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Positively Tarot: A Modern Guide to a Mindful Life

by Emma Toynbee

Want to make major changes or improvements to your life? Or learn how to deal with day-to-day events? Maybe just looking to shake things up? Positively Tarot is a unique, illustrated guide that teaches readers how to ultimately find purpose, well-being, and happinesstheir personal life, professional life, finances, or health. Designed for those who are ambitious in their learning but also want to be time-efficient, this book highlights key terms and uses a logic-based key-coded system to easily understand the complexities of reading the tarot. In the perfect book for beginner or experienced tarot readers, emma toynbee perfectly explains how the tarot can provide all-important answers to the many questions in life. Author Emma Toynbee is a professional metaphysician, clairvoyant reader, astrologer and fine artist trained at St. Martins in London. She studied and has previously taught at the London College of Psychic Studies and runs a London-based practice in Liverpool Street, London. She makes regular appearances at high profile PR and corporate events as a professional tarot reader, most recently at Amazon and Google events. She lives in London, England.

Poténciate: Conoce tu cuerpo y sácate partido

by Juan Avellaneda

Juan Avellaneda, diseñador, icono e influencer de la moda española, y considerado uno de los hombres más elegantes de nuestro país, nos ofrece sus consejos de estilo para sacar el máximo partido de nosotros mismos. «Reconozco que yo también he tenido miedo: miedo al qué dirán, a si me aceptarán... Hasta que aprendí a dejar de lado los prejuicios y aceptar mi cuerpo tal como es. Con este libro, quiero ayudarte a proyectar la mejor imagen de ti mismo, la que habla realmente de ti, gracias a todo lo que he aprendido a lo largo de mi carrera como diseñador: qué estampados o cortes te favorecen más, cuáles son los colores que realzan mejor tu personalidad o cómo puedes potenciar aún más esa parte que tanto te gusta de ti. Ya es hora de reconciliarte con tu silueta y tu aspecto, y de descubrir tu estilo personal, porque lo que más importa es que te sientas bien tal como eres.» Ahora más que nunca toca sacar lo mejor de ti.

Poupées Sexuelles: Un Mal ou un Bien?

by Gabriel Agbo Olivier Kamenan KOFFI, Enseignant, Traducteur

Les vendeurs de gadgets sexuels engrangent des milliards de dollars chaque année. Leurs produits sont très diversifiés et disponibles aujourd’hui partout dans le monde. Maintenant l’on a l’impression que ce commerce de gadgets de stimulation et satisfaction artificielles ou technologiques de désirs sexuels est très en vogue. Les célibataires, mariés, vieux, jeunes fréquentent tous aujourd’hui les magasins de gadgets sexuels et les confections deviennent de plus en plus attrayantes et sophistiquées. L’ingéniosité créatrice des fabricants semble être sans limite dans l’invention de ces nouveaux instruments de plaisirs sexuels. Aujourd’hui certains de ces gadgets agissent ou se comportent comme de parfaits partenaires de sexe opposé. Cela est vrai. L’objet de la présente analyse est de rechercher les origines, le but et les effets de ces gadgets sur les utilisateurs, particulièrement leurs implications psychologiques et spirituelles. Les gadgets sexuels ne datent pas d'aujourd’hui. Leur histoire remonte loin en arrière au temps de l'usage des objets taillés en forme de pénis. Les Romains, Grecs, Chinois, Asiatiques, Indiens des temps anciens faisaient tailler ces objets dans des pierres, du fer, de l'or, du bois ou autres matériaux et s'en servaient pour se masturber. Certains parmi eux (notamment les Grecs) vouaient également un culte aux dieux et déesses du sexe; là où ces objets étaient exhibés et utilisés, d’autres orgies notamment des rapports sexuels avec des démons ou esprits impurs étaient abondamment développées. L'on peut donc affirmer sans ambages que les gadgets sexuels tirent leur origine des plaisirs ''illimités'' et de l'adoration des dieux démoniaques. Cette invention a pris plusieurs formes et le 20ème siècle a vu l'apparition du premier vibrateur électrique. Depuis ce temps, l'on assiste à un déluge de ces instruments de plaisir sexuel, qui au départ manuels sont au fil du

