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Forest Therapy: Seasonal Ways to Embrace Nature for a Happier You

by Sarah Ivens

Who hasn't felt better after a walk in the woods, a picnic alfresco or a swim in the sea? There is something soul-soothingly simple and refreshing about getting back to nature, about making the most of the great outdoors, being mindful of Mother Nature's gifts and grabbing spring and summer - and those blue sky, brisk days of autumn and winter - with both hands. But sadly it is a skill we are losing. We are becoming creatures wrapped in walls and trapped by to-do lists, hibernating while the world sprouts, grows and changes.From a simple walk in the woods and countryside couples therapy to DIY natural beauty products and how to bring the outdoors to your home, Forest Therapy will provide seasonal tips to help you reconnect with nature. This book is not just for mountain climbers or white water rafters - it is for uninspired fathers wanting to reconnect their families, bookworms looking to shake off their cobwebs, cooped-up kids needing to let off steam, stressed-out professionals wanting to stop and smell the flowers and worn-down mums needing a rejuvenating boost. We all know getting outside is good for us. Our ancestors did it. We should too. This book will help you live your most unforgettable, fabulous alfresco life.

Forgive Your Way to Freedom: Reconcile Your Past and Reclaim Your Future

by Gil Mertz

Have you ever been hurt by someone else that you needed to forgive? Have you ever hurt someone else and needed to ask their forgiveness? Do you find the forgiveness process difficult? Could unforgiveness be keeping you from peace and joy in your life?If you answered yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. Forgiveness impacts everyone of us—every relationship, every family, every business, every culture. And the truth is, no one benefits more than us when we forgive, and no one suffers more than us when we don&’t.Okay, so you know you&’re supposed to forgive, but how do you actually do it? Forgive Your Way to Freedom lays out a highly practical, biblical process that helps you walk, step-by-step, through the journey teaching you to:Release your power of forgivenessResolve the pain of your pastRestore your peace in the presentReclaim your purpose for the futureForgiveness has the power to transform lives, restore relationships, heal families, unite businesses, and rebuild nations. Because when we forgive, we are most like God. When you forgive your way to freedom, there is nothing you can&’t do!

Forgive Your Way to Freedom: Reconcile Your Past and Reclaim Your Future

by Gil Mertz

Have you ever been hurt by someone else that you needed to forgive? Have you ever hurt someone else and needed to ask their forgiveness? Do you find the forgiveness process difficult? Could unforgiveness be keeping you from peace and joy in your life?If you answered yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. Forgiveness impacts everyone of us—every relationship, every family, every business, every culture. And the truth is, no one benefits more than us when we forgive, and no one suffers more than us when we don&’t.Okay, so you know you&’re supposed to forgive, but how do you actually do it? Forgive Your Way to Freedom lays out a highly practical, biblical process that helps you walk, step-by-step, through the journey teaching you to:Release your power of forgivenessResolve the pain of your pastRestore your peace in the presentReclaim your purpose for the futureForgiveness has the power to transform lives, restore relationships, heal families, unite businesses, and rebuild nations. Because when we forgive, we are most like God. When you forgive your way to freedom, there is nothing you can&’t do!

The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success

by Albert-László Barabási

"This is not just an important but an imperative project: to approach the problem of randomness and success using the state of the art scientific arsenal we have. Barabasi is the person."--Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of the New York Times bestselling The Black Swan and Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at NYUAn international bestsellerIn the bestselling tradition of Malcom Gladwell, James Gleick, and Nate Silver, prominent professor László Barabási gives us a trailblazing book that promises to transform the very foundations of how our success-obsessed society approaches their professional careers, life pursuits and long-term goals. Too often, accomplishment does not equal success. We did the work but didn't get the promotion; we played hard but weren't recognized; we had the idea but didn't get the credit. We convince ourselves that talent combined with a strong work ethic is the key to getting ahead, but also realize that combination often fails to yield results, without any deeper understanding as to why. Recognizing this striking disconnect, the author, along with a team of renowned researchers and some of the most advanced data-crunching systems on the planet, dedicated themselves to one goal: uncovering that ever-elusive link between performance and success. Now, based on years of academic research, The Formula finally unveils the groundbreaking discoveries of their pioneering study, not only highlighting the scientific and mathematic principles that underpin success, but also revolutionizing our understanding of: Why performance is necessary but not adequateWhy "Experts" are often wrongHow to assemble a creative team primed for successHow to most effectively engage our networksAnd much more.

