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Come essere promossi al lavoro: Imparate il SEGRETO per ottenere la PROMOZIONE

by Swapnil Modi

Imparate il SEGRETO per ottenere la PROMOZIONE Siete stanchi di svolgere le stesse mansioni ogni anno ripetitivamente? Siete disposti a percorrere quel tratto in più di strada per “essere promossi al lavoro”? Pensate che i vostri talenti & skills siano sprecati? Vorreste salire di grado nella vostra carriera? Siete pronti a imparare e padroneggiare “l’arte di vivere nella vita aziendale?” Se la risposta a tutte queste domande è SI, andate avanti a leggere. Questo libro vuole essere d’aiuto a tutti gli aspiranti manager & leader che abbiano mai desiderato la promozione al lavoro. Esso consiste in idee e suggerimenti per aiutarvi a migliorare la vostra comprensione della cultura aziendale e fare carriera. Una volta immaginato il futuro che desiderate, dovreste seguire un piano d’azione. Assicuratevi che tutte le vostre azioni siano pianificate strategicamente e orientate nella giusta direzione e raggiungerete i vostri obiettivi in un futuro molto prossimo. Sulla base della mia esperienza professionale nell’ambiente aziendale per oltre quindici anni, ho scritto i passi che sono ampiamente accettati e seguiti in tutto il mondo da professionisti che lavorano in varie aziende. Dopo aver letto questo libro, cambierete i il vostro modo di pensare, sentire, agire e comportarvi nell’ambiente aziendale. Imparerete: •Strategie efficaci per progredire nella vostra carriera professionale •Come improvvisare la vostra credibilità & rispettabilità •Migliorare la vostra performance •Stare sotto i RIFLETTORI nel vostro lavoro •INFINE, aumentare le possibilità di ottenere la PROMOZIONE al lavoro

Comment OBTENIR UNE PROMOTION au travail

by Swapnil Modi

Êtes-vous fatigué d'accomplir les mêmes tâches de façon répétitive chaque année ? Êtes-vous prêt à faire un effort supplémentaire pour « obtenir une promotion au travail »? Pensez-vous que votre talent et vos compétences sont sous-utilisés ? Souhaitez-vous gravir les échelons de votre carrière ? Êtes-vous prêt à apprendre et à maîtriser « l'art de vivre en entreprise ? » Si la réponse à l'une de ces questions est OUI, poursuivez votre lecture. Ce livre sera utile à tous les managers et dirigeants en herbe qui ont déjà souhaité obtenir une promotion au travail. Il est composé d'idées et de suggestions pour améliorer votre compréhension de la culture d'entreprise et progresser dans votre carrière. Une fois que vous vous êtes imaginé, vous devez suivre votre plan d'action. Assurez-vous que toutes vos actions sont planifiées de manière stratégique et qu'elles vont dans la bonne direction. dans la bonne direction et vous atteindrez vos objectifs dans un avenir très proche. Sur la base de mon expérience professionnelle ou de mon travail en entreprise pendant plus de 15 ans, j'ai rédigé les étapes qui sont largement acceptées et suivies dans le monde entier par les entreprises. largement acceptées et suivies dans le monde entier par des professionnels travaillant dans diverses organisations. Après avoir lu ce livre, vous changerez votre façon de penser, de ressentir, d'agir et de vous comporter dans votre environnement professionnel. Des stratégies efficaces pour progresser dans votre carrière professionnelle. -Améliorez votre crédibilité et votre valeur. -Augmenter vos performances -Rester en LUMIERE dans votre travail et *Augmenter vos chances d'être promu au travail.

