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The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates

by Wes Moore

The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his.<P><P> Two kids named Wes Moore were born blocks apart within a year of each other. Both grew up fatherless in similar Baltimore neighborhoods and had difficult childhoods; both hung out on street corners with their crews; both ran into trouble with the police. How, then, did one grow up to be a Rhodes Scholar, decorated veteran, White House Fellow, and business leader, while the other ended up a convicted murderer serving a life sentence? Wes Moore, the author of this fascinating book, sets out to answer this profound question. In alternating narratives that take readers from heart-wrenching losses to moments of surprising redemption, The Other Wes Moore tells the story of a generation of boys trying to find their way in a hostile world.<P> BONUS: This edition contains a new afterword and a The Other Wes Moore discussion guide.

The Other Within: The Genius of Deformity in Myth, Culture, and Psyche

by Daniel Deardorff

• Shows how myths contain medicine to restore wholeness amidst trauma, exile, sudden life change, disability, illness, death, or grief• Synthesizes lessons from shamanic practice, quantum physics, alchemy, soul poetry, wildness, social justice, and the author&’s lived experience• Discloses the blessings of outsiderhood and the gifts and insights gained and contributed to culture by those who are marginalized and outcastThere is an &“other&” that lives within each of us, an exiled part that carries wisdom needed for ourselves and the culture at large. Having survived disabling polio as an infant, Daniel Deardorff knows the oppressions of exclusion and outsiderhood. He guides readers on an initiatory journey through ancient myth, literature, and personal revelation to discover our own true identity. These 10,000-year-old stories contain sacred medicine with insights that release imagination and restore wholeness amid trauma, exile, climate chaos, disability, illness, death, and grief. Illustrating how archetypal figures of the Other--the Trickster, Daimon, Not-I, etc.--hold paradox, Deardorff teaches us to reframe disparities of self/other, civilization/ wilderness, form/deformity and transform the experience of being outcast. Synthesizing lessons from shamanic practice, quantum physics, alchemy, social justice, and his own lived experience, Deardorff affirms the disruptive and transgressive forces that break through dogma, conventionality, and prejudice. He discloses blessings of outsiderhood and gifts to culture by those who are marginalized. Through mythmaking (mythopoesis), the experience of Otherness--cultural, racial, religious, sexual, physiognomic--becomes one of empowerment, a catalyst for human liberation.

The Other Within: The Genius of Deformity in Myth, Culture, and Psyche

by Daniel Deardorff Robert Bly

Daniel Deardorff knows otherness firsthand. This highly regarded “singer” in the old sense of that word—musician, storyteller, maker of ritual—had polio as an infant and has used a wheelchair most of his life, giving him a lived perspective that deeply informs his views on this subject. In The Other Within, Deardorff starts with a radical notion: to disclose the blessings of outsiderhood, the many gifts and insights contributed to culture by the marginalized and outcast. Unlike studies that stress the plight of the outsider, this one asserts that to be cast down and out of the consensus-worldview affords a difficult yet significant opportunity: to encounter oneself, not as defined by society but as one actually is. An eloquent spokesman for “the man or woman on the weird road,” Deardorff presents dozens of powerful examples from myth and literature to illustrate his message in a richly allusive, complex series of essays. Drawing on the work of mythologians, poets, psychologists, and scholars, The Other Within takes readers on an initiatory journey, uncovering the roots of human identity and imagination and offering insights–including “trickster wisdom”—revealing the mythic underpinnings of everyday life. This second edition includes updated text, a new introduction, and a helpful glossary.

The Other Woman

by Tunette Powell

The Other Woman is a bold and emotional memoir based on a sixteen-line rap written by the daughter of an addict. In this honest portrayal of addiction, Nette loses herself in the stories of her father's struggles. She vividly recounts his memories of the crack houses and prison cells he once frequented, and openly recalls how that other world stole so many years from Bruce Callis and his family.

