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The Passion Book: A Tibetan Guide to Love and Sex (Buddhism and Modernity)

by Thupten Jinpa Donald S. Lopez Jr. Gendun Chopel

The PassionBook is the most famous work of erotica in the vast literature of Tibetan Buddhism, written by the legendary scholar and poet Gendun Chopel (1903-1951). Soon after arriving in India in 1934, he discovered the Kama Sutra. Realizing that this genre of the erotic was unknown in Tibet, he set out to correct the situation. His sources were two: classical Sanskrit works and his own experiences with his lovers. Completed in 1939, his “treatise on passion” circulated in manuscript form in Tibet, scandalizing and arousing its readers. Gendun Chopel here condemns the hypocrisy of both society and church, portraying sexual pleasure as a force of nature and a human right for all. On page after page, we find the exuberance of someone discovering the joys of sex, made all the more intense because they had been forbidden to him for so long: he had taken the monastic vow of celibacy in his youth and had only recently renounced it. He describes in ecstatic and graphic detail the wonders he discovered. In these poems, written in beautiful Tibetan verse, we hear a voice with tints of irony, self-deprecating wit, and a love of women not merely as sources of male pleasure but as full partners in the play of passion.

The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships

by Suzanne Stabile

Most of us have no idea how others see or process their experiences. And that can make relationships hard, whether with intimate partners, with friends, or in our professional lives. Understanding the motivations and dynamics of these different personality types can be the key that unlocks sometimes mystifying behavior in others—and in ourselves. This book from Suzanne Stabile on the nine Enneagram types and how they behave and experience relationships will guide readers into deeper insights about themselves, their types, and others' personalities so that they can have healthier, more life-giving relationships. No one is better equipped than Suzanne Stabile, coauthor, with Ian Morgan Cron, of The Road Back to You, to share the Enneagram's wisdom on how relationships work—or don’t. • Why do Sixes seem so intimidated and put off by Eights, who only wish the Sixes would stop mulling things over and take action? • Why do Fives seem so unavailable, even to their closest family and friends, while Twos seem to feel everybody else’s feelings but their own and end up irritating people who don’t want their help? • How in the world can Fours be so open and loving to you one day and restrained and distant other times? The Enneagram not only answers these questions but gives us a way out of our usual finger pointing and judging of other people—and finding them wanting, perplexing, or impossible. Suzanne’s generous, sometimes humorous, and always insightful approach reveals why all the types behave as they do. This book offers help in fostering more loving, mature, and compassionate relationships with everyone in our lives.

The Path Between Us Study Guide

by Suzanne Stabile

How do we understand the motivations and dynamics of the different personality types we see in our intimate partners, our friends, or in our professional lives? This six-session study guide is a content-rich companion to Suzanne Stabile’s The Path Between Us, exploring the nine Enneagram types and how they experience relationships. Individuals and groups will gain deeper insights about themselves, their types, and others’ personalities so that they can have loving, mature, and compassionate relationships.

Patti d'amore

by Juan Pedropablo Anna Del Riso

Fin dall'inizio della creazione, e per un lungo periodo di tempo della storia dell’umanità fino ad ora, alcune scintille divine hanno deciso di incarnarsi sulla terra. Fu allora che ebbero origine i Complementi Divini o anche chiamate Anime Gemelle, che dopo un processo di densificazione sono entrate nel nostro sistema solare per compiere la loro evoluzione esperienzale e ad un certo punto tornare a incontrarsi con un fine più alto e più sublime, ottenere l'ascensione, oppure tornare a casa. Queste Anime belle, che contengono l'essenza stessa della divinità, non sono qualcosa di lontano, qualcosa che appartiene a un altro mondo o dimensione. Molte di loro vivono e coesistono proprio qui sul nostro pianeta, in modo palpabile e tangibile come la vita stessa. “Alleanze d'Amore” ci presenta in modo semplice, pratico e rivelatore due storie di persone che hanno sperimentato questo magico incontro della loro essenza, attraverso le loro esperienze reali possiamo riconoscere e ricordare che l'Amore Eterno e Sacro è una Realtà . Non c'è dubbio che questo libro vi farà porre delle domande che ci porteranno ad indagare di più su questo entusiasmante tema e ci faranno ricordare dei percorsi che forse sono stati dimenticati. Una testimonianza scritta come un romanzo, che si incarna in parole ed eventi che rivelano al lettore la realtà dell'amore puro, concreto e spiritualizzato, vissuto ore e da sempre da tempo immemorabile. Un libro sui generis, una storia d'amore fatta di mail, messaggi ed esperienze. Un tuffo nei ricordi, un amore unico raccontato da due fronti. I protagonisti Mariela, José Marìa, Juan e Maria in un intreccio che confonde presente e passato, vivono l'esperienza dell'amore delle anime gemelle, fatto di esperienze extrasensoriali, momenti di domande e di esplosione di amore. Leggere questo romanzo vi farà riflettere sull'esistenza del vero amore, s

