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Pleine Conscience: La Pleine Conscience Et La Résilience Face À La Peur en Période Difficile

by Lee J. Williams

Cet ouvrage vous initiera aux usages bouddhistes et vous expliquera comment développer la pleine conscience pour renforcer votre esprit. Les différents styles de méditation pris pour exemple vous permettront d’atteindre l’équilibre dans votre vie. Vous apprendrez : Ce qu’est la pleine conscience et quels sont ses nombreux avantages. Comment l’absence de pleine conscience vous prive d’être entièrement présent dans une situation donnée et impacte négativement votre mode de vie. Comment évaluer votre niveau d’attention afin de déterminer le travail que vous devez faire. Comment créer des habitudes positives et les mettre en pratique via divers exercices de pleine conscience. La vie que l’on mène de nos jours est très stressante pour de nombreuses personnes. Il est grand temps de s’attaquer à cette souffrance à la racine, plutôt que d’essayer de la camoufler avec des médicaments. Les recherches scientifiques ont largement démontré le pouvoir de la méditation de pleine conscience, c’est pourquoi les médecins l’intègrent de plus en plus souvent dans les soins qu’ils dispensent.

Emmanuel's Book III: What Is an Angel Doing Here?

by Pat Rodegast Judith Stanton

Continuing the popular teachings begun in the first two Emmanuel books, a beautifully illustrated volume offers Emmanuel's answers to difficult questions, his gentle but often surprising advice, his views on immortality, and his awareness of human struggles.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Visioneering: Your Guide for Discovering and Maintaining Personal Vision

by Andy Stanley

Lift Your Vision High Vision is a preferred future. A destination. Vision always stands in contrast to the world as it is. Visioneering, according to bestselling author Andy Stanley, is "a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be." With warm, down-to-earth practicality, Andy Stanley explores the ordinary life of Nehemiah and his God-given vision for accomplishing the extraordinary. He shows how the life of this great ancient visionary, determined to rebuild the ruined walls of Jerusalem, reveals principles that can prepare us to find and follow God's multifaceted vision for our own lives. Now this bestseller is again available in an attractive, affordable paperback!Everybody ends up somewhere in life. You can end up somewhere on purpose! Visioneering is the engineering of a vision. It's the process one follows to develop and maintain vision. "Vision," writes Andy Stanley , "is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be." In the bestselling Visioneering, Stanley builds a compelling case for the necessity of a clear, God-ordained vision for each of the roles of your life. Whether you're a parent with a vision for your children or a CEO pursuing a corporate vision, Visioneering is the perfect tool to help you develop and maintain God's unique purpose for your life.

Breakaway Study Guide: Because You Didn't Set Out to Be Just Like Everybody Else

by Andy Stanley

Everywhere You Go, There You Are When you were young, you were told, "You are special!" and were encouraged to become anything you wanted. The future held unlimited options. But then life happened. And now you look around feeling, thinking, looking, and acting basically the same as the next guy. You can't help but feel trapped and hemmed in. Unfortunately, many try to break out of the suffocating sameness by making the same bad decisions over and over again. This Breakaway DVD and study guide are designed to renovate your thinking by illustrating four core beliefs that dictate the decisions shaping the outcome of your life. This study will help you break out of the crowd and away from bad patterns for good! Break out of the crowd. None of us sets out to be like everybody else, but it happens. Life begins to squeeze us into a mold until one day we wake up feeling trapped and hemmed in. Unfortunately many people think that the answer is to run away, but they only end up making the same bad decisions over and over again. So how do you break the cycle and break out of the crowd? In this six-session companion study guide to the Breakaway DVD, Andy Stanley will expose you to four core beliefs that have the power to renovate your thinking and change the trajectory of your life. Intended for use in a personal study or in small groups, Breakaway will illustrate how our core beliefs dictate our decisions which dictate the outcomes of our lives. This study guide is complete with a leader's guide and six lessons, including conversation-starting exercises, discussion questions, and application steps. Story Behind the BookAndy Stanley is the senior pastor of three North Point Ministries campuses, with a cumulative congregation of more than twenty thousand. Much of the brokenness he sees in the lives of his congregants results from the herd mentality that makes them feel completely blah. He often hears comments like, "Life is just more of the same, only with more candles on my birthday cake," and, "Even my problems are the same as everyone else's--from dealing with debt to my marital problems. There's nothing unique about me." Culture has shaped and molded the zest out of life, and this DVD and study guide are designed to open the door to freedom!From the Trade Paperback edition.

