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OS ANJOS DE WAKÁN TANKA- uma delicada história para entender a relação entre o homem e o cão

by Orlando Eijo

Orlando Eijo nos traz, desta vez, uma nova maneira de entender a relação entre o homem e o cão e com isso, a nossa própria natureza como seres humanos, tanto biológica como espiritualmente. Nesta oportunidade é através de uma delicada história, que deixará no leitor a sensação de uma deliciosa brisa de primavera. Francisco, um homem viúvo com muito desejo de dar mais de si, acaba de se aposentar do trabalho que exerceu por toda a sua vida. Com seus filhos independentes, seu lar solitário se torna uma prisão que o deprime. Eles decidem então presenteá-lo com um cachorro da raça Border Collie para que lhe faça companhia. Este cachorrinho o levará a iniciar uma nova atividade, o disc dog, se aprofundando nela a ponto de se deparar com o lado espiritual e profundo da relação humano-canina desde o seu início, quando, segundo a lenda Sioux, o Grande Espírito Wakán Tanka enviou os lobos como seus anjos, para ajudar o ser humano a transitar em sua passagem pela vida. Nas profundas conversas de Francisco com seu filho Jorge, psicólogo, o leitor encontrará um espaço para aprender conceitos de psicologia canina e humana de um modo claro e belo, não só compreendendo os nossos comportamentos, mas se aprofundando no amor à vida, tal como o Grande Espírito quis ensinar com seus enviados de quatro patas. O pequeno Border Collie provocará grandes mudanças em sua vida e na de outros personagens da história, história que o leitor devorará do princípio ao fim com avidez e sem esforço.

O's Little Book of Calm & Comfort (O's Little Guide)

by The Editors of O, The Oprah Magazine

A thoughtful collection of soul-soothing writing, O’s Little Book of Calm & Comfort is the antidote to life’s trying times.Featuring essays and interviews from some of the most celebrated contributors to O, The Oprah Magazine, this heartening collection offers solace, wisdom, and connection. Among the highlights: Nora Ephron on the state of rapture that comes from curling up with a good book; Maeve Binchy on the blessings of friends; and a stirring conversation between Oprah and the American Buddhist nun Pema Chodron that reveals how the pain we experience can create the possibility of a more joyful life. Together, these pieces from great writers and celebrated thinkers serve as a reminder that however tumultuous life may become, the world has beauty, kindness, and love enough to see us through.

O's Little Guide to Finding Your True Purpose (O's Little Guide)

by The Editors of O, The Oprah Magazine

A rousing mix of prescriptive advice and personal stories of self-discovery, O's Little Guide to Finding Your True Purpose will inspire readers to identify and pursue their true calling.From the beginning, O, The Oprah Magazine has been a catalyst for women hoping to discover who they're meant to be. O's Little Guide to Finding Your True Purpose continues this tradition by combining actionable advice and relatable true-life accounts of trial, error, and triumph. Each entry in this engaging and thoughtful volume guides readers in their quest to come into their own. Contributors include: Marianne Williamson, on growing wise while staying rooted in love; Martha Beck, on how to live your breakthroughs; Patti Smith, on how she found her calling; Elizabeth Gilbert, on the enlightening aspects of failure; Michael Cunningham, on the revelations to be found in small moments; and many more.Each month, O, The Oprah Magazine helps readers live their best lives, serving up information and inspiration on everything from lasting love to luscious food. With a signature blend of candor and humor, fresh advice and timeless wisdom, the magazine offers people the tools they need to, as Oprah Winfrey says, "become more of who they are"-to love themselves more deeply, to look hopefully toward the future, and to leap wholeheartedly into the adventure of being alive.

O's Little Guide to the Big Questions (O's Little Guide)

by The Editors of O, The Oprah Magazine

What truly matters?What is my purpose? When is the right time to make a change? Who is most important to me? A thoughtful and provocative collection of personal essays, O’s Little Guide to the Big Questions highlights the wisdom to be gained from engaging with life’s deepest mysteries.Award-winning and bestselling writers for O, The Oprah Magazine have been tackling these and other crucial questions since the magazine’s inception. Here, they share their eye-opening, soul-expanding insights. Among the many jewels in the collection, Terry Tempest Williams describes the utter shock of opening her late mother’s journals—and the lessons she gleaned from what she found inside; Thich Nhat Hanh finds compassion in the midst of anger; JulieOrringer reveals how we can know when we’ve found “the one.” Offering valuable perspective to anyone feeling lost or in need of a reset, O’s Little Guide to the Big Questions is proof that while the search for meaning can be daunting, it’s also clarifying, motivating, empowering, and the surest path to becoming the person you were meant to be.