Paul's Prayers: A Mother's Account of Raising an Autistic Son

by Susan Anderson

Recipient of the Catholic Writers Guild 2018 Seal of Approval“A journey of compassion, frustration, and triumph . . . Anderson’s love for her son marks this beautiful portrait of family and faith.” —Publishers WeeklyPaul's Prayers is the story of a moderately autistic young man navigating life with a spiritual intelligence that runs further than most people can walk. Written by Paul's mother, this insightful memoir gives readers a unique look at the challenges and joys of raising her autistic son in a large Catholic family. The first of six children, Paul's early years were an exciting and confusing time for his parents. At the time, very little information on autism and its early signs was available, and the fact that the disorder is a spectrum ranging from mild to severe was not widely known. Unpredictable outbursts and sensitivities to light and schedule disruptions lead Paul's parents to refer to his condition as "The Marauder." The Marauder sweeps over the hospital nursery as the fluorescent lights blind Paul's eyes. The Marauder throws his black cape over the Christmas holidays, stealing four-year-old Paul's speech for three long days. In school, The Marauder keeps other students at bay, leaving Paul isolated and alone. Finally a developmental assessment gives some clarity to the exhausted family: Paul is on the autism spectrum, and they will all have to adjust their perspectives. Small victories emerge as Paul begins to reach developmental milestones in creative ways. Six years of piano lessons lead to a dramatic improvement in reading skills. A jaunt through the mountains with his father introduces Paul to his talent for running; with his brothers, he joins the high school cross country running team, which goes on to win the state championship. After high school, Paul works for the family business and attends college. Throughout this intimate memoir, every day is a challenge to be met with creative thinking, patience, and faith. Paul finds comfort in contemplative prayer and the support of his family when the world around him becomes too chaotic. As her son grows up, Susan Anderson learns how to cope with autism and embrace the importance of faith in the things unseen. Her family's experience is a beacon of light for those who find themselves on a similar path.

Pause Every Day: 20 mindful practices for calm & clarity

by Danielle Marchant Danielle North

Pause Every Day is a beautiful collection of mindful practices that you can dip in and out of either daily or when you are feeling in the need of a little calm, clarity or space to think. In today's fast-paced world, it is easy for our minds to become so busy that we can no longer see clearly, feel at peace or get a restful night's sleep. The guided 'pauses' are divided into sections: Pause for Calm Pause for VitalityPause for Restful Sleep Pause for Perspective Pause for Clarity Pause for Gratitude Pause for TechnologyEngaging the physical body, the mind and the emotions, Pause Every Day teaches you in less than 10 minutes a day how to bring the power of pausing into all the challenges and opportunities you are faced with in everyday life.

Pause Every Day: 20 mindful practices for calm & clarity

by Danielle Marchant

Pause Every Day is a beautiful collection of mindful practices that you can dip in and out of either daily or when you are feeling in the need of a little calm, clarity or space to think. In today's fast-paced world, it is easy for our minds to become so busy that we can no longer see clearly, feel at peace or get a restful night's sleep. The guided 'pauses' are divided into sections: Pause for Calm Pause for VitalityPause for Restful Sleep Pause for Perspective Pause for Clarity Pause for Gratitude Pause for TechnologyEngaging the physical body, the mind and the emotions, Pause Every Day teaches you in less than 10 minutes a day how to bring the power of pausing into all the challenges and opportunities you are faced with in everyday life.

