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Showing 24,176 through 24,200 of 36,712 results

Stop vermoeidheid: Hoe je je leven terugkrijgt

by Lisa Gibson

Het chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS) is een van de vaakst gediagnosticeerde "mysterieuze" aandoeningen. Meer dan een miljoen Amerikanen lijden aan het chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom, en dat worden er alleen maar meer. Deze ziekte treft meer mensen dan multiple sclerose, lupus, en vele soorten kanker. CVS komt vier keer vaker voor bij vrouwen dan bij mannen. Waarom neemt CVS toe? Is het een soort epidemie of is CVS een vangnetdiagnose geworden voor alle aandoeningen waarbij je last hebt van vermoeidheid en pijn, maar de dokter niks kan vinden? Een syndroom is per definitie een rijtje symptomen die systematisch gelijktijdig optreden. In werkelijkheid is chronische vermoeidheid dus geen ziekte, maar een stel symptomen. Deze symptomen kunnen ernstig, levensbedreigend en invaliderend zijn. Dus de hamvraag is: wat veroorzaakt al deze symptomen? Dieet, ziektes, omgevingsfactoren, of alle bovenstaande? Helaas heeft de gezondheidszorg meer vragen dan antwoorden. Door deze onbeantwoorde vragen blijven mensen met CVS uitzichtloos achter, en moeten zij zich neerleggen bij het feit dat ze misschien hun hele leven last zullen blijven hebben van deze invaliderende symptomen. Maar je hoeft je leven hierdoor niet te laten bepalen. Er zijn zowel traditionele als niet-traditionele behandelingen die je kunnen helpen om erachter te komen wat de onderliggende oorzaken van je symptomen zijn en hoe je deze symptomen kunt verminderen. Wat is de oplossing De beste manier om CVS te overwinnen is om erachter te komen waardoor je symptomen écht veroorzaakt worden. Dus in dit boek laat ik je het volgende zien: - Dat virussen en infecties symptomen van CVS kunnen veroorzaken - Waarop je je kunt laten onderzoeken bij de dokter - Welke veranderingen in levensstijl je kunt toepassen om je symptomen te verminderen en je leven te verbeteren - Technologische vorderingen op het gebied van de behandeling van de onderliggende oorzaken van CVS - Medicijnen, supplementen en voedings

Stop Wrinkles The Easy Way: How to best care for your skin and slow the effects of ageing

by Dr Mike Dilkes Alexander Adams

First they debunked the myth that snoring is hard to kick and saved thousands from noisy, sleepless nights. Now, Dr Mike Dilkes and Alex Adams are back- this time, with reliable, no-nonsense advice to STOP WRINKLES, THE EASY WAY.Our ageing population is investing more time and money than ever before in the pursuit of health, happiness and longevity. Not only is 60 the new 40, but a recent study by one of the UK's largest gyms revealed that increasing numbers of forty-something Brits are actually fitter than the average twenty-somethings of our nation! But when it comes to looking younger, even the slacking youngsters feel the pressure to preserve their youth, with the latest research suggesting that British women start worrying about wrinkles at the ripe (young) age of 24, and unprecedented numbers of women in their 30s are going 'under the knife' to thwart unwelcome crinkles, crows feet and laughter lines.STOP WRINKLES proves that expensive gym memberships and invasive surgery are NOT the only way to start loving a more youthful reflection, fast! Packed with practical information and clear, safe advice from a leading medical expert, this is a must-read for anyone looking to grow old gracefully but gradually.

Stories I Love to Tell

by Gene Edwards

America’s beloved storyteller will guide and thrill your imagination with these classic tales. Join Gene Edwards as he recounts his favorite stories from more than 50 years of travel and ministry.Considered the “Paul Harvey” of Christian writers, Gene Edwards is one of America’s most beloved authors. Stories I Love to Tell, his new book, is a compilation of tales that continue to move audiences. From stories about a chance meeting with Helen Keller at the Garden Tomb in the Holy Land to an astounding Jonah experience inside a whale to stories about a child growing up in a one-room shack, Gene knows how to spin an old-fashioned yarn.During the last four decades, Gene has amassed an enthusiastic, dedicated readership. Stories I Love to Tell will delight and entertain devoted fans as he relays story after astonishing story. You will want to grab a hot drink and huddle around the fireplace as America’s seasoned storyteller transports your imagination to another time and place.

