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Showing 23,151 through 23,175 of 36,712 results

From Broken Glass: My Story of Finding Hope in Hitler's Death Camps to Inspire a New Generation

by Ray Flynn Steve Ross Glenn Frank Brian Wallace

From the survivor of ten Nazi concentration camps who went on to create the New England Holocaust Memorial, an inspiring memoir about finding strength in the face of despair.On August 14, 2017, two days after a white-supremacist activist rammed his car into a group of anti-Fascist protestors, killing one and injuring nineteen, the New England Holocaust Memorial was vandalized for the second time in as many months. At the base of one of its fifty-four-foot glass towers lay a pile of shards. For Steve Ross, the image called to mind Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass in which German authorities and civilians ransacked Jewish-owned buildings with sledgehammers.Ross was eight years old when the Nazis invaded his Polish village, forcing his family to flee. He spent his next six years in a day-to-day struggle to survive the notorious camps in which he was imprisoned, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Dachau among them. When he was finally liberated, he no longer knew how old he was, he was literally starving to death, and everyone in his family save for his brother had been killed.Ross learned in his darkest experiences--by observing and enduring inconceivable cruelty as well as by receiving compassion from caring fellow prisoners--the human capacity to rise above even the bleakest circumstances. He decided to devote himself to underprivileged youth, aiming to ensure that despite the obstacles in their lives they would never experience suffering like he had. Over the course of a nearly forty-year career as a psychologist working in the Boston city schools, that was exactly what he did. At the end of his career, he spearheaded the creation of the New England Holocaust Memorial, a site millions of people including young students visit every year.Equal parts heartrending, brutal, and inspiring, From Broken Glass is the story of how one man survived the unimaginable and helped lead a new generation to forge a more compassionate world.

From Generation to Generation: Healing Intergenerational Trauma Through Storytelling

by Emily Wanderer Cohen

Most children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors felt the omnipresence of the Holocaust throughout their childhood and for many, the spectre of the Holocaust continues to loom large through the phenomenon of &“intergenerational&” or &“transgenerational&” trauma. In From Generation to Generation: Healing Intergenerational Trauma Through Storytelling, Emily Wanderer Cohen connects the dots between her behaviors and choices and her mother&’s Holocaust ex-periences. In a series of vivid, emotional—and sometimes gut-wrenching—stories, she illustrates how the Holocaust continues to have an impact on current and future generations. Plus, the prompts at the end of each chapter enable you to explore your own intergenerational trauma and begin your healing journey.Part memoir and part self-discovery, if you&’re a second-generation (2G) or third-generation (3G) Holo-caust survivor—or you&’re experiencing intergenerational trauma of any kind—and you&’re ready to heal from that trauma, you need to read this book.

From Heartbreak to Wholeness: The Hero's Journey to Joy

by Kristine Carlson

A guidebook for discovering how heartbreak can become the doorway to profound meaning and joy from the bestselling co-creator of the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff SeriesIn 2006, after building the bestselling franchise Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff with her husband Richard, Kristine Carlson faced a shattering loss—the sudden death of her beloved spouse. Woven together with the remarkable stories of others’ loss and recovery, her deeply moving story reveals a clear process of healing that is common to everyone and goes far beyond ordinary prescriptions for getting through hard times. In her new book, From Heartbreak to Wholeness, Kristine offers a life-altering map for navigating the heroic journey from loss to joy—one that ultimately awakens readers to a deep love affair with life.Every day, people suffer heartbreaks of some kind—loss of a loved one, divorce, illness, loss of a job or home—and seek to understand why these losses and traumas have befallen them and how they’ll make it through in one piece. For readers who have endured loss of any kind, Kristine takes them by the hand, showing them how to traverse their own jagged edge of growth and emerge as the hero whole, happy, and empowered. Each chapter of From Heartbreak to Wholeness includes powerful exercises in self-inquiry and reflection, along with step-by-step guidance for writing one’s own heroic story of healing. Journey with Kristine Carlson and learn how you can walk the path from heartbreak to wholeness.

