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The Energy Bus Field Guide: 10 Rules To Fuel Your Life, Work, And Team With Positive Energy

by Jon Gordon Amy P. Kelly

A Road Map for living and implementing the 10 Principles of The Energy Bus The Energy Bus Field Guide is your roadmap to fueling your life, work and team with positive energy. The international bestseller The Energy Bus has helped millions of people from around the world shift to a more positive outlook; the story of George and Joy bus driver has resonated with people from all walks of life, each with their own individual vision of "success." This guide is designed as a practical companion to help you live and share the ten principles every day, with real, actionable steps you can immediately put into practice in your life, work, team and organization. Navigate the twists and turns that sabotage success. Cultivate positive energy and bring out the best in your team. Create a compelling vision for your life and team. Cultivate positivity and remove negativity from your life and organization. Learn how every day people and organizations utilized the Energy Bus to create amazing success and results. Filled with insightful questions, practical action steps, best practices and inspiring case studies you’ll be equipped to energize yourself and your team in new and powerful ways. Whether it’s a family team, work team, sports team, or school team, everyone benefits from getting on the bus.

Enhancing Employee Engagement

by Sri Beldona Enoch Asare Simone Meskelis J. Lee Whittington

This book provides an evidence-based approach to understanding declining levels of employee engagement, offering a set of practices that individuals and organizations can adopt in order to improve productivity and organizational performance. It introduces a model outlining how the experience of meaningful work impacts engagement and other organizational attitudes and behaviors. It recognizes the antecedents and consequences of such behavior, recognizing that they must be considered as components of an organizational system rather than in isolation. It will be useful for scholars and practitioners in identifying and remedying the endemic trend of disconnected workers and their negative impact on organizational goals.

Enjoy Your Journey: Find the Treasure Hidden in Every Day

by Joyce Meyer

#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer offers a powerful, concise abridgment of Enjoying Where You Are on the Way to Where You Are Going. Are you enjoying every day of your life? Or do you tell yourself and others that you will find happiness once you have achieved a specific goal or position? Jesus came so that you might have and enjoy life (John 10:10). In this compact abridgment, Joyce Meyer combines biblical principles with personal experiences to explain how you can enjoy every day on your journey through life. You will learn such lessons as how to make the decision to enjoy life, how to rid yourself of regret, how to experience simplicity in life, how to find joy during times of waiting, and much more! Enjoying life is an attitude of the heart, and you can learn how to enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going.

Enjoy Your Journey: Find the Treasure Hidden in Every Day

by Joyce Meyer

#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer offers a powerful, concise abridgment of Enjoying Where You Are on the Way to Where You Are Going. Are you enjoying every day of your life? Or do you tell yourself and others that you will find happiness once you have achieved a specific goal or position? Jesus came so that you might have and enjoy life (John 10:10). In this compact abridgment, Joyce Meyer combines biblical principles with personal experiences to explain how you can enjoy every day on your journey through life. You will learn such lessons as how to make the decision to enjoy life, how to rid yourself of regret, how to experience simplicity in life, how to find joy during times of waiting, and much more! Enjoying life is an attitude of the heart, and you can learn how to enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going.

Enlightenment Is Your Nature: The Fundamental Difference Between Psychology, Therapy, and Meditation

by Osho

"Enlightenment” in Western cultures has long been associated with the 18th century movement that brought about a new “age of reason.” As Zen, Buddhism, and other eastern wisdom traditions have captured the imagination of the West, “enlightenment” has come to be known as a specific state of consciousness attained by an individual on a spiritual or meditative path.However, the Judeo-Christian context, with its belief in a divine power “out there” and separate from the individual, hinders most Westerners’ ability to comprehend “enlightenment” in the Eastern sense. Our theistic conditioning leads to such common misunderstandings as perceiving enlightenment as the attainment of supernatural powers, or as something achievable only by those who are somehow “special.”In this work, Osho deconstructs these misunderstandings and offers a radically different view of enlightenment, freed from all spiritual and religious beliefs – including the distortions of asceticism and renunciation that have arisen in Eastern and Western cultures both.Taking the reader step by step through the history of how both East and West have approached the mysteries of the human mind and spirituality, Osho offers a simple science of consciousness that he calls “the psychology of the buddhas.” It is a science that in very clear terms shows how one can, through awareness and taking full responsibility for one’s life, go beyond all limited belief systems, habits, and superstitions of the mind. That process, he says, brings us back to our nature – and that is enlightenment.


