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Showing 18,401 through 18,425 of 36,733 results

The Woman God Loved: The Life of Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey

by Glenn Kittler

First published in 1959, this is the fascinating biography of Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey (1779-1851), a French nun who founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny. Widely regarded as an outstanding religious figure of the 19th century, Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey was the foundress of the order of Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny. Venerated in the Roman Catholic Church, she was also known as the Liberator of the Slaves in the New World, and as the mother of the town of Mana, French Guiana.Her legacy lives on today, with close to 3,000 Sisters serving in over 60 countries, including the United States, Canada, India and Ireland on behalf of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny.“Imagine a Mother Teresa in the France of Napoleon’s day and you will have a picture of Anne-Marie Javouhey. Nanette, as she was called, was a “velvet brick,” a thin layer of gentleness covering her determined core. A competent leader, Nanette dominated every scene in her adventurous life.”—Loyola Press

That's China

by Mark Kitto

One of the better known entrepeneurs of his generation in China.' -- New York Times. British entrepeneur's gripping, thriller-esque memoir about his daring attempt to force open China's closed media sector. For seven roller coaster years, Kitto outwitted powerful competitors and jealous partners to build the most profitable and popular English language publishingbusiness in China since 1949. No foreigner in modern times has come so close to the heart of the Chinese propaganda machine on his own terms. Not even Rupert.

Men's Work: How to Stop the Violence That Tears Our Lives Apart

by Paul Kivel

In his ground-breaking work, author Paul Kivel helps men confront the political, social, and personal forces that generate and reward misogyny, hatred, anger, and violent behavior.Sexual harassment, child abuse, incest, rape, murder, war--it's impossible today to hear a news report and not be informed of violent acts perpetrated by men. Acknowledging that there are no easy answers to the problem of male violence--particularly in a world that seems to thrive on aggression and physical force--Men's Work reaches straight to its root causes. In his ground-breaking work, author Paul Kivel helps men confront the political, social, and personal forces that generate and reward misogyny, hatred, anger, and violent behavior. Combining years of personal study and reflection with his work with men in the Oakland Men's Project, Men's Work presents an innovative and workable approach to stopping male violence. Kivel shows men how to reclaim the power and responsibility needed to unlearn the lessons of control and aggression.Paul Kivel is a nationally known expert on men's issues. Through his work at the Oakland Men's Project, he helps men confront and change violent behaviors and teaches alternatives to violence in their relationships. He also trains teachers, therapists, probation officers, and agency staff who work with men, exploring such topics as male/female relationships, alternatives to violence, family violence, and sexual assault. Kivel resides in Oakland, California.

Soil Sisters

by Lisa Kivirist

Women in agriculture are sprouting up in record numbers, but they face a host of distinct challenges and opportunities. Blending What Color is Your Parachute-style career advice with sustainable agriculture practices viewed through a gender lens, Soil Sisters provides a wealth of invaluable information for fledging female farming entrepreneurs.The first manual of its kind, this authoritative and comprehensive blueprint presents practical considerations from a woman's perspective, covering everything from business planning to tool use and ergonomics to integrating children and family in farm and field operations. Key topics include: Finding your niche: mid-life encore careers, younf and beginning, Boomerangs, and more From concept to crop: diversified farm start-up basics Resources, grants, and loans available especially for women farmers.Soil Sisters also contains case studies, inspirational ideas, and savvy advice nuggets from over one hundred successful women farmers and advocates. Targeted specifically to members of the fastest-growing demographic in local agriculture, this highly readable guide is practical and pragmatic "Chick Lit" for today's food scene. Lisa Kivirist is Senior Fellow, Endowed Chair in Agricultural Systems at the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture and a national advocate for women in sustainable agriculture. She founded and directs the Rural Women's Project of the Midwest Organic Sustainable Education Service, an award-winning initiative championing female farmers and food-based entrepreneurs. Together with her husband, John Ivanko, Lisa is co-author of Homemade for Sale, Farmstead Chef, ECOpreneuring, and Rural Renaissance. Lisa and her family run Inn Serendipity Farm and Bed & Breakfast, completely powered by the wind and sun in the rolling green hills of southern Wisconsin.

In Sickness as in Health

by Barbara Kivowitz Roanne Weisman

For those who find themselves at the intersection of lifetime love and overwhelming obligation, the right path is often painful and difficult to find. When illness invades the couple relationship, partners ask themselves and each other some really hard questions: "What do I want to do for this person whom I have loved for many years?" "How much of my life do I give up to take care of my beloved?" "How do I sit by my beloved's side and watch her suffer?" While writing In Sickness as in Health, authors Barbara Kivowitz and Roanne Weisman learned through interviews with many couples, as well as with medical, spiritual, legal, rehabilitation and psychological experts, that couples find their own ways to deal with illnesses and catastrophic injuries.

