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Through the Tunnel: Unlock the Pain of Your Past and Find the Courage to Grow Up, Not Just Old

by Bonnie Lyon

"This guide will help #MeToo and #TimesUp survivors move from the terrible darkness of the past to a bright new future." - Gail M. Woodward, author of Write the Book You're Meant to WriteYou don’t need to keep suffering from deep-seated pain. Instead, you can start feeling protected, safe and deeply heard today. Dr. Bonnie Lyon will show you how. In Through the Tunnel: Unlock the Pain of Your Past and Find the Courage to Grow Up, Not Just Old, Dr. Bonnie will guide you toward overcoming old traumas and finally healing your emotional pain.You will learn:&#8226The wisdom, solutions, and tools you need to start embracing life and finding the light through the dark.•How to increase the volume of your own voice as you drown out negative influences.•Essential truths that will lead to emotional healing. •How to join a new sisterhood filled with strong, resilient women who have overcome their own pain.“Change and emotional healing only become possible when we acknowledge our pain and own it, have the courage and determination to get to the root of it, and stop going through the tunnel alone,” says Dr. Bonnie.There’s no reason to keep suffering from old emotions if you don’t want to. Hope and healing are achieveable regardless of your life circumstances. Through the Tunnel allows everyone to benefit from Dr. Bonnie’s methods and paths to emotional healing.10% of the profits of this book will go to #TimesUp to spread the justice and healing.

TIME The Power of Habits

by The Editors of TIME

The Editors of TIME Magazine present The Power of Habits.

TIME The Science of Memory

by The Editors of TIME

The editors of TIME Magazine present The Science of Memory.

Time to Parent: Organizing Your Life to Bring Out the Best in Your Child and You

by Julie Morgenstern

In Time to Parent, the bestselling organizational guru takes on the ultimate time-management challenge—parenting, from toddlers to teens—with concrete ways to structure and spend true quality time with your kids.Would you ever take a job without a job description, let alone one that requires a lifetime contract? Parents do this every day, and yet there is no instruction manual that offers achievable methods for containing and organizing the seemingly endless job of parenting. Finding a healthy balance between raising a human and being a human often feels impossible, but Julie Morgenstern shows you how to harness your own strengths and weaknesses to make the job your own. This revolutionary roadmap includes:A unique framework with eight quadrants that separates parenting responsibilities into actionable, manageable tasks—for the whole bumpy ride from cradle to college.Simple strategies to stay truly present and focused, whether you’re playing with your kids, enjoying a meal with your significant other, or getting ahead on that big proposal for work. Clever tips to make the most of in-between time—Just 5-15 minutes of your undivided attention has a huge impact on kids. Permission to take personal timewithout feeling guilty, and the science and case studies that show how important self-care is and how to make time for it.

Timeless: Nature's Formula For Health And Longevity

by Louis Cozolino

Unlocking the secrets of positive aging. Few prejudices in Western society are more powerful than those concerning aging. Until recently, we have assumed that the story of aging is one of loss and decline. But there’s an entirely different truth. Yes, you can teach an old dog—or even a sort-of-old dog—new tricks. Is there a secret to staying young? It turns out that there are many, and they all begin with nurturing our existing relationships to foster brain health, keeping us happier and healthier. As readers of this book will learn, wisdom, enhanced social relationships, greater adaptation and flexibility (mental, if not physical!)—all these things can be attained as we grow older. Filled with both practical and thought-provoking suggestions, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to age in style.

Timeless Truths for Modern Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to a More Focused and Quiet Mind

by Arnie Kozak

Mindfulness—focusing on the present moment while accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations—is growing in popularity. You can find apps, online courses, and articles on the subject. Businesses like Google are incorporating the practice at work, resulting in lower stress levels, less frustration, fewer sick days, and less burnout. Health centers at universities are getting in on the act too, helping overly stressed students find relief. This basic guide to mindfulness is geared toward the curious, the beginner, and the person looking for real help with the burdens of modern life. Divided into five sections—Appreciating Mindfulness, How to Practice, Mindfulness in Action, Going Deeper, Going Even Deeper—this handy guide tells you everything you need to know to get rid of stress and gain newfound peace: how mindfulness works, how to practice it, and how to apply it in daily life. Along with explanations of mindfulness, each chapter includes a unique guided meditation and a timeless truth that will guide the reader to deal with obstacles to practicing mindfulness, living with wisdom, and how to create unconditional happiness through mindfulness.

