cards she was dealt and eventually turned them into a winning hand, and she wants to arm fans with the ability to do the same. In Caviar Dreams, Tuna Fish Budget, she&’ll talk about how to launch a lifestyle brand, how to work with family members, and how to be an uncompromising woman in a man&’s world. She also spills stories from her personal life about the son Real Housewives viewers don&’t know exists, the time Joan Rivers gave her the best advice she ever got, the rendezvous she had with a famous rock star, and the affair with her contractor that ended her marriage but gave her the happily ever after. Caviar Dreams, Tuna Fish Budget takes readers along Margaret&’s wild, bumpy journey to entrepreneurial success and reality TV fame, written in her trademark no-nonsense, tongue-in-cheek voice with the perfect combination of grit and glitz.

Liderança: Habilidades Definitivas Para Se Tornar Um Líder Influente E Tomar Grandes Decisões

by Michael Josephs

Liderar pode ser difícil. Pode mantê-lo acordado durante a noite, ou fazer com que você queira desistir da vida em sociedade para morar em uma caverna distante, bem distante. Se você acabou de receber uma posição de liderança, em breve irá descobrir que a realidade pode ser muito mais desafiadora do que dizem os livros didáticos. Se já assumiu essa posição há algum tempo e agora está lutando para mantê-la, talvez precise apenas relembrar os fundamentos que irão te dar suporte em momentos difíceis (além de ajudá-lo a manter seu emprego). Uma das piores mentiras que o Diabo vendeu a igreja, está relacionada a liderança e, infelizmente, nós compramos e promovemos essa ideia diabólica. A partir dela, líderes religiosos foram vistos como reis e comandantes militares, enquanto seus membros como escravos e soldados. Provavelmente por esse motivo, a igreja tem perdido a credibilidade. Neste pequeno livro, Dr. Olowosoyo procura concertar essa ideia equivocada. Adquira hoje mesmo.

Liderazgo: Habilidades Supremas Para Ser Un Líder Eficaz Para Influenciar Y Tomar Buenas Decisiones

by Michael Josephs

El liderazgo puede ser duro. Te puede mantener despierto en la noche. Puede hacer que desees renunciar a una vida en una sociedad civilizada y convertirte en un habitante de cuevas en una tierra muy, muy lejana. Si te acaban de dar un trabajo de liderazgo, pronto descubrirás que la realidad puede ser mucho más desafiante de lo que le dicen los libros de texto. Si has estado en el liderazgo durante un tiempo y tienes dificultades, tal vez lo que necesitas es recordar los aspectos fundamentales que te sostendrán en los momentos difíciles (y te ayudarán a mantener tu trabajo). Una de las peores falsedades que el diablo le vendió a la Iglesia está relacionada con el liderazgo. Y desafortunadamente, compramos y promovimos esa idea del diablo sobre el liderazgo. El resultado es que los líderes de la Iglesia se presentan como reyes, mientras que los miembros son los esclavos. Se presentan como comandantes militares mientras que los miembros son los soldados. Esta es probablemente la razón principal por la cual la iglesia ha perdido su salinidad. En este pequeño libro, el Dr. Olowosoyo intenta corregir ese error.

Managing Creativity: A Systems Thinking Journey (Systems Thinking)

by José-Rodrigo Córdoba-Pachón

For over a century, creativity has unfolded as a valuable field of knowledge. Emerging from disciplines like psychology, management and education, the field of creativity is making strides in others including the arts and engineering. Research and education in this field helped it establish an identity as evidenced by a growing number of courses and specialised journals. However, this progress has come with a price. In a domain like management, institutionalisation of creativity in learning, research and practice has left creativity subordinated to concerns with standardisation, employability and economic growth. Values like personal fulfilment, uncertainty, improvement and connectedness which could characterise systemic views on creativity need to be rescued to promote more and inclusive dialogue between creativity stakeholders. <P><P>The author aims to recover the importance of creativity as a systemic phenomenon and explores how applied systems thinking, or AST, can further support creativity. This demonstrates how creative efforts could be directed to improve quality of life for individuals as well as their environments. The book uses the systems idea as an enquiring device to bring together different actors to promote refl ection and action about creative possibilities. The chapters offer conceptualisations, applications and refl ections of systems ideas to help readers make sense of the field of creativity in academia and elsewhere. Complemented by the author’s own personal, conceptual and practical journey, the insights of the book will act as a vital toolkit for management researchers, career-driven students, practitioners and all creators to define and pursue creative ideas and thrive through their journeys to benefit themselves, other people and organisations.