by Brahma Kumari Pari Aline Sasson

Usar as práticas sugeridas neste livro ajudará a melhorar suas condições espirituais, financeiras e de vida! Este livro explica como se tornar rico financeiramente e/ou espiritualmente e conseguir tudo o que quiser enquanto caminha para a Era de Ouro (por via do Universo Holográfico). Enquanto são dadas explicações sobre como usar Deus e o Seu Conhecimento para alcançar suas metas, a autora também explica: 1. Sobre as habilidades mágicas (Siddhis) e as características que você adquire quando usa as práticas deste livro. 2. Por que a Lei da Atração trabalha para lhe trazer riqueza, felicidade, etc. 3. Por que e como as visualizações podem ser materializadas. 4. Por que estar perto das dimensões superiores, onde os Registros Akáshicos existem lhe ajudará a facilmente realizar seus sonhos. 5. Como você pode facilmente desempenhar o papel do criador (Brahma) a partir de Brahmaloka a fim de adquirir o que você quer. 6. Como o Éter também desempenha o papel de Brahma e criador e cria o que você quer quando você está no mundo de Brahma. 7. Como você é o ser de Deus ou Brahma quando você usa as energias do fundo da alma e portanto você será capaz de satisfazer seus desejos e necessidades. 8. Como as coisas são materializadas através das frequências, ressonância, etc. 9. Sobre readquirir riqueza, prosperidade e habilidades mágicas agora 10. Como as energias quânticas, o Drama do Mundo, a Natureza, etc. servem às pessoas que estão na caminhada para o mundo da Era de Ouro, e que estão na Era de Ouro. 11. Como os corpos perfeitos são criados para aqueles que estão na caminhada para o mundo da Era de Ouro 12. Como a Terra e o mundo são elevados para o Universo Superior, quando você está na caminhada para o mundo da Era de Ouro 13. Sobre os universos e mundos/lokas que fornecem nosso ambiente 14. Por que é mais fácil conseguir o que você quer quando você usa as lokas superiores 15. Por que algumas pessoas vi

Entendendo a Mim Entendendo a Voce: Um auto questionamento sobre ser humano

by Manoj Krishna

Compreender a nós mesmos e como nossas mentes funcionam é a porta para a sabedoria. Nossa felicidade depende disso. Não faz parte da nossa educação, então temos que descobrir por nós mesmos. O livro Entendendo a mim, Entendendo a você, facilita a compreensão, observando seus pensamentos e sentimentos e explorando sua origem. Cada um de nós pode descobrir essa riqueza que pode transformar nossas vidas para melhor. Podemos então lidar melhor com os desafios que a vida gera para nós e o estresse que se segue. Porque nossas mentes trabalham de maneira semelhante, entender a nós mesmos nos ajuda a entender os outros e isso traz harmonia aos nossos relacionamentos, o que é essencial para uma vida feliz. O objetivo deste livro é explorar as muitas formas ocultas em que nossa mente trabalha, por trás da tela de nossa consciência, direcionando nossos pensamentos e ações. Os 26 capítulos exploram paisagens internas que são comuns a todos os seres humanos: como a arte de escutar, o mecanismo de comparação, nosso condicionamento e como isso afeta nossa vida, a natureza do medo e do desejo e como eles influenciam nosso comportamento, nossos muitos aspectos psicológicos. necessidades e como eles afetam nossos relacionamentos, a luta humana para encontrar o amor, nossas muitas crenças que nos trazem conforto, mas também nos dividem, nossa solidão, nossos hábitos que podem se tornar vícios, nossas imagens de nós mesmos e como tentamos defendê-los. tristeza que bloqueia o sol de nossas vidas, e assim por diante. A beleza dessa abordagem é que ela não precisa de autoridade, nem de sistema de crenças ou filosofia, mas apenas da capacidade de observar a maneira como nossas mentes trabalham. Isso traz sua própria sabedoria. Como parte dessa exploração, podemos começar a fazer perguntas que raramente fazemos. Perguntas como: "Vivemos com inteligência, ou apenas respondemos às nossas influências passadas", ou "Podemo

