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Unlocking the 7 Secret Powers of the Heart: A Practical Guide to Living in Trust and Love

by Shai Tubali

An invitation to discover and develop your heart powers and tap into heart energy • Features accessible yet profound wisdom about the power of the heart and approaches for tapping into heart energy • Reveals that the heart, often perceived as our most vulnerable and fragile place, is in fact the source of our greatest potential • Supports individual heart-work by offering simple and practical exercises, meditations, and visualizations proven effective through many years of practice The heart is more often associated with vulnerability than hidden powers. We generally feel the need to protect our heart, building high walls after experiences of emotional pain and hurt. This response is unconscious, and since the modern world teaches us to rely on the brain to guide our life and actions, many of us find it hard to connect to the power and skills within our own hearts. Addressing the fears and feelings of insecurity that can arise and prevent us from opening up to the treasures we hold within, Shai Tubali reveals that the heart, often perceived as our most vulnerable and fragile place, is in fact the source of our greatest potential. Providing practical advice, exercises, meditations, and visualizations proven through his own heart-work practice, he shows how to tap into the heart’s energy field and easily activate its seven secret powers: wisdom, vulnerability, forgiveness, ability to love, infinite energy, transformation, and self-acceptance. He explains how our modern education system develops our mind perception only, focusing on the goal of being successful and urging us constantly to be faster and better. Not only does this not bring happiness and fulfilment, but it may even cause stress and illness. Showing how to transition from mind to heart perception, Tubali helps us understand more about our heart’s skills and how to implement its powers by healing inner energetic and emotional blockages. Calling for a change from one-sided mind perception and behavior, Tubali urges us to get in touch with our core and surrender completely to our heart energy, leaving all misconceptions behind and tearing down protective walls to discover our full potential. Unlocking the seven heart powers will lead to a deep sense of peace, balance, and fulfilment and enable you to approach life from a place of trust and love.

Unmedicated: The Four Pillars of Natural Wellness

by Madisyn Taylor

The cofounder of the holistic lifestyle website DailyOM presents a gentle and accessible step-by-step guide to moving from excessive reliance on medications to fundamentally healing yourself through four pillars of natural wellness.Madisyn Taylor was plagued by depression and anxiety, suffering from chronic physical problems that left her desperate for solutions. Spending decades searching for answers, she first turned to the medical community, which put her on a rollercoaster course of numerous doctors, tests, and an unhealthy reliance on medications that left her numb and lifeless. With her happiness and future on the line, she then made the decision to become unmedicated, reaching out to the natural, holistic health realm. And after years of practice and research, Madisyn developed an integrative wellness program that put her back in the driver’s seat of her health, and ultimately, her life. Unmedicated is her thoughtful account of how she broke free from binding mental chains and physical ailments to be happy, healthy, and productive; it is also a guide for you to apply her practical techniques to your own healing journey. Madisyn offers a daily program of easy-to-follow actions based on four pillars that will build a lifelong foundation for health: clear your mind; strengthen your body; nurture your spirit; and find your tribe. Whether you want to be happy and stay happy, find relief from depression and anxiety, or heal and create a healthy change, Unmedicated is a gentle, compassionate, and achievable path that empowers you to take back your life and live fully.

Uno e Unico

by Aimar Rollan Valeria Bragante

Uno e Unico è un saggio filosofico, una ricerca intellettuale che tenta di dare una risposta alle eterne domande della vita. L’opera consta di circa trenta temi universali, atemporali e che incombono su tutti gli esseri umani, senza considerare età, razza, nazionalità o religione professata. In quest’opera il lettore non troverà grandi affermazioni, né risposte certe. Non troverà dogmi, né dottrine. L’obiettivo di questo libro è far riflettere il lettore, generare in lui un pensiero critico, filosofico, mistico … In definitiva, offrirgli qualcosa che non solo sazi la sua conoscenza, ma che anche gli faccia intraprendere un viaggio interiore per conoscere sé stesso, affinchè trovi, lui stesso, le proprie conclusioni. Quest’opera è il risultato di molti anni di ricerca e riflessione, è una sintesi della conoscenza occidentale(scienza, filosofia, tecnologia …) e della saggezza orientale (yoga, vedanta, meditazione, zen …). "Vivere senza filosofare è, propriamente, avere gli occhi chiusi, senza tentare mai di aprirli". René Descartes.

Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God

by Max Lucado

What is shaking in your world? Possibly your future, your faith, your family, or finances? It's a shaky world out there. In Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado offers encouraging guidance for overcoming sadness and despair, renewing a sense of purpose, and triumphantly facing the fears of the future.We’ve never been more educated and entertained. We have technological tools our parents could only dream of, and we are saturated with information, amusement, and recreation. Yet more than ever, we are starving for hope. School shootings are all too familiar. Depression is on the rise. And more people than ever are orchestrating their own deaths. In America alone, the suicide rate has increased 24 percent in fewer than twenty years. If a disease saw such a spike, it would be deemed an epidemic. People are dying from a lack of hope.After forty years of counseling and ministry, Max Lucado has learned that nothing lifts the desperate, weary heart like the promises of God. In a world full of despair, depression, anxiety, and instability, we do not need more opinions or hunches; we need the definitive declarations of our mighty and loving God. Unshakable Hope examines twelve of God’s promises that Max has turned to over the years to encourage himself and others. Each chapter explores one significant promise and reveals how it will equip you to:Overcome challenging circumstancesLive through sadness and renew hopeExperience lasting securityMake wise decisions What is your life built on—the circumstances of life or the promises of God? The answer to that question changes everything. For every problem in life, God has given you a promise. Join Max as he takes a closer look at Scripture’s unbreakable promises and shows you how to live with an unshakable hope.

Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God

by Max Lucado

*NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER* What feels shaky in your world? Are you overwhelmed by the problems you’re facing or the pain you’re feeling?Maybe you feel hurt by the past. Disappointed by the present. Worried about the future. If so, you are not alone, but there is hope. You can live with security and purpose.In Unshakable Hope, Max Lucado unpacks 12 of the Bible’s most significant promises, equipping you to overcome difficult circumstances by keeping your focus on the hope found in the promises of Scripture rather than dwelling on the problems in front of you.For every problem in life, God has given you a promise.Hope is hard to come by these days. Whether it’s heart disease or cancer, job failure or addiction, natural disasters or family disasters, mass murders or mental illness, there are so many reasons to be overwhelmed.In a world full of instability, we do not need more opinions or hunches; we need the definitive declarations of our mighty and loving God.What is your life built on—the circumstances of life or the promises of God? The answer to that question changes everything. Join Max as he takes a closer look at Scripture’s unbreakable promises and shows you how to live with unshakable hope.

Unshakable Hope Promise Book

by Max Lucado

Get to know the God who keeps His promises. Unshakable Hope Promise Book, by bestselling author Max Lucado, explores the promises God made to His people throughout the Bible and how they are relevant to your life today. Get ready to discover the amazing plans and promises God has just for you!What would you do tomorrow if you had no fear? How would you live your life if you knew that the promises in the Bible are for you? What if God Himself put promises there meant for you and has an amazing plan for your life?In Unshakable Hope Promise Book: Student Edition, Max Lucado shows you how God has kept His promises in the lives of His people for all of history. Using examples from biblical characters and current examples from teens like you, Max will help you explore and understand the ways God has kept His promises then and how He keeps them now.Embrace an exciting faith-filled life as you work through stories, Scripture, and journaling questions in Unshakable Hope Promise Book.

Unstick your Stuck: How to Find Your Passion, Gain Clarity, and Play Bigger in Your Life

by Melissa S. Morrison

Unstick Your Stuck helps those who are unfulfilled gain clarity and live a fulfilled life. So many people resign themselves to walking around every day miserable, settled into a career they hate with no clue how to get off the dead-end road on which they&’ve found themselves. Unstick Your Stuck provides navigation for readers who need the motivation and game plan to create a fulfilled life beyond anything they ever dreamed possible. Life coach Melissa Morrison worked at a job she hated for over a decade. It took four softballs to the head and one major concussion for her to finally decide to change her career—and her life. Melissa teaches readers why they&’ve stayed in their current state of unfulfillment, what they will need to take their exit, how to gain clarity on their dream, and how to take steps towards finding fulfillment. No one has to wait to get their bell rung—join Melissa in finding your fulfilled life today!

