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WA. La vía japonesa de la armonía

by Laura Messina

¿En qué consiste exactamente el espíritu japonés? 72 palabras para entender que la verdadera felicidad es la compartida. Wa significa armonía, pero como todas las palabras japonesas evoca mucho más. Wa es, de hecho, todo lo que es suave, sereno y moderado, pero también hace referencia a todo lo que es japonés. Wa es un prefijo que se aplica tanto a cosas como a conceptos. A través de wa, Japón nos enseña su mejor lección: la belleza, la alegría y el civismo se construyen con grandes dosis de compromiso, mediante el trabajo continuo en uno mismo, ejercitando la paciencia, haciendo las cosas con cuidado y nunca a expensas de otros, porque una felicidad verdaderamente duradera es un proyecto de todos y nunca de uno solo. Laura Imai Messina, autora italiana afincada en Tokio y creadora del blog Japan Mon Amour, realiza en este libro un viaje a través de setenta y dos palabras que simbolizan y encarnan el encancanto y la esencia de Japón, y nos desvela el significado oculto de unos nombres llenos de poesía; como las setenta y dos estaciones del antiguo calendario lunar japonés, que cada cinco días da la oportunidad de renovarse. Las enseñanzas procedentes de Japón son más actuales que nunca, incluso en Occidente. Pero, ¿en qué consiste exactamente el espíritu japonés? El antiguo nombre de Japón era Yamato que, dividido en sus ideogramas, significa «Gran wa», es decir, «Gran Armonía». Y esa armonía, que es una prioridad de la cultura japonesa y domina las palabras y actitudes de su gente, es también un concepto en el camino, un sistema de absorción, elección y adaptación, que le da a Japón ese halo de misterio mágico que fascina al mundo.

Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life

by Beth Kempton

The definitive guide that teaches you how to use the Japanese concept of wabi sabi to reshape every area of your life and find happiness right where you are.Fed up with the exhausting challenges of our fast-paced, consumption-driven existence, millions of people around the world are turning to timeless cultural traditions to find true meaning. In this transformative handbook, Beth Kempton introduces you to wabi sabi (”wah-bi sah-bi”), a captivating concept from Japanese aesthetics that offers a whole new way of looking at the world.With roots in Zen and the Way of Tea, wabi sabi teaches you to see beauty in imperfection, appreciate simplicity, and accept the transient nature of all things. It inspires you to simplify everything and concentrate on what truly matters. Filled with simple yet profound wisdom, Wabi Sabi will help you slow down, reconnect with nature, and be gentler on yourself. From honoring the rhythm of the seasons to creating a welcoming home, from reframing failure to aging with grace, Wabi Sabi teaches you find more joy and inspiration throughout your perfectly imperfect life.

Walking in the Woods: Go back to nature with the Japanese way of shinrin-yoku

by Yoshifumi Miyazaki

'It is clear that our bodies still recognize nature as our home...' - Yoshifumi Miyazaki'Forest bathing' or shinrin-yoku is a way of walking in the woods that was developed in Japan in the 1980s. It brings together ancient ways and wisdom with cutting edge environmental health science. Simply put, forest bathing is the practice of walking slowly through the woods, in no hurry, for a morning, an afternoon or a day. It is a practice that involves all the senses and as you gently walk and breathe deeply, the essential oils of the trees are absorbed by your body and have an extraordinary effect on positive feelings, stress hormone levels, parasympathetic nervous activity, sympathetic nervous activity, blood pressure, heart rate and brain activity.In this wonderful book, by the leading expert in the field, science meets nature, as we are encouraged to bathe in the trees and become observers of both the environment around us and the goings on of our own minds.

Walking with Peety: How An Overweight, Middle-aged Shelter Dog Saved My Overweight, Middle-aged Self

by Mark Dagostino Eric O'Grey

Eric was 150 pounds overweight, depressed, and sick. After a lifetime of failed diet attempts, and the onset of type 2 diabetes due to his weight, Eric went to a new doctor, who surprisingly prescribed a shelter dog. And that's when Eric met Peety: an overweight, middle-aged, and forgotten dog who, like Eric, had seen better days. The two adopted each other and began an incredible journey together, forming a bond of unconditional love that forever changed their lives. Over the next year, just by going on walks, playing together, and eating plant-based foods, Eric lost 150 pounds, and Peety lost 25. As a result, Eric reversed his diabetes, got off all medication, and became happy and healthy for the first time in his life-eventually reconnecting with and marrying his high school sweetheart. WALKING WITH PEETY is for anyone who is ready to make a change in his or her life, and for everyone who knows the joy, love, and hope that dogs can bring. This is more than a tale of mutual rescue. This is an epic story of friendship and strength.

