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Tú no naciste para sufrir: Ámate a ti mismo, regresa a la paz interior, la saud, la felicidad y la plenitud

by Blake D. Bauer

Una guía práctica para sanar las heridas emocionales y obtener paz y felicidad. Depresión, adicciones, enfermedades, trabajos insatisfactorios y conflictos en las relaciones no son más que síntomas provocados por ocultar las emociones verdaderas, negar la razón de nuestra existencia y vivir con miedo. El dolor debiera ser considerado como un auténtico grito del ser interior que nos pide cumplir el propósito de nuestra vida, desarrollar nuestro mayor potencial, así como honrarnos y amarnos en cada momento, cada situación. Mediante sencillos pasos, impregnados de conocimiento y sabiduría de distintas tradiciones espirituales y médicas, Blake D. Bauer nos enseña cómo reducir la ansiedad y crear un vínculo más sano con nosotros mismos, basado en la aceptación, la amabilidad, la honestidad y la autoestima. Ya sea que los pensamientos negativos, las preocupaciones financieras, la soledad, la culpao la poca confianza en ti mismo te detengan, las palabras de Tú no naciste para sufrir te auxiliarán a curar el sufrimiento y las heridas, a avanzar con valentía por tu existencia, sentir pasión por tu trabajo y a vivir con plenitud.

Tu Otro Cuerpo

by Lisa Wagman Renato Sanchez

¿Alguna vez has conocido a alguien que instantáneamente sentiste que conoces? ¿Por qué nuestros sueños apenas tienen sentido? ¿Por qué algunas personas se sienten como una mujer en el género masculino o un hombre en el género femenino? Estas son solo algunas de las muchas preguntas que puede tener. Tu Otro Cuerpo te lleva a una inmersión profunda de tu alma: * Compañeros de alma, conexiones y guías: quiénes son y tus relaciones con ellos. * Sueños: tres tipos diferentes que tenemos y su relevancia para tu alma. * Reencarnación: su propósito, por qué seguimos haciéndolo y lo que el cuerpo te brinda.

tu Talento y tu Destino

by Isaac John Akagu

Este libro te convertirá en un GENIO. Vas a descubrir cómo liberar el poder de tus potenciales, resultando en increíbles hazañas. Descubrirás tus tesoros escondidos y te enseñará a desplegarlos. Si alguna vez quieres alcanzar la grandeza, ¡este libro es una lectura obligada! No vas a creer lo talentoso que eres.

Turning the Tide on Plastic: How Humanity (And You) Can Make Our Globe Clean Again

by Lucy Siegle

Enough plastic is thrown away every year to circle the world 4 times More than 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the oceans each year 300 million tonnes of new plastic is produced every year An estimated 15-51 trillion pieces of plastic now litter the world's oceans 38.5 million plastic bottles are used every day in the UK A million plastic bottles are used per minute around the world 500 million plastic straws are used per year Without big action, at the current rate, pieces of plastic will outnumber fish in the ocean by 2050. That is the legacy we are leaving our children and grandchildren. Plastic flows into our lives from every direction and most of it is not recycled. Instead it is incinerated or ends up in landfill, where it will sit for hundreds of years, or enters the world's seas where it fragments into tiny pieces to become microplastics - the environmental scourge of our times. Many of us had assumed that governments, brands and waste authorities were dealing with plastic on our behalf. But the impact of shows such as Blue Planet along with national beach cleans and high-profile campaigns have resulted in a collective wake-up call. If there were plans and strategies, they have not worked as we imagined. It would be easy to feel despondent but instead we need to turn our anger and emotion into action, starting by making a big dent in our own enormous consumption. Turning the tide on Plastic is here just in time. Journalist, broadcaster and eco lifestyle expert Lucy Siegle provides a powerful call to arms to end the plastic pandemic along with the tools we need to make decisive change. It is a clear-eyed, authoritative and accessible guide to help us to take decisive and effective personal action. Because this matters. When it comes to single-use plastics, we are habitual users, reaching out for plastic water bottles, disposable coffee cups, plastic straws and carrier bags multiple times a day. If only 12 of us adopt Lucy's 'reduce, rethink, refill, refuse' approach, we could potentially ditch 3K-15K single items of plastic in a year. When we consider our power as influencers - whether at school, the hairdressers, at work or on the bus - we suddenly become part of something significant. So now is the time to speak up, take action and demand the change you want to see in the ocean, in the supermarket aisles and on the streets. It's time to turn the tide on plastic, and this book will show you how.