Fortalezas Humanas 1

by Bernabé Tierno

La obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno: una exposición completísima de todos los valores que necesitamos para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de situaciones. <P><P> En ella explora todas las fortalezas, valores o talentos que necesitamos desarrollar para disfrutar de una buena salud mental -psíquica y emocional- y para saber afrontar cualquier adversidad o desgracia que encontremos en la vida. <P>Viviremos mejor cuando hayamos aprendido a propiciar actitudes conscientemente positivas y desarrollado nuestro talento para la felicidad y el disfrute de lo cotidiano. <P> En orden alfabético, Bernabé Tierno analiza todas las virtudes personales que llenan la vida de emociones positivas y nos ayudan a alcanzar el bienestar. Una obra única para disfrutar de una vida más positiva. <P>Este primer volumen muestra la importancia de valores como la alegría, la amistad, la autoestima y la compasión.

Fortalezas Humanas 2

by Bernabé Tierno

La obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno: una exposición completísima de todos los valores que necesitamos para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de situaciones. <P><P>En ella explora todas las fortalezas, valores o talentos que necesitamos desarrollar para disfrutar de una buena salud mental -psíquica y emocional- y para saber afrontar cualquier adversidad o desgracia que encontremos en la vida. <P>Viviremos mejor cuando hayamos aprendido a propiciar actitudes conscientemente positivas y desarrollado nuestro talento para la felicidad y el disfrute de lo cotidiano. <P>En orden alfabético, Bernabé Tierno analiza todas las virtudes personales que llenan la vida de emociones positivas y nos ayudan a alcanzar el bienestar. Una obra única para disfrutar de una vida más positiva. Este segundo volumen muestra la importancia de valores como la confianza, la creatividad, el diálogo y la disciplina.

Fortalezas Humanas 3

by Bernabé Tierno

<P>La obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno: una exposición completísima de todos los valores que necesitamos para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de situaciones. <P>Todas las virtudes, recursos y estrategias necesarias para llevar una vida plena y positiva. Este es el tercer título de una serie de seis libros que forman la obra más completa y significativa de Bernabé Tierno. <P>El reputado psicólogo continúa su listado alfabético de valores necesarios para afrontar el día a día con actitud práctica y alegría. Son valores que nos ayudan a comprender y estimar a los demás, y que facilitan la relación madura con el entorno. <P>Tierno describe cada fortaleza y, a través de ejemplos, preguntas y consejos prácticos, explica claramente lo que representan en nuestras vidas y en nuestro comportamiento diario.

Fortalezas Humanas 4

by Bernabé Tierno

La obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno: una exposición completísima de todos los valores que necesitamos para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de situaciones. <P><P>Todas las virtudes, recursos y estrategias necesarios para llevar una vida plena y positiva. Cuarto volumen de una serie que forman la obra más completa y significativa de Bernabé Tierno. <P>Partiendo de la psicología positiva, el reputado psicólogo sigue indagando en todos aquellos valores que contribuyen a formar nuestra personalidad y nos permiten desenvolvernos en el mundo. <P>Dispuestos en orden alfabético y explicados a través de ejemplos y consejos prácticos, estos valores nos ayudarán a aceptarnos a nosotros mismos y a comprender y estimar a los demás. Una obra original y única que ofrece respuestas directas a los problemas de la vida cotidiana. <P>Gozo intelectual - Gratitud - Heroicidad - Higiene mental- Honradez - Honestidad - Hospitalidad - Humanidad - Humildad - Humor - Ideal - Identidad - Ilusión - Imaginación - Independencia - Individualidad - Jovialidad - Justicia - Laboriosidad - Lealtad - Libertad - Madurez - Magnanimidad - Mansedumbre - Mayores