Wat is jou Nalatenskap? 101 Idees om 'n Nalatenskap te skep en bou

by Anca Ioviţă

Is jy by ‘n kruispad? Wonder jy wat jy met jou lewe met doen? Sal die lewe makliker wees as jy net bietjie aanwysings kon kry? Selfs al gesels mense nie oor nalatenskappe nie, is hierdie die vrae wat gedurende die stil ure van die nag in amper almal se gedagtes maal. Veral in dié van ons wat sekere mylpale bereik soos volwassenheid, middeljare en aftrede. Het jy al ooit die proses van metamorfose van ‘n skoenlapper opgelet? Om uit die kokon te kom is moeilik en pynlik. Jy mag dink jy doen die skoenlapper ‘n guns as jy die kokon se boonste deel oop knip sodat dit makliker kan uitkom, maar as jy dit doen sal die skoenlapper se vlerke nie behoorlik ontwikkel nie en dit sal kruppel wees vir die res van sy lewe. Stribbeling en uitdagings is nodig vir metamorfose om plaas te vind. Hulle is ook nodig vir die skep en bou van ‘n nalatenskap.

The Way of Abundance: A 60-day Journey Into A Deeply Meaningful Life

by Ann Voskamp

What do you do when you wake up and feel like you're not enough for your life? Or when you look out the kitchen window as dusk falls and wonder how do you live when life keeps breaking your heart? As Ann Voskamp writes, “great grief isn't meant to fit inside your body. It's why your heart breaks.” And each of us holds enough brokenness to overflow—to be given as the greatest story of our lives.In sixty vulnerably soulful stories, The Way of Abundance moves from self-weary brokenness to Christ-focused givenness. Drawing from the critically acclaimed, New York Times bestseller The Broken Way and Ann's online essays, this devotional dares us to embrace brokenness as a gift that moves us to givenness as a way to draw closer to the heart of God. Christ Himself broke like bread, giving Himself to us so we might have a lifelong communion with Him. Could it be that our brokenness is also a gift to the world?This gentle but exquisitely profound book does nothing less than take you on an intimate journey of the soul.As Ann writes, "The wound in His side proves that Jesus is always on the side of the suffering, the wounded, the busted, the broken." Discover how surrendering in unexpected ways is the first step toward receiving what you long for. Discover the good news that your beauty is not in your strength but in your fragility. Discover why your healing shines radiant through your wounds—and how only in brokenness will you ever be whole—and find the way to the abundance you were meant for.

The Way of The Monk: The Four Steps To Peace, Purpose And Lasting Happiness

by Gaur Gopal Das

Do you ever have the feeling that life isn’t going your way?Discover how to master the monk mindset with world-renowned motivational coach and Indian monk Gaur Gopal Das as he reveals how to tackle our modern anxieties with characteristic serenity, profound wisdom and irresistible humour.In The Way of the Monk, Das takes us on an unforgettable journey and offers precious insights to make life happier and easier, even in the stormiest of times. Whether you are looking to find your purpose, strengthen relationships, discover inner calm or give back to the world, this thought-provoking book will challenge you to change your outlook and align yourself with the life you want to live. Previously published as "Life's Amazing Secrets".

A Way Out: A Memoir of Conquering Depression and Social Anxiety

by Michelle Balge

What do you do when you're trapped in your mind? When you can't escape the feelings of depression and fear? <P><P>A Way Out gives a raw, unfiltered look into the life and thoughts of a young woman, Michelle, experiencing severe depression and social anxiety. Social anxiety plagued her since her early youth, hindering her most as a young adult. She began having suicidal thoughts in her early teens but didn't perceive them as being abnormal. This eventually evolved into a deep depression. Her social anxiety and depression fueled each other, creating a grave cycle of negative thoughts. <P><P>Michelle is able to share her experiences in a way that allows others to go along for the ride with her: the highs, the lows, and the amusingly unexpected. It artfully conveys Michelle's journey through mental illness and toward mental health. Beyond the haunting honesty, A Way Out delivers heart, humour, and hope.

