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Adult Continuing Education and High School Course Catalog

by Hadley Institute for the Blind Visually Impaired

Adult Continuing Education and High School Course Catalog 2016-2017. Catalog of current distance education courses for the blind or visually impaired. Various media for the courses is available including; Braille, CD, Digital Talking Books, Large Print, Online and more. Not all courses are available in all formats.

Adult Stuff

by Robert Boesel Matt Moore

Your future! Wait, we mean...limiting... No, hold on...limitless.Sometimes your first steps into the "real world" send you falling flat on your face. It's natural to be optimistic about new experiences, but most of us set ourselves up only to be let down every time. And disappointment hurts like a $%&*#. News flash: You don't have to be an Einstein to survive adult life. You don't even have to abandon your standards to get what you want. All you have to do is keep your expectations realistic.Don't worry--if you're not feeling 100 percent confident about your abilities to live like a grown-up, Robert Boesel and Matt Moore (a.k.a. your new best friends/big brothers) will guide you over the impending hurdles of adulthood, including: Your First Apartment--you can't have nice things Business Trips--if they were meant to be fun, they'd be called vacations Pets--you are in no position to keep a creature alive! Plants are iffy too...And much more! From constructing your first IKEA-filled apartment to trying to land your dream job (and landing at the bottom of the corporate ladder instead), Adult Stuff gives every aspiring grown-up a much-needed reality check on how to conquer life's challenges like a champ.

Advanced Autogenic Training and Primal Awareness: Techniques for Wellness, Deeper Connection to Nature, and Higher Consciousness

by James Endredy

A step-by-step guide to optimize health, reconnect with Nature, and access the vast knowledge of the universe through autogenic training • Provides step-by-step instructions for 40 autogenic and primal mind techniques • Explains how to add healing affirmations and visualizations to autogenic practice as well as work with colors and chakras • Includes techniques to restore our primal connection to the world of Nature through practices such as Forest Bathing, Nature’s Breath, and Feeling in the Dark Developed by German doctor Johannes Schultz in the early 20th century, autogenic training teaches you how to use the mind-body connection to influence and regulate the body’s normally involuntary autonomic functions by passively tapping into your central and peripheral nervous systems. Often used for stress relief, autogenic training can also be used for asthma, chronic pain, migraines, constipation, anxiety, panic attacks, and a host of other conditions. In this book, James Endredy takes autogenic training to a new level, revealing how to use AT practices to optimize health as well as reawaken your senses, reconnect with Nature and tap into the vast knowledge and power of the universe. Beginning with the 7 standard formulas of AT, the author provides step-by-step instructions for 40 AT and primal mind techniques. He explains how to add specific healing affirmations and visualizations to your AT practice as well as how to work with colors and the chakras. He offers advanced trainings to rekindle your primal touch sensitivity, experience enhanced sight and hearing, and awaken your primal sense of smell. He reveals how to use AT to restore our primal connection to the world of Nature through practices such as Forest Bathing, Nature’s Breath, and Primal Fire Connection. Drawing on more than 25 years of experience living and working with indigenous cultures, including the Huichol, Iroquois, Sioux, Maya, and Hopi, Endredy shows how, much like a vision quest, this unique combination of AT and primal mind awareness offers rites of passage sorely missing from modern life. It gives you the tools to go deeper into your physiological being, to directly experience how we relate to the world, and to reconnect with the ancient wisdom within each of us.

The Advancement of Learning

by Francis Bacon

“The Tvvoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, divine and humane. To the King. At London. Printed for Henrie Tomes, and are to be sould at his shop at Graies Inne Gate in Holborne. 1605.” That was the original title-page of the book now in the reader’s hand—a living book that led the way to a new world of thought. It was the book in which Bacon, early in the reign of James the First, prepared the way for a full setting forth of his New Organon, or instrument of knowledge...

