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Awakening through the Nine Bodies: Explorations in Consciousness for Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga Practitioners

by Phillip Moffitt

Based on meditation practices Phillip Moffitt learned twenty years ago from Himalayan yoga master Sri Swami Balyogi Premvarni, this beautifully illustrated book is a guide to exploring the nature of mind and gaining a better understanding of experiences that arise during meditation. The Nine Bodies teachings map out a journey that starts with consciousness that arises in the physical body and is directly observable, and then travels through ever more subtle levels of consciousness to that which is not manifest and is only potential, and therefore has to be inferred. The book includes a series of mysterious illustrations that Balyogi created during his time of intense Samadhi explorations. Each illustration is a rich composition of symbols that express aspects of inner experiences that are almost impossible to express with language.Moffitt makes these teachings available for meditation students from all spiritual traditions to use as gateways for exploring the nature of mind and as additional means for tracking and classifying meditative experiences. Students of yoga will also find value in the teachings of the Nine Bodies as they provide a means for contextualizing and connecting with yogic teachings on chakras, koshas, gunas, and the Three Bodies.

Dancing With Life: Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of Suffering

by Phillip Moffitt

Why do we suffer? Is there a purpose to our pain? Noting that human beings have wrestled with such questions for thousands of years, Phillip Moffitt has found answers for his own life in Buddhist philosophy and meditation. Reflecting on his own journey from Esquire magazine editor-in-chief to Buddhist meditation teacher, Moffitt provides a fresh perspective on the Buddha's ancient wisdom, showing how to move from suffering to new awareness and unanticipated joy.In this deeply spiritual book that is sure to become a Buddhist classic, Moffitt explores the twelve insights that underlie the Buddha's core teaching--the Four Noble Truths--and uses these often neglected ideas to guide readers to a more meaningful relationship to suffering. Moffitt write: "These twelve insights teach you to dance with both the joy and pain, finding peace in a balanced mind and calm spirit. As the most specific, practical life instructions I have ever encountered, they serve as an invaluable tool for anyone who seeks a life filled with meaning and well-being." Practicing these twelve insights, as Moffitt suggests, will help readers experience life's difficulties without being filled with stress and anguish, and they will enhance their moments of happiness.With engaging writing and a strong message of self-empowerment, Dancing with Life offers a prescriptive path for finding joy and peace that will appeal to meditation students and readers of "Dharma Wisdom," Moffitt's column in Yoga Journal, as well as anyone searching for a more authentic life.

Emotional Chaos to Clarity: How to Live More Skillfully, Make Better Decisions, and Find Purpose in Life

by Phillip Moffitt

This inspiring and prescriptive book leads us from the emotional chaos of the reactive mind to the clarity of the responsive mind As Founder of the Life Balance Institute, Phillip Moffitt has observed that most people lack clarity about their life's direction and the ability to cope with its inevitable challenges. Now, in Emotional Chaos to Clarity, he provides the antidote by showing us the path of skillful living. Grounded in Western psychology and Buddhist philosophy, each chapter introduces a mind state that prevents us from living skillfully, narrates stories from Moffitt's hundreds of students and clients, and provides step-by-step exercises for readers to find clarity in their own lives. Among the many benefits of skillful living are being able to gain wisdom from both pleasant and unpleasant experiences and having an inner life which can flourish, even if our outer life is filled with difficulty. .

Reclaim Your Heart: Personal Insights On Breaking Free From Life's Shackles

by Yasmin Mogahed

Reclaim Your Heart is not just a self-help book. It is a manual about the journey of the heart in and out of the ocean of this life. It is a book about how to keep your heart from sinking to the depths of that ocean, and what to do when it does. It is a book about redemption, about hope, about renewal. Every heart can heal, and each moment is created to bring us closer to that transformative return. Reclaim Your Heart is about finding that moment when everything stops and suddenly looks different. It is about finding your own awakening. And then returning to the better, truer, and freer version of yourself. Many of us live our lives, entrapped by the same repeated patterns of heartbreak and disappointment. Many of us have no idea why this happens. Reclaim Your Heart is about freeing the heart from this slavery. It is about the journey in an out of life's most deceptive traps. This book was written to awaken the heart and provide a new perspective on love, loss, happiness, and pain. Providing a manual of sorts, Reclaim Your Heart will teach readers how to live in this life without allowing life to own you. It is a manual of how to protect your most prized possession: the heart.

