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Victory Over Trials: Encouragement From the Life of Job

by Lottie B. Hobbs

[from the back page] If you have ever experienced discouragement, disappointment, pain, grief, doubt, or any other heartache, this book is for you. The author gleans enlightenment, strength, and direction from the most magnificent and soul-stirring drama of all time: the Book of Job. Job - an emotionally torn, suffering, grieving man - grappled with life's heaviest burdens and most perplexing questions. He triumphed! So can we! Victory Over Trials is not a tedious analysis. It is easily understood, up-to-date, and practical. Ideal for individual and class use. One reader concludes: "Each chapter is worth the price of the book." LOTTIE BETH HOBBS is acclaimed in international journals in the U.S. and Europe as a writer, speaker, and editor. Some of her books have had more than twenty printings in English and are still in demand. Some have been published in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and several languages of India. Many of her popular pamphlets, on a wide variety of topics, are distributed internationally.

We are the People Our Parents Warned Us Against

by Nicholas Von Hoffman

This book tries to describe what happened in the Haight-Ashbury section of San Francisco. It happened most vividly that it drew international attention to itself.

Winners & Losers

by Sydney J. Harris

Keeping score is a basic necessity in a competitive society - whether it be at sports, cards or analyzing financial reports. Well-known columnist and humanist Sydney J. Harris proposes five scoreboards for winners in the "game" of life and demonstrates his uncanny ability to hit the mark of insight and wit. Succinct comments on success and failure touch on a wide variety of topics: personal self-image, values, motivation and human relationships. Even though the "game" of life is serious business, Winners and Losers demonstrates that humor and the ability to laugh at oneself are vital. The author's statements are cleverly interpreted in the handsome illustrations of Nicole Hollander.

Wisdom of the Mystic Masters

by Joseph J. Weed

This book contains the most awesome secrets ever known to man—ready to be used by you to attain the riches, influence and joy you've always wanted! By using the staggering power of these age-old secrets—jealously guarded by the wealthiest and most influential people in history—you'll quickly discover how to release a flood of riches into your life... how to gain influence and control over others... bring new romance into your marriage or social life... gain the instant respect of everyone you meet... overcome any threat that face you now! Here is the ancient might of the Mystic Masters immediately ready to help you to the pinnacle of money, fame, and power!

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex But Were Afraid to Ask

by David R. Reuben

A book of questions and answers about sex and all its myriad facets.

Hope and Help for Your Nerves

by Claire Weekes

A proven program that desensitizes over-wrought nerves and eases feelings of anxiety, panic, and depression by using a variety of breathing and relaxation exercises. "I recommend it with my whole heart. " - Ann Landers .

I'm Ok, You're Ok

by Thomas Harris

Transactional Analysis delineates three observable ego-states (Parent, Adult, and Child) as the basis for the content and quality of interpersonal communication. "Happy childhood" notwithstanding, says Harris, most of us are living out the Not ok feelings of a defenseless child, dependent on ok others (parents) for stroking and caring. At some stage early in our lives we adopt a "position" about ourselves and others that determines how we feel about everything we do. And for a huge portion of the population, that position is "I'm Not OK -- You're OK." This negative "life position," shared by successful and unsuccessful people alike, contaminates our rational Adult capabilities, leaving us vulnerable to inappropriate emotional reactions of our Child and uncritically learned behavior programmed into our Parent. By exploring the structure of our personalities and understanding old decisions, Harris believes we can find the freedom to change our lives.

A Line Above the Sky: On Mountains and Motherhood

by Helen Mort

Guardian Books to Watch 2022Evening Standard Books to Watch 2022Bookseller Editor's ChoiceWinner of the Boardman Tasker Award for Mountain Literature'A wonderful book - exhilarating and taut, fearless in its explorations of wildness, risk, motherhood, and the inner and outer worlds of the writer' Jon McGregor'This book is beautiful' Emma Jane Unsworth'Climbing gives you the illusion of being in control, just for a while, the tantalising sense of being able to stay one move ahead of death'As a child, Helen Mort was drawn to the thrill and risk of climbing, the tension between human and rockface, and the climber's need to be hyperaware of the sensory world - to feel the texture of rock under their fingers, how their crampons bite into the ice, the subtle shifts in weather. But when she becomes a mother for the first time, she finds herself re-examining this most elemental of disciplines, and the way that we view women who put themselves in danger.Written by one of Britain's most talented young writers, A Line Above the Sky melds memoir and nature writing to create what will surely become a classic of the genre; it asks why humans are compelled to climb and poses other, deeper questions about self, motherhood and freedom. It is a love letter to losing oneself in physicality, whether that in the risk of climbing a granite wall solo, without ropes, or the intensity of bringing a child into the world.