Tiny Buddha's Worry Journal: A Creative Way to Let Go of Anxiety and Find Peace

by Lori Deschene

A beautifully designed, inviting interactive journal to help you destress, reduce anxiety, and find peace from the founder of the popular online community Tiny Buddha, and author of Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges and Tiny Buddha’s Gratitude Journal.Filled with prompts, quotes, questions for reflection, and coloring and doodle pages, Tiny Buddha’s Worry Journal can help you feel calmer and cultivate a more mindful, peaceful spirit every day.In addition to prompts, the journal features three recurring sections:"Let It Go"—identify what is currently creating anxiety in your life and suggestions for working through it;"Plan Ahead"—help to navigate particular situations and devise a plan to approach them in productive ways;"Color and Draw Yourself Calm"—fifteen coloring pages and fifteen doodle pages carefully designed to inspire you to use your own creativity to soothe worries and focus on the moment.Don’t let anxiety control you. Tiny Buddha’s Worry Journal lets you carve a little time for yourself every day, and gives you tools to help you improve your mood, focus on the present moment, and kindle your unique creativity.

to make monsters out of girls

by Amanda Lovelace

Winner of the 2016 Goodreads Choice Award for Best Poetry, amanda lovelace presents her new illustrated duology, &“things that h(a)unt.&” In this first installment, to make monsters out of girls, lovelace explores the memory of being in an abusive relationship. She poses the eternal question: Can you heal once you&’ve been marked by a monster, or will the sun always sting?

Todos podemos cambiar al mundo

by Juan David Aristizabal Ospina

Juan David Aristizábal, elegido por la revista Forbes como uno de los 30 emprendedores sociales jóvenes más destacados de la actualidad, revela las claves para dar el primer paso y transformar el mundo. <P><P>El mundo está lleno de buenas ideas que han surgido con el propósito de transformar la sociedad y también de personas que aún no saben cómo hacerlas realidad. <P><P>Juan David Aristizábal es uno de los jóvenes emprendedores más reconocidos de Colombia y en este libro revela las claves para construir un proyecto, atreverse a dar el primer paso y aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades que nos brinda vivir en la era digital.

Todos somos poderosos

by Luisa Fernanda W

Luisa Fernanda W tiene más de 5 millones de seguidores en Instagram y es una de las figuras del mundo digital más reconocidas de Colombia. En este, su primer libro, nos habla de cómo superar los miedos y obstáculos para ser realmente poderosos. Para creer que todos somos poderosos hay que dar el primer paso y este libro es la herramienta indispensable para hacerlo. No solo se convertirá en la guía definitiva para ayudarte a vencer todos los miedos que te limitan y a disfrutar la vida de otra manera, sino que además descubrirás, de la mano de Luisa W, que el poder para transformar el mundo está en tus manos. Al leer este libro también: -Encontrarás los consejos esenciales para que te conviertas en una celebridad de social media y transformes tu hobbie en el mejor negocio de tu vida. -Crearás el mapa de tus sueños. -Sabrás cómo eliminar aquellas relaciones tóxicas que te impiden ser feliz. -Descubrirás todos tus superpoderes y los de las personas que te rodean porque al final TODOS SOMOS PODEROSOS.

Toi aussi polyglotte

by Roberto Coppola Alexandra Froger

Ce livre recueille les conseils des grands polyglottes et examine les méthodes les plus efficaces d'auto-apprentissage des langues étrangères, selon mon expérience de formateur et de traducteur. Un chapitre entier se consacre au développement d'une méthode personnelle « parfaite » pour atteindre l'objectif d'apprendre à parler, lire et écrire en quatre langues étrangères sur deux ans. L'étude d'une langue étrangère ressemble beaucoup à l'étude d'un instrument de musique. Prenons le piano, par exemple. Il est nécessaire d'avoir des connaissances de la « grammaire » musicale et nous devons acquérir la dextérité nécessaire pour déplacer nos dix doigts sur le clavier avec précision et sans bavure. L'objectif principal est d'apprendre à jouer du piano plutôt que d'apprendre la théorie de la musique. La théorie est un outil d'apprentissage, pas sa fin. Jusqu'à il y a quelques années, l'étude du piano débutait avec le solfège. Une pratique ennuyeuse qui durait plusieurs mois et qui empoisonnait la vie de tous les débutants. Désormais, l'étude du piano et de tous les instruments de musique a beaucoup changé, tout comme l'étude des langues étrangères. Le changement didactique a diminué l'intérêt pour la grammaire et a, en même temps, accru l'attention portée à la pratique. La conscience de la spécificité de l'étude des langues n'est pas une technique académique. C'est une prémisse indispensable, un principe qui doit guider tous nos efforts dès la toute première leçon. Nous devons toujours nous concentrer sur le progrès de notre savoir-faire, c'est-à-dire notre capacité à parler, lire et écrire. Contenu : Préface 1-Éclaircissons-nous les idées 2-Les grands polyglottes du passé 3-Ce qui est encore valide et ce qui ne l'est plus 4-Les grands polyglottes du présent 5-De la langue à ta langue 6-Les méthodes infaillibles 7-La méthode par

