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Genial Intelligens

by James Morcan Lance Morcan Elisabet Norris

Genial Intelligens er den ultimate avhandling om påskyndet lære metoder. Skrevet av romanforfattere, filmskapere og uavhengige undersøkere James Morcan & Lance Morcan med forord av ledende vitenskapsmann Dr. Takaaki Musha, knuser de med denne boka myten om at genier er født og ikke utviklet. Den avslører hvordan i fleste tilfeller at over-den-normale intelligens er oppnådd gjennom overlegne kognitive teknikker eller hjerneforbedrende teknologier. Berømte genier som blir studert inkluderer Apple grunnlegger Steve Jobs som en 19-åring begynte å øve fortidsdisiplin som aktiverer deler av hjernen som lå i dvale; Albert Einstein som fant opp den store relavitetsteori mens han brukte sjeldne metoder for å få tilgang til underbevisstheten; Kim Peek (den virkelige 'Rain Man') som kunne hurtiglese hvilken bok som helst på fem minutter med fullstendig forståelse for innholdet; Indiske matematiske storhjernen Srinivasa Ramanujan som, selvom utrent, kom opp med ekstraordinære formler som gjorde akademikere fullstendig sjokkskadde; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart som komponerte hele stykker mens han var i en endret forstand. Iblant oppfinnelsen som blir delt med leserne er hjernebølger som er vanlig for genier og de forskjellige måter å kalle fram disse forskjellige hjernbølgene; mental teknikker som verdens elite og A-liste kjendiser bruker i all stillhet for å hjelpe de å behandle informasjon mens de sover eller i virtuelle verdener; kjemiske substanser som studenter og akademikere rundt om i verden bruker for å kick-starte hjernen i høy gir; banebrytende teknologier som forretnings tycooner og professionelle idrettsfolk bruker for å oppnå cerebral fordel over konkurrentene. I de nyeste funn innenfor nevrovitenskapen, lister Genial Intelligens dusinvis av praktiske metoder for å øke IQen og hurtiglese alle felt.

George Fox: The Red-Hot Quaker

by Major Douglas

The story of George Fox’s life suffers from two great disadvantages which the reader should always bear in mind.In the first place, the old, strange, stilted language, used by all in his day, makes it difficult for us to feel as much at home with him as we should do. We must remember that even Salvationists in our own days are tempted when they write to give up their simple, everyday language, and to wrap up their thoughts more fashionably. But those who will try to see George Fox, as he so often was to be found, praising the Lord in a stinking prison cell, will be able in spite of his strange words to grasp his glorious meaning.And then we have also to remind ourselves that he had little chance either to observe or to organize any regular and effective warfare. For over a hundred years England had been victimized by religious discussions until the very idea of real worship had been almost lost. No wonder at poor George’s perplexities when his hungry soul began to long for God, and no wonder that the great note of his whole life thereafter was so largely that of avoiding whatever others did. If he could anywhere have seen how singing processions, flags, music, open-air demonstrations could be used in the power of the Holy Ghost to the salvation of the people; and if he could have been allowed to organize accordingly, all England would have been stirred and perhaps delivered at once from the curses of formalism and spiritual death. But it may be that God only granted him light according to what it was then possible to do. He lived a prophet’s life leaving to us in these days of liberty, not a complete description of our duties, but an example of fearless, devoted service, that, alas, but few have ever attempted to follow.

Gestión del Tiempo: Guía para obtener productividad efectiva en tu vida (Time Management)

by Shari Dixit

En esta guía única para la gestión del tiempo, aprenderás como mejorar tu vida de la manera más simple y a transformar completamente la manera en la que piensas, para que puedas gestionar el tiempo y parar la procrastinación, así ¡tener las cosas terminadas! Es momento de dar un paso al costado de los absorbedores de tiempo que te están impidiendo disfrutar la vida, y comenzar a cambiar para que puedas tener el placer de los beneficios que trae vivir una vida productiva. Beneficios tales como más tiempo para ti mismo (y tu familia), menos estrés y tensión, y un temperamento más feliz y calmado. Este libro no es un largo estudio científico, es una lectura rápida que te ahorrará tiempo a la vez que te da todas las indicaciones correctas que necesitas para ser más productivo. ¡Descarga hoy este gran libro!