Escribe mejor y más rápido: cómo triplicar tu velocidad de escritura y escribir más todos los días

by Monica Leonelle Manuel Benedicto

En 2012, la autora de ficción Monica Leonelle tomó la decisión trascendental de aprender a escribir más rápido. Tras meses probando varias cosas, cientos de experimentos y docenas de manuscritos, modificó y perfeccionó su sistema hasta que pudo escribir 10 000 palabras al día, ¡a una velocidad de más de 3500 palabras por hora! En este tomo comparte sus conocimientos, secretos, trucos e información para que puedas mejorar tu velocidad de escritura, aumentar con creces las palabras que escribes en un mes y publicar más libros. Aprenderás: - El esquema de 4 pasos que Monica usó para alcanzar la velocidad de más de 3500 palabras por hora en escritura de ficción - Los sistemas de monitorización que necesitas para doblar o triplicar la velocidad en la que escribes en los próximos meses - El método infalible de preproducción de 4 pasos que Monica utiliza para combatir el bloqueo de escritor, ¡sin importar el proyecto que sea! - Los secretos para desarrollar el hábito de escribir todos los días sobre el que otros autores no hablan lo suficiente - Cómo Monica pasó de publicar un solo libro al año desde 2009 hasta 2013 a publicar 8 libros en el año 2014 Este libro es para autores serios, tanto para los que empiezan como para los que ya llevan tiempo escribiendo, que quieran mejorar sus resultados este año. Escribe mejor y más rápido: cómo triplicar tu velocidad de escritura y escribir más todos los días te ayudará a abandonar tus excusas y escribir mucho más. Con este libro, parte de la serie Growth Hacking para escritores, podrás descubrir la forma de pulir tu rutina de escritura para que sea más eficiente y pasártelo genial durante el proceso.

Essence of Shibari: Kinbaku and Japanese Rope Bondage

by Shin Nawakari Piez Jeng

The art of kinbaku, also known as shibari, is an elegant way to connect with a partner or add erotic spice in your life. Japanese-style bondage artist Shin Nawakiri shares his safe, sexy, and beautiful techniques in this newly-translated book, which contains numerous ties for the beginner artist and for intermediate or advanced players, including: sensual body wrapping without knots, binding one wrist or body column, body harnesses, futomomo (thigh ties), and takate kote (chest and arm binding). Explore the history of kinbaku, practical shibari for graceful and steamy play, the psychology of bondage (for those tying and those being bound), and more. Now is your time to enjoy this delicious form—learning from a renowned rope artist in the privacy of your home.

Essential Living: A Guide to Having Happiness and Peace by Reclaiming Your Essential Self

by Shelly Uram

Most of us think that the key to happiness and fulfillment is having more money, greater career success, or a loving relationship or family. Yet even when we achieve these goals, we ultimately still find ourselves not fully satisfied or happy, and in an endless cycle of wanting more or something different. Why is this? As noted psychiatrist Dr. Shelley Uram shows us, when we peel back the layers to reveal what we really want most in life, it turns out to be the qualities that are already present at our very core—our Essential Self. They include peace, joy, love, a sense of freedom, and a sense of connectedness. However, until we reconnect with our Essential Self, most people do not remember who they are at their very core.In Essential Living, Dr. Uram explains how our ancient survival brain mechanisms shortcircuit our connection to our Essential Self, starting when we are young children, which ultimately leads us away from who we really are and down a path of unnecessary suffering. She then provides readers with self-assessment exercises, frameworks, and tools to chart a personalized return to the Essential Self. By learning how to quiet the ancient survival brain and reclaim our essence, we can discover an unlimited wellspring of what will truly sustain and fulfill us.