Pouvoir du Sacrifice

by Gabriel Agbo

Les sacrifices sont puissants. Très puissants! L’homme le plus riche, l'homme le plus fort, l'homme et la femme les plus bénis, le plus sage, les plus grands rois, les prophètes les plus puissants étaient tous des hommes et femmes de sacrifice. Ils ont tout donné, tout risqué pour leur peuple, l'humanité et Dieu afin d'atteindre leurs objectifs et réaliser des exploits dont même l'éternité serait fière. Voulez-vous connaître leurs secrets? Bien. Si vous voulez réussir, vous devez tout d'abord devenir un homme/femme de sacrifice. Tout est possible à ceux qui sont prêts à faire des sacrifices. Vous le verrez dans ces chapitres hautement révélateurs- Le pouvoir du sacrifice, Sacrifiez votre tout, Je passerai par l'Egypte, Je vais payer le prix, Suivez-moi! Nous sommes venus pour vous, Je vais vous préserver, Cuisinez ce dernier repas, Le pouvoir de sauver, Adoration, prière et jeûne. Nous n'avons pas seulement abordé les énormes sacrifices de grands hommes et femmes contenus dans la bible et la manière dont leurs actions les ont rendus grands, mais nous avons également parlé de personnes telles que Yonatan "Yoni" Netanyahu d'Israël; ce jeune israélien qui a conduit l'unité commando mise en place afin de sauver les otages juifs détenus à l'aéroport d'Entebbe après que leur avion a été pris en otage et détourné vers l'Ouganda en 1976. Nous nous sommes en outre focalisés sur nos héros militaires, tout particulièrement ceux des Opérations spéciales -telles que les SEAL, Delta Force. Ces hommes ont donné le meilleur; risquant tout à chaque fois y compris leurs vies afin de défendre leur peuple, l'humanité. Ils ont sacrifié leurs vies afin de protéger les autres. Jésus a dit que le plus grand sacrifice pour l'homme consiste à donner sa vie pour les autres. Nous leur rendons hommage! Ils nous enseignent ce que doit être le sacrifice. Jésus a dit quel sacrifice plus grand pourrait-il exister que le fait pour un homme de do

The Power of Love: Sermons, reflections, and wisdom to uplift and inspire

by Michael Curry

The text of the celebrated 2018 royal wedding sermon, plus four other sermons touching on themes of love, commitment, and social justice, by the presiding bishop of the Episcopal ChurchTwo billion people watched Bishop Michael Curry deliver his sermon on the redemptive power of love at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex) at Windsor Castle. Here, he shares the full text of the sermon, plus an introduction and four of his favorite sermons on the themes of love and social justice. The world has met Bishop Curry and has been moved by his riveting, hopeful, and deceptively simple message: love and acceptance are what we need in these strange times.

The Power of Presence: Be a Voice in Your Child's Ear Even When You're Not with Them

by Joy Thomas Moore

As the mother of Wes Moore, whose memoir about overcoming the obstacles that face a fatherless young black man was a huge bestseller, Joy is constantly asked: How did you do it? How can you be a good parent, have a career and stay healthy when you don't have a partner to pick up the slack? How do you connect with a child when you can't always be there? Joy's answer is "presence." Specifically, seven different ways of being a force in a child's life, ensuring that they feel your influence. We can't always be physically there for our children, but the power of presence can help us to be a voice in the back of their minds that guides them through difficult times. In THE POWER OF PRESENCE, Moore explores seven pillars of presence--heart, faith, mind, courage, financial freedom, values, and connectedness--that all parents can use to positively influence their children. Using compelling stories from women who have been there and practical advice on everything from savings accounts to mindfulness, this book is a compassionate look at what it takes to raise great kids even in less than ideal circumstances.