The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume I

by John Joshua

This title discusses the phenomenon of smoking as a behavioural disease and the associated costs. The author details the consequences of smoking, in addition to the detrimental effects caused by second-hand tobacco smoke exposure as a health risk to children as well as to the general public. The central contribution of Joshua's work is to address these concerns in terms of the issues of free choice and the market. Considering the various restrictive policies designed to reduce smoking's prevalence, including the banning of smoking in public places, and the inclusion of warning labels on cigarette packets, Joshua carefully analyses potential economic remedies to the problem of smoking, notably the Pigovian tax. Finally, the book concludes with a highly relevant discussion of corporate social responsibility, and the role that this might play in anti-smoking projects. This is the first title in a four volume series 'The Economics of Addictive Behaviours', which consists of three further volumes on alcohol abuse, illicit drug abuse and overeating.

The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume II

by John Joshua

This title discusses the phenomenon of alcohol abuse as a behavioural disease and the associated costs. The author details alcohol's status as a psychoactive drug; he notes, however, that in contrast to other psychoactive drugs, alcohol has been widely culturally accepted in Western countries and legally available, except in isolated incidents for a short period of time. Joshua considers which policies are being correctly utilised so as to reduce the abuse of alcohol, and how these policies may operate on a supply and demand model. Whereas programs of prevention and treatment operate on the demand side of alcohol abuse, legislation is directed at the supply side of alcohol; that is, dealing with marketing - product, promotion, point of sales and price. This is the second title in a four volume series 'The Economics of Addictive Behaviours', consisting of three additional volumes on smoking, illicit drug abuse and overeating.

The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume III

by John Joshua

This title offers an in-depth analysis of the causes, consequences and treatments of illicit drug abuse. The author examines the effects of existing drug policies and proposes drug use legalisation within a regulated market as a viable alternative. Joshua assesses the factors that make individuals vulnerable to drug abuse and the pathways they may follow. As well as exploring the physical and psychological effects on the individual, Joshua examines the social and economic consequences for society. He highlights the pitfalls of a purely legal approach to drug abuse, which is primarily a health matter, and questions whether special drugs courts could be used as an alternative to the present criminal justice system. This book adds to the debate on whether most drugs could be sold in a regulated market in the same way as other drugs are, such as alcohol or nicotine. This is the third title in a four volume series 'The Economics of Addictive Behaviours', consisting of three additional volumes on smoking, alcohol abuse and overeating.

Die Unendlich-Stolz-Formel: Tu, was du nicht kannst

by Markus Jotzo

Unendlich Stolz ist man, wenn man etwas getan hat, was man nie zuvor erträumt hat, nie zuvor gemacht hat. Verlassen Sie die eingetretenen Pfade, Ihre Komfortzone, um neue Erfahrungen zu machen. Gehen Sie gleich auf die Überforderungszone, so wachsen Sie über sich hinaus. Es gehört Mut dazu. Markus Jotzo fordert Sie auf, Ihre Komfortzone zu verlassen und die normale Forderungszone zu überspringen - und sich direkt in die Überforderungszone zu katapultieren. Was einen da erwartet, ist schon eine Nummer aufregender: Der Leser soll dort seine eigenen Lebensträume, kleine oder große, die schon lange in ihm schlummern, ohne Umwege direkt in Angriff nehmen. Anders gesagt: Er soll das tun, was er noch nicht kann. Und sich damit bewusst dem Scheitern aussetzen. Der Effekt: das schnellste Lerntempo, das möglich ist. Und am Ende: unbändiger Stolz. Der Ratgeber von Markus Jotzo ist ganz und gar ungewöhnlich. Er geht über die gängigen Mut-Bücher hinaus. Radikal, erfrischend, gespickt mit Anekdoten und Geschichten. Die Unendlich Stolz-Formel kann jeder erreichen, mit dem, was er nie zuvor gemacht hat.