Voice Lessons for Parents: What to Say, How to Say it, and When to Listen

by Wendy Mogel

Renowned speaker, parenting expert, and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Wendy Mogel offers an essential guide to the new art of talking to children, showing how a change in tone and demeanor can transform the relationship between parent and child.Most parents are perfectly fine communicators—unless they’re talking to their children. Then, too often, their pitch rises and they come across as pleading, indignant, wounded, outraged. In tone and body language they signal, I can’t handle it when you act like a child. Dr. Wendy Mogel saw this pattern time and again in her clinical practice. In response, she developed a remarkably effective series of “voice lessons,” which she shared with parents who were struggling with their kids. The results were immediate: a shift in vocal style led to children who were calmer, listened more attentively, and communicated with more warmth, respect, and sincerity. In Voice Lessons for Parents, Mogel elaborates on her novel clinical approach, revealing how each age and stage of a child’s life brings new opportunities to connect through language. Drawing from sources as diverse as neuroscience, fairy tales, and anthropology, Mogel offers specific guidance for talking to children across the expanse of childhood and adolescence. She also explains the best ways to talk about your child to partners, exes, and grandparents, as well as to teachers, coaches, and caretakers. Throughout the book, Mogel addresses an obstacle that bedevils even the most seasoned and confident parent: the distraction of digital devices, how they impact our connection with our families, and what we can do about it. Mogel’s now classic book, The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, is a beloved resource for a generation of parents. Voice Lessons for Parents brings her unique brand of practical wisdom to harried parents eager to deepen their relationships with their kids. “Children will lead you on an incredible journey,” writes Mogel, “if they trust you, if you take the time, and if you’re willing to follow.”

FlipSide: Guida Turistica per Navigare nell’Aldilà

by Vincenzo Moggia Richard Martini

Cosa succede dopo la morte? Lo scrittore e premiato regista Richard Martini esplora nuove sconvolgenti evidenze di una vita dopo la morte, passando per la ‘vita tra le vite’, alla quale torniamo, secondo quanto viene affermato, per ritrovare le persone amate, i compagni di viaggio e i nostri maestri spirituali. Basandosi sulla testimonianza di migliaia di soggetti che affermano, sotto ipnosi profonda, di aver visto e sperimentato tutti le stesse identiche cose nell’Aldilà, questo libro presenta interviste ad ipnoterapeuti di tutto il mondo formati al metodo messo a punto dal Dr. Michael Newton, e l’analisi di svariate sessioni di ipnosi nella vita tra le vite. L’autore ha intrapreso in prima persona questo viaggio, con risultati netti e sconcertanti, arrivando a comprendere che siamo pienamente coscienti tra un’incarnazione e l’altra, e rientriamo in contatto con le persone amate e i compagni animici, e tutti insieme decidiamo quando e dove e con chi ci reincarneremo. L’autore argomenta come la ‘legge del Karma’ sia sottomessa al ‘Libero Arbitrio’, attraverso l’esempio di anime che scelgono vite difficili per apprenderne lezioni spirituali: non importa quanto difficile, strana o complessa una scelta di vita possa apparire, essa è stata fatta in anticipo, consapevolmente, con l’aiuto delle persone amate, dei compagni della nostra anima e di saggi anziani. Profondamente ricercato, di vastissima portata, FlipSide porta il lettore in un nuovo mondo, collegando coraggiosamente come nessun altro prima diverse discipline legate alla regressione alle vite precedenti, esperienze di pre-morte e esplorazioni ‘tra le vite’. Nelle parole dello scrittore Gary Schwartz, PhD, dopo aver letto FlipSide ‘non vedrete più il mondo allo stesso modo di prima’. “Richard ha scritto un libro fantastico. Acuto, divertente, provocatorio e profondo: lo consiglio caldamente!” Robert Thurman ("Why the Dalai Lama Matters") “Stimolante, piacevole e ben s

Awakening Your Ikigai: How The Japanese Wake Up To Joy And Purpose Every Day

by Ken Mogi

“Awakening Your Ikigai is really quite a delightful look at sometimes mystifying Japanese traditions.”—The New York Times Book Review Introducing IKIGAI: find your passions and live with joy Ikigai is a Japanese phenomenon commonly understood as “your reason to get up in the morning.” Ikigai can be small moments: the morning air, a cup of coffee, a compliment. It can also be deep convictions: a fulfilling job, lasting friendships, balanced health. Whether big or small, your ikigai is the path to success and happiness in your own life. Author Ken Mogi introduces five pillars of ikigai to help you make the most of each day and become your most authentic self: 1. starting small › focus on the details 2. releasing yourself › accept who you are 3. harmony and sustainability › rely on others 4. the joy of little things › appreciate sensory pleasure 5. being in the here and now › find your flow. Weaving together insights from Japanese history, philosophy, and modern culture, plus stories from renowned sushi chef Jiro Ono, anime filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki, and others, Mogi skillfully shows the way to awaken your ikigai.

