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Waking Up to the Dark: Ancient Wisdom for a Sleepless Age

by Clark Strand Will Lytle

In the tradition of Thomas Merton's spiritual classic. The Seven Storey Mountain or Thomas Moore's Care of the Soul, Waking Up to the Dark is a deeply resonant and personal project--a modern gospel that is an investigation of the relationship between darkness and the soul. The darkness Clark Strand is talking about here is literal: the darkness of the nighttime, of a world before electricity, when there was a rhythm to life that followed the sun's rising and setting. Strand here offers penetrating insight into the spiritual enrichment that can be found when we pull the plug on our billion-watt culture. He argues that the insomnia so many of us experience as "the Hour of the Wolf" is really "the Hour of God"--a wellspring of rest and renewal, and an ancient reservoir of ancestral wisdom and inspiration. And in a powerful yet surprising turn, he shares with us an urgent message for the world, received through a mysterious young woman, about the changes we all know are coming. Waking Up to the Dark is a book for those of us who awaken in the night and don't know why we can't get back to sleep, and a book for those of us who have grown uncomfortable in real darkness--which we so rarely experience these days, since our first impulse is always to turn on the light. Most of all, it is a book for those of us who wonder about our souls: When the lights are always on, when there is always noise around us, do our souls have the nourishment they need in which to grow?

Walking on Sunshine: 52 Small Steps to Happiness

by Rachel Kelly

A compact, accessible, life-changing book, internationally bestselling Walking on Sunshine offers fifty-two tips and tools (one for each week of the year) to increase your happiness year-round and help you manage the mood-altering pressures of everyday life.In the form of weekly journal entries over the course of a year, journalist and mental health activist Rachel Kelly shares the fifty-two strategies that have helped her cope with depression and anxiety and maintain a calm, happy lifestyle. There's no complicated program involved, no overhaul of your current way of life: just simple shortcuts to lighter, more conscious living--tangible rituals you can use to care for your body and mind. In the pages of this engaging, user-friendly book, you'll find breathing techniques, poetry, prayer, philosophical nuggets, and meditations, all of them lovely, gentle suggestions designed to bring more ease and equanimity into your daily life. Whether you're going through a particularly emotional time or you're just trying to figure out how to achieve balance and moderate your reactions to conflict, there's something for everyone in this encouraging, comforting book. Written in the candid, conversational style of a good friend and accompanied by delightful cartoon illustrations, Walking on Sunshine is a portable, supportive companion that will see you through your ups and downs.

Walking on Sunshine: 52 small steps to happiness

by Rachel Kelly

Walking on Sunshine offers 52 tips, tools and positive ideas (one for each week of the year) to guide you through the seasons and better manage the pressures of everyday life.In a diary of her year, Rachel Kelly shares the strategies that have helped her stay calm and happy after overcoming depression. Some of the steps relate to particular experiences and events, such as holidays, dramas at work and her children's exams; others are useful at any time. Indeed this is an ideal book to dip into whenever the mood takes you.Written in the confidential, conversational style of a good friend and delightfully illustrated by Daily Mail cartoonist Jonathan Pugh, Walking on Sunshine will act as a constant, supportive companion through your ups and downs.

Wanderlust: A Modern Yogi's Guide to Discovering Your Best Self

by Jeff Krasno Sarah Herrington Nicole Lindstrom

Like the wildly popular festivals that have taken the yoga world by storm, Wanderlust is a road map for the millions of people engaged in cultivating their best selves. For the 20 million people who grab their yoga mats in the United States every week, this book gives a completely unique way to understand "yoga"—not just as something to do in practice, but as a broader principle for living. Wanderlust helps readers navigate their personal path and find their own true north, curating principles that embody the brand and lifestyle—authentic yoga practices, provocative thinking, music, art, good food, eco-friendly activities, and more.Each chapter includes expert yoga instruction by renowned teachers; inspiring music playlists to motivate readers to practice; thought-provoking art; awesome recipes for delicious, healthy foods to sustain a yoga regimen; and fun, unexpected detours. This wide array of ideas and beautiful visuals is designed to be hyper-stimulating—whether a reader follows the arc of the book from beginning to end or dips into chapters at random, she is sure to find something pleasing to the eye, to feel motivated to practice, and to want to reach for her deepest desires and dreams. This book brings the Wanderlust festival experience into any reader's home.