Evolving Dharma: Meditation, Buddhism, and the Next Generation of Enlightenment

by Jay Michaelson

Evolving Dharma is the definitive guide to the meditation revolution. Fearless, unorthodox, and irreverent scholar and activist Jay Michaelson shows how meditation and mindfulness have moved from ashrams and self-help groups to classrooms and hospitals, and offers unusually straight talk about the "Big E"-- enlightenment. Michaelson introduces us to maverick brainhackers, postmodern Buddhist monks, and cutting-edge neuroscientists and shares his own stories of months-long silent retreats, powerful mystical experiences, and many pitfalls along the way. Evolving Dharma is a must-read for the next-generation meditator, the spiritually cynical, and the curious adventurer in all of us.From the Trade Paperback edition.ct the practice of meditation and the path to upgrading the mind. Michaelson is fearless, unorthodox, and irreverent, yet his book is also based on his decade of meditation practice and teaching as well as his ten years of work as an LGBT activist. Including forays into neuroscience and cultural criticism as well as the author's personal stories of his five months spent in silent retreat, life-changing realizations, pain, joy, and insight, this engaging, honest, and often humorous book is a must-read for younger practitioners in any Buddhist or secular tradition, as well as novice or experienced meditators interested in learning about how meditation has evolved in the last several decades.Chapter titles include "The Dharma Evolves By Disappearing," "The Evolution of Enlightenment," and "When Every Mystical State You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough."From the Trade Paperback edition.

Autorpreneur im Pyjama: Wie du deine Autorenpräsenz von Zuhause aufbaust

by Geraldine Solon

Möglicherweise ist jetzt der perfekte Zeitpunkt, um dein Glück als Autor zu versuchen – aber wie schaffst du es, dass dein Buch unter den tausenden von Büchern, die täglich auf den Markt gebracht werden, herausragt? Unabhängig davon, ob du bei einem traditionellen Verlag oder im Selbstverlag publizierst, sollte sich jeder Autor mit der Vermarktung seines Buchs befassen. Selbstverständlich benötigen Autoren auch im realen Leben eine starke Präsenz; Autorpreneur im Pyjama konzentriert sich jedoch insbesondere darauf, wie Autoren quasi im Pyjama mithilfe von Online-Tools ihre Präsenz aufbauen und mehr Publicity und Sichtbarkeit erreichen können. Wir leben in einer virtuellen Welt, in der die digitalen Medien die Printmedien abgelöst haben, in der Smartphones, Tablets und E-Reader eine Notwendigkeit sind und in der sich deine Autorenpräsenz per Mausklick gestalten lässt. Autorpreneur im Pyjama schildert, wie du eine starke Autorenpräsenz aufbaust, ohne dafür aus dem Haus gehen zu müssen.

Being God's Man...: By Resisting the World (The Every Man Series)

by Stephen Arterburn Kenny Luck Todd Wendorff

If you think God's values and the world's values can co-exist, think again. You have to live in this world. But if you want to be God's man, there's a catch: You can't be absorbed or influenced by the world. You have to stand strong as a man of God and resist the world. Men like you who are getting serious about their walk with God feel a deep, intuitive conflict of the soul...where unholy alliances with the world, which were once acceptable, must now be broken. That's not easy. But here's solid, trustworthy guidance for you from men who have been there, too. InBeing God's Man by Resisting the World,you'll take a look at Christ's template of values as revealed in the Sermon on the Mount. Every man who seeks to understand and train in these values will experience a greater connection with God. So forget what you know, focus on these truths, and start living large spiritually. Special Features: ·Practical studies facilitate personal encounters with God and other men ·Questions encourage genuine reflection and help build godly convictions ·"Real Life" case studies show how the truths you discover have worked out in other men's lives ·"Standing Strong" section gives you the opportunity to form and express your action steps with God and your group

Divorciarse de Dios: Tu elección.