Toma un segundo café contigo mismo: El valor de la autoestima

by Walter Dresel

Hace casi dos décadas Walter Dresel invitaba a sus lectores a hacer una pausa y mirar en su interior, con el libro Toma un café contigo mismo, que se convirtió en un éxito singular no solo en ventas, sino también en repercusión por la manera en que logró conectarse con su público. Hoy, este Toma un segundo café contigo mismo es una invitación a retomar el trascendente rol de la autoestima en el desempeño y gratificación que podamos recoger en nuestra vida, pero con la perspectiva de los años transcurridos. El mundo cambia y nosotros también lo hacemos. ¿Cómo nos ha ido en los últimos años? ¿Cuánto confiamos en nosotros mismos? ¿Qué ángulos debemos tener en cuenta en estos días para abordar con eficacia el auto-respeto? El autor nos ofrece bucear en lo más profundo de la autoestima mediante recursos prácticos para avanzar con pasos concretos en ser exitosos en aquello que de verdad nos proponemos.

Tómale una selfie a tu alma: Cómo mirar dentro de ti y ser tú mismo

by Marcelo Rittner

Si pudieras verte desde fuera, sin filtros, ¿te reconocerías? En una sociedad que prioriza las apariencias sobre la espiritualidad, donde se valora más el éxito económico que el bienestar emocional, cada vez estamos más lejos de saber quiénes somos realmente. Cuando no alcanzamos los estándares, cuando no obtenemos los likes que tanto deseamos, esto nos causa angustia y pesar, que poco a poco destruyen nuestra autoestima y dañan la forma en la que nos relacionamos con la gente a la que amamos y con nosotros mismos. Pero no todo está perdido. En este libro aprenderás a verte con tus propios ojos, los más amorosos que encontrarás, y descubrirás que todo lo que te hace diferente no es un defecto, sino la prueba de que eres una persona única e irremplazable. Este libro ofrece una serie de reflexiones necesarias y urgentes sobre la forma en que priorizamos los distintos aspectos de nuestra vida cuando atendemos más las apariencias externas que las necesidades internas. Descubre por qué debemos procurar nuestra dimensión espiritual tanto como la física; por qué es importante estar en buenos términos con nuestro ser interior antes de preocuparnos por agradar a los demás, y cómo encontrar nuestro propósito en la vida, en vez de imitar los que otras personas intentan imponernos. Prólogo de Alejandra Llamas

Tone It Up: 5-Day Reset for Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

by Katrina Scott Karena Dawn

Hey, Gorgeous! Welcome to Tone It Up, a worldwide community of amazing girlfriends who support and encourage each other to live our happiest, healthiest, and most confident lives. We’re so happy you’re here! Balanced and Beautiful is a 5-day plan to Refresh, Motivate, Inspire, Energize, and Relax so you can focus on you—you deserve it! Each day, you’ll find tips and advice for every aspect of your journey, including:Amazing workouts—beach yoga, ab and booty sculpting, and energizing cardioDelicious recipes that you’re going to love! Pancakes, Strawberry-Avo Toast, Blueberry Chia Muffins, and easy dinners for hostingGuides to fun workouts, girlfriend get- togethers, DIY face masks, essential oils, meditation, and advice for living your best lifeThroughout these pages, you’ll feel empowered, uplifted, and connected, with the entire Tone It Up community beside you cheering you on.Ready to reset and refresh? Feeling balanced and beautiful is only 5 days away!