Gestión Del Tiempo (Autoayuda Y Desarrollo Personal): Productividad Personal)

by John Korhnak

En este libro, aprenderá cómo administrar y completar las listas de tareas pendientes que realmente se hacen para que pueda disfrutar de un estilo de vida más eficiente y sin estrés, ya sea en el trabajo o en casa. El libro es un excelente recurso para corporaciones, asociaciones, profesionales, empleados de oficina, empresarios, ejecutivos, gerentes y cualquier persona que quiera encontrar más tiempo en su día para que puedan dejar de sentirse abrumados por todo lo que tienen que hacer.

Gestisci la tua Ansia Goditi la tua Pace: Antidoti naturali

by Laurent Lacherez

Questo libro è diviso in due grandi categorie di antidoti. La prima, mira a prevenire l'insorgenza e l'insediamento dell'ansia nella mente per aiutarti a dirigere meglio i tuoi pensieri e riguadagnare, quindi, un maggior controllo su te stesso. Dato che corpo e spirito sono legati non puoi riuscire veramente a distruggere la tua ansia se non ti occupi di queste parti nel loro complesso. È per questo che, nella seconda sezione del libro, troverai informazioni concise sull'uso della fitoterapia per sostenere e rafforzare il tuo corpo durante i momenti di ansia. L'uso di piante medicinali è una forma di medicina globale che agisce gradualmente sull'organismo. La scelta che farai delle piante, dipenderà dai sintomi che starai vivendo. Questa parte del libro è una guida che permette di fare una scelta più consapevole e ti rende maggiormente partecipe nel processo di guarigione.

Get It Done: 31 Ways to Release Your Inner Boss

by Hayley Hobson

Holistic Life, Badass StyleTake Risks and Find Success: Are you willing to take risks and support yourself and your family like never before? If so, then Get It Done by renowned speaker, life coach, and author Hayley Hobson is the last self-guide book you’ll ever need. Moving away from mainstream mediocrity to live an exciting and fulfilling life sounds like an amazing promise—and this book will help motivate you to make it come true.Comfort in the midst of chaos: In Get It Done, Hayley Hobson teaches you the secret that lies between a holistic heart and passion with an attitude. Each chapter points out areas of life that can be chaotic, and then gives you the secret to overcoming the noise. Hobson shares personal fixes you can apply immediately as you go from madness to mindfulness.Restore balance in your life: From time management and organization to prioritizing and task management, Get It Done illustrates specific scenarios and personal life stories that detail what things look like when they are out of balance. Emphasizing your need to take action, Hayley follows up with plans ready for you to implement.No more excuses: It’s time to Get It Done. Hayley Hobson uses her life coaching expertise to provide supportive and credible help that sticks and transforms. Hobson knows that by changing our thoughts, we can shift our perception and our feelings. Once our feelings change, our experience changes. Take action now for a better future.Get It Done coaches readers in ways to apply the philosophies that have helped Hayley Hobson to live a holistically grounded life—in a badass way. In this book, readers will find:Step-by-step guides to foster balance in the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual quadrantsInsight on overcoming adversity, from health issues to financial failuresPrescriptive tips on how to move away from the chaos of everyday life and restore balance