Advances in Happiness Research: A Comparative Perspective (Creative Economy)

by Toshiaki Tachibanaki

This edited volume makes a contribution to the literature on happiness research by compiling studies based on cross-national research and from diverse academic disciplines. The book is distinctive in that it contains both theoretical and empirical analyses, investigating relationship between causes of happiness and economic behavior relating to employment, consumption, and saving. Most notably, it is one of the first studies in this subject area that analyzes micro data collected in Europe, US and Japan with information on respondents' attributes and their economic behavior, as well as in measuring inter-temporal happiness by principal factor analysis. Research findings in this volume shed new light on public policies for a number of areas such as employment, family, social welfare, urban and regional planning, and culture. The book draws on a collaborative research project between five institutions of higher education in France, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, and Japan that lasted for two years.

Advertencia Global: Detalles Proféticos Revelados

by Bill Vincent

Advertencia Global por Bill Vincent Detalles Proféticos Revelados ¿Estás dispuesto a convertirte en un Centinela del Señor? ¿Estás dispuesto a convertirte en un centinela del Señor? En Advertencia Global, Bill Vincent nos insta a todos a pronunciarnos por los Estados Unidos. En un esfuerzo por buscar y eliminar la maldad que se ha calado hasta llevar a los lugares elevados de nuestra sociedad, Bill nos llama a cada uno de nosotros a pasar tiempo en oración y prepararnos para difundir las advertencias de Dios. Aléjate de los medios sociales. Apaga tu televisor. Busca en tu interior la palabra de Dios. Su palabra sola nos guía a la verdad, a los peligros de nuestra sociedad y al llamado a la acción. Cuando nuestro Señor haga sonar la alarma, ¿aceptarás su llamado? Emplea tu fe, alimenta tu alma y prepárate para su palabra. Toma tu ejemplar de este libro hoy. Género: RELIGIÓN / Vida Cristiana / General Género Secundario: RELIGIÓN / Vida Cristiana / Crecimiento Personal Idioma: Español Palabras Clave: Aborto, Homosexualidad, Estados Unidos, Obama Conteo de palabras: 40000 Extracto: Voy a empezar echando los cimientos de aquello de lo que Dios está hablando en cuanto a hacer sonar la alarma. Hemos de ser los centinelas del Señor y Dios nos está levantando para ello. Durante todo el verano tuvimos reuniones en el parque en Litchfield, Illinois, y Dios le habló de manera específica a nuestro Ministerio “Revival Waves of Glory” (“Olas de Avivamiento de Gloria”); dijo que habíamos de levantarnos como los centinelas del Señor. Hemos de ser aquellos que están de pie y observan y ven en el Espíritu y pueden decir la verdad. Hemos de pronunciarnos en nombre de los Estados Unidos. El verdadero patriotismo representado por los colores de nuestra bandera - rojo, blanco y azul - se manifestará a través de aquellos que se posicionan como los verdaderos centinelas del Seño

Advice from My 80-Year-Old Self: Real Words of Wisdom from People Ages 7 to 88

by Susan O'Malley

What advice would your 80-year-old self give you? That is the question artist Susan O'Malley, who was herself to die far too young, asked more than a hundred ordinary people of every age, from every walk of life. She then transformed their responses into vibrant text-based images. From a prompt to do things that matter to your heart, to a reminder that it's okay to have sugar in your tea, these are calls to action and words to live by--heartfelt, sometimes humorous, and always fiercely compassionate. This stirring celebration of our collective humanity unveils the wisdom we hold inside ourselves right now.

