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O Poder da Meditação Transcendental

by Bob Roth

Um guia simples, prático e directo para a Meditação Transcendental, assinado por um mestre, Bob Roth, orientador de Oprah Winfrey, Jerry Seinfeld. Ellen DeGeneres, Gwyneth Paltrow, Howard Stern, Tom Hanks e Gisele Bündchen. Todos os dias enfrentamos uma crescente epidemia de stress que prejudica fortemente a nossa saúde física e emocional, em idades cada vez mais jovens. É um problema grave que atinge as pessoas em geral, dos CEO às mães que gerem famílias, passando por estudantes universitários, pessoas de todas as raças, idade e estatuto económico. É deveras preocupante. Embora não haja uma única cura, há uma prática simples que muda de forma drástica a forma como respondemos ao stress e aos desafios da vida: a técnica da Meditação Transcendental. Com benefícios cientificamente comprovados - foco melhorado, sono, resiliência, criatividade e memória, entre outros - esta técnica com cinco mil anos de idade tem um impacto claro e direto sobre este problema moderno. Outrora bastante cético, Bob Roth treinou sob orientação de Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, o mais importante cientista da consciência e meditação do século XX, e desde então tornou-se num dos professores de meditação mais experientes e procurados do mundo. Viu as capacidades profundas e práticas da técnica e, como cofundador e diretor executivo da Fundação David Lynch, ajudou a levar a MT a mais de 500 mil jovens em risco, veteranos com Perturbação de Stress Pós-Traumático (PSPT) e mulheres sobreviventes de violência doméstica. Bob Roth também ensina MT e acompanha os principais líderes do governo, negócios, medicina e artes nos EUA. Em Meditação Transcendental, Roth destaca os três tipos distintos de atenção centrada na meditação e mostra que a Meditação Transcendental é a forma mais eficaz para reduzir o stress, aceder ao nosso poder interno e construir a resiliência. Livre de truques, linguagem mística e pesquisas demasiado técnicas, este livro é um guia simples e directo para acalmar mente, corpo e espírito. «Não há palavras que cheguem para descrever Bob Roth e a Meditação Transcendental. Serenidade, a verdadeira serenidade, da mente e do corpo, é um dom. A Meditação Trancendental ensinou-me a aceder a essa paz e a usufruir desse dom todos os dias.» Michael J. Fox «O Poder da Meditação Transcendental de Bob Roth é o guia mais simples e cativante para entender a Meditação Transcendental - uma técnica na qual confio para me guiar nos desafios e atribulações da vida.» Gwyneth Paltrow «As pessoas dormem melhor. As pessoas têm melhores relações. As pessoas interagem melhor com outras pessoas. Eu sou mil vezes melhor quando faço Meditação Transcendental. Obrigada, Bob. Ele é que sabe!» Oprah Winfrey «Eu e a minha mulher adoramos o Bob Roth. Ajudou-nos com o nosso filho, Oscar, que sofria de stress e ansiedade. O Bob salvou-o numa altura muito difícil.» Hugh Jackman «A Meditação Transcendental é tão fácil de aprender, tão simples de praticar. E os benefícios que dela advêm, e que ficam para toda a vida, são tantos e tão grandes - muda tudo.» Cameron Diaz «É a única altura em que usufruo daquela serenidade. Dá-me este sentimento de paz. Adoro.» Ellen DeGeneres «O Poder da Meditação Transcendental de Bob Roth é tão necessário nestes dias, para nos ajudar a ir em frente. Cada palavra aqui contida é um alento para as nossas vidas.» Stella McCartney «O Poder da Meditação Transcendental tem a qualidade enorme de tornar esta prática acessível a toda a gente. Adoro o Bob Roth, adoro meditação e adoro este livro.» Arianna Huffington

Obsessive Compulsions: The OCD of Everyday Life

by C. Thomas Gualtieri

Almost everybody has an obsession or feels a compulsion to do something a certain way. Magic numbers, intrusive thoughts, unusual fears and superstitions happen to about four people out of five, but where do these obsessive-compulsive (OC) traits come from? This book explores what they are, why we have them and what we can do about them, through fascinating and highly original insights. Are you a perfectionist, or can you be fussy? Do you like to have control in certain situations? Or are you overly anxious in others? These are all OC traits, and this book looks at their recent increase in human behaviour, and how they are formed in the brain. Showing that these traits are more common in highly educated, intelligent and successful people, it highlights the positive sides of what have previously been seen as negative quirks. Weaving together sections that are anecdotal and humorous, with technical and up-to-date scientific information, this groundbreaking book gives a fascinating introduction into an under-discussed personality type.