Peace of Mind - The Key for Happiness: Is it possible to find peace in the midst of a storm?

by Elvira Sousa Danilo Henrique Gomes

Peace is possible. You only have to find it within your Self, where it already exists. Let's learn how to enjoy and use it. Human beings are prone to infinite development within their limitations. Bearing this in mind, I have to ask you this question." How many of your abilities are not being used?" Yes, you do have a lot of abilities which have been in "sleep mode". Most of them remain in silence and hidden in the depth of your brain waiting for something that can make them wake up. Inner peace is the trigger to make them rise and shine. We cannot buy peace as any other product or commodity. It's not for sale or negotiable. If you want to achieve it, you will have to put into practice some simple yet challenging actions, mainly due to the frantic pace current society demands from us. By reading this bokk, you will learn how to - clean your mind - face your problems - cherish your mental health - develop your self-confidence - achieve self-control - apply several techniques And much more! This book will help you move forward in your mental and physical development process. If you are willing to apply what you are about to learn, you will get ready to change the way you think and act for the better.

Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond

by Sharon Ferrett

This best-selling text presents new and returning college students with practical, hands-on strategies for increasing their performance inside and outside the classroom. Peak Performance helps students make the connection between their academic efforts and their job and life skills. Students learn a variety of personal productivity skills related to positive work and study habits, as well as creative problem-solving, organizational, and interpersonal skills. <p><p> This new edition includes the latest issues affecting students, such as campus safety and changing technology. Also, more "how to" information gives students even more opportunity to put the material into practice. The revised design and new illustrations help visual learners understand key theories and concepts and provide more practical applications.

A Pebble for Your Thoughts: How One Kindness Rock At the Right Moment Can Change Your Life

by Megan Murphy

#1 New Release in Rocks & Minerals - Kindness Rocks as seen on the Today showFans of The Kindness Challenge and the Chicken Soup For The Soul books will love A Pebble for Your Thoughts.A rock for each kindness. It all started with a single stone on a beach in Cape Cod and now spans the globe. The Kindness Rocks Project, founded by Megan Murphy, is based on the profound truth that one kind message at the right moment can change someone’s day, their outlook, and their whole life. The project has become an international grassroots movement! The messages on these thoughtful pebbles take many forms: gratitude, affirmations, encouragement, offers of hope, all signposts along the way for someone to find at exactly the right time.Kindness matters. Now more than ever, people are longing for kindness and connection. During these uncertain times, daily news reports focus on disturbing events of terrorism, gun violence, senseless murders and political bickering. We are bombarded with images that evoke fear and hostility. A Pebble for Your Thoughts provides a positive counteraction to all this negativity.Learn to be kinder to yourself and others. Sometimes, all it takes is just one simple positive message to change your perspective and that is what this book aims to do. Through visual photos of inspirational Kindness rocks, readers can connect the meaning of the rock to their life situations or circumstances. Instructions on how to create your own rock are also included.What people will learn from this book:How to cultivate compassion and connectionHow to grow through hard timesAffirmations to boost self-esteem and offer hope in hard timesHow one act of kindness can change a lifeA completely unique kind of art therapy for healing and helpingThe power of kindness in one small pebble