Wächst Ihr Gehaltsscheck: Der Ultimative Leitfaden Für Ihren Erfolg Als Arbeitnehmer

by Swapnil Modi

Untertitel: Lernen Sie wirksame Strategien zur Steigerung Ihres beruflichen Wachstums, Ihrer Glaubwürdigkeit und Ihres Wertes kennen Buchbeschreibung: Sind Sie unzufrieden mit Ihrem aktuellen Gehaltsscheck? Sind Sie enttäuscht von Ihrer jährlichen Gehaltserhöhung? Sind Sie bereit, die Extrameile zu gehen, um „Ihren Gehaltsscheck zu erhöhen“? Möchten Sie in Ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn wachsen? Wenn die Antwort auf eine dieser Fragen JA lautet, lesen Sie bitte weiter. Geben Sie es zu, Sie haben bestimmt schon einmal darüber nachgedacht, dass Sie unterbezahlt sind oder dass Sie für die Arbeit, die Sie derzeit leisten, ein wenig mehr Geld bekommen sollten. Wenn ja, haben Sie dann auch über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten nachgedacht, Ihre Leistung zu steigern, um Ihren Gehaltsscheck zu erhöhen? Was, wenn ich sage: JA! Sie können „Ihren Gehaltsscheck wachsen lassen“. Wie hört sich das an? In diesem Buch zeige ich Ihnen wirksame Strategien auf, die Ihre berufliche Laufbahn verbessern, indem Sie Ihre Glaubwürdigkeit und Ihren Wert bei der Arbeit steigern und Sie zu einem der zuverlässigsten Mitarbeiter in Ihrem Unternehmen machen. Die Schritte, die ich in diesem Buch aufzähle, haben die Form von Kapiteln, die Sie dazu bringen werden, Ihre bestehende Position in Ihrer Organisation zu überdenken. Sobald Sie sich ein Bild von sich selbst gemacht haben, sollten Sie Ihren Aktionsplan durchgehen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Ihre Aktionen strategisch geplant sind und in die richtige Richtung gehen, und Sie werden Ihre Ziele in naher Zukunft erreichen. Auf der Grundlage meiner mehr als 15-jährigen Berufserfahrung in einem Unternehmen habe ich die Schritte aufgeschrieben, die weltweit von Berufstätigen in verschiedenen Organisationen akzeptiert und befolgt werden. Nach der Lektüre dieses Buches werden Sie Ihre Denkweise, Ihre Gefühle, Ihr Handeln und Ihr Ver

Wie man Bei Der Arbeit Befördert Wird: Der ultimative Leitfaden zur Karriereförderung

by Swapnil Modi

Zusammenfassung des Buches: Sind Sie es leid, jedes Jahr immer wieder die gleichen Aufgaben zu erfüllen? Sind Sie bereit, die Extrameile zu gehen, um „bei der Arbeit befördert zu werden“? Denken Sie, dass Ihre Talente und Fähigkeiten nicht ausreichend genutzt werden? Möchten Sie auf Ihrer Karriereleiter aufsteigen? Sind Sie bereit, „die Kunst des Unternehmenslebens“ zu erlernen und zu beherrschen? Wenn die Antwort auf eine dieser Fragen JA lautet, lesen Sie weiter. Dieses Buch soll allen aufstrebenden Managern und Führungskräften, die bei der Arbeit befördert werden möchten, als Leitfaden dienen. Es enthält Ideen und Vorschläge, die Ihnen helfen werden, die Unternehmenskultur besser zu verstehen und in Ihrer Karriere zu wachsen. Sobald Sie sich selbst ins Visier genommen haben, sollten Sie Ihren Aktionsplan verfolgen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Ihre Aktionen strategisch geplant sind und in die richtige Richtung gehen, und Sie werden Ihre Ziele in naher Zukunft erreichen. Auf der Grundlage meiner mehr als 15-jährigen Berufserfahrung in einem Unternehmen habe ich die Schritte aufgeschrieben, die weltweit von Berufstätigen in verschiedenen Organisationen akzeptiert und befolgt werden. Nach der Lektüre dieses Buches werden Sie Ihre Denkweise, Ihre Gefühle, Ihr Handeln und Ihr Verhalten in Ihrem Unternehmen ändern. Sie erlernen: -Effektive Strategien, um Ihre berufliche Karriere voranzutreiben -Ihre Glaubwürdigkeit und Ihren Wert zu erhöhen -Ihre Leistung zu steigern -in Ihrem Job im RAMPENLICHT zu bleiben und -wie Sie Ihre Chancen auf eine BEFÖRDERUNG im Beruf erhöhen können.