Unthinkable: Do the Unordinary to Experience the Extraordinary

by Mia K. Wright

Mary should have been in the kitchen with Martha, but she sat at the feet of Jesus. When Naomi commanded her daughters-in-law to go back home, Ruth vowed to stay with her and thus played a central role in God&’s plan to bring Jesus into the world. These stories inspired Mia K. Wright to overcome her personal odds and establish a new paradigm for her life. Studying the Bible, she recognized a pattern; the people who experienced the extraordinary did unordinary things. They pushed past the limitations and rules placed upon them by society, culture, and themselves. Wright challenges you to break out of the mold and join hands with the One whose dreams are bigger than you think.DON'T SETTLE FOR THE STATUS QUO. GOD WANTS TO DO SO MUCH MORE WITH YOUR LIFE. Unthinkable shows what happens when you get out of your comfort zone and trust in God alone.

Using Positive Psychology Every Day: Learning How to Flourish

by Ernst Bohlmeijer Monique Hulsbergen

We are all looking to flourish, to experience joy, feel engaged with the world, and experience meaningful lives. But the stresses and strains of our daily lives makes this a challenge. Using Positive Psychology Every Day: Learning How to Flourish is about (re)finding the art of living, enabling you to flourish. Bringing together the best of positive psychology, this book introduces eight evidence-based resources of well-being and flourishing: positive emotions, the discovering and use of strengths, optimism, compassion, post-traumatic growth, positive relationships and spirituality. Each chapter has a concise, simple theoretical introduction and several evidence-based, easy-to-apply exercises. This book is for anyone experiencing stress, distress or lower well-being, as well as coaches and therapists who can use the book for clients in the context of guided self-help.

Vencedores: Ocho maneras de vivir con una fuerza imparable, una fe inamovible y un poder increíble

by David Jeremiah

Vivimos en un tiempo de profunda incertidumbre. Aun así, la Biblia promete que podemos vivir la vida de libertad que fue diseñada para nosotros, incluso en tiempos en los que el mundo que nos rodea parece lleno de oscuridad. Fuimos creados para ser vencedores, y para superar los mayores obstáculos de nuestras vidas.En su nuevo libro, el estimado profesor David Jeremiah dirige su entendimiento a uno de los pasajes más citados, pero menos comprendido de la Biblia: la recomendación del apóstol Pablo a los efesios de que tomen toda la armadura de Dios (Efesios 6:10-18). Con la profundidad de lo caracteriza, de su sabiduría y de su compasión, el Dr. Jeremiah analiza la poderosa importancia de la armadura espiritual como herramienta crítica en nuestra vida cotidiana, al confrontar los retos específicos de nuestras vidas y de nuestra época.Si ya estás harto de vivir en derrota, es hora de encontrar una fuerza renovada y reclamar las promesas de la palabra de Dios de vencer las mayores amenazas de la vida.

A Viagem de Estudos de Megan: Um guia espiritual, uma tigresa fantasma e uma mãe assustadora! (A série Megan #3)