Fortalezas Humanas 5

by Bernabé Tierno

La obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno: una exposición completísima de todos los valores que necesitamos para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de situaciones. Fortalezas humanas es, sin duda, la obra más ambiciosa de Bernabé Tierno. <P><P>En ella explora todas las fortalezas, valores o talentos que necesitamos desarrollar para disfrutar de una buena salud mental, psíquica y emocional y para saber afrontar cualquier adversidad o desgracia que encontremos en la vida. <P>Viviremos mejor si hemos aprendido a propiciar actitudes conscientemente positivas y desarrollado nuestro talento para la felicidad y el disfrute de lo cotidiano. En orden alfabético, Bernabé Tierno analiza todas las virtudes personales que llenan la vida de emociones positivas y nos ayudan a alcanzar el bienestar. <P>Una obra única para disfrutar de una vida más positiva. Este quinto volumen muestra la importancia de valores como la modestia, el optimismo, la prudencia y el respeto. <P>Misericordia - Modelos - Modestia - Moral - Muerte - Naturalidad - Obediencia - Optimismo - Orden - Paciencia - Paz - Piedad - Placer- Disfrute - Pobreza de espíritu - Poder - Profesión - Vocación como realización - Proyecto de sí mismo - Prudencia - Quererse a sí mismo - Razón - Relajación psicofísica y mental - Religión - Respeto - Responsabilidad - Riqueza

Fortunes For All

by Vash Young

HOW TO BE HAPPIER AND MORE SUCCESSFUL BY SIMPLE CHANGES IN MENTAL ATTITUDEThis is the sixth book Vash Young has written to share with others the philosophy responsible for the success and happiness he has enjoyed. His other books were bestsellers, and FORTUNES FOR ALL is undoubtedly his most important work. First published in 1959, it written during Vash Young’s active retirement at the age of 70, when he was able to look back over his amazing life and career and speak with the voice of one who conquered the obstacles of fear, inhibition, and failure to become the successful salesman of $80 million worth of life insurance and lead a full, rich life by applying his philosophy for happiness.“I know I have a good key to happiness because I have used it personally with almost unbelievable results.”“This state of mind has not grown old and useless. It is more potent within me today than back in the depression years when I was changing the thinking of thousands of distressed individuals.”“…we can see the human body, which has a chemical value of approximately 97 cents. But we do not see the thinking which motivates a human body. This thinking may be worth $500,000.”“All of the scientific advances being made are of very little use to the individual and his personal problems….Self-help is what he needs most of all, and that is what I am trying to supply in this book.”FORTUNES FOR ALL seeks to bring together the background, philosophy and methods that had secured Vash Young’s fortune as a handbook for generations to follow.

Forty Things I Wish I'd Told My Kids: Mindful Messages About Success, Happiness, Leather, Pickles, and the Use and Misuse of Imagination

by John Allcock

In Forty Things I Wish I’d Told My Kids, John Allcock presents the essentials of mindfulness—not as something special and exotic, but as practical, down-to-Earth principles for living. Written in clear, simple language, Forty Things I Wish I’d Told My Kids is for anyone interested in living a fuller, happier life—including parents, young adults, and readers of Anna Quindlen’s A Short Guide to a Happy Life or H. Jackson Brown’s Life’s Little Instruction Book.

The Four Hundred Years: From Malachi to Matthew

by Harry Ironside

With the publication of The Four Hundred Years Silent Years in 1914, author Henry A. Ironside himself stated that he “sought to trace the history to the same people through the years of waiting that elapsed from the time when the voice of inspiration ceased until the heavens resounded with the glad announcement of ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men,’ thus heralding Messiah’s long-promised advent.“It will be observed that my object has been, not merely to give a chronological outline of events, or a series of biographical sketches, but to trace throughout lessons and warnings for any who today, as those in the days of Nehemiah, have sought to return to and obey the word of God, in separation from the infidelity and apostasy of the times. Such are exposed to similar dangers—though of a spiritual character—as those which confronted the Jews. From their history we may therefore obtain valuable suggestions, and by carefully considering the causes of their failures, be preserved from falling into the same snares.“History repeats itself in manifold ways, and he who is wise will not despise its instruction. ‘Happy is the man that feareth alway;’ for he who thinks he stands, is the one who is exhorted to take heed lest he fall.”

Four Swords: September 29, In Memory Of Boquerón

by G. G. Vega Vanessa Torre

There are 4 works in a book, with valuable messages that will build your life, and give you a more solid vision of the true values and their true reasons. In Wheat not weeds you will know the reasons and the origins of my country the Republic of Paraguay.