Vestidos para el Rey: Dios quiere que Su pueblo se vista con confianza, tenga una apariencia agradable y saludable para Él

by Ellen Joubert

A través del Conocimiento Construimos Nuestra Confianza. ¡Con Confianza Superamos Todas las Mentiras del Diablo! Como una cristiana nacida de nuevo, Ellen Joubert dio su vida a nuestro Señor Jesucristo siendo una joven mujer. En 1999, el Espíritu Santo le reveló que ella estaría escribiendo libros en el futuro. Después de dieciocho años de preparación, el Señor le ha asignado la tarea de ‘construir la confianza de Su pueblo’. En 2017, Dios le reveló que a través de la escritura de libros y charlas motivacionales, ella ayudará a construir la confianza de Su pueblo. ¿Quiénes son el pueblo de Dios? Todos en esta tierra. Incluso aquellos que aún no se han dado cuenta. El enemigo de este mundo, Satanás, está atacando al pueblo de Dios y especialmente a las mentes de los niños con mentiras como que son indignos, no amados, feos y no pertenecen. Este libro contiene algunas grandes verdades de la Palabra de Dios sobre cuán maravillosamente fuiste hecho y cómo perteneces a un amoroso Padre Celestial que quiere guiar tu vida. Él quiere que tengas tu confianza en Él, espiritualmente, en el viaje de tu vida y en ti mismo. Dios no solo quiere que estés bien espiritualmente, sino también en todos los niveles de la vida, incluido tu semblante, apariencia, mentalidad y salud. A través del conocimiento construimos confianza, y con confianza, superamos todas las mentiras y obstáculos del diablo en la vida. Como un bono adicional, recibirás una "Guía de Estudio de Cinco Semanas" al final del libro, que puedes completar por tu cuenta, como familia, en un Grupo de estudio bíblico o mediante un Grupo de conexión. Lee el testimonio de Ellen en este libro sobre cómo Dios la guió a escribir libros para mostrarle a Su pueblo cómo mejorar su apariencia y su semblante para Él. Este libro Cristiano muestra la prueba bíblica de por qué nuestro semblante y apariencia son importantes para el Señor. Sus libros publicados ‘E

The Preacher, His Life and Work: and Being a Minister of Fine Christian Character

by John Henry Jowett

“Experienced preacher John Henry Jowett shares advice to those aspiring or new to the ministry; how to deliver sermons that resonate, the scholarly aspects of the work, and adeptly providing spiritual counsel to those in need.As a veteran member in God's service, Jowett understood where the minister's attentions should be directed; mastering the sermon - such as through delivering moral and thought-provoking Biblical anecdotes - is but one aspect of a preacher's job. Achieving consistency upon the pulpit and in daily life is a matter not merely of study and practice, but of an authentic devotion cultivated alone with God. Preserving one's moral and intellectual integrity is both a scholarly study and a constant effort.The author proscribes a series of exercises and examples which will help the preacher improve in his role and avoid common pitfalls. Excessive routine and commonality in the preacher's life, and the gradual loss of the emotional core of the work, are cautioned against. While Jowett does not delve deeply into the thematic construction of sermons his work is an excellent companion, as he divulges advice on general good practice and lifestyle often overlooked by more technical guides.”-Print ed.

Easy Does It, Mom: Parenting in Recovery

by Barbara Joy

Every mom wants to succeed. Every child also wants to succeed. In Easy Does It Mom, Barbara Joy provides moms with positive encouragement, knowledge, and tools they can begin using immediately as they continue their recovery and move toward being the best moms they can be. Joy relies on experts with degrees and experts with "mom" behind their name. For more than ten years, Barbara Joy has worked with moms in recovery from alcoholism and other addictions. She knows what works. Plus she includes reallife stories and strategies from the moms and children she works with. The reader is guided by a professional and encouraged and inspired by moms who have "been there, done that." Because moms in recovery feel more safe and secure in a familiar and consistent environment, each chapter begins with an encouraging saying and ends with a writing activity plus between four to eight clear and concise keys are presented in the chapter -- an ataglance tools reference section. For moms in recovery, Barbara says, " Other than your recovery, I believe that parenting is the most important job you'll ever do. It may also very well be the hardest job you'll ever do. And, for sure, the most rewarding "

Easy Does It, Mom: Parenting In Recovery

by Barbara Joy

Every mom wants to succeed. Every child also wants to succeed. In Easy Does It Mom, Barbara Joy provides moms with positive encouragement, knowledge, and tools they can begin using immediately as they continue their recovery and move toward being the best moms they can be. Joy relies on experts with degrees and experts with "mom" behind their name. For more than ten years, Barbara Joy has worked with moms in recovery from alcoholism and other addictions. She knows what works. Plus she includes real-life stories and strategies from the moms and children she works with. The reader is guided by a professional and encouraged and inspired by moms who have "been there, done that." Because moms in recovery feel more safe and secure in a familiar and consistent environment, each chapter begins with an encouraging saying and ends with a writing activity plus between four to eight clear and concise keys are presented in the chapter -- an at-a-glance tools reference section. For moms in recovery, Barbara says, " Other than your recovery, I believe that parenting is the most important job you'll ever do. It may also very well be the hardest job you'll ever do. And, for sure, the most rewarding!"