Otherhood: Modern Women Finding A New Kind of Happiness

by Melanie Notkin

More American women are childless than ever before-nearly half those of childbearing age don't have children. While our society often assumes these women are "childfree by choice," that's not always true. In reality, many of them expected to marry and have children, but it simply hasn't happened. Wrongly judged as picky or career-obsessed, they make up the "Otherhood," a growing demographic that has gone without definition or visibility until now. In Otherhood, author Melanie Notkin reveals her own story as well as the honest, poignant, humorous, and occasionally heartbreaking stories of women in her generation-women who expected love, marriage, and parenthood, but instead found themselves facing a different reality. She addresses the reasons for this shift, the social and emotional impact it has on our collective culture, and how the "new normal" will affect our society in the decades to come.Notkin aims to reassure women that they are not alone and encourages them to find happiness and fulfillment no matter what the future holds. A groundbreaking exploration of an essential contemporary issue, Otherhood inspires thought-provoking conversation and gets at the heart of our cultural assumptions about single women and childlessness.

Otherwise Fine: Moving Outside the Frame to Conquer the Fears of Dying

by Susan Barry

The "worm at the core" is what William James called the fear of dying in each of us. Otherwise Fine treats the myriad forms of this fear, particularly those heightened in our prime middle years of good health. These can be more acute in Late-or-Never-Bloomers, those who suffer the "Blew-It Anxiety" of unmet potentials or the misfortune of circumstances, inauthentic or diffused identities; as well as those with skeptical or quasi-afterlife beliefs. Also offered are four guideposts for weathering the dying stage itself, and a look beyond it.

Otra oportunidad: para ser feliz

by Verónica Perdomo

La experiencia en primera persona de la modelo que sufrió un A.C.V. ytres años más tarde, con una recuperación sorprendente, se convirtió enuna de las favoritas de «Bailando por un sueño», el programa conducidoMarcelo Tinelli. Una historia de vida y autosuperación conmovedora. «Aprendí que hay que disfrutar el día de hoy. Nunca la felicidad escompleta, pero se puede salir adelante», dice Verónica Perdomo.En julio de 2009 Verónica tuvo un A.C.V. (accidente cerebrovascular) delcual solo una de cada tres personas se recupera. El hemisferio izquierdode su cerebro, que controla el lenguaje, la memoria y gran parte de lasfunciones cognitivas, fue el más afectado. Milagrosamente logródespertar, pero durante su lento proceso de recuperación tuvo queatravesar otros dos duros momentos: la pérdida de su padre y de suhermano. Pese a todo, es dueña de una fortaleza y de una alegría que secontagian a los que tienen la oportunidad de conocerla, y que encuentranen ella un modelo a seguir, un ejemplo de lucha y autosuperación.Este libro es una invitación a reflexionar sobre cuáles son las cosasque realmente nos importan, nuestros sueños impostergables, aquello quemantiene vibrando nuestros corazones y nos impulsa a sortear día trasdía los obstáculos de la vida.