Way More than Luck: Commencement Speeches on Living with Bravery, Empathy, and Other Existential Skills

by Various

The commencement speech is the most popular public address of our time, shared every spring and remembered for years. Here, in an anthology of some of the finest of the genre, brilliant creative minds in every sector offer their wisdom: David Foster Wallace on living a compassionate life, Debbie Millman on the importance of taking risks, Michael Lewis on the responsibility that good fortune merits—and so many other greats. Some of this advice is grand (believe in the impossible), and some of it is granular enough to check off a life list (donate five percent of your money or your time). All of it is universally uplifting. Handsomely packaged with a silkscreened cloth spine and energetic typography throughout, this book is a smart, special gift for graduates and anyone embarking on a new adventure.Includes speeches from: Dick Costolo, Nora Ephron, Ira Glass, Khaled Hosseini, Barbara Kingsolver, Madeleine L’Engle, Michael Lewis, Debbie Millman, Eileen Myles, Jonathan Safran Foer, Michael Uslan, David Foster Wallace, Bradley Whitford, and Tom Wolfe.

We Get It: Voices of Grieving College Students and Young Adults

by David C. Fajgenbaum Heather L. Servaty-Seib

A unique collection of 33 narratives by bereaved students and young adults, this books aims to help young adults who are grieving and provide guidance for those who seek to support them. Grieving the death of a loved one is difficult at any age, but it can be particularly difficult during college and young adulthood. From developing a sense of identity to living away from family and adjusting to life on and off campus, college students and young adults face a unique set of issues. These issues often make it difficult for young adults to talk about their loss, leading to a sense of isolation, different-ness and a pressure to pretend that everything is OK. The narratives included in this book are honest, engaging and heartfelt, and they help other students and young people know that they are not alone and that there are others who 'get' what they are going through. The narratives are usefully divided by themes, such as isolation, forced maturity and life transition challenges, and include commentary by the authors on grief responses and coping strategies. Each section also ends with helpful questions for reflection. Inspired by the experiences of Dr. Fajgenbaum losing his mother during college and Dr. Servaty-Seib dedicating her career to college student bereavement, this book will be a lifeline for students and young adults who have lost a loved one. It will also be of immeasurable value to counselors, college administrators, grief professionals and parents.

Wealth Secrets of the One Percent: A Modern Manual to Getting Marvelously, Obscenely Rich

by Sam Wilkin

Discover how the superwealthy made it to the top (and you can too!)From the richest Romans to the robber barons to today's bankers and tech billionaires, Sam Wilkin offers Freakonomics-esque insights into what it really takes to make a fortune. These stories of larger-than-life characters, strategies, and sacrifices reveal how the wealthiest did it, usually by a passion for finding loopholes, working around bureaucratic systems, and creating obstacles to competitors.WEALTH SECRETS OF THE ONE PERCENT gets at the heart of our feelings about the 1% of top income earners and the roughly 0.0001% who achieve billionaire status: we love to hate them, but we'd love to be them. Wilkin's insight into the sources of wealth is thought-provoking and rigorous, and he reveals that behind almost every great fortune is a "wealth secret"--a moneymaking technique designed to defeat the forces of market competition.

Welcome The Little One: Jubiläumsedition Zum 102. Todesjahr Von Karl May (Correct Times)