Story in the Stars: Discovering God's Design and Plan for Our Universe

by Joe Amaral

An in-depth look at the powerful story and symbolism behind God's unique design of our universe.Thousands of words have been written about the first ten words in the Bible: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," a simple and profound statement that has ignited a firestorm of debate and controversy. People often only focus on the "how" and "when" of creation, but Story in the Stars explores the "why." Why did God create such a vast universe? Why did He choose the sun and moon to light our paths? Why did He design images with stars in the night sky?The Bible is very clear when it states that God created, named, and positioned all of the stars of the universe in their place in a very specific way-a way that tells us the greatest story ever to be told. In Luke 21:25 Jesus says, "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars." Signs are meant to point us towards something: Jesus. Story in the Stars takes an in-depth look at the Bible and all the signs God mapped out through constellations, planets, and even the way the Earth is tilted. We are uniquely designed by God, and He loves us so much that He ensured a way for all inhabitants of the earth, through all of time, to see the messages of salvation and redemption that He painted in the stars.

Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation

by Bob Roth

There is a simple practice that dramatically changes how we respond to life's stresses: the Transcendental Meditation technique. With scientifically proven benefits, improved focus, sleep, resilience, creativity and memory, this method has a direct impact. For nearly five decades, Bob Roth has helped bring Transcendental Meditation to millions of people around the world – in 35 countries across Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. Once a skeptic, he learned the art from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the foremost scientist of consciousness and meditation. As Co-Founder and Executive Director of the David Lynch Foundation, Bob teaches frequently at inner-city schools, veterans' hospitals, battered women's shelters, homeless shelters and prisons. Bob is also the go-to meditation teacher for leading figures in the worlds of media and business. Beautifully presented, Strength in Stillness is a simple, classic guide to calming your mind and body.

Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation

by Bob Roth

The instant New York Times bestseller: “I am one-thousand percent better when I do it. Meditation Bob: He’s got it!” —Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey and Jerry Seinfeld. Ray Dalio and Ellen DeGeneres. Gwyneth Paltrow and Howard Stern. Tom Hanks and Gisele Bündchen.What do they have in common? The answer is a Transcendental Meditation teacher named Bob Roth, who has spent the past fifty years helping many thousands of people access their innate creativity and power through this simple, nonreligious technique. Roth’s students range from titans of business and the arts to federal prisoners, from war-scarred veterans to overworked moms and dads.Medical experts agree that the epidemic of stress is damaging our physical and emotional health at younger and younger ages. With scientifically proven benefits—reduced stress and anxiety, and improved focus, sleep, resilience, creativity, and memory, to name a few—this five-thousand-year-old technique has a clear and direct impact on our very modern problems.Once a skeptic, Roth trained under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the twentieth century’s foremost scientist of consciousness and meditation, and has since become one of the most experienced and sought-after meditation teachers in the world. In Strength in Stillness, Roth breaks down the science behind Transcendental Meditation in a new, accessible way. He highlights the three distinct types of meditation—Focused Attention, Open Monitoring, and Self-Transcending—and showcases the evidence that the third, Self-Transcending, or Transcendental Meditation, is a uniquely accessible, effective, and efficient way to reduce stress, access inner power, and build resilience.Free of gimmicks, mystical verbiage, and obscure theory, Strength in Stillness offers a clear explanation for how Transcendental Meditation can calm the mind, body, and spirit.

Stress bestrijden in 10 punten

by Camille Levy Nicolet De Jong

Stress is geen fataliteit. De strijd tegen de negatieve gevolgen van stress vraagt vooral een bepaalde geestesgesteldheid en een voortdurende alertheid op stress. Dit boek behandelt 10 punten waarmee we de impact van stress op ons dagelijks leven en gezondheid eenvoudig en snel kunnen beperken.

Stress in the City: Playing my Way out of Depression (Inspirational Series)

by Enoch Li

Having grown up in Hong Kong and Australia, and educated in France, Enoch Li always had international aspirations. By her 28th birthday, she had achieved everything she had ever laboured toward. Her mum was speechlessly proud of her financial earnings, she had a supportive and loving romantic partner, and she had lots of friends who adored her. So why did she feel as though something was missing?One could hardly guess that a strong, successful young woman who travelled the world, lived in multiple cities, had a high paying salary and had rocketed up the corporate ladder, would one day crumble to pieces, so hopeless and devastated that she believed life was no longer worth living.In Stress in the City, Enoch Li shares her experiences at the top of the corporate game, reflects on the warning signs she refused to see, and documents her journey back from the edge through the rediscovery of her inner child.Through her research into the psychology of playfulness, workplace burnout, and company culture, Enoch also discusses how companies can help their executives be mentally and emotionally wellYou might just find that the toys around us may be more meaningful than you think!