The Occult Imagination in Britain, 1875-1947 (Among the Victorians and Modernists)

by Christine Ferguson Andrew Radford

Between 1875 and 1947, a period bookended, respectively, by the founding of the Theosophical Society and the death of notorious occultist celebrity Aleister Crowley, Britain experienced an unparalleled efflorescence of engagement with unusual occult schema and supernatural phenomena such as astral travel, ritual magic, and reincarnationism. Reflecting the signal array of responses by authors, artists, actors, impresarios and popular entertainers to questions of esoteric spirituality and belief, this interdisciplinary collection demonstrates the enormous interest in the occult during a time typically associated with the rise of secularization and scientific innovation. The contributors describe how the occult realm functions as a turbulent conceptual and affective space, shifting between poles of faith and doubt, the sacrosanct and the profane, the endemic and the exotic, the forensic and the fetishistic. Here, occultism emerges as a practice and epistemology that decisively shapes the literary enterprises of writers such as Dion Fortune and Arthur Machen, artists such as Pamela Colman Smith, and revivalists such as Rolf Gardiner

The Odd 1s Out: How to Be Cool and Other Things I Definitely Learned from Growing Up

by James Rallison

Hilarious stories and advice about the ups and downs of growing up, from a popularYouTube artist and storyteller.Like any shy teen turned young adult, YouTube star James Rallison ("The Odd 1s Out") is used to being on the outside looking in. He wasn't partying in high school or winning football games like his older brother. Instead, he posted comics on the Internet. Now, he's ready to share his hard-earned advice from his 21 years of life in the funny, relatable voice his fans love. In this illustrated collection, Rallison tells his own stories of growing up as the "odd one out": in art class with his twin sister (she was more talented), in the middle school locker room, and up to one strange year of college (he dropped out). Each story is filled with the little lessons he picked up along the way, serious and otherwise, like: * How to be cool (in seventh grade) * Why it's OK to be second-best at something, and * How to survive your first, confidence-killing job interviews Filled with fan-favorite comics and never-before-seen material, this tongue-in-cheek take on some of the weirdest, funniest parts of life is perfect for both avid followers and new converts.

Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done

by Laura Vanderkam

"I well recall a conversation with an executive I hoped to interview about her astonishing productivity. I began our call with an assurance that I would not take much of her time. She laughed. 'Oh, I have all the time in the world,' she said."Most of us feel constantly behind, unsure how to escape feeling oppressed by busyness. Laura Vanderkam, unlike other time-management gurus, believes that in order to get more done, we must first feel like we have all the time in the world. Think about it: why haven't you trained for that 5K or read War and Peace? Probably because you feel beaten down by all the time you don't seem to have.In this book, Vanderkam reveals the seven counterintuitive principles the most time-free people have adopted. She teaches mindset shifts to help you feel calm on the busiest days and tools to help you get more done without feeling overwhelmed. You'll meet people such as... ♦ An elementary school principal who figured out how to spend more time mentoring teachers, and less time supervising the cafeteria ♦ An executive who builds lots of meeting-free space into his calendar, despite managing teams across multiple continents ♦ A CEO who does focused work in a Waffle House early in the morning, so he can keep an open door and a relaxed mindset all day ♦ An artist who overcame a creative block, and reached new heights of productivity, by being more gentle with herself, rather than more demandingThe strategies in this book can help if your life feels out of control, but they can also help if you want to take your career, your relationships, and your personal happiness to the next level. Vanderkam has packed this book with insights from busy yet relaxed professionals, including "time makeovers" of people who are learning how to use these tools. Off the Clock can inspire the rest of us to create lives that are not only productive, but enjoyable in the moment.

Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done

by Laura Vanderkam

'Laura Vanderkam is one of the world's leading experts in time management and productivity . . . her insights in Off the Clock can change your life' - Dorie Clark, author of Stand Out'Laura Vanderkam delivers a compelling and evidence-based argument that busyness is overrated in our current culture. Living a full life, at work and at home, is about doing the right things well, and confidently missing out on everything else' - Cal Newport, bestselling author of Deep Work'I loved it . . . Vanderkam expertly weaves together interviews with experts, anecdotes about her own personal life, philosophical musings, and scientific research' - Shana Lebowitz, Business Insider UKLearn to savour life's best moments - no matter how busy you are - through mindset shifts that alter your perception of time.Laura Vanderkam, the acclaimed author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, isn't like other time-management gurus. She's not trying to shave off 30 seconds here or there; she's interested in the emotional and psychological side of the 168 hours everyone has each week. Her message is that we all have more time than we think we do, and can feel less stressed while getting more done. With the right habits, you can live efficiently and effectively, and yet still see time as abundant. For instance, Vanderkam teaches: - How to clear your calendar of activities that are boring, stressful or simply not the best use of your time- Why tackling your top priorities during the hours when you have the most energy will change your perception of what it means to be productive- How to linger in great experiences while they're happening, and why good memories seem to make time expandPacked with insights from busy yet relaxed professionals, including 'time makeovers' of people who are learning to use these tools, Off the Clock can inspire the rest of us to creative lives that are not only productive, but enjoyable in the moment.

Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done

by Laura Vanderkam

'Laura Vanderkam is one of the world's leading experts in time management and productivity . . . her insights in Off the Clock can change your life' - Dorie Clark, author of Stand Out'Laura Vanderkam delivers a compelling and evidence-based argument that busyness is overrated in our current culture. Living a full life, at work and at home, is about doing the right things well, and confidently missing out on everything else' - Cal Newport, bestselling author of Deep Work'I loved it . . . Vanderkam expertly weaves together interviews with experts, anecdotes about her own personal life, philosophical musings, and scientific research' - Shana Lebowitz, Business Insider UKLearn to savour life's best moments - no matter how busy you are - through mindset shifts that alter your perception of time.Laura Vanderkam, the acclaimed author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, isn't like other time-management gurus. She's not trying to shave off 30 seconds here or there; she's interested in the emotional and psychological side of the 168 hours everyone has each week. Her message is that we all have more time than we think we do, and can feel less stressed while getting more done. With the right habits, you can live efficiently and effectively, and yet still see time as abundant. For instance, Vanderkam teaches: - How to clear your calendar of activities that are boring, stressful or simply not the best use of your time- Why tackling your top priorities during the hours when you have the most energy will change your perception of what it means to be productive- How to linger in great experiences while they're happening, and why good memories seem to make time expandPacked with insights from busy yet relaxed professionals, including 'time makeovers' of people who are learning to use these tools, Off the Clock can inspire the rest of us to creative lives that are not only productive, but enjoyable in the moment.

Oh Snap! My Career Is in Crisis: Craft a Strategy to Get Your Career Back on Track

by Maggie Huffman

The life coach and author of Whoops! I Forgot to Achieve My Potential offers a step-by-step guide out of crisis and onto your dream career path. A career crisis can take many forms. Maybe you’re stuck in a rut. Or maybe you got the big promotion you always wanted, only to discover it’s not dream job you were imagining. Your first impulse may be to go out and take the next job you can find—or to give up on your career all together. But all too often, those emotional reactions simply lead us from one career crisis to another. Before you start grasping for solutions, you need a strategy. In Oh Snap! My Career Is in Crisis, life coach Maggie Huffman guides you through the process from finding courage and clarity you need to begin, to executing your strategy once you’ve designed it.

