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Diane Stein's Guide to Goddess Craft

by Diane Stein

Originally published as The Women's Spirituality Book, this guide describes the beliefs and practices of the Goddess craft as it relates to the daily lives of women. It emphasizes achieving power and control through healing, visualization, Tarot, and the women's I Ching.Diane Stein teaches the specific techniques-the craft-of this worship, encouraging women to become leaders in the transformation of the world into a safer, gentler place for all.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Journal de méditation pour une réflexion quotidienne: Méditez chaque jour avec une pensée de Marc-Aurèle

by Jack Baiesi

Dans ce journal, chaque jour vous pourrez transcrire vos pensées et réflexions avant et après méditation. Ces notes quotidiennes vous permettront d’être plus conscient et d’apprendre de plus en plus à chaque méditation. Ce journal couvre une période de 21 jours. Si à la fin de cette période, vous êtes satisfait des effets obtenus par la méditation, vous pouvez reprendre un nouveau cycle de 21 jours, et ainsi de suite. Chaque journée commence par une méditation sur une pensée de Marc Aurèle.

Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession

by Anne Rice

Anne Rice has written twenty-eight novels - magnificent tales of other worldly beings, novels set centuries ago and in contemporary times, that explore the realms of good and evil, love and alienation, pageantry and ritual: each a reflection of her own moral journey. Now, in her powerful, haunting memoir - her first work of non-fiction - she writes about her own life as a Catholic. She begins with her New Orleans childhood, in the 1940s and 1950s, where in a vivid world of the senses, of ritual and devotion, her faith was formed. In adolescence, in the shadow of her mother's drinking and slow death, and against a backdrop of Haight-Ashbury and radical Berkeley in the late 1960s, she slowly lost her belief in God but still felt that life had to be conscientious and meaningful. She married her highschool sweetheart and wrote Interview with the Vampire, a lament for her lost faith. It was the tragic death of her young daughter which turned her into a writer; and the birth of her son, Christopher, that saved her from taking the same road as her mother. Rice describes a Damascene moment in Rio de Janeiro, and how, after thirty-eight years as an atheist, she turned back to Christ, not in blind faith but in a profound transcendental surrender made with open eyes to an all-knowing God, encompassing knowledge, beauty and science. Hers is a faith which has survived even in the face of her husband's subsequent death from cancer, and the divisive nature of contemporary religious debate. This is a spiritual confession that is a celebration; that moves towards a full commitment to Christ, rooted in the words of the Gospel of Matthew: "Love your enemies. "

Diario di meditazione

by Jack Baiesi

In questo diario puoi scrivere ogni giorno tutti i tuoi pensieri e le tue riflessioni, prima e dopo la meditazione. Così facendo, potrai acquisire una maggiore consapevolezza e apprendere di più da ogni meditazione. Il diario contiene 21 giorni. Se, dopo questo periodo, sarai soddisfatto degli effetti sulla tua pratica di meditazione, potrai ripetere la procedura per altri 21 giorni e così via. Ciascun giorno inizia con una meditazione di Marco Aurelio Antonino.

In Pursuit of Meaning

by Asma Elferkouss

Paralyzed due an accident, a young dynamic woman finds herself bedridden overnight. She goes down her memory lane to try to get out of it. Will she find the strength she needs to move forward?

In the Company of Women: Deepening Our Relationships with the Important Women in Our Lives

by Brenda Hunter

All women long for the enjoyment, counsel and emotional support found in close relationships. However, although they might wish that strong friendships would just "happen," they generally find that they require skill and effort. In the Company of Women gives insight into the art of friendship, offering wisdom and practical advice into how a woman can make-and nurture-lifelong relationships with other women. Whether a woman is single or married, employed or parenting full-time, In the Company of Women will give her tips for building stronger, closer relationships with her mother, sisters, daughters, friends, mentors and peers throughout every phase of her life.From the Trade Paperback edition.