The Stress Management Workbook: De-stress in 10 Minutes or Less

by Ruth C. White

Reduce your stress in 10 minutes or less with the practical exercises and quick strategies in The Stress Management Workbook. Learning how to manage your stress shouldn't be stressful. With The Stress Management Workbook you'll get the relief you need in a time frame that works for you. With concrete exercises that require no more than 10 minutes each, The Stress Management Workbook will help you build sustainable stress management skills for significantly reducing stress—now and for the future. In The Stress Management Workbook, leading stress management and mental wellness expert Dr. Ruth White teaches you how to keep your brain sharp, improve your mind's response to stress, and develop strategies for minimizing stress. This fresh set of stress management skills will empower you to perform better at work, increase your energy, foster better relationships, and be healthier in both mind and body. Effective and easy-to-follow, The Stress Management Workbook will teach you to: Identify sources of stress through checklists, quizzes, and other informative activities Set personal stress management goals that will prepare you for the work you're about to do Learn to handle stress in the moment with interactive exercises that require no more than one, five, or ten minutes Build long-term strategies that support your personal goals and foster positive lifestyle changes for a more fulfilling life A happier, stress-free life is within reach. Learn how to change the way you respond to stress in your daily life with the practical guidance in The Stress Management Workbook.

The Stress Solution: The 4 Steps to a Calmer, Happier, Healthier You

by Dr Rangan Chatterjee

FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF HAPPY MIND, HAPPY LIFE 'One of the most influential doctors in the UK (...) I could talk to Rangan all day (...) he's amazing'- Chris EvansBecome a calmer, happier and healthier you with Dr Rangan Chatterjee's The Stress Solution. In this book, Dr Rangan Chatterjee, draws on two decades of practice to show you how to make easy-to-follow and sustainable health and lifestyle improvements to your everyday life. Top tips include:· How to breathe to feel happier· How to schedule in "me time"· How to become less addicted to your phone· How to find and ignite your passionAt no extra cost, learn how to slow down and feel calmer and more in control of your life by investing in your long-term health.'Small changes make a big difference - we can all benefit from reading this' - Jamie Oliver

Striped Pears and Polka Dots: The Art of Being Happy

by Kirsten Sevig

A portable “happy place” of whimsical illustrations Kirsten Sevig’s Instagram fans—100,000 strong and counting—have been clamoring for a book of her art. She paints rainbow-colored rooftops, striped pears, birds in hats, teacups, cats, and more—all drawn to bring joy to anyone who views them. When the weather is rainy and gray, Sevig paints herself some sunshine. When she feels sad, she paints something colorful to cheer herself up; when anxious, something soothing and repetitive; when overwhelmed, she makes a series of small decisions about what to put on the page and begins to feel empowered. In Striped Pears and Polka Dots, Sevig invites readers into her cozy, sunny world of snail mail, patterned socks and knitted sweaters, ice cream and flaky croissants, and dachshunds in sweaters. This perfect gift book will inspire readers to look around and notice all the little happy-makers that surround them in their daily lives.

The Strong Woman Trap: A Feminist Guide for Getting Your Life Back

by Sasha Mobley

Are you the one who saves the day at work? Does your family expect you to do it all when you get home? Perhaps you used to like being thought of as reliable, but you long for a life of your own againone with fewer emergency circumstances and people who need lots of "help."It isn't just you. Many women have been socialized to quietly pick up the slack and not complainthis is a setup for isolation, second guessing, and waiting for rewards that never come. This is what Sasha Mobley calls The Strong Woman Trap. We are playing too hard at a rigged game that we didn't create. We spend our energies managing demands and treat our own emotions and needs as irrelevant.Sasha provides a hard look at the cultural beliefs that set strong, driven, ambitious women up for a life spent constantly saving others from themselves, filling in gaps, and going it alone like a hybrid of Wonder Woman and Working Girl.The Strong Woman Trap is the book is for women who spend their spare moments looking wistfully through magazines telling themselves their dreams are just one more personal sacrifice away. Wishes wont get you there. Neither will doubling down on old strategies. What will get you there is learning the secrets to escaping The Strong Woman Trap.,

