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Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul: Your Personal, Portable Support Group with Stories of Healing, Hope, Love and Resilience

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Robert Ackerman Theresa Peluso Gary Seidler Peter Vegso

Chicken Soup delivers the perfect pocket-sized support group for everyone on the path to becoming whole. Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul is the perfect book for the millions of people in recovery who live their lives "one day at a time. " These 365 daily passages will provide them with a year's worth of wisdom and encouragement to help get through the rough spots or celebrate victories. The book covers universal themes, making it relevant to all types of recovery including chronic illness, behavioral disorders, destructive relationships, alcohol and drug addiction, depression, or eating disorders. Sample Daily Inspirational themes include: hope, courage, love, anger, forgiving, and more.

Sopa de Pollo para el Alma del Amante de los Caballos

by Theresa Peluso Peter Vegso Gary Seidler Marty Becker Mark Victor Hansen Jack Canfield

Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul is filled with inspiring stories of rescue and rehabilitation, heartbreaking losses, dedication and commitment, and positive messages of responsibility and unconditional love. Readers will enjoy uplifting and humorous stories that depict the horse's intelligence, versatility and intuitiveness; they will discover the horse's healing powers, marvel at the graceful performance of a Grand Prix Dressage winner, be awed by the stamina and strength of a working horse and the athletic prowess of a champion racer. In exchange for our love and companionship, horses teach us, heal us, protect us and guide us. Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul is a worthy celebration of a very noble creature.

Chicken Soup for the Mother & Daughter Soul: Stories to Warm the Heart and Honor the Relationship

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Dorothy Firman Julie Firman Frances Firman Salorio

The relationship between a mother and daughter is one of the most profound bonds in life. A mother feels her daughter's first kick during pregnancy, labors to bring her daughter into the world and watches as she takes her first breath of life. Similarly, a daughter opens up a new world and range of emotions to her mother, allowing her to feel an unconditional love she didn't know she possessed. For new moms in awe of their daughter's first step, veteran moms in a panic as their daughter leaves for her first prom or seasoned moms who have just caught themselves saying "Because I said so!" each will be touched and inspired by these heartwarming stories that share the life-defining moments of the mother/daughter relationship. Celebrity contributions include stories by Jacquelyn Mitchard and Joan Borysenko. Chapters include A Mother's Love; A Daughter's Love; Memories; Challenges; Lessons; Like Mother, Like Daughter; Loss and Healing; and Timeless Wisdom. This is the perfect book for all the special women in our lives for Mother's Day, a birthday, or any day.

Una 4a ración de Sopa de Pollo para el Alma

by Meladee Mccarty Mark Victor Hansen Hanoch Mccarty Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield y Victor Hansen, dos de los conferencistas motivadores de grupos más reconocidos en todo el mundo lo invitan para que disfrute junto a ellos de otro satisfactorio banquete de historias inspiradoras y de sabiduría afirmadora de la vida. En esta ocasión, Jack y Mark han unido esfuerzos con la primera pareja de América en bondad y amabilidad, Hanoch y Meladee McCarty. Unidos, estos cuatro cocineros inspiradores de literatura han reunido recetas que perduran a través del tiempo para tener éxito y felicidad, anécdotas refrescantes sobre el compartir y el cuidado y gajitos deliciosos de honestidad, integridad, respeto y estima propia.Usted encontrará de nuevo historias alentadoras para el corazón sobre sus temas favoritos: el amor, la maternidad y la paternidad, el enseñar y aprender, la muerte, los cambios de actitud y perspectiva, el superar obstáculos y la sabiduría. Disfrute este libro, ya sea usted sólo, o compártalo con amigos, su familia y compañeros de trabajo. Sentirá el corazón reconfortado, el espíritu fortalecido y tendrá una nueva perspectiva sobre la vida.

Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage Soul

by Mark Victor Hansen Nancy Mitchell-Autio Patty Aubery Kimberly Kirberger Jack Canfield

For teens who make God an integral part of their lives, teens who are sorting through doubts about whether God really cares about them, and teens who don't know God at all, Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage Soul may be one of the most influential books they'll ever read.These stories about love, friendship, forgiveness, making a difference, courage, dating, and lots more show how God is at work in teenagers' lives. Teens share stories about how God has given them the courage to cope with the tough stuff, the joy to live a fulfilling life, the strength to persevere when they feel alone, and the love and confidence they need to feel good about themselves. This very special volume will also help them to use other teens' experiences to build a stronger relationship with God. For teens tempted to use drugs, alcohol, or other substances, Chicken Soup for the Christian Teenage Soul can be a lifeline to God. They will know that God cares what they think when it feels as if no one else does, and that He loves them no matter what.