The Power of Small: Making Tiny But Powerful Changes When Everything Feels Too Much

by Aisling Leonard-Curtin Dr Trish Leonard-Curtin

Feeling overwhelmed? This is the book for you.'At last! A book that shows you realistically how to transform your life, one small step at a time.'Russ Harris, author of international bestseller The Happiness TrapRather than waiting for the big life-changing moments, which more often than not don't happen, The Power of Small shows you how to take manageable steps as opportunities to change your life, one decision at a time -- emphasising self-compassion as a means to gently expand your comfort zone and open up new horizons.Mixing case studies from clinical practice with the latest psychological research, the authors also share personal stories, having worked first-hand with these techniques on their own journeys towards improved mental and emotional wellbeing.From understanding -- and learning to observe without judgement -- the traps our minds set, to breaking our of our comfort zones, The Power of Small technique is all about what is manageable in the now, and teaches us how to prioritise and know what boundaries to keep, and which to gently push.If your mind tells you that certain life changes are unattainable, undeserved, or too hot to handle, this simple and effective book is the one for you.

The Power of Small: How to Make Tiny But Powerful Changes When Everything Feels Too Much

by Aisling Leonard-Curtin Dr Trish Leonard-Curtin

Feeling overwhelmed? This is the book for you.'At last! A book that shows you realistically how to transform your life, one small step at a time.'Russ Harris, author of international bestseller The Happiness TrapRather than waiting for the big life-changing moments, which more often than not don't happen, The Power of Small shows you how to take manageable steps as opportunities to change your life, one decision at a time -- emphasising self-compassion as a means to gently expand your comfort zone and open up new horizons.Mixing case studies from clinical practice with the latest psychological research, the authors also share personal stories, having worked first-hand with these techniques on their own journeys towards improved mental and emotional wellbeing.From understanding -- and learning to observe without judgement -- the traps our minds set, to breaking our of our comfort zones, The Power of Small technique is all about what is manageable in the now, and teaches us how to prioritise and know what boundaries to keep, and which to gently push.If your mind tells you that certain life changes are unattainable, undeserved, or too hot to handle, this simple and effective book is the one for you.

The Power of Small: How to Make Tiny But Powerful Changes When Everything Feels Too Much

by Aisling Leonard-Curtin Dr Trish Leonard-Curtin

Feeling overwhelmed? This is the book for you.'At last! A book that shows you realistically how to transform your life, one small step at a time.'Russ Harris, author of international bestseller The Happiness TrapRather than waiting for the big life-changing moments, which more often than not don't happen, The Power of Small shows you how to take manageable steps as opportunities to change your life, one decision at a time -- emphasising self-compassion as a means to gently expand your comfort zone and open up new horizons.Mixing case studies from clinical practice with the latest psychological research, the authors also share personal stories, having worked first-hand with these techniques on their own journeys towards improved mental and emotional wellbeing.From understanding -- and learning to observe without judgement -- the traps our minds set, to breaking our of our comfort zones, The Power of Small technique is all about what is manageable in the now, and teaches us how to prioritise and know what boundaries to keep, and which to gently push.If your mind tells you that certain life changes are unattainable, undeserved, or too hot to handle, this simple and effective book is the one for you.(P)2019 Hachette Books Ireland

The Power of the Infinity Symbol: Working with the Lemniscate for Ultimate Harmony and Balance

by Barbara Heider-Rauter

A guide to the spiritual meaning and magic of the infinity symbol and how to activate its positive powers • Explains how the infinity symbol is the antidote to a negative, imbalanced world and how it can help reconnect the two halves of the brain and achieve balance and harmony in yourself, your relationships, and the wider world • Offers simple and practical exercises that harness the power of the infinity symbol for balance and harmony, including simple visualizations, physical exercises, and directed drawing of the symbol • Explores the many appearances of this universal symbol in history, mythology, different cultures, and the natural world Through the ages, the infinity symbol, a sideways figure eight, has represented eternal development and balance. Also known as the lemniscate, this powerful symbol stands for equilibrium, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things. Although magical knowledge of symbols has often been kept secret throughout history, today the power of this symbol is available to all. In this accessible, hands-on guide, Barbara Heider-Rauter explores the spiritual world of the infinity symbol in a personal and practical way, allowing each of us to benefit from its positive influence for balance and harmony in ourselves, our relationships, and the wider world. She begins with a short exercise to attune readers to the energy field of the lemniscate. She explains how the infinity symbol offers the perfect response to a system that encourages separation and a world in which the negation of our feelings is often the source of illness and pain. She details simple exercises to reconnect the two halves of the brain, the analytical and the emotional, resulting in harmony and healing. She teaches how to use simple visualisation, physical exercises, and directed drawing of the symbol to achieve practical results in our daily lives. Beautifully illustrated in full color, the book also offers a wealth of information on the appearance of the infinity symbol through the ages in all its forms and contexts, from history and mythology to our own tiny body cells and the natural world. This book urges the reader to establish wholeness, to balance the scales of duality and find harmony. With the power of the lemniscate at hand, decisions will be made with greater ease and relationships filled with harmony and a lighter heart.