Turning the Tide on Plastic: How Humanity (And You) Can Make Our Globe Clean Again

by Lucy Siegle

Enough plastic is thrown away every year to circle the world 4 timesMore than 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the oceans each year300 million tonnes of new plastic is produced every year An estimated 15-51 trillion pieces of plastic now litter the world's oceans 38.5 million plastic bottles are used every day in the UKA million plastic bottles are used per minute around the world500 million plastic straws are used per yearPlastic flows into our lives from every direction and most of it is not recycled. Instead it is incinerated or ends up in landfill, where it will sit for hundreds of years, or enters the world's seas where it fragments into tiny pieces to become microplastics - the environmental scourge of our times. Without big action, at the current rate, pieces of plastic will outnumber fish in the ocean by 2050. That is the legacy we are leaving our children and grandchildren.Turning the tide on Plastic is here just in time. Journalist, broadcaster and eco lifestyle expert Lucy Siegle provides a powerful call to arms to end the plastic pandemic along with the tools we need to make decisive change. It is a clear-eyed, authoritative and accessible guide to help us to take decisive and effective personal action. If only 12 of us adopt Lucy's 'reduce, rethink, refill, refuse' approach, we could potentially ditch 3K-15K single items of plastic in a year. When we consider our power as influencers - whether at school, the hairdressers, at work or on the bus - we suddenly become part of something significant. So now is the time to speak up, take action and demand the change you want to see in the ocean, in the supermarket aisles and on the streets. It's time to turn the tide on plastic, and this book will show you how.This audio edition features exclusive extra material, including:An interview with Hugo Tagholm, CEO of Surfers Against SewageAn interview with Emily Penn, Mission Director and co-founder of eXXpedition, recorded live from Hawaii ahead of eXXpedition's voyage through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the densest ocean plastic accumulation zone on the planet.Tips from Fiona Llewelyn, Chair of Plastic Free St.Agnes, for how your community can cut down plastic use.Written and Read by Lucy Siegle(p) Orion Publishing Group Ltd 2018

Type R: Transformative Resilience for Thriving in a Turbulent World

by Stephanie Marston Ama Marston

Forget Type As and Bs. The future lies with Type Rs-the resilient individuals, leaders, businesses, families, and communities who turn challenges into opportunities in times of upheaval, crisis, and change.In Type R, Ama Marston and Stephanie Marston explore Transformative Resilience and the strategies of those who use difficult circumstances as catalysts for growth--springing forward rather than bouncing back during turbulent times.Here, Ama and Stephanie share inspiring stories of Type Rs thriving during unprecedented world events and increasing global pressures--from climate change to financial crises. They share the individual and collective triumphs of people coping with the stress of daily life and the challenges and disruptions that rattle all our lives at some point. And they draw upon research that spans the personal and the professional, the local and the global. Reaching across psychology, neuroscience, business, and politics, Type R demonstrates how we can use challenges to innovate, create new strengths, and grow.Type R also teaches leaders, businesses, and organizations how to cultivate the critical Type R Vision and Culture, which is essential for navigating and thriving in disruptive change. This thought-provoking book proves that there is much we can learn from those who use change, stress, and adversity as springboards to progress in a chaotic world.

U Turn to the Holy Spirit: No More Fear

by W. L. Sorrell

The last thing you offer a person dying from spiritual dehydration is a list of complicated directions to some mythical watering hole in another part of the world. A longwinded book of fiction this is not. The wellspring you seek is nearer than you think. If you’re gasping, dive in!