Ikigai esencial: La sabiduría milenaria japonesa que dará sentido a cada día de tu vida

by Ken Mogi

La sabiduría milenaria japonesa que dará sentido a cada día de tu vida. «Estar inmerso en el momento presente y obtener placer de ello, prestando atención al mismo tiempo al más mínimo detalle es la esencia del arte de la ceremonia del té. Es extraordinario que Sen no Rikyu, el creador de esta ceremonia en el siglo XVI, llegara a esta conclusión en la era Sengoku, cuando los señores de la guerra, los samuráis, libraban entre sí interminables batallas y seguramente era una época muy estresante.» Occidente siente una fascinación permanente por el modo de vida japonés, y ello supone acceder a la filosofía, la cultura y el patrimonio de ese extraordinario país. Ikigai es un término japonés para referirse a los placeres y el sentido de la vida. Todo el mundo, de acuerdo con la cultura japonesa, tiene ikigai, y este se encuentra mediante la búsqueda, profunda y concentrada, en uno mismo. Es la «razón para levantarse cada mañana», para encontrar el placer, la satisfacción personal en las actividades cotidianas, sea en el trabajo o en el ocio. Una de las razones de la longevidad del pueblo japonés, junto con su alimentación, la práctica de ejercicio moderado y su espiritualidad. Ikigai esencial combina percepciones de los saberes científicos de Ken Mogi sobre el funcionamiento del cerebro, lo cual confiere al libro una perspectiva cognitiva fascinante.

The Little Book of Ikigai: The secret Japanese way to live a happy and long life

by Ken Mogi

AS HEARD ON THE STEVE WRIGHT SHOW'FORGET HYGGE. IT'S ALL ABOUT IKIGAI (THAT'S JAPANESE FOR A HAPPY LIFE)' The TimesFind out how to live a long and happy life thanks to the ikigai miracle, a Japanese philosophy that helps you find fulfilment, joy and mindfulness in everything you do.It is extraordinary that Japanese men's longevity ranks 4th in the world, while Japanese women's ranks 2nd. But perhaps this comes as no surprise when you know that the Japanese understanding of ikigai is embedded in their daily life and in absolutely everything that they do. In their professional careers, in their relationships with family members, in the hobbies they cultivate so meticulously. Ken Mogi identifies five key pillars to ikigai:Pillar 1: Starting smallPillar 2: Releasing yourselfPillar 3:Harmony and sustainabilityPillar 4:The joy of little thingsPillar 5:Being in the here and nowThe Japanese talk about ikigai as 'a reason to get up in the morning'. It is something that keeps one's enthusiasm for life going, whether you are a cleaner of the famous Shinkansen bullet train, the mother of a newborn child or a Michelin-starred sushi chef. The Five Pillars at the heart of everything they do.But how do you find your own ikigai? How does ikigai contribute to happiness? Neuroscientist and bestselling Japanese writer Ken Mogi provides an absorbing insight into this way of life, incorporating scientific research and first-hand experience, and providing a colourful narrative of Japanese culture and history along the way.

The Little Book of Ikigai: The secret Japanese way to live a happy and long life

by Ken Mogi

AS HEARD ON THE STEVE WRIGHT SHOW'FORGET HYGGE. IT'S ALL ABOUT IKIGAI (THAT'S JAPANESE FOR A HAPPY LIFE)' The TimesFind out how to live a long and happy life thanks to the ikigai miracle, a Japanese philosophy that helps you find fulfilment, joy and mindfulness in everything you do.It is extraordinary that Japanese men's longevity ranks 4th in the world, while Japanese women's ranks 2nd. But perhaps this comes as no surprise when you know that the Japanese understanding of ikigai is embedded in their daily life and in absolutely everything that they do. In their professional careers, in their relationships with family members, in the hobbies they cultivate so meticulously. Ken Mogi identifies five key pillars to ikigai:Pillar 1: Starting smallPillar 2: Releasing yourselfPillar 3:Harmony and sustainabilityPillar 4:The joy of little thingsPillar 5:Being in the here and nowThe Japanese talk about ikigai as 'a reason to get up in the morning'. It is something that keeps one's enthusiasm for life going, whether you are a cleaner of the famous Shinkansen bullet train, the mother of a newborn child or a Michelin-starred sushi chef. The Five Pillars at the heart of everything they do.But how do you find your own ikigai? How does ikigai contribute to happiness? Neuroscientist and bestselling Japanese writer Ken Mogi provides an absorbing insight into this way of life, incorporating scientific research and first-hand experience, and providing a colourful narrative of Japanese culture and history along the way.