The Free-Time Formula: Finding Happiness, Focus, and Productivity No Matter How Busy You Are

by Jeff Sanders

Find the time, clarity, and mental space to achieve your goals The Free-Time Formula helps you slow down time and get the important things done. We're all overworked, stressed, and always being asked to do more, and do it better; the days aren't getting any longer, so something has to give—don't let it be your sanity. This book provides a real-world framework for more effective time management that helps you prioritize, focus, clarify, and go. You'll begin with a time audit to assess your current stress, strategies, and output—and the results may shock you. From there, you'll work step-by-step toward a new daily routine that will help you become the focused, efficient achiever you've been trying to be for so long. It's not about cramming more into your precious 24 hours, it's about figuring out what really matters to you, and getting the most important things done first. Every day. Never miss another big deadline, never flake on an important meeting, never be late to an appointment again. It is possible with great planning, and this book is your personal guide. Focused on action, not filler, this book is an excellent resource for those who want to achieve more, but do less. With a few simple changes, you'll find the time you've been missing and put it to more productive use. Define and prioritize your personal and professional goals and responsibilities Cut the distractions and clarify your daily objectives Adapt your workplace tools and environment to facilitate actual work Periodically self-assess, course–correct when needed, and plan for the future Rather than rush through another day leaving things un-done and roses un-sniffed, take a beat and a breath, and take back your day with The Free-Time Formula.

Free To Be Me: Turning Shame Into Freedom

by Graham Bretherick

FREE TO BE METurning Shame into FreedomAll of us are aware of things in our lives that rob us of our freedom to be the complete person God made us to be. These issues in our lives are often buried in our past but still work powerfully to keep us imprisoned and immobilized in the present. Many unresolved concerns from the past are buried in shame and are very difficult for us to examine. Shame is one of the most powerful emotions in our lives and yet its influence is seldom recognized or talked about. The Bible has a great deal to say about shame, including how God wants to turn our negative experiences with shame into something positive. Wherever we live with an area of unhealed shame, we are unable to function in the grace of God in that area. 'Negative' shame robs us of God’s power in our lives and the capacity to fulfill our destiny. Therefore, it is imperative that as Christians we understand how to turn shame into a positive healing experience that will prepare us to be used in the Kingdom of God. This book is designed to bring healing to a very needy area of emotional development and will be taught with sensitivity and care.

Friend of a Friend . . .: Understanding the Hidden Networks That Can Transform Your Life and Your Career

by David Burkus

Handing out business cards? Or just joining LinkedIn? Not anymore. This is a new and startling look at the art and science of networking. Everybody knows that in order to expand your business opportunities, it’s essential to reach out and build your network. But did you know that it’s your secondary, or dormant, contacts who will be the most helpful to you? Or that too many of us inadvertently run the risk of isolating ourselves into corporate silos? And what do the very best networkers do that most of us do not? Business school professor David Burkus digs deep to find the unexpected networking secrets that provide both a unique and science-based explanation on how best to grow your universe. Based upon entertaining case studies and research, this is the most up-to-date, practical, and revelatory guide for building one’s professional and personal connections in today’s fast-paced world. Forget the outdated advice in all the other networking books and learn how to make use of the hidden networks you already have.

Friend of Sinners: Why Jesus Cares More About Relationship Than Perfection

by Rich Wilkerson Jr.

Pastor and writer Rich Wilkerson Jr. shines a spotlight on every Christian&’s calling to reach the world, seek the lost, and save sinners with Jesus&’ scandalous message of the gospel of grace.In Friend of Sinners, we learn:that by following his example, we can have the same clear conviction and compassion for the lost that he did, that His gospel of scandalous grace cannot be overestimated, andHow to embrace the truth that we all need Jesus equally. The Bible calls Jesus a friend of sinners. What does that mean? In Friend of Sinners, Rich Wilkerson Jr. shows readers the profound implications of the reality that Jesus calls us &“friends, not because of who we are or what we have done, but because of who he is. While he was on earth, Jesus knew that people needed to feel like they belong before they would want to behave. He understood that the power within him was greater than the darkness around him, so he loved fearlessly.

Friend of Sinners Study Guide: Why Jesus Cares More About Relationship Than Perfection

by Rich Wilkerson Jr.