Moms to Moms: Parenting Wisdom from Moms in Recovery

by Barbara Joy

&“These pages offer a community of compassion . . . Joy masterfully weaves engaging stories from moms . . . with the threads of her own wise guidance.&”—Mary Anne Radmacher, author of Lean Forward into Your LifeBeing a mom is one of the hardest and most important jobs a woman can have. Being a mom in recovery is even more challenging. In Moms to Moms, counselor Barbara Joy shares the stories, advice, and inspiration from more than 60 mothers in recovery from across the United States who have struggled with addiction. These are women of all ages, races, and religious affiliations who candidly share their experiences: the challenges of being a mom in recovery, the values they want to teach their children, and their fears, struggles, and accomplishments. This is a book that offers help and hope to busy, stressed out moms in recovery; a book they can turn to again and again to find inspiration, comfort, and advice. Joy offers evaluation tools and strategies for positive parenting, journaling activities for reflections, and affirmations designed to relieve stress and reinforce positive behavior.&“Being a mom is living a role. What every woman wants and needs is an authentic life of her own. So read and learn how to find your life and give birth to your new self.&”—Bernie Siegel, M.D., #1 New York Times bestselling author of Love, Medicine and Miracles&“This book is raw and real, yet loving and gentle. You will feel understood, validated, and inspired by Joy&’s wisdom and practical advice. You will want to read this book cover to cover and then keep it on your nightstand for continuous inspiration.&”—Jane Nelsen, author of Serenity and Positive Discipline

John Wesley’s Awakening

by James Richard Joy

John Wesley (1703-1791) was an English cleric, theologian and evangelist who was a leader of a revival movement within the Church of England known as Methodism. The societies he founded became the dominant form of the independent Methodist movement that continues to this day.“The old-time, narrow, sectarian view of Wesley as the Founder of Methodism, and therefore the patron-saint and peculiar property of one denomination, dispraised and undervalued by all others, has largely given way to the world-view which ranks him with the major prophets, apostles, and saints of all time. His tablet is in Westminster Abbey, with the memorials of monarchs, statesmen, empire-builders, philanthropists, and men of letters. The scholars of two continents have begun to recognize him as belonging in the grand succession of Saint Paul, Saint Augustine, Martin Luther, and John Wesley—the great awakeners of the human soul—themselves awakened by the touch of God.“This book owes its existence to a call for something which should present in brief compass and in non-theological language the personality and work of John Wesley, with special reference to the spiritual experience at Aldersgate, which marked the turning-point in his career.”

Getting Relationships Right: How to Build Resilience and Thrive in Life, Love, and Work

by Melanie Joy

Relationships are complicated. Yet it's an unfortunate reality that while most of us have to learn complex geometry that we'll probably never use, we don't get a single formal lesson in how to relate to others. In this one-stop guide, psychologist Melanie Joy reveals the common psychological dynamics that underlie all kinds of relationships—with a romantic partner, friends, family members, colleagues—in short, with anyone in any situation. Understanding these dynamics will help you make all your relationships healthier and more resilient. Relationships are like bodies: they get sick when their immune system is weaker than the germs that stress them. Drawing on the most relevant research as well as on her own extensive experience as a psychologist, Joy explains how to strengthen your relational immune system to resist not only interpersonal stressors but also largely invisible yet potentially devastating societal stressors like racism and sexism. With this understanding, you can cultivate relationships that consistently reflect core moral values and honor the dignity of everyone involved. Resilient relationships are not only a source of joy and fulfillment for those who are in them, they also support the thriving of the organizations and communities of which we all are a part.