Get Money: Live the Life You Want, Not Just the Life You Can Afford

by Kristin Wong

<p>Learn how to live the life you want, not just the life you can afford in this highly engaging, step-by-step guide to winning at personal finance! <p>Managing your money is like going to the dentist or standing in line at the DMV. Nobody wants to do it, but at some point, it's inevitable: you need to clean your teeth, renew your license, and manage your personal finances like a grown-up. Whether you're struggling to pay off student loan debt, ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck, or have finally accepted that your Beanie Baby collection will never pay off, tackling your finances may seem immensely intimidating. But it doesn't have to be. In fact, by approaching it as a game--or something that requires you to set clear goals, as well as face challenges you must "beat"--personal finance can not only be easy to understand, but it can also be fun! <p>In <i>Get Money</i>, personal finance expert Kristin Wong shows you the exact steps to getting more money in your pocket without letting it rule your life. Through a series of challenges designed to boost your personal finance I.Q., interviews with other leading financial experts, and exercises tailored to help you achieve even your biggest goals, you'll learn valuable skills such as: <p> <li>Building a budget that (gasp) actually works <li>Super-charging a debt payoff plan <li>How to strategically hack your credit score <li>Negotiating like a shark (or at least a piranha) <li>Side-hustling to speed up your money goals <li>Starting a lazy investment portfolio...and many more!</li> <p> <p>Simply put, with this gamified guide to personal finance, you'll no longer stress about understanding how your finances work--you'll finally "get" money.</p>

Get on Top of Your Pleasure, Sexuality & Wellness: A Vagina Revolution

by Meika Hollender Alexandra Zissu

A smart, actionable guide to help women take control of their sexual health and learn about vital information in a pro-pleasure, safety-first, and sex-positive way from a leader in sexual education for the GirlBoss generation.Women are suffering—especially in the eighteen to thirty age range. They&’re suffering from misinformation, fear, intimidation. They&’re worried about the side effects of birth control, confused about consent, sexuality, and cheating, and don&’t know when or always even where to seek medical attention. Women need answers from someone they trust, from a partner. And Get on Top is that partner. Written by the creator of the Get On Top national campaign, cofounder of Sustain all-natural sexual wellness products, and daughter of the founder of the billion-dollar green company, Seventh Generation, this book helps women access all the facts they need to make smart, healthy, and safe choices when it comes to sex by continuing the conversation, by answering questions, and by providing the information in a relatable and totally normal way. Meika answers questions similar to those she receives every day from the thousands of readers and listeners of the GetOnTop campaign and fans of the green brands, Sustain and Seventh Generation. It&’s a chance to give conversational advice to readers. Chapters include topics such as birth control, STDs, sex, masturbation, and what PH is and why it&’s important. Meika answers all of the questions women have about sex in an unselfconscious, straightforward, real, and enlightening way. Not sexed up, not sleazy. Just smart, actionable information for any and all sexual questions. Not only will it teach women everything they need to know about their bodies, Get on Top will also change the way women think about sexual health.

Get Out of Your Own Way: How to manage the most powerful person in your life – yourself

by Alan Hester

Alan Hester's insightful statement will ring bells with many people. So many of us will regularly and repeatedly stop ourselves from doing what we most want to do. We will get in our own way. We may compare ourselves with more successful people and look for unfair advantages that they have and we don't. We may bemoan our luck or be plagued by any number of common conditions, such as starting something and not finishing it, making bad decisions or no decision at all. We may lack self-belief and think we don't deserve success, that we may be ridiculed or judged, that there is no point in even trying, or feel uncomfortable trying. These are just a few of the ways in which, through fear, ego and lack of confidence, we get in our own way. The author's argument is that although we may not be able to control certain events in our life, we can control our response to those events, and thereby decide the outcome. He has written this book so we can learn how to get out of our own way and become our own best adviser, motivator and friend.

Get Over It!: Thought Therapy for Healing the Hard Stuff

by Iyanla Vanzant

Get Over It! is a tool and a process that offers readers a path to dominion over their most powerful asset: their mind. In today&’s turbulent climate, it can be challenging to stay on top of what is going on around us day-to-day, such as economic shifts, societal breakdowns, and lifestyle changes. We have become disconnected from our personal power, the intuitive light created by our autonomous thoughts. Through Get Over It!, a prayer book with a therapeutic underpinning, Iyanla offers practical tools based on the scientific theory of neuroplasticity, so we can transmute the dominant negative thought patterns (DNTPs) that threaten our sanity and spirituality on a daily basis.In Get Over It!, Iyanla identifies 42 common DNTPs and breaks them down into three key elements: 1. The train of thought that produces the pattern 2. A prayer and affirmation to neutralize the pattern 3. Self-directed spiritual practices (including meditations) that support the neutralization of the pattern in the mind and bodThrough becoming aware of and neutralizing our DNTPs, we will up our &“wattage&”: our ability to see and live beyond the influences and turbulence of our external environment.