Stronger. Braver. Wiser.: How My #MeToo Story Helped Me Thrive (Inspirational Series)

by Jennifer Potter

Jennifer Potter might never have said anything. She might have just let everything rest. But after seeing the progress made by the #MeToo movement, she knew she had to speak up. So she told the police about her rape.At just 17 years old, she was assaulted by a family friend, someone close to her. She told her parents but she didn’t report it. Filled with shame about what had happened, she tried to forget about it instead. But trauma leaves scars that can’t be seen, and she spent years trying to run away, only to find that she kept running into the very thing she was trying to flee.And so she chose to file a report, in the hope that she might heal. But revisiting the trauma brought everything back: the memories, the pain, the shame of being assaulted. And being questioned on the stand, 20 years after the attack, was like a living nightmare. Maybe this was all for nothing …Stronger Braver Wiser is fundamentally a story of triumph; a real-life David vs Goliath tale of a woman finding her own justice in a world that sought to rob her of it.

Stronger Than Before: Take Charge of Your Healing to Survive and Thrive with Breast Cancer

by Alison Porter

A much-needed book for the modern readership, providing support and guidance for every stage of the breast cancer journey, written by a breast-cancer survivor.Welcome to your breast cancer self-care bible.Stronger Than Before is the book Alison Porter went looking for when she first learned she had breast cancer. It's a practical handbook to guide you - and your friends and family - through every stage of the illness, from early diagnosis to treatment choices, and ultimately to a life beyond cancer.In this book, you'll discover:the different types of breast cancer, what to ask your doctor and how to make the choices that are right for youself-help techniques on every level - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - to support you through treatment and recoveryhow to view your illness as a catalyst for post-traumatic growth, and move on with your life with greater meaning and purposeyour options for reconstruction and how to maintain a cancer-preventative lifestyleadvice for friends and family, so they can be truly helpful in how they offer you supportWritten by a breast cancer survivor and thriver, Stronger Than Before contains invaluable information, guidance and tips, as well as tools and techniques to help you emerge from this life-changing experience healthier, more purposeful and stronger than before.

Stronger than the Struggle: Uncomplicating Your Spiritual Battle

by Havilah Cunnington

"Why do I still struggle if I'm faithfully following God?"We all face challenges. On any given day, the problems of real life can take our breaths away. Our marriages, finances, relationships, and health are regular struggles, and that's just the beginning. Doesn't the Bible say the war has already been won? So why do we still battle?In a down-to-earth, let&’s-get-real approach, popular Bible teacher Havilah Cunnington cuts through the confusion and shows us how to Discern whether we&’re dealing with battles within ourselves, resistance from God, or genuine fights with the Devil.Throw off misconceptions about spiritual warfare, and understand what Jesus really said about our spiritual authority and the certainty we have in him.Ask the right questions and build a realistic battle plan to win one day at a time.With humor and honesty, Cunnington lays out practical tools to thrive in the face of hardship, enabling us to walk forward in the confidence that, because of Jesus, we really are stronger than the struggle.

Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You): An Addict's Mom's Guide to Peace

by Sandy L. Sherman

Find The Love, Patience, and Insight to Take Your Life Back What does it look and feel like to be a Mother of an Addict? How does a Mother’s unconditional love help her child’s addiction? Sandy Sherman is a Mother of 2 addicts – a Daughter and a Son. For 5 years she felt her life was spiraling down into a pit of despair, fear, helplessness, grief that was consuming her life. She felt alone and humiliated and the dreams she had for her kids were all gone as she witnessed their addictions take over their bodies and souls. Sandy learned to live her life by deciding to take her life back. Through educating herself about the disease of addiction by reading, talking with other Mom’s, helping to counsel others and sharing her story, she has written Stronger in hopes of inspiring Mom’s to take action.

Study and Meditation (LifeGuide® Bible Studies)

by Jan Johnson

Reading the Bible is one of the most important spiritual disciplines we can engage in. Why is Bible study so significant? How can our attitude and approach affect what we get out of our reading? The way we approach the Bible affects our interaction with God. Learning to immerse ourselves in God's thoughts through study and meditation allows us to go deeper into God's Word and live in a more Christlike way. This six-session LifeGuide from Jan Johnson helps us do just that. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