Uhrautumisen Voima

by Gabriel Agbo

Uhrautumiset ovat tehokkaita. Erittäin tehokkaita! Rikkain mies, vahvin mies, kaikkein siunatuimmat miehet ja naiset, viisaimmat, mahtavin kuningas, kaikkein vaikutusvaltaisimmat profeetat olivat uhrautuvia miehiä ja naisia. He antoivat kaiken, riskeerasivat kaiken kansansa vuoksi, inhimillisyyden ja Jumalan vuoksi saavuttaakseen tavoitteensa ja urotyönsä, josta jopa ikuisuus olisi ylpeä. Jos haluat tulla mahtavaksi, sinun täytyy ensin tulla uhrautuvaksi mieheksi/naiseksi. Kaikki on mahdollista niille, jotka pystyvät maksamaan hinnan. Tulet huomaamaan näiden hyvin paljastavien lukujen - Uhrautumisen Voima, Uhraa Vain Omasi, Kuljen Egyptin Kautta, Maksan Hinnan, Seuraa Minua! Tulimme Sinun Vuoksi, Minä suojelen Sinua, Keitä Viimeinen Ateria, Pelastamisen Voima, Ylistäminen, Rukous ja Paasto. Emme ole vain keskustelleet Raamatun suurten miesten ja naisten uhrauksista ja kuinka heidän tekonsa tekivät heistä suuria, vaan myös sellaisista ihmisistä kuin Israelin 'Yoni' Netanyahu; nuori israelilainen, joka johti kommandoyksikköä pelastamaan juutalaiset panttivangit, joita pidettiin Entebben lentokentällä heidän koneensa tultua kaapatuksi ja ohjatuksi Ugandaan vuonna 1976. Katselimme myös joitakin meidän sotasankareita, erityisesti Erikoisjoukkojen - kuten SEAL, Delta -yksikkö. Nämä miehet antoivat kaikkensa, riskeerasivat jatkuvasti kaiken, myös elämänsä puolustaakseen kansaansa ja inhimillisyyttä. He uhrasivat elämänsä suojellakseen muita. Jeesus sanoi, että suurin uhraus ihmiselle on, että antaa oman henkensä toisten vuoksi. Me osoitamme kunnioituksemme heille. He opettavat meille mitä uhrautumisen pitäisi olla. Jeesus kertoi, että mikä uhraus on suurempi kuin mies, joka antaa henkensä ystäviensä vuoksi? Me ylistämme heidän rohkeuttaan ja äärimmäistä isänmaallisuutta. Tässä, me opimme uskon uhrauksista, ystävällisyydestä, isänmaallisuudesta, rukouksesta, paastoamisesta ja ylistämisest�

The Ultimate Brush Lettering Guide: A Complete Step-by-Step Creative Workbook to Jump-Start Modern Calligraphy Skills

by Peggy Dean

From the artist behind the popular Pigeon Letters website, a complete guide to learning and perfecting brush lettering, a forgiving style of modern calligraphy that encourages creative expression and imprecision, including basic skills, flourishes, and project ideas.The Ultimate Brush Lettering Guide has something for everyone--from beginners that have never used a brush pen, to seasoned letterers looking for a new style or ideas for creative flourishes. From choosing the best pens and paper and knowing the different styles of lettering, to adding color to your finished pieces--this book covers it all. The book includes templates for labels, cards, handmade bunting, and word collages. It even includes a how to guide for posting your best work on social media. Each lesson builds on itself, unlocking endless opportunities inside the playful art of brush lettering. As a self-taught artist who left her day job to pursue a creative life, Peggy Dean is the ideal teacher for artists and non-artists alike.

The Ultimate Guide to Divination: The Beginner's Guide To Using Cards, Crystals, Runes, Palmistry, And More For Insight And Predicting The Future

by Liz Dean

A must-have guide chock-full of time-honored methods for developing your intuition, accessing the unconscious, and parting the veils between the realms. Connect with your intuitive wisdom by exploring the key divination tools and techniques used throughout the ages: crystal casting and pendulums; runes; teacup, coffee cup, and salt readings; palmistry; playing cards and tarot cards; numerology; dice reading; crystal ball gazing; and more.The Ultimate Guide to Divination presents to you the oracles of the ancients in a colorful, modern, and easy-to-use format. Step-by-step illustrations and color photos guide you through the methods, and helpful tables and reference charts show you how to understand and decipher common psychic symbols. Just a few of the valuable divinatory references within:A directory of crystals used in divination, each paired with a color photo of the stone and a guide to its interpretationA glossary of psychic symbols for tea, coffee, and salt readingsAn illustrated guide to the meanings of hand and fingertip shapes, along with interpretations for each mount of the handA complete review of the major and minor arcana cards of the tarot, including layouts for various spreadsNumerology charts and keys for compatibility, auspicious numbers for occasions, and the meanings of your house and phone numbersThere is an oracle for every purpose and question. The Ultimate Guide to Divination is the essential handbook to the mystic arts.Filled with beautiful illustrations and designed to give easy access to the information you’re looking for, each of the references in the Ultimate Guide to . . . series provides simple-to-follow expert guidance as you learn and master your practice.