by Dr Pensacola H. Jefferson

DIVORCIARSE DE DIOS: TU ELECCIÓN Todos sabemos que un divorcio es la disolución de un matrimonio, en que los deberes y responsabilidades de cada cónyuge son cancelados y los votos bajo la ley, ya no son vinculantes. Para el divorcio, el matrimonio, debe pasar por un proceso legal, en un tribunal. Los motivos del divorcio varían, y en el momento del divorcio, ambas partes quieren el divorcio, o una de las partes quiere el divorcio y es concedido por la parte contraria. Cuando ocurre la apostasía, significa que la relación del pacto con Dios ha terminado. La palabra dice: “…Son sus pecados los que los han separado de Dios. …” (Isaías 59:2 NTV). Dios dice, “…Yo Jehová no cambio…” (Malaquías 3:6 RV1960). Para lograr la apostasía, el redimido pasa por un proceso espiritual de renuncia y desvinculación con Dios, el Espíritu Santo. Elige voluntariamente apartarse de la relación de pacto con Dios y volver a una vida sin él y elige abandonar votos previos y desafiar o revelarse contra la práctica de esas mismas creencias. Dios, el Espíritu Santo, concede al hombre o la mujer redimidos la elección voluntaria de apartarse de él, sin embargo su amor y las promesas de su pacto con ellos permanece fiel. (2 Timoteo 2:13 NTV). El rol de Dios en la relación del pacto con el redimido es incondicional, pero el rol del redimido “no” lo es. Cada voto y promesa que Dios hace, al hombre o la mujer redimidos, es sólido. Pero, los votos y promesas del hombre o la mujer redimidos hacia Dios no son sólidos. La conclusión es que la apostasía causa la disolución de la relación de pacto y requiere que un hombre o una mujer elijan intencionalmente dejar o abandonar la relación para terminarla. A través de las páginas de este libro veremos en detalle cómo se va dando este proceso del redimido hacia la apostasía.

Numerología: Libro Para Simplificar El Estudio De La Numerología

by Laura J. Hanson

La numerología es uno de esos temas que surge muy de vez en cuando, y cundo lo hace, la mayoría de las personas no tienen idea de qué es cómo usarla. El estudio de los números para explicar algunos eventos es ciertamente fascinante. Un buen número de predicciones han sido realizadas utilizando la numerología y han resultado ser ciertas. Lo que aprenderás adentro: .Qué es la numerología .Por qué debería aprender sobre la numerología .Cómo implementar la numerología en su vida .Casos pasados de numerología y predicciones hechas utilizándola ¡Y mucho, MUCHO más! La numerología es casi tan antigua como la vida misma y algunos creen que el universo ha sido construido sobre la base de la matemática y consideran a los Números como la base de la vida misma. Hoy en día, la numerología es usualmente asociada con lo paranormal, junto con la astrología y prácticas similares de adivinación.

Numerología: Crea Un Cambio Duradero Usando La Numerología

by Irene O. Ellis

También es recomendable mirar tanto el número básico como el horóscopo antes de decidir qué número de nombre vibraría mejor para usted. La numerología en palabras simples se ocupa de la predicción del futuro con la ayuda de números. En este libro, aprenderás: .Que es la numerología .Los orígenes de la numerología y la rica historia que la rodea. .Por qué funciona la numerología .Una introducción básica a la numerología .Cómo usar tu nombre para descubrir tu destino. .Qué significan los números raíz para ti. .Qué significa el número que suman tus datos en términos de tu destino Este curso está dirigido a quienes deseen ampliar sus conocimientos de Numerología o establecer o ampliar su negocio de terapias utilizando la Numerología. La razón para elegir ciertos números puede ser mucho más profunda de lo que imaginas y este curso te muestra cómo usar la numerología para que beneficies tu vida.

Common Sense Training: A Working Philosophy for Leaders

by Arthur Collins

"The best book on military training from platoon to division level that has been published in any army."--Army Magazine

Facilitando do Outro Lado da Vida: Conselhos Práticos Vindos do Outro Lado da Vida

by Richard Martini

"Todos que já viveram continuam a existir no Outro Lado e se possível podem ser perguntados diretamente. "Esta é uma premissa fantástica de  "Facilitando do Outro Lado" o qual argumenta que é possível obter "novas informações" de pessoas que não estão mais no planeta.Estas "entrevistas após a morte" são conduzidas por varios mediums, com pessoas sob profunda hipnose,  ou com pessoas completamente conscientes ao mesmo tempo capazes de acessar e  lembrar detalhes de vidas anteriores. Os relatos oferecem conselhos práticos ("facilitadores do outro lado") em como navegar em nossas vidas e implementar nosso planeta.