Os Segredos da Vida: Inspirações que você nunca vai esquecer!

by Vanessa Prestes Soares Bernard Levine

Nós chegamos a um parque e Aubrey parou o carro dele em um ponto de ônibus coberto. Lá estavam três pedintes, ou melhor, mendigos, vestidos como você geralmente os encontra, com roupas sujas, rasgadas e cabelo despenteado. Aubrey os chamou: -- Olá, a manhã não está linda? Tenho certeza que vocês estão todos com muita fome... por que vocês não entram no carro e eu levo vocês para tomar um bom café da manhã? Eles simplesmente olharam para nós e, então, desviaram o olhar. Não tivemos resposta dos três pedintes. Aubrey deu a volta no parque e parou em outro ponto de ônibus coberto... Lá estava um pedinte deitado naquele banco de madeira duro. Aubrey cumprimentou o pedinte: -- Que manhã linda esta... Eu quero te dar um bom café da manhã, alguma comida boa, vamos... Entre no meu carro! Dessa vez, Aubrey teve sucesso. O pedinte abriu a porta, entrou no carro do Aubrey e nós fomos para a dele. Quando chegamos, Aubrey deu ao pedinte um sabonete, uma toalha de banho, um shampoo, um tubo de pasta de dente com uma escova, além de um pente e um aparelho de barbear. -- Tem um banheiro... Enquanto você toma banho, meu amigo Bernard e eu vamos preparar o café da manhã... venha para a sala e jantar quando estiver pronto! Eu fiquei muito surpreso... -- Aubrey, como você deixa um cara completamente estranho que você buscou na rua ficar sozinho no seu banheiro? E se ele entrar no seu quarto e roubar alguma coisa? Você nem conhece ele!... E a possibilidade de pegar uma doença? Você deu a ele a sua toalha e seu sabonete sem ao menos saber se ele está sofrendo de algum mal?


by Emmanuel Goshen Maria Claudia Palomo

Assim como em seus livros anteriores, Emmanuel Goshen investiu muito tempo e dedicação para reunir todas as informações necessárias sobre liderança e sua transformação. Este livro, em particular, é o maior exemplo de o que transformação e liderança têm em comum e como estão intricadamente conectadas. No começo do livro, o autor descreve e define o processo de transformação e estabelece uma abordagem clara sobre sua importância no ambiente corporativo. Os tipos de estratégias necessárias para obter sucesso e alcançar os objetivos almejados são explicados detalhadamente. Como é popularmente dito, informação leva a transformação, mas somente quando os processos e princípios corretos são aplicados no tempo e da maneira correta. A maioria dos líderes falha em executar o que é esperado por falta de ideias e conhecimento para transformar a situação atual no que é desejado. Este livro facilitará os lideres a criarem estratégias e desenvolverem o pensamento crítico que é necessário na elaboração das iniciativas certas para satisfazer as expectativas dos colaboradores. Portanto, este é um ótimo manual para executivos e gerentes. São necessárias certas qualidades e características para se tornar um líder e tais atributos serão descritos aqui. Além disso, serão detalhados os significados de identificar e adotar as iniciativas estratégicas e o que leva os líderes a fazê-las para obterem uma organização triunfante. O autor também nos dá ideias abrangentes e fáceis de como fazer tais organizações sustentáveis aos muitos desafios que podem aparecer ao longo do tempo. Este livro é recomendado á todos que desejam ter um negócio sustentável e bem-sucedido, porque é fácil de seguir e os conselhos dados podem ser aplicados na vida real.