St. Bernadette Soubirous: 1844-1879

by John Joyce Abbé François Trochu

ST. BERNADETTE SOUBIROUS is a two-fold story: that of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes, France in 1858, as well as of the 14-year-old peasant girl--raised in dire poverty and unable to read--to whom Our Lady appeared. But more, it is also the story of St. Bernadette's hidden life as a seemingly ordinary nun in her convent at Nevers, where she reached such holiness that after her death, God saw fit to preserve her body incorrupt--as it remains to this day!Beautifully set forth in this book are St. Bernadette's childhood and life at home, her character--honest, intelligent and straightforward--her description of Our Lady, the events surrounding the 18 apparitions, the opposition of the civil authorities, and the shrine and miraculous spring at Lourdes. Also described are Bernadette's life in the convent, where she suffered a martyrdom in body and in soul.

Codependent Discovery and Recovery 2.0: A Holistic Approach to Healing and Freeing Yourself

by Mary Joye

Learn how to overcome codependency with a holistic approach and reinvent yourself in a positive, powerful way.Learn how to overcome the toxic thinking and behaviors of codependency with this unique book&’s meditations, affirmations, and inner child healing exercises for personalized healing. Each meditation has a YouTube recording for you to listen along with. By using cognitive behavioral tools, Codependent Discovery and Recovery 2.0 will help you change no matter where you fall on the codependency spectrum. It is possible to reinvent yourself in a positive way and the power is in your hands.

Developing Supersensible Perception: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds through Entheogens, Prayer, and Nondual Awareness

by Shelli Renée Joye

A detailed guide to awakening your powers of supersensory perception • Details methods and techniques for the acquisition of supersensory powers distilled from Rudolf Steiner’s 400 published volumes and from Patañjali’s Yoga Sutra • Explores acquisition of these powers at birth (genetic) and through entheogens, mantra and prayer, effort and exercise, and nondual meditation • Includes a map of consciousness based on the work of neuroscientist Karl Pribram and physicist David Bohm According to philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), there exists within every human being the potential for developing supersensory powers and, with these powers activated, the ability to awaken the higher self and attain knowledge of non-physical higher worlds. Steiner himself worked diligently throughout his life to develop his faculties of “supersensible perception” and, scattered throughout his many works, he describes methods by which to activate and operate these supersensory-cognitive systems. Distilling techniques from Steiner’s more than 400 published volumes, Shelli Renée Joye, Ph.D., presents a practical, modern approach to acquiring, cultivating, and maintaining supersensible perception and developing higher consciousness. The five approaches she studies include acquisition by birth (genetic), entheogens, mantra and prayer, effort and exercise, and Samadhi--equated by many with nondual awareness. Adding another dimension to Steiner’s methods, the author shows how these steps are powerfully aligned with 4th-century South Indian sage Patañjali’s teachings in the Yoga Sutra. The author explores how to develop what you have acquired through imaginative, active, or intuitive thinking, as well as how to learn through inner guidance and how to transform knowledge gained from books into spiritual advancement. She also shares her own extraordinary experiences of supersensory networks of consciousness. Connecting Steiner’s ideas to modern advances in quantum physics, psychedelic science, and consciousness studies, Dr. Joye shows how each of us is capable of developing supersensible perception and expanding our awareness to connect with cosmic consciousness.

Tantric Psychophysics: A Structural Map of Altered States and the Dynamics of Consciousness

by Shelli Renée Joye

• Explores how esoteric teachings from India and Tibet offer specific methods for tuning and directing consciousness to reach higher stages of awareness • Presents a wide-ranging collection of practical techniques, as well as numerous figures and diagrams, to facilitate navigation of altered states of consciousness and heightened mystical states • Develops an integrated structural map of higher consciousness by viewing Tibetan and Indian Tantra through the work of Steiner, Gurdjieff, Teilhard de Chardin, Aurobindo Ghose, and quantum physicists Planck and Bohm Throughout the millennia shamans, saints, and yogis have discovered how the brain-mind can be reprogrammed to become a powerful instrument facilitating access to higher states of consciousness. In particular, the written Tantric texts of India and Tibet describe, in extraordinarily precise detail, interior transformations of conscious energy along with numerous techniques for stimulating, modulating, and transforming consciousness to reach increasingly higher states and stages of awareness. In this in-depth examination of esoteric Tantric practices, Shelli Renée Joye, Ph.D., presents a wide-ranging collection of psychophysical techniques integrating Tibetan Vajrayana and Patanjali&’s Yoga to induce altered states of consciousness for the exploration of heightened mystical states. Sharing numerous figures and diagrams, she shows how these theories and techniques are not only fully supported by modern biophysics, brain science, and quantum physics but are also in line with the work of Rudolf Steiner, G. I. Gurdjieff, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Aurobindo Ghose, Max Planck, and David Bohm. The author also shares insights from her own personal practices for consciousness exploration, which include prayer, mantra, emptying the mind, psychedelics, yoga, and visualization of interior physiology. Offering a structural map of the dynamics of consciousness, Joye reveals that one can develop new ways of tuning and directing consciousness to reach extraordinary modes of being and intense levels of lucid awareness, the requisites for the direct exploration of supersensible dimensions and sailing in the ocean of consciousness.