Take My Spouse, Please: How to Keep Your Marriage Happy, Healthy, and Thriving by Following the Rules of Comedy

by Dani Klein Modisett

In love as in comedy, timing is everything. One bad night doesn't mean it's time to quit. Have patience: great marriages, like a successful comedy career, take time. Turns out the cardinal rules of comedy have an uncanny resemblance to the "rules" of building a strong marriage. With humor and grace, writer and comedian Dani Klein Modisett shares a map for navigating your marriage through rough patches, bad jokes, and even nights when you bomb.Take My Spouse, Please shows how thirteen tried-and-true rules of comedy, when applied to marriage, keep you and your spouse connected, enjoying each other, and getting through those inevitable tough times. Bottom line: there is (almost) always room to laugh at a trying situation and, more important, with each other.Along with anecdotes from well-known comedians, comedy writers, marriage counselors, and long-term spouses, Dani delivers the core premise: humor matters.

Talk Is Chief: Leadership, Communication & Credibility in a High-Stakes World

by Jack Modzelewski

A public relations expert shares inspirational stories and smart strategies for successful business communication and crisis management. Business leaders spend up to 90 percent of each day communicating with colleagues, customers, shareowners, creditors, regulators, advocates, and competitors. The style and success of those communications has a vital influence on their organization&’s culture, opportunity, and reputation. In this age of heightened transparency, no leader can afford to undervalue to importance of communication—especially during a crisis. With more than three decades of experience working with many Fortune 500 companies, communications consultant Jack Modzelewski teaches leaders to see themselves as chief credibility officers. In Talk Is Chief, he provides sound advice and concrete examples of effective communication. He also shares the &“10 Commandments of Crisis Management&”—essential communication tools for avoiding crises or averting worst-case scenarios when confronted with an existential threat.

Understanding Addiction and Recovery Through a Child's Eyes: Hope, Help, and Healing for Families

by Jerry Moe

Addiction is one of the biggest dilemmas of the 21st century. Jerry Moe, an addictions professional and National Director of Children’s Programs at the Betty Ford Center, has spent more than twenty years treating people and families in recovery. In his latest book, Moe has assembled a rich and wide-reaching collection of poignant stories and humorous anecdotes about children and teens who are navigating their way through the healing process. Whether as victims of parents going through the drug addiction recovery, or as addicts themselves, Moe shows how youths can cope through simple techniques and tools he’s learned from years of experience as one of the key and nationally known professionals in addiction.

The Hilarious World of Depression

by John Moe

"[A] path to deeper understanding and openness, by way of laughter in the dark" —The New York Times Book Review"...Filled with heart, humor and hope." —PeopleOne of Todays's Ten Best Inspirational Books, 2020 | One of Huff Post's 10 Most Anticipated Book Releases Of May 2020"A funny, honest book about depression, and what you can do despite it." —Neil Gaiman"Candid and funny and intimate." —Susan OrleanFor years John Moe, critically-acclaimed public radio personality and host of The Hilarious World of Depression podcast, struggled with depression; it plagued his family and claimed the life of his brother in 2007. As Moe came to terms with his own illness, he began to see similar patterns of behavior and coping mechanisms surfacing in conversations with others, including high-profile comedians who’d struggled with the disease. Moe saw that there was tremendous comfort and community in open dialogue about these shared experiences and that humor had a unique power. Thus was born the podcast The Hilarious World of Depression.Inspired by the immediate success of the podcast, Moe has written a remarkable investigation of the disease, part memoir of his own journey, part treasure trove of laugh-out-loud stories and insights drawn from years of interviews with some of the most brilliant minds facing similar challenges. Throughout the course of this powerful narrative, depression’s universal themes come to light, among them, struggles with identity, lack of understanding of the symptoms, the challenges of work-life, self-medicating, the fallout of the disease in the lives of our loved ones, the tragedy of suicide, and the hereditary aspects of the disease.The Hilarious World of Depression illuminates depression in an entirely fresh and inspiring way.