We are Resilient

by Maria Alejandra Vicencio Albert Zaid

In engineering, material resilience is tis capacity to absorb an impact and to store that energy without deforming. In neuroscience, is the potential to face an adverse situation, overcome it and come out of it empowered. In psychology, it is said it is the capacity some people have to experience traumatic situations and recover from them. Overcoming and recovery together, hand by hand. This book is expositions of the experiences of some of the people consider being real resilient people, and who had been role models and examples of overcoming for millions of people around the World. Such as: Silvia Válori, Stephen Hawking, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Ismael Santos, Ana Frank, Ángel Sanz, Helen Keller, Kyle Maynard, Albert Llovera, The Hoyt Team, Kalpana Saroj, Pablo Pineda, Sean Maloney, Sara Navarro, Steve Jobs, Teresa Silva, Tim Guénard and Carlota Ruiz de Dulanto. It includes an important list of recommended books with their explaining summaries

We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace

by Karen Noe

After best-selling author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer left the physical plane in 2015, psychic medium Karen Noé began receiving very profound and specific messages from him for his family —and for the world. While Wayne comes through to Karen singularly, he also comes through together with a group of other celestial beings called the We Guides, which includes Saint Francis of Assisi and countless other angels and ascended masters.Wayne and the We Guides share 33 concepts that make up the We Consciousness —and they all point toward your becoming an instrument of peace. In order to extend peace outside of yourself, you must first feel peace within yourself. You must expect to see peace everywhere, and acknowledge the infinite peace that you are. Then you must live that identity to the fullest.After understanding and applying these ideas, you will be able to create miracles in your life and the lives of others as well. You’ll learn how to create heaven right here on earth.

We Inspire Me: Cultivate Your Creative Crew to Work, Play, and Make

by Andrea Pippins

The best thing a creative person can have is a crew of friends, allies, and mentors to support them. Packed with inspiration and ideas from author-illustrator Andrea Pippins, this is a one-of-a-kind handbook for doers and makers looking to expand and nourish their creative community. Drawing on her own network of talented artists, designers, and friends, Pippins offers tips on how to: reach out to your heroes; use your art or work to empower your community; learn about a new culture and shake up your perspective; take a class, join a team, plan brunch—have fun! And she delivers her advice in style. Colorful pages feature patterns, portraits, and hand-lettered quotes alongside tips for fostering genuine connections and supportive relationships.

Weight Expectations: One Man's Recovery from Anorexia

by Dave Chawner

Part memoir, part self-help guide, this witty book will take you through the day-to-day struggles of living with an eating disorder. Stand-up comedian Dave Chawner tells the story of how he became anorexic, what his life with mental illness was like, and how he started his journey to recovery. Giving an anorexic perspective with a comic delivery, this book sets out practical tips, personal anecdotes and uplifting playlists to give hope to anyone in a similar situation, and provides insight into what life with mental illness is like.

The Weight of Being: How I Satisfied My Hunger for Happiness

by Kara Richardson Whitely

A brutally honest story about being fat in America--and one woman's experience with radical weight loss after a lifetime of fat shamingKara Richardson Whitely thought she could do anything. After all, she climbed Mount Kilimanjaro-three times! But now she's off the mountain and back home again, and there's one thing she just can't manage to do: lose weight. In many ways, Kara is living the life of everywoman, except that she's not everywoman because she weighs 300 pounds and is tormented by binge eating disorder. Her weight is a constant source of conflict and shame, as the people from every corner of her life, from her coworkers to the neighbors down the street, judge Kara for the size of her body. When it becomes just too much to tolerate, Kara turns to therapy and weight-loss surgery, a choice that transforms her body-and her life.Kara's story is one of living as a fat woman in America, where fat prejudice is rampant despite our nation's pandemic of obesity. In this fresh, raw memoir, Kara reveals this epic contradiction, and offers a revealing comparison of life before and after radical weight loss.