What Color Is Your Parachute? for Retirement, Second Edition: Planning a Prosperous, Healthy, and Happy Future

by John E. Nelson Richard N. Bolles

Plan Now for the Life You WantToday's economic realities have reset our expectations of what retirement is, yet there's still the promise for what it can be: a life stage filled with more freedom and potential than ever before. Given the new normal, how do you plan for a future filled with prosperity, health, and happiness? As a companion to What Color Is Your Parachute?, the world's best-selling career book, What Color Is Your Parachute? for Retirement offers both a holistic, big-picture look at these years as well as practical tools and exercises to help you build a life full of security, vitality, and community.This second edition contains updates throughout, including a section on Social Security, an in-depth exercise on values and how they inform your retirement map, and the one-of-a-kind resource for organizing the sea of information on finances and mental and physical health: the Retirement Well-Being Profile. More than a guide on where to live, how to stay active, or which investments to choose, What Color Is Your Parachute? for Retirement helps you develop a detailed picture of your ideal retirement, so that--whether you're planning retirement or are there already--you can take a comprehensive approach to make the most of these vital years.From the Trade Paperback edition.

7 Ways to Build a Better You

by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Seven Ways to Build a Better You, based on Sheri Rose Shepherd's popular video series, is for people who are ready to break out of the mindset of mediocrity and enter into a spirit of excellence -- emotionally, physically, relationally, and spiritually. Seven chapters, with seven life lessons in each chapter, provide tools to build a foundation for life that's grounded in God's master plan. Sheri Rose mixes in humor and heartwarming stories to motivate the reader to excellence in every area of life.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Creando la baraja de tarot de Mantegna Tarocci

by Elena Kryuchkova Olga Kryuchkova

Este libro incluye la descripción de las cartas de la baraja medieval de Mantegna Tarocci. Cada carta tiene su descripción. El libro tiene una sección en la cual hay imágenes en blanco y negro para colorear. El lector puede colorear las cartas, otorgarles energía, escapar de los problemas del día a día, desarrollar su creatividad. Luego de pintar las cartas las puede pegar en cartón (o el material deseado) para así tener una baraja única de cartas, las cuales puede usar en su vida diaria. Este libro está destinado a una amplia audiencia con interés primario en la adivinación de las cartas de tarot.

Choices: For Women Who Long to Discover Life's Best

by Mary Farrar

Today Women have many choices. This book of 12 lessons prepares women to make wise, God-aligned decisions in such vital areas as career, family, and personal growth. Each lesson has its own group study guide.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Mental Attic: The secret everyone should know

by Ghaffar Dews

Anguish, stress, and depression can be some of the biggest problems in our life, and sometimes the most lethal, and just as we can train to reach the top of the world, we can reach our mind's supreme hight, where it works 24 hours a day and gives us everything we need and want, the peal which is called the mental attic, the highest part of our mind, and this book helps us understand and learn how we can reach it and obtain everything we need.

A Reason to Believe: Lessons from an Improbable Life

by Deval Patrick

"I've simply seen too much goodness in this country--and have come so far in my own journey--not to believe in those ideals, and my faith in the future is sometimes restored under the darkest clouds." --Governor Deval Patrick. In January 2007, Deval Patrick became the first black governor of the state of Massachusetts, one of only two black governors elected in American history. But that was just one triumphant step in a long, improbable journey that began in a poor tenement on the South Side of Chicago. From a chaotic childhood to an elite boarding school in New England, from a sojourn doing relief work in Africa to the boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies, and then to a career in politics, Patrick has led an extraordinary life. In this heartfelt and inspirational book, he pays tribute to the family, friends, and strangers who, through words and deeds, have instilled in him transcendent lessons of faith, perseverance, and friendship. In doing so, he reminds us of the power of community and the imperative of idealism. With humility, humor, and grace, he offers a road map for attaining happiness, empowerment, and success while also making an appeal for readers to cultivate those achievements in others, to feel a greater stake in this world, and to shape a life worth living. Warm, nostalgic, and inspirational, A Reason to Believe is destined to become a timeless tribute to a uniquely American odyssey and a testament to what is possible in our lives and our communities if we are hopeful, generous, and resilient. GOVERNOR DEVAL PATRICK is donating a portion of the proceeds from A REASON TO BELIEVE to A Better Chance, a national organization dedicated to opening the doors to greater educational opportunities for young people of color. To learn more, visit

Infinite Potential: What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live

by Lothar Schafer

A hopeful and controversial view of the universe and ourselves based on the principles of quantum physics, offering a way of making our lives and the world better, with a foreword by Deepak Chopra In Infinite Potential, physical chemist Lothar Schäfer presents a stunning view of the universe as interconnected, nonmaterial, composed of a field of infinite potential, and conscious. With his own research as well as that of some of the most distinguished scientists of our time, Schäfer moves us from a reality of Darwinian competition to cooperation, a meaningless universe to a meaningful one, and a disconnected, isolated existence to an interconnected one. In so doing, he shows us that our potential is infinite and calls us to live in accordance with the order of the universe, creating a society based on the cosmic principle of connection, emphasizing cooperation and community.From the Hardcover edition.