Lucy Winchester

by Christmas Carol Kauffman

This is the true story of one woman's quest for God.

The Miracle Of Forgiveness

by Spencer W. Kimball

Since it was first published in 1969, The Miracle of Forgiveness has changed countless lives for good. Deseret Book is proud to release the 35th Anniversary edition of this classic doctrinal work. During his earthly ministry, Jesus performed many miracles, including healing numerous diseased and disabled bodies. But perhaps his greatest miracle was the healing of people's souls-the forgiveness of sin. Jesus offers us that same miracle on the same terms-sincere repentance. In The Miracle of Forgiveness, President Spencer W. Kimball gives a penetrating explanation of repentance and forgiveness and clarifies their implications for Church members. His in-depth approach shows that the need for forgiveness is universal; portrays the various facets of repentance; and emphasizes some of the more serious errors, particularly sexual ones, which afflict both modern society and Church members. Most important, he illuminates his message with the brightness of hope that even those who have gone grievously astray may find the way back to peace and security.+ Never before has any book brought this vital and moving subject into so sharp a focus. This classic book is a major work of substance and power. After all, who does not need the miracle of forgiveness?

The Sensuous Woman

by J

[From the back cover] THE BOOK THAT FIRED THE FIRST SHOT IN THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION Not too long ago only "bad" girls had a good time in bed. "Good" girls endured-and wondered what they were missing. Then along came "J" and suddenly everything was different. She opened the eyes-and minds-of millions of American women with her explicit step-by-step account of her pursuit of the ultimate in sexual pleasure. Now here's the book that has set off fireworks in bedrooms across America, the book that will teach every woman how to free her body, train her senses, and tap her own hidden erotic resources. The book designed to make you the woman every man yearns to make love to-the woman you yearn to be. "'J' IS UNMISTAKABLY FEMALE: NO MAN COULD POSSIBLY BE SO EXQUISITELY KNOWING ABOUT HOW A WOMAN CAN MAKE THE MOST OF WHAT SHE'S GOT." Playboy

Testimony of Light: An Extraordinary Message of Life After Death

by Helen Greaves

For the millions who have enjoyed Proof of Heaven, Heaven is Real, To Heaven and Back, and Getting to Heaven, Testimony of Light is about life after death-and the amazing story of a friendship that endured beyond the veil-published for the first time in the United States. Frances Banks died, as she had lived, fully aware of what she was experiencing and where she hoped to go. Her friend Helen Greaves was by her side as she finally lapsed into unconsciousness. Then, one evening some three weeks after Frances's death, Helen sensed her presence. This extraordinary encounter marked the beginning of contact between them from both sides of the veil-between life as we know it and life on "the other side. " Testimony of Light is based on these communications that Helen received telepathically from Frances. The writings have been authenticated by those who knew them both and who were familiar with their individual writing styles. Moving and inspiring, this classic book is a testament to the enduring power of their friendship, and offers an important message to us all-that the death of the body is but a gentle passing to a much freer and fuller life. .

Victory in Christ: Messages on the Victorious Life

by Charles G. Trumbull

"In this down-to-earth, practical essay, Mr. Trumbull reveals tremendous insight into the full reality of the victory we have in Christ. He uplifts the Lord Jesus Christ, pointing to Him as the Victor who has achieved by the power of His divine life and His finished work of the Cross a wonderful place of liberty and power for the believer." An inspiring devotional.

Una 2a ración de Sopa de Pollo para el Alma del Adolescente

by Mark Victor Hansen Jack Canfield Kimberly Kirberger

Lecciones de vida de adolescente a adolescenteUstedes pidieron otra ración de Sopa de Pollo Para el Alma del Adolescente y aquí está: de todo corazón, de parte de Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen y Kimberly Kirberger. Encontrarán más relatos para ayudarles a conducirse en un mundo que cada día parece ser más difícil.Esta segunda compilación se concentra en el amor, la amistad y los tragos amargos, junto con algunos relatos excepcionales de adolescentes sobre las lecciones de la vida que pueden marcar una diferencia en esta etapa y ayudar a crecer. Al igual que en el primer volumen de Sopa de Pollo para el Alma del Adolescente, no encontrarán sermones de parte de adultos sobre lo que deben o no hacer. En lugar de eso, esta libro está lleno de experiencias compartidas por adolescentes en el aprendizaje de aceptar la vida, sobre convertirte en la mejor persona que puedas ser, estar feliz contigo como persona y amarte a ti mismo, sin importar lo que pase.Estos relatos te mostrarán que no importa lo difícil que pueda parecer alguna situación, tú puedes salir adelante en estos tiempos difíciles, y no importa lo sola o solo que puedas sentirte, siempre habrá alguien contigo.

