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Gmorning, Gnight!: Little Pep Talks For Me and You

by Lin-Manuel Miranda Jonny Sun

Good morning. Do NOT get stuck in the comments section of life today. Make, do, create the things. Let others tussle it out. Vamos! <P><P>Before he inspired the world with Hamilton and was catapulted to international fame, Lin-Manuel Miranda was inspiring his Twitter followers with words of encouragement at the beginning and end of each day. He wrote these original sayings, aphorisms, and poetry for himself as much as for others. But as Miranda's audience grew, these messages took on a life on their own. Now Miranda has gathered the best of his daily greetings into a beautiful collection illustrated by acclaimed artist (and fellow Twitter favorite) Jonny Sun. <P><P>Full of comfort and motivation, Gmorning, Gnight! is a touchstone for anyone who needs a quick lift.

Mindful Living

by Miraval

Mindful Living is designed to help you more fully celebrate each moment of your life. Miraval Resort & Spa’s culinary team, spa providers, and specialists—ranging from exercise physiologists to chefs to spiritual healers—bring their expertise to chapters centered on the key tenets of Miraval’s philosophy, such as balance, joy, and developing the ability to overcome obstacles. This book brings Miraval to the reader; to that end, it will appeal to you whether you have never visited the resort or if you are a regular guest.Through recipes, exercises, meditations, and spa treatments, you will learn a variety of practical ways to implement the changes you desire in your life. And while the topics addressed in Mindful Living may seem broad, they are held together through the concept of mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to live in the present, using simple tools such as your own breath to help you remain focused, calm, and capable of making decisions that will lead to a better existence. When you live mindfully, you empower yourself and optimize your energy in order to achieve greater health, happiness, and well-being . . . each and every day.

Sex From Scratch: Making Your Own Relationship Rules

by Sarah Mirk

Modern life calls for modern relationship advice. Sex From Scratch is a love and dating guidebook that gleans real-life knowledge from smart people in a variety of nontraditional relationships. Instead of telling people how to snag a man, seduce a woman, or find &“true love,&” the book sums up what dozens of diverse folks have learned the hard way over time. Sarah Mirk offers tips and stories from the steadfastly single to people making open relationships work, from people who&’ve decided they&’re never going to have kids to parents who are consciously producing the next generation. No matter what type of relationship you're in or what type you want, Mirk's reporterly wisdom and sense of humor provides perspective, humor, and down to earth guidance. This is an essential, fun, insightful resource whose time has come. The 2nd edition contains a ton of new interviews and updates. Featured interviews include Betty Dodson, Michelle Tea, Aya de Leon, Tomas Moniz, Margaret Jacobsen, Ev'Yan Whitney, and more.

Five Pillars of Prosperity

by M. Yaqub Mirza

Five Pillars of Prosperity: Essentials of Faith-Based Wealth Building by Dr. M. Yaqub Mirza provides readers with a balanced and sensible approach to financial planning and security. The book is unique in that it is written by a leading Muslim financial expert who draws on Islamic teachings while showing how these Islamic values are consistent with Jewish and Christian values. Though the primary audience may be American Muslims, anyone interested in financial security will find this practical guide helpful in making wise financial decisions. Dr. Mirza presents a powerful and provocative case for arranging one's life - and the material pursuits - in ways that not only benefit the reader but also society at large. He shows how the attainment of wealth and prosperity can be achieved by following five key activities: Earning, Saving, Investing, Spending, and Giving. The author closes with a discussion on wealth building strategies and wealth preservation. Additionally, he has provided a section of resources and an extensive bibliography for further reading. The book is rich in investment strategies and advice and though the topic is often complex Dr. Mirza's writings are clear and accessible to a general audience.