Alla ricerca di Significato

by Asma Elferkouss

Paralizzata a causa di un incidente, una giovane donna piena di energia si ritrova da un giorno all’altro costretta a letto. Per tentare di sopravvivere, si addentra nei meandri della sua memoria… Troverà la forza per andare avanti?

Toxic Faith: Experiencing Healing Over Painful Spiritual Abuse

by Stephen Arterburn Jack Felton

When religion becomes a means to avoid or control life, it becomes toxic. Those who possess a toxic faith have stepped across the line from a balanced perspective of God to an unbalanced faith in a weak, powerless or uncaring God. They seek a God to fix every mess, prevent every hurt, and mend every conflict.<P> Toxic Faith distinguishes between a healthy faith and a misguided religiosity that traps believers in an addictive practice of religion. It shows how unbalanced ministries, misguided churches, and unscrupulous leaders can lead their followers away from God and into a desolate experience of religion that drives many to despair. Toxic Faith shows readers how to find hope for a return to genuine, healthy faith that can add meaning to life. In the words of the author, "I want to help you throw out that toxic faith and bring you back to the real thing."From the Trade Paperback edition.

Perfetta così come sono: Asma Elferkouss

by Asma Elferkouss

Esci dalla morsa di un pervertito narcisista e mettiti in piedi ... Come superare le tue paure per raggiungere questo obiettivo?

Secondo IO

by Antonio Almas

Ciò che a volte nascondiamo di noi stessi è il riflesso di ciò che non vogliamo vedere allo specchio. Dobbiamo percepirci e accettarci o non saremo capaci di proseguire. Questo racconto è un'introspezione verso la parte narcisista che abita in noi. È un viaggio verso l'ego che non deve sopraffarci, ma bensì renderci fiduciosi verso il fatto che siamo capaci. Guardare il nostro riflesso nell'acqua non deve solo servire ad ammirarci, ma soprattutto è utile per conversare con noi stessi.

Mujeres... les amo

by Asma Elferkouss

Enterarse de que hay un secreto en la familia durante años y que condiciona la vida de varias personas en las siguientes generaciones, no es fácil... Un relato apasionante que pretende comprender el pasado para enderezarlo...

Numerología: Un Libro Para Simplificar El Estudio De La Numerología

by Richard E. Grantt

Si está buscando aprender una nueva habilidad, o si solo quiere aprender algo divertido y fácil de entender, ¡este es el libro perfecto para usted! ¡Este libro profundiza en gran información sobre la numerología para que pueda sentirse seguro de su comprensión cuando haya terminado! Aquí hay solo una vista previa de lo que hay dentro ... La historia de la numerología. Comenzar con la numerología. Su número de cumpleaños. Cálculo de la trayectoria de su vida. Su año personal. Triados números. Resumen final y autoevaluaciones. Acreditación. ¡Y mucho más! La numerología que encontrará en este libro será simplista y fácil de seguir, ya que es para principiantes, pero le animo a buscar en Internet diferentes ecuaciones que pueda usar para diferentes situaciones. ¡Hay mucha información disponible si estás interesado en los secretos que los números tienen que contarnos!

Before We Get Started: A Practical Memoir of the Writer's Life

by Bret Lott

This marvelous guide begins where other books on writing and the writing life leave off. Delving deep into the creative process, Bret Lott reveals truths we scarcely realized we needed to know but without which we as writers will soon lose our way. In ten intimate essays based on his own experiences and on the seasoned wisdom of writers including Eudora Welty, E. B. White, Henry David Thoreau, Henry James, and John Gardner, Lott explores such topics as * why write? why keep writing? * the importance of simple words * the finer points of character detail * narrative and the passage of time * the pitfalls of technique * making a plan--and letting it go * risking failure--and reaping the benefits * Accepting rejection. Writers travel alone, but Bret Lott's book makes the journey less lonely and infinitely more rewarding. Before We Get Started will help you make your work as good as it can be: "Pay attention recklessly. Strain to see through the window of your own artistic consciousness in the exhilarating knowledge that there is no path to the waterfall, and there are a million paths to the waterfall, and there is, too, only one path: yours."