Manejo de la ira para niños [con ejercicios]: Más de 19 actividades que mejoran el cerebro para reducir las crisis

by Laura Candice

Este libro inteligente tiene un objetivo claro, que es enseñar la mentalidad y los hábitos correctos que sus clientes deben adoptar en pasos muy simples para construir y mantener una familia iluminada y tener hijos felices sin pérdida de tiempo ni dolores de cabeza.

Writing Your Authentic Self

by Lois Guarino

How to use a journal to communicate with your deepest self Step-by-step advice on keeping every type of journal--from a personal diary to a dream chronicle Simple exercises that bring out the poet /journalist/profiler/narrator in everyoneThe Omega Institute, the nation's largest holistic education and retreat center, has helped tens of thousands of people in their search for well-being, personal growth, and spiritual development through its world-renowned workshops and retreats. Now the experts at the Omega Institute share their wisdom with you in a unique series of books that provide the guidance, the inspiration, and the skills you need to bring increased meaning and vitality into your life. . . . Scripting a record of your internal life consistently and over a period of time allows you to give voice to your subconscious, commit otherwise fleeting thoughts to paper, and liberate your dreams. But where does a nonwriter begin? Writing Your Authentic Self is the beginner's guide to crafting an intimate, enlightening, and, most of all, genuine memoir. Whether your interests are spiritual, artistic, or historical (a genealogical journal is a gift for the generations to come!), there is a type of journal that will bring out the writer in you. Written by one of the top creativity experts at the Omega Institute--and containing advice and inspiration from dozens of experts in the field--Writing Your Authentic Self shows you: How to capture experiences, record your dreams, embrace your memories, and free your muse--even if you have never written for pleasure How to find the best journal format to express your true self How to have your journal teach you . . . about your goals, your challenges, your strengths, and perhaps your real callingDon't miss these other outstanding Omega Institute Mind, Body, Spirit books:Vitality and WellnessThe Essentials of YogaAnd coming soon . . . Contemplative LivingThe Power of Ritual Bodywork BasicsFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Cat-Dependent No More: Learning to Live Cat-Free in a Cat-Filled World

by Jeff Reid

Cat Dependency. What is it? Who suffers from it? And how can those afflicted free themselves from the tyranny of their tabbies? At last, there's a book that offers new hope to the millions who for years have been trampled underpaw. Without pussyfooting around, this recovery guide teaches how to live care-free and cat-free again.

What to Do When Someone You Love Is Depressed: A Self-Help and Help-Others Guide

by Mitch Golant

Filled with compassion and understanding, this guide covers caring for someone who has the blues as well as dealing with someone who is clinically depressed, even suicidal.

Unconditional Life: Discovering the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams

by Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra, M.D., has emerged as one of the most powerful leaders in the revolutionary field of mind/body medicine. His extraordinary bestseller Quantum Healing explored the mind's connection to seemingly miraculous cures for cancer and other serious illnesses. Now, in Unconditional Life, he undertakes an even greater challenge: to explain how consciousness can lead the way to total freedom and perfect health. Unconditional Life brings together disciplines ranging from modern physics and neuroscience to the ancient traditions of Indian wisdom to show how our perceptions create our reality for good or ill--and how the outside world can be shaped by altering the world within. In a book filled with hope and inspiration, Dr. Chopra offers compelling proof of the power of consciousness and a daring new vision of our own unlimited potential.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Numerología: La Guía Completa De Numerología Para La Felicidad Y El Éxito

by Keri K. Ellis

Sin embargo, este manual enseña una manera muy práctica, alegre y fácil de utilizar el antiguo arte de la numerología para leer el carácter de una persona y dar una idea de cómo puede mirar hacia el futuro. Es muy divertido y la gente está intrigada por el estudio de cosas como Lucky Numbers. Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderá ... - Introducción a la numerología - Palabras clave de numerología - Significado de su fecha de nacimiento - El número de los sueños internos - Números de relación ¡Mucho mucho mas! Si está listo para aprender sobre numerología y comenzar a descubrir más sobre usted y sus seres queridos a través de esta práctica de la divinidad, este libro es una excelente guía de aprendizaje para aquellos que son completamente nuevos en la adivinación, o para aquellos que ya se han involucrado en otras actividades. prácticas como la astrología o el tarot y que están listos para ampliar su comprensión