by Elsie Guy

The pending arrival of a baby is a wonderful time! It doesn't matter what the circumstances, when a new baby comes into the world, it is a true miracle. As is expected, much of the focus in the delivery room is on the woman. After all, she is the one who is enduring the pain of childbirth. What many people don?t consider is that the men in the delivery room have their own issues as well. Years ago, men weren't allowed in the delivery room. Guys were relegated to the waiting room, left to pace a hole in the floor as they waited for their offspring to be born. Today, however, there has been an enormous shift in tradition, with 90 per cent of dads now taking a hands-on approach in the birthing process. The journey begins not only with conception but with choosing the nursery furniture, picking out names, and taking Lamaze classes. Even with the best of training, guys may still feel out of place when attending the birth of a child. With the advent of birthing rooms taking the place of the sterile operating room, grandparents, uncles, friends, and even siblings are invited into the birth experience. Obviously you cannot know exactly what it feels like to carry and birth a newborn; however, you can learn as much as possible about all the stages of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and newborn bonding. Perhaps once you understand the prenatal class basics you might start having doubts about how you will be able to handle it all. Try to set those uncomfortable thoughts aside. Studies show that men are more likely to get and stay involved in the care and nurturing of their children if they are present at the births. So what's a guy to do? If you're the father to be, you have probably heard the horror stories. You're called every name in the book. You're blamed for everything from inflation to the price of gas to getting your gal in the situation she's in. It's normal. It's probably going to happen. But how do you deal with it? That's hard to say. But the birthing experience is still something every guy can ? well, not exactly enjoy, but, at the very least, participate in. It all begins with the onset of labor. The pains begin. She screams with each contraction. What do you do? At this point, running to the store for a late night craving is out of the question. Right now, you're expected to be the supportive one. But you?re confused and aren?t sure exactly what to do. It can be difficult watching someone you love in pain and childbirth IS PAINFUL! It's like a pain you, as a man, can never know. Research shows that when a woman has a supportive birth partner, this reduces her need for pain-killing drugs and increases her satisfaction with the birth experience. This also can reduce her stresses and worries about being a mother and make her more confident after the baby is born. Having a familiar face can be very reassuring. There are many things you can do to help the momma to be along the way to becoming a full-fledged mother. You may be confused, especially when things start getting a little frantic and they will! With the help of this book, you'll be much more prepared for the birthing experience. In these pages, you?ll be better prepared to help with back labor, understanding what happens in the birthing room, easing the pain of mom, and dealing with your own feelings of helplessness. It can be a daunting and scary experience, but you CAN get through it just like SHE can! Enjoy your ebok "Welcome the little one (for men)"!

Welcome to Happyland

by Henry L. Wellsprings Gordon Downie

A wonderful tale full of mystery and humour A magical, wonderful tale. A rather peculiar police investigation. A group of fascinating, charming and quite unique characters. A town, Happyland, is shaken by a mystery that needs to be investigated to the end by an unusual detective and his newly arrived assistant. Dare to enter this twighlight world and discover the secret that Happyland and its inhabitants are hiding. This novella will make you laugh, think and, in the end, it will leave you feeling that reading this fascinating tale was really worth your while.

Well-Being in Contemporary Society

by Johnny H. Søraker Jan-Willem Van der Rijt Jelle Boer Pak-Hang Wong Philip Brey

This anthology examines the practical role of well-being in contemporary society. It discusses developments such as globalization, consumerism and the rapid innovation and use of new and emerging technologies and focuses on the significant impact of these developments on the well-being of people living today. The anthology brings together researchers from various disciplines, including psychology, economics, sociology, philosophy and development studies. It provides concrete insight on the role and importance of well-being in contemporary society, using a mix of empirical grounding, philosophical rigour and an emphasis on real-world applications. It is unique in that it seeks to understand the relation between well-being research and its application towards real problems.

The Well-Crafted Mom: A Do-It-Yourself Guide for Making a Life You Love

by Kathleen Ann Harper

The Well-Crafted Mom is a do-it-yourself guide for making a life you love. Kathleen Ann Harper blends been-in-your-shoes stories and inspirational craft projects with smart self-care solutions for moms. In The Well-Crafted Mom, Harper links simple craft projects to life coaching tools to give moms creative reminders of what they've learned in each chapter, like how to grapple with mommy guilt; ways to tell the difference between having a mess and being a mess, and why it matters; and how to know when expectations are stealing your happiness and what you can do to reclaim joy. Within the pages of The Well-Crafted Mom, moms find reassurance that they're not alone, see themselves in familiar stories, and discover new ways to craft their beautiful lives.

what now you need to know

by Tony Burroughs

The world is changing all around us with increasing speed, making most of us feel we have no control. Through the art of Intending, you can take control of your own destiny and create your ideal life. The author of several bestsellers, Tony Burroughs has taught over 2 million people how to get exactly what they want for themselves, their loved ones, and the planet. Now, for the first time, Tony reveals the secrets from the very source in this revelatory text. Tony Burroughs was a young man living in Hawaii when an older philosopher sage took him under his wing and became his mentor at an exotic fruit farm on the Big Island. Over a period of ten years, Tony learned "The Information," a series of oral lessons comprising a body of deep teachings about the meaning of life, the history of mankind, and how to evolve and live a meaningful life filled with love, peace, and abundance. A core teaching was intention-setting, and Tony and two friends started a weekly circle to try it out. This first humble circle of three people had life-changing effects, resulting in Tony Burroughs's lifelong mission to guide others.