The Bible tells us that Jesus was called a lot of names by people. Many of the religious leaders of the day were jealous of his success and wanted to discredit him in the eyes of the public, so they said all sorts of crazy things about him. They whispered that he was an illegitimate child. They accused him of being demon-possessed. They denounced him to the Roman authorities as a rioter and a threat of public peace.In this five-session video Bible study (DVD/digital videos sold separately), pastor and author Rich Wilkerson, Jr. reveals how one of their nicknames for Jesus was true: “Here is a . . . friend of tax collectors and sinners” (Luke 7:34). In the religious leaders’ minds this was one of the greatest indictments imaginable, but for Jesus it was a sign of success because it was the very definition of his mission. Today, Jesus still calls us “friends,” not because of who we are or what we have done but because of who he is. While he was on earth, he knew that people needed to feel as if they belonged before they would want to behave.Rich shows that by following his example, we can have the same clear conviction and compassion for the lost that Jesus did. When we embrace the truth that we all need Jesus equally, and when we trust him to bring transformation in people’s hearts, we will walk as Jesus walked, experiencing the glory of God in our own lives and in the lives of those around us.The Friend of Sinners Study Guide includes video discussion questions, Bible exploration, and personal study and reflection materials for in-between sessions.Sessions include:Missed MessageWeight ShiftLost and FoundComfortably UncomfortableHow to Be GreatDesigned for use with the Friend of Sinners Video Study (sold separately).

Friends Forever Wherever Whenever: A Little Book of Big Appreciation

by Karen Salmansohn

Happiness expert Karen Salmansohn presents a colorful friendship gift book that celebrates the very best things about friends—from the silly to the supportive—all with her patented brand of humor and wit.There are millions of reasons to appreciate your friends, and this adorable gift book covers the top 50 of them! Inspired by self-help guru Karen Salmansohn&’s popular illustrated witty sayings, this humorous and stylishly designed book illustrates the sweetest, craziest, truest, and most memorable things about friendship. It&’s the perfect way to let favorite friends know how much they are loved and to inspire them with words of encouragement—while making them laugh so hard they snort their Caramel Macchiato out their nose. It&’s a fun and loving gift to give besties for birthdays, holidays, or when you feel they need some cheering on or cheering up! Friends Forever Wherever Whenever lets your friends know they're priceless, whether you've known each other for years or just recently met.This is a wonderful friendship gift book for women or teens, or even as a gift for yourself. Each friendship appreciation reminder is sweet—and not too feisty—so it will appeal to friends of all ages.

From Anxiety to Love: A Radical New Approach for Letting Go of Fear and Finding Lasting Peace

by Corinne Zupko

Get Ready for Unstoppable Inner Peace Author Corinne Zupko undertook her study of psychology out of necessity when debilitating anxiety threatened to derail her life. Seeking ways to do more than temporarily alleviate her symptoms, Corinne began to study A Course in Miracles (ACIM), mindfulness meditation, and the latest therapeutic approaches for treating anxiety. In From Anxiety to Love, she shares what she learned and gently guides you through the process, helping you undo anxiety-based thinking and fostering mindful shifts in your thoughts and actions. Whether struggling with everyday stress or near-crippling discomfort, you will find that Corinne’s approach offers a new way of healing from — rather than just coping with — fear and anxiety.

From Broken Glass: My Story of Finding Hope in Hitler's Death Camps to Inspire a New Generation

by Ray Flynn Steve Ross Glenn Frank Brian Wallace

From the survivor of ten Nazi concentration camps who went on to create the New England Holocaust Memorial, an inspiring memoir about finding strength in the face of despair.On August 14, 2017, two days after a white-supremacist activist rammed his car into a group of anti-Fascist protestors, killing one and injuring nineteen, the New England Holocaust Memorial was vandalized for the second time in as many months. At the base of one of its fifty-four-foot glass towers lay a pile of shards. For Steve Ross, the image called to mind Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass in which German authorities and civilians ransacked Jewish-owned buildings with sledgehammers.Ross was eight years old when the Nazis invaded his Polish village, forcing his family to flee. He spent his next six years in a day-to-day struggle to survive the notorious camps in which he was imprisoned, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Dachau among them. When he was finally liberated, he no longer knew how old he was, he was literally starving to death, and everyone in his family save for his brother had been killed.Ross learned in his darkest experiences--by observing and enduring inconceivable cruelty as well as by receiving compassion from caring fellow prisoners--the human capacity to rise above even the bleakest circumstances. He decided to devote himself to underprivileged youth, aiming to ensure that despite the obstacles in their lives they would never experience suffering like he had. Over the course of a nearly forty-year career as a psychologist working in the Boston city schools, that was exactly what he did. At the end of his career, he spearheaded the creation of the New England Holocaust Memorial, a site millions of people including young students visit every year.Equal parts heartrending, brutal, and inspiring, From Broken Glass is the story of how one man survived the unimaginable and helped lead a new generation to forge a more compassionate world.