Welcome to Fatherhood.: Real Talk.

by Dave Takisaki

Fatherhood is a lifelong journey that twists and turns, has its ups and downs, like a long country road. Nothing quite prepares you for the start of the fatherhood journey, there is no map. However, we can learn from other who have traveled down that same unpredictable road. The book “Welcome to Fatherhood. Real Talk.” is an introduction to fatherhood for new dads who are in the whirlwind of fatherhood. The author taps into his past as a new father and unearths the valuable lessons every new dad should know. The book is designed to be real and raw; including funny stories from the author and invaluable scripture from the Bible. Excerpt“Having children is a very sanctifying and humbling process and there will be many laughs, tears, and hair pulling moments throughout the years. But that is how memories are made, through the ups and downs in life. We wouldn’t savor the sweet times of gathering around a campfire roasting mallows with your kids without the trying times of raising them up from newborns. Just like a sports team and the process they have to undergo, they can’t just step on to a field against another great team and expect to win. They must go through the blood, sweat and tears of practice and have the patience and belief that the process will work.”Fathers have a major responsibility in life, just as Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (ESV). Not only are we called to husbands and dads, we are also called to be ministers to our children and speaking truth into their life. The book “Welcome to Fatherhood. Real Talk.” will walk through the many different hats a father must wear and the many different plates he must keep spinning. This book will also give new fathers a few practical concepts, or “life hacks”, to help make life just a little bit easier

Wellmania: Extreme Misadventures in the Search for Wellness

by Brigid Delaney

&“Illuminating, thought-provoking, and hilariously honest. You&’ll never look at fasting, yoga, or meditation the same way again.&” —Robyn Harding, USA Today bestselling author of The SwapBridget Jones meets A. J. Jacobs in Wellmania, an in-depth, laugh-out-loud exploration of the best and worst of the wellness industry. Cold-pressed juices, &“clean&” eating, colonic vacations, mindfulness apps, and Paleo: health-care trends and miracle diets seem to be more plentiful each year. But do any of these tactics actually work? What does &“wellness&” even mean? In Wellmania, longtime journalist Brigid Delaney tackles the good, the bad, and the just-a-little-ridiculous of the wellness industry, using herself as the guinea pig. Starting with a brutal 101-day fast, she leaves behind her thirty-something-year-old lifestyle of late-night parties and all-day hangovers to test the things that are supposed to make us healthy and whole: yoga classes, meditation, CBT, Balinese healing, silent retreats, group psychotherapy, and more. Writing with self-deprecating wit and refreshing honesty, she sorts through the fads and expensive hype to find out what actually works, while asking, What does all this say about us? Is total wellness even possible? And why do you start to smell so bad when you haven&’t eaten in seven days? According to comedian Judith Lucy, the result is &“a bloody entertaining read that leaves you wondering whether you want to do yoga or get mindlessly drunk and despair at the state of the world.&” &“I laughed so hard, I choked on a doughnut reading this book. I&’m so glad Brigid Delaney tried all of this crazy stuff so I never have to.&” —Jen Mann, New York Times bestselling author

Wenn Mir Meine Mutter Doch Nur Gesagt Hätte… (Oder Vielleicht Habe Ich Einfach Nicht Zugehört)

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

Es ist nicht so, dass wir uns entscheiden, Kinder zu haben, um bei ihrer Erziehung zu versagen, ihnen das Leben schwer zu machen und jegliche Aussicht auf Glück zunichte zu machen. Und, es ist nicht so, dass wir unseren Kindern das Schlimmste vom Schlimmsten wünschen, wie ein dunkler Fluch, ausgespuckt in einen Kessel. Es ist einfach nicht so. Fakt ist vielmehr, dass die Mehrheit von uns im Namen der Liebe von unseren Eltern gezeugt wurde. Die Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben als das, welches jedes Elternteil selbst durchgemacht hat, ist das, was sie für uns, ihre kleinen Wonneproppen, im Sinn haben. Fakt ist jedoch auch, dass das Beste, das jedes Elternteil zu seiner Rolle als Elternteil beitragen kann, selten den Ansprüchen eines jeden Kindes genügt. Das Leben ist so groß. Schon die Komplexität eines einzelnen Menschenlebens ist so groß, dass man mit ihr erst fertig werden muss. Wie können wir wirklich wissen, was unsere Kinder von uns brauchen oder wollen? Möge dieses kleine Buch Sie an die vielen Weisheiten erinnern, diejenigen, die Sie vielleicht bereits gehört haben, von Eltern, Großeltern, Lehrern, Geschwistern, und diejenigen, die Sie für sich selbst entdeckt haben. Und möglicherweise werden einige dabei sein, die Sie Ihren Kindern gerne weitergeben, falls sie zuhören.