The Ultimate Self Care Book: Improve Your Wellbeing; Build Resilience and Confidence; Master Mindfulness

by Patrick Forsyth Dena Michelli Stephen Evans-Howe Clara Seeger

If you want to be the best, you have to have the right skillset. From confidence and assertiveness to managing stress and mindfulness, THE ULTIMATE SELF CARE BOOK is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success. Discover the main themes and key ideas, and bring it all together with practical exercises.This is your complete course in wellbeing at work. ABOUT THE SERIESULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From marketing and sales to management and finance, each title gives comprehensive coverage of the essential business skills you need to get ahead in your career. Written in straightforward English, each book is designed to help you quickly master the subject, with fun quizzes embedded so that you can check how you're doing.

The Ultimate Self Care Book: Improve Your Wellbeing; Build Resilience and Confidence; Master Mindfulness

by Patrick Forsyth Stephen Evans-Howe Clara Seeger

If you want to be the best, you have to have the right skillset. From confidence and assertiveness to managing stress and mindfulness, THE ULTIMATE SELF CARE BOOK is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success. Discover the main themes and key ideas, and bring it all together with practical exercises.This is your complete course in wellbeing at work. ABOUT THE SERIESULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From marketing and sales to management and finance, each title gives comprehensive coverage of the essential business skills you need to get ahead in your career. Written in straightforward English, each book is designed to help you quickly master the subject, with fun quizzes embedded so that you can check how you're doing.

The Ultimate Startup Book: Find Your Big Idea; Write Your Business Plan; Master Sales and Marketing

by Christine Harvey Kevin Duncan John Sealey Iain Maitland

If you want to be the best, you have to have the right skillset. From generating ideas and creating business plans to sales and marketing, THE ULTIMATE STARTUP BOOK is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success. Discover the main themes and key ideas you need and bring it all together with practical exercises.This is your complete course in entrepreneurship. ABOUT THE SERIESULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From marketing and sales to management and finance, each title gives comprehensive coverage of the essential business skills you need to get ahead in your career. Written in straightforward English, each book is designed to help you quickly master the subject, with fun quizzes embedded so that you can check how you're doing.

The Ultimate Startup Book: Find Your Big Idea; Write Your Business Plan; Master Sales and Marketing

by Christine Harvey Kevin Duncan Iain Maitland

If you want to be the best, you have to have the right skillset. From generating ideas and creating business plans to sales and marketing, THE ULTIMATE STARTUP BOOK is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success. Discover the main themes and key ideas you need and bring it all together with practical exercises.This is your complete course in entrepreneurship. ABOUT THE SERIESULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From marketing and sales to management and finance, each title gives comprehensive coverage of the essential business skills you need to get ahead in your career. Written in straightforward English, each book is designed to help you quickly master the subject, with fun quizzes embedded so that you can check how you're doing.

Ultimate Success: Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh, and ThePower of Your Subconscious Mind: The Mental Magic to Creating Wealth

by Joseph Murphy James Allen Napoleon Hill

Simplify your self-help shelf--and super-charge your life! Here is an all-in-one edition of the top-selling success classics of all time, beautifully packaged and affordably priced.If you--or someone you love--is looking for direction in life, and if motivation is present, Ultimate Success is a can't-fail resource. Inside this book is the secret to spreading your wings and achieving your true desires.This sleekly designed, accessible volume features the bestselling success guides of all time--Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh, and The Power of Your Subconscious Mind--each one a practical journey into becoming who you were born to be. There is literally no source of self-help literature more powerful than this collected volume. Ultimate Success won't change your life--if you're reading these words, and find a rising excitement within you, IT ALREADY HAS. The next step is to read its opening line...