Os Sete Segredos Da Sorte

by Henry Osal Elaine Rosa Defendi

Sete passos simples que irão nos levar para mais perto de nossos sonhos. Um guia maravilhoso para uma vida feliz.Quando encontro pessoas que se sentem com sorte, as pessoas a quem a fortuna sorriu em algumas ou várias ocasiões, eles geralmente concordam em uma coisa: a sorte ou a fortuna não vieram por acaso.A sorte exige perseverança, entusiasmo e trabalho duro para se reconciliar conosco, ou seja, é preciso colocar esforçar-se para atraí-la para nossas vidas.Podemos identificar a SORTE como um golpe que nos chega uma vez na vida e perdemos todo o nosso tempo esperando por esta colisão, uma abordagem que na maioria dos casos é ineficaz.Nós tendemos a pensar em nossa ESTRELA DESAFORTUNADA quando nós, atordoados, vemos as notícias sobre pessoas felizes, que ganharam na loteria; encontraram petróleo embaixo de suas fazendas ou tiveram uma criança superdotada que os tornaram milionários. Estes são casos excepcionais.No entanto, nós não agradecemos à nossa ESTRELA DA SORTE quando vemos ou lemos notícias trágicas. Parece apenas que isto não pode acontecer conosco. E a probabilidade de que, por acaso, algo realmente bom nos aconteça é a mesma de que algo muito ruim nos aconteça: MUITO RARA.Então, vamos começar a pensar na sorte como algo que podemos controlar, como um caminho que podemos escolher, para alcançar um objetivo. Isto exige atenção a uma série de regras, que tenho chamado de SEGREDOS, embora na realidade estejam apenas carregados de senso comum.Vamos trilhar juntos este caminho.

Os Três Mantras

by Dada Bhagwan

As religiões desse mundo preservam o conhecimento e protegem os segredos dos antigos e poderosos mantras. No coração da religião desse mundo, e entre os mantras mais poderosos da história da religião, está o mantra Navkar, ou Trimantra. No livro “Trimantra”, Gnani Purush (personificação do autoconhecimento) Dada Bhagwan explica o Trimantra, seu significado e os benefícios extraordinários de recitá-lo. Aquele que desejar viver sem se preocupar enquanto enfrenta problemas na vida cotidiana, que quer saber como obter paz interior ou aquele que está em uma busca espiritual ou na busca da iluminação (auto-realização), a utilização do Trimantra fornece tudo isso - e muito mais. Entre os muitos livros espirituais disponíveis hoje, a orientação espiritual de Param Pujya Dadashri sobre o valor do Trimantra é a melhor maneira de acessar seu poder espiritual, e isso é inestimável.


by Asma Elferkouss

Fate fatica ad attribuire a voi stessi il giusto valore? Non vi sentite in grado di poter andare avanti? Vi manca il coraggio per realizzare i vostri sogni e obiettivi? Credere in sé stessi è la chiave della propria felicità! Osare: un libro che vi fa bene, un invito alla speranza e un appello all'audacia

The Other: How to Own Your Power at Work as a Woman of Color

by Daniela Pierre-Bravo

2023 Int'l Latino Book Award Honorable Mentions This important book focuses on how women of color, children of immigrants, and other minoritized groups are predisposed to workplace imposter syndrome—and charts a path forward for self-advocacy and advancement.​ For women of color and children of immigrants, who are the &“the other&” at work, there's a different threshold of belonging that creates a false feeling of inadequacy. It can lead to being overwhelmed, overworked, and overlooked. The Other shatters the unspoken expectations for you to stay in your lane and gives you the tools to build unshakable confidence and a career that excels--on your own terms. Bestselling author and MSNBC reporter Daniela-Pierre Bravo spent many years undocumented and in the shadows as an immigrant from Chile, working odd jobs to pay her way through school. Like many other women of color she became an expert shape shifter in order to chameleon her way around professional environments that felt out of reach. When Daniela became a DACA recipient, she finally felt that she&’d made it, rising through the ranks in her career. But she quickly realized that no matter how much success she achieved, she always felt she had to prove her worth as &“the other.&” In The Other, Daniela shares her journey and those of other women to help you recognize your power in the workplace outside of the white gaze. She drives you to reshape the way you think about career advancement without losing your sense of identity and helps you see how to use your differences as an advantage. Smart, revealing, and loaded with practical steps, The Other is a framework for how to effectively advocate for yourself, become your biggest believer, claim the spaces in your career that are rightfully yours.

The Other 90%: How to Unlock Your Vast Untapped Potential for Leadership and Life

by Robert K. Cooper

With more than 45,000 copies sold in hardcover, the paperback edition of this bestseller will help more readers excel at work and in life by tapping into their vast creative potential. Drawing on stories from his past to illustrate the principles he endorses, Cooper provides specific strategies for excelling under pressure and growing and thriving during tough times.