El pediatra en tu casa: Todas las respuestas sobre la salud de tus hijos

by Martín Gruenberg

En este libro, el doctor Martín Gruenberg responde las consultas más frecuentes que escuchó en su consultorio a través de años de dedicación a la pediatría ambulatoria, esas preguntas que todas las madres y los padres alguna vez se hacen sobre la salud de sus hijos, desde la etapa prenatal hasta el comienzo de la adolescencia. ¿Cuál es la mejor forma de medir la fiebre? ¿Cuánto tiempo puede estar mi bebé sin tomar el pecho? ¿Cómo le explico a mi hijo que lo van a operar? E pediatra en tu casa es una guía pensada para todos aquellos padres que intentan despejar las dudas sobre la salud de sus hijos buscando en internet las causas de los síntomas y las explicaciones terminan generándoles siempre mayor angustia y preocupación. En este libro, el reconocido pediatra y autor de ¡Vamos a dormir! Martín Gruenberg responde las preguntas más frecuentes que escuchó en el consultorio a través de los años -esas que todas las madres y los padres alguna vez se hacen- y que abarcan desde la etapa prenatal hasta el comienzo de la adolescencia. De fácil lectura y doble vía de acceso a la información: puede consultarse según las etapas de desarrollo (prenatal, menores de tres meses, el primer año de vida, el segundo año de vida, de tres a seis años, mayores de seis) o por temas (infecciones, problemas digestivos, problemas respiratorios, del aparato locomotor, neurológicos y psicoemocionales, problemas genitales). «Consultar siempre genera serenidad. Y cuando los padres se sienten tranquilos y seguros, pueden contener y acompañar mejor a sus hijos.»Martín Gruenberg

People I Met at the Gates of Heaven: Who Is Going to Be There Because of You?

by Cecil Murphey Don Piper

This is the book you've been waiting for! Picking up where bestselling 90 Minutes in Heaven left off, Don Piper reveals for the first time the sacred, intimate details of the people who met him at the gates of heaven and the profound impact they had on his faith on earth.In this incredible follow-up to his eight-million-copy bestseller, 90 Minutes in Heaven, Don Piper shares untold stories about his encounters with people who greeted him at the gates of heaven, and offers powerful insights about the way for us to live our lives on earth. Don Piper's unforgettable account of a horrific car accident that took his life, and what happened next has riveted more than eight million readers. Something happened as he shared his story in the years since. Not only did Piper realize he had more to tell, he had yet to share the most sacred and intimate details of his time in heaven about the people who met him at the gates. "I have never left a speaking engagement without people wanting to know more," he said in THE PEOPLE I MET IN HEAVEN, Piper takes readers deeper into his experience, which includes never-before-told encounters with the people who met him when he arrived in heaven-those who helped him on his journey that led to the entrance to God's heavenly home. Even more, Piper recounts the majesty of heaven and the glorious reunion that awaits us there. He offers practical insights, inspiration, and a challenging call that while we're on earth we need to obey Jesus' command to "go and make disciples of all nations."

Perfect Is Boring: 10 Things My Crazy, Fierce Mama Taught Me About Beauty, Booty, and Being a Boss

by Tyra Banks Carolyn London

<P>Supermodel and super CEO of our time Tyra Banks and her mother Carolyn show readers why when you kick perfection to the curb and showcase your unique beauty ain't nobody gonna stop you! <P>In Perfect Is Boring, Tyra Banks and her mother, Carolyn, get raw, real and cray-in-a-good-way as they share what they’ve learned on Tyra’s journey from insecure preteen to supermodel and entrepreneurial powerhouse. <P>Though she’ll be the first to tell you she is not her daughter’s best friend—‘cause she ain’t that kinda mama!—there’s no doubt that Carolyn’s signature mix of pep talks and tough love got Tyra to where she is today, and here they pay it forward to empower readers with a reminder that perfect really isn’t all that. <P>Whether they’re writing about watching Tyra’s most imperfect moment go viral (Does “Be Quiet Tiffany!” ring any bells?), no-holds-barred sex talks or how they’ve overcome everything from fashion industry discrimination to media fat-shaming and a misguided attempt at a music career, they never lose their sense of humor or we-got-your-back-spirit. <P>Full of smart, wise, and often hilarious lessons for mothers, daughters, fathers and sons everywhere—including “Take Responsibility for Yourself,” “Lip Gloss + Pizza Sauce = Boss,” and “Fix It or Flaunt It”—Perfect Is Boring is a must-read for anyone who needs a kick in the booty, a pat on the back, or a good reason to laugh-out-loud.