75 Beats to a Happy Heart

by Jackie Madden Haugh

As a little girl, Jackie Madden Haugh was taught by her parents that there were two types of heartbeats: one that served as the life force within the physical frame, sending blood and oxygen to all parts of the body, and another that resided in the spirit, a mystical pulse that nourished the soul. But, it wasn’t until Jackie became a caregiver to both her parents in their declining years, and suffered through a divorce, hat she discovered the true way to feed the soul was by living a life in constant gratitude. Being thankful for all the wonders in life is easy, that takes no effort. But, when we’re appreciative for the challenges and heartbreaks thrown our way, for those are our lessons, we’re lead down the winding road to our great becoming; who we were born to be. 75 Beats to a Happy Heart are universal inspirational, funny, and tender short stories from Jackie’s column in the Los Altos Town Crier. By looking for joy in the minutia of her days; those special moments that make a heart pause and reflect, Jackie found the rhythmic, spiritual tapping, that beating pulse that nurtured and fed her soul.

Absolute Surrender

by Andrew Murray

'My Lord, O King, according to thy saying, I am thine, and all that I have.'Words of absolute surrender with which every child of God ought to yield himself to his Father. If our hearts are willing for that, there is no end to what God will do for us, and to the blessing God will bestow.'How many times have you left a prayer meeting or revival service determined to dedicate every area of your life to God, only to feel frustrated and defeated a few days later? We all want to be absolutely surrendered to God, and yet we hardly dare utter the words. We don't exactly know how.Andrew Murray clearly and simply explains full surrender to God and shows the way to a victorious life in Him.

Abundant Living: 364 Daily Devotions

by E. Stanley Jones

The business of life is to live and to live well. But in this day and age we know almost everything about life except how to live it. We can dissect life and explain its parts and then fail to put it together again in such a way that it becomes a coordinated, harmonious whole. Through the vibrant writings of E. Stanley Jones, discover not only how God desires more for us than we could ever think or imagine but how He freely gives us that abundant life. Abundant Living, the sequel to Victorious Living, continues the journey toward extraordinary life through the power of trusting God and His Word. Written in 1942 by one of the greatest Christian leaders of the day, experience this classic devotional with a new forward by Leonard Sweet

Another Door Opens

by Jeffrey A. Wands

When a loved one dies, most of us assume the door to communication with that person has closed, and all we are left with are memories. Yet, in this profoundly inspiring book, Jeffrey A. Wands, rising star of the medium world, offers a different perception, one that suggests that a unique if not incredible form of contact has opened. Another Door Opens takes readers on a dramatic tour of the beyond that will change them forever. Writing in his trademark conversational style, Jeffrey A. Wands gives us an entirely new definition of death and, most interestingly, the opportunities it presents. By recounting real-life stories of those who've used Wands' psychic ability to reach their loved ones in the beyond, this book offers intense and unforgettable examples of how the wisdom of the dead has helped change and enrich the lives of the living. The result is a book that shows readers how to keep the door open to those who've passed through to the other side -- and how to use that connection to open doors in their own experiences. In his unique voice Jeffrey A. Wands delivers an awe inspiring and deeply moving reading experience and brings new insights to our continuing relation-ship with those in the world of spirit.

The Art of Showing Up

by Rachel Wilkerson Miller

When it comes to adult friendships, we're woefully inept - we barely manage to show up for our own commitments, let alone maintain our relationships. Even before self-isolation we were experiencing a loneliness epidemic: we communicate through texts and emojis, and rear away in horror from an unsolicited phone call, even if it's from our mum. Flaking out on plans is routine, both online and off.The Art of Showing Up offers a roadmap through this morass, to true connection with your friends, family and yourself. Rachel Wilkerson Miller teaches that 'showing up' means connecting with others in a way that make them feel seen and supported. And that begins with showing up for yourself: recognising your needs, understanding your physical and mental health, and practising self-compassion. Only then can you better support other people; witness their joy, pain and true selves; validate their experiences; and help ease their burdens.

As a Matter of Course

by Annie Payson Call

Annie Call wrote for The Ladies Home Journal. Her main interest was mental health. Call states that when we no longer put up resistance to the things in life that seem to be painful and evil we can then reach interior freedom. We free our natural love of self. The preface begins, "The aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in everyday life." Topics covered include physical care, amusements, brain impressions, the triviality of trivialities, moods, tolerance, sympathy, others, one's self, children, illness, sentiment versus sentimentality, and problems.