by Owen Jones

Megan visita cavernas pré-históricas em um passeio com a escola e sente as vidas dos homens das cavernas! Um guia espiritual, uma tigresa fantasma e uma mãe assustadora! Megan é uma adolescente de 13 anos que percebe que tem poderes psíquicos que os outros não têm. No começo, ela tentou pedir ajuda à mãe, mas encontrou consequências desastrosas e aprendeu a manter suas habilidades especiais em segredo. No entanto, algumas pessoas se ofereceram para ajudar e um animal mostrou uma amizade especial, apesar de não estarem mais “vivos” no sentido normal da palavra. Eles já tinham falecido. Megan tem três amigos: Wacinhinsha, seu Guia Espiritual que havia sido um Nativo Americano Sioux em sua última vida na Terra; seu avô materno, o vovô e uma enorme tigresa siberiana chamada Grrr. Wacinhinsha possui um vasto conhecimento sobre assuntos espirituais, psíquicos e paranormais; seu avô é um “morto” novato e Grrr só pode falar a língua dos tigres, como já se deve imaginar; a maior da sua fala, é claro, é ininteligível para os humanos. Neste episódio da vida de Megan, ela e o resto dos alunos de seu ano na escola são levados em uma excursão. Estes eventos deveriam ser anuais, mas a escola nem sempre tem dinheiro para financiá-los. Esse passeio acaba por ser excepcional para Megan, pois ela consegue ver um vislumbre da vida das pessoas que habitaram aquelas cavernas em uma época há muito tempo passada. Acompanhe Megan enquanto ela tenta aprender mais sobre o passado com a viagem de estudos da escola e leia os conselhos que o seu Guia Espiritual lhe dá sobre as melhores maneiras de se fazer isso!

El Viaje Escolar de Megan. (La Serie de Megan #3)

by Owen Jones

“El Viaje Escolar de Megan” Un Espíritu Guía, Un Tigre Fantasma y ¡Una Madre que da Miedo! Megan es una adolescente de 13 años, que se dio cuenta de que tiene poderes psíquicos que otros no tienen. Al principio, intentó contarle a su madre sobre ellos, pero las consecuencias fueron desastrosas, así que decidió guardar silencio al respecto. Sin embargo, algunas personas le ofrecieron su ayuda incluso un animal le ofreció una especial amistad, pero estas personas no estaban "vivas" en el sentido literal de la palabra. Eran espíritus. Megan tiene tres de estos espíritus amigos: Wacinhinsha, su Guía espiritual, quien fue un Sioux en su última vida en la Tierra; su abuelo materno, Gramps y un enorme tigre siberiano llamado Grrr. Wacinhinsha tiene un gran conocimiento con respecto a lo espiritual, lo psíquico y lo paranormal; su abuelo es un espíritu “novato” y Grrr solo habla en idioma Tigre, como se pueden imaginar eso es, por supuesto, incomprensible para los humanos. En este episodio de la vida de Megan, sus compañeros del segundo año de la escuela y ella son llevados a una excursión escolar. Estos tipos de eventos deberían levarse a cabo todos los años, pero la escuela no siempre cuenta con el dinero suficiente para solventarlos. Este resulta ser un viaje excepcional para Megan, ya que logra percibir las vidas de personas que vivieron en una era muy lejana en el tiempo. Sigue a Megan en este viaje donde intentará aprender más de esta excursión escolar al pasado y aprender de los consejos que su Guía espiritual le brinda sobre la mejor manera de usar sus poderes”.

La vida en tus manos: Superando el síndrome del adulto frágil

by Alejandro De Barbieri

Un libro que nos enseña a asumir responsabilidades para poder vivir con libertad y amor. Después de la formidable repercusión de Economía y felicidad y de Educar sin culpa, Alejandro De Barbieri presenta un libro a la vez práctico y profundo, que nos propone salir de la actitud del adulto frágil y tomar la vida en nuestras manos, para convertirnos en los protagonistas de nuestra propia historia. Si Educar sin culpa se centraba en los desafíos que implica la paternidad en la actualidad, en este trabajo el énfasis está puesto en la libertad que debemos asumir como adultos para tomar una actitud activa ante la vida. La invitación es a ser responsables y felices en nuestra pareja, con nuestros hijos, en el trabajo y con el resto de la sociedad. El desafío es vincularnos de una forma saludable y afectiva, que incida positivamente en el mundo que nos rodea. En estas páginas, que fluyen a modo de diálogo directo con el lector, el autor nos plantea un recorrido por la fragilidad de los vínculos hoy: desde la dificultad para convivir en pareja o la debilidad de las relaciones laborales, hasta la necesidad de vivir con inteligencia espiritual, con sentido del humor, aprendiendo a perdonar y agradecer para darle sentido a nuestra existencia y proyectar un recorrido vital del cual somos los únicos responsables. La vida en tus manos es una invitación a decidir sin excusas, a salir de la "queja nuestra de cada día" y hacernos cargo de nuestras acciones para ser adultos sólidos y vencer la fragilidad.