Sopa de Pollo para el Alma de los Padres

by Raymond Aaron Kimberly Kirberger Mark Victor Hansen Jack Canfield

With contributions from celebrity and 'ordinary' parents alike, each story speaks to the range of emotions and experiences of all types of parents. By sharing the personal experiences of others, this book will offer inspiration and advice to parents going through a difficult time; provide reassurance to those who worry that they're not living up to the Supermom or Superdad ideal; and share a wealth of experiences that show why being a parent is such a worthwhile and rewarding vocation. This book is a must-read for any parent or parent-to-be

Chicken Soup from the Soul of Hawai'i

by Sharon Linnea Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Robin Stephens Rohr

All over the world people have a word for paradise: Hawai'i. Now there's a book that captures that magical place for its millions of residents, the 7 million visitors who make a pilgrimage there each year, and the millions more who long to feel the magic of Hawai'i on cold winter mornings. While the Hawaiian landscape is unparalleled--sun-drenched beaches, wild waves, snow-capped peaks, cascading waterfalls, and dramatic volcanoes--the true spirit of Hawai'i lives in its people and their experiences. Now, the people of Hawai'i and those who love it share its special magic in this beautiful collection of stories. From celebrities including Bo Derek, Clint and Dina Eastwood, Don Ho, Regis and Joy Philbin, and Kelly Preston, to native storyteller Nalani Olds, activist and teacher Kanalu Young, and world-class surfers, athletes, hula masters, and master chefs, this book brings the gifts of Hawai'i to the world. Whether readers remember Hawai'i as the place where they fell in love or celebrated their honeymoon, the place they yearn to visit or the place they call home, this book exudes the aloha spirit with every turn of a page.

Chicken Soup from the Soul of Hawai'i: Stories of Aloha to Create Paradise Wherever You Are

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Sharon Linnéa Robin Stephens Rohr

All over the world people have a word for paradise: Hawai'i. Now there's a book that captures that magical place for its millions of residents, the 7 million visitors who make a pilgrimage there each year, and the millions more who long to feel the magic of Hawai'i on cold winter mornings. While the Hawaiian landscape is unparalleled--sun-drenched beaches, wild waves, snow-capped peaks, cascading waterfalls, and dramatic volcanoes--the true spirit of Hawai'i lives in its people and their experiences. Now, the people of Hawai'i and those who love it share its special magic in this beautiful collection of stories. From celebrities including Bo Derek, Clint and Dina Eastwood, Don Ho, Regis and Joy Philbin, and Kelly Preston, to native storyteller Nalani Olds, activist and teacher Kanalu Young, and world-class surfers, athletes, hula masters, and master chefs, this book brings the gifts of Hawai'i to the world. Whether readers remember Hawai'i as the place where they fell in love or celebrated their honeymoon, the place they yearn to visit or the place they call home, this book exudes the aloha spirit with every turn of a page.

Chicken Soup for the Girlfriend's Soul

by Mark Victor Hansen Stefanie Adrian Jack Canfield Chrissy Donnelly Mark Donnelly

An inspiring and humorous celebration of the special bond of friendship She championed you through your years wearing braces and you calmed her nerves before her walk down the aisle. She advised you on what to wear to land your perfect job and you taught her how to get her newborn to sleep during a midnight phone call. Together you've dug through your backyard looking for pirate's treasure and dug through bargain bins during shopping outings; you've shared your secrets, doubts and dreams; and you look forward to conquering hot flashes together. You may have met her in kindergarten or at work, in a playgroup or on the Internet--but if she's cheered you up, cheered you on, or lifted your spirit, Chicken Soup for the Girlfriend's Soul is the perfect tribute to that special friend. Whether she's your lunch companion, your sounding board, your confidant, or all of the above, she anchors you during life's storms and helps you revel in life's joys. With tales of finding friends in unexpected places, of strength during life's toughest challenges, and of forging lifelong bonds and memories, this book will tug at your heart and hers as you celebrate the unique spirit of female friendship.