What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do

by David Jeremiah

Sometimes the big and small decisions in life seem overwhelming. How do you know what choices to make about your career, kids, relationships? Even when you make good decisions, how do you avoid temptation along the way? In What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do, Dr. David Jeremiah walks you through the book of James to glean God's wisdom on issues such as finances, faith, and decision making. Most significantly, this practical book shows you how to have the kind of faith that perseveres in persecution, resists temptation, and responds obediently to God's Word. What does it look like to consider God in all your plans, depend on God rather than wealth, and put prayer above your personal efforts? It looks, as James discovered, like living a life of great joy.

What Would Alice Do?: Advice for the Modern Woman

by Lauren Laverne Lewis Carroll

A perfect gift for book lovers and fans of Lewis Carroll’s classics Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, this beautiful handbook of timeless advice is filled with the original and iconic illustrations of Alice and her unforgettable friends from Wonderland.For over 150 years, Alice—the incomparable heroine of Lewis Carroll’s classic novels—has delighted readers young and old with her spirit and strength. And now she’s going to help a new generation of fans navigate life just as she did Wonderland in this beautiful treasury of advice featuring quotes from the unforgettable characters of Wonderland. Whether she's getting directions from the Cheshire Cat, answering riddles from the Mad Hatter, or keeping her head with the Queen of Hearts, Alice, the original feminist, has much to teach the modern woman about honesty, courage, and making one’s way in a world that doesn’t always make sense. In this essential collection, Alice demonstrates why rules are meant to be broken, how to handle the most difficult people, how to shatter the glass ceiling and get ahead at work, the art of grace under pressure, the importance of staying true to yourself, and how the best experiences in life come from forging your own path, even if that means chasing a white rabbit down a hole.

What You Can When You Can: Healthy Living on Your Terms

by Carla Birnberg Roni Noone

We all know we should eat better, exercise more, get better quality rest, and so on. Tell us something we don't know, right? After all, every statistic we have about Americans and our health proves that no matter how good our intentions are, we are failing to change the habits that undermine our well-being. But how do we achieve our healthy living goals when they're so daunting? Who has the time, the willpower, the resources to do all that nutritious eating, muscle building, restful sleeping, and work-life balancing?Carla Birnberg and Roni Noone have the answer to that-the answer is you. You have the power to make healthier living easy and exciting, just by adopting one simple mantra: "What you can when you can." It's all you need.What You Can When You Can (#wycwyc) is a book, a movement, a mindset, and a lifestyle-one that harnesses the power of small steps to let you achieve your health and fitness goals on YOUR terms. The #wycwyc (pronounced "wickwick") philosophy applies to anything and everything that contributes to a healthy, happy life: nutrition, exercise, physical and mental rejuvenation, and so much more.

What's Your Future Worth?

by Peter Neuwirth

We weigh every significant decision based on how it will affect our future. But when it comes to figuring that out, we mostly make the process up as we go along. While financial professional Peter Neuwirth can't help you actually predict the future, he can offer a simple, systematic way to make much better guesses about it--and so make better decisions.Neuwirth offers an accessible, step-by-step guide to using the powerful concept of Present Value--which allows you to determine the value today of something that might happen in the future--to evaluate all of the outcomes that might arise from choosing one path as opposed to another. Using examples that anyone can relate to, Neuwirth walks you through the process. Your old refrigerator doesn't work as well as it used to--should you buy a new one right away or muddle through for a while? You're offered a great discount on a service you don't need at the moment but eventually will--buy the service now or wait? With just a little math and some common sense, you can compare future costs and benefits with present costs and benefits and make "apples to apples" comparisons. This book will be indispensable for anyone who has ever had to figure out whether to stick with an awful job or follow his or her bliss, fix that old car or buy a new one, increase 401(k) contributions or keep the same take-home pay, and a thousand other decisions.