El cuadrante del flujo del dinero: Guía del Padre Rico hacia la Libertad Financiara

by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Un libro para todos aquellos que no desean seguir atados a la seguridad laboral; para las personas que están listas para realizar cambios trascendentales en el mundo en el que vivimos, donde la información es indispensable para conquistar la libertad financiera. De Robert T. Kiyosaki, autor de Padre Rico, Padre Pobre, el libro #1 de finanzas personales. Este libro te revelará por qué algunas personas trabajan menos, ganan más, pagan menos impuestos y se sienten más seguras financieramente que las demás. La respuesta es sencilla: se trata de saber en qué sección del cuadrante del flujo de dinero trabajar y cuándo hacerlo. El cuadrante del flujo de dinero ha sido escrito para todos aquellos que no desean seguir atados a la seguridad laboral; para las personas que están listas para realizar cambios trascendentales en el mundo en el que vivimos, donde la información es indispensable para conquistar la libertad financiera. "Este libro trata de las buenas opciones, de las nuevas direcciones y del nuevo futuro financiero que están a tu disposición" -Robert T. Kiyosaki- "Muchas personas no emprenderán el camino hasta que éste parezca libre de riesgos. Por eso jamás van a ninguna parte" -Keith Cunningham, cofundador de Prime Cable-

Hermano Rico, Hermana Rica

by Robert T. Kiyosaki Emi Kiyosaki

La búsqueda de la felicidad se hace a través de muchos caminos Dos caminos distintos hacia Dios, el dinero y la felicidad. La riqueza no es solamente abundancia económica. Esto lo deja por sentado en su nuevo libro el genio de los negocios, Robert Kiyosaki, quien, en esta ocasión, nos ofrece un material renovado, con un aspecto que no se había tocado a profundidad previamente: la riqueza espiritual. Escrito a cuatro manos con su hermana, Emi, este libro resulta ser mucho más cercano, más íntimo y cálido. Los autores comparten tanto fotografías como experiencias familiares, todo con el fin de enseñar al lector cómo ser rico en todos los aspectos.

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!

by Robert T. Kiyosaki Sharon L. Lechter

Personal-finance author and lecturer Robert Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective through exposure to a pair of disparate influences: his own highly educated but fiscally unstable father, and the multimillionaire eighth-grade dropout father of his closest friend. The lifelong monetary problems experienced by his "poor dad" (whose weekly paychecks, while respectable, were never quite sufficient to meet family needs) pounded home the counterpoint communicated by his "rich dad" (that "the poor and the middle class work for money," but "the rich have money work for them"). Taking that message to heart, Kiyosaki was able to retire at 47. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, written with consultant and CPA Sharon L. Lechter, lays out his the philosophy behind his relationship with money. Based on the principle that income-generating assets always provide healthier bottom-line results than even the best of traditional jobs, it explains how those assets might be acquired so that the jobs can eventually be shed.

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest In, That The Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

by Robert T. Kiyosaki Sharon L. Lechter

'Rich Dad's Guide to Investing' follows the New York Times bestsellers 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' and 'Rich Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant'. Most of us know that the best investments never make it to market. This book discusses what the rich invest in that the poor and middle class do not. What follows is an insider's look into the world of investing, how the rich find the best investments, and how you can too. Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter show... Rich Dad's basic rules of investing, How to reduce your investment risk, Rich Dad's 10 Investor Controls, How to convert your earned income into passive and portfolio income, How you can be the ultimate investor!

Rich Dad's Who Took My Money?: Why Slow Investors Lose and Fast Money Wins! (Rich Dad Series)

by Robert T. Kiyosaki Sharon L. Lechter

For the first time ever, the #1 New York Times bestselling authors reveal how to actually speed up and maximize the return on investments to achieve total financial independence. Most people think that simply getting a modest return on one's investments is going to take care of them forever, right through their golden years of retirement. But for lots of investors, waiting-and hoping-for a 10% return on their stocks, bonds, and mutual funds is turning out to be a long and perilous wait. In this startling new book, Robert Kiyosaki shows how one can velocitize their money in such a way that they can quickly achieve financial wealth with extraordinary returns and amazing growth. Sound too good to be true? It's not-and Kiyosaki and Lechter show how anyone can make the move right now.