Every Day for Every Man: 365 Readings for Those Engaged in the Battle (The Every Man Series)

by Stephen Arterburn Fred Stoeker Mike Yorkey Kenny Luck

It's Time to Gear Up for Battle You're bombarded with temptation daily, pressured from every side to compromise your sexual, spiritual, and personal integrity. Sometimes you feel as if you're standing alone, fighting a losing battle for honor in our anything-goes culture. It takes guts-and a firm commitment-to align yourself with God's unchanging standards no matter what the world, your coworkers, or even other Christians define as "normal. " AndEveryday for Every Manprovides the hard-hitting challenges and encouragement you need to live with integrity and purity in every area of your life. Adapted from the best-selling Every Man series, each one-page daily devotional tackles sensitive topics with frankness and honesty and reinforces key principles for building moral strength. With 365 power-packed readings,Everyday for Every Manequips you with the weapons and armor you need to fight temptation each day-and emerge victorious. From the Hardcover edition.

Forgive One Another: Moving Past the Hurt One Step at a Time

by Gloria Chisholm

Rooted in the theory that it takes twenty-one days to build a habit, each of Gloria Chisholm's warm, practical "One Another" books is composed of twenty-one daily readings designed to help you make positive life changes that benefit you and those you love.Make Forgiveness a Habit You Won't Want to Break.For most of us, the act of forgiveness requires great force of will. Extension of grace is rare and demands a conscious choice. Yet if we are to obey Christ's teachings and follow his example, we must be willing to consistently forgive those in our lives who seem the least forgivable. We must commit not just to granting the occasional pardon, but to totally embracing a lifestyle of forgiveness. Through practical, everyday examples, Forgive One Another reveals how you can work through bitterness and betrayal and come to a place where you habitually, persistently, and lovingly offer compassion and forgiveness, as Christ commands. LEARN HOW TO FORGIVE THE UNFORGIVABLE. FIND RELEASE FROM THE PRISON OF BITTERNESS AND HOSTILITY CONNECTED TO PAST OFFENSES.LEARN TO SEE FORGIVENESS AS A PROCESS RATHER THAN A ONE-TIME EVENT.GET HELP FOR STUCK RELATIONSHIPS.Gloria Chisholm is a writer, editor, and Writer's Digest instructor. She has written several non-fiction books, including Love One Another, The Passionate Edge, Huddle Up, and Encourage One Another. Her passion for writing keeps her in demand as a speaker at writers' workshops around the country. Prior to writing full time, Gloria was the managing editor of Parents of Teenagers magazine. She lives in the Seattle area and is the mother of five grown children.From the Trade Paperback edition.

My Gratilence Manual (Guidelines): Your Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Greatness Using the Power of Gratitude

by Vicky Palacio

If you feel a lack of gratitude and strength in your life and you are afraid that this could create a void, it is time for you to take action and learn how you can further develop these expressions to live a happier life with fewer burdens on your shoulders. If you are currently going through a bad time or what you would call a difficult situation in your life and you think that it is impossible to be grateful, that this time you do not have the necessary strength to overcome unwanted situations, then it is time that you learn how to cultivate Gratilence, through gratitude and mental and spiritual strength and, consequently, achieve greatness, above every adversity.

Unfashionable: Making a Difference in the World by Being Different

by Tullian Tchividjian

From the foreword to the book by Tim Keller: “Here you will learn how we must contextualize, how we Christians should be as active in Hollywood, Wall Street, Greenwich Village, and Harvard Square (if not more) than the halls of Washington, DC. And yet, there are ringing calls to form a distinct, ‘thick’ Christian counter-culture as perhaps the ultimate witness to the presence of the future, the coming of the Kingdom. ” “Tullian Tchividjian, one of today’s brightest young Christian leaders, makes a refreshing call for orthodoxy. He does not apologize for the gospel; he wears it like a red badge of courage. Read this book to recover the faith once for all delivered to the saints in fresh, courageous terms. ” –Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship and author of The Faith “Tullian Tchividjian is the real deal. His life and his words speak in stereo. I love reading books that challenge the way I think. Unfashionable goes beyond that. It’s counterintuitive. It’s counter-cultural. And it’s a must-read for those brave enough to really follow in the footsteps of Jesus. ” –Mark Batterson, lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington D. C. and author of Wild Goose Chase “With the right balance of reproof and encouragement, critique and construction, Unfashionable displays with succinct, vivid, and engaging clarity the relevance of the gospel over the trivialities that dominate our lives and our churches right now. . ” –Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen professor, Westminster Seminary in California, and host of White Horse Inn “Plainly, powerfully, and pastorally, Unfashionable gives a bird’s-eye view of the real Christian life–Christ-centered, church-committed, kingdom-contoured, future-focused, and counter-cultural all the way. It makes for a truly nutritious read. ” –J. I. Packer, professor of theology at Regent College and author of Knowing God “In this windowless world, God, transcendence, and mystery have become less and less imaginable…. Everything’s produced, managed, and solved ‘this side of the ceiling,’ which explains why so many people are restless and yearning, as I was, for meaning that transcends this world–for something and Someone different. ” –from Unfashionable