This Dream Is Not for You: Learn to Live by Letting Go

by Wade Joye

Christian speaker and Bible teacher Wade Joye pushes back against the dominant self-help teaching of the day—to follow your dreams—and encourages us to let go and surrender our lives to God in order to truly live. &“Follow your dreams&” is the self-help message of our day. In our schools and universities, media, and culture, and even in church, we are taught to dream big, work hard, and find true happiness in living our dreams. And so we spend our lives chasing. But as we chase our dreams, we can be met with exhaustion, anxiety, and disappointment. Our circumstances may put our dreams in jeopardy, or even deny them—and we&’re heartbroken. Or we achieve them and just want more. Wade Joye offers here a different way. Release your grip on your dreams and trust God with your whole life. Joye shows that by letting go we are freed from the pressure to secure some ideal, unattainable life, and instead become open to God and his plans. Living a life of daily surrender to God&’s purpose we begin to see glimpses of God in our present circumstance, as he shows us that he, more than anyone, can be trusted. With deep wisdom, frank teaching, and a pastor&’s heart, Wade guides readers step-by-step to the place of letting go, the place where we find real life.

I'm Just a DJ But... It Makes Sense to Me

by Tom Joyner Mary Flowers Boyce

A memoir of Tom Joyner's life in radio.

Todos podemos cambiar al mundo

by Juan David Aristizabal Ospina

Juan David Aristizábal, elegido por la revista Forbes como uno de los 30 emprendedores sociales jóvenes más destacados de la actualidad, revela las claves para dar el primer paso y transformar el mundo. <P><P>El mundo está lleno de buenas ideas que han surgido con el propósito de transformar la sociedad y también de personas que aún no saben cómo hacerlas realidad. <P><P>Juan David Aristizábal es uno de los jóvenes emprendedores más reconocidos de Colombia y en este libro revela las claves para construir un proyecto, atreverse a dar el primer paso y aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades que nos brinda vivir en la era digital.

A Inteligência Emocional Aprenda a Tirar O Máximo Proveito

by Juan Moises de la Serna Fabiana Rodrigues Castelo Branco

Se algo foi dito nos últimos anos no campo da Psicologia tem sido no que diz respeito à Inteligência Emocional, a princípio como um desenvolvimento da área de estudo das emoções humanas e suas implicações na vida, para então adquirir um papel predominante em áreas tão importantes como a educação ou a empresa, e tudo isso graças aos benefícios observados, que ela causa tanto no desempenho como na satisfação com a vida por quem cultiva a Inteligência Emocional. Este ebook trata de oferecer uma aproximação para as últimas pesquisas no campo da Inteligência Emocional, aproximando-se tanto a sua definição e consequências, mas sobretudo, como isso pode ser aplicado na vida cotidiana para obter os maiores benefícios possíveis. Um caminho necessário, o de cultivar a Inteligência Emocional, que será vista como imprescindível quando você finalizar a leitura deste ebook.

Emotional Intelligence: Learn to get the most of your emotions

by Juan Moises de la Serna Alexandra Jimenez

Learn how to get the most out of it. If something has been talked about in recent years in the field of Psychology it has been about Emotional Intelligence, at first as a further development of the area of study of human emotions and their implications in life, to then acquire a predominant role in such important areas as education or business, and all this thanks to the benefits that have been observed that causes both performance and satisfaction with life by those who cultivate Emotional Intelligence. This ebook tries to offer an approximation to the latest research carried out in the field of Emotional Intelligence, where to approach both its definition and consequences, but above all how it can be applied in everyday life in order to obtain the greatest possible benefits. A necessary path, to cultivate the Emotional Intelligence that will be essential once you have finished reading this ebook.

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