The MINDFLOW© Method: How You Can Achieve Anything by Not-Wanting and Not-Doing

by Tom Moegele

How to release negative energy from the body by 'not-wanting' and 'not-doing', from the creator of Mindflow©.The groundbreaking MindFlow© Method is your key to finally overcoming anxiety, combating stress, and tackling emotional blocks, thereby releasing an infinite source of life energy.Through a powerful yet simple combination of movements, you can trigger energy shifts and reconnect to the natural flow of life.This is how the MindFlow Method works: • Using movements similar to Qigong, we tap into the energy field within and around us. • This brings us into a higher state of consciousness (the G4 state) where our bodies release 'happy' hormones that help us relax. • In this state, we can harness any toxic energy that comes our way and use it as our own strength. • This brings us into alignment with our own inner power, calm in the knowledge that we are connected to life energy.Discover the life-changing effects of the MindFlow Method, which will teach you how to release your resistance to challenges, raise your energy level, and move into a state of flow and deep inner peace.

What Are You Waiting For?: Learn How to Rise to the Occasion of Your Life

by Kristen Moeller

What are you waiting for? Do you find yourself waiting for the right moment? The ideal relationship? The perfect job? Are you waiting for your "real" life to begin? Do think that the gifts of life are right around the corner? That one day you will arrive and everything will be okay? Do you endlessly search, yet never seem to find? Through the sharing of authentic personal stories and profound life lessons, Kristen Moeller explores our pervasive human tendency to wait for life and to look outside ourselves for answers. So we don't try; we give up. We sell out and we forget who we are. We are afraid to succeed, afraid to fail, and afraid to say we are afraid. But as Wayne Gretzky said, "You'll always miss one-hundred percent of the shots you don't take!" Kristen Moeller's mission in life is to inspire you to get on the path, move forward and take the shot.

What Are You Waiting For?

by Kristen Moeller Jack Canfield

What are you waiting for? Do you find yourself waiting for the right moment? The ideal relationship? The perfect job? Are you waiting for your "real" life to begin? Do think that the gifts of life are right around the corner? That one day you will arrive and everything will be okay? Do you endlessly search, yet never seem to find? Through the sharing of authentic personal stories and profound life lessons, Kristen Moeller explores our pervasive human tendency to wait for life and to look outside ourselves for answers. So we don't try; we give up. We sell out and we forget who we are. We are afraid to succeed, afraid to fail, and afraid to say we are afraid. But as Wayne Gretzky said, "You'll always miss one-hundred percent of the shots you don't take!" Kristen Moeller's mission in life is to inspire you to get on the path, move forward and take the shot.

Phoenix Rising: Stories of Remarkable Women Walking Through Fire

by Kristen Moeller Leslie Alpin Wharton

How do you go on after you've lost everything? Over several terrifying summers, deadly wildfires raged across Colorado. Lives were lost, and the flames destroyed thousands of homes. When the smoke cleared and only rubble remained, survivors were left trying to find a way forward against devastating loss. The aftermath of that destruction would span many years, and its effects are still felt today. In Phoenix Rising, twenty women share their stories of fire, the terror they felt as flames engulfed their communities, and the dark desperation that followed. And how---in the ensuing weeks and months---they worked to recreate a life from the ashes. Their tales of fear and bravery, of deep compassion and heart-rending grief, offer an uplifting chronicle of human courage and resilience. In Phoenix Rising written by women united by wildfire, they have the privilege of stepping into those moments to stand in the hallways of their shock and fear, grief and disorientation, and then, armed with the wisdom of retrospection, walking out into whatever comes next.