Tongue Tied: Untangling Communication in Sex, Kink, and Relationships

by Stella Harris

“My favorite thing when I'm working with clients is when their eyes go wide with the ‘ah-ha’ moment that they really can have the sex life of their dreams. It's my hope that with this book, you can as well.”—Stella Harris Sex is still a touchy subject despite recent sex-positive advances. We live in a culture that vilifies people who are sexually adventurous and frames our kinks as shame-inducing perversions. Many people have never been able to talk openly about sex with their partner(s). But, you can get what you want out of the bedroom—if you ask for it. Why should anyone settle for mediocre sex?! Whether addressing sexual frustration with your partner, trying out new fantasies, or negotiating the terms of a BDSM scene, Stella Harris believes that communication skills are vital to sexual fulfillment. Tongue Tied gives readers straightforward advice on how to conquer their fears, identify their needs, and feel positively empowered. Harris charmingly takes readers through all aspects of communication, from basic interpersonal skills to negotiation advice for expert-level kink play. Learn how to have fun, embrace silly moments, support your loved ones, and take personal responsibility for your desires. An incredible guide full of exercises, tools, and personal examples, Tongue Tied is a must-read for people of every experience level and relationship status.

Too Sharp to Fail: How to Own Your Career and Thrive in the Workplace

by Kiana L. Wilson

Meet Justin, a twenty-something college graduate. He's probably a lot like you—young, driven, and determined to succeed. After landing a job in corporate America, Justin quickly learns the road to success is more complex than he thought, and his college education is simply not enough. Justin must become a student again. This time the classroom is an office with negative coworkers and a disgruntled boss. With the guidance and support of a mentor and professional coach, Justin learns the keys to succeeding in any workplace. Too Sharp to Fail is packed with real-life experiences and career-changing lessons. After reading Justin’s story, you’ll never view your career in the same way.

Too Small a World: The Life of Francesca Cabrini

by Theodore Maynard

Too Small a World is the bestselling biography of Mother Francesca Cabrini (1850-1917), an Italian-American religious sister who founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a Catholic religious institute, which became a major support to the Italian immigrants to the United States in the 19th century. Sister Cabrini was also the first naturalized citizen of the United States to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1946.Born in Northern Italy in 1850, Sister Cabrini was a woman of great compassion and courage. Inspired by her deep faith in Jesus Christ, she saw her life as a mission to relieve suffering and serve those in need—in particular the poor and excluded. Sister Cabrini established health, education and care centres in the U.S.A. and Latin America, Europe and England, becoming an inspiration to all those whose lives she touched.

The Top Ten Lies We Tell Ourselves: And How to Stop Living Them

by Dr Dana Marrocco

If laughter is the best medicine for physical illness, imagine what it might do for spiritual ailments. Educational psychologist and "self-help stand-up comedian" Dana Marrocco explores this idea in her first book, a work inspired by A Course in Miracles. Dr. Dana explains that the ego — the fear-soaked part of our mind — is happiest when we try to do everything it asks, even when it makes little sense. Following in the footsteps of Marianne Williamson, Gerald R. Jampolsky, M.D., and Gabrielle Bernstein, she uses both humor and a solid base of academic and practical knowledge to expose these hidden and harmful messages that, far too often, we blindly accept as true.Recommending a gentle, light hearted "roasting" of our self-deceptions, Dr. Dana tackles ten of the typical ego lies. Each of the ten lies comes with a twenty-four-hour challenge: to refrain from acting on or believing it for one day. With the rare, deft touch of someone who has actually tested her spiritual studies against everyday challenges, Dr. Dana offers a trustworthy, down-to-earth guide to recognizing the typical lies we all tell ourselves—and how to stop believing them."One of the keys to happiness is remembering to laugh, and Dr. Dana reminds us frequently of how to do that in The Top Ten Lies We Tell Ourselves. She's not just joking around, though, because she knows her stuff. She connects the most important principles of A Course in Miracles to her knowledge of psychology and then makes it clear that she's really used both in her own life. After this book, lying to myself won't be such a big deal anymore!" — Maria Felipe, author, Live Your Happy"Dr. Dana Marrocco's beautifully written guide through the ego's biggest lies is a heavenly compass for spiritual progress. Grounded in psychology and academic research, The Top Ten Lies We Tell Ourselves invites the reader to walk through an internal process of compassionate self-awareness to turn our fearful perceptions on their heads and return to a high-voltage perception of love. Dr. Dana's series of exercises takes us beyond the limitations of our conditioning and fear-based mental hooks to a brighter experience of life." — Lyna Rose, author, Enlighten Your Life"The Top Ten Lies We Tell Ourselves is a humorous look at the upside-down, fearful thought system of the ego part of our mind. By exposing our most common but not-so-obvious beliefs, this book will help you shift your mind to a right-side-up way of thinking, thereby freeing your mind from fear and setting you on a path of peace. The exercises throughout facilitate this awakening, and the twenty-four-hour challenges are brilliant!" — Corinne Zupko, EdS, author of From Anxiety to Love"Open this book, begin to read, and see if you can't find the truth, which will make you free. According to A Course in Miracles, we do not perceive our own best interests and need clarity to better understand what those interests are. This is an overall theme in Dr. Dana's conscientiously written book, reinforcing the practice of looking inward with total honesty to experience the happiness we deserve." — Jon Mundy, PhD, author, Living A Course in Miracles"Dr. Dana's voice speaks to me exactly where it helps most. She points to the hidden traps I have fallen into and how I can reverse my addictive beliefs that led me down the rabbit hole. The reader can easily identify with the 'ten lies' we grew up with, mistakes that weakens us, and will persist until we change our mind. I recommend this book to anyone who chooses to see things differently and stop living the mistakes of the past." — H. David Fishman, author, Into Oneness