Um presente de família

by Marta Girón

Em muitas ocasiões nos acontecem coisas que não sabemos explicar, situações que nos causam dor porque não conseguimos compreendê-las. Muitas vezes, chegamos a colocar a culpa da nossa infelicidade no destino. Mas, o quê aconteceria se tudo não passasse de um "presente" que fosse transmitido de geração a geração para curar alguém além de nossos ancestrais? O quê aconteceria se tudo não passasse de fruto de experiências passadas, de nossa memória transgeracional? O quê aconteceria se as dores físicas trouxessem uma mensagem passível de decodificação? Ou se nos tornássemos conscientes de todas essas experiências e nos curássemos? Nos sentiríamos livres? Recuperaríamos nossa saúde? Retomaríamos nosso caminho com novos objetivos? Este livro está baseado em uma história real, nas experiências da própria autora e circunstâncias da sua vida que ela não conseguia entender, mas sabia que não eram fortuitas. Aqui, será possível acompanhar seus avanços num caminho nunca antes imaginado. Un caminho condicionado pelas influências dos padrões herdados da energia ancestral de seu clã.

Um Segredo Nunca Revelado - Por que Ativar Sua Glândula Pineal é Tão Importante Para Elevar A Consciência e Para O Despertar

by Helen Jane Rose Jorge Frigola Pardo

Dentro das páginas deste livro encontra-se um segredo que nunca foi revelado - sua Glândula Pineal funciona contra você, a menos que tenha sido totalmente ativada. Um Segredo Nunca Revelado é um apelo à ação. É um livro canalizado a partir das comunicações da Colaboração da Consciência Iluminada que foi escrito através da técnica de escrita automática. Mais do que apenas palavras, o livro oferece uma ativação de energia - a ativação do Glândula Pineal. O livro possui códigos e freqüências energéticas dentro de suas palavras que não estão vinculados pelo tempo e espaço. Você foi chamado para abandonar a consciência de massa e incorporar a consciência da alma, o lugar dentro de você que conhece o amor, a compaixão e a aceitação incondicionais. Tempo para fazer a paz com todos vocês ... o passado, a programação e as falsas crenças sobre você. Este livro é uma ferramenta de capacitação para a Nova Terra.

Uma Vida Sem Amor

by Marcelo C Troche Felipe A.G. Gabrielli

Introdução Muitas pessoas passam suas vidas sem conseguir superar as situações pelas quais passaram quando jovens, fazendo com que muitas delas tomem medidas drásticas e violentas, cheg- ando até ao suicídio em algumas oportunidades ou se con- formem a viver uma vida medíocre e infeliz até o final, enquanto outras tentam buscar uma vida melhor mas acabam ficando presas ao seu passado, gerando um ciclo de frustração que as impede de abrir portas para um futuro melhor. Uma vida sem Amor é una história de grande reflexão, que atravessa as etapas da vida dos personagens desde a infância até a idade adulta, em que precisam enfrentar os problemas do passado para conseguir mudar o presente.

Un cadeau de la famille

by Marta Martín Girón

Le premier roman qui traite des répercussions de notre héritage énergétique Très souvent il nous arrive des choses que nous ne savons expliquer, des situations qui nous font souffrir parce que nous ne les comprenons pas. Nous en arrivons même à accuser le destin de notre malheur ou notre tristesse, de notre maladie ou celle d'un être cher, de nos carences ou limitations. Mais, que se passerait-il si tout cela était un cadeau qui se transmet de génération en génération pour soigner quelqu'un d'autre pour nos ancêtres ? Que se passerait-il si nos expériences étaient le fruit d'expériences passées, de notre mémoire transgénérationnelle ? Que se passerait-il si les troubles physiques apportaient un message qui peut être biodécodé ? Que se passerait-il si nous devenions conscient de toutes ces expériences et si nous soignions nos problèmes? Nous sentirions-nous libres ? Récupérerions-nous notre santé ? Reconduirions-nous notre chemin et trouverions-nous de nouveaux objectifs ? Ce livre est basé sur une histoire réelle, sur les expériences de l'auteure elle-même par rapport aux circonstances de sa vie qu'elle ne réussissait pas à comprendre mais dont elle savait qu'elles n'étaient pas fortuites. Avec elle, vous pourrez voir comment elle a avancé sur un chemin que jamais elle n'aurait imaginé, entourée et conditionnée par les influences des schémas hérités de l'énergie ancestrale de son clan.