Sendas Dios hará: Descubra la esperanza de Dios en su historia

by Don Moen

¡MANTENGA SU MIRADA EN EL HACEDOR DE SENDAS! Don Moen profundiza en su mensaje central de esperanza y ánimo. Él motiva a los lectores a que se apoyen en el hecho de que Dios siempre está trabajando, aunque muchas veces lo hace en maneras que no podemos ver. Nada ni nadie está fuera del alcance del Señor. La muerte de un ser querido, la pérdida de un empleo, un divorcio inesperado o un mal informe médico--pruebas incontables-- pueden dejarnos con una sensación de derrota y desesperanza. No obstante, si puede hallar la fe para creer que Dios está obrando, sin importar cuáles sean sus circunstancias actuales, usted puede superar cada día. Todos estamos destinados a enfrentar dificultades en la vida. La esperanza, sin embargo, es la creencia de que --a pesarde lo que ven nuestros ojos-- Dios está obrando sobrenaturalmente tras bambalinas. A veces, tiene que ver en retrospectiva para recordar lo que Dios ha hecho por usted a fin de que pueda tener fe para lo que está por venir.Senda DIos hará le traerá una esperanza renovada y se convertirá en un aliento de aire fresco para su alma. Life can be difficult. But does God care? Don Moen has learned to lean on God&’s promises in good times as well as bad and he says, &“You can still trust Him.&” &“A person would need to look a long time to find a purer heart and voice than those of Don Moen.&” —Max LucadoIn his new memoir featuring snapshots from his life and career, Don shares heartfelt stories of gentle comfort for people looking for answers. Don asserts, that God has not forgotten us even when…We face a job lossWe go through an unexpected divorceWe receive a bad report from the doctorWe face the death of a loved oneAs a beloved songwriter and worship leader, Don Moen is the author of classic songs like &“Thank you, Lord&” and &“God Will Make a Way&”— the inspiration for this book. He knows what it means to feel anxious, worried, and down. And he knows what it means to persevere and see a new day.If you enjoy the encouraging style of Max Lucado, and if you find comfort in the books of Gary Chapman, then you will love reading God Will Make a Way, a new release from Thomas Nelson.

God Will Make a Way: Discovering His Hope in Your Story

by Don Moen Robert Noland Manny Pacquiao

Dove Award–Winning artist says, “You can still trust Him.” Beloved worship leader Don Moen offers comfort to those wondering where God is when life is hard.At some point, most of us will face a seemingly insurmountable situation—the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, an unexpected divorce, or a poor report from the doctor. It is at these very times, Don asserts, that God has not forgotten us.In God Will Make a Way—the same title as his popular worship song—Don explains that God is always working in ways we cannot see to bring hope and healing to his children. For some, their wounds are self-inflicted. They may think they’ve gone too far and are now merely damaged goods. Don flips that thought on its head, insisting we serve a God of second chances and no one is too far from his reach.Through heartfelt stories and hope-filled Scripture verses, “Papa Don,” as he’s called by many, weaves a blanket of gentle comfort for readers looking for answers. He has learned to lean on God’s promises in good times as well as bad. God Will Make a Way is a message for the worldwide church that the God who saved Moses and the panicked children of Israel at the Red Sea is the same God we serve today—and nothing is too difficult for him.

The Rumi Prescription: How an Ancient Mystic Poet Changed My Modern Manic Life

by Melody Moezzi

A powerful personal journey to find meaning and life lessons in the words of a wildly popular 13th century poet.Rumi's inspiring and deceptively simple poems have been called ecstatic, mystical, and devotional. To writer and activist Melody Moezzi, they became a lifeline. In The Rumi Prescription, we follow her path of discovery as she translates Rumi's works for herself - to gain wisdom and insight in the face of a creative and spiritual roadblock. With the help of her father, who is a lifelong fan of Rumi's poetry, she immerses herself in this rich body of work, and discovers a 13th-century prescription for modern life. Addressing isolation, distraction, depression, fear, and other everyday challenges we face, the book offers a roadmap for living with intention and ease, and embracing love at every turn--despite our deeply divided and chaotic times. Most of all, it presents a vivid reminder that we already have the answers we seek, if we can just slow down to honor them. • You went out in search of gold far and wide, but all along you were gold on the inside. • Become the sky and the clouds that create the rain, not the gutter that carries it to the drain. • You already own all the sustenance you seek. If only you'd wake up and take a peek. • Quit being a drop. Make yourself an ocean.<

Moving On Doesn't Mean Letting Go: A Modern Guide to Navigating Loss

by Gina Moffa

Grief hurts. Don&’t do it alone. Learn to navigate any loss—a parent, a friendship, a job, a miscarriage—at your own pace with the help of a licensed grief and trauma therapist. &“A must read. Help your mind feel less heavy and open the door to deep personal growth" —Yung Pueblo, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Lighter and Clarity & Connection After nearly two decades of clinical experience and her own journey after losing her mother to cancer, Gina Moffa, LCSW offers knows all too well how disorienting, painful, and lonely grief can be. In Moving on Doesn&’t Mean Letting Go, she offers a heartfelt, practical map through loss—one that can shift the pain of your grief even when things feel unpredictable and overwhelming. With her help you&’ll learn to: Navigate the initial shock of the &“griefall&” Recognize your unique grief rhythm Get in touch with your needs, feelings, and boundaries Mange social media and interactions with the outside world Connect mind and body through somatic exercises and self-reflections &“A lifeline to the exhausted treading water in an ocean of loss" (Rabbi Steve Leder), Moving on Doesn&’t Mean Letting Go is warm, compassionate, and perfect for readers of Grief Day by Day or It&’s OK that You&’re Not OK.