Okay Fine Whatever: The Year I Went from Being Afraid of Everything to Only Being Afraid of Most Things

by Courtenay Hameister

The "hilarious and poignant" story of one chronically anxious woman's quest to become braver by seeking out the kinds of experiences she's spent her life avoiding. (Cheryl Strayed) For most of her life (and even during her years as the host of a popular radio show), Courtenay Hameister lived in a state of near-constant dread and anxiety. She fretted about everything. Her age. Her size. Her romantic prospects. How likely it was that she would get hit by a bus on the way home. Until a couple years ago, when, in her mid-forties, she decided to fight back against her debilitating anxieties by spending a year doing little things that scared her--things that the average person might consider doing for a half second before deciding: "nope." Things like: attending a fellatio class. She did that. She also spent an afternoon in a sensory deprivation tank, got (legally) high in the middle of a workday, had a session with a professional cuddler, braved twenty-eight first dates, and (perhaps scariest of all) actually met someone who might possibly appreciate her for who she is.Refreshing, relatable, and pee-your-pants funny, Okay Fine Whatever is Courtenay's hold-nothing-back account of her adventures on the front lines of Mere Human Woman vs. Fear, reminding us that even the tiniest amount of bravery is still bravery, and that no matter who you are, it's possible to fight complacency and become bold, or at least bold-ish, a little at a time.

The Old Man and the Sand Eel

by Will Millard

'A wonderfully fluent account of how the strange magic of water and the beings that inhabit it can enchant and intoxicate' Chris YatesGrowing up on the Cambridgeshire Fens, Will Millard never felt more at home than when he was out with his granddad on the riverbank, whiling away the day catching fish. As he grew older his competitive urge to catch more and bigger fish led him away from that natural connection between him, his grandfather and the rivers of his home. That is, until the fateful day he let a record-breaking sand eel slip through his fingers and he knew that he had lost the magic of those days down by the river, and that something had to change. The Old Man and the Sand Eel is at its heart the story of three generations of men trying to figure out what it is to be a man, a father and a fisherman. It plots Will's scaly stepping stones back to his childhood innocence, when anything was possible and the wild was everywhere.***'[Will Millard] is a master wordsmith and his first book is a joyful testament to that' Isabelle Broom, Heat'[Will Millard] writes with a genuine sense of humility (...) humour and reflection' Kevin Parr, Countryfile 'Delightful and informative (...) beautifully drawn (...)The Old Man and The Sand Eel will be enjoyed by anyone who loves the challenge and mystery of baiting a hook and plopping it into the water' Spectator'This is post-modern nature writing that embraces beauty where it finds it and marvels at nature's tenacity (...) But there's more here than just fish. This is also a book about growing up, about how to retain a connection with those who raised you while forging your own identity - what to keep and what to discard. And it's about men. The strong surges of emotion that both draw them together and keep them apart, and the shared pastimes which recognise that intimacy and meaning aren't always accompanied by words' Olivia Edward, Geographical

On Being an Introvert or Highly Sensitive Person: A Guide To Boundaries, Joy, And Meaning

by Ilse Sand

In a culture that ranks sociability and extroversion above the introverted traits of deep thinking and being alone, Ilse Sand shows how to find joy and meaning as an introvert or highly sensitive person. She debates whether these traits are caused by nature or nurture, and shows how someone like this can organise their life to keep them content. What she says is appropriate for people who are temporarily, or for some other reason, in a sensitive situation - for example, because of stress, trauma or burn-out. It describes the introverted personality type and the highly sensitive trait, highlighting the strengths that come with it such as good listening skills and rich imagination, and suggests ways to overcome the negatives such as the need to avoid overstimulation and over-critical thinking. Including advice from other introverts or highly sensitive people, and two self-tests for sensitive and introverted traits, this book provides a deeper understanding of introversion and high sensitivity and gives those with these personality types greater faith and courage in their own talents.

On Doing Nothing: Finding Inspiration in Idleness

by Roman Muradov

In an age of obsessive productivity and stress, this illustrated ode to idleness invites readers to explore the pleasures and possibilities of slowing down. Beloved author and illustrator Roman Muradov weaves together the words and stories of artists, writers, philosophers, and eccentrics who have pursued inspiration by doing less. He reveals that doing nothing is both easily achievable and absolutely essential to leading an enjoyable and creative life. Cultivating idleness can be as simple as taking a long walk without a destination or embracing chance in the creative process. Peppered with playful illustrations, this ebook is a refreshing and thought-provoking read.