Total Life Cleanse: A 28-Day Program to Detoxify and Nourish the Body, Mind, and Soul

by Jonathan Glass

A comprehensive guide to the integrated detox of body, mind, and spirit • Presents a practical 28-day plant-based program, divided into four cycles, to initiate and maximize physical, mental, and spiritual detoxification • Integrates the ancient wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine with naturopathic principles and contemporary nutritional science • Provides plant-based smoothie and meal recipes, tips on liver health and healthy elimination, exercise and yoga practices, breathing and meditation techniques to address toxic thought patterns, and Karma/Forgiveness cleansing rituals Integrating the ancient wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine with naturopathic principles and contemporary nutritional science, Jonathan Glass, M.Ac., C.A.T., presents a practical 28-day program, divided into four cycles, designed to initiate and maximize detoxification of your body, mind, and spirit from the harmful effects of the modern lifestyle. Glass reveals the interconnectedness of what we consume, both mentally and nutritionally, emphasizing that cleansing of the body alone will offer only a temporary solution if we do not also apply the same cleansing principles to our thoughts and actions. He provides delicious plant-based smoothie and meal recipes, step-by-step instructions to resolve blockages and stagnation in the physical or emotional body, including tips on liver health and healthy elimination, guidance on how to cleanse the proliferation of toxic thought patterns in the mind, as well as outlining a supportive Karma/Forgiveness cleanse ritual to detoxify the spirit. He explains how the soul is encased in five coverings, known as Koshas, and details how to harmonize all five Koshas through a plant-based diet, exercise, yoga, breathing techniques, and meditation/introspective practices. Citing wisdom from teachers he has revered over the years and sages past and present, as well as teachings from the Vedas and other ancient texts, Glass reinforces that how we eat, think, and live directly impacts our health in body, mind, spirit, and our relationships. He also shows how the principles of the Total Life Cleanse inherently support the environment. By empowering you with a new way of thinking, seeing, and being, the Total Life Cleanse program allows you not only to heal yourself by changing your life patterns but also to heal others, as we foster a deeper connection to the life that surrounds us and ultimately the universe.