Perfecting Patience: Buddhist Techniques to Overcome Ange (Core Teachings of Dalai Lama)

by The Dalai Lama

In the days of extremism and severely divisive belief systems, learning patience and compassion practices (from the modern master of patience and compassion) is more valuable than ever.All of the world’s major religions emphasize the importance of love, compassion, and tolerance. This is particularly true in the Buddhist traditions, which unanimously state that compassion and love are the foundation of all paths of practice. To cultivate the potential for compassion and love inherent within us, it is crucial to counteract their opposing forces of anger and hatred. In Perfecting Patience, the Dalai Lama shows how, through the practice of patience and tolerance, we can overcome the obstacles of anger and hatred. He bases his discussion on A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life, the classic work on the activities of bodhisattvas—those who aspire to attain full enlightenment in order to benefit all beings. This book was previously published under the title Healing Anger.

The Perfection Detox: Tame Your Inner Critic, Live Bravely, and Unleash Your Joy

by Petra Kolber

Award-winning fitness professional and consultant shares a practical, accessible program to help women replace destructive perfectionistic mindsets with concrete strategies and life-changing tips. Tired. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Just one more email, one more meeting with the kid's teacher, oh and lose that last five pounds. Today, women are striving for perfection more than ever -- and feeling like failures for not meeting unattainable goals. Health and wellness expert Petra Kolber knows this intimately; as a dancer and fitness professional, she's experienced the ultimately dissatisfying quest for perfection. Her Perfection Detox program helps women to overcome the unhealthy, unproductive demands we place on ourselves -- and others. Based on her popular workshops, Kolber's strategies help women to recognize and constructively root out the perfectionistic impulse to be critical of self or others and to harness the power of our own internal resources, willpower, and habits. With simple steps and strategies such as adjusting your internal monologue, cleaning up your vocabulary to include more positive language, becoming a passionist rather than a perfectionist, and more, The Perfection Detox is an essential guide to a healthy, full, authentic life.

Performance Management Success

by Anthony L. Barth Wiaan De Beer

This book provides managers, leaders and practitioners with a dynamic framework that links several variables associated with performance management which can be applied across organizations and industries worldwide. Based on empirical evidence and experiences, this book provides a critical understanding of the interrelationship of organizational culture with performance management process (PMP) planning and implementation. The elements of the framework are approached from a macro-level-view and are balanced with conciseness and realism based on applied success studies, making this book a valuable educational, training and development resource tool for leaders and managers at all levels. The topic of performance in organizations is like the weather--everyone likes to talk about it, but few understand what is truly happening--or understand why? Individuals and organizations are no different when it comes to performance, regardless of performance level of focus: individual, team, unit, or organization-wide. Teams and organizations often miss opportunities to not only improve performance, but also leverage and sustain high performance. Organizational performance, organizational culture and organizational success are interrelated and should reinforce one another. This can be achieved through an effective performance management process (PMP) that lives, functions and thrives at multiple levels within institutions. This book will help organizations and institutions achieve performance management success by identifying comment elements, along with some patterned variation, that are applicable to a successful PMP. Featuring hands-on resource reference tools for immediate use and application, this book is useful for leaders, managers, scholars, students and policy makers in management, leadership, and organizational culture.

Permanent Marker: A Memoir

by Aimee Ross

“Aimee’s story reminds us that even when our truths don’t reveal themselves in the ways we wish they would, we can always choose how those truths shape, rather than define, our lives.”-Darin Strauss, author of Half a Life“Aimee Ross possesses an indomitable spirit and fierce humor that breathe new life into every page.”-Jill Christman, author of Darkroom and Borrowed Babies: Apprenticing for MotherhoodAimee Ross was living a perfectly normal life raising three kids, married to her high school sweetheart, and teaching at her high school alma mater. Life was perfect—right until it wasn’t.Unhappy in her marriage, Aimee asked for a divorce. Three days later, she suffered a heart attack at age forty-one. Five months after that, she survived a near-fatal car crash caused by an intoxicated driver. Her physical recovery took months and left her body marked by scars. The emotional recovery, though, would take longer, as Aimee sought to forgive the man who almost killed her—and to forgive herself for tearing apart her family.Aimee Ross writes with candor, wit, and humor as she finds the power in her story and chronicles her transformation into the woman she was always meant to be.Permanent Marker takes readers on a journey of healing, proving that from darkness can come new light, new love, and a renewed purpose for life.“A remarkable story of healing, courage, and finding the strength it takes to rewrite your life’s story.”-Tina Neidlein, humor writer and author of The Girl’s Guide and It’s a Mom Thing