The Other End of the Stethoscope

by Marcus Engel

Work overload Constantly changing policies Increasing bureaucratic regulations These are just a few of the challenges health care providers face everyday; Challenges that limit the ability to provide excellent patient care. After being blinded and suffering catastrophic injuries at the hands of a drunk driver, Marcus Engel witnessed health care from the other end of the stethoscope. Through 300 hours of reconstructive facial surgery, and years of hospitalization, rehab and recovery, Marcus witnessed first hand, the good, the bad and the ugly of patient care. Marcus' insights will give health care providers new and essential strategies to rediscover the magic and compassion between caregiver and patient. "With over 20 years of experience in medical education, I wish I had this book to share with every resident I taught. Marcus has cut right to the chase, and provides a perspective on medical care that every physician, nurse, and allied health professional should hear." David Campbell, MD, MEd President/CEO Institute for Family Medicine "Marcus' book is a powerful reminder of why we do what we do, and how the tools of communication, compassion and caring make all the difference." Terri Seidel, RN Director of Operations St. Louis and Southern Illinois region Healthsouth Surgery Centers.

The (Other) F Word: A Celebration of the Fat & Fierce

by Angie Manfredi

“This outstanding anthology of essays, illustrations, poems, and letters . . . is a celebration of every body and presents a revolutionary message” (Publishers Weekly, starred review). The time has come for fat people to tell their own stories. The (Other) F Word combines the voices of Renée Watson, Julie Murphy, Jes Baker, Samantha Irby, Bruce Sturgell, and many others in a relatable, revelatory and inspiring exploration of body image and fat acceptance. This dazzling collection of art, poetry, essays, and fashion tips is meant for people of all sizes who desire to be seen and heard in a culture consumed by a narrow definition of beauty. By combining the talents of renowned fat YA and middle-grade authors, as well as fat influencers and creators, The (Other) F Word offers teen readers and activists of all ages a tool for navigating our world with confidence and courage.

The Other Kind of Smart: Simple Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence for Greater Personal Effectiveness and Success

by Harvey Deutschendorf

Emotional intelligence (EI) coach Harvey Deutschendorf combines his proven techniques with engaging principles of storytelling and fun exercises to show you how you can apply the principles of EI on the job to achieve greater success.Filled with real-life profiles of people who faced emotional intelligence dilemmas and easy-to-implement solutions, Other Kind of Smart offers tools that will bring results in as little as five minutes a day and teaches you how to:develop stress tolerance, cultivate empathy, increase flexibility with coworkers, boost assertiveness, and resolve problems successfully.The difference between those who become successful in life and those who struggle is their ability to exhibit and leverage strong people skills. Complete with an EI quiz that will help you measure their level of emotional intelligence and EI growth, Other Kind of Smart enables all professionals to improve their relationships and increase their effectiveness at work in a practical, accessible way.

Other Me: A autoscopy about the reality of lide and the conception of the self.

by Antonio Almas

And then it came the time for silence; it had to come one day, because too many words disorders the mind, too much talking exhausts your head, overwhelm your senses and strays you from what's essential. I know that I attempted to run, that I couldn't accept loneliness and the absence of noise. I struggled to keep myself among others, to be like them, to have lots of friends, to go to lots of parties and feel lots of joy, but that was not who I was. I was a tiny, quiet person, who always wanted to be on their own, shut into their own world, in silence, hidden inside their own brain. I never had the hang for being public, even though I had such ability for argumentation. When I first started in the political arts, I felt uncomfortable with all the lies, the need for constantly being under the sight of the people, under the scrutiny of others; I was never into being scrutinized. Not sure if it's for fear, although, yes, I've always been afraid of everything, of being wimpy, of not being as good as the others. I always use others in a comparative way, after all, that's the way it is, we're always pointing out differences between ones and others, fighting to surpass the others instead of helping each other. In sum, a young one with inferiority complexes can only grow into an adult filled with insecurity, who, besides their obstinacy for an independent life and paying your own bills, has left behind a few fragilities which, apparently, weren't so evident though equally serious; as serious as those of who could not be in charge of building a solid, stable life.