From Mindfulness to Heartfulness: Transforming Self And Society With Compassion

by Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

Open Mind, Open HeartMillions have found mindfulness to be a powerful practice for reducing stress, enhancing attention, and instilling tranquility. But it can offer so much more—it can transform you, make you more fully awake, alive, and aware of your connection to all beings. In Japanese, the character that best expresses mindfulness, 念, consists of two parts—the top part, 今, meaning “now,” and the bottom part, 心, meaning “heart.” Using stories from his own life as the son of an Irish father and a Japanese mother, a professor in Japan and America, a psychotherapist, a father, and a husband, Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu describes eight “heartfulness” principles that help us realize that the deepest expression of an enlightened mind is found in our relation to others.

From Mother to Daughter: The Things I'd Tell My Child

by Katie Piper Diane Piper

Whether you're only just becoming a mum for the first time or you have children who are growing up faster than you could have ever imagined, motherhood can feel like the most joyful and yet the most daunting of times. But you're not alone. From the moment I knew my first baby was a girl I started to plan, hope and dream. I couldn't wait to experience that special bond, but I also wondered how I'd feel about being a working mum, how I'd hold on to the person I am. I also knew that the world has changed so much since I was growing up. What advice, values and role models would help give my daughter the confidence and strength to cope with all that might come her way - and to give her an open mind and warm heart? And how would I guide her through the issues girls face today? This is my journey in motherhood: my experiences, hopes and fears - with my mum's stories of raising me, a parenting expert's advice and empowering exercises - to guide you from those first wobbly moments to being a happy, healthy mum and raising feisty, independent children who aren't afraid to be themselves - and to go for the life they want. Katie PiperFrom Mother to Daughter is about motherhood, about what you learn as a mother and the things you would tell your daughter and most of all it's Katie and Diane' Piper's celebration of the incredible power of mother-daughter relationships.

From Mother to Daughter: The Things I'd Tell My Child

by Katie Piper Diane Piper

Whether you're becoming a mum for the first time or you have children who are growing up faster than you could have ever imagined, motherhood can feel like the most joyful and yet the most daunting of times. But you're not alone. From the moment I knew my first baby was a girl I started to plan, hope and dream. I couldn't wait to experience that special bond, but I wondered how I'd feel about being a working mum, how I'd hold on to the person I am. I also knew that the world has changed so much since I was growing up. What advice, values and role models would help give my daughter the confidence and strength to cope with all that might come her way - and to give her an open mind and warm heart? This is my journey in motherhood: my experiences, hopes and fears - with my mum's stories of raising me, a parenting expert's advice and empowering exercises - to guide you from those first wobbly moments to being a happy, healthy mum and raising children who aren't afraid to be themselves - and to go for the life they want. KATIE PIPERFrom Mother to Daughter is about motherhood, what you learn as a mother, the things you would tell your daughter and most of all it's Katie and Diane Piper's celebration of the incredible power of mother-daughter relationships.(P)2018 Quercus Editions Limited

The Frugal Homesteader: Living the Good Life on Less

by John Moody

&“Practical advice . . . from the farm field to foraging in the forest . . . a must-have for anyone looking to transition from homeowner to homesteader.&”—Scott Mann, host of The Permaculture Podcast Build your homesteading dreams with all the affordable DIY innovations, tips, and stories you need to successfully launch you on a path to self-sufficiency. Raise and grow your own food, connect with nature, and consume less while producing more!The Frugal Homesteader is a fun, inspirational, and educational guide filled with a lifetime of learning that comes along with becoming a homesteader. Following dozens of successful families who have been motivated to make do, make new, and make more while saving money and living off the land, this book covers such topics as:Outfitting your garden Equipping your barn and outbuildings Protecting and providing for your animals Harvesting rainwater Heating with wood Foraging Producing more of what you need to thrive in harder times. Whether you&’re just starting out and looking for new, sustainable, and affordable ideas, approaches, and techniques, or you&’re a small-scale farmer in regenerative agriculture, The Frugal Homesteader is the DIY manual to help you succeed. &“This book is worth its weight in gold . . . an account of direct lived experience: jam-packed with tips and tricks from doing the homestead life each and every day.&”—Ben Falk, homesteader and author of The Resilient Farm and Homestead &“This is a rich bounty of ideas that will be equally usefully to old hands and shiny new start-ups alike, whether on rural acreage or urban lot.&”—Jenni Blackmore, author of The Food Lover&’s Garden