Miles To Go Before I Sleep: A Survivor's Story of Life After a Terrorist Hijacking

by Peter J. Kizilos Jackie Nink Pflug

Jackie Nink Pflug's gripping true story of her experience during the terrorist hijacking, and how she recuperated from this devastating trauma." ... her memoir is an inspirational chronicle of personal tragedy surmounted by raw courage" - Publishers Weekly Jackie Nink Pflug's gripping true story of courage and inspiration, told from a survivor's perspective, with a new preface written by the author. Ms. Pflug, who was shot and thrown onto the tarmac during the hijacking of EgyptAir Flight 648, tells her story and the lessons learned as she recuperated from this devastating trauma.

How To Protect Your Child from the New Age and Spiritual Deception

by Berit Kjos

Tempting Voices Beckon to children everywhere. Schools, movies, music, and books all sound the call: "Come, dream, trust Self, you are divine, create your own reality, build a new world. Anything goes, for sin and guilt exist only in the minds of the antiquated 'religious.'" "Unlearning the old ways" is key to this global transformation. Today's assault on biblical Christianity is fast undermining God's moral and spiritual boundaries. It invites chaos rather than unity - coercion instead of freedom - war and violence instead of peace - and ultimately overtakes today's children with the plan to turn them into "progressive" transformation leaders of tomorrow. How can we equip our children so they do not become spiritually deceived and fall into this worldwide agenda? And how can we teach them to have the courage to say no to seductive enticements? There is an answer! We can teach our children to know Truth, so they will discern the counterfeit. And we can teach them how to spot the New Age/New Spirituality and to understand the serious implications that occur when it is embraced.

Under the Spell of Mother Earth

by Berit Kjos

This book alerts readers to the signs of Goddess worship--even in America--and warns against elevating Mother Earth from legend to religion, basing environmental concerns in ancient pagan practices, depersonalizing God and people, and seeking a Goddess Mother as the source of life.

Your Child and the New Age

by Berit Kjos

The purpose of this book is to expose New Age deception and to equip families to stand together in confident, loving resistance. It is not to condemn schools or media presentations. Countless wonderful teachers continue to bring good values to the classroom. Many books, movies, and television programs still reflect Judeo/Christian thinking. However, New Age thought and practices have entered the schools and the media to such an extent that none of our children are immune. While counterfeit spirituality may find more fertile ground in certain schools, it colors textbooks, television, and toys nationwide. It defies opposition, because it usually sounds good. Tailor-made to fit their human nature and Western culture, it offers whatever children want to hear, see, have, and be.

Fluke: Chance, Chaos, and Why Everything We Do Matters

by Brian Klaas

Want to know what chaos theory can teach us about human events? In the perspective-altering tradition of Malcolm Gladwell&’s The Tipping Point and Nassim Nicholas Taleb&’s The Black Swan comes a provocative challenge to how we think our world works—and why small, chance events can divert our lives and change everything, by social scientist and Atlantic writer Brian Klaas.If you could rewind your life to the very beginning and then press play, would everything turn out the same? Or could making an accidental phone call or missing an exit off the highway change not just your life, but history itself? And would you remain blind to the radically different possible world you unknowingly left behind? In Fluke, myth-shattering social scientist Brian Klaas dives deeply into the phenomenon of random chance and the chaos it can sow, taking aim at most people&’s neat and tidy storybook version of reality. The book&’s argument is that we willfully ignore a bewildering truth: but for a few small changes, our lives—and our societies—could be radically different. Offering an entirely new lens, Fluke explores how our world really works, driven by strange interactions and apparently random events. How did one couple&’s vacation cause 100,000 people to die? Does our decision to hit the snooze button in the morning radically alter the trajectory of our lives? And has the evolution of humans been inevitable, or are we simply the product of a series of freak accidents? Drawing on social science, chaos theory, history, evolutionary biology, and philosophy, Klaas provides a brilliantly fresh look at why things happen—all while providing mind-bending lessons on how we can live smarter, be happier, and lead more fulfilling lives.

Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea is Their Idea

by Oren Klaff

This book will change the way you think about persuasion, and have you closing deals in no time.These days, it's just not enough to make a great pitch. Over decades of being marketed, pitched, sold (and lied) to, we've grown resistant to sales persuasion. The moment we feel pressured to buy, we pull away. And if we're told what to think, our defences go up. That's why Oren Klaff, bestselling author of Pitch Anything, has devised a new approach to persuasion based on a simple insight: everyone trusts their own ideas. Instead of pushing your idea on your buyer, guide them to discover it on their own and they will get excited about it. They'll buy in and feel good about the chance to work with you. In Flip the Script, Klaff breaks down this insight into a series of actionable steps.You will learn how to:*Achieve Status Alignment: Use a status tip-off, a strategically placed remark that identifies you as an insider who can relate to your client's concerns.*Close the Certainty Gap: Allay your buyer's fears about going into business with you by delivering a flash roll, proving your expertise in the domain.*Present Your Idea as Plain Vanilla: Don't overhype your product as a first-of-its-kind solution. The more you emphasise the familiar, reliable elements of your product, the easier you make it for your buyer to say yes.Packed with examples of the long-shot, often hilarious deals that Klaff has pulled off over the years, Flip the Script is the most entertaining, informative masterclass in dealmaking you'll find anywhere. It will transform your approach to pitching, leaving you fully prepared to raise money, seal deals and keep your cool in the toughest business situations.

Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea is Their Idea

by Oren Klaff

This book will change the way you think about persuasion, and have you closing deals in no time.These days, it's just not enough to make a great pitch. Over decades of being marketed, pitched, sold (and lied) to, we've grown resistant to sales persuasion. The moment we feel pressured to buy, we pull away. And if we're told what to think, our defences go up. That's why Oren Klaff, bestselling author of Pitch Anything, has devised a new approach to persuasion based on a simple insight: everyone trusts their own ideas. Instead of pushing your idea on your buyer, guide them to discover it on their own and they will get excited about it. They'll buy in and feel good about the chance to work with you. In Flip the Script, Klaff breaks down this insight into a series of actionable steps.You will learn how to:*Achieve Status Alignment: Use a status tip-off, a strategically placed remark that identifies you as an insider who can relate to your client's concerns.*Close the Certainty Gap: Allay your buyer's fears about going into business with you by delivering a flash roll, proving your expertise in the domain.*Present Your Idea as Plain Vanilla: Don't overhype your product as a first-of-its-kind solution. The more you emphasise the familiar, reliable elements of your product, the easier you make it for your buyer to say yes.Packed with examples of the long-shot, often hilarious deals that Klaff has pulled off over the years, Flip the Script is the most entertaining, informative masterclass in dealmaking you'll find anywhere. It will transform your approach to pitching, leaving you fully prepared to raise money, seal deals and keep your cool in the toughest business situations.

Living Smart: Five Essential Skills to Change Your Health Habits Forever

by Joshua C. Klapow Sheri D. Pruitt

An easy-to-follow behavioral program that offers a simple approach to changing any unhealthy behavior with helpful tips, checklists, interactive exercises, charting tool to track progress, and specific action plans for some of the most common health-related issues.

The Performance Mindset: 7 Steps to Success in Sport and Life

by Anthony J. Klarica

Learn the lessons of elite athletes to reach your full potential From acclaimed psychologist Anthony Klarica, The Performance Mindset: 7 steps to success in sport and life reveals the lessons of high-performing athletes and shows how you can build strategies to apply for greater success in sport, business or in your personal life. High performers are made, not born. High performance occurs through putting a careful and deliberate focus on growing mindset, and science proves that high-performers intentionally build these mindset skills and habits to maximise their opportunities. Talent and hard work are simply not enough. Through candid, in-depth interviews and stories from a wide variety of Australian athletes, you’ll learn how to: harness and maintain your motivation become resilient stay focussed and present lead yourself and others protect your mental health and wellbeing.Natural talent doesn’t necessarily equal high performance. With The Performance Mindset: 7 steps to success in sport and life, you’ll discover how to unleash your inner-champion and realise your full and unbridled potential, whether in sport, in business, or in life.

The Spiritual Lives of Bereaved Parents (Series in Death, Dying, and Bereavement)

by Dennis Klass

This book describes how parents lose, find, or relocate spiritual anchors after the death of their child. It describes how ordinary people reconstruct their lives after their foundations have shifted, and how they make sense of their world after one of their centers of meaning has been removed. Klass grounds his descriptions of spirituality in his scholarly study of comparative religions, and in his two decades studying the lives of bereaved parents. He argues that continuing bonds with their dead children can give parents a new transcendent reality. Deceased children, like saints or bodhisattvas, can offer a bridge between the profane and sacred worlds, support parents as they find meaning in a world made forever poorer, and bind together a community adequate to parents' grief. The book reports Klass's clinical practice and his work as advisor to a bereaved parents self-help support group.