El test de la golosina: Cómo entender y manejar el autocontrol

by Walter Mischel

Cómo entender y manejar el autocontrol Un niño recibe una golosina y una instrucción clara: se puede comer la golosina de inmediato, o esperar cinco minutos y comerse dos golosinas. ¿Qué hará? ¿Y qué indica su decisión acerca de su comportamiento futuro? Este sencillo experimento, ideado en los años 60 por el legendario psicólogo Walter Mischel, supuso una auténtica revolución y le convirtió en el primer experto mundial sobre autocontrol. Mischel ha demostrado que la capacidad de aplazar la recompensa es fundamental para una vida exitosa, y produce mejores resultados académicos, mejores funciones cognitivas y sociales, un estilo de vida más saludable y una mayor autoestima. Pero ¿nacemos con esa fuerza de voluntad o se puede aprender? En El test de la golosina, Mischel explica cómo se puede conseguir el autocontrol y aplicarlo a los retos de la vida cotidiana - desde la dieta hasta dejar de fumar, superar desamores, tomar decisiones importantes y planear la jubilación. Lleno de profundas implicaciones para las decisiones que toman las familias, el sistema educativo, los poderes públicos y la sanidad, El test de la golosina cambiará la manera en que vemos cómo somos y cómo podemos llegar a ser. Reseña:«Un libro brillante que cambiará profundamente tu opinión sobre la naturaleza humana.»Daniel Kahneman Premio Nobel y autor de Pensar rápido, pensar despacio

JOMO: Celebrate the Joy of Missing Out!

by Jessica Misener

Discover the perfect idea for a fun night in with more than 350 activities to do with friends, your partner, or alone, all from the comfort of your home. We&’ve all heard about FOMO (fear of missing out) but now you can make the most of your night in with this must-have bucket list for every homebody, featuring fun and entertaining activities to keep you pleasantly relaxed and stress-free every time you decide you&’d rather not leave the comfort of your home. This simple list-based guide book includes over 350 things to do to keep your nights in fun for everyone. Featuring advice for entertaining friends (get some snacks and host a game night), spending time with your significant other (put together some homemade pizza and watch a movie or a sports game), or even enjoying a relaxing Friday night at home alone (all you need is a bubble bath and a good book). Whether you&’re a card-carrying introvert or just a habitual homebody in search of some new ideas and interested in starting a new, more relaxed schedule, these activities are sure to spice up your nights on the couch. You&’ll find the perfect idea for your night in—where there&’s no line for the bathroom and pants are always optional. Celebrate the year of the homebody and discover new ways to recharge and avoid stressful plans (and people) all while remaining comfy, cozy, and content at home.

Things to Do Before You're 30: The Try-It-Out, Get-It-Done, Live-It-Up List!

by Jessica Misener

Make the most of your twenties with this must-have millennial bucket list featuring the essential skills, knowledge, and goals to achieve before reaching the big 3-0.There’s no time in your life like your twenties. Let Things To Do Before You’re 30 be your tour guide through this weird and wonderful decade, with advice on everything from traveling the world to learning new languages. In this simple, list-based guidebook, you’ll find 600 things to do before turning 30. Get advice for keeping up your health (are you really drinking enough water?), maintaining your relationships, taking care of your home (you’re not in college anymore—time to learn how to frame your art and hang it on the wall), and ultimately, becoming the best self you can possibly be, while unclogging drains and changing tires along the way.

Couples Yoga for Lovers: Sensual Routines for Greater Intimacy

by Mishabae

The purchase of this eBook includes an offer for a FREE INTIMACY GUIDE DVD from our series. Yoga as a spiritual system with a physical component is fully explored in these intimate routines. Couples will find their relationships resonating with a deeper harmony by making the body flexible and strong while drawing clarity and peace into the mind and emotions. Learn about the benefits of deep breathing and explore the chakras, solo positions and romantic partner positions. These creative and sensual practices will add both tenderness and power to your relationship. Over 270 COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS (available online), artful sequencing, and easy to follow instructions will appeal to both novice and seasoned practitioner. With 20 years of experience as a yoga instructor and massage therapist, author Mishabae believes that if you take the practices in this book off the mat and into your lovemaking, the experience of great sex can be yours to share, nurture and expand upon. INCLUDES:• Honoring one Another• Clearing the Head and Heart• Building Touch and Energy• Practicing Self-Care• Intimate Chakra Massage• The Healing Power of Pleasure• How Yoga Can Improve Your Love Life• Meditation and Breathing Techniques• Sexual Practices for Total Well-Being• Stimulating Special Pleasure Zones• Romantic Flow of Sexual Postures• Solo and Partnered Poses

Have You Tried This?: The Only Self Care Book You Will Ever Need

by Lauren Mishcon Nicole Goodman

If you want to put more energy into taking care of your wellness and mental health, but you feel intimidated by the sheer amount of options available to you then this book is for you.For the last three years, Self Care Club podcast creators Lauren Mishcon and Nicole Goodman have tested out a form of self-care every week, and reported the results to their listeners. In a world full of wellness warriors, potions and lotions, health fads and bubble baths, all promising to make you feel better, Lauren and Nicole use their experiences to debunk the wellness world and bring true, authentic self-care centre stage. They know what works, what doesn't and what is worth your time and energy.Have You Tried This? is packed with effective practices that cost nothing and take very little time. Every practice included has been tried and tested by Lauren and Nicole (with varying results!). Their unlikely friendship offering two very unique perspectives on the same activity!They want to empower you to take care of yourself and give you the tools to go for it.