Fuck It: Be at Peace with Life, Just as It Is

by John Parkin

The top reason for being unhappy and stressed in life is 'being over here, but wanting to be over there'. The gap between how life really is and how we'd like it to be, hurts. This gap is, in fact, the primary cause of pain and misery for most people. In this light-hearted, funny, yet deeply wise book, bestselling self-help author John Parkin looks at how we can close this gap: not through improving ourselves or making changes in our lives, but through saying 'F**k it' and making peace with life, just as it is.Written with relatable wit and humour, this book is full of wisdom that will give you a refreshing new perspective on life. John will guide you through all the common pitfalls of the modern search for happiness and will show you that going with the flow of things, exactly how they are, is the most effective pain reliever there is. By the end of the book, you'll see that being at peace with life is not necessarily to be peaceful, it's certainly not to be passive; it is to embrace life as it is, in all its colours.

La fuerza de la quietud: El poder de la meditación trascendental

by Bob Roth

Aprende qué es y cómo funciona la meditación trascendental, la mejor forma de combatir el estrés y conseguir un estado de relajación y descanso al que estamos predispuestos de forma natural. ¿Qué tienen en común Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tom Hanks o Gisele Bündchen? La respuesta es: un profesor de meditación trascendental llamado Bob Roth, que ha ayudado a miles de personas a desarrollar su creatividad y poder innatos a través de una técnica sencilla y no religiosa llamada meditación trascendental. En este libro Bob Roth nos explica, de forma simple y clara, todo lo necesario para conocer y practicar esta técnica. «La fuerza de la quietud es una clase magistral que hace la meditación trascendental accesible a todo el mundo».Arianna Huffington «Se duerme mejor. Se tienen mejores relaciones. Interactuamos mejor los unos con los otros. Estoy un mil por ciento mejor cuando la practico».Oprah Winfrey «La guía más simple, atractiva y fácil de entender sobre la meditación trascendental, una técnica en la que confío para ayudarme a llevar esta vida tan desafiante, a veces estresante».Gwyneth Paltrow Sus seguidores han dicho:«Mi mujer y yo admiramos a Bob. Ayudó mucho a nuestro hijo Oscar, que era un niño estresado y ansioso. Ahora lo veo florecer y controlar las cosas que lo hacen único».Hugh Jackman «Es el único momento en que tengo esa quietud. Me da sensación de paz. Simplemente me encanta».Ellen Degeneres «La meditación trascendental es muy fácil de aprender y muy sencilla de practicar. Sin embargo, lo que obtienes a cambio, el beneficio a lo largo de tu vida... eso lo cambia todo».Cameron Diaz «No puedo alabar lo bastante a Bob Roth y a la meditación trascendental. La quietud, la verdadera quietud, tanto de la mente como del cuerpo, es un regalo. La meditación trascendentalme enseñó cómo acceder a esa quietud y abrir ese regalo a diario».Michael J. Fox «La meditación trascendental es la razón más importante de cualquier éxito que haya tenido en mi vida. La fuerza de la quietud, de Bob Roth, destila de forma magistral la esencia de esta técnica para que cualquiera pueda entender cómo funciona, y por qué deberían aprenderla».Ray Dalio «Tengo mucha suerte de que Bob esté en nuestras vidas. La ansiedad es como una plaga familiar. ¡Provengo de una familia de mujeres judías neuróticas que necesitan meditación trascendental más que nadie! ».Lena Dunham «La belleza de la meditación trascendental reside en su indulgencia. No puedes hacerla mal».Robin Roberts «Cuanto más practicas la meditación trascendental, mejor te sientes y piensas: estoy a cargo de mi destino en este momento».Mario Batali

The Fun Formula: How Curiosity, Risk-Taking, and Serendipity Can Revolutionize How You Work

by Joel Comm

Find more success in work and in life than you ever dreamed possible—by pursuing fun.The demands of work and the breakneck pace of technological change wear heavily on all of us, whether we are employees at a large company, solo workers in the gig economy, or entrepreneurs launching a new venture. The &“hustle-and-grind&” lifestyle that we&’ve been told is essential to success actually leads to physical ailments, emotional burnout, and a darkness in the soul. But Joel Comm has found a better way. In The Fun Formula, Comm reveals that the best path to success—in work and in life—is to focus on our passions, curiosity, and the things that bring us great pleasure. Doing this leads not only to more dramatic results in whatever we do, but also to a more fulfilling life. Using entertaining stories and illuminating anecdotes from Comm&’s own life and those of others, famous and not, The Fun Formula lays out a plan for making the subtle changes to our thinking and routines that will enable us to design the life we truly desire: one of significance and joy.

Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius: A Guide for Artists, Entrepreneurs, Inventors, and Kindred Spirits (Like a Creative Genius)

by Brainard Carey

How to Get Others to Support Your Vision If you have a dream that needs backing, be it an art project, an invention, or even a business, this is the book for you. Brainard Carey offers advice with solid examples of how building relationships with sponsors, investors, grant-makers, and patrons is something every creative person can pursue. Carey draws from his extensive experience and interviews with others to show artists and creative people how to raise money without the use of crowdfunding platforms. Readers will learn how to articulate their funding needs, develop a campaign, and approach sponsors. Chapter topics include: Defining your funding goals Pitching a proposal Writing to someone you've never met before Conversational tactics to help you ask for funding Methods for keeping in touch with potential sponsors Real examples of artists and entrepreneurs who succeeded in gaining the support of philanthropists and patrons And much more With chapters divided between practical how-tos and case studies, Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius, offers readers both instructive and demonstrative lessons in making their next big project a reality. Everyone can do it with the right tools, and Carey offers an insider's guide to an otherwise daunting process.

The Future Is Open: Good Karma, Bad Karma, and Beyond Karma

by Chogyam Trungpa Carolyn Rose Gimian

Renowned meditation master Chögyam Trungpa challenges popular misconceptions of the Buddhist doctrines of karma and rebirth, in the process showing how to step beyond karma on the path to awakening.Karma has become a popular term in the West, often connected with somewhat naive or deterministic ideas of rebirth and reincarnation or equated with views of morality and guilt. Chögyam Trungpa unpacks this intriguing but misunderstood topic. He viewed an understanding of karma as good news, showing us that liberation is possible and that the future is never predetermined. His unique approach to presenting the Buddhist teachings lends itself to an insightful and profound view of karma, its cause and effects, and how to cut the root of karma itself.

#GalaConfidential: 10 años de influencer

by Gala González

Los secretos personales, profesionales y de moda de la influencer española más internacional: Gala González. Pocas españolas pueden presumir de haber alcanzado un reconocimiento a nivel mundial. <P><P>Gala González ha conseguido, a fuerza de profesionalidad, tesón y una buena combinación de experimentación y comercialidad a la hora de vestir, convertirse en un icono de estilo más allá de nuestras fronteras y ser la única española en alcanzar el top ten de las mejores influencers del mundo. <P><P>Nació en Galicia y se graduó en diseño por la Universidad de Londres. Fue una de las pioneras en su andadura en el mundo online, cuando en 2005 abrió su primera plataforma, Fotolog. La gran acogida que recibió la animó a crear su propio espacio 2.0 dedicado a la moda,, uno de los primeros blogs con proyección internacional. <P>Desde entonces su popularidad como influencer, diseñadora, directora creativa y modelo no ha hecho más que crecer, y además de ser un auténtico referente, puede presumir de haber protagonizado campañas de moda, como las de Loewe y Mango, y haber diseñado colecciones para Tous, Superga y la línea U de Adolfo Domínguez, entre otras. <P>Sin duda, su estilo, real y ecléctico, es su mejor aval. #GalaConfidential recoge más de una década de su trayectoria en una de las profesiones que más han dado que hablar en los últimos años, además de sus experiencias personales como influencer de éxito, que revelan su parte más humana. <P>Este libro también nace con la vocación de ser una guía para todo aquel que quiera aventurarse en la industria de la moda y la comunicación online, o simplemente trate de descubrir el camino que hay que seguir para triunfar fuera y dentro del mundo digital.