Permission Granted: Changing the Paradigm for Women in Leadership

by Marcia A. Coné

A clear, accessible approach to aligning your thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors with what you truly want so you can live the best life you deserve. Do you feel like you’re waiting for something to happen? Waiting and hoping that someone or something will transform your current situation? Many successful leaders find themselves frustrated and stuck. You work hard, do the right thing, play by the rules, and still feel like you don’t know how to shift gears to achieve what you really want. Writing with warmth and insight, Marcia Coné shares an inspiring and supportive approach for managing your professional growth. Building on her insight and experience in leadership, Marcia offers opportunities for discovering and understanding your current situation from a different, more aligned perspective. When you tap into your ability to change your circumstances, you can much more easily achieve what you most want. Permission Granted is profoundly actionable. It is imbued with a positive outlook about change—why it can be difficult, how to engage on a personal level, and how to reframe your success. Experience the magic that happens when you align your thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors with what you truly want.

Permission to Put Yourself First: Questions, Exercises, and Advice to Transform All Your Relationships

by Nancy Levin

New in paperback: Worthy author Nancy Levin shows you how to turn the old model of relationship on its head and build something better and more fulfilling than you've had before.Are you ready to go back to the drawing board in your love life--and end up more satisfied than you've ever been before? In these pages, master coach Nancy Levin takes a truly fresh look at relationships, showing you how to build them better from the ground up--or perform some skillful renovations.Newly available in paperback, Permission to Put Yourself First is for you if you fit any of these profiles: you're single and looking for a new relationship beyond what you've experienced before . . . you're happy alone but looking toward a great relationship in the future . . . you're divorced and determined never to do that again . . . or you're recovering from the death of a partner and unsure what's next. It's also for you if you're currently in a relationship that you want to refresh and restore; a relationship that challenges or threatens your boundaries; a relationship you're not sure you can salvage; or a relationship you recognize as the exact right teacher for you, even if it's not easy.Essentially, this book is for you if you're ready for something more in relationship than what the old models have offered. It's based on the essential truth that relationship is first and foremost where we learn to love ourselves. Drawing on many of the same exercises she uses with her clients, Nancy guides you through a 10-step process to dissolve your emotional and psychological roadblocks to self-love so you can have the relationship you truly desire.

Personal Stress Management: From Surviving to Thriving

by Dianne Hales Julia Hales

This book equips you with the insights and skills you need to conquer the demands ahead, and give you relief when stress levels rise. Written by health and psychology experts, this book delivers specific strategies for tackling common campus stressors, including academics, time management, and relationship issues. You’ll learn helpful, easy strategies for changing your perspective and responding to stress with confidence and resilience, empowering you to manage even the most difficult situations and come out on top--in the classroom, in the workplace, and in life. This book engages you with practical tools you can use immediately, incorporating the latest insights from neuroscience, exercise physiology, nutrition, and medicine, while highlighting healthy habits like regular exercise and good nutrition to prevent burnout.