Un-Settling: How to Help Your Kids by Making and Modeling an Amazing Life After Divorce

by Maggie McReynolds

Un-Settling speaks to mothers and their children who have settled enough already to mothers whose marriage they'd settled for no longer worked, who took a big leap and resolved to build something better for their kids. But somewhere along the way, the anxiety over whether the kids are going to be okay has disconnected mothers from the fierce Warrior Mama who made that brave choice. Certified life coach Maggie McReynolds encourages mothers to take heart. Divorce is awful, but its aftermath is one of the richest opportunities mothers can ever be given to redefine themselves, dream big dreams, and make bold, life-defining choices about who they are, how they want to parent, and what they want to model for your kids. With the exhilarating fresh-start boldness of Under the Tuscan Sun and the tender, wry wisdom of Anne Lamott's Operating Instructions, Un-Settling guides mothers how to create the post-divorce life they've been longing for.

Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times (Unafraid Ser.)

by Adam Hamilton

Fear is a complex emotion. Sometimes it saves us. More often it robs us of the life we want. But we can take our lives back. You'd be hard-pressed to overstate the extent to which fear, anxiety, and worry permeate our lives today. Fear wreaks havoc on our relationships and communities. It leads us into making bad decisions. It holds us back from the very pursuits that promise fulfillment and joy. Making matters worse, not a week goes by when some new threat or calamity isn't dominating the headlines. Why are there so many tragedies? we wonder. What will happen next?As the senior pastor of a large, diverse church in America's heartland, Adam Hamilton has seen the cost of fear up close. When he surveyed his congregation on how fear affects them, 2,400 people responded--and what they said was eye-opening. Eighty percent admitted to living with moderate or significant levels of fear.Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times is Reverend Hamilton's insightful and impassioned response. Drawing on recent research, inspiring real-life examples, and fresh biblical insight, Hamilton shows how to untangle the knots we feel about disappointing others, failure, financial insecurity, loneliness, insignificance, and aging. Then he helps readers understand and counter fears related to such outsize perils as terrorism, death, and the apocalypse.Writing with generosity and intelligence, Hamilton shows how believer and unbeliever alike can develop sustaining spiritual practices and embrace Jesus's recurring counsel: "Do not be afraid." For anyone struggling with fear or wondering how families and communities can thrive in troubled times, Unafraid offers an informed and inspiring message full of practical solutions.

Unbound: Finding Freedom from Unrealistic Expectations of Motherhood

by Jamie Sumner

In UNBOUND, JAMIE SUMNER helps women who are struggling with the pressures of motherhood find comfort, hope and companionship by detailing her own difficult journey and highlighting women of the Bible who triumphed in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.Women, especially Christian women, do not talk enough about the reality of motherhood: the enormous struggles it takes to get there, the loneliness of it, the unspoken or unmet expectations. We are often too afraid, ashamed, or unwilling to share our stories of disillusionment or pain. We quietly absorb the posts of sonograms and happily messy houses on Facebook as we inwardly wonder what's the matter with us. We listen to friends coo about their child's latest success as we watch our own terrorize their sibling or scream for an hour. We struggle to raise kids with special needs, physical disabilities, and social challenges, caught by surprise that this is what motherhood looks like.With honesty and vulnerability, JAMIE SUMNER walks readers through each chapter of her own journey to motherhood through infertility and special needs parenting and pairs it with that of a woman in the Bible so that readers can find comfort, hope, companionship and honesty rooted in biblical truths.The book is broken into four parts: The Wanting, The Waiting, The Getting and The Appreciating. UNBOUND will share the heartbreak of infertility and offer encouragement from someone who has had to wait for the fulfillment of motherhood; detail the specifics of infertility treatments, miscarriage, and raising special needs children through a Christian lens; honestly discuss the expectations versus the reality of being a mother; and highlight specific biblical women in each chapter who did not fit the expectations of their times through verses, scriptural anecdotes and guiding questions.UNBOUND shows you through Scripture how to be thankful for each step wherever it leads. Happiness is found as we release into His hands our own well-laid plans for His better, and more beautiful one, no matter how different it may look from what we first imagined.