The Gambler: How Penniless Dropout Kirk Kerkorian Became the Greatest Deal Maker in Capitalist History

by William C. Rempel

“A remarkably detailed and fascinating look at the career of an idiosyncratic tycoon.” – Booklist The rags-to-riches story of one of America’s wealthiest and least-known financial giants, self-made billionaire Kirk Kerkorian—the daring aviator, movie mogul, risk-taker, and business tycoon who transformed Las Vegas and Hollywood to become one of the leading financiers in American business.Kerkorian combined the courage of a World War II pilot, the fortitude of a scrappy boxer, the cunning of an inscrutable poker player and an unmatched genius for making deals. He never put his name on a building, but when he died he owned almost every major hotel and casino in Las Vegas. He envisioned and fostered a new industry —the leisure business. Three times he built the biggest resort hotel in the world. Three times he bought and sold the fabled MGM Studios, forever changing the way Hollywood does business.His early life began as far as possible from a place on the Forbes List of Billionaires when he and his Armenian immigrant family lost their farm to foreclosure. He was four. They arrived in Los Angeles penniless and moved often, staying one step ahead of more evictions. Young Kirk learned English on the streets of L.A., made pennies hawking newspapers and dropped out after eighth grade. How he went on to become one of the richest and most generous men in America—his net worth as much as $20 billion—is a story largely unknown to the world. That’s because what Kerkorian valued most was his privacy. His very private life turned to tabloid fodder late in life when a former professional tennis player falsely claimed that the eighty-five-year-old billionaire fathered her child.In this engrossing biography, investigative reporter William C. Rempel digs deep into Kerkorian’s long-guarded history to introduce a man of contradictions—a poorly educated genius for deal-making, an extraordinarily shy man who made the boldest of business ventures, a careful and calculating investor who was willing to bet everything on a single roll of the dice.Unlike others of his status and importance, Kerkorian made few public appearances and strenuously avoided personal publicity. His friends and associates, however, were some of the biggest names in business, entertainment, and sports—among them Howard Hughes, Ted Turner, Steve Wynn, Michael Milken, Cary Grant, Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, Elvis Presley, Mike Tyson, and Andre Agassi.When he died in 2015 two years shy of the century mark, Kerkorian had outlived many of his closest friends and associates. Now, Rempel meticulously pieces together revealing fragments of Kerkorian’s life, collected from diverse sources—war records, business archives, court documents, news clippings and the recollections and recorded memories of longtime pals and relatives. In The Gambler, Rempel illuminates this unknown, self-made man and his inspiring legacy as never before.

Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators, and Mavericks Do to Win at Life (Bulletproof #4)

by Dave Asprey

The bestselling author of Head Strong and The Bulletproof Diet answers the question, “How can I kick more ass at life?” by culling the wisdom of world-class thought leaders, maverick scientists, and disruptive entrepreneurs to provide proven techniques for becoming happier, healthier, and smarter.When Dave Asprey started his Bulletproof Radio podcast more than five years ago, he sought out influencers in an array of disciplines, from biochemists toiling in unknown laboratories to business leaders changing the world to mediation masters discovering inner peace. His guests were some of the top performing humans in the world, people who had changed their areas of study or even pioneered entirely new fields. Dave wanted to know: What did they have in common? What mattered most to them? What made them so successful—and what made them tick? At the end of each interview, Dave asked the same question: “What are your top three recommendations for people who want to perform better at being human?”After performing a statistical analysis of the answers, he found that the wisdom gleaned from these highly successful people could be distilled into three main objectives: finding ways to become smarter, faster, and happier. Game Changers is the culmination of Dave’s years-long immersion in these conversations, offering 46 science-backed, high performance “laws” that are a virtual playbook for how to get better at life.With anecdotes from game changers like Dr. Daniel Amen, Gabby Bernstein, Dr. David Perlmutter, Arianna Huffington, Esther Perel, and Tim Ferris as well as examples from Dave’s own life, Game Changers offers readers practical advice they can put into action to reap immediate rewards. From taming fear and anxiety to making better decisions, establishing high-performance habits, and practicing gratitude and mindfulness, Dave brings together the wisdom of today’s game-changers to help everyone kick more ass at life.