On Point: Life Lessons from the "Columnists" Interviews in WSJ. Magazine

by Wsj Magazine Kristina O'Neill

From WSJ. Magazine's popular monthly "Columnists" feature, ON POINT is a collection of inspiring wisdom for the modern age. "Good advice," says writer Cheryl Strayed, "is simply about sharing your perspective." This concise, but powerful insight is one of the countless invaluable lessons shared in On Point. Here, hundreds of luminaries, across a diverse spectrum of professions and backgrounds, offer their hard-won knowledge "On Success," "On Fear," "On Solitude," "On Obsession," "On Risk," and about dozens of other compelling and universal topics. Based on WSJ. Magazine's "Columnist" page, which debuted in 2013, ON POINT collects the very best of these interviews, from Dwayne Wade on Discipline and Simone Biles on Impulse to Yoko Ono on Patience and Sarah Jessica Parker on Transformation. The result is a beautifully designed, giftable book that informs, delights, and inspires. Each of the 250+ entries in ON POINT is accompanied by an iconic stipple drawing of the contributor.

On Quiet

by Nikki Gemmell

Internationally bestselling author Nikki Gemmell writes on the power of quiet in today's shouty world. Quiet comes as a shock in these troubled times. Quietism means 'devotional contemplation and abandonment of the will ... a calm acceptance of things as they are'. Gemmell makes the case for why quiet is steadily gaining ground in this noisy age: Why we need it now more than ever. How to glean quiet, hold on to it, and work within it.

On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old

by Parker J. Palmer

Parker J. PalmerOn the Brink of EverythingGrace, Gravity, and Getting OldFrom beloved and bestselling author Parker J. Palmer (Let Your Life Speak, The Courage to Teach, Healing the Heart of Democracy) comes a brave and beautiful book of reflections on eight decades of life and work. Reframing aging as “a passage of discovery and engagement,” Palmer says, “Old is just another word for nothing left to lose, a time to take bigger risks on behalf of the common good.”On the Brink of Everything is not a “guide to” or “handbook for” getting old. Instead, it's Palmer turning the prism of insight on his experience as a way of encouraging readers to do the same with theirs. In elegant prose and lyrical poetry, he offers a set of meditations on the meanings of one's life, past, present, and future. “The laws of nature that dictate the sunset dictate our demise,” Palmer writes. “But how we travel the arc between our own sunrise and sundown is ours to choose: will it be denial, defiance, or collaboration?”With gravity and levity, compassion and chutzpah, Palmer writes about cultivating a robust inner and outer life, a sense of meaning and purpose amid pain as well as joy, and the intergenerational relations that enhance the lives of young and old alike. Here's a book not only for elders but also for those younger folks we call “old souls.”And this book sings! It includes three songs by Palmer's longtime friend and colleague, singer-songwriter Carrie Newcomer, written in response to themes in the book. At the download site for the songs, Palmer and Newcomer hope to engage readers in an ongoing conversation about what Howard Thurman called “the growing edge” of our personal and public lives.Ultimately, Palmer sees age as a precious gift: “The fact that I've come this far makes me one of the lucky ones.” Surprised by the fact that he likes being old, he writes, “Welcome to the brink of everything. It takes a lifetime to get here, but the stunning view and the wake-up breeze in your face make it worth the trip.”

One Beautiful Dream: The Rollicking Tale of Family Chaos, Personal Passions, and Saying Yes to Them Both