The Little Book of Ikigai: The secret Japanese way to live a happy and long life

by Ken Mogi

Welcome to ikigai, a Japanese mindset that will change your life. Ken Mogi, a Japanese expert and bestselling writer, reveals all about this mysterious and fascinating miracle that is at the heart of Japan's record-breaking long life, astonishing appreciation of sensory beauty and inherent mindfulness.It is extraordinary that Japanese men's longevity ranks 4th in the world, while Japanese women's ranks 2nd. But perhaps this comes as no surprise when you know that the Japanese understanding of ikigai is embedded in their daily life and in absolutely everything that they do. In their professional careers, in their relationships with family members, in the hobbies they cultivate so meticulously. Ken Mogi identifies five key pillars to ikigai:Pillar 1: Starting smallPillar 2: Releasing yourselfPillar 3:Harmony and sustainabilityPillar 4:The joy of little thingsPillar 5:Being in the here and nowThe Japanese talk about ikigai as 'a reason to get up in the morning'. It is something that keeps one's enthusiasm for life going, whether you are a cleaner of the famous Shinkansen bullet train, the mother of a newborn child or a Michelin-starred sushi chef. The Five Pillars at the heart of everything they do.But how do you find your own ikigai? How does ikigai contribute to happiness? Neuroscientist and bestselling Japanese writer Ken Mogi provides an absorbing insight into this way of life, incorporating scientific research and first-hand experience, and providing a colourful narrative of Japanese culture and history along the way.(P)2017 Quercus Editions Limited

The Way of Nagomi: Live more harmoniously the Japanese way

by Ken Mogi

*Find out how to live a more harmonious life thanks to NAGOMI, the ancient Japanese philosophy that helps you find balance and peace in everything you do*There is no translation for the word nagomi in the English language, and yet it at the very heart of the Japanese way of life. A popular and common concept in Japan, to achieve nagomi is to have peace of mind, emotional balance and wellbeing, ranging from the way food is prepared (mixing sweet, salt, sour, bitter and umami) to the way the ephemerality of the cherry blossom season is celebrated.Global bestselling author Ken Mogi illustrates why it's important to value both the positive and negative experiences in life so that you can truly find a balance and live more harmoniously. In The Way of Nagomi, Ken explains how to apply nagomi to every aspect of life so you can: - Maintain happy relationships with loved ones, even if you disagree with them- Learn new things while always staying true to yourself- Find a sense of peace in whatever you are doing- Mix and blend unlikely components to strike a harmonious balance- Have a greater understanding of the Japanese philosophy of lifeBy delving into Japan's history, traditions and culture and providing a toolkit to help us to achieve satisfaction in our lives, Ken shows how we can all create nagomi in our lives and enjoy the benefits of a more peaceful and satisfactory life.

The Way of Nagomi

by Ken Mogi

The Japanese ideology that gives you the powers to embrace everything life throws at you in order to live at peace and harmoniously - as explained by the global bestselling author who brought you ikigai. Nagomi represents a state of being where both 'bad' and 'good' things live in harmonious and beneficial co-existence. Every life will have joys and sorrows, opportunities and misfortunes. Understanding and accepting this is important, but nagomi takes it one step further by showing you how to balance all of these experiences, both positive and negative. A popular and common concept in Japan, to achieve nagomi is to have peace of mind, emotional balance, wellbeing and calmness. There is no translation for the word nagomi in the English language, and yet it should be in everyone's vocabulary. It is an incredibly empowering approach to life. Every emotion and experience you might have in your time on this earth is included, minimized, coped with and accepted. The goal is not happiness on its own but balancing these elements that will help you achieve a sense of harmony.This philosophy can be found at the very heart of Japanese culture, from the way they prepare their food (mixing sweet, salt, sour, bitter and umami) to the way they celebrate the preciousness and ephemerality of life during the cherry blossom season.Bestselling and internationally celebrated author Ken Mogi delves into Japan's history, into its traditions, its society and also into neuroscience to adapt the concept of nagomi for a Western audience. He shows us how we can create short and long-term nagomi for ourselves through simple hacks from thought processes to exercises and activities. This book gives you the tools to work efficiently and achieve satisfaction in your life - by arriving at nagomi with oneself.(P)2022 Quercus Editions Limited