The Stuff: Unlock Your Power to Overcome Challenges, Soar, and Succeed

by Sharlee Jeter Sampson Davis Derek Jeter Marcus Brotherton

“Sampson and Sharlee’s message of the power of positivity, hard work, and resilience is one that we need to hear right now.” —Chris Gardner, #1 New York Times bestselling The Pursuit of Happyness Everyone has difficult moments in life. But everyone also has the Stuff to overcome hardships, to survive and thrive.Learn how to better access and hone the eleven core elements of the Stuff and be inspired by the real-world stories of triumph in this practical book by New York Times bestselling author Dr. Sampson Davis (The Pact, Living and Dying in Brick City) and Sharlee Jeter (Turn 2 Foundation). Everyone has those moments in life when they’re truly tested, when they wonder if they have the strength to overcome the challenges before them. We’ve all heard stories of people who have risen up in the face of the unimaginable. But not everyone believes that they have what it takes to do the same. However, what we need to realize our own potential—to fight for what we want our lives to be—already resides within each of us. You already have the Stuff. Learning how to develop and harness it is the key. Survivors themselves, Dr. Sampson Davis and Sharlee Jeter have created The Stuff Movement, interviewing dozens of people to find the common threads that enabled them to triumph over their challenges. Through the powerful stories of people who overcame cancer, poverty, toxic relationships, racism, violence, career roadblocks, and other obstacles big and small—The Stuff highlights eleven core elements that will help you not only survive but thrive in spite of life’s difficulties. These elements are as easy to understand as they are to enact—presented in plain talk, without judgment, and with compassion for the everyday challenges people face. As Dr. Davis and Sharlee share stories of the amazing people who’ve shown their Stuff, you’ll find that unearthing the same Stuff within yourself is a process as rewarding as it is important—and you’ll never say you can’t do it again. Read the book, and join the conversation at Featuring stories about John O’Leary (On Fire), Mercy Alexander, Rich Ruffalo, Mindee Hardin, Glenn and Cara O’Neill, Sean Swarner, Traci Micheline, Wess Stafford (Too Small to Ignore), Austin Hatch, Debra Peppers, Christine Magnus Moore, Martha Hawkins, Ali Stroker (Glee), Susan Scott Krabacher, Deval Patrick, and more.

Su dinero, su matrimonio: Los secretos de las finanzas inteligentes, el romance apasionado y su conexión íntima

by Cherie Lowe Brian Lowe

Este libro le guía en un proceso liberador para remendar su corazón y, al mismo tiempo su cuenta bancaria.La visión de Dios para su matrimonio dista mucho de ser mediocre, y el dinero y las relaciones sexuales son dos de los más comunes puntos de tensión. Pero no tiene por qué ser así.En Su dinero, su matrimonio, Brian y Cherie Lowe le ofrecen explicación directa y principios poderosos para poner en orden sus finanzas a fin de que ustedes puedan volver a su romance. Apréndalo de ellos: Los Lowe resolvieron una deuda de US$127.000 en apenas cuatro años, y emergieron, no solo financieramente libres, sino también mucho más unidos.Acompañe a Cherie, bloguera de finanzas personales en Queen of Free, y a Brian, abogado de familia que lo ha visto todo en lo que se trata de batallas maritales por dinero, en esta jornada para ayudarle a usted y a su cónyuge a pasar de diferentes libros a estar en la misma página. Mediante relatos cándidos y divertidos, ideas frescas y prácticas, y unas cuantas arrugas en el camino, Brian y Cherie relevan los secretos del “juego previo financiero” capaz de ayudar a todo matrimonio a prosperar juntos por igual en las finanzas y el romance.Usted aprenderá cómo:Cultivar “paciencia apasionada” para ahorrar para el futuroIdentificar hábitos financieros insalublesAhorrar con inteligencia en las salidasSortear el camino por expectativas mal alineadas como parejaVencer el juego de la comparaciónCultivar una relación personal más fuerte en un presupuesto de cero dólares.Los matrimonios comparten mucho más que una chequera o incluso un dormitorio; comparten una unión sagrada. Imagínese lo que su matrimonio podría ser si pudieran dejar atrás los conflictos monetarios. Este libro es una invitación para hallarlo, y para prosperar juntos.