The Power of Things Unseen: Tales of Choosing Crazy Over Normal

by Leanne R. Wood

The Power of Things Unseen tells a riveting true story about a woman whose inner voice leads her on an enthralling and nerve-racking journey, pursuing what is written in her heart. Chock-full of tales combining raw emotion, unbridled humor, and miraculous intervention, she regales the reader with her exploits as an aid worker in post-communist Romania and as a business entrepreneur in the USA. It takes courage to follow your gut, buck the “right way” of doing things, and step out into the unknown, but it is only then that you can really live to your full potential. This compelling narrative of a young mother who takes an intuitive path with almost no resources will inspire you to follow your own inner voice and unleash The Power of Things Unseen.

The Power of YES: positive and practical advice to help you live life to the full (The\power Of ... Ser.)

by Abbie Headon

Discover the power of "yes" and all the amazing things it can do for you.So often we are afraid of failure, of disappointment, of being vulnerable, that we settle for "no". The practical tips and inspirational advice within these pages will help you embrace positivity and find a new sense of freedom in each area of your life, from your career, to your relationships, to your dreams and ambitions.

The Power of YES: positive and practical advice to help you live life to the full (The Power of ...)

by Abbie Headon

Discover the power of "yes" and all the amazing things it can do for you.So often we are afraid of failure, of disappointment, of being vulnerable, that we settle for "no". The practical tips and inspirational advice within these pages will help you embrace positivity and find a new sense of freedom in each area of your life, from your career, to your relationships, to your dreams and ambitions.

The Power of Your Potential: How to Break Through Your Limits

by John C. Maxwell

Learn how to maximize your potential in minimal time with this compact how-to book derived from No Limits by #1 New York Times bestselling author John Maxwell.Many of us hold ourselves back because we firmly believe our abilities are finite. But what if our supposed limitations are just an illusion? In THE POWER OF YOUR POTENTIAL John Maxwell identifies and examines the seventeen key capacities each of us possesses. Some we are born with, such as how we think or how we naturally relate to other people. The rest are choices, often unconscious, including our attitude or personal disciplines. All are expandable.Maxwell gives clear and actionable advice on what we can do to improve in each of these areas. From learning to manage your emotions and increase your energy, to conquering procrastination and becoming more comfortable with taking risks, you will surpass your own expectations to become a better you than you ever thought possible.

Power Your Life With the Positive: Life Lessons and Secrets for Success from Luminaries and Everyday Heroes

by Cyrus Webb

What is the secret to success and happiness?Nothing in life is impossible: Cyrus Webb (art show and poetry reading host, and founder of the “Conversations” daily radio show, magazine, and Conversations Book Club) reminds us in Power Your Life With the Positive, “Nothing in life is impossible. Your goals and dreams are worth fighting for!”You can leave negativity behind: Drawing on the life-changing experiences of fellow artists, industry insiders, and those in front of and behind the camera in the entertainment industry, author Cyrus Webb has provided a compendium of encouragement for all to benefit from. Power Your Life with the Positive is filled with stories of amazing life turnarounds and proves the importance of optimism in an often-negative world. In this book of positivity, faith, and hope, Webb encourages us to let these stories “give you the fuel you need to power your life with the positive and leave the negativity behind.”Find hope and inspiration: In these times of economic uncertainty, civic strife, and political turmoil, it is more important than ever to offer people hope and inspiration to believe that the best is yet to come. The notable figures featured in this book have faced their own fears and crises, believed enough in their goals and dreams to keep going, and reaped the rewards by not allowing their own doubts and those of others stop them.Famous people who powered their lives with the positive: The notables featured in Webb’s book faced their own fears, believed enough in their goals and dreams to pursue them and reaped rewards by sticking to their guns and not allowing their own doubts and those of others stop them:Supermodel Tess HollidayGrammy award-winning singer and actress Stephanie MillsPrison Break creator Paul T. ScheuringRoots and Reading Rainbow’s LeVar BurtonActor Jamie KennedyRecording artist Keith SweatWalking Dead’s Jeryl Prescott SalesActress Antonique SmithDukes of Hazzard actor John SchneiderDan Bucatinsky of Scandal and 24Legendary bestselling author Mary Higgins ClarkActor Isaiah WashingtonAmerican Idol’s Ruben Studdard and Taylor HicksArtist Aubrey O’Dayand many moreIf you liked positivity and motivational books such as The Secret, The Power of Positive Thinking, Chicken Soup for the Soul, You Are a Badass, Make Your Bed, and Unshakeable; you'll love Cyrus Webb's Power Your Life With the Positive