After 9/11: One Girl's Journey through Darkness to a New Beginning

by Helaina Hovitz Jasmin Lee Cori

“You are a herald for your generation....Thank you for using your voice to help us make sense of that dark day, and forge a new beginning.”—Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a letter to Helaina Hovitz Helaina Hovitz was twelve years old and in middle school just blocks away when the World Trade Center was attacked. Her memoir encapsulates the journey of a girl growing up with PTSD after living through the events firsthand. After 9/11 chronicles its effects on a young girl at the outset of adolescence, following her as she spirals into addiction and rebellion, through loss, chaos, and confusion.The events of 9/11 were a very real part of Helaina’s life and are still vivid in her memory today. Hundreds were stranded in the neighborhood, including Helaina, without phones or electricity or anyone to help. Fear and despair took over her life. It would take Helaina more than a decade to overcome the PTSD — and subsequent alcohol addiction — that went misdiagnosed and mistreated. In many ways, After 9/11 is the story of a generation growing up in the aftermath of America’s darkest day —and for one young woman, it is the story of a survivor who, after witnessing the end, got to make a new beginning. This new trade paperback edition includes tips on how to cope with trauma, an FAQ section, and a guide to discussing 9/11 with children. “Inspirational, courageous and beautifully told. After 9/11 is a testament to the resiliency of the human spirit.” — Cathy Free, correspondent, PEOPLE magazine“Helaina Hovitz's engrossing narrative begins in the shadow of the twin towers with her as a backpack-toting twelve-year-old and plays out over the next fifteen years in dramatic - and sometimes distressing - detail. This impressive debut is both deeply evocative and intensely personal.” — Peter Canby, Senior Editor, The New Yorker“A moving and remarkable testament to a time that changed our country, told beautifully by a young woman who never gave up hope that she could reclaim her life, no matter how grim things looked.” — Sean Elder, contributor, Newsweek

After College: Navigating Transitions, Relationships and Faith

by Erica Young Reitz

"The first year out was one of the hardest years of my life." —Curt

After You, Marco Polo

by Jean Bowie Shor

From Venice to Pelping across high Asia, an adventurous American couple follows a dangerous trail seven centuries old."Franc and Jean Shor are the most widely traveled American couple on the world scene. They have gone to the farthest reaches, to the bleak places few have ever seen. They are warm-hearted, hospitable people, and keen observers, with great perception and understanding. "It's an exciting and absorbing adventure story that Jean Shor tells. It has a gay and humorous side; and a grim and near tragic one too. She and Franc follow Marco Polo by car, by horse and yak, and on foot over the top of the Pamirs of Central Asia, through heat and freezing cold. She has also followed Marco Polo's example by giving a faithful account of the people of the various regions--their customs, institutions, habits, diet, dress, dances, and religion."This is the best travelogue I know. It takes one where only a handful from the West have ever gone. The account is on par with Marco Polo's great classic. And it has more warmth and meaning, because it is rich in the details that only an understanding woman can contribute."--WILLIAM O. DOUGLAS, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and author of Beyond the High Himalayas, etc.

The Age Fix: A Leading Plastic Surgeon Reveals How to Really Look 10 Years Younger

by Eve Adamson Anthony Youn

Don't buy another overpriced cream.Hold off on that invasive procedure.Stop avoiding the reflection in the mirror.Get your Age Fix.Here's what the experts know but aren't telling you-until now:- The drugstore brand can be just as effective-or better-than the expensive cream at your dermatologist's office- Surgery usually isn't the best solution- Natural, DIY creams can actually get results, using ingredients that cost pennies - Diet can be your best defense against redness, acne, fine lines, and wrinkles.Dr. Anthony Youn is the rare plastic surgeon who does everything he can to keep his patients out of the operating room. He's spent the past sixteen years researching the secrets of plastic surgeons, dermatologists, makeup artists, and dietitians, and he knows what works, what doesn't, and what's overpriced. Now he's compiled solutions to every cosmetic aging problem in this definitive anti-aging bible. Whether you want to stay as natural as possible or you're interested to know which creams and medical procedures actually work (and are worth the price tag), THE AGE FIX has your fix to look younger and more radiant. Dr. Youn's customizable Age Fix routine will help you improve skin health, whatever your age or concerns, and his diet-based Age Fix prescription will rejuvenate your skin and overall health from the inside out. Did you know that the foods you choose every day can contribute to fine lines and wrinkles and the likelihood of your getting a sunburn? Dr. Youn explains why you should shun soda but reach for that glass of red wine. You'll also discover which fruit can help you look younger and prevent sun damage and which supplements are proven to reduce fine lines.From your face, to your neck, your hands, your eyes, and your body, THE AGE FIX has you covered with an abundance of actionable takeaways and insider advice to help you reclaim your youthful glow-without spending a fortune or going under the knife!