Astrology Self-Care: Live your best life by the stars (Astrology Self-Care)

by Sarah Bartlett

Find comfort and self-care tips unique to your star sign - there's an audiobook for each sign of the zodiac.So, you've tried all the normal self-care tips and energising rituals but you're confused because none of the techniques are working for you. That's ok! You just haven't found the right self-care habits that relate to your specific star sign! You're a Libra - you need to swim, try tai chi or listen to a podcast!Your body is a temple and you need to slow down every once in a while and put yourself first. This is a guide specifically tailored to your needs - we know you Libras are fair-minded and intelligent, so let us empower you to take care of yourself and vitalise your mind, body and spirit to be your best self.*Each audiobook focuses on a wide range of easy and inspiring self-care practices and rituals specifically geared to your sun-sign personality, providing all the information you'll need to understand your sun-sign qualities and potentials and how to enhance these personal strengths.Other audiobooks in the series Astrology for Self-Care series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Backable: The surprising truth behind what makes people take a chance on you

by Suneel Gupta Carlye Adler

A groundbreaking book that boldly claims the key to success in business is not talent, connections, or ideas, but the ability to persuade people to take a chance on potential. 'The most successful people aren't just brilliant - they're backable' DAN PINK, bestselling author of Drive'Whether you want to get ahead inside a company or build a startup from the ground up, this fascinating book is a must-read.' REID HOFFMAN, co-founder of LinkedInNo one makes it alone. But there's a reason why some people can get investors or bosses to believe in them while others cannot. And that reason has little to do with experience, pedigree or a polished business plan. Backable people seem to have a hidden quality that inspires others to take action. We often chalk this up to natural talent or charisma . . . either you have 'it' or you don't. After getting rejected by every investor he pitched, Suneel Gupta had a burning question: could 'it' be learned? Drawing lessons from hundreds of the world's biggest thinkers, Suneel discovered how to pitch new ideas in a way that has raised millions of dollars, influenced large-scale change inside massive corporations, and even convinced his 8-year-old daughter to clean her room.Inside the book are long-held secrets from producers of Oscar-winning films, members of Congress, military leaders, culinary stars, venture capitalists, founders of unicorn-status startups, and executives at iconic companies like Lego, Method and Pixar. Suneel used these invaluable lessons to become the New York Stock Exchange's 'New Face of Innovation'. Backable reveals how the key to success is not charisma, connections, or even your CV, but rather your ability to persuade others to take a chance on you. This groundbreaking book will show you how.(p)Octopus Publishing Group 2021

Beating Your Eating Disorder: A Cognitive Behavioral Self-Help Guide for Adult Sufferers and Their Carers

by Glenn Waller Victoria Mountford Rachel Lawson Emma Gray Helen Cordery Hendrik Hinrichsen

Do you or does someone you know, suffer from an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or a less typical set of symptoms? The most effective, evidence-based treatment for adults with eating disorders is cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). This book presents a highly effective self-help CBT programme for all eating disorders, in an accessible format. It teaches skills to sufferers and carers alike. This book is relevant to any sufferer, if: · You are not yet sure about whether to seek help · You are not sure where to find help · Your family doctor or others recommend that you try a self-help approach · You are waiting for therapy with a clinician, and want to get the best possible start to beating your eating disorder

Becoming One: Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually

by Joe Beam

Open the pages of this book and learn how to experience exciting intensity in your sexual relationship, deeper levels of closeness on an emotional level, and the most fulfilling intimacy of all—spiritual ONEness.With God's help you can make your marriage all it should be and all you crave it to be—no matter what it's like now. Men want action. Women want feeling. From day one they're set up to misunderstand each other. Sometimes you must tell your mate the things you've done wrong, and sometimes you are much better off not to tell. The secret of a strong and intimate marriage is knowing what to share and what to leave buried. If you're in conflict over sexual desires—one wants to do something other doesn't—there is a logical and spiritual way to satisfy you both. As you grow closer to God, you will grow closer to each other.

The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon

by Steve Anderson

Amazon is the fastest company ever to reach $100 billion in sales and they didn't reach that landmark by staying in their comfort zone. Risk taking is the key that unlocked the door to growth at Amazon, but those risks were (and are) intentional, calculated, and strategic. Thomas Edison believed, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." and Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos, has always linked experimentation and failure with growth and success.But "risk taking" can be costly (even disastrous) if you don't know how to use it to your advantage. Fortunately, Bezos has provided every business owner a "hidden in plain sight" roadmap for how he grew Amazon through his Letter to Shareholders (or as he named them, share owners) that he has written annually for the past 20 years.For the first time, Technology and Risk expert Steve Anderson has analyzed and distilled these letters to reveal the key 14 Growth Principles that unlock the lessons, mindset, and steps Bezos has used to make Amazon the massive success it is today.Now, business owners, leaders, CEOs, employees, and managers can apply these same principles to grow their business to be more efficient, productive, and successful - fast!(P)2019 Waterside Productions

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