Thirty Reasons to Never Give Up: Short stories for when life looks nothing like you thought it was going to look

by Shian Klassen

Faced with giving up? Over the next thirty days, Pastor Shian Klassen will take you through a journey of his life, his losses and love with easy to read down to earth personal stories guaranteed to touch your heart. Faced with insurmountable circumstances from childhood through adulthood, you will see that you are not alone in life&’s struggles. This must-read is guaranteed to inspire and renew hope reminding us that no matter how long the journey, or how big the obstacle ahead, never give up.What if giving up appears easier than going on? This book is designed to inspire the faint of heart the true value found in oneself with going forward. From stories of hair-raising canoe expeditions, the painful loss of loved ones, to being faced with life altering situations, author and pastor Shian Klassen describes in detail his struggle and God-given courage enabling him to never give up. If life hasn&’t turned out the way you planned, then you&’re not alone! Let each story, combined with thirty scriptures, encourage you every day to stay the course until you cannot afford to give up. Never give up.

Brag!: The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn without Blowing It

by Peggy Klaus

Brag! is a whip smart tool kit--one that tampers with our beliefs about humility by defining bragging as an act of authenticity. Peggy Klaus, a Fortune 500 communication coach, sharpened her strategies in Hollywood, "the bragging capitol of the world," where she learned the art of tooting your horn, without blowing it. "To brag is to talk about your best self with pride and passion in a conversational manner." explains Klaus.She includes a snappy "Bragging Dictionary" with highly practical techniques including instructions for the "Bragalogue," a brief memorable elevator pitch and a "Brag bag," the collection of your greatest hits with colorful details that can be easily accessed. Bragging rights and responsibilities are surveyed in a variety of situations:the co-worker who takes credit, techno-bragging online, performance reviews, job interviews and working a room. Klaus peppers her points with examples from her coaching sessions and seminars, sample dialogues and self-assessments. Although several examples may seem too studied, Klaus has much to brag about. This is a book that will change the way you think about the slippery skill of selling yourself. --Barbara Mackoff

Put Your Heart on Paper: Staying Connected In A Loose-Ends World

by Henriette Anne Klauser

Put Your Heart On Paper is filled with the inspiring true stories of what happens when people write from their hearts: the shared insights, the new beginnings, the dreams that miraculously come true. In 50 provocative short chapters, acclaimed author Henriette Klauser shows the power of the written word in everyday life -- bringing together parents and children, strengthening personal bonds, mending hurt feelings, solving problems, sharing joys, preserving family history -- and offers tools and tips to get you started right away. Putting your heart on paper does not require special talent, a lot of time or training. All you need is a willingness to be yourself and to be open with others. Nauser's energizing examples show how to get going and keep going past the fear and doubt -- and offer dozens of ideas to try. From a note tucked in a lunchbox to an interactive journal, from love letters to apologies to a three-minute poem, Put Your Heart On Paper shows us how to find a direct line from our deepest thoughts to another's heart.(From the Trade Paperback edition.)

Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want - And Getting It!

by Henriette Anne Klauser

Too often, people drift through life with a feeling of frustration, longing to find some adventure or purpose in life, envious of those whose lives seem exciting. In WRITE IT DOWN, MAKE IT HAPPEN, Henriette Anne Klauser shows you how to write your own lifescript. Simply writing down your goals in life is the first step towards achieving them. The 'writing it down' part is not about time management; it is not a 'to-do today' list that will make you feel guilty if you don't get everything done. Rather, writing it down is about clearing your head, identifying what you want and setting your intent. You can 'make it happen' purely by believing in the possibility. In WRITE IT DOWN, MAKE IT HAPPEN, there are stories from ordinary people who witnessed miracles large and small unfold in their lives after they performed the basic act of putting their goals on paper.

Write It Down Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want and Getting It

by Henriette Anne Klauser

A simple and effective guide to turning your dreams into reality by taking matters into your own hands, filled with down-to-earth tips and easy exercises.In Write It Down, Make It Happen, Henriette Anne Klauser, PhD, explains how simply writing down your goals in life is the first step toward achieving them. Writing can even help you understand what you want. In this book, you will read stories about ordinary people who witnessed miracles large and small unfold in their lives after they performed the basic act of putting their dreams on paper. Klauser's down-to-earth tips and easy exercises are sure to get your creative juices flowing. Before you know it, you'll be writing your own ticket to success. With Write It Down, Make It Happen you can find the perfect mate, buy your dream house, get a great new job, wake up happier, travel the world, or even have a better relationship with your teenager.

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