by Jennifer Fulwiler Melanie Shankle

Pursue your passions, love your family, and say goodbye to guilt—pipe dream or possibility? Work and family, individuality and motherhood, the creative life and family life—women are told constantly that they can’t have it all. One Beautiful Dream is the deeply personal, often humorous tale of what happened when one woman dared to believe that you can have it all—if you’re willing to reimagine what having it all looks like. Jennifer Fulwiler is the last person you might expect to be the mother of six young children. First of all, she’s an introvert only child, self-described workaholic, and former atheist who never intended to have a family. Oh, and Jennifer has a blood-clotting disorder exacerbated by pregnancy that has threatened her life on more than one occasion.One Beautiful Dream is the story of what happens when one woman embarks on the wild experiment of chasing her dreams with multiple kids in diapers. It’s the tale of learning that opening your life to others means that everything will get noisy and chaotic, but that it is in this mess that you’ll find real joy.Jennifer’s quest takes her in search of wisdom from a cast of colorful characters, including her Ivy-League-educated husband, her Texan mother-in-law who crushes wasps with her fist while arguing with wrong number calls about politics, and a best friend who’s never afraid to tell it like it is. Through it all, Jennifer moves toward the realization that the life you need is not the life you would have originally chosen for yourself. And maybe, just maybe, it’s better that way.Hilarious, highly relatable, and brutally honest, Jennifer’s story will spark clarity and comfort to your own tug-of-war between all that is good and beautiful about family life and the incredible sacrifice it entails. Parenthood, personal ambitions, family planning, and faith—it’s complicated. Let this book be your invitation to the unexpected, yet beautiful dream of saying yes to them all, with God’s help.

One Heart at a Time

by Delilah

“You’re listening to Delilah.”Delilah, the most listened to woman on American radio, has distinguished herself as the “Queen of Sappy Love Songs” and America’s ultimate romance guru. But Delilah’s life off-air is all the more extraordinary—a life full of trials, forgiveness, faith, and adventure. In One Heart at a Time, Delilah’s heartfelt account of her own story reveals what shaped the voice that 9 million listeners know and love.Today, Delilah is the founder of an NGO called Point Hope, the owner of a 55-acre working farm, and an inductee of the National Radio Hall of Fame. But to achieve this, she often had to pave her own way. Disowned by her father, divorced, and fired from a dozen jobs over the years, Delilah pushed forward through family addiction and devastating loss, through glass ceilings and red tape. Her consistent goal to help those in need took her everywhere from the streets of Philadelphia to refugee camps in Ghana.Along the way, Delilah was blessed by 13 children, 10 of them adopted. Though many of them contend with special needs and the forever effects of a broken foster care system, her children have been able to transform their own remarkable lessons into guiding lights for other kids in need. Just as Delilah has done.One Heart at a Time exposes the real woman behind the microphone. In her easy-going style and characteristic, beloved voice, Delilah tells her deeply moving life story as the series of miracles it is.A portion of proceeds will be donated to Point Hope.

One Minute to Zen: Go From Hot Mess to Mindful Mom in One Minute or Less

by Ali Katz

From the political climate to natural disasters, to managing the stress and overwhelm of everyday life, women have more to deal with than ever. Life feels overwhelming and exhausting much of the time. The third in her Hot Mess to Mindful Mom series, One Minute to Zen will provide numerous tools to help deal with stress in one minute, the same amount of time it can take for all hell to break loose! When teaching moms across the country, while giving talks to corporations, and across Ali’s thriving social media channels, people are asking for more tools to use quickly and effectively to help recover from the stress they face in daily life. In One Minute to Zen, Ali has compiled a list of tools that make it possible to recalibrate, achieve balance, and recover from stress quickly and with ease, in order to live a more mindful and joyful life. Known for her authenticity and relatability, Ali shares personal stories and anecdotes to help connect her audience and show how to really put her suggestions to use. The goal is to put these tools into the hands of every mother who needs them (we all do!) and also teach them how to pass them on to their children, thus creating in each family a chain reaction of calm and confidence when faced with challenges big and small.