Personality Hacker: Harness the Power of Your Personality Type to Transform Your Work, Relationships, and Life

by Joel Mark Witt Antonia Dodge

Hack Your Personality Type to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Success.Delve into this interactive guidebook to hack your mind and uncover your core identity. Get past superficial markers of identity and discover the full makings of your personality type. Recognizing all aspects of who you really are will improve your confidence, compassion, decision-making process and success.Written by the hosts of the popular podcast Personality Hacker, this book shows how your mind is naturally wired. It provides the information and tools you need to harness the power of your personality type and realize your full potential, including: • Detailed Personality Test• Interactive Journal Prompts• Myers-Briggs Explanation• Personal Growth Techniques• Cognitive Functions Breakdown• Relationship and Career Assistance

Personality Theories: From Freud To Frankl

by C. George Boeree

Personality psychology is the study of the person. As such, it is arguably the broadest, most "philosophical", branch of psychology. It involves an examination of the effects of genetics, the physical environment, culture, upbringing, trauma, pathology and more. In as much as this is clearly a huge undertaking, it is as much a matter of competing theories as it is of empirical research. For this reason, it remains a tradition in the field to look at various attempts over the last 100-plus years to tackle the issue: "What is it to be a person?" This book attempts to provide an open-minded review of the most important of these theories.

Pets Have Souls Too: Incredible True Stories Of Pets Who Heal, Protect And Communicate

by Jenny Smedley

Do our pets have souls? Jenny Smedley's work with people and their pets has led to overwhelming evidence not only that they do, but that they also have the capacity to help, heal and even be reborn, giving comfort and unconditional love to all. With true stories from their owners, you'll find out about:• pets who revisit their owners after death• pet messengers, who bring back news of passed loved ones• psychic pets• pets and reincarnation• wild animals and their souls • and how to communicate with your pet on a soul level.

Phoenix Zones: Where Strength Is Born and Resilience Lives

by Hope Ferdowsian

Few things get our compassion flowing like the sight of suffering. But our response is often shaped by our ability to empathize with others. Some people respond to the suffering of only humans or to one person’s plight more than another’s. Others react more strongly to the suffering of an animal. These divergent realities can be troubling—but they are also a reminder that trauma and suffering are endured by all beings, and we can learn lessons about their aftermath, even across species. With Phoenix Zones, Dr. Hope Ferdowsian shows us how. Ferdowsian has spent years traveling the world to work with people and animals who have endured trauma—war, abuse, displacement. Here, she combines compelling stories of survivors with the latest science on resilience to help us understand the link between violence against people and animals and the biological foundations of recovery, peace, and hope. Taking us to the sanctuaries that give the book its title, she reveals how the injured can heal and thrive if we attend to key principles: respect for liberty and sovereignty, a commitment to love and tolerance, the promotion of justice, and a fundamental belief that each individual possesses dignity. Courageous tales show us how: stories of combat veterans and wolves recovering together at a California refuge, Congolese women thriving in one of the most dangerous places on earth, abused chimpanzees finding peace in a Washington sanctuary, and refugees seeking care at Ferdowsian’s own medical clinic. These are not easy stories. Suffering is real, and recovery is hard. But resilience is real, too, and Phoenix Zones shows how we can foster it. It reveals how both people and animals deserve a chance to live up to their full potential—and how such a view could inspire solutions to some of the greatest challenges of our time.

Physical Disobedience: An Unruly Guide to Health and Stamina for the Modern Feminist

by Sarah Hays Coomer

A manual for activism that begins with our most powerful asset--our bodiesEven as a wave of renewed feminism swells, too many women continue to starve, stuff, overwork, or neglect our bodies in pursuit of paper-thin ideals. "Fitness" has been co-opted by the beauty industry. We associate it with appearance when we should associate it with power. Grounded in advocacy with a rowdy, accessible spirit, Physical Disobedience asserts that denigrating our bodies is, in practice, an act of submission to inequality. But when we strengthen ourselves--taking broad command of our individual physicality--we reclaim our authority and build stamina for the literal work of activism: the protests, community service, and emotional resilience it takes to face the news and stay engaged. Physical Disobedience introduces a breathtaking new perspective on wellness by encouraging nonviolence toward our bodies, revitalizing them through diet and exercise, fashion and social media, alternative therapies, music, and motherhood. The goal is no longer to keep our bodies in check. The goal is to ignite them, to set them free, and have a mighty fine time doing it.

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