La vida integral

by Eric Dupont Christine Michaud Diane Bilodeau

Descubre las claves de la salud global para transformar tu vida y alcanzar una existencia plena. La esperanza de vida aumenta sin cesar, pero ¿significa eso que vivimos nuestras últimas décadas en plena forma? Nada menos cierto. <P><P>A la luz de los más recientes estudios sobre la longevidad, Éric Dupont se ha rodeado de diversos especialistas para proponer un enfoque preventivo y global de la salud, es decir, un conjunto de elementos que favorecen la salud física y estimulan los mecanismos fisiológicos beneficiosos del cuerpo, a la vez que pone de relieve los factores emotivos y psicológicos que participan en el bienestar y dan sentido a la vida. <P><P>Nutrición, microbiota, actividad física, estrés, sueño, suplementos alimenticios, relaciones y realización son algunos de los temas de esta obra exhaustiva, profusamente ilustrada y rebosante de consejos prácticos, que permitirá a todo aquel que lo desee alcanzar la venerable edad de cien años+ dichoso y en plena posesión de sus facultades.

Virgo: The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness According to Your Star Sign

by Sally Kirkman

You are a Virgo. You are the perfectionist and writer of the zodiac.The signs of the zodiac can give us great insight into our day-to-day living as well as the many talents and qualities we possess. But in an increasingly unpredictable world, how can we make sense of them? And what do they mean? This insightful and introductory guide delves deep into your star sign, revealing unique traits and meanings which you didn't know. Along the way, you will discover how your sign defies your compatibility, how to improve your health and what your gifts are. ***The Pocket Astrology series will teach you how to live well and enhance every aspect of your life. From friendship to compatibility, careers to finance, you will discover new elements to your sign and learn about the ancient art of astrology. Other books in the series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Virgo: The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness According to Your Star Sign

by Sally Kirkman

You are a Virgo. You are the perfectionist and writer of the zodiac.The signs of the zodiac can give us great insight into our day-to-day living as well as the many talents and qualities we possess. But in an increasingly unpredictable world, how can we make sense of them? And what do they mean? This insightful and introductory guide delves deep into your star sign, revealing unique traits and meanings which you didn't know. Along the way, you will discover how your sign defies your compatibility, how to improve your health and what your gifts are. ***The Pocket Astrology series will teach you how to live well and enhance every aspect of your life. From friendship to compatibility, careers to finance, you will discover new elements to your sign and learn about the ancient art of astrology. Other books in the series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Virgo: The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness According to Your Star Sign

by Sally Kirkman

You are a Virgo. You are the perfectionist and writer of the zodiac.The signs of the zodiac can give us great insight into our day-to-day living as well as the many talents and qualities we possess. But in an increasingly unpredictable world, how can we make sense of them? And what do they mean? This insightful and introductory guide delves deep into your star sign, revealing unique traits and meanings which you didn't know. Along the way, you will discover how your sign defies your compatibility, how to improve your health and what your gifts are. ***The Pocket Astrology series will teach you how to live well and enhance every aspect of your life. From friendship to compatibility, careers to finance, you will discover new elements to your sign and learn about the ancient art of astrology. Other audiobooks in the series include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces(P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Viva amando su vida: Acepte la aventura de ser dirigido por el Esp¿ritu Santo