Girls Like Us

by Gina Misiroglu

We all have moments from childhood that have molded our perceptions of ourselves and our lives. In Girls Like Us forty accomplished and influential women share these tender and uplifting moments from their own childhoods and teenage years. Isabel Allende tells of her parents' priceless gift in encouraging her to express her creativity; Faye Wattleton describes how a checkered and difficult childhood shaped her into the determined leader she is today; novelist Amy Tan explores the life of a young girl and her relationship to her mother in The Joy Luck Club. The book includes photographs of some of the contributors at the age they appear in their stories, as well as brief biographies of each. Girls Like Us celebrates the poignant coming-of-age moments experienced by prominent women of this century. This book is a great anthology for everyone wishing to cultivate and remember what it is to be young again.

Shouldn't I Be Happy?: Emotional Problems of Pregnant and Postpartum Women

by Shaila Misri

Pregnancy and childbirth are a happy and joyous time for some women, but for others the experience can be one of anxiety, fear and confusion. Because our society cherishes pregnancy and motherhood, many women suffer in silence when their experience is anything less than sublime. How do they explain their unhappiness to spouses, friends, and family, and how can they know if what they are experiencing are the normal mood fluctuations of pregnancy or if they should seek professional help? This book offers specific advice on emotional issues ranging from the normal marital adjustments that come with parenthood to the more serious problems of depression or grief at the loss of a new born. The book counsels women on coping with the common stresses that accompany the course of pregnancy and early motherhood. It also discusses when therapy may be needed as well as the best type of therapy for different problems. Throughout, the book addresses the questions women most often have about their feelings and their emotional difficulties during this very precious time.

Pregnancy Blues: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Depression During Pregnancy

by Shaila Kulkarni Misri

It should be a time of joyous anticipation-the happiest time in a woman's life. But for many women, the joys of pregnancy are clouded by feelings of fear, sadness, and confusion. And unlike postpartum depression, which is widely portrayed in the media and embraced by the medical community, depression during pregnancy has been rarely discussed and often misunderstood-until now. In this groundbreaking book-the first to focus exclusively on depression in pregnancy-Dr. Shaila Kulkarni Misri, a leading reproductive psychiatrist, draws on her twenty-five years of clinical practice and research to offer hope, help, and healing-as well as a provocative, myth-shattering examination of a subject that has too long been shrouded in darkness. The numbers are surprising: up to 70 percent of pregnant women experience some degree of depressive symptoms, and of those, 12 percent meet the diagnostic criteria for major depression. Although it is at least as common as postpartum depression, which occurs after a child's birth, pregnancy-related depression is often cloaked in silence, shame, and denial. Pregnancy Blues lifts the veil on this heartbreaking-and very treatable- illness, examining the key social and biological factors that can come together during pregnancy to create a climate in which depression and anxiety thrive, as well as offering the many effective treatments that are available. Discover: How to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression-and know when to seek help The role of female hormones: why women are more vulnerable to depression than men How depression can "hide" behind physical complaints, such as back, stomach, or even chest pain The unspoken connection between infertility and depression The antidepressant controversy: the facts on specific drugs, their safety-and when medication is the right choice Breastfeeding and medication-the risks and benefits Plus helpful self-tests and resources, information on alternative treatment options-from therapy to acupuncture-and much more. A work of daring and compassion, Pregnancy Blues challenges the underlying traditions and beliefs surrounding pregnancy and motherhood-and explores how those misconceptions have led to the drastic underdiagnosis and undertreatment of depression during pregnancy. A must-read for women and those who love them, Pregnancy Blues is at once an extraordinary roadmap to healing and an eye-opening report on a medical issue that no woman can afford to miss.