Get Remarkably Organised

by Lorraine Murphy

How to be organised in business and in life, by one of Australia's leading entrepreneurs and founder of The Remarkables Group. Is your life chaotic? Are you hungry for advice on how to live calmly, happily and productively? The cornerstone of success at work and at home is being organised and, with Lorraine's help, you can achieve this by forming excellent habits - in a way that's easy and fun, not stressful. This book is an inspiring look at the organisational lessons Lorraine has learned during her entrepreneurship journey - through study, trial and error; the strategies she has developed and the habits she religiously follows. As well as coaching you through specific challenges, you'll discover 14 informative and approachable chapters with guidance on:- The value of routine and habits- Easy decluttering- Tips for planning your week and managing your day- Conquering distractions- The joy of hassle-free outsourcing- Overcoming procrastination - Harmony at homeGET REMARKABLY ORGANISED with the advice of one of Australia's most exciting thought leaders. Be so good they can't ignore you.

Get Rich, Lucky Bitch: Release Your Money Blocks and Live a First-Class Life

by Denise Duffield-Thomas

Are you ready to get rich? Learn how to break through your money blocks, attract more abundance and start earning what you're really worth.So you want to manifest more money this year. You're not alone. But why does it feel so freaking hard? It's weird and frankly bewildering that the most talented women in the world are often the ones struggling to make fabulous money from their talents. Too many female entrepreneurs sabotage their income and work too hard for too little.Why do most women settle for pennies instead of embracing true wealth? It's not because you're not smart or ambitious enough. You've just been programmed to block your Universal right to wealth with guilt, shame or embarrassment. Even if you're unaware of these blocks and fears, you're probably not earning what you're worth.In Get Rich, Lucky Bitch! you'll learn how to unlock your hidden potential for abundance and upgrade your life forever. Join Lucky Bitch author Denise Duffield-Thomas on a journey of self-discovery so you can smash through your abundance blocks and join a community of women all around the world who are learning to live large and become truly lucky bitches.

Get Up & Grow: 21 Habits of Successful People

by Duke Matlock

Get Up and Grow is about developing habits that foster personal and professional growth in four critical areas: spirituality, success, health, and margin. In six chapters, Get Up and Grow will enable you to shift your paradigm and create a culture of growth and investment in your life. By utilizing your mornings as opportunities for development, Get Up and Grow will change the way you view success and will create the space to see exponential growth.

Get Weird: Discover the Surprising Secret to Making a Difference

by Cj Casciotta

Most of us grow up believing it's more important to fit in than to stand out. But there's something different about you...and it matters. What if your weirdness was the key to changing everything? What if the outrageous, imaginative, crazy ideas that live inside your wildest dreams are actually there on purpose, divinely preinstalled to help others? Knowing what makes you weird is the best thing you can offer your art, your business, your friends, your family, and yourself. It's the essence of creativity, the stuff of movements, and the hope for humanity. It's time to quit painting by numbers, conforming to patterns, and checking off boxes. It's time to GET WEIRD.

Getting Away: 75 Everyday Practices for Finding Balance in Our Always-On World

by Jon Staff

From the founder of Getaway, a guide to unplugging and reconnecting with what really matters on a daily basisRather than running yourself into the ground and waiting until your next vacation to recharge, Getting Away invites you to make space in your everyday routine for self-care and deeper connection with others. With 75 easy-to-implement practices, this book helps you to slow down despite the frenetic pace of the world around you by: • Creating a morning routine that doesn't involve checking work e-mails • Surprising someone in your life with a small gift, just because • Spending at least 30 minutes outside daily • Striking up a conversation with a strangerGetting Away doesn't require you to discard your smartphone or majorly overhaul your life. Rather, it's about making simple changes in your day-to-day routine to strike the right balance between passion for your career and guilt-free relaxation, staying up-to-date on the latest headlines without losing sight of the people right in front of you, or appreciating nature in the middle of a bustling city. By helping you get the balance right, this book shows you how to thrive in what can be an overwhelming world.