by Joyce Meyer

Como muchas personas, puede que le sea fácil expresar amor por su familia, su cónyuge, su iglesia, el Señor, o por cosas temporales, como una buena taza de café, su casa o una buena cena en su restaurante favorito. Sin embargo, quizás tenga que esforzarse de verdad por decir: "¡Amo mi vida!"Las rutinas y las responsabilidades pueden convertirse en una monotonía, que lo hagan sentirse amedrentado, en vez de desearlas con ansias. No obstante, usted puede convertirse en un ser optimista y maravillarse de las cosas que Dios puede hacer todos los días.Escrito por la autora número uno del New York Times, Joyce Meyer, este libro es la clave para cambiar su perspectiva, que le permite a su vez disfrutarse cada momento y cada área de la vida. Joyce explica cómo amar la vida completamente, a pesar de los obstáculos, ¡para que pueda experimentar el gozo y la plenitud que Dios tiene para usted!Los capítulos incluyen:Dios tiene un plan asombroso para usted,Niéguese a dejar que el temor determine su destino,Considere cada día como una oportunidad, y¡Sea la persona que Dios creó que fuera!La clave para amar su vida se encuentra en el amor de Dios por usted. Aprenda cómo Dios puede ayudarle a mantener una actitud alegre, haciendo que el amor y la bondad sean las prioridades principales, y que lo que usted regale se le devuelva con creces. Como explica Joyce, Dios ya le ha bendecido con lo que necesita para que VIVA AMANDO SU VIDA. Y este libro le mostrará cómo hacerlo.

Vive más y mejor: Reduciendo tóxicos y contaminantes ambientales

by Miquel Porta

Uno de los expertos mundiales en contaminación interna nos enseña en este libro qué hacer para reducir los contaminantes en nuestro día a día. Si te interesa tu salud y la de los tuyos, no dejes de leerlo y descubrir los tóxicos que conviven silenciosamente con nosotros. Vivimos rodeados e impregnados de contaminantes que aumentan nuestro riesgo de sufrir enfermedades endocrinológicas, cardiovasculares, neurodegenerativas, inflamatorias, cánceres o infertilidad. Las sustancias tóxicas se detectan en nuestro cuerpo, a distintas concentraciones en los alimentos por los plaguicidas de la agricultura intensiva; o en nuestros hogares, en juguetes, muebles, aparatos electrónicos o utensilios de cocina. Cada día respiramos, comemos, bebemos e incluso nos maquillamos o lavamos el pelo con sustancias cuya toxicidad es objeto de preocupación razonada en las sociedades más avanzadas. En este libro, el Dr. Miquel Porta, catedrático de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública de la Universitad Autónoma de Barcelona, nos invita a informarnos y a pensar en esa contaminación interna y externa con ánimo tranquilo y positivo. Para ello resume los conocimientos más actuales y sus reflexiones, a la vez que nos ofrece consejos útiles para lograr reducir la exposición a todos estos contaminantes en nuestro día a día.

Vive más y mejor: Reduciendo tóxicos y contaminantes ambientales

by Dr. Miquel Porta

Uno de los expertos mundiales en contaminación interna nos enseña en este libro qué hacer para reducir los contaminantes en nuestro día a día. Si te interesa tu salud y la de los tuyos, no dejes de leerlo y descubrir los tóxicos que conviven silenciosamente con nosotros. Vivimos rodeados e impregnados de contaminantes que aumentan nuestro riesgo de sufrir enfermedades endocrinológicas, cardiovasculares, neurodegenerativas, inflamatorias, cánceres o infertilidad. Las sustancias tóxicas se detectan en nuestro cuerpo, a distintas concentraciones en los alimentos por los plaguicidas de la agricultura intensiva; o en nuestros hogares, en juguetes, muebles, aparatos electrónicos o utensilios de cocina. Cada día respiramos, comemos, bebemos e incluso nos maquillamos o lavamos el pelo con sustancias cuya toxicidad es objeto de preocupación razonada en las sociedades más avanzadas. En este libro, el Dr. Miquel Porta, catedrático de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública de la Universitad Autónoma de Barcelona, nos invita a informarnos y a pensar en esa contaminación interna y externa con ánimo tranquilo y positivo. Para ello resume los conocimientos más actuales y sus reflexiones, a la vez que nos ofrece consejos útiles para lograr reducir la exposición a todos estos contaminantes en nuestro día a día.