Other People's Love Letters

by Bill Shapiro

Fevered notes scribbled on napkins after first dates. Titillating text messages. It's-not-you-it's-me relationship-enders. In Other People's Love Letters, Bill Shapiro has searched America's attics, closets, and cigar boxes and found actual letters-unflinchingly honest missives full of lust, provocation, guilt, and vulnerability-written only for a lover's eyes. Modern love, of course, is not all bliss, and in these pages you'll find the full range of a relationship, with its whispered promises as well as its heartache. But what at first appears to be a deliciously voyeuristic peek into other people's most passionate moments, will ultimately reawaken your own desires and tenderness...because when you read these letters, you'll find the heart you're looking into is actually your own.* "i think UR great. wanna have wine & Tequila again sometime?"* "I can't believe you're real, and I think about you constantly in some way or the other all day. I haven't given the finger to anyone driving since I met you."* "With you I learned how to fight cleaner, how to talk things out better, and how to make a strong loving family out of nothing. These are priceless gifts that I will carry with me the rest of my life. One more thing you did for me: you left, and I had to get through it."* "P.S. I look forward to your letters too much to call. Also, where do you stand on chains?"From the Hardcover edition.

Other People's Words: Wisdom for an Inspired and Productive Life

by Seth M. Siegel

We all need inspiration. Other People's Words delivers it.When we are confused or sad, lonely or angry, or simply in need of a boost in a relationship or in our life goals, each of us can be uplifted by the wisdom of others. New York Times bestselling author Seth M. Siegel has spent a lifetime collecting quotations that can guide us through virtually every life challenge and experience. The result is Other People's Words, a must-have collection that belongs in every student’s dorm room, every executive’s office, and on everyone’s night table.With nearly 1,200 quotations from more than 700 sources organized into 200 categories within 11 thematic areas, anyone of any age can be motivated by the insights found in this uplifting book. Other People's Words brings together moving, beautifully worded ideas from the ancients to the moderns and from the famous to the unknown to motivate, to teach, to heal – and to inspire.Other People's Words will be an enduring source of guidance for family, friends, graduates, co-workers, and retirees. Indeed, for all of us.

The Other Side and Back

by Sylvia Browne

the Other Side and Back is both an eye-opening journey into other worlds, and an invaluable handbook for spiritual survival in the new millennium.

The Other Side And Back: A psychic's guide to the world beyond

by Sylvia Browne Lindsay Harrison

The Other Side and Back offers an unprecedented and comprehensive look at how the afterlife affects us in this life. Discover: astonishing insights into our everyday contact with guides and angels; the truth about hauntings, and why we should not be afraid; how psychics can solve missing persons cases and even murders; how psychic energy can keep us healthy and improve our relationships; why we should not fear death or ageing; the afterlife, and how we can all maintain contact with our loved ones; reincarnation, and how we can all discover our past lives; Easy exercises to promote healing, discover past lives, improve relationships, contact loved ones, create joy and much more; must-read predictions for the 21st century

The Other Side of Beauty: Embracing God's Vision for Love and True Worth

by Leah Darrow

“Leah Darrow uses her experience in the beauty industry to help the women of our culture see what true beauty looks like.” —Jennifer Fulwiler, host of The Jennifer Fulwiler Show and author of Something Other than GodDo you feel like you’re never good enough? Like you should be living a more Instagram-worthy life? Are you exhausted by the impossible quest for physical beauty but still yearn for the validation of being chosen, valued, and deemed beautiful?Drawing on her experience on America’s Next Top Model and her work as a fashion model, Leah Darrow exposes the lies we are told about our worth being tied to our appearance and instead invites us to look again at the real meaning of beauty. She shows how we can reclaim true and lasting beauty—the kind that doesn’t depend on self-doubt, exploitation, or comparison—when we reflect God’s glory and embrace our value as he made us to be: strong, brave, and free. Only when we learn to see ourselves as God does can we leave behind our culture’s definitions and demands and find joy in The Other Side of Beauty.

The Other Side of Desire: Four Journeys into the Far Realms of Lust and Longing

by Daniel Bergner

“Riveting….Powerful…as much about desire and what’s normal as it is an exploration of why we are the way we are, whether we like it or not.” —New York Times Book ReviewSubtitled “Four Journeys into the Far Realms of Lust and Longing,” Daniel Bergner’s The Other Side of Desire is a literary exploration of science and sex that will appeal to readers of Mary Roach and Natalie Angier. A cross between “a top-rated HBO series [with] provocatively graphic sex, humorous dialogue, and moral ambiguity,” (New York Times) and a profound, deeply humanizing study of sexuality, The Other Side of Desire has been called, “a foray into extreme passion, in quest of the human soul” (O, The Oprah Magazine) and its author, Bergner, “a keen storyteller but above all a humane one” (