"El Otro Lado" Guía del Turista para Abrirse Camino en la Otra Vida

by Lilian G. Selvaggio Richard Martini

¿Qué sucede después de que morimos? El autor y premiado cineasta Richard Martini explora inquietantes nuevas evidencias acerca de la vida después de la muerte, mediante la "vida entre vidas", donde se informa que regresamos a encontrar a nuestros seres queridos, almas gemelas y maestros espirituales. Basado en la evidencia de miles de personas que afirman que bajo hipnosis profunda, ellos vieron y experimentaron las mismas cosas básicas acerca de la Otra Vida, el libro entrevista a hipnoterapeutas de todo el mundo, entrenados con el método del cual fue pionero el Dr. Michael Newton, además de examinar sesiones reales de vida entre vidas. El autor accede a realizar él mismo ese viaje, con resultados sorprendentes y cándidos, aprendiendo que estamos completamente conscientes entre nuestras diversas encarnaciones y regresamos para conectarnos con seres queridos y almas gemelas espirituales, y juntos elegimos cómo y cuándo y con quiénes nos reencarnaremos. El autor examina cómo la ley "Kármica" es superada por "El libre albedrío", con almas que eligen vidas difíciles para aprender de su espiritualidad; sin importar qué tan difícil, extraña o compleja pueda parecer una elección de vida, fue realizada de antemano, conscientemente, con la ayuda de seres queridos, almas gemelas y ancianos sabios. Extensivamente investigado, muy sorprendente en su alcance, "El Otro Lado" lleva al lector a un nuevo territorio, valientemente incursionando donde ningún autor lo ha hecho antes, para enlazar las diversas disciplinas de la regresión a vidas pasadas, experiencias cercanas a la muerte, y exploración entre vidas. En las palabras del autor Gary Schwartz, Phd, "una vez que hayas leído este libro, ya nunca más verás el mundo de la misma manera." Elogios para "El Otro Lado": "Richard ha escrito un libro fantástico. Perceptivo, divertido, provocativo y profundo; ¡lo recomiendo absolutamente!" Robert Thurman ("Why the Dalai Lama Mat

An Ounce of Hope: A powerful, addictive love story (A Pound of Flesh)

by Sophie Jackson

An Ounce of Hope is the third title in the A Pound of Flesh series from fan-fiction superstar Sophie Jackson.From the fanfic phenomenon whose sensational debut, A Pound of Flesh, had over 4.5 million reads. You fell for Wes Carter. Now there's a new bad boy in town. Just as sexy, just as edgy. Meet Carter's best friend, Max...Fans of Samantha Young, Jodi Ellen Malpas, Jamie McGuire, Katy Evans and Prison Break will find Sophie Jackson's powerful love stories utterly addictive and unforgettable. Can true love heal the deepest scars?Max O'Hare: Tortured by memories of the woman he loved, the child he lost and the drugs that numbed his pain, Max is haunted by his past.Grace Brooks: An eternal optimist, Grace appears to be the perfect girl, but she keeps the truth of her own difficult history closely guarded.Fresh out of rehab, the last thing on Max's mind is a relationship. Yet he's drawn to Grace, sensing that she too is looking for escape. Bound by their greatest fears and deepest secrets, Max and Grace must learn to trust again. And the key to opening their hearts lies in one another...Loyalty. Redemption. All-consuming love against the odds. Prepare to fall for the powerful storytelling of Sophie Jackson. Check out the whole A Pound of Flesh series: A Pound of Flesh, Love and Always, An Ounce of Hope, Fate and Forever and A Measure of Love.

Our Best Days

by Anonymous

A daily meditation book for adolescents, Our Best Days offers support on issues such as responsibility, family members, peer pressure, and relationships.

Our Better Angels: Seven Simple Virtues That Will Change Your Life and the World

by Jonathan Reckford

Inspiring and insightful, Our Better Angels: Seven Simple Virtues That Will Change Your Life and the World celebrates the shared principles that unite and enable us to overcome life’s challenges together.“When the waters rise, so do our better angels.”—President Jimmy CarterJonathan Reckford, the CEO of Habitat for Humanity, has seen time and again the powerful benefits that arise when people from all walks of life work together to help one another. In this uplifting book, he shares true stories of people involved with Habitat as volunteers and future homeowners who embody seven timeless virtues—kindness, community, empowerment, joy, respect, generosity, and service—and shows how we can all practice these to improve the quality of our own lives as well as those around us.A Vietnam veteran finds peace where he was once engaged in war. An impoverished single mother offers her family’s time and energy to enrich their neighbors’ lives. A Zambian family of nine living in a makeshift tent makes room to shelter even more. A teenager grieving for his mother honors her love and memory by ensuring other people have a place to call home. A former president of the United States leads by example with a determined work ethic that motivates everyone around him to be the best version of themselves.These stories, and many others, illustrate how virtues become values, how cooperation becomes connection, and how even the smallest act of compassion can encourage actions that transform the world around us. Here are tales that will make readers laugh and cry and embrace with passion the calling of our better angels to change the way we take care of ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world.