Essential NLP: An introduction to neurolinguistic programming

by Amanda Vickers Steve Bavister

This new edition of a popular guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming draws on the latest neuroscience findings to give you a better understanding of NLP, and what it can do for you both professionally and personally. It introduces the foundations of NLP and the key principles of the technique, explaining the theory behind submodalities, the power of beliefs and values, and the importance of well-formed outcomes. Written in a jargon-free and accessible style, it will help you to use rapport, modelling and other effective strategies to achieve your goals at work - and to bring the principles of NLP to other areas in your life, making you an effective leader, partner and negotiator.

Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice: Working with the Chakras, Divine Archetypes, and the Five Great Elements

by Candice Covington Sheila Patel

Using essential oils to influence your energetic make-up and karmic patterns • Details how to identify which tattvas--the Five Great Elements--are dominant in your energetic make-up • Explores the energetic signatures of the essential oils associated with each tattva and chakra, including their archetypes, sacred geometry, sacred sounds, and colors • Explains how to identify your personal vibrational signature, purify your energy body, impart vibrational properties to jewelry, and work with yantras and mantras The tattvas, the Five Great Elements--earth, water, fire, air/wind, and ether/space--create and sustain not only the universe but also all of its inhabitants. Each of us has a unique combination of these elemental energies behind our personal characteristics--everything from the color of our eyes to our behaviors and emotional temperament. What tattvas are dominant in your make-up can also be influenced by your surroundings and by karma. Essential oils, in addition to working biologically and chemically, also work at the energetic level, making them ideal for working with the tattvas. Teaching you how to use essential oils to affect the very fabric of your being, Candice Covington details how the Tattvas Method of essential oils allow you to access the deepest, most hidden aspects of Self, those beyond the reach of the mind, the very energetic causation patterns that set all behaviors and thoughts into motion. She reveals how the tattvas are the energy that animate each chakra and how we can use their archetypal energy to shape our inner life and align with our greater soul purpose. The author provides energetic profiles of each tattva, chakra, and essential oil, explains their relationships to one another, and details how to identify what tattva or chakra is dominant at any given time. Exploring the energetic signatures of the tattvic essential oils, she details their elemental make-up, animal and deity archetypes, sacred geometry symbols, sacred syllables, and colors. She reveals how to discover the energy patterns responsible for directing unhealthy life patterns and explains how to identify your personal vibrational signature, purify your energy body, and craft your own unique ritual practice with essential oils. Showing how essential oils are powerful vibrational tools for effecting change, the author reveals how they allow each of us to deliberately steer our own destiny, fulfill our personal dharma, and be all that our souls intended us to be.

Estate Sales Made Easy

by Victoria Gray

From first client contact to signed contract, and from setup to day of sale to takedown, Victoria Gray—an experienced estate sales manager and founder of Estate Sales by Victoria—guides you through what it takes to run a successful estate sale. With a thorough exploration of the legal, financial, familial, and business issues, Gray lays out the nuts and bolts of an estate sale with sensitivity to emotions that might arise during the process. Gray also delves into the spiritual energy that she has sensed in different houses throughout her 27 years in the business.With insightful tips and an easy-to-follow process, you will be equipped to: •Set up appointments with potential clients seeking an estate sale manager •Create a contract for the sale •Set up the sale, including pricing and arranging items for maximal efficiency and profit •Manage the sale, from client to customer •Take down the sale and distribute the proceeds •Build your customer base and keep itGray's efficient, no-nonsense advice will help you to tackle your first estate sale with little fuss and a full sense of preparation. Whether you want to establish your own estate sales business or conduct an estate sale for a loved one, this guide provides everything you need to know from an experienced manager who has seen it all.