Touching the Dragon: And Other Techniques for Surviving Life's Wars

by Christian D'Andrea James Hatch

From former special ops Navy SEAL senior chief; master naval parachutist (four Bronze Stars with Valor, Navy and Marine Corps Medal recipient, etc.); fighter in 150 missions (Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Africa); expert military dog trainer and handler whose SEAL dogs were partners and medal winners--a fierce, moving tale of a return from hell, being badly wounded on a special ops mission that ended his two-decades-long military career, his searing recovery, and the struggle to live life off the speeding train of war.In Touching the Dragon, James Hatch, Naval Special Warfare Operator, expert commando, tactical master in deadly operations, twenty-four years in service to his country (he enlisted in the Army National Guard at age seventeen), writes of his years of military service, from joining the Navy at eighteen, becoming a SEAL, to his joining the Naval Special Warfare Development group ("If I died in a gunfight, it would be doing something I loved"). He writes of the harrowing secret missions (Iraq, Bosnia, Africa); and of the fateful final mission (Afghanistan), that left him badly shot (a bullet exploding through his femur and out the back of his leg) as Hatch and his SEAL team crew were attempting to rescue a rogue soldier--Pvt. Bowe Bergdahl, who deserted his post, was captured by Al Qaida and Taliban militants, and was set to be smuggled to a part of the world where Americans could never reach him. Hatch writes of the horrific wound to his leg; of having no choice but to end his military career; of coming home to the country he'd spent his life defending; of the ordeal of getting well physically (eighteen surgeries; twelve months of recovery; learning to walk again); of having to find out who he was as a man apart from the chaotic world of special operations missions; of days and months of despair, alcoholism, the pull toward suicide; and of finally, through love of family, friends, soldiers, and his specially trained military dogs, touching the dragon, of going through the fear of feeling unfit for society, of finding a purpose and a way back to life.

The Toxic Parents Survival Guide: Recognizing, Understanding, and Freeing Yourself from These Difficult Relationships

by Bryn Collins

If you or someone you love grew up with an emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, or selfish parent, you probably struggle with residual feelings of anger, abandonment, loneliness, or shame. For anyone who endured a nightmare or a wasteland instead of a nurturing childhood, The Toxic Parents Survival Guide will offer you the clinical insights and the day-to-day tools so you can break the chains of toxicity that bind you in a mess you didn't create. Psychologist Bryn Collins pulls back the layers to explore the very complicated relationship with an emotionally unavailable parent. Whether they were unavailable because of addiction, mental illness, or being overly controlling or an iceberg, this imminently practical book will help validate your frustration and emotional struggles, help you set clear boundaries, and learn how to un-mesh yourself and move forward to a place of strength and peace without any guilt. Using case studies, quizzes, and jargon-free concepts, Collins profiles the most common types of toxic parents and offers the tactics and tools you need to change and break free of these painful associations. Your wounds can be healed and you can move forward. The Toxic Parents Survival Guide will help you find different ways of dealing with your parents' painful legacy so that you don't suffer and don't pass along emotional unavailability to the next generation or your current relationships.

Transformación profunda/Deep transformation: Una vida plena es el arte de SER, HACER y LOGRAR

by Stephanie Campos

Fortalece tu ser interior. Identifica tu propósito. Alcanza tu destino. Dios tiene un futuro extraordinario para ti. En Transformación profunda la autora Stephanie Campos presenta un proceso de crecimiento enfocado en tres partes: ser, hacer y lograr, el cual nos lleva a descubrir quiénes somos, cuál es nuestro llamado y cómo llevar a cabo nuestra misión. Stephanie utiliza su experiencia como entrenadora de vida y sus más de quince años de trabajar de forma cercana con diferentes poblaciones, para desarrollar cada paso y herramienta necesaria para encontrar el valor, la identidad y la plenitud interna. Su meta a través de estas páginas es equiparte para que seas una influencia positiva en todo lugar y que juntos construyamos un mundo mejor en el cual dejemos un legado saludable. Algunas de las beneficiosas enseñanzas que encontrarás en Transformación profunda son:Descubrir tu potencial y propósitoConstruir un futuro integralmente exitosoSuperar la adversidad y tener un corazón sanoEncontrarnos con Dios, con nosotros mismos y con los demás¡Y mucho más!

Transforme seu hábito Transforme sua vida

by John S. Lawson Maíra Soccol Pereira

Pilote seu próprio navio, retome o controle e elimine a procrastinação que o impediu de alcançar seus objetivos - um hábito de cada vez. A sua vida é um ciclo constante de decisões ruins que você não consegue mudar? Seja com exercícios, consumo de comida, limpeza ou objetivos gerais? Você tem problemas com procrastinação e em executar as tarefas exigidas de você todos os dias? E se eu te dissesse que há uma maneira simples de substituir seus hábitos ruins por hábitos saudáveis que irá te levar 10 passos mais próximo dos seus objetivos em questão de minutos? Há uma maneira de executar tarefas sem muito esforço? Uma maneira simples de superar a procrastinação e transformar isso em um momento positivo? Em "Transforme Seus Hábitos, Transforme Sua Vida", isso é exatamente o que você vai aprender. Você nunca mais terá sentimentos de remorso, procrastinação e culpa com esses passos que o levarão aonde você quiser! Neste guia comprovado, você aprenderá: estratégias sobre como criar hábitos novos, positivos e poderosos em sua vida, como fortalecer sua força de vontade para superar as tentações, como quebrar um hábito ruim de forma eficaz e decisiva, saberá mais sobre hábitos ruins e como lidar com eles, como conseguir um parceiro responsável para ajudar a mantê-lo sob controle. Irá aprender e entender o mecanismo por trás do que causa um hábito, o que fazer e o que não fazer na hora de quebrar um hábito ruim e aprender os problemas relacionados com as resoluções de ano novo que dificultam a quebra de um hábito e por que elas não funcionam. Dê o passo final em direção ao seu sucesso clicando no botão "Compre Agora" no topo da página hoje mesmo!