From Generation to Generation: Healing Intergenerational Trauma Through Storytelling

by Emily Wanderer Cohen

Most children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors felt the omnipresence of the Holocaust throughout their childhood and for many, the spectre of the Holocaust continues to loom large through the phenomenon of &“intergenerational&” or &“transgenerational&” trauma. In From Generation to Generation: Healing Intergenerational Trauma Through Storytelling, Emily Wanderer Cohen connects the dots between her behaviors and choices and her mother&’s Holocaust ex-periences. In a series of vivid, emotional—and sometimes gut-wrenching—stories, she illustrates how the Holocaust continues to have an impact on current and future generations. Plus, the prompts at the end of each chapter enable you to explore your own intergenerational trauma and begin your healing journey.Part memoir and part self-discovery, if you&’re a second-generation (2G) or third-generation (3G) Holo-caust survivor—or you&’re experiencing intergenerational trauma of any kind—and you&’re ready to heal from that trauma, you need to read this book.

From Heartbreak to Wholeness: The Hero's Journey to Joy

by Kristine Carlson

A guidebook for discovering how heartbreak can become the doorway to profound meaning and joy from the bestselling co-creator of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff SeriesIn 2006, after building the bestselling franchise Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff with her husband Richard, Kristine Carlson faced a shattering loss—the sudden death of her beloved spouse. Woven together with the remarkable stories of others’ loss and recovery, her deeply moving story reveals a clear process of healing that is common to everyone and goes far beyond ordinary prescriptions for getting through hard times. In her new book, From Heartbreak to Wholeness, Kristine offers a life-altering map for navigating the heroic journey from loss to joy—one that ultimately awakens readers to a deep love affair with life.Every day, people suffer heartbreaks of some kind—loss of a loved one, divorce, illness, loss of a job or home—and seek to understand why these losses and traumas have befallen them and how they’ll make it through in one piece. For readers who have endured loss of any kind, Kristine takes them by the hand, showing them how to traverse their own jagged edge of growth and emerge as the hero whole, happy, and empowered. Each chapter of From Heartbreak to Wholeness includes powerful exercises in self-inquiry and reflection, along with step-by-step guidance for writing one’s own heroic story of healing. Journey with Kristine Carlson and learn how you can walk the path from heartbreak to wholeness.

From Mindfulness to Heartfulness: Transforming Self And Society With Compassion

by Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

Open Mind, Open HeartMillions have found mindfulness to be a powerful practice for reducing stress, enhancing attention, and instilling tranquility. But it can offer so much more—it can transform you, make you more fully awake, alive, and aware of your connection to all beings. In Japanese, the character that best expresses mindfulness, 念, consists of two parts—the top part, 今, meaning “now,” and the bottom part, 心, meaning “heart.” Using stories from his own life as the son of an Irish father and a Japanese mother, a professor in Japan and America, a psychotherapist, a father, and a husband, Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu describes eight “heartfulness” principles that help us realize that the deepest expression of an enlightened mind is found in our relation to others.

From Mother to Daughter: The Things I'd Tell My Child

by Katie Piper Diane Piper

Whether you're only just becoming a mum for the first time or you have children who are growing up faster than you could have ever imagined, motherhood can feel like the most joyful and yet the most daunting of times. But you're not alone. From the moment I knew my first baby was a girl I started to plan, hope and dream. I couldn't wait to experience that special bond, but I also wondered how I'd feel about being a working mum, how I'd hold on to the person I am. I also knew that the world has changed so much since I was growing up. What advice, values and role models would help give my daughter the confidence and strength to cope with all that might come her way - and to give her an open mind and warm heart? And how would I guide her through the issues girls face today? This is my journey in motherhood: my experiences, hopes and fears - with my mum's stories of raising me, a parenting expert's advice and empowering exercises - to guide you from those first wobbly moments to being a happy, healthy mum and raising feisty, independent children who aren't afraid to be themselves - and to go for the life they want. Katie PiperFrom Mother to Daughter is about motherhood, about what you learn as a mother and the things you would tell your daughter and most of all it's Katie and Diane' Piper's celebration of the incredible power of mother-daughter relationships.

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