Estrategias de Gestión de Tiempo. Cómo conseguir su tiempo de Vuelta

by Tony Gray Gabriela R. Morales Castro

La Gestión del tiempo es clave para el éxito en la vida personal y profesional. Este libro es un atajo al punto de leer para aquellos que se encuentran haciendo cosas que no deberían estar haciendo, por lo tanto, utilizando el tiempo precioso durante el día. Este libro tiene referencias a gran cantidad de estudios específicos y sus conclusiones sobre la gestión del tiempo y formas en que las personas pierden el tiempo. Estoy seguro de se que dará cuenta de que de que lo que dicen es correcto y siempre caemos en algunas de estas trampas. Imagine lo que podría lograr con su vida si usted abordara la disciplina de la gestión del tiempo. Aprenda a gestionar eficazmente su tiempo y energía a través de su lista de cosas por hacer en un tiempo récord. Esta guía completa le ayudará a dominarlo rápidamente, en lugar de permitir que su tiempo lo domine a usted. En el interior encontrará ... • Cómo dar prioridad a su lista de tareas pendientes? • Cómo usar la regla 80/20 para trabajar en su vida? Cómo evitar los ahogos de tiempo • Por qué el multitasking le hará perder tiempo? • Cómo establecer expectativas realistas • Y mas! Estrategias de gestión del tiempo para los estudiantes, estrategias de gestión del tiempo para docentes y estrategias de gestión del tiempo para enfermeras y más ...

The Ethical Slut, Third Edition: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love

by Dossie Easton Janet W. Hardy

The classic guide to love, sex, and intimacy beyond the limits of conventional monogamy has been fully updated to reflect today's modern attitudes and the latest information on nontraditional relationships. For 20 years The Ethical Slut has dispelled myths and showed curious readers how to maintain a successful polyamorous lifestyle through open communication, emotional honesty, and safer sex practices. The third edition of this timeless guide to communication and sex has been revised to include interviews with poly millennials (young people who have grown up without the prejudices their elders encountered regarding gender, orientation, sexuality, and relationships), tributes to poly pioneers, and new sidebars on topics such as asexuality, sex workers, and ways polys can connect and thrive. The authors also include new content addressing nontraditional relationships beyond the polyamorous paradigm of "more than two": couples who don't live together, couples who don't have sex with each other, nonparallel arrangements, couples with widely divergent sex styles, power disparities, and cross-orientation relationships, while utilizing nonbinary gender language and new terms that have come into common usage since the last edition.

The Ethics of Silence

by Nancy Billias Sivaram Vemuri

This volume is an interdisciplinary exploration of the modalities, meanings, and practices of silence in contemporary social discourse. How is silence treated in different cultures? In a globalized world, how is silence managed between and across cultures? Co-authored by a philosopher and an economist, the text draws on interviews with scholars and practitioners in fields as diverse as marine biology and African American history. International case studies are presented in operational contexts from the Black Lives Matter movement to the creation of art installations to the struggles of transgender people in Southeast Asia. The authors examine the relationship between ethics and silence, and suggest strategies to transform social praxis through greater attention to silence.

Etiquette Rules!: A Guide to Handling Yourself Effortlessly in Any Situation

by Nancy R. Mitchel

A comprehensive field guide to modern manners, including social skills, phones & social media, the workplace, dining, weddings, and more.Good manners are the hallmark of a well-rounded person, and are a character trait that can benefit one socially and professionally. However, a lot has changed since the first etiquette guides were published almost a century ago, with modern etiquette encompassing so much more than simply being able to identify between a chowder and consommé spoon.To step in and guide readers is Nancy R. Mitchell, who, for more than thirty-five years, has been an etiquette consultant and trainer for numerous institutions and corporations. From revealing the secrets behind successful networking and job interviews, to decoding proper dining habits, to wedding decorum, Etiquette Rules! succinctly gives readers everything they need to successfully maneuver with manners in today’s world.Praise for Etiquette Rules!“An excellent general primer for a young woman entering the workplace.” —The New York Times“In a world where reading news headlines would have you believe it has gone to hell in a hand-basket, it is nice to see someone making the effort to uphold some common civility and manners which, though they might be updated now for same-sex weddings, work cubicles or food trucks, are never out of style.” —