The Age Fix

by Anthony Youn

World-renowned plastic surgeon Anthony Youn, MD, presents a ground-breaking book on how to look look younger, firmer and wrinkle-free without surgery or invasive treatments.You don't have to spend a lot of money or undergo painful or risky procedures to turn back the clock and fight ageing. This is good news for readers who want to look younger and enjoy firmer, wrinkle-free skin. World-renowned plastic surgeon Anthony Youn has spent the past 16 years researching the secrets of plastic surgeons, dermatologists, makeup artists, and dietitians, and he's compiled solutions to every cosmetic ageing problem in this book. THE AGE FIX provides advice on how to help readers maintain youthful beauty, including a diet program that explains which foods can help you look younger and which foods are ageing. Filled with an abundance of actionable takeaways and insider advice, it will help readers reclaim their youthful glow without spending a fortune or going under the knife!

Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your Life

by R. Paul Stevens

Academy of Parish Clergy&’s Top Ten Books for Parish Ministry Vocational discernment, says R. Paul Stevens, is a lifelong process — one that takes on even more significance in later life. In this book Stevens argues that our calling does not end with formal retirement; to the contrary, we do well to keep on working, if possible, till life's end. Stevens delves into matters of calling, spirituality, and legacy in retirement, showing that we must continue to discern our vocation as we grow older in order to remain meaningfully engaged for the rest of our lives. He reframes retirement as a time of continued calling and productivity and points to biblical wisdom that can help us redefine aging as an extraordinarily fruitful season of life.

Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your Life

by R. Paul Stevens

Academy of Parish Clergy’s Top Ten Books for Parish Ministry Vocational discernment, says R. Paul Stevens, is a lifelong process — one that takes on even more significance in later life. In this book Stevens argues that our calling does not end with formal retirement; to the contrary, we do well to keep on working, if possible, till life's end. Stevens delves into matters of calling, spirituality, and legacy in retirement, showing that we must continue to discern our vocation as we grow older in order to remain meaningfully engaged for the rest of our lives. He reframes retirement as a time of continued calling and productivity and points to biblical wisdom that can help us redefine aging as an extraordinarily fruitful season of life.

The Aha! Factor

by Mariana Cooper

What if the answers to your prayers are closer than you think? Do you keep asking, but feel your prayers are going unanswered or taking an extremely long time to come to fruition? Can you trust your gut feeling to guide you, when so far you've failed to manifest many of your goals? When Mariana Cooper hit up against the frustrations and heartbreak of dashed dreams, loss of loved ones and the complications that real life brings, she set out on a quest to learn the language in which we actually receive the answers to our desires. What she discovered is the Energetic Communication System that delivers the answers to our prayers - she calls it the Aha! Factor. Now it's time for you to activate your own Aha! Factor - The little-known language of Answered Prayer In this eye-opening book Mariana shares: · How to access your Aha! Factor to receive and interpret the answers to your prayers and intentions · What an Aha! Moment actually is and how to have more of them throughout your day to help you to make decisions that you can believe in. · The list of 101 Signs, Symbols and Synchronicities that show when a message is coming to you and what it means. · How to easily incorporate your Aha! Factor into all aspects of your life, including money, love and other relationships, body, work, handling toxic people and situations and bringing your biggest dreams and goals to fruition much more quickly than you could ever do with logic alone. When you are fully aware of your Aha! Factor and how to use it, you can finally interpret the answers that are always being sent your way - and anything is possible!From the Trade Paperback edition.