What's Your Magical Moment?: Disconnect to Reconnect with Your Real Life

by Gina Kloes

Everywhere you turn, you see people on cell phones, laptops and other technology. People rarely look up to actually talk to one another. Sadly, many family dinners are spent answering calls and texting rather than sharing stories and building memories. Beyond the virtual technology of the modern world, real life passes many of us by. Beyond this hectic, fast-paced, demanding life, there is a place and time where we can pause, find meaning, get clarity, experience joy and rediscover experiences that illuminate our life. I call these our magical moments…Come, let me take you there…

What's Your Story?: True Experiences from Complete Strangers (The Strangers Project)

by Brandon Doman

Everyone has a story to share. What's yours?In 2009, Brandon Doman, who has always been curious about the people with whom we share our world, sat at a local coffeehouse and decided to ask passersby a simple question: "What's your story?"Providing only paper and pens, Doman created an exploratory space that instantly intrigued people to share their stories anonymously. Now, more than 10,000 stories later, the Strangers Project has become a momentous movement, engaging strangers of all ages and backgrounds to reflect, rejoice, heal, and connect through words.Published here for the first time, What's Your Story? showcases a selection of two hundred stories from the Strangers Project. Equal parts heartbreaking and humorous, this moving compendium lays bare our universal truths, desires, and sufferings, and illustrates the emotional power of storytelling and our shared humanity. To complete this beautiful collage of stories, a blank page is included at the end for readers to add their own personal story.With more than fifty color photographs and illustrations

When Being Too Nice Becomes Vice

by Nirmal Rao

Do you feel burdened by the unrelenting urge to always feel useful and helpful? Do you worry for others to the point of suffocating them? Or do you know someone who, knowingly or unknowingly, acts like ‘oxygen on legs’ for everyone in their life? This is what happens when as a culture, we are trained to deny our own needs and pay more attention to the needs of others. This can be extremely exhausting and self-violating. When Being Too Nice Becomes A Vice written by Nirmal Yadav, deals with the delicate subject of ‘the helper needing help’ in a precise and in-depth manner. It’s about taking our normal human concern too far, crossing others’ boundaries or allowing others to cross yours. Nirmal Yadav, a trained counsellor with an experience of over twenty-five years, through the course of this book, provides some eye-opening insights into self-sacrificing behavioural patterns and the excessive guilt surrounding self-care issues. She also talks about why it is important to help yourself before helping anyone else. This work ably guides and shows how we can transform the painful patterns of co-dependence (i.e. dependence on others and approval seeking behaviour), live a more meaningful and joyful life, and learn to love ourselves.

The White Knight Syndrome: Rescuing Yourself from Your Need to Rescue Others

by Mary C. Lamia Marilyn J. Krieger

Break the pattern of losing yourself in other people&’s problems with this &“outstanding resource and must-read for every compulsive rescuer&” (Ronald F. Levant, Ed. D.).Are you attracted to needy, damaged, or helpless people? Are you overly involved in your partner's problems? Are you hungry for constant reassurance in relationships? Do you try to &“save&” people from themselves?In legends and fairytales, the white knight rescues the damsel in distress, falls in love, and saves the day. Real-life white knights are men and women who enter into romantic relationships with damaged and vulnerable partners, hoping that love will transform their partner&’s behavior or life. It&’s a relationship pattern that seldom leads to a storybook ending.Hoping to receive validation and love from their partners, white knights only cheat themselves out of emotionally healthy relationships. If this sounds like you, it's time to come to your own rescue. With engaging insight and informative case studies, The White Knight Syndrome is a guide to understanding and resolving the white knight syndrome in yourself.

Who Moved The Stone?

by Frank Morison

English journalist Frank Morison had a tremendous drive to learn of Christ. The strangeness of the Resurrection story had captured his attention, and, influenced by skeptic thinkers at the turn of the century, he set out to prove that the story of Christ's Resurrection was only a myth. His probings, however, led him to discover the validity of the biblical record in a moving, personal way. Who Moved the Stone? is considered by many to be a classic apologetic on the subject of the Resurrection. Morison includes a vivid and poignant account of Christ's betrayal, trial, and death as a backdrop to his retelling of the climactic Resurrection itself.--Print Ed.Reviews:"It is not only a study on the Resurrection account as the title seems to suggest, but it retells the whole passion of Jesus Christ. Because the author does not concern himself with textual criticism, he is able to impress on the reader a consistent picture of the events of Passion and Resurrection. For this reason the book will perform a helpful service to everyone who wants a reconstruction of those events."--Augustana Book News"A well-arranged summary of events relating to the resurrection of Christ and the pros and cons in the debate over their acceptance with emphasis on the latter."--Watchman Examiner"The story Mr. Morison has told of the betrayal and the trial of Christ is fascinating in its lucid, its almost incontrovertible, appeal to the reason. For me, he made those scenes live with a poignancy and vividness that I have found in no other account, not even in the various attempts that have been made to present the same facts in the guise of a novel."--J. D. Beresford