The Way of Nagomi: The Japanese Philosophy Of Finding Balance And Peace In Everything You Do

by Ken Mogi

Find balance and peace in every moment Life is ephemeral and ever-changing; in Japan, it’s called ukiyo—“floating world.” How can we adapt to its fluctuations without being overcome? The answer is nagomi: a philosophy of balance—and the secret to a harmonious life. Neuroscientist Ken Mogi shares wisdom from Japanese history and culture to explain how nagomi can help you: have happy relationships with loved ones who disagree engage with the natural world without diminishing its beauty strive for improvement while accepting imperfection strike a balance to achieve calm. If you’ve ever enjoyed a perfect bite of sushi—fresh fish, white rice, a hint of wasabi, maybe with a sip of sake—then you’ve already tasted what nagomi can achieve. Combining philosophy and advice, this book brings that balance into your health, work, relationships, and sense of self with nagomido—The Way of Nagomi!

We Gave Away a Fortune

by Christopher Mogil Anne Slepian Peter Woodrow

Stories of People Who Have Devoted Themselves and Their Wealth To Peace, Justice and a Healthy Environment

Un abrazo al corazón

by Adriana Páramo Moguel

Reflexiona tu vida sin prejuicios y verdades ocultas. ¿Has estado triste por mucho tiempo? ¿Sigues recordando una traición que te hicieron hace muchos años? ¿Sientes que has postergado todas tus metas? ¿Vas como un barco a la deriva? <p><p>Lo primero que debes saber es que no eres la única persona que ha experimentado estos sentimientos. La tristeza, envidia, rencor, y pereza pueden desgastarnos e impedirnos vivir de forma placentera. Aquí encontraras las cápsulas con las que la autora brinda un abrazo a nuestro corazón y se acerca a nosotros para reflexionar sobre la vida, sin prejuicios ni verdades ocultas. <p> En estas páginas, la autora conversa con la misma cercanía con la que hablaría amigo entrañable con quien ha convivido toda la vida.

Amor vs. codependencia: Vive tus relaciones en plenitud

by Adriana Páramo Moguel

"Lo que te ofrezco es darte las herramientas para que hagas consciente lo inconsciente, que sepas por qué te relacionas de una forma determinada, para qué estás con un tipo de personas en específico, cuáles son los resortes que te mueven a reaccionar como lo haces". ¿Te has preguntado dónde termina el amor y empieza la codependencia? Adriana Páramo analiza las razones de fondo que determinan la manera en que amamos. En gran medida, todo se remite a nuestra niñez. Lo que aprendimos en los primeros años impone cómo afrontamos la vida de adultos... pero nada está perdido, aún es posible amar de otra manera y acabar con las manías. Este libro va más allá del lugar común, porque todos sabemos que "primero debemos amarnos a nosotros mismos para amar a otros" pero pocos conocen cómo hacerlo. Desde un punto de vista psicológico y con enfoque emocional, la autora nos explica cómo transformar nuestras ideas sobre el amor romántico.

The Anatomy of Addiction

by Akikur Mohammad

As compelling as it is informative and authoritative, The Anatomy of Addiction will lead you to a better understanding about the causes, prevention, and treatment of addiction. It explains in layman's terms what constitutes effective, evidence-based addiction medicine and how to find it. This book provides actionable, scientific information for addicts and their families and details how to avoid so-called rehab clinics that are at best useless and at worst dangerous and even life threatening.

Bella Figura: How to Live, Love, and Eat the Italian Way

by Kamin Mohammadi

One woman's story of finding beauty, and herself--and a practical guide to living a better life, the Italian way!Kamin Mohammadi, a magazine editor in London, should have been on top of the world. But after heartbreak and loneliness, the stress of her "dream life" was ruining her physical and mental health. Gifted a ticket to freedom--a redundancy package and the offer of a friend's apartment in Florence--Kamin took a giant leap. It did not take her long to notice how differently her new Italian neighbors approached life: enjoying themselves, taking their time to eat and drink, taking their lives at a deliberately slower pace. Filled with wonderful characters--from the local bartender/barista who becomes her love advisor, to the plumbers who fix her heating and teach her to make pasta al pomodoro--here is a mantra for savoring the beauty and color of every day that Italians have followed for generations, a guide to the slow life for busy people, a story of finding love (and self-love) in unlikely places, and an evocative account of a year living an Italian life.