Ahinsa: અહિંસા

by Dada Bhagwan

પ્રાણીઓ, જીવજંતુ અને નાના જીવોને મારવા તે દ્રવ્ય હિંસા છે. અને બીજાને માનસિક સંતાપ આપવો, બીજા ઉપર ક્રોધ કરવો તે ભાવ હિંસા છે. માણસ ખૂબ જ પ્રયત્ન કરે છતાંપણ અહિંસક રહેવું અઘરું છે. હકીકત માં ક્રોધ, મિથ્યાભિમાન, આસક્તિ, લોભ એ ખરી હિંસા છે. દ્રવ્ય હિંસા કુદરતના કાયદા પ્રમાણે ચાલ્યા કરે છે અને તે કોઈના વશમાં નથી. કષાય ( ખરાબ ભાવ, વર્તન કે વાણી ) એ સૌથી મોટી હિંસા છે અને તેથી ભગવાને કહ્યું કે સૌથી વધારે મહત્વનું કષાય ન કરવા તે છે. આ પ્રકારની હિંસા એટલે સ્વ હિંસા અથવા ભાવ હિંસા. જો દ્રવ્ય હિંસા થાય, તો તેને થવા દો, પરંતુ કોઈપણ સંજોગો માં ભાવ હિંસા ના થવા દેવી જોઈએ. તેને બદલે લોકો દ્રવ્ય હિંસા રોકવાના પ્રયત્નો કરે છે અને ભાવ હિંસા કર્યે રાખે છે. જો કોઈ વ્યક્તિ પોતાના મનમાં નિશ્ચય કરે કે કોઈપણ સંજોગોમાં તે કોઈ જીવ ને નહિ મારે તો તે કોઈપણ જીવ હિંસામાં નિમિત્ત નહિ બને. એવા લોકો છે જેઓ દ્રવ્ય હિંસા રોકવા મક્કમ છે. તેઓ દેખીતી જીવ હિંસા અટકાવી શકશે. છતાંપણ જો તેઓ વેપારમાં પોતાની બુદ્ધિથી બીજાનો ફાયદો ઉઠાવે છે તો અને પોતાના લોભથી તેઓ ભાવ હિંસા કરવાનું ચાલુ જ રાખે છે. આ બધી હિંસા જ છે. સ્થૂળ કે સૂક્ષ્મ, હિંસા અહિંસા વિષે જ્ઞાની પુરુષે જાતે ખુલ્લું કર્યું છે તે પ્રમાણે આગળ વધારો જાણો. જેઓ અહિંસા પાળી ને મુક્તિના માર્ગે આગળ વધવા માગે છે તેને આ વાંચન નિશંક રીતે મદદગાર સાબિત થશે.

Ahinsa: अहिंसा

by Dada Bhagwan

इन छोटे-छोटे जीवों को मारना, वह द्रव्यहिंसा कहलाता है और किसी को मानसिक दुःख देना, किसी पर क्रोध करना, गुस्सा होना, वह सब भावहिंसा कहलाता है। लोग चाहे जितनी अहिंसा पाले, लेकिन अहिंसा इतनी आसानी से नहीं पाली जा सकती। और वास्तव में क्रोध-मान-माया-लोभ ही हिंसा हैं। द्रव्यहिंसा कुदरत के लिखे अनुसार ही चलती है। इसमें किसी का चले, ऐसा नहीं है। इसलिए भगवान ने तो क्या कहा है कि सबसे पहले, खुद को कषाय नहीं हो, ऐसा करना। क्योंकि ये क्रोध-मान-माया-लोभ, वे सबसे बड़ी हिंसा हैं। द्रव्यहिंसा हो तो भले हो, लेकिन भाव हिंसा नहीं होनी चाहिए। लेकिन लोग तो द्रव्यहिंसा रोकते हैं और भाव हिंसा तो चलती ही रहती है। इसलिए किसी ने निश्चित किया हो कि “मुझे तो मारने ही नहीं हैं” तो भाग्य में कोई मरने नहीं आता। अब वैसे तो उसने स्थूल हिंसा बंद कर दी, कि मुझे किसी जीव को मारना ही नहीं है। लेकिन बुद्धि से मारना, ऐसा निश्चित किया, तो उसका बाज़ार खुला ही रहता है। तब वहाँ कीट पतंगे टकराते रहते हैं। और वह भी हिंसा ही है न! अहिंसा के बारे में इस काल के ज्ञानी, परम पूज्य दादाश्री के श्रीमुख से निकली हुई वाणी, इस ग्रंथ में संकलित की गई है। इसमें हिंसा और अहिंसा – दोनों के तमाम रहस्यों से पर्दा हटाया है।