I Love My Job But It’s Killing Me: The Teacher’s Guide to Conquering Chronic Stress and Sickness

by Lesley Moffat

I Love My Job But It&’s Killing Me is the step-by-step guide teachers need to get back to the career they love without compromising their health any longer.I Love My Job But It&’s Killing Me is a no-nonsense and practical guide to help get teachers started today on the path to improved health and more energy, so they can get back their career – and their life. Within I Love My Job But It&’s Killing Me, teachers learn techniques that will:Improve their ability to fall and stay asleepReduce brain fog and exhaustion brought on by stressEliminate or greatly minimize aches and pains that interfere with daily workHelp them reclaim the energy needed to support their work and family lifeGives concrete steps to take when it feels like it&’s all falling apart

Not Your Mother’s Diworce: A Practical, Girlfriend-to-Girlfriend Guide to Surviving the End of an Early Marriage

by Kay Moffett Sarah Touborg

No matter what your age, divorce is one of life's greatest challenges. But while your parents, friends, and lawyers may be chock-full of advice, the truth is that young women who divorce today face a brand-new set of issues and possibilities far removed from those of women a generation before. If you're looking for a fresh, empowering, and thoroughly modern guide to starting this new chapter of your life, Not Your Mother's Divorce offers the ultimate roadmap--from wading through legal jargon to getting back into society--as told by your best girlfriends who've been there. Based on the experiences of more than thirty women who divorced in their twenties and thirties without children, Not Your Mother's Divorce offers camaraderie and practical counsel on:Breaking the news to family and friendsCoping with sudden singledom--from living arrangements to changing your nameProtecting yourself financially and dividing your assetsLegalese 101--making the legal process work for youReentering the dating sceneHow to handle encounters with your exWarm and insightful, Not Your Mother's Divorce gives you the tools to find your way through this difficult time--and emerge a stronger, wiser, happier you.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Happiness Prayer: Ancient Jewish Wisdom For The Best Way To Live Today

by Evan Moffic

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px Times; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 28.8px; text-indent: -24.0px; font: 13.0px Times; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} span.s2 {font: 13.0px 'Lucida Grande'; font-kerning: none} span.s3 {font: 9.0px 'Times New Roman'; font-kerning: none} At age 30 Evan Moffic became the leader of a large congregation. He had great success. But he couldn't find happiness. Then he found a 2000-year-old prayer. In it were hidden elements of Jewish wisdom. They became a part of his life and those of his congregation and transformed them and him.What if we had a clear path to follow when life disappointed us? What if we had a time-tested guide for a life of deeper meaning and happiness? That is what Rabbi Moffic discovered in an ancient Jewish prayer.Based on ten practices any person can follow, the prayer has helped thousands of people-couples, teenagers, empty nesters struggling with loss, divorce, and ruptured relationships-find renewed meaning and purpose in their lives.Moffic discovered the power of the prayer when he was called to become the youngest rabbi to lead a large US synagogue at just thirty years of age. The prayer became his guidepost, providing him with the wisdom to lead beyond his years. By incorporating the power of this prayer into his life and using it to guide his congregation and community, he became known as "the smiling rabbi."In the tradition of Rabbi Harold Kushner, Rabbi Evan Moffic opens up the Jewish wisdom tradition with insights for today. Drawing from interactions with thousands of congregants, as well as his own experience; relating stories of real people; providing accessible commentary from contemporary psychologists; and sprinkling in warm humor, this rabbi of a new generation reveals the means and meaning of joyous living that will appeal to everyone. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px Times; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 28.8px; text-indent: -24.0px; font: 13.0px Times; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} span.s2 {font: 13.0px 'Lucida Grande'; font-kerning: none} span.s3 {font: 9.0px 'Times New Roman'; font-kerning: none}