Powered by Change: How to design your business for perpetual success

by Jonathan MacDonald

In a hectic business environment where it is estimated that half of the decisions that C EOs make turn out to be wrong, the stark reality is that it has never been harder to see what's happening around us, interpret information efficiently, and develop strategies that are executed in a successful way. This is partly down to the speed of change and also down to the mindset about change that is common amongst large and small companies. To them, change is seen as the enemy. This book proposes a role reversal and gives people a brand new methodology as a practical guide in how to use change as a fuelling mechanism to generate outstanding business success. We all accept that change is the only constant, yet the author believes there is a significant lack of insight into how to think and act in a way that capitalizes on a constantly changing environment.Powered by Change requires leaders to adopt a more radical view about the way business is done. The Windmill is constructed using four blades: Purpose, People, Product and Process. Getting these four blades to work in harmony with one another leads to an empowered business that can use the winds of change to fuel business success. Powered by Change is filled with examples and stories from around the world, including global corporates and start-up ventures, alongside colorful insights and above all, actionable steps to take to achieve competitive advantage. Key topics include change, innovation, leadership, strategy and futureproofing."Test your thinking about how you would disrupt your own business - because somebody out there is already doing it." -Jesper Brodin, Chief Executive, IKEA

Practical Meditation: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

by Giovanni Dienstmann

Learn on-the-go meditation techniques to improve your concentration and memory and enhance your self-esteem, using this unique visual guide.Follow the clear, step-by-step instructions anytime, anywhere--at home, on the beach, or on a business trip. Practice meditations sitting on a simple, upright chair; there's no need to fold yourself into uncomfortable positions. Explore a variety of meditation techniques, from mindfulness meditation to tai chi, to find the practices that suit you. Use the short "mini-meditations" to sample a variety of different styles. Find out the benefits of meditation on your mind and brain, examining how it works and the scientific evidence behind its effects.Whether you are new to meditation or looking to expand your existing knowledge, this practical guide on how to meditate provides everything you need to start (or continue) your meditative journey.

The Practice of Mindful Yoga: A Connected Path to Awareness

by Hannah Moss

“Moss explores how mindfulness is the basic foundation for a yoga practice, and how to live in a more mindful way, whether on the yoga mat or off.” —Spirituality & Health, “100 Books We Love”The Mindful Practice of Yoga teaches beginners and experienced practitioners alike how to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into their yoga routine.Part of the Mindfulness series, this book explores the spiritual foundations of yoga, the importance of the breath and practical exercises that can be used in everyday lives, finishing with an extended mindful yoga routine.Through insightful ideas and personal anecdotes, author Hannah Moss explains the ways in which mindfulness is fundamental to yoga and how the breath becomes a bridge between the two. She invites the reader to join her on an inspiring journey of self-discovery and conscious awareness through the enriching practice of mindful yoga.If you like this, you might also be interested in Mindfulness and Compassion . . .

The Practice of Prayer: A Book On How To Pray - The Preparation, Faith And Time For Prayer (hardcover)

by G. Morgan

Originally published in 1906, Rev. Dr. George Campbell Morgan’s The Practice of Prayer is a devotional commentary on effective prayer. The book will provide the reader with an invaluable tool, intended to enhance personal prayer lives, in turn leading to a deeper understanding of prayer, and God.