Every Body Yoga: Let Go of Fear, Get On the Mat, Love Your Body.

by Jessamyn Stanley

From the unforgettable teacher Jessamyn Stanley comes Every Body Yoga, a book that breaks all the stereotypes. It’s a book of inspiration for beginners of all shapes and sizes: If Jessamyn could transcend these emotional and physical barriers, so can we. It’s a book for readers already doing yoga, looking to refresh their practice or find new ways to stay motivated. It’s a how-to book: Here are easy-to-follow directions to 50 basic yoga poses and 10 sequences to practice at home, all photographed in full color. It’s a book that challenges the larger issues of body acceptance and the meaning of beauty. Most of all, it’s a book that changes the paradigm, showing us that yoga isn’t about how one looks, but how one feels, with yoga sequences like “I Want to Energize My Spirit,” “I Need to Release Fear,” “I Want to Love Myself.” Jessamyn Stanley, a yogi who breaks all the stereotypes, has built a life as an internationally recognized yoga teacher and award-winning Instagram star by combining a deep understanding for yoga with a willingness to share her personal struggles in a way that touches everyone who comes to know her. Now she brings her body-positive, emotionally uplifting approach to yoga in a book that will help every reader discover the power of yoga and how to weave it seamlessly into his or her life.

Every Day Thankful: 365 Blessings, Graces and Gratitudes

by Becca Anderson

#1 Amazon New Release! - Daily reflections. Inspirational prayers for every day of the yearRelationship prayers: This lovely book, Every Day Thankful: 365 Blessing, Graces and Gratitudes, can be used as a book of graces to share over the evening meal, as a hostess gift or for daily reflection. Sharing gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to create close relationships. By praying together at the daily meal with these gratitudes, you have a happier family and become bonded together by blessings. Add the joy of living in thankfulness by incorporating daily reflections and inspirational prayers into your plan for each day.Prayers before meals: In today's frenetic world, the common experience of sharing the evening meal can restore a sense of community and humanity to society. More important, the blessing of the meal fosters in us a sense of gratitude for the gifts we have been given. This collection of 365 blessings-ranging from the words of Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh and Abraham Lincoln to Maya Angelou and Oprah will bring joy to the shared experience of breaking bread.Daily reflections: Author Becca Anderson grew up with graces, spoken blessings and relationship prayers every day at the family table, noting, "We looked forward to it every day and it got us through everything, good times and bad. I believe wholeheartedly that counting your blessings and prayers of gratitude will bring loved ones together and adds so much joy to life."Inspirational prayers: Becca Anderson’s curated collection of the world’s wisdom traditions celebrates the connections between grace and gratitude. The book includes a wide selection of blessings, graces and gratitudes including:devotionals for womenrelationship prayersprayers for giving thanksdevotionals for menthank the Lord prayersdevotionals for couples

Everyday Confidence: 365 ways to a fearless life (365 Ways to Everyday...)

by Everyday Confidence

Filled with positive affirmations from a host of inspiring people, as well as easy-to-action suggestions for building up your sense of self-worth, Everyday Confidence will inspire and encourage you to stand up for yourself. With daily tips and brave actions for boosting your courage, this book helps you to take small, significant steps to an assertive and truly confident you.About the Everyday seriesGet to grips with a single subject in small, manageable steps with the Everyday series. From inspirational quotes to professional tips, the short daily entries fit perfectly into the hustle and bustle of everyday life. These small, chunky books are a perfect gift as well as a great self-purchase.

Everyday Confidence: 365 ways to a fearless life

by Pyramid

Filled with positive affirmations from a host of inspiring people, as well as easy-to-action suggestions for building up your sense of self-worth, Everyday Confidence will inspire and encourage you to stand up for yourself. With daily tips and brave actions for boosting your courage, this book helps you to take small, significant steps to an assertive and truly confident you.About the Everyday seriesGet to grips with a single subject in small, manageable steps with the Everyday series. From inspirational quotes to professional tips, the short daily entries fit perfectly into the hustle and bustle of everyday life. These small, chunky books are a perfect gift as well as a great self-purchase.