Ahinsa: अहिंसा

by Dada Bhagwan

इन छोटे-छोटे जीवों को मारना, वह द्रव्यहिंसा कहलाता है और किसी को मानसिक दुःख देना, किसी पर क्रोध करना, गुस्सा होना, वह सब भावहिंसा कहलाता है। लोग चाहे जितनी अहिंसा पाले, लेकिन अहिंसा इतनी आसानी से नहीं पाली जा सकती। और वास्तव में क्रोध-मान-माया-लोभ ही हिंसा हैं। द्रव्यहिंसा कुदरत के लिखे अनुसार ही चलती है। इसमें किसी का चले, ऐसा नहीं है। इसलिए भगवान ने तो क्या कहा है कि सबसे पहले, खुद को कषाय नहीं हो, ऐसा करना। क्योंकि ये क्रोध-मान-माया-लोभ, वे सबसे बड़ी हिंसा हैं। द्रव्यहिंसा हो तो भले हो, लेकिन भाव हिंसा नहीं होनी चाहिए। लेकिन लोग तो द्रव्यहिंसा रोकते हैं और भाव हिंसा तो चलती ही रहती है। इसलिए किसी ने निश्चित किया हो कि “मुझे तो मारने ही नहीं हैं” तो भाग्य में कोई मरने नहीं आता। अब वैसे तो उसने स्थूल हिंसा बंद कर दी, कि मुझे किसी जीव को मारना ही नहीं है। लेकिन बुद्धि से मारना, ऐसा निश्चित किया, तो उसका बाज़ार खुला ही रहता है। तब वहाँ कीट पतंगे टकराते रहते हैं। और वह भी हिंसा ही है न! अहिंसा के बारे में इस काल के ज्ञानी, परम पूज्य दादाश्री के श्रीमुख से निकली हुई वाणी, इस ग्रंथ में संकलित की गई है। इसमें हिंसा और अहिंसा – दोनों के तमाम रहस्यों से पर्दा हटाया है।

Airbnb Secrets: Earn $5000 A Month Posting Your Pad

by Sebastian Ritter

Looking to make some extra cash by renting out that spare room? Or maybe you want to dive into a full-on investment property! Making money through property rentals has never been more accessible and this guide will tell you everything you need to know about how to get started, how to be successful, and how to set yourself apart from the rest.

Al Este - Una novela

by Peri Hoskins

"...en una palabra: extraordinario.” V. Scipione, Agente Literario norteamericano. "Su forma de escribir es magnífica… Si hay algún escritor que me recuerde a Hoskins, ese sería John Steinbeck. Pero en vez del norte de California y el Valle de Salinas, descubrimos Australia y Nueva Zelanda.” - R. Simmons, de Readers’ Favorite. "... El resultado es una historia en la carretera donde se producen descubrimientos y conexiones entre personas, elevándolas a un nuevo nivel de introspección y crecimiento, de forma que ‘Al Este’ se convierte en una novela altamente recomendable para lectores a los que les gustan las historias introspectivas y las aventuras, y a los que consideran la experiencia de viajar por carretera como un estímulo a la hora de tomar decisiones.” - D. Donovan, Crítico autorizado, Midwest Book Review "Este es un libro que termina haciendo que me cuestione mi propia vida y hacia dónde se dirige- que me haga preguntarme cómo podría yo cambiar mi rutina por algo mucho más excitante.” - Christine Frayling, Asociación de libreros de Nueva Zelanda. "Qué captura tan extraordinaria de una humanidad desnuda y sin adulterar, con todos sus matices, sus luces y sus sombras. Lo leí en muy poco tiempo, no podía dejar de hacerlo… De verdad, de verdad que disfruté de la lectura muchísimo.” - Teresa Herleth Lleva una vida ordenada. Trabaja duro. Paga tus impuestos. Poda tu césped. Sé un buen ciudadano. Vince Osbourne ha llevado una vida ordenada durante treinta años. Ya es hora de ponerse en marcha. Frente a él se encuentra el enorme continente australiano, un futuro incierto y un pasado sin resolver. Al tiempo que recorre los enormes y cambiantes paisajes del país, Vince aprende a apreciar su belleza, sus peligros y, sobre todo, a sus gentes. Encuentros con jóvenes amantes, viejos amigos, bellas mujeres, aborígenes, un pescador sin rumbo por el desierto y un vapuleado ex