The Practice of Pure Awareness: Somatic Meditation for Awakening the Sacred

by Reginald A. Ray

A respected teacher presents the core and essential wisdom of Tibet and shows us the possibilities of "enlightenment in this present life" through the meditative practice of Pure Awareness. Perhaps the most precious teaching Tibet has to offer the modern world is the practice of meditation. Reginald Ray presents the essence of this tradition through the somatic practice of Pure Awareness—a unique kind of meditation that is thoroughly grounded in the body and in ordinary experience. This fundamentally transformative practice offers the possibility of enlightenment in this present life and invites us into the immensely powerful journey that Tibetan tantric spirituality has to offer. Includes a link to a free download of audio meditations.

Prayers from the Heart: Prayers for help and blessings, prayers of thankfulness and love

by Lorna Byrne

Lorna Byrne has helped millions of people around the world by calling on them to realise that they each have a guardian angel and by showing them that can ask for help from God and the angels.Lorna is often asked for help on how to ask and how to pray, so in this new book she gives detailed advice and also includes prayers for different occasions.She says: 'Sometimes our prayers are so focussed on asking for things, we forget to listen out for what God, the angels and our love ones are trying to tell us. God always has this abundance of blessings prepared for us, small blessings and great blessings. He wants to give every individual great life-changing blessings, beginning when that individual is born. God will do everything to make it happen, but He will never infringe on an individual's free will, which a good reason for us to engage intelligent conversation with him - listening as well as asking - in prayer.'

Praying Circles Around Your Future

by Mark Batterson

What impossibly big dream has God given you?From Mark Batterson, New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker, comes Praying Circles Around Your Future, a beautiful and inspiring book that encourages you to dream big, pray hard,anduncover your heart's deepest desires. With quotes from The Circle Maker Student Edition alongside gorgeous, full-color photographs, you’ll find ways to embrace your God-given dreams and learn to come boldly before God in prayer.Calling on the legend of Honi the Circle Maker—a first century BC Israeli man bold enough to draw a circle in the sand and not budge from it until God answered his prayer—Mark Batterson challenges you to make a prayer circle around your seemingly impossible dreams. God delights in hearing your biggest, boldest prayers, and you’ll feel inspired to see how God will show up in your life.

Preach to Yourself: When Your Inner Critic Comes Calling, Talk Back with Truth

by Hayley Morgan Emily Ley

Break the cycle of doubting yourself, take God at His word, and talk back with truth - a new message of freedom from bestselling coauthor of Wild and Free Hayley Morgan.We know Christ came to speak life, but then how come our inner critic keeps showing up and stealing the mic? If we’re honest, she’s a harsh one, saying things we’d never dream of saying to others: You’ll never measure up, you’ll fail again tomorrow, you just can’t get it right. It has been said that the eighteen inches from head to heart is the soul’s longest journey. Our head knows the good news is true, but our heart struggles to believe it, and it is in this gap that we battle to believe the promises of God.Hayley Morgan, coauthor of bestselling book Wild and Free, has wrestled with this tension her whole life. In Preach to Yourself, she tackles it head-on to discover how we can renew our minds to renew our lives. For every woman who struggles with repetitive, negative self-talk, this book will show you how to identify the toxic loops where you get stuck and replace them with the truth of God we can believe with our whole selves.This is not a “try harder” reprimand, it’s a “believe better” invitation: to take God at His word when He tells you who you are. Come along and learn a simple practice to break free from the lies holding you back, and step forward into the fullness of life God has planned.

Pregnancy Made Simple: An Illustrated Guide from Conception to Birth

by Claire Plimmer

Pregnancy is exciting for new parents-to-be. Your life is about to change forever, yet the amount of information out there can be overwhelming. But fear not: this pictorial guide, packed with accessible and stylish infographics, will give you all the essential facts as well as a healthy dose of quirky trivia.

Pretty to Think So: Eros and Prostrate Cancer

by Enrique Fernández

SEXUALITY AFTER A CANCER DIAGNOSIS “Two days ago, the effects of the androgen-deprivation shot a doctor’s assistant had injected under my skin a month earlier kicked in. And now I don’t want.” When a cancer diagnosis, and then various treatments, eliminate libido, the echoes of love and desire in the form of memories remain. What happens to a life when sexual expression is lost? Enrique Fernández’s Pretty to Think So weaves questions of sex, mortality, and identity with a lyricism that readers will not soon forget.

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