Awakening through the Nine Bodies: Explorations in Consciousness for Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga Practitioners

by Phillip Moffitt

Based on meditation practices Phillip Moffitt learned twenty years ago from Himalayan yoga master Sri Swami Balyogi Premvarni, this beautifully illustrated book is a guide to exploring the nature of mind and gaining a better understanding of experiences that arise during meditation. The Nine Bodies teachings map out a journey that starts with consciousness that arises in the physical body and is directly observable, and then travels through ever more subtle levels of consciousness to that which is not manifest and is only potential, and therefore has to be inferred. The book includes a series of mysterious illustrations that Balyogi created during his time of intense Samadhi explorations. Each illustration is a rich composition of symbols that express aspects of inner experiences that are almost impossible to express with language.Moffitt makes these teachings available for meditation students from all spiritual traditions to use as gateways for exploring the nature of mind and as additional means for tracking and classifying meditative experiences. Students of yoga will also find value in the teachings of the Nine Bodies as they provide a means for contextualizing and connecting with yogic teachings on chakras, koshas, gunas, and the Three Bodies.

Dancing With Life: Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of Suffering

by Phillip Moffitt

Why do we suffer? Is there a purpose to our pain? Noting that human beings have wrestled with such questions for thousands of years, Phillip Moffitt has found answers for his own life in Buddhist philosophy and meditation. Reflecting on his own journey from Esquire magazine editor-in-chief to Buddhist meditation teacher, Moffitt provides a fresh perspective on the Buddha's ancient wisdom, showing how to move from suffering to new awareness and unanticipated joy.In this deeply spiritual book that is sure to become a Buddhist classic, Moffitt explores the twelve insights that underlie the Buddha's core teaching--the Four Noble Truths--and uses these often neglected ideas to guide readers to a more meaningful relationship to suffering. Moffitt write: "These twelve insights teach you to dance with both the joy and pain, finding peace in a balanced mind and calm spirit. As the most specific, practical life instructions I have ever encountered, they serve as an invaluable tool for anyone who seeks a life filled with meaning and well-being." Practicing these twelve insights, as Moffitt suggests, will help readers experience life's difficulties without being filled with stress and anguish, and they will enhance their moments of happiness.With engaging writing and a strong message of self-empowerment, Dancing with Life offers a prescriptive path for finding joy and peace that will appeal to meditation students and readers of "Dharma Wisdom," Moffitt's column in Yoga Journal, as well as anyone searching for a more authentic life.

Emotional Chaos to Clarity: How to Live More Skillfully, Make Better Decisions, and Find Purpose in Life

by Phillip Moffitt

This inspiring and prescriptive book leads us from the emotional chaos of the reactive mind to the clarity of the responsive mind As Founder of the Life Balance Institute, Phillip Moffitt has observed that most people lack clarity about their life's direction and the ability to cope with its inevitable challenges. Now, in Emotional Chaos to Clarity, he provides the antidote by showing us the path of skillful living. Grounded in Western psychology and Buddhist philosophy, each chapter introduces a mind state that prevents us from living skillfully, narrates stories from Moffitt's hundreds of students and clients, and provides step-by-step exercises for readers to find clarity in their own lives. Among the many benefits of skillful living are being able to gain wisdom from both pleasant and unpleasant experiences and having an inner life which can flourish, even if our outer life is filled with difficulty. .

Reclaim Your Heart: Personal Insights On Breaking Free From Life's Shackles

by Yasmin Mogahed

Reclaim Your Heart is not just a self-help book. It is a manual about the journey of the heart in and out of the ocean of this life. It is a book about how to keep your heart from sinking to the depths of that ocean, and what to do when it does. It is a book about redemption, about hope, about renewal. Every heart can heal, and each moment is created to bring us closer to that transformative return. Reclaim Your Heart is about finding that moment when everything stops and suddenly looks different. It is about finding your own awakening. And then returning to the better, truer, and freer version of yourself. Many of us live our lives, entrapped by the same repeated patterns of heartbreak and disappointment. Many of us have no idea why this happens. Reclaim Your Heart is about freeing the heart from this slavery. It is about the journey in an out of life's most deceptive traps. This book was written to awaken the heart and provide a new perspective on love, loss, happiness, and pain. Providing a manual of sorts, Reclaim Your Heart will teach readers how to live in this life without allowing life to own you. It is a manual of how to protect your most prized possession: the heart.