Albert Schweitzer: The Man and His Mind [5th Revised Edition]

by George Seaver

The definitive biography of one of the titans of our time, together with a full appreciation of his revolutionary thought and writings, is now revised to include new materials on the eighth decade of Dr. Schweitzer's life and work at Lambaréné.The book tells two exciting stories: the outward events of Schweitzer's life--his childhood in Alsace, his career in Strasbourg, his organ studies and recitals, his decision to become a medical missionary in Africa, and his long labors there; and a review of his great intellectual and spiritual contributions--his upsetting of Biblical criticism, his profound insights into Christ, St. Paul, Bach and Goethe, his philosophy of civilization and reverence for life."Seaver's book is without equal in opening to us simply and clearly a view of the life and mind of Schweitzer of Lambaréné, Africa, Europe and the World."--Christian Century"Mark this down as a great biography of a man whom many regard as our greatest living contemporary."--Living Church"Step by step Seaver leads the reader to look at life with Schweitzer, in order to understand his attitude toward Greek eudaemonism, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and finally the building up of his affirmation [Reverence for Life]...Those of us who seek to understand the meaning of Schweitzer's life and thought and 'realized fellowship with the living Christ's must master this tiny book, so filled with spiritual reality."--EDWARD H. HUME"Dr. Seaver's excellent work should appeal not only to Schweitzer's many admires, but to those anxious to find a way out of the baffling labyrinth of current world conditions."--Christian Century"This swift yet fundamental survey of one whole trend in the intellectual life of man is a remarkable piece of work. It proves that Schweitzer is one of the great thinkers of our time."--JOHN HAYNES HOLMES

Alcanza tus sueños: Cómo Proponerse Metas Y Lograrlas

by Helios Herrera

Como un mago, Helios Herrera nos enseña en una forma clara, directa, sin ambages ni retorcimientos literarios, de qué manera podemos convertir nuestros sueños en realidad. ¿Qué clase de sueños? Aquellos que coinciden con los objetivos de la vida de cualquier persona que desea triunfar.Alcanza tus sueños es una guía elemental para llegar a la meta anhelada. El autor nos dice cómo, pero de nosotros depende llegar a la meta sin perdernos en el camino. El primer paso consiste en abrir el libro y comenzar a leerlo. Si en las primeras páginas decides cerrarlo, guardarlo o regalarlo, ya es asunto tuyo. Aprovecha como los más de dos millones y medio de personas que se han renovado con los cursos y conferencias de Helios. La decisión está en tus manos.

Alimentação Intuitiva: dicas para alimentação e estratégias para corpo e mente saudáveis

by The Blokehead

Esse livro traz dicas e estratégias eficazes que podem lhe ajudar a conseguir corpo e mente saudáveis por meio da alimentação intuitiva. Você vai aprender sobre os erros comuns das pessoas que acabam comendo demais sob muito estresse, tristeza ou tédio, você vai aprender sobre alimentação intuitiva, também vai ler sobre o motivo da dieta nunca ajudar a perder peso.

Alimentazione intuitiva: 30 trucchi e strategie per un corpo e una mente sani oggi!

by The Blokehead

Grazie per aver acquistato il libro "Alimentazione intuitiva". Questo libro contiene consigli efficaci e strategie che vi possono aiutare ad ottenere un corpo e una mente sani attraverso l'alimentazione intuitiva. Verrete a conoscenza degli errori comuni commessi dalle persone che ricorrono al rimpinzarsi quando sotto stress, lutto o annoiate. Imparerete di più sull'alimentazione emozionale. Leggerete anche del perché la dieta non vi aiuterà mai a perdere peso.

All about Them: Grow Your Business by Focusing on Others

by Bob Burg Bruce Turkel

The best companies and most successful salespeople live by a three-word mantra—"all about them"—because when they relentlessly focus their brand on their customers instead of themselves, their businesses flourish. All about Them shows readers how to use this simple but extremely powerful influencing technique. Bruce Turkel, who has advised some of the world's greatest companies, including American Express and Bacardi, lays the groundwork by relating his personal journey of discovery to the "All about Them" principle. He goes on to explore our technology-driven, hyper- connected culture; the power of storytelling (and story-selling); brand authenticity and transparency; and more.

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