Everyday Wisdom: Extraordinary Inspiration from Around the World

by Diana Fransis

If you could tell the world anything, what would it be?The idea for this book stemmed from the author’s inspirational thesis titled "Words of Wisdom,” which comprised of interviews conducted with older adults. By asking them about their purpose in life, success, happiness, and any advice they wanted to share, we gain insight into moving and beautiful responses.Now, the topic is taken to the next level by opening it up to the rest of the world. People of all different cultures, religions, and experiences deserve to have a voice through this book, which was inspired to encompass words of wisdom about living the good life from ordinary individuals from all walks of life. It will open and enlighten our perspectives regarding the world’s abundant philosophies and has the ability to unite people of different backgrounds and opinions.In such a progressive world, it may be easy to overlook the importance of the things that really matter. Wisdom of the Ages will remind one to carry out the most organic purpose of being a human.

Everything I Need to Know About Family I Learned From a Little Golden Book

by Diane Muldrow

Celebrate family and the 75th anniversary of Little Golden Books with the newest book in the ever-popular EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW series! Have you ever wished your family were a little more . . . perfect? The brand that most represents idyllic perfection actually confirms that there is no such thing. But it does show that joy and love can be found in the imperfect! Reap the rewards of Diane Muldrow&’s collection of the very best Golden Book images in this new addition to the bestselling series. Everything I Need to Know About Family I Learned From a Little Golden Book proves once again that those gold-spined tomes hold wisdom that transcends childhood.

Everything I Need to Know I Learned in the Twilight Zone: A Fifth-Dimension Guide to Life

by Mark Dawidziak

Can you live your life by what The Twilight Zone has to teach you? Yes, and maybe you should. The proof is in this lighthearted collection of life lessons, ground rules, inspirational thoughts, and stirring reminders found in Rod Serling’s timeless fantasy series. Written by veteran TV critic, Mark Dawidziak, this unauthorized tribute is a celebration of the classic anthology show, but also, on another level, a kind of fifth-dimension self-help book, with each lesson supported by the morality tales told by Serling and his writers.The notion that “it’s never too late to reinvent yourself” soars through “The Last Flight,’’ in which a World War I flier who goes forward in time and gets the chance to trade cowardice for heroism. A visit from an angel blares out the wisdom of “follow your passion” in “A Passage for Trumpet.” The meaning of “divided we fall” is driven home with dramatic results when neighbors suspect neighbors of being invading aliens in “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street.” The old maxim about never judging a book by its cover is given a tasty twist when an alien tome is translated in “To Serve Man.”

Everything in Its Place: The Power of Mise-En-Place to Organize Your Life, Work, and Mind

by Dan Charnas

An organizational book inspired by the culinary world: how to take the principles of mise-en-place out of your kitchen and into your life.Every day, chefs across the globe churn out enormous amounts of high-quality work with efficiency using a system called mise-en-place—a French culinary term that means “putting in place” and signifies an entire lifestyle of readiness and engagement. In Everything in Its Place, Dan Charnas reveals how to apply mise-en-place outside the kitchen, in any kind of work. Culled from dozens of interviews with culinary professionals and executives, including world-renowned chefs like Thomas Keller and Alfred Portale, this essential guide offers a simple system to focus your actions and accomplish your work. Charnas spells out the 10 major principles of mise-en-place for chefs and non-chefs alike: (1) planning is prime; (2) arranging spaces and perfecting movements; (3) cleaning as you go; (4) making first moves; (5) finishing actions; (6) slowing down to speed up; (7) call and callback; (8) open ears and eyes; (9) inspect and correct; (10) total utilization. This journey into the world of chefs and cooks shows you how each principle works in the kitchen, office, home, and virtually any other setting.

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