Tormenting Thoughts and Secret Rituals: The Hidden Epidemic of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

by Ian Osborn

Obsessive-compulsive disorder has been called the "hidden epidemic": only a very few of the many people who have it reveal their condition. Ian Osborn is one of those who suffers from OCD, and his personal experience imbues this book with an exceptional clarity and understanding.Dr. Osborn discusses the various forms OCD takes and--using the most common focuses of obsession--presents detailed and dramatic cases whose objects are filth, harm, lust, and blasphemy. He explains how the disorder is currently diagnosed, and how it differs from addiction, worrying, and preoccupation. He summarizes the recent findings in the areas of brain biology, neuroimaging, and genetics that show OCD to be a distinct chemical disorder of the brain. He contrasts OCD with other "OCD spectrum disorders" such as anorexia nervosa and hairpulling, and he provides a historical overview that traces the development over the centuries of both behavior therapy and medications.

Denken wie ein Genie: 7 brilliante Lösungen für ganz gewöhnliche Probleme

by Raimon Samsó

Jedes Problem kann gelöst werden, und zwar mit einer anderen Denkweise. Dies ist möglich, wenn Sie die Art und Weise ändern, in der Sie mit sich selbst sprechen, was sich schließlich in neuen Lebenswirklichkeiten zeigen wird. Da sich Ihre Erfahrungen an Ihre Gedanken anpassen, lernen Sie in diesem E-Book mehr über das Gesetz von Ursache und Wirkung und wie Sie negative Gedanken beseitigen können. Die Lektüre dieses E-Books führt zu persönlichen Veränderungen, die Ihre Lebensumstände verändern, Ihnen inneren Frieden und mehr Erfolg verschaffen. Die 7 Schritte, um neue Lebenswirklichkeiten zu erschaffen: 1. Schritt: Erfinden Sie Ihre Zukunft mit Ihren Gedanken von heute. 2. Schritt: Schaffen Sie Raum für neue Gedanken und neue Realitäten. 3. Schritt: Ändern Sie Ihre Wahrnehmung, damit sich Ihre Erfahrungen ändern. 4. Schritt: Erneuern Sie Ihre Gedanken. 5. Schritt: Erhöhen Sie die Schwingungen Ihrer Affirmationen und Glaubenssätze. 7. Schritt: Stellen Sie sich das Leben vor, das Sie sich wünschen. Wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, dass sich Ihre Erfahrungen wiederholen oder Sie in manchen Lebensbereichen feststecken, wird Sie dieses Buch dabei unterstützen, negative Glaubenssätze und Verhaltensmuster zu erkennen und zu korrigieren, um inneren Frieden und Freude zu finden. In nur einer Stunde Lektüre entdecken Sie die 7 Schritte, um wie ein Genie zu denken.

Unfuck Your Body: Using Science to Reconnect Your Body and Mind to Eat, Sleep, Breathe, Move, and Feel Better

by Faith G. Harper, PhD, LPC-S, ACS, ACN

Is your body an asshole? Does it keep you up at night, crave nonstop French fries and ice cream, and try to convince you that exercise is evil? Does it develop weird illnesses and pains for no apparent reason and run out of energy just when you need it the most? Does having a body at all fill you with uncomfortable emotions? Enter Dr. Faith G. Harper, therapist, nutritionist, and bestselling author of Unfuck Your Brain. She explains the emerging science of the gut-brain connection and the vagus nerve so that everyone can understand what's going on in your body and how to make friends with it again, especially if you've experienced trauma or chronic stress. Filled with straight talk and practical exercises so you can reconnect with your physical needs and reactions, work through body shame, manage illness and disability, and implement small changes that make a huge difference in how you feel every day. You are a whole person and it's time to reconnect with yourself!

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