All You Need is Rest: Refresh Your Well-Being with the Power of Rest and Sleep

by Mita Mistry

From bathing rituals and sleep yoga to solitude and mental relaxation, discover the restorative power of rest and sleep with this beautiful little bookWhen was the last time you truly felt well-rested? Perhaps it's hard even to remember. With so many demands on our energy, modern life can make it challenging to devote enough time to resting. However, it can be just as important as diet and exercise to our overall sense of well-being.This little book will help you find ways to bring more rest into your life. It's filled with practical tips and simple ideas, including: Different kinds of rest, and which kind your body may need Techniques to allow your mind and body to take a break Sleep self-care to help you fall asleep and sleep well When you know how to get the most from your down-time, you can step back into your day-to-day life feeling revitalized, refreshed and reconnected to the best version of you.

All You Need is Rest: Refresh Your Well-Being with the Power of Rest and Sleep

by Mita Mistry

From bathing rituals and sleep yoga to solitude and mental relaxation, discover the restorative power of rest and sleep with this beautiful little bookWhen was the last time you truly felt well-rested? Perhaps it's hard even to remember. With so many demands on our energy, modern life can make it challenging to devote enough time to resting. However, it can be just as important as diet and exercise to our overall sense of well-being.This little book will help you find ways to bring more rest into your life. It's filled with practical tips and simple ideas, including: Different kinds of rest, and which kind your body may need Techniques to allow your mind and body to take a break Sleep self-care to help you fall asleep and sleep well When you know how to get the most from your down-time, you can step back into your day-to-day life feeling revitalized, refreshed and reconnected to the best version of you.

How to Understand and Deal with Social Anxiety: Everything You Need to Know to Manage Social Anxiety

by Mita Mistry

A practical, supportive and easy-to-read guide to help you understand and overcome social anxiety, filled with helpful tips and actionable adviceFeeling overwhelmed? This little book is here to help. How to Understand and Deal with Social Anxiety is a friendly, accessible guide with all the information and advice you need to identify the source of your struggles, and to take practical steps to reduce or manage the burden. By learning the science behind social anxiety and understanding how it affects your mind and body, you’ll start to dismantle its hold on you. And with practical ways to manage the condition – including physical, medical and therapeutic perspectives – this book will help you work out the best ways you can support your mental health and improve your overall well-being.By the end of this book, you will:Understand the science behind social anxiety, how it manifests, what causes it, and how to identify symptoms and triggersBe armed with physical and practical steps you can take to alleviate the symptoms of social anxiety, from breathing exercises and healthy lifestyle choices to problem-solving techniques and coping mechanismsHave a host of holistic remedies up your sleeve for when social anxiety strikes, such as mindfulness, visualization and breathworkKnow about the medical treatments and therapies available, and know how and when to seek professional help or supportWith the right knowledge and guidance, you can learn to understand and manage social anxiety so that you can get back to feeling like you again.

The Social Anxiety Workbook: Practical Tips and Guided Exercises to Help You Overcome Social Anxiety

by Mita Mistry

Life has plenty of challenges, and it's normal to feel anxious from time to time. But when social anxiety starts to affect your day-to-day life, it's time to take action. This friendly guide will help you take the steps toward managing your social anxiety and provide the tools you need to approach every social situation with confidence.

Etiquette Rules!: A Guide to Handling Yourself Effortlessly in Any Situation

by Nancy R. Mitchel

A comprehensive field guide to modern manners, including social skills, phones & social media, the workplace, dining, weddings, and more.Good manners are the hallmark of a well-rounded person, and are a character trait that can benefit one socially and professionally. However, a lot has changed since the first etiquette guides were published almost a century ago, with modern etiquette encompassing so much more than simply being able to identify between a chowder and consommé spoon.To step in and guide readers is Nancy R. Mitchell, who, for more than thirty-five years, has been an etiquette consultant and trainer for numerous institutions and corporations. From revealing the secrets behind successful networking and job interviews, to decoding proper dining habits, to wedding decorum, Etiquette Rules! succinctly gives readers everything they need to successfully maneuver with manners in today’s world.Praise for Etiquette Rules!“An excellent general primer for a young woman entering the workplace.” —The New York Times“In a world where reading news headlines would have you believe it has gone to hell in a hand-basket, it is nice to see someone making the effort to uphold some common civility and manners which, though they might be updated now for same-sex weddings, work cubicles or food trucks, are never out of style.” —