Success Affirmations: 52 Weeks for Living a Passionate and Purposeful Life

by Jack Canfield Ram Ganglani Kelly Johnson

Jack Canfield is a master motivator, world-renowned teacher, and bestselling author of The Success Principles. In his latest book, Success Affirmations, he helps readers break through to new levels of passion, purpose, and prosperity with 52 affirmations and time-tested wisdom. In our 24/7 world, where we move at warp speed, sometimes we let life happen to us instead of taking control of our direction. Other times, we suffer from information overload, and we fail to consciously control our positive thoughts, and we allow negativity to take over. For those who want to rise above, to get unstuck, or to catapult to a new level success, Jack Canfield will show you how positive affirmations can transform your life in extraordinary ways. Canfield, with the help of esteemed coauthors Kelly Johnson and Ram Ganglani, explains what positive affirmations are (and what they are not), why they are so effective, and how to effortlessly integrate their practice into your life. Pulling the most effective tenets from his bestselling book The Success Principles, Canfield covers all areas of life, from financial prosperity and creative pursuits to your career and positive relationships. Success Affirmations reveals: How to avoid letting life just happen to you, and how to proactively go after your dreams How to use the power of deliberate thought to create the reality you wantHow to identify your true passions and purpose to direct your affirmations to concrete goals, not nebulous ideas or someone else's visionHow to harness positive energy to attract what you want in your life through the Law of AttractionHow to unplug from technology and plug into your true source of energy And much more!

Success Habits: Proven Principles for Greater Wealth, Health, and Happiness

by Napoleon Hill

Never-before-published wisdom from famed self-help author Napoleon Hill Napoleon Hill, the legendary author of the classic best seller Think and Grow Rich, has been immortalized for his contributions to the self-help genre. In this never-before-published work Hill shares his principles of success, key habits that provide the basis for life-changing success. Success Habits explains the fundamental rules that lead to a prosperous life. From the importance of having Definiteness of Purpose to the inexorable influence of the Cosmic Habit Force, Hill’s principles offer a new way of thinking about intention, self-discipline, and the way we lead our lives. Originally a series of radio talks delivered in Paris, Missouri, Success Habits is filled with personal anecdotes and stories and is written in an approachable, conversational style. Hill’s insights apply to every facet of life, inspiring readers to leverage his principles to achieve their own aspirations and create the successful lives they have always dreamed of.

Success Profiles: Conversations With High Achievers Including Jack Canfield, Tom Ziglar, Loral Langemeier and More

by Brian K. Wright

Success Profiles: Conversations With High Achievers is a collection of the some of the greatest interviews that have occurred on the highly acclaimed Success Profiles Radio. Guests address topics such as success, leadership, building a successful business, financial excellence, and self-development, and include experts such as Jack Canfield, Tom ZIglar, Greg Reid, and many more. The leaders featured all had to overcome difficult obstacles on their way to financial success; they were nothing special when they started. This is a unique collection of wisdom from some of the greatest leaders in personal development and success today that shows readers how the success these leaders achieved is available to everyone and how to unlock their own journey to the top.

Successful Difficult Conversations: Improve your team's performance, behaviour and attitude with kindness and success

by Sonia Gill

Whether you are a Head or Deputy Head, a Head of Department or Year 3 Teacher, this book is an invaluable read. It is full of practical ways to help you, when facing one of `those' conversations with a colleague or parent, you know in your heart you need to have, but would rather avoid having, because you don't really know what to say or how to say it.

Successful Difficult Conversations: Improve your team's performance, behaviour and attitude with kindness and success

by Sonia Gill

Whether you are a Head or Deputy Head, a Head of Department or Year 3 Teacher, this book is an invaluable read. It is full of practical ways to help you, when facing one of `those' conversations with a colleague or parent, you know in your heart you need to have, but would rather avoid having, because you don't really know what to say or how to say it.

Sunny Side Up: a story of kindness and joy

by Susan Calman

The Calmanifesto of Happiness'One of the kindest people I have ever met - a beautiful dancer and a beautiful person' Kevin Clifton'Be good, be kind, be more like Susan Calman' Kirstie Allsopp'Be kind to yourself - read this book, keep it on your bedside table or on your Kindle - even Kindle has the word kind in it' Sandi Toksvig'Full of wisdom and humour, with the soft underbelly of the profound' Fi Glover'It's a warm, funny and delightful book that is sure to cheer even the grumpiest curmudgeon in your life' Woman and HomeSusan Calman's enthusiasm at being on Strictly Come Dancing was an inspiration to all of us. Cheer Up Love, Susan's first book, had a clear aim: to help people understand depression. Sunny Side Up has a similarly clear path: to persuade people to be kinder to each other and spread more joy. These are extremely difficult and confusing times - people are cross and shouty. It's exhausting! But more than anything, people like Susan, people who don't hate other people, are apologising for the way that they think. Susan wants to make sure that they don't. She wants them to know that it's ok to love people and that kindness is something wonderful and brilliant. Above all, she wants them to bring on the joy. So the mission is simple. To get the nation to join her in not being negative. To bring back joy, kindness and community, to find that joy in the little things in life and defeat the hate and fear. Susan is a one-woman army of hope and joy, and she's ready to lead the nation in a different direction.

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