Gana las competiciones en línea: una guía para promotores

by David Fuentes

¡Bienvenido al mundo de la comping en línea! Este libro es el compañero ideal para cualquiera que esté comenzando en el marketing promocional. Brindará una visión informativa e intuitiva del mundo de las promociones en línea y lo ayudará a ejecutar sus propias campañas exitosas. Este es el tercer libro de la serie "Gana competencia en línea" que se centra en ti, el promotor. Ahora, habrá incluidos algunos consejos acerca de la competencia, aunque después de todo es un libro de compilación, es aquí donde tú, el promotor, estarás en el centro del escenario. Ganarte un nuevo negocio sobre tus competidores o simplemente ganar mayor exposición para tu marca y para tu compañía; vamos a ponerte de la mejor forma posible. No es necesario que seas un experto en marketing o un fanatico de las relaciones públicas para entender mis libros. Están escritos en español sencillo sin jergas y esta completo de información inteligente; tu eres ahora un afortunado promotor, podras continúar con el desarrollo de tus campañas... Con esta Edición hecha en el Reino Unido puedes: • Aprender lo que se necesita para convertirte en un promotor de primera clase. • Establecer promociones usando las redes sociales. • Trabajar al máximo en publicidad ... ¡Y mucho, mucho más! Autor: David Fuentes Diseño de portada: Thomas Phipps

Ganar Competiciones en Línea: El Cielo es el Límite

by David Fuentes

Bienvenido a mi segundo libro en la serie "Ganar Competiciones en Línea", una continuación bienvenida de "Ganar Competiciones en Línea: Una Guía para los Competidores". Este libro está repleto de aún más consejos y sugerencias para los principiantes. Me he expandido en el mismo formato, dividiendo la necesidad de conocer la información en trozos más grandes pero no menos jugosos, simplemente esperando que le metas los dientes.

Gaslighting: How to recognise manipulative and emotionally abusive people - and break free

by Dr Stephanie Sarkis

Gaslighting.What it is, how you can spot it - and how you can break freeHe's the charmer - the witty, confident, but overly controlling date. She's the woman on your team who always manages to take credit for your good work. He's the neighbour who swears you've been putting your rubbish into his bins, or the politician who can never admit to a mistake. Gaslighters are master controllers and manipulators, often challenging your very sense of reality. Whether it's a spouse, parent, co-worker, or friend, gaslighters distort the truth - by lying, withholding, triangulation, and more - making their victims question their own reality and sanity. Dr Stephanie Sarkis delves into this hidden manipulation technique, covering gaslighting in every life scenario, sharing: · Why gaslighters seem so 'normal' at first · Warning signs and examples · Gaslighter 'red flags' on a first date · Practical strategies for coping · How to co-parent with a gaslighter · How to protect yourself from a gaslighter at work · How to walk away and rebuild your life With clear-eyed wisdom and empathy, Dr Sarkis not only helps you determine if you are being victimized by a gaslighter - she gives you the tools to break free and heal.

Gaslighting: Recognize Manipulative and Emotionally Abusive People--and Break Free

by Stephanie Moulton Sarkis

A mental health expert sheds light on "gaslighting"--the manipulative technique used by sociopaths, narcissists, and others--offering practical strategies to cope and break free. Gaslighting is a technique of manipulating others to gain control, often practiced by those with personality disorders (including Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder). Whether it's a spouse, parent, coworker, or friend, gaslighters use a series of manipulation and distraction tactics to distort the truth--from lying, controlling, withholding, triangulation, and more--making their victims question their own reality. Dr. Sarkis delves into the psychology behind the phenomenon, devoting chapters to specific scenarios, such as gaslighting in dating, in relationships, at work, and in families. With warning signs and examples of the destructive consequences along with practical tips and strategies, Gaslighting will help anyone trapped in a manipulative relationship to break free and heal from this toxic behavior.

Gaslighting: How to recognise manipulative and emotionally abusive people - and break free

by Dr Stephanie Sarkis

Gaslighting.What it is, how you can spot it - and how you can break freeHe's the charmer - the witty, confident, but overly controlling date. She's the woman on your team who always manages to take credit for your good work. He's the neighbour who swears you've been putting your rubbish into his bins, or the politician who can never admit to a mistake. Gaslighters are master controllers and manipulators, often challenging your very sense of reality. Whether it's a spouse, parent, co-worker, or friend, gaslighters distort the truth - by lying, withholding, triangulation, and more - making their victims question their own reality and sanity. Dr Stephanie Sarkis delves into this hidden manipulation technique, covering gaslighting in every life scenario, sharing: · Why gaslighters seem so 'normal' at first · Warning signs and examples · Gaslighter 'red flags' on a first date · Practical strategies for coping · How to co-parent with a gaslighter · How to protect yourself from a gaslighter at work · How to walk away and rebuild your life With clear-eyed wisdom and empathy, Dr Sarkis not only helps you determine if you are being victimized by a gaslighter - she gives you the tools to break free and heal.Read by Stephanie Sarkis and Suehyla El-Attar(p) Hachette Audio 2018