Le deuil d'une mère

by Annie Mitchell Christel Visée

LE DEUIL D'UNE MÈRE 2ème édition: Prends ma main et laisse-moi te mener sur le chemin du réconfort et de la guérison Ce petit recueil de poèmes a été écrit pour les mères ou autres personnes recherchant réconfort et encouragement suite à la perte d'un enfant de tout âge, y compris les enfants mort-nés ou victimes de fausse couche. Ce livre conviendra à tous ceux qui recherchent des poèmes particuliers pour exprimer leur amour pour leur enfant quand ils le visitent au salon funéraire, à la chapelle ou lors d'une cérémonie commémorative. Parfois, lorsque nous sommes confrontés à un deuil comme celui d'un enfant, le chagrin nous accable tant qu'il nous empêche de trouver les mots appropriés pour exprimer notre amour pour cet enfant. L'auteur a également connu cela. C'est ainsi qu'elle a écrit - avec la sensibilité jaillie directement du cœur d'une mère qui a souffert de la perte de son propre enfant - les poèmes de ce recueil que vous et vos proches pourrez sélectionner et réciter à votre guise.

Grateful, Not Dead: Rewire, Not Retire. Re-fire Your Purpose

by Art Mitchell

A guide to uncovering your post-retirement purpose and creating financial security.Art Mitchell uses the REWIREMENT process to empower and transform himself and people like you. He details ten critical steps to inform aging, building on the anti-ageism and conscious aging movements.In Grateful, Not Dead, you learn how to:overcome ageist myths and shame to change everything for yourselfreboot your mind through self-reflection, consciousness expansion, and spiritualityuncover purpose, boost creativity, increase engagement, and servicefind meaningful work and achieve financial independencetake back your power and make the changes you want to seeThose of you who have been forced to make career changes, retire, or otherwise chose to work past “retirement age” may find yourself wanting help. It’s here. Prepare to learn how to live purposefully and inspired to do what’s important to you!“Grateful, Not Dead is the best I have read to assist you in resetting your life script for the happiest, youthful aging!” —C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD(from Foreword)“After decades in careers that have defined us, what's the next step? Guided by the author's life wisdom and skills as a coach, readers find their own answers through inspiration and exercises that tap into personal power and purpose.” —Lois Guarino, author of Writing Your Authentic Self“Art Mitchell has written an indispensable guidebook for people entering the territory of older age.” —Harry R. Moody, retired Vice President, AARP

God Sightings: Discovering God in Everyday Life

by Bass M. Mitchell

We cannot make the mountaintop experiences, those extraordinary encounters with God, the norm. We must not think that if we aren't having them all the time that something is wrong with our faith. Those mountaintop encounters are special gifts God gives us. We should cherish them. Revisit them. Draw strength from them. But we can't live there. God is as much, if not more so, in the valleys as on the mountaintops, if we will look and listen. From the Introduction Through thirty-one brief stories and reflections Bass M. Mitchell offers readers examples of how they might look and listen for "signs" of God each day of their life. Each selection begins with a verse of Scripture and ends with a prayer. Bass M. Mitchell is a freelance writer and pastor in Bath County, Virginia. He has served as a music director, a college instructor in religion, and a program director. Bass is a graduate of Duke University Divinity School.

Breaking Through "Bitch": How Women Can Shatter Stereotypes and Lead Fearlessly

by Carol Vallone Mitchell

“Breaking Through ‘Bitch’ sets forth nine distinct ways that successful executive women make their way out from behind that brick wall.” —FortuneWhen a man strongly asserts his point of view and autonomy, he is hailed as a strong, competent leader. When a woman exhibits the same executive qualities, she is labeled a brusque, overbearing bitch. This is not really news anymore, is it? Yet these unfair perceptions are a key reason why only five percent of Fortune 500 company CEOs are women.How can women leaders break through that brick wall of “bitch?” How can they manage gender expectations and still successfully climb the corporate ladder?Breaking Through “Bitch” takes an innovative, sometimes controversial approach, using stories from executives at the highest corporate levels to show how women can hone their innate skills, rise to the top, and be effective, outstanding leaders. It addresses head-on why women cannot and should not “act like men.”Breaking Through “Bitch”:Describes the unique profile of behaviors that top women leaders have in commonReveals why such stereotypically feminine characteristics as nurturing, empathy, and inclusiveness are the keys to power, not signs of weaknessShows how these characteristics can be equally effective for men in our fast-changing worldBreaking Through “Bitch” empowers women to be their best selves, overcome stereotypes, and lead!“It is a must read for all women thinking about ‘leaning in and moving up!’ Men can benefit from the great insights as well.” —Diana Farmer, MD, Professor and Chair Department of Surgery, UC Davis School of Medicine