Only One Life: How a Woman's Every Day Shapes an Eternal Legacy

by Jackie Green Bill High Lauren Green McAfee

Life keeps us running so fast and frenzied that we often lose sight of each day’s holy potential. Yet as a woman loved and called by God, your ordinary everyday matters more than you could possibly imagine. Your choices today shape the legacy you leave for future generations. You are part of a story that has existed long before you and will long outlast you. And you can play a unique and irreplaceable role.In Only One Life, mother-and-daughter team Jackie Green and Lauren McAfee invite you to join the company of women God is using to change the world. Through vivid portraits of women of the Bible, women of history, and women shaping the world today, you will discover how God multiplies seemingly small daily offerings of faithfulness. Come and see your own story reflected in the lives of women such as:Mary Magdalene, the first witness to Jesus’s resurrection.Catherine Booth, an early apologist for women’s rights and co-founder of the Salvation Army.Christine Caine, a contemporary speaker and human rights activistAnd other ordinary women who have done extraordinary things, including Harriet Tubman, Queen Esther, Lottie Moon, and Joni Eareckson Tada.Building a legacy through your “only one life” is not a calling for the elite few. It is a calling for you—as a woman with unique capacity to shape the future through your faith, family, gifts, and leadership. Only One Life will encourage and empower you to develop grit, grace, and the long view—able to change your world forever—starting today.

Open Wide: A Radically Real Guide to Deep Love, Rocking Relationships, and Soulful Sex

by Melissa Ambrosini

Rocking relationships with your family and friends. A soulmate who gets you on the deepest level. And the best soulful sex of your life. Anything is possible with Melissa Ambrosini by your side! From the bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide is the definitive guide to fulfilling and intimate 21st-century relationships, delving into everything from cultivating self-confidence, to unleashing your inner goddess, to forming lasting friendships . . . and even to experiencing toe-curling orgasms on demand. Called a "self-love guru" by Elle magazine, Melissa is a voice for the modern woman. Rather than the preachy tone that plagues many relationship guides, she's your supportive best friend sharing her wisdom in a way that makes your journey fun and simple. Full of electric insights, deeply personal stories, and genuine &‘aha' moments, Open Wide serves up real tools and relatable advice that you can put into action immediately for lasting results. A powerful, life-altering read, Open Wide gives you practical tools you can start using immediately to rewrite your future, create authentic connections, and experience heart-bursting love.

The Opposite of Hate: A Field Guide to Repairing Our Humanity

by Sally Kohn

“A stunning debut by a truly gifted writer—an eye-opening read for both liberals and conservatives—and it could not come at a better time.”—Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Option B, with Sheryl Sandberg What is the opposite of hate? As a progressive commentator on Fox News and now CNN, Sally Kohn has made a career out of bridging intractable political differences and learning how to talk respectfully with people whose views she disagrees with passionately. Her viral TED Talk on the need to practice emotional—rather than political—correctness sparked a new way of considering how often we amplify our differences and diminish our connections. But these days even famously “nice” Kohn finds herself wanting to breathe fire at her enemies. It was time, she decided, to look into the epidemic of hate all around us and learn how we can stop it. In The Opposite of Hate, Kohn talks to leading scientists and researchers and investigates the evolutionary and cultural roots of hate and how incivility can be a gateway to much worse. She travels to Rwanda, the Middle East, and across the United States, introducing us to former terrorists and white supremacists, and even some of her own Twitter trolls, drawing surprising lessons from dramatic and inspiring stories of those who left hate behind. As Kohn confronts her own shameful moments, whether it was back when she bullied a classmate or today when she harbors deep partisan resentment, she discovers, “The opposite of hate is the beautiful and powerful reality of how we are all fundamentally linked and equal as human beings. The opposite of hate is connection.” Sally Kohn’s engaging, fascinating, and often funny book will open your eyes and your heart.

Oración Visual: Cómo Crear un Mural de Visión Espiritual

by Dr Crystal Green Brown

Nuestras mentes responden con firmeza a la estimulación visual. Una manera poderosa de hacer que nuestros objetivos den fruto es creando murales de visión que utilicen fotos, imágenes y afirmaciones como representación tangible de nuestros sueños, metas y vida ideal; sin embargo, cuando consideramos el uso del mural de visión como una forma de oración visual, no solo añadimos otra dimensión a nuestra experiencia de oración, sino que también creamos un mural de visión que va más allá de la religión para involucrar a nuestro espíritu e iluminar nuestra alma. En el libro Oración Visual: cómo crear un mural de visión espiritual, la Dra. Green Brown comparte esta filosofía del libre albedrío a través de un proceso de 4 pasos que también puedes utilizar para crear una de las herramientas de visualización más valiosas que existen: un mural de visión espiritual.