The Other Side of Happiness: Embracing a More Fearless Approach to Living

by Dr. Brock Bastian

'Required reading ... Brock Bastian expertly picks apart the fundamental idea that humans thrive when they approach pleasure and avoid pain, explaining why hardship sometimes yields richer lives that are laden with meaning, deep social connections, and unexpected bliss' Adam Alter, author of Drunk Tank Pink In today's culture, happiness has become the new marker of success, while hardships are viewed as personal weaknesses, or problems to be fixed. We increasingly try to eradicate pain through medication and by insulating ourselves from risk and offence, despite being the safest generation to have ever lived. Yet in his research, renowned social psychologist Brock Bastian has found that suffering and sadness are neither antithetical to happiness nor incidental to it: they are a necessary ingredient for emotional well-being.Drawing on psychology, neuroscience and internationally acclaimed findings from Bastian's own lab, The Other Side of Happiness encourages us to take a more fearless approach to living. The most thrilling moments of our lives are often balanced on a knife edge between pleasure and pain, whether it is finding your true love, holding your new-born for the first time, finishing a marathon or even plunging into an icy sea. This is because pain and the threat of loss quite literally increase our capacity for happiness, as Bastian reveals, making us stronger, more resilient, more connected to other people and more attuned to what truly matters. Pain even makes us more mindful, since in our darkest moments we are especially focused and aware of the world around us. Our addiction to positivity and the pursuit of pleasure is actually making us miserable. Brock Bastian shows that, without some pain, we have no real way to achieve and appreciate the kind of happiness that is true and transcendent.

The Other Side of Hope: Flipping the Script on Cynicism and Despair and Rediscovering our Humanity

by Danielle Strickland

Overcome the twin giants of cynicism and despair that threaten to derail your emotional and physical health and find hope for life by witnessing the power of God&’s redemptive healing.Part guidebook and part storytelling, The Other Side of Hope is a uniquely designed flip-book with two entry points to the message of finding hope in a desperately harsh world.One part of the book focuses on theory and biblical philosophy, including insights intofighting cynicism, the architect of despair;embracing true humility and love; andshifting to a new mindset together as a community. Flip the book over to the other part and read a collection of stories about people from around the world who overcame impossible situations, showing that nothing is impossible through Christ.In this start-where-you-want flip-book, you not only learn what the Bible says about hope but also witness God&’s redemptive power at work in the lives of people in the real world.

The Other Side of Power: How to Become Powerful Without Being Power-Hungry

by Claude M. Steiner

The psychotherapist and author of Scripts People Live shows readers how to use their personal strengths to achieve what they want.Claude M. Steiner (1935–2017) was a bestselling author and psychotherapist who pioneered the popular field of Transactional Analysis, which involves analysis of an individual’s social interactions as a basis for understanding behavior. First published in 1981 and now back in print, The Other Side of Power is the sequel to Dr. Steiner’s influential Scripts People Live and feels as relevant today as ever.Power—we all want it, we all need it. We feel its effects in our business, family, and personal relationships. In this accessible volume, Dr. Steiner shows how everyone can be powerful without being power-hungry. Instead of chasing the increasingly empty and improbably “conventional American power dream,” as Dr. Steiner puts it, the other side of power—our own personal strengths—can be used to get us what we want. This humane approach is not predicated upon the exploitation or manipulation of others, which leads to power for the few and not the many. In clear terms and with specific examples, the author shows how to draw instead upon individual strengths to neutralize and turn to advantage situations that could otherwise result in feeling of powerlessness.The Other Side of Power teaches us that once we understand the nature of power, we can learn to deal with it more comfortably and use it toward more rewarding personal and professional relationships. Dr. Steiner’s classic in psychological theory offers a meaningful and practical guide to harnessing the other side of power.

The Other Side of Sadness

by George A. Bonanno

We tend to understand grief as a predictable five-stage process of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. But in The Other Side of Sadness, George Bonanno shows that our conventional model discounts our capacity for resilience. In fact, he reveals that we are already hardwired to deal with our losses efficiently--not by graduating through static phases. Weaving in explorations of mourning rituals and the universal experiences of the death of a parent or child, Bonanno examines how our inborn emotions--anger and denial, but also relief and joy--help us deal effectively with loss. And grieving goes beyond mere sadness: it can deepen interpersonal connections and often involves positive experiences. In the end, mourning is not predictable, but incredibly sophisticated. Combining personal anecdotes and original research, The Other Side of Sadness is a must-read for those going through the death of a loved one, mental health professionals, and readers interested in neuroscience and positive psychology.

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