Vivene nell'adesso in facili passi

by A. J. Parr Alberto Favaro

Questo libro contiene sette semplici lezioni ed esercizi di base che potete facilmente usare per aiutare a fermare la vostra “mente che chiacchiera” e cominciare a vivere l'Adesso, una pratica che può darvi la pace interiore e la gioia A PARTIRE DA OGGI! Qui imparerete i principi e i metodi base dietro all’antica pratica del Vivere l'Adesso, fondamenti dal valore inestimabile di tutti gli antichi insegnamenti spirituali mondiali, compresi quelli di Gesù, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Kabir, e quelli più recenti di Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti, Dalai Lama, Ramana Maharshi, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Alan Watts, e innumerevoli altri. Le sette lezioni e gli esercizi che troverete sono basate sulle seguenti antiche premesse: *La sofferenza e l’infelicità umana sono prodotte dalla nostra “mente che chiacchiera”, che senza sosta produce un dialogo interno o chiacchiericcio, impedendoci di vivere pienamente l'Adesso. *C’è un modo per rallentare e fermare la nostra mente che chiacchiera. Una volta imparato come farlo, sarete in grado di rallentare e fermarla quando ne avrete bisogno (in particolare quando avrete veramente bisogno di fermarla e porre fine all'angoscia e alla sofferenza che vi auto infliggete). *Non potete fermare completamente i vostri pensieri, e non è neppure auspicabile. Anche gli esseri illuminati hanno bisogno di vivere e interagire con la società, come tutti gli esseri umani. *In realtà rallentando la vostra mente che chiacchiera, potete far perdere loro la loro forza. Riconoscendole semplicemente come “illusioni”, cioè, come prodotto di un fenomeno psicologico comune tra gli esseri umani e presumibilmente conosciuto in India sin dai tempi della preistoria: il fenomeno dell’illusione mentale causata da quello che da migliaia di anni è conosciuto come “il velo di Maya”. *Solo liberandovi da questo velo mentale potrete a poco a poco svegliarvi e liberarvi dall’illusione p

Viver o Agora: Guia do Iniciante

by Anabela Sousa A. J. Parr

7 Lições e 7 Exercícios para Travar a sua Mente Tagarela e Começar a Viver o Agora (Guia do Iniciante) Este Guia do Iniciante contém 7 lições básicas e exercícios que você pode aplicar Agora para começar a abrandar e parar a sua "mente tagarela", e começar a desfrutar de viver "O Agora", uma experiência que irá conceder-lhe paz interior e liberdade da ilusão, começando Agora. Apresenta-nos os conceitos básicos, métodos e princípios por detrás dos ensinamentos espirituais de Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti, Dalai Lama, Ramana Maharshi, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi e Alan Watts, entre outros., com base na premissa de que existe e sempre existiu apenas um ensinamento espiritual, embora surja em muitas formas. Este é, verdadeiramente, um guia do iniciante recomendado para quem busca a Verdade, querendo fugir da ilusão, e experimenta a paz interior que apenas o "Viver no Agora" pode proporcionar. As sete lições espirituais e exercícios que você vai encontrar neste livro baseiam-se nos seguintes antigos ensinamentos: * O sofrimento humano e a infelicidade são produzidos pela nossa “mente tagarela”, que produz um diálogo interior ou conversa contínuos, e que nos impede de viver o agora. * Existe uma maneira de abrandar e parar o tagarelar da nossa mente. Logo que aprenda a fazer isso, você também será capaz de abrandar e parar, quando necessário (especialmente quando você precisar mesmo de parar e acabar com sua aflição e sofrimento auto-infligidos). * Você não pode barrar seus pensamentos completamente, nem é desejável. Mesmo os seres iluminados necessitam de viver e interagir com a sociedade, como todos os seres humanos. * Ao diminuir efectivamente o tagarelar da sua mente, você pode fazer com que ele perca o seu poder. Reconheça-o simplesmente como “ilusão”, ou seja, o produto de um fenómeno psicológico comum entre os seres humanos e supostamente conhecido na Índia des