Sopa de Pollo para el Alma Inquebrantable

by Jack Canfield y Mark Victor Hansen

"Se trata de un libro inteligente que comprende que ningún obstáculo en la vida es tan poderoso como para que un carácter fuerte, un corazón valeroso y un buen sentido del humor no lo puedan vencer". --Eunice Shriver, Fundadora de Special Olympics y vicepresidenta ejecutiva de la Fundación Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Cuando no sepa cómo sequir adelante, este libro le insirará . . . Todos afrontamos obstáculos en la vida, algunos son pequeños contratiempos que nos pueden hacer tropezar; otros aparecen como nubes de mal agüero que hacen que incluso el alma más valiente busque protección. La manera como uno afronta estos obstáculos determina si vivirá con temor, remordimiento e ira, or con fe, aceptación y alegría. Sopa de pollo para el alma inquebrantable ofrece estímulo para quien afronta momentos de desafío, se trate de una pérdida emocional o financiera, de luchar contra una enfermedad, o de experimentar los altibajos para alcanzar el sueño de toda una vida. Escrito por grandes personalidades y gente común, cada relato destaca el truiunfo frente a la adversidad y muestra que por difícil que sea una situación, otras personas la han superado y han resurgido con nueva fuerza y aprecio por la vida, por sí mismas y por sus semejantes. Con capítulos como La importancia de vivir los sueños, El valor y la determinación, La actitud, El poder del apoyo y Sabiduría ecléctica, los lectores comprenderán que todo es posible. Cuando usted o alguien que conozca enfrente una difícil batalla, ofrézcale la inspiración que necesita para triunfar recordándole que es un alma inquebrantable.

Sopa de Pollo para el Alma de los Niños

by Jack Canfield y Mark Victor Hansen

¡El Poder de los Niños en Acción! Los niños querían su propio libro de Sopa de pollo, así que ¡aquí está! Sopa de Pollo para el Alma de los Niños es para niños entre las edades de nueve a trece años y "¡es todo lo que se esperaba!" Algunas veces te sientes como si la vida fuera una explosión total, desde anotar el gol ganador hasta pasar tiempo con tus amigos. Sin embargo otras veces la vida es demasiado complicada: parece que cada vez que te volteas ves violencia, más padres se divorcian, tu mejor amigo se muda lejos de ti, o te sientes como que no congenias con nadie. Ahora hay un lugar donde encontrarás respuestas y estímulo y que te ayudará a darte cuenta que tus sueños de veras se pueden hacer realidad. Contiene historias cómicas sobre la amistad y la familia, e historias serias sobre niños heroicos y decisiones difíciles. Este libro te hará reir, llorar, pensar y sentirte bien contigo mismo. Jack Canfield y Victor Hansen, coautores del éxito #1 del New York Times, la serie de Sopa de Pollo para el Alma, se unen a Patty Hansen e Irene Dunlap para crear el primer libro de Sopa de pollo solamente para niños. Patty Hansen es la esposa de Mark y es gerente financiera de MVH & Associates, coautora de Sopa de Pollo Condensada para el Alma y es madre de dos niños. Irene Dunlap es escritora, vocalista de Jazz y madre de dos, que está involucrada en aumentar la calidad de la educación pública en su comunidad.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Teachers

by Mark Victor Hansen Sharon J. Wohlmuth Jack Canfield

Everyone can remember a special teacher in his or her life: someone who inspired them to achieve greatness, offered encouragement through difficult times, or simply made learning fun and exciting. The magic of Chicken Soup for the Soul takes an all-new direction in this enchanting collection of stories and accompanying photos that honor and celebrate the teachers and mentors in our lives. Through the artistry of acclaimed photographer Sharon J. Wohlmuth, readers are offered a glimpse into the hearts and minds of those who have dedicated their lives to making a difference in the lives of children. These soul-stirring pictures illuminate the teacher-student relationship in a whole new light and make readers feel a part of every moment in these touching stories.The perfect gift for graduation, this delightful book will earn high marks with readers.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Teachers: A Collection in Words and Photographs

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Sharon J. Wohlmuth

Everyone can remember a special teacher in his or her life: someone who inspired them to achieve greatness, offered encouragement through difficult times, or simply made learning fun and exciting. The magic of Chicken Soup for the Soul takes an all-new direction in this enchanting collection of stories and accompanying photos that honor and celebrate the teachers and mentors in our lives. Through the artistry of acclaimed photographer Sharon J. Wohlmuth, readers are offered a glimpse into the hearts and minds of those who have dedicated their lives to making a difference in the lives of children. These soul-stirring pictures illuminate the teacher-student relationship in a whole new light and make readers feel a part of every moment in these touching stories. The perfect gift for graduation, this delightful book will earn high marks with readers.