What a Great Word!: A Year of Daily Devotions

by Karen Moore

WHAT A GREAT WORD! is a new kind of devotional. With Scripture and fresh insights from author Karen Moore, readers are able to focus on one word each day to strengthen their faith and see God's hand at work.These are simple words, words we use every day that we often gloss over when reading God's Word. If, for example, the word for the day is "protect," the reading from Psalm 121:6-8 declares: "The Lord will protect you from all dangers; He will guard your life." Readers will then see how the Lord protects our lives. He is the One who defends us, guards us, and keeps us safe. With one simple word, readers will move from hoping the Lord will protect us, to believing He will act on our behalf. Now that's a Great Word!"What a Great Word! is a beautiful way to spend a few minutes each day focusing on what is really important and growing into the person God created us to become." -- Jean Ziglar, wife of Zig Ziglar

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2019: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

by Richard N. Bolles

<p>With more than 10 million copies sold in 28 countries, the world's most popular job-search book is updated for 2019, tailoring Richard Bolles's long-trusted guidance with up-to-the-minute information and advice for today's job-hunters and career-changers. <p>In today's challenging job-market, the time-tested advice of <i>What Color Is Your Parachute?</i> is needed more than ever. Recent grads facing a tough economic landscape, workers laid off mid-career, and people searching for an inspiring work-life change all look to career guru Richard N. Bolles for support, encouragement, and advice on which job-hunt strategies work—and which don't. This revised edition combines classic elements like the famed Flower Exercise with updated tips on social media and search tactics. Bolles demystifies the entire job-search process, from writing resumes to interviewing to networking, expertly guiding job-hunters toward their dream job.</p>

What If This Were Enough?: Essays

by Heather Havrilesky

By the acclaimed critic, memoirist, and advice columnist, an impassioned collection tackling our obsession with self-improvement and urging readers to embrace the imperfections of the everydayHeather Havrilesky's writing has been called "whip-smart and profanely funny" (Entertainment Weekly) and "required reading for all humans" (Celeste Ng). In her work for New York, The Baffler, The New York Times Magazine, and The Atlantic, as well as in "Ask Polly," her advice column for The Cut, she dispenses a singular, cutting wisdom--an ability to inspire, provoke, and put a name to our most insidious cultural delusions.What If This Were Enough? is a mantra and a clarion call. In its chapters--many of them original to the book, others expanded from their initial publication--Havrilesky takes on those cultural forces that shape us. We've convinced ourselves, she says, that salvation can be delivered only in the form of new products, new technologies, new lifestyles. From the allure of materialism to our misunderstandings of romance and success, Havrilesky deconstructs some of the most poisonous and misleading messages we ingest today, all the while suggesting new ways to navigate our increasingly bewildering world.Through her incisive and witty inquiries, Havrilesky urges us to reject the pursuit of a shiny, shallow future that will never come. These timely, provocative, and often hilarious essays suggest an embrace of the flawed, a connection with what already is, who we already are, what we already have. She asks us to consider: What if this were enough? Our salvation, Havrilesky says, can be found right here, right now, in this imperfect moment.

What it Takes, from $20 to $200 Million: A Memoir

by Jerry Azarkman Ruth Garcia-Corrales

What it Takes, from $20 to $200 Million is the true story of a man who with $20 in his pocket took a product and started selling it door to door, with ADD, not speaking English nor Spanish, but with the determination of making it happen. He identifies an underserved niche and develops a multimillion dollar operation, selling in Spanish in USA. This is the story of his family, the struggles and achievements and in a few steps it takes all from the start to the developing of a multimillion dollar business.

What Kind of Parent Am I?: Self-Surveys That Reveal the Impact of Toxic Stress and More (Scientific Parenting #2)

by Dr Nicole Letourneau

Toxic stress can occur in any home, rich or poor, regardless of age, education, or walk of life. Research has shown that adaptive, supportive parents are the best at insulating their children from all but the biggest catastrophes. Exposure to “toxic stress” in childhood can cause depression, alcoholism, obesity, violent behaviour, heart disease, and even cancer in adulthood. Parents who are less sensitive or attentive or who regularly misinterpret their children’s needs can let too much stress trickle through, or even cause it in the first place, which can carry on to the next generation. What Kind of Parent Am I? uses specially created surveys to identify problem areas for parents. With recommended resources and advice throughout, Dr. Letourneau informs and empowers parents to deal directly with their unique risks and challenges, helping them become the best parents they can be.