Whole Body Intelligence: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body to Achieve Greater Wisdom, Confidence, a nd Success

by Steve Sisgold

Most self-improvement programs train people to identify and solve problems by grappling with them endlessly, often to no avail. Executive coach Steve Sisgold, however, knows that the body--not the mind--is the most reliable and effective pathway to realizing your innermost desires and achieving success. His unique, body-centric approach will show you how to get out of your head and take charge of every area of your life with increased awareness, clarity, and confidence. Whole Body Intelligence teaches you how to become aware of subtle body sensations--such as gripping the phone or clenching your jaw during a tense conversation--and how to interpret their meanings, linking them to negative thoughts and behaviors that are impeding your success and happiness. You will recognize the patterns and imprints that have shaped your experiences and decisions for your entire life and learn how to change these thoughts and behaviors before they become self-sabotaging. No more overthinking! Decisions will become easier to make and you will stay engaged, resilient, and relaxed in any situation. With an easy-to-follow 30-day plan, body centric stress management tools, and inspiring stories of people who have changed their lives using this system, Whole Body Intelligence empowers you to channel the power of your body to achieve your wildest dreams.

The Whole Brain Business Book: Unlocking the Power of Whole Brain Thinking in Organizations and Individuals

by Ned Herrmann Ann Herrmann-Nehdi

<p>If you think your business can’t get any better, think again. Thanks to the power of Whole Brain® Thinking, you can apply what we know about thinking and the brain to transform your organization at every level. Whether you’re struggling to keep up with a changing market, stuck with a tired business model, or challenged by difficult colleagues, the proven methods in this updated guide will help you. <p>This revised and expanded edition features the latest brain research, updated real-world examples, and more actionable content than ever before. In addition to new stories, data and “mind-hacks”, you’ll find Herrmann’s timeless tips for getting unstuck, identifying the four thinking preferences, and applying research-based techniques that have been proven to work in any business environment around the world. By building and strengthening your thinking agility, you’ll be able to work more effectively with others―and leverage the best thinking around―so you can avoid costly delays, missed opportunities, and other business risks. Using the book’s point-by-point action steps, insightful case studies, and emerging thought trends, you can really put your mind to work―and get brilliant results. <p>The Whole Brain Business Book will help optimize your management approach, align your organization and strategy, and fully engage your own brain as well as the brains of others to work smarter, faster, and better than you ever thought possible.</p>

Why Am I Scared of Everything?: A Diary of Our Greatest Worries and Inspirational Quotes to Remember

by Bethany Straker

Meet Regina Sharpe. She has full-blown anxiety, but she's not alone. Over 40 million adults in the United States suffer from anxiety disorders, and women are twice as likely as men to be riddled with unfettered anxiety. Author and illustrator Bethany Straker has had personal experience of dealing with anxiety, and wanted to adopt a humorous approach at addressing our common fears.A selection of anxiety-inducing fears highlighted in the book include:Being a failureAgeingChanging jobsHaving childrenFlyingBecoming a bag ladyAnd many more!With witty illustrations and inspirational quotes on each spread to help any anxiety sufferer get through the tough times, Why Am I Scared of Everything? promises to make the reader laugh at his or her own worries while feeling as if they aren't alone in their fears.

Why Can't I Meditate?: How to Get Your Mindfulness Practice on Track

by Nigel Wellings

An accessible guide from an expert on Mindfulness on how to get the most out of meditation--and make the practice a permanent part of your daily life.Meditation is supposed to be a practice that's relaxing and why is it so hard to commit to? While many people have taken workshops in meditation, a significant number don't maintain their practice for long after the class is finished. Mindfulness can help us relax and is great for coming to grips with thoughts that make us depressed or anxious, but it can also bring us into a more intimate relationship with ourselves--a prospect that can make some feel uncomfortable. Yes, lots of good things come out of meditation practice, but keeping it up is challenging. This is where Why Can't I Meditate? comes in. Full of practical ways to help our mindfulness practice flourish, it also features guidance from a wide spectrum of secular and Buddhist mindfulness teachers, and personal accounts by new meditators on what they find difficult and what helps them overcome those blocks. It takes what is boring, painful, or downright scary about meditating and shows how these struggles can become an invaluable part of our path. If you have been considering meditating but doubted your ability, if you are having a hard time continuing, or if you've reluctantly stopped, Why Can't I Meditate? will help you get your mindfulness practice back on track.

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