Voice Lessons for Parents: What to Say, How to Say it, and When to Listen

by Wendy Mogel

Renowned speaker, parenting expert, and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Wendy Mogel offers an essential guide to the new art of talking to children, showing how a change in tone and demeanor can transform the relationship between parent and child.Most parents are perfectly fine communicators—unless they’re talking to their children. Then, too often, their pitch rises and they come across as pleading, indignant, wounded, outraged. In tone and body language they signal, I can’t handle it when you act like a child. Dr. Wendy Mogel saw this pattern time and again in her clinical practice. In response, she developed a remarkably effective series of “voice lessons,” which she shared with parents who were struggling with their kids. The results were immediate: a shift in vocal style led to children who were calmer, listened more attentively, and communicated with more warmth, respect, and sincerity. In Voice Lessons for Parents, Mogel elaborates on her novel clinical approach, revealing how each age and stage of a child’s life brings new opportunities to connect through language. Drawing from sources as diverse as neuroscience, fairy tales, and anthropology, Mogel offers specific guidance for talking to children across the expanse of childhood and adolescence. She also explains the best ways to talk about your child to partners, exes, and grandparents, as well as to teachers, coaches, and caretakers. Throughout the book, Mogel addresses an obstacle that bedevils even the most seasoned and confident parent: the distraction of digital devices, how they impact our connection with our families, and what we can do about it. Mogel’s now classic book, The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, is a beloved resource for a generation of parents. Voice Lessons for Parents brings her unique brand of practical wisdom to harried parents eager to deepen their relationships with their kids. “Children will lead you on an incredible journey,” writes Mogel, “if they trust you, if you take the time, and if you’re willing to follow.”

FlipSide: Guida Turistica per Navigare nell’Aldilà

by Vincenzo Moggia Richard Martini

Cosa succede dopo la morte? Lo scrittore e premiato regista Richard Martini esplora nuove sconvolgenti evidenze di una vita dopo la morte, passando per la ‘vita tra le vite’, alla quale torniamo, secondo quanto viene affermato, per ritrovare le persone amate, i compagni di viaggio e i nostri maestri spirituali. Basandosi sulla testimonianza di migliaia di soggetti che affermano, sotto ipnosi profonda, di aver visto e sperimentato tutti le stesse identiche cose nell’Aldilà, questo libro presenta interviste ad ipnoterapeuti di tutto il mondo formati al metodo messo a punto dal Dr. Michael Newton, e l’analisi di svariate sessioni di ipnosi nella vita tra le vite. L’autore ha intrapreso in prima persona questo viaggio, con risultati netti e sconcertanti, arrivando a comprendere che siamo pienamente coscienti tra un’incarnazione e l’altra, e rientriamo in contatto con le persone amate e i compagni animici, e tutti insieme decidiamo quando e dove e con chi ci reincarneremo. L’autore argomenta come la ‘legge del Karma’ sia sottomessa al ‘Libero Arbitrio’, attraverso l’esempio di anime che scelgono vite difficili per apprenderne lezioni spirituali: non importa quanto difficile, strana o complessa una scelta di vita possa apparire, essa è stata fatta in anticipo, consapevolmente, con l’aiuto delle persone amate, dei compagni della nostra anima e di saggi anziani. Profondamente ricercato, di vastissima portata, FlipSide porta il lettore in un nuovo mondo, collegando coraggiosamente come nessun altro prima diverse discipline legate alla regressione alle vite precedenti, esperienze di pre-morte e esplorazioni ‘tra le vite’. Nelle parole dello scrittore Gary Schwartz, PhD, dopo aver letto FlipSide ‘non vedrete più il mondo allo stesso modo di prima’. “Richard ha scritto un libro fantastico. Acuto, divertente, provocatorio e profondo: lo consiglio caldamente!” Robert Thurman ("Why the Dalai Lama Matters") “Stimolante, piacevole e ben s

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