Unbroken Faith: Spiritual Recovery for the Special Needs Parent

by Diane Dokko Kim

When a parent hears that their child has a disability, hearts and hopes are often broken. But faith doesn’t have to be. In Unbroken Faith, Dianne Dokko Kim comes alongside you as a fellow special needs parent to help you reconcile the premise of a good God with the devastating realities of raising a disabled child. Kim courageously articulates deep-seated, unspoken doubts and fears you may have but are afraid to voice: Will my child still have a full life? Can I do this? Where is God in all this? As you are adjusting to your new normal, Kim’s biblical-based encouragement will help you understand that you are not alone, that God gets it, and that God’s Word is entirely relevant to the raw and messy yet hallowed spaces of special needs parenting.

Unconditional Love: A Guide to Navigating the Joys and Challenges of Being a Grandparent Today

by Jane Isay

A beautiful meditation on the joys of being a grandparent and a practical guide to help you and your adult children make the most of your relationship with a grandchild.For many grandparents, a grandchild offers a second chance to become the parent they didn’t have the time or the energy to be when raising their own children. Being a grandparent, family relationships expert Jane Isay argues, is the opportunity to turn missed opportunities into delight.Drawing on her personal experience, dozens of interviews, and the latest findings in psychology, Isay shows how a grandparent can use his or her unique perspective and experience to create a deep and lasting bond that will echo throughout a grandchild’s life. She explores the realities of today’s multigenerational families, identifying problems and offering solutions to enhance love, trust, and understanding between grandparents, parents, and grandchildren. She also offers a wealth of practical advice, from when to get involved, when to stay away, and how to foster a strong relationship when you’re separated by long distance.Unconditional Love advocates for honest conversation, thinking in the long run and healing breaches in order to be together, understanding that most of us try to do our best and need to be forgiven if we fail. Isay argues that secrets and surprises may tilt the boat but won’t necessarily sink it and that grandparents and their grown children are happier when they give each other the benefit of the doubt. Most importantly, she writes, the advent of grandchildren offers families the opportunity for healing and redemption—if we seize the moment. In lovely prose and through delightful stories, Isay shows us how we can.A great gift for grandparents-to-be and a wonderful resource for all, Unconditional Love is a beautiful and psychologically astute look at what it means to be an engaged grandparent.

Under Construction: Navigating the Detours on the Road to Recovery

by Dug McGuirk

This so called "life" is a journey and it doesn't matter who you are—you are special and unique with something to offer and enjoy, period. The obstacles and detours the roads present are not any easier in one car or another; it just boils down to how you navigate your way through and around them. One of McGuirk's key principles centers on the concept of State, i.e. your state of mind, how you feel. State is the emotional fuel you want to fill up on--the things or experiences that make you feel good. Most people have been fueling up the wrong way their entire life and their state is not what it ought to be. They fill up on poor quality emotions then spend their lives trying to escape important things because they can't find a way to derive pleasure from them. One of the worst things people fill up on is alcohol and drugs—sure it helps temporarily, but it doesn't take long before they're coughing and sputtering on the exit ramp and nothing works for them any more—they're feeling guilty, unfulfilled, empty. Fueling up the right way is what successful people do—they fill up with it first thing in the morning, every day of their lives. They create their own happiness because they know that by feeling great, it will be easier to attain the abundance and success they really want. For the millions of people fueled on desperation, broken down and in need of repair, Under Construction is a shop. It is the place to learn how to give yourself a tune-up. McGuirk provides all the tools you need to keep from struggling on the road, but ultimately, it's your shop—you are the mechanic. If you're ready and willing to turn your world around and start really enjoying your life journey, Under Construction is the perfect guide. Quit pushing your rusting old car around and start taking laps in the winner's circle—with McGuirk navigating, you CAN do it!

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