What Would Dolly Do?: How to Be a Diamond in a Rhinestone World

by Lauren Marino

A spirited homage to Dolly Parton that captures the unique humor, no-nonsense wisdom, flash, and sass of one of America's most iconic stars.One of twelve children raised in a shack in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Dolly Parton grew to become an international superstar famous for classic songs such as "Jolene," "9 to 5," "The Coat of Many Colors," and "I Will Always Love You." She is a reflection of the American dream, a role model for the ages, and a mentor to a whole new generation of entertainers. There is much to be learned from her unique brand, her big heart and spirituality, her grit and work ethic.This lively, illustrated book--part biography, part inspiration, part words of wisdom and life lessons--highlights the very best of the "Dolly Mama," from her quotable Dollyisms, unrelenting positivity, and powerful spirituality, to her belief in the human ability to overcome adversity. Drawing on Dolly's two autobiographies, cookbooks and songs; as well as artifacts; books by her family members; biographies; and decades worth of television, print interviews and performances, What Would Dolly Do? shows you how to tap into your Inner Dolly with confidence, faith, and humor.

What Would Virginia Woolf Do?: And Other Questions I Ask Myself as I Attempt to Age Without Apology

by Nina Lorez Collins

When Nina Collins entered her forties she found herself awash in a sea of hormones. As symptoms of perimenopause set in, she began to fear losing her health, looks, sexuality, sense of humor-perhaps all at once. Craving a place to discuss her questions and concerns, and finding none, Nina started a Facebook group with the ironic name, "What Would Virginia Woolf Do?," which has grown exponentially into a place where women-most with strong opinions and fierce senses of humor--have surprisingly candid, lively, and intimate conversations.Mid-life is a time when women want to think about purpose, about how to be their best selves, and how to love themselves as they enter the second half of life. They yearn to acknowledge the nostalgia and sadness that comes with aging, but also want to revel in their hard-earned wisdom. Part memoir and part resource on everything from fashion and skincare to sex and surviving the empty nest, What Would Virginia Woolf Do? is a frank and intimate conversation mixed with anecdotes and honesty, wrapped up in a literary joke. It's also a destination, a place where readers can nestle in and see what happens when women feel comfortable enough to get real with each other: defy the shame that the culture often throws their way, find solace and laugh out loud, and revel in this new phase of life.

Whatever It Takes: Stories From A Life Behind The Scenes In The Music And Television Worlds

by Stephen Stohn Christopher Ward Martin Gero

This book will change the way you think about success. Producer of television’s iconic Degrassi franchise Stephen Stohn tells stories from behind the scenes and of making it in the music and television world in this star-studded, rock ’n’ roll trip through a Canadian show business explosion. Stohn, who has been at the heart of the entertainment industry for over forty years, shares a lifetime of experience and unique insights into how dreams are turned into reality. “Whatever It Takes” — both a mantra and Degrassi’s theme song — has been heard millions of times all over the world. It embodies a philosophy of struggle and self-belief leading to accomplishment, as well as the story of an exploring mind, an adventurous pursuit of experience, ringing failures, and the willingness to see things in a different way.

When Action Follows Heart: 365 Ways to Share Kindness

by Susan Spencer

"Kindness is exactly what we need in our fractured world right now—it provides the simplest path to healing."A single act of kindness, whether to a friend or a stranger, can become a spool of generosity that unwinds and touches the lives of so many. . .From Woman’s Day Editor-in-Chief Susan Spencer comes a heartwarming book featuring 365 kindness-focused actions. With beautifully whimsical illustrations by artist Jutta Kuss, this book shows how small acts can make a big difference.When Action Follows Heart was inspired by the Kindness Project, a monthly column in the magazine that highlights good deeds and everyday kindnesses from Woman’s Day readers from all over. The idea behind it is simple: to showcase readers’ kind acts toward others.Whether it’s bringing a box of doughnuts to a fire station, yielding a parking space to the other person vying for it, collecting blankets for the homeless, or even sharing a smile —these acts are sure to make your world a little brighter.Full of practical advice; uplifting stories; and inspirational quotations, this book is a must-have for anyone looking to bring positivity and joy into their lives —and the lives of others.

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