Chicken Soup to Inspire the Body and Soul

by Dan Millman Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Diana von Welanetz Wentworth

Need a physical and spiritual boost to kick the year off right? Need some extra power to reach goals and commitments? With hundreds of exercise plans, diet gurus, and spiritual advisors out there clamoring for airwaves, there's a noticeable void of inspiring stories to give people that extra push to get them started and keep them goingThis book is not a replacement for yoga or The Zone; it is a companion - a reminder that hard work and determination really do pay off, and that our bodies are gifts to be cared for and treasured through exercise and healthy living.

Chicken Soup to Inspire the Body and Soul: Motivation and Inspiration for Living and Loving a Healthy Lifestyle

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Dan Millman Diana von Welanetz Wentworth

Need a physical and spiritual boost to kick the year off right? Need some extra power to reach goals and commitments? With hundreds of exercise plans, diet gurus, and spiritual advisors out there clamoring for airwaves, there's a noticeable void of inspiring stories to give people that extra push to get them started and keep them going This book is not a replacement for yoga or The Zone; it is a companion - a reminder that hard work and determination really do pay off, and that our bodies are gifts to be cared for and treasured through exercise and healthy living.

Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul: Inspirational Stories of Overcoming Life's Challenges

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Heather Mcnamara

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen are joined by Heather McNamara, senior editor of the series, in this unforgettable collection of inspiring and uplifting stories. Sure to become a favorite of readers who love Chicken Soup for its stories of overcoming life's obstacles, challenges, heartbreaks, and pain, this book emphasizes triumph in the face of overwhelming odds. A timeless testament to the indomitable human spirit, this collection is sure to encourage, support, comfort, and, most of all, inspire all readers for years to come.

Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul

by Mark Victor Hansen Jack Canfield Heather Mcnamara

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen are joined by Heather McNamara, senior editor of the series, in this unforgettable collection of inspiring and uplifting stories. Sure to become a favorite of readers who love Chicken Soup for its stories of overcoming life's obstacles, challenges, heartbreaks, and pain, this book emphasizes triumph in the face of overwhelming odds. A timeless testament to the indomitable human spirit, this collection is sure to encourage, support, comfort, and, most of all, inspire all readers for years to come.

Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul 2: Stories About Facing Challenges, Realizing Dreams and Making a Difference

by Jack Canfield

At last . . . the long-awaited follow-up to the 1. 2 million-copy bestseller! Filled with relevant, inspiring, and fun stories written mostly by kids, this new volume features a unique, innovative chapter, "Rockin' Our World," that highlights real kids achieving real dreams, helping less fortunate people, starting your own business, and utilizing your unique abilities. For a young generation repeatedly exposed to a hostile world, this must-read book promotes positive thinking, giving to others, unity, and tolerance. Chapters cover preteen concerns such as friendship, body changes, first crushes, difficult choices, as well as tough issues such as divorce, drugs and alcohol, and dealing with death for the first time.

Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul: Stories of Changes, Choices and Growing Up for Kids Ages 9-13

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Patty Hansen Irene Dunlap

From remembering their own life experience or to watching their own children grow, most people recognize that the preteen years, ages nine to thirteen, can be one of the most awkward times in life--a period of tremendous physical and emotional change. At this age, youngsters are eager to leave the "kid" stage, yet are uncertain about what adolescence will bring; they'd rather listen to peers over parents, and hear all too often to "wait until you're older. " Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul will guide kids through this transition. Written by and for preteens, this uplifting collection of stories touches on the emotions and situations they experience every day: making and losing friends, fitting in while keeping their personal identity, discovering the opposite sex, dealing with pressures at school including violence, and coping with family issues such as divorce. Chapters include: On Love, On Family, On Friendship, On Choices, On Changes, On Overcoming Obstacles, Eclectic Wisdom, Tough Stuff, Attitude and Perspective, and Achieving Dreams. Contributors include: *NSYNC, Mia Hamm, Beverley Mitchell, and Karl Malone. Whether first-time Chicken Soup readers or "graduates" of the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul, preteens are sure to include this in their backpacks and book bags.

Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen

This collection of inspirational stories will undoubtedly touch many hearts. Written by authors who have lost loved ones, these stories offer comfort, peace, and understanding to those going through the grieving process. Individual people deal with grief in their own ways and within their own time, but the guidance and support they receive from others is what helps them through it. One of the key messages of Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul is that togetherness and sharing are the keys to moving on. In these stories people share their experiences with coping and they share deep memories. Each one has found that putting thoughts and feelings into words is not only cathartic, but allows them to reconnect with their loved one and others. Words of encouragement are plentiful in this edition and they go straight to the heart. Chapters encompass the complete grieving experience and include: Final Gifts, The Power of Support, Coping and Healing, Those We Will Miss, Special Moments, Insights and Lessons, and Living Again. Readers will be comforted and inspired by the stories of regaining strength and hope, such as holding meaningful services, performing thoughtful deeds, and cherishing special memories. Most important, just as the writers have come to appreciate life through the grieving process, readers will discover how to do the same. This soothing bowl of stories is the perfect gift to bring comfort, strength, and courage.

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff: Stories of Tough Times and Lessons Learned

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Kimberly Kirberger

This latest offering in the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soulseries explores a host of challenges faced by today's teens. Within its pages teens will find portraits of life's complexities expressed from the viewpoint of their peers. Teen contributors share their thoughts and feelings on difficult issues, ranging from poor self-image to thoughts of suicide, from family discord to coping with the loss, from peer pressure to school violence. Teens ranked stress as one of their top concerns (along with child abuse and STDs). Oftentimes, the pressure can feel overwhelming, whether they involve worrying about an upcoming test, competition sports, family responsibilities, dating, or more extreme issues such as depression, suicide, and school violence. The first three volumes of the Teenage Soulseries and the companion journal illustrate the ongoing popularity of this series (unit sales exceed 11 million). Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff and the Spring 2001 release Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Letters will undoubtedly follow suit as the next bestsellers in a phenomenally popular series.

A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

by Mark Victor Hansen Marci Shimoff Jack Canfield Jennifer Reade Hawthorne

This latest collection of stories celebrates the shared experiences of being a woman in a 101 new ways. You will be moved by these true accounts of how women like you have embraced life's defining moments by finding love, dealing with loss, overcoming obstacles, and achieving their dreams and goals. Like spending time with a trusted friend, A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul will put difficult times into perspective, renew your faith in yourself, and make you aware of the miracles in your own life.

A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul: More Stories to Open the Hearts and Rekindle the Spirits of Women

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Jennifer Read Hawthorne Marci Shimoff

This latest collection of stories celebrates the shared experiences of being a woman in a 101 new ways. You will be moved by these true accounts of how women like you have embraced life's defining moments by finding love, dealing with loss, overcoming obstacles, and achieving their dreams and goals. Like spending time with a trusted friend, A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul will put difficult times into perspective, renew your faith in yourself, and make you aware of the miracles in your own life.

Chicken Soup for the Christian Woman's Soul

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Nancy Mitchell-Autio Patty Aubery Leann Thieman

Christian women who make God and family a priority in their life will love Chicken Soup for the Christian Woman's Soul, an affirming collection of stories that share the miracles that are possible when their hearts are open to God. This wonderful new addition is filled with compelling real-life accounts of how women from all denominations were buoyed by their faith during incredibly challenging circumstances: amazing women who maintained faith in God's divine plan instead of succumbing to fear and doubt; caring women who offered compassion instead of criticism when others needed help; and dedicated women who chose the righteous path when there was an easier one to take.With chapters on God's Healing Power, Friendship, Making a Difference, Challenges, A Matter of Perspective, Miracles, Insights and Lessons, and The Love of a Family, this faith-filled collection will encourage Christian women to follow Jesus' example on their walk through life.Like a favorite passage from Scripture, this book will offer hope, support, and inspiration to Christian women.

Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

by Jennifer Read Hawthorne Mark Victor Hansen Jack Canfield Marci Shimoff

There are many ways to define a woman: daughter, mother, wife, professional, friend, student ... We are each special and unique, yet we share a common connection. What bonds all women are our mutual experiences of loving and learning: feeling the tenderness of love; forging lifelong friendships; pursuing a chosen career; giving birth to new life; juggling the responsibilities of job and family, and more. This shining collection brings you inspiration and comfort in special chapters on marriage, motherhood, aging, bridging the generations, attitude, self-esteem, and higher wisdom. Stories honor the strength and reveal the beauty of the feminine spirit. Included are incredible stories from Oprah Winfrey, Leo Buscaglia, Linda Ellerbee, Robert Fulghum, Kathie Lee Gifford, and many others. Whether you are a career woman or a stay-at-home mom, a teenager or a senior, a young woman just starting out or a woman of the world, this delightful book will be a treasured companion for many years to come.

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