Triumph Over Fear: A Book of Help and Hope for People with Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Phobias

by Jerilyn Ross

The National Institute of Mental Health calls anxiety disorders the most common mental health problem in America. They are also among the most treatable. Yet tens of millions of people struggle with hidden fears and restricted lives because they have not received proper diagnosis and treatment. Triumph Over Fear combines Jerilyn Ross's firsthand account of overcoming her own disabling phobia with inspiring case histories of recovery from other forms of anxiety, including panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder; an post-traumatic stress disorder. State-of-the-art information is combined with powerful self-help techniques, together with clear indications of when to seek additional professional help and/or medication. Also included is the latest research on anxiety disorders in children, plus advice for dealing with family members and employers.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Words That Heal the Blues: Affirmations and Meditations for Living Optimally with Mood Disorders

by Douglas Bloch

"Affirmations (positive self-statements) are a simple and time-proven way of redirecting the mind to accentuate the positive. When you turn your mind to something positive and life affirming, the negative has no place in your mind to dwell. It's as if the neurons literally light up a different pathway or circuit in the brain. The repetition of affirmations over time will change negative, fear-producing thoughts into positive, uplifting ones, thereby leading to a change in mood." -from the IntroductionEvery thought produces a neurochemical reaction that in turn affects the way we feel. With this in mind, author and counselor Douglas Bloch developed a daily program of self-care strategies to enhance one's mood. Based on his best-selling book WORDS THAT HEAL, WORDS THAT HEAL THE BLUES uses the power of daily affirmations to alleviate the painful symptoms of depression, anxiety, addiction, and other mood disorders. Each day includes a self-care lesson, a series of affirmations, and an activity to help transform the lesson into positive action. These healing words will comfort and inspire you to let go of fear and worry, and let wellness and harmony into your life, one day at a time. Includes a 30-day program for alleviating depression, anxiety, and negative thoughts and feelings, from the author of HEALING FROM DEPRESSION. According to the Surgeon General, 22 percent of all Americans experience a mental or emotional disorder in any given year, and 50 percent do so in their lifetime. Lessons include "Setting the Intention to Heal," "Letting Go of Worry," "Overcoming the Stigma of Depression," and "Finding Your Purpose." The original Words That Heal sold more than 85,000 copies and has been translated into five languages.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Perfecta exactamente como soy: ¿Es posible salir de una relacion toxica?

by Asma Elferkouss

Salir de las garras de un pervertido narcisista y volar por tu cuenta... ¿Cómo superar sus propios miedos para conseguirlo?

Pleine Conscience: La Pleine Conscience Et La Résilience Face À La Peur en Période Difficile

by Lee J. Williams

Cet ouvrage vous initiera aux usages bouddhistes et vous expliquera comment développer la pleine conscience pour renforcer votre esprit. Les différents styles de méditation pris pour exemple vous permettront d’atteindre l’équilibre dans votre vie. Vous apprendrez : Ce qu’est la pleine conscience et quels sont ses nombreux avantages. Comment l’absence de pleine conscience vous prive d’être entièrement présent dans une situation donnée et impacte négativement votre mode de vie. Comment évaluer votre niveau d’attention afin de déterminer le travail que vous devez faire. Comment créer des habitudes positives et les mettre en pratique via divers exercices de pleine conscience. La vie que l’on mène de nos jours est très stressante pour de nombreuses personnes. Il est grand temps de s’attaquer à cette souffrance à la racine, plutôt que d’essayer de la camoufler avec des médicaments. Les recherches scientifiques ont largement démontré le pouvoir de la méditation de pleine conscience, c’est pourquoi les médecins l’intègrent de plus en plus souvent dans les soins qu’ils dispensent.

Emmanuel's Book III: What Is an Angel Doing Here?

by Pat Rodegast Judith Stanton

Continuing the popular teachings begun in the first two Emmanuel books, a beautifully illustrated volume offers Emmanuel's answers to difficult questions, his gentle but often surprising advice, his views on immortality, and his awareness of human struggles.From the Trade Paperback edition.

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