Vivir en el ahora en pasos fáciles

by A. J. Parr

7 LECCIONES CON EJERCICIOS PARA DETENER EL PARLOTEO MENTAL Y EMPEZAR A VIVIR EN EL AHORA (LIBRO DE EJERCICIOS PARA PRINCIPIANTES) ESTAS PÁGINAS CONTIENEN siete lecciones con ejercicios básicos que puedes utilizar AHORA para ralentizar y detener el parloteo mental y empezar a experimentar “el Ahora”; una práctica que puede proporcionarte paz interior y alegría A PARTIR DE HOY. Presenta los principios, conceptos y métodos básicos de las enseñanzas espirituales de Eckhart Tolle, el Dalai Lama, Krishnamurti y el Maestro Eckhart, entre otros muchos, basados en la premisas de que “En esencia hay y ha habido siempre sólo una enseñanza espiritual, aunque viene en muchas formas”. Se trata realmente de un libro de ejercicios para principiantes recomendado para quienes buscan la Verdad, desean escapar de la ilusión y experimentar la alegría de la paz interior que solo trae Vivir en “El Ahora”. Las siete lecciones espirituales con ejercicios que encontrarás en este libro están basadas en las antiguas premisas: *El sufrimiento humano y la infelicidad son producto de nuestra “mente parlante”, la cual produce continuamente un diálogo o parloteo interno que nos impide experimentar el Ahora. *Existe una manera de reducir y detener ese parloteo mental. Cuando aprendas cómo hacerlo podrás reducirlo y detenerlo según lo necesites (sobre todo cuando realmente necesites detener la ansiedad y el sufrimiento auto-infligido). *No podrás detener por completo los pensamientos ni tampoco se trata de eso. Incluso los seres iluminados necesitan vivir e interactuar en sociedad, como todos los seres humanos. *Al reducir el parloteo mental, conseguirás que los pensamientos pierdan poder. Los reconocerás simplemente como “ilusiones”, es decir, como productos de un fenómeno psicológico común entre los humanos y supuestamente conocido en la India desde tiempos prehistóricos: el fenómeno de la ilusión

Vivre le moment présent en quelques étapes simples

by Essaid Bahri A. J. Parr

CES PAGES CONTIENNENT sept leçons et sept exercices de base que vous pouvez facilement appliquer, conçus pour vous aider à arrêter votre esprit bavard et à commencer à ressentir le moment présent, une pratique qui peut vous apporter paix intérieure et joie. ET CE À PARTIR D’AUJOURD’HUIT ! Ici, vous apprendrez les principes et les méthodes de base de la pratique ancienne de vivre le moment présent, fondement inestimable des enseignements spirituels ancestraux du monde, y compris ceux de Jésus, Bouddha, Krishna, Lao Tseu, Kabir et plus récemment ceux d’Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti, le Dalaï Lama, Ramana Maharshi, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Alan Watts entre d'innombrables autres.

Vodka Is Vegan: A Vegan Bros Manifesto for Better Living and Not Being an A**hole

by Phil Letten Matt Letten

Meet the bros who are making vegan sexy (and making eating animals weird) Think you could never go vegan? Think again. As this smart, funny and persuasive manifesto makes clear, you're already 90% vegan anyway. That's right--you already love animals and are slowly but surely eating less meat than you used to. With the insider tips and inspiring stories in this book, you'll be ready to go whole hog (see what we did there?) and eat vegan for good. Topics include: * How eating meat hurts your health and the planet (and is pretty close to eating your beloved pet for dinner) * A simple action plan for getting started * Don't Be an A**hole to Your Server, and other secrets for eating out * Who Cares If Honey Is Vegan?: Getting over perfectionism and purity by eating as cruelty-free as you can With a loyal online following that’s growing fast, the Bros are the new face of veganism--loud, proud, and fighting for a better world, one plate at a time.

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