How to Live with Dragons: The Dragon Path Guide to Healing, Empowerment and Adventure

by Caroline Mitchell

A complete guide to finding and working with your personal dragons for healing, empowerment and adventure from Caroline Mitchell, bestselling creator of the Dragon Path Oracle Cards.How to Live with Dragons is the book Caroline Mitchell, the "Original Dragon Lady", wishes she had when she began her dragon journey. Encapsulating two decades of working with dragon energy, it is a complete guide to finding and working with your personal dragons for healing, empowerment and adventure. Packed full of journaling activities and prompts for reflection, meditations, visualisation guidance and author tips, it will help readers contact, communicate with and learn from dragons in day-to-day life, avoiding the pitfalls Caroline herself encountered. It also shows how readers can become, like the dragons themselves, spiritual warriors of the Earth. Featuring many of the same dragons from Caroline&’s bestselling Dragon Path Oracle Cards, this book can be used as a companion to the deck or enjoyed as a standalone guide to living and working with dragons.

Mood Swings: Managing Anger, Anxiety And Low Mood

by Caroline Mitchell

Do you have frequent, intense mood swings? Do they seem to happen for no real reason? Mood swings are normal reactions to life events, but, if your emotions are dominating your life, it might be time to take action. Mood Swings provides effective exercises and advice to help manage those dips in mood that leave you sad, mad or anxious. Topics include:causes of mood swingstriggers, such as lack of sleep, diet, alcohol and medical conditionseffects on the brain and the circulatory and digestive systemshow mindfulness can help – what the research showspractising stress reductionmindful breathing, meditation and visualizationthe benefits of keeping a mood diarytips to help stabilize moodcounselling and other helpYou don't have to let anger, anxiety and depression get the upper hand, says Caroline Mitchell. Instead, boost your mood with this inspiring, practical book.

My Son ... My Son: A Guide to Healing After Death, Loss or Suicide

by Curtis Mitchell Iris Bolton

This book was inspired by the suicide of the 20-year-old son of the author, Iris Bolton. Mrs. Bolton describes in detail the journey she made from the devastation of losing her son Mitch by suicide to the step by step healing that took place in her life. The book is hopeful and helpful to those who have suffered any loss from death, divorce, or separation. It gives promise of recovery and healing and learning to live with the terrible event. Written in 1983, MY SON...MY SON... is now in its 18th printing. This book ships to countries all over the world, from Australia and New Zealand to England and South Africa. It is being used as a teaching guide for students in colleges from California to Maine. Ministers, priests and rabbis have found the book helpful as they minister to those who have suffered any loss. Originally available only in paperback, the entire book was studio recorded by Iris Bolton in 1995. The audio edition on four cassettes provides an even greater opportunity for those dealing with grief to hear in Iris's own voice the inspiring message of hope, help and health. The book is available in the four cassette audio edition, hardback edition and the paperback edition. MY SON...MY SON... Will Help You If You Are: Bereaved, Grieving or Mourning; A Friend or Acquaintance of Someone in Mourning; A Psychiatrist, Psychologist, or Mental Health Worker; A Physician, Nurse, or Hospital Employee; A Clergyman or Funeral Director; A School Counselor, Teacher or Administrator; An Attorney, Police Officer or Juvenile Justice Worker.

50 Top Tools for Employee Engagement: A Complete Toolkit for Improving Motivation and Productivity

by Debbie Mitchell

Engaged employees are more productive, motivated and resilient, yet gaining financial support to develop engagement is harder than ever as budgets are being squeezed and everyone is being asked to do more with less. 50 Top Tools for Employee Engagement shows that you don't need expensive interventions or additional resource to achieve employee engagement. It contains practical tools which can be used to make an immediate difference to engagement, whether you're working with individuals, teams or the organization as a whole. Each tool in 50 Top Tools for Employee Engagement includes guidance on when to use it, how long it will take and useful hints and tips to help get the most out of it. Most importantly, this book will give guidance on how to measure the impact of each tool to show what's working and where efforts are best focused. Addressing all the key areas of engagement throughout the employee life cycle, from talent attraction and induction to career progression and development, this book is a complete resource to engaging your workforce.

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