The Gate of Light: Healing Practices to Connect You to Source Energy

by Lars Muhl

The Gate of Light describes an ancient healing method used by the Essenes, or The Sons of Light, 2500 years ago, it brings this long forgotten practice to the modern age, complete with practical tools, meditations and visualisations. A companion book to The Law of Light but can be read on its own.Until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1946, there was little known about The Essenes; a brotherhood of holy men and women living together within a community over two thousand years ago. The Essenes considered themselves to be a separate people--not because of external signs like skin colour, hair colour, but because of the illumination of their inner life and their knowledge of the hidden mysteries of nature unknown to other men. The Gate of Light is based on Lars Muhl’s lifelong search for God, it doesn’t claim any absolute truths but sets out to provide a practice based on Essene teachings that allows us to look at how we judge ourselves and how we live in the world. He asks: What motivates us? How do we create a balance between thoughts, words and actions? How do we align ourselves in relation to our higher self and become the universal light beings we are meant to be? The Essenes understood that everything is interactively connected and that everything is energy. For them, God was the name for the highest form of awareness, something omnipresent and, if a human wished to learn how then they could communicate with this ever present energy and through this communication humans could realize their full potential. Drawing on this ancient knowledge Lars presents a complete practice to help us recognize and answer the above questions. He particularly looks at: Grief and Happiness, Balance and Awareness, Selflessness, Boredom and Renunciation, Loneliness, Gratitude, Silence and Thoughtfulness.

Geek Magnifique: Finding the Logic in my OCD (Inspirational Series)

by Melissa Boyle

At her lowest point, Melissa Boyle was starving herself out of fear of vomiting, avoiding leaving the house so that she wouldn’t become contaminated. Wracked with the debilitating symptoms of emetophobia and OCD, she saw nothing to live for and believed she was beyond repair.But over the last two years she has completely turned her life around. Through therapy and other means, she found a way to become much more mentally healthy. She found a career she loved and began building a future for herself – one that she is truly excited about.Geek Magnifique is the story of how Melissa came to understand the psychology behind her emetophobia and OCD and, most importantly, how she was able to recover from them.

Gemini: The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness According to Your Star Sign

by Sally Kirkman

You are a Gemini. You are the communicator and ideas person of the zodiac.The signs of the zodiac can give us great insight into our day-to-day living as well as the many talents and qualities we possess. But in an increasingly unpredictable world, how can we make sense of them? And what do they mean? This insightful and introductory guide delves deep into your star sign, revealing unique traits and meanings which you didn't know. Along the way, you will discover how your sign defies your compatibility, how to improve your health and what your gifts are. ***The Pocket Astrology series will teach you how to live well and enhance every aspect of your life. From friendship to compatibility, careers to finance, you will discover new elements to your sign and learn about the ancient art of astrology. Other books in the series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Gemini: The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness According to Your Star Sign

by Sally Kirkman

You are a Gemini. You are the communicator and ideas person of the zodiac.The signs of the zodiac can give us great insight into our day-to-day living as well as the many talents and qualities we possess. But in an increasingly unpredictable world, how can we make sense of them? And what do they mean? This insightful and introductory guide delves deep into your star sign, revealing unique traits and meanings which you didn't know. Along the way, you will discover how your sign defies your compatibility, how to improve your health and what your gifts are. ***The Pocket Astrology series will teach you how to live well and enhance every aspect of your life. From friendship to compatibility, careers to finance, you will discover new elements to your sign and learn about the ancient art of astrology. Other books in the series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Gemini: The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness According to Your Star Sign

by Sally Kirkman

You are a Gemini. You are the communicator and ideas person of the zodiac.The signs of the zodiac can give us great insight into our day-to-day living as well as the many talents and qualities we possess. But in an increasingly unpredictable world, how can we make sense of them? And what do they mean? This insightful and introductory guide delves deep into your star sign, revealing unique traits and meanings which you didn't know. Along the way, you will discover how your sign defies your compatibility, how to improve your health and what your gifts are. ***The Pocket Astrology series will teach you how to live well and enhance every aspect of your life. From friendship to compatibility, careers to finance, you will discover new elements to your sign and learn about the ancient art of astrology. Other audiobooks in the series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces(P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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