Bella Figura: How to Live, Love, and Eat the Italian Way

by Kamin Mohammadi

One woman's story of finding beauty, and herself--and a practical guide to living a better life, the Italian way!Kamin Mohammadi, a magazine editor in London, should have been on top of the world. But after heartbreak and loneliness, the stress of her "dream life" was ruining her physical and mental health. Gifted a ticket to freedom--a redundancy package and the offer of a friend's apartment in Florence--Kamin took a giant leap. It did not take her long to notice how differently her new Italian neighbors approached life: enjoying themselves, taking their time to eat and drink, taking their lives at a deliberately slower pace. Filled with wonderful characters--from the local bartender/barista who becomes her love adviser, to the plumbers who fix her heating and teach her to make pasta al pomodoro--here is a mantra for savoring the beauty and color of every day that Italians have followed for generations, a guide to the slow life for busy people, a story of finding love (and self-love) in unlikely places, and an evocative account of a year living an Italian life.

Understanding Public Speaking: A Learner's Guide to Persuasive Oratory

by Braj Mohan

Public speaking is a much coveted yet difficult art. This book illustrates the use of various linguistic devices and persuasive strategies with examples from the speeches of powerful orators in history. It systematically draws on the various approaches to public speaking and persuasive discourse to present new insights and techniques. The volume: Critically examines strategies of persuasive oratory. Draws on extensive investigation of a corpus of famous public speeches in history. Focuses on the needs of those who want to brush up their public speaking skills. The volume will be a key reference for aspiring civil servants, lawyers, business and corporate professionals, and politicians. It will be of great interest to scholars of linguistics, and political and business communication.

Words From the Fire: Hearing the Voice of God in the 10 Commandments

by R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

If God has spoken, then the highest human aspiration must be to hear what the Creator has said. God has indeed spoken, through the Ten Commandments, and Al Mohler explores this revelation of God and the implications for His people. The promise is to hear, to obey, and to live. These "Ten Words" tell us who God is and what His people should look like. Mohler is a respected voice on the state of our culture (and the church) today. The Ten Commandments speak to current issues today such as the exclusivity of the Christian God, the essence of worship, capital punishment, just war, business ethics and the postmodern definition of truth.

Words From the Fire: Hearing the Voice of God in the 10 Commandments

by R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

If God has spoken, then the highest human aspiration must be to hear what the Creator has said. God has indeed spoken, through the Ten Commandments, and Al Mohler explores this revelation of God and the implications for His people. The promise is to hear, to obey, and to live. These "Ten Words" tell us who God is and what His people should look like. Mohler is a respected voice on the state of our culture (and the church) today. The Ten Commandments speak to current issues today such as the exclusivity of the Christian God, the essence of worship, capital punishment, just war, business ethics and the postmodern definition of truth.

The 21 Golden Rules for Cosmic Ordering

by Barbel Mohr

Now an internationally acclaimed author, Barbel Mohr introduced the world to Cosmic Ordering by writing a little book about this amazing method and circulating photocopies amongst her friends. The book went on to become an international bestseller and since then she has written a collection of powerful books to help us understand exactly how to tune into the Universe to turn our dreams into reality.In this new book, Barbel captures the essence of all of her previous titles on Cosmic Ordering to provide you with 21 Golden Rules that allow you to master the concept that seems too good to be true – but nonetheless works. Barbel has condensed the key ideas and principles of Cosmic Ordering to help you appreciate the rules that govern the cosmos and the part that your subconcious mind plays in creating your reality. With numerous tips and exercises to help you fully connect with your inner power, you will learn how to make Cosmic Ordering an integral part of your day-to-day life, opening yourself to a magical future.

Cosmic Ordering: The Next Step

by Barbel Mohr

Cosmic Ordering is the powerful method of tuning into the Universe to turn dreams into reality. After introducing this powerful and effective method for manifesting your desires, Barbel now takes you further with Cosmic Ordering: The Next Step. With new and exciting ways to make Cosmic Ordering work for you, Barbel takes you further than you have ever been, and shows that the only thing that stops you from achieving anything you desire is your own imagination.

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