Getting Back to Happy: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Reality, and Turn Your Trials into Triumphs

by Marc Chernoff Angel Chernoff Alyssa Milano

Empowering advice for overcoming setbacks from the authors of the popular blog Marc & Angel Hack LifeMarc and Angel Chernoff have become go-to voices in the area of personal development, reaching tens of thousands of fans each day with their fresh and relatable insights. Now they're writing the book they wish they'd had when they needed it most. Getting Back to Happy reveals their strategies for changing thought patterns and daily habits to bounce back from tough times. Sharing never-before-published stories and advice, the book shows us how to harness the power of daily rituals, mindfulness, self-care, and more to overcome whatever life throws our way--in order to become our best selves.

Getting Real about Getting Older: Conversations about Aging Better

by Linda K. Stroh Karen K. Brees

The first book to open up a real conversation about aging. What has the experience of getting older felt like for you?It seems that life's milestones pass by in a flash: graduating from school, landing your first job, getting married, having kids. Most people look forward to these events and have some expectations about what each life milestone will be like. But what about when you get older? How can you continue to live fully in your sixties, seventies, and beyond? Linda K. Stroh and Karen K. Brees asked nearly one thousand older people about the challenges and joys of growing older and compiled their collective wisdom into this must-have book, focusing on important topics such as: Changing self-identities Friendships and romantic relationships Health, fitness, and self-image Loss Relationships with adult children, grandchildren, and siblings And much more!Full of advice and stories from a wide variety of older people, Getting Real about Getting Older examines love, loss, and changing identities, and will help you take control of your concerns about aging and experience wisdom and joy as an older adult.

Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting World

by David Allen Mark Wallace Mike Williams

An adaptation of the business classic Getting Things Done for teenage readersThe most interconnected generation in history is navigating unimaginable amounts of social pressure, both in personal and online interactions. Very little time, focus, or education is being spent teaching and coaching this generation how to navigate this unprecedented amount of "stuff" entering their lives each day. How do we help the overloaded and distracted next generation deal with increasing complexity and help them not only survive, but thrive? How do we help them experience stress-free productivity and gain momentum and confidence? How do we help them achieve autonomy, so that they can confidently take on whatever comes their way? Getting Things Done for Teens will train the next generation to overcome these obstacles and flourish by coaching them to use the internationally renowned Getting Things Done methodology. In its two editions, David Allen's classic has been translated into dozens of languages and sold over a million copies, establishing itself as one of the most influential business books of its era, and the ultimate book on personal organization. Getting Things Done for Teens will adapt its lessons by offering a fresh take on the GTD methodology, framing life as a game to play and GTD as the game pieces and strategies to play your most effective game. It presents GTD in a highly visual way and frames the methodology as not only as a system for being productive in school, but as a set of tools for everyday life. Getting Things Done for Teens is the how-to manual for the next generation--a strategic guidebook for creating the conditions for a fruitful and effective future.

Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting World

by David Allen Mike Williams Mark Wallace

'As a GTD devotee for nearly two decades, I know how these principles have transformed my own work life. So I'm thrilled that David Allen is bringing his brilliance to the most important audience of all: Our young people. Today's teenagers face a tsunami of distractions and pressures. This practical and powerful book will ease their stress and focus their minds in ways that will last a lifetime' - Daniel H. Pink, New York Times bestselling author of When and Drive'If you learn these techniques, they'll pay off for decades' - Charles Duhigg, New York Times bestselling author of The Power of HabitThe most interconnected generation in history is navigating unimaginable amounts of social pressure, both in personal and online interactions. Very little time, focus or education is being spent teaching and coaching this generation how to navigate the unprecedented amount of 'stuff' entering their lives each day. How do we help the overloaded and distracted next generation deal with increasing complexity and help them not only survive, but thrive? How do we help them experience stress-free productivity and gain momentum and confidence? How do we help them achieve autonomy, so that they can confidently take on whatever comes their way? Getting Things Done for Teens will train the next generation to overcome these obstacles and flourish by coaching them to use the internationally renowned Getting Things Done methodology. In its two editions, David Allen's classic has been translated into dozens of languages and sold over a million copies, establishing itself as one of the most influential business books of its era, and the ultimate book on personal organization. Getting Things Done for Teens will adapt its lessons by offering a fresh take on the GTD methodology, framing life as a game to play and GTD as the game pieces and strategies to play your most effective game. It presents GTD in a highly visual way and frames the methodology as not only as a system for being productive in school, but as a set of tools for everyday life. Getting Things Done for Teens is the how-to manual for the next generation - a strategic guidebook for creating the conditions for a fruitful and effective future.

Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting World

by David Allen Mike Williams Mark Wallace

'As a GTD devotee for nearly two decades, I know how these principles have transformed my own work life. So I'm thrilled that David Allen is bringing his brilliance to the most important audience of all: Our young people. Today's teenagers face a tsunami of distractions and pressures. This practical and powerful book will ease their stress and focus their minds in ways that will last a lifetime' - Daniel H. Pink, New York Times bestselling author of When and Drive'If you learn these techniques, they'll pay off for decades' - Charles Duhigg, New York Times bestselling author of The Power of HabitThe most interconnected generation in history is navigating unimaginable amounts of social pressure, both in personal and online interactions. Very little time, focus or education is being spent teaching and coaching this generation how to navigate the unprecedented amount of 'stuff' entering their lives each day. How do we help the overloaded and distracted next generation deal with increasing complexity and help them not only survive, but thrive? How do we help them experience stress-free productivity and gain momentum and confidence? How do we help them achieve autonomy, so that they can confidently take on whatever comes their way? Getting Things Done for Teens will train the next generation to overcome these obstacles and flourish by coaching them to use the internationally renowned Getting Things Done methodology. In its two editions, David Allen's classic has been translated into dozens of languages and sold over a million copies, establishing itself as one of the most influential business books of its era, and the ultimate book on personal organization. Getting Things Done for Teens will adapt its lessons by offering a fresh take on the GTD methodology, framing life as a game to play and GTD as the game pieces and strategies to play your most effective game. It presents GTD in a highly visual way and frames the methodology as not only as a system for being productive in school, but as a set of tools for everyday life. Getting Things Done for Teens is the how-to manual for the next generation - a strategic guidebook for creating the conditions for a fruitful and effective future.

The Gift of Crisis: How I Used Meditation to Go From Financial Failure to a Life of Purpose

by Bridgitte Jackson-Buckley

Turn times of crisis into an opportunity for growth and transformation with this practical and spiritual guide.Bridgitte Jackson-Buckley was one of the millions of people who lost their jobs and experienced foreclosure in The Great Recession. With her life and finances completely derailed, she had nowhere left to turn but within herself—and that was exactly where she needed to go. Now Bridgitte reveals how she regained her self-esteem through meditation and prayer and used her moment of crisis as a tool for courageous change.In The Gift of Crisis, Bridgitte explains how approaching life’s catastrophes with gratitude can uncover your true purpose, and how posing questions during a meditative state can provide answers that redirect your life. Both practical and inspiring, this book will help you on their journey to a calmer, clearer, more inspired life.Learn how to:Deepen your trust in a Higher Intelligence and in your higher purposeWelcome change and embrace it with courageFocus your attention on new possibilities as a result of present challenges