Trap Tales: So umgehen Sie die 7 Fallen des Lebens

by David M. Covey Stephan M. Mardyks

"Trap Tales" ist Ihr Leitfaden zur Vermeidung der 7 Hindernisse, die Menschen jeden Tag ablenken und aufhalten. Wir alle tappen in diese Fallen und merken es oft nicht, oder erst, wenn es zu spät ist. Wie bei Treibsand kann man leicht in Fallen geraten, aber schwer wieder herauskommen - umso mehr man es versucht, umso tiefer versinkt man darin. Aber was wäre, wenn wir diese Fallen umgehen könnten? Wenn wir sie schon aus der Ferne erkennen könnten und einen großen Bogen um sie machen würden? Im vorliegenden Buch trainieren Sie die Autoren David M. R. Covey und Stephan M. Mardyks in der Kunst der "Trapologie". Lernen Sie Alex und Victoria kennen, die in Fallen geraten sind, die Sie sicher wiedererkennen. In ihren Geschichten erfahren Sie mehr über die 7 meistverbreiteten Fallen im Leben und Beruf und wie sogar die intelligentesten und anscheinend gebildetsten Menschen in ihnen gefangen sein können - unfähig einen Weg herauszufinden. Fallen können sich meisterhaft tarnen, aber es gibt Anzeichen, die sie immer verraten. Man muss sie nur erkennen. Wenn Sie feststellen, dass Sie gerade in eine Falle getappt sind, betrachten Sie dieses Buch als Rettungsleine - die Lektionen in diesem Buch lehren Sie, den Fallen zu entkommen und ihnen in Zukunft auszuweichen. Dazu liefert "Trap Tales" im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Büchern unkonventionelle Strategien und Weisheiten, zum Beispiel: - Lernen Sie die 7 größten Falle im Privatleben und im Beruf kennen, die Menschen unbemerkt erwischen können. - Identifizieren Sie die Fallen, die Sie ganz konkret jetzt, in diesem Moment aufhalten. - Entdecken Sie Ihren Ausweg und ziehen Sie sich aus dem Treibsand. - Werden Sie zum "Trapologen" und vermeiden Sie Fallen zukünftig völlig. Die Kernbotschaft von "Trap Tales" ist Hoffnung - der Glaube, dass jeder jederzeit die Laufbahn und Entwicklung seines eigenen Lebens beeinflussen kann. Bewahren Sie sich davor, dass Fallen Ihnen Zeit, Geld, Energie und Glück stehlen. "Trap Tales" bietet ein Survival-Training der besonderen Art, das Ihnen erlaubt, Ihre eigene Erfolgsgeschichte zu schreiben.

The Traveler's Summit: The Remarkable Sequel to The Traveler's Gift

by Andy Andrews

The Traveler&’s Summit explores the historically proven principles that have guided our greatest leaders for centuries, and how we might restore these principles in our own lives…before it&’s too late.Dave Ponder is back, and this time, the fate of civilization may be in his hands.Centuries of greed, pride, and hate have sent humankind hurtling toward disaster, far from our original purpose. There is only one solution that can reset the compass and right the ship, and that answer is only two words. With time running out, it&’s up to David Ponder and a cast of history&’s best and brightest minds to uncover this solution before it is too late. The catch? They are allowed only five tries to solve the ominous challenge. Readers first encountered David Ponder in the New York Times bestseller The Traveler&’s Gift. Now, in The Traveler&’s Summit, Andrews combines a riveting narrative with astounding history to show us the one thing we must do when we don&’t know what to do.Released in a previous edition as The Final Summit.

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