El Oráculo de la numerología

by Lía Vanesa Cruz Sanz

Aprende a realizar tu Mapa Numerológico Completo y el de los demás de manera profesional. Este libro está pensado para que la gente aprenda desde la comodidad de su casa a hacer su mapa numerológico completo y sepa también realizarlo a los demás de manera personal hasta profesional. <P><P>Esta forma de aplicar la Numerología la empleo en mis consultas para extraer las informaciones más relevantes para las personas. Conocerás tu misión en esta encarnación y las vibraciones que más te favorecen, como las que pueden condicionarte si no las empleas correctamente. <P><P> Este libro es inédito porque además de las vibraciones habituales 1-9 -los números dobles, los maestros-, también hago un recorrido por los números triples, cuádruples y quíntuples y su incidencia en la vida. Aporto como novedad la llave maestra para activar a estas últimas vibraciones en caso de tenerlas, para que te faciliten el acceso a una puerta hacia otras dimensiones de energía, energías trascendentales. <P><P>También a modo de oráculo, te beneficiarás con las ilustraciones, para que te ayuden a incorporar la vibración de cada número y entender mejor su interpretación. ¡Disfruta estudiando el arte de la Numerología!

The Other Side of Happiness: Embracing a More Fearless Approach to Living

by Dr. Brock Bastian

'Required reading ... Brock Bastian expertly picks apart the fundamental idea that humans thrive when they approach pleasure and avoid pain, explaining why hardship sometimes yields richer lives that are laden with meaning, deep social connections, and unexpected bliss' Adam Alter, author of Drunk Tank Pink In today's culture, happiness has become the new marker of success, while hardships are viewed as personal weaknesses, or problems to be fixed. We increasingly try to eradicate pain through medication and by insulating ourselves from risk and offence, despite being the safest generation to have ever lived. Yet in his research, renowned social psychologist Brock Bastian has found that suffering and sadness are neither antithetical to happiness nor incidental to it: they are a necessary ingredient for emotional well-being.Drawing on psychology, neuroscience and internationally acclaimed findings from Bastian's own lab, The Other Side of Happiness encourages us to take a more fearless approach to living. The most thrilling moments of our lives are often balanced on a knife edge between pleasure and pain, whether it is finding your true love, holding your new-born for the first time, finishing a marathon or even plunging into an icy sea. This is because pain and the threat of loss quite literally increase our capacity for happiness, as Bastian reveals, making us stronger, more resilient, more connected to other people and more attuned to what truly matters. Pain even makes us more mindful, since in our darkest moments we are especially focused and aware of the world around us. Our addiction to positivity and the pursuit of pleasure is actually making us miserable. Brock Bastian shows that, without some pain, we have no real way to achieve and appreciate the kind of happiness that is true and transcendent.

Our Canada Our Country Our Stories

by Our Canada Magazine a Division of Reader's Digest Gary George

An inspirational collection of stories from Our Canada magazine submitted and told by Canadians. Let’s shine a spotlight on the talents and good works of everyday Canadians across the country, drawing upon material from the following magazine departments: Showcase, Cause for Applause, Crafty Canadians and Canadians Abroad. A blend of first-person stories, accompanying photos, and sidebar highlights/factoids on related fields of endeavour. Stories will be pulled directly from our most popular sections of the Our Canada magazine: Showcase: Celebrates the talents of everyday Canadians—from painters, dancers and singers to acrobats, deep-sea divers, racecar drivers and more. Valour: True stories that commemorate the sacrifices of our brave men and women in uniform. Produced in association with Veteran Voices of Canada along with Special Remeberance pages. Cause for Applause: A nod to “good works” and deeds that benefit others. Crafty Canadians: Arts and crafts, from the traditional to the avant-garde. Canadians Abroad: Ex-pat Canadians tell us where they’re at and what they’re up to. Community: Canadians celebrate their communities, lifestyle, passion, culture, and inclusivness. Adventure: From camping on the tundra to motoring cross-country, here are tall tales for the adventurer.

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