The Gift of Wonder: Creative Practices for Delighting in God

by Christine Aroney-Sine

I choose to breathe in the wonder of God's eternal love, And dance to the rhythm of eternal breath, Listening to the whispers calling me to slow down and take notice. I choose to absorb the beauty of the divine presence, to delight in the Creator of all things and relish the delight God takes in me. Can you imagine a God who dances with shouts of joy, laughs when you laugh, loves to play, enjoys life, and invites us to join the fun? Like many of us, Christine Sine had spent many years with an image of God who was "a very serious, workaholic type of God." And even when her theology told her this was not true, she struggled to live into this new way of thinking. What she needed was a childlike spirituality. In this book, Christine Sine, online host of the Godspace community, invites us to pay attention to childlike characteristics that have the power to reshape us. Each chapter addresses a childlike characteristic to embrace, including delight, playfulness, imagination, awe and wonder, love of nature, the ability to live in the present, and much more. Fresh spiritual practices that engage all our senses help us live a new spiritual life that embraces the wonder and joy that God intends for us.

Girl Boner Journal: A Guided Journal to Sexual Joy and Empowerment

by August McLaughlin

Embrace Your Inner Girl Boner® Discover more about yourself and your sensuality as you explore everything from lessons learned in sex ed and your hottest fantasies to gender identities, ways to embrace your feelings, and a "Yes, No, Maybe" list you don't want to miss!Whether you pair it with Girl Boner's practical tips, in-depth reporting, and inspired storytelling or use it on its own, Girl Boner Journal will help you take your sexual empowerment journey deeper. It's full of stories and writing prompts to help you better understand and embrace your physical, emotional, and sexual self. Pleasure is key to our health and happiness—it should be thoughtful, not an afterthought.

Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be

by Rachel Hollis

With wry wit and hard-earned wisdom, popular online personality and founder of founder Rachel Hollis helps readers break free from the lies keeping them from the joy-filled and exuberant life they are meant to have. <P><P>Founder of the lifestyle website and CEO of her own media company, Chic Media, Rachel Hollis has created an online fan base of hundreds of thousands of fans by sharing tips for living a better life while fearlessly revealing the messiness of her own. Now comes her highly anticipated first book featuring her signature combination of honesty, humor, and direct, no-nonsense advice. <P><P>Each chapter of Girl, Wash Your Face begins with a specific lie Hollis once believed that left her feeling overwhelmed, unworthy, or ready to give up. As a working mother, a former foster parent, and a woman who has dealt with insecurities about her body and relationships, she speaks with the insight and kindness of a BFF, helping women unpack the limiting mind-sets that destroy their self-confidence and keep them from moving forward. <P><P>From her temporary obsession with marrying Matt Damon to a daydream involving hypnotic iguanas to her son’s request that she buy a necklace to “be like the other moms,” Hollis holds nothing back. With unflinching faith and tenacity, Hollis spurs other women to live with passion and hustle and to awaken their slumbering goals.

Give a Sh*t: Do Good. Live Better. Save the Planet.

by Ashlee Piper

"The time for stepping up and protecting our planet is now. And this book is an easy, enjoyable place to start." -- MobyIt's time to put your good intentions into action. It's time to give a shit -- about your health, your footprint, and your planet.Give a Sh*t guides you through the transition to a kinder, healthier, more conscious, and sustainable life like no book has done before. With a humorous and nonjudgmental tone, savvy eco-friendly lifestyle expert Ashlee Piper walks you through easy-but-impactful shifts anyone can make to live and be better every damn day:In your home - Room-by-room guidance and tactics for a chic, affordable, sustainable living space, no matter where or how you liveIn the kitchen - 20+ unfussy, quick, and delicious plant-based recipes for every life occasion, from pantry staples like White Witch Almond Milk to exciting everyday fare like Walnut Chorizo Tostadas to kick-ass desserts like Jamocha Silk PieIn your closet - Advice for building a polished, ethical wardrobe in a world of fast fashionIn the mirror - Beauty and grooming tips and DIY products (from skin care to foundation to, ahem, ladytime provisions) that are safer, natural, cruelty-free, and, best of all, effectiveIn the wild - How to maintain your values (and your moxie) at work, in your social life, and when abroadGive a Sh*t isn't a manual of restrictions -- it's a practical handbook that meets you where you are and finally harmonizes doing good with living well.

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