Our Better Angels: Stories of Disability in Life, Science, and Literature

by J David Smith

Do children and adults with disabilities enrich our lives? Far more than most people imagine.Our Better Angels is a testament to the value of individuals with disabilities and the value that society could derive from being more welcoming to and inclusive of them. The reward is the powerful humanizing influence that they can have on others-even some of the most hardened people among us.Colorful, real-life examples illustrate how a disability can be a valuable human attribute, a powerful source of compassion from which everyone can benefit.What are the challenges that face us as we strive for a more inclusive society? What are the values that should guide us in our efforts? Smith approaches these questions by examining his own experience and other unique perspectives: Meet the children and adults with disabilities who have touched his own life Consider what science-and pseudoscience-has said about disability View disability through the lens of history and literatureThe result is a compelling case for understanding and celebrating human diversity. Smith asks us to summon the "better angels" of our character and affirm our commitment to a society based on equality and democracy.

Our Billie

by Ian Clayton

'An astonishing work' - Joanne HarrisEvery parent's worst nightmare became a reality for Ian Clayton. On a short holiday break in Hay-on-Wye he took his nine-year-old twins canoeing, and in a freak accident his daughter Billie was drowned. In a remarkably frank and vivid way Clayton describes what happened on that spring day, his desperate attempts to save his two children, and then what it felt like two years later to come face to face with the men who hired out the canoe.But Our Billie is not a story of bitterness and recrimination. Instead it's the story of how a family attempts to come to terms with something which makes no sense at all. Through his memories of Billie and his wonderfully affectionate portrait of the small town in Yorkshire where the family has lived for generations, he weaves a story of loss and remembering, of gratitude and forgiveness.

Our Bodies, Our Bikes (Bicycle Ser.)

by Various Authors

This book collects many voices, mostly women, talking about and illustrating their experience at the intersection of bicycling and gender. None of us are doctors and we don't intend to give you medical advice. Likewise, we don't advocate doing anything that isn't legal where you are or safe by your own judgement. Please enjoy the book and go out and do what's right for you.

Our Book of Awesome: A Celebration of the Small Joys That Bring Us Together

by Neil Pasricha

Welcome to Our Book of Awesome, a celebration of the small joys that bring us together.In a world that is often overwhelming, it&’s time to return to the simple things, the AWESOME things, all around us...if only we take a moment to see them: -Carrying the ice cube tray from the sink to the freezer without spilling -Finally unsubscribing from that annoying email you&’ve been getting forever -Seeing your parents dance -Adding a gift note to yourself on your online order -Sending a private message during the video conference and then seeing your coworker look down and silently smirk -When your kids don&’t hear you opening a bag of potato chips -When the hand sanitizer isn&’t that extra slippery kind that never dries -Texting your husband to do something when he&’s upstairs and you&’re downstairs -When the cake plops flawlessly out of the pan These are just a few of the hundreds and hundreds of things you&’ll find in this new volume. You&’ll also find comments, letters, and submissions from the AWESOME community around the world, leading to a final cacophony of awesome, by all of us, for all of us. Our Book of Awesome is an injection of joy, a heartfelt gift, and a smacking high five for humanity. Read it to be reminded of the endless AWESOME things that give laughter and happiness to our beautiful and brief lives.

Our Canada Our Country Our Stories

by Our Canada Magazine a Division of Reader's Digest Gary George

An inspirational collection of stories from Our Canada magazine submitted and told by Canadians. Let’s shine a spotlight on the talents and good works of everyday Canadians across the country, drawing upon material from the following magazine departments: Showcase, Cause for Applause, Crafty Canadians and Canadians Abroad. A blend of first-person stories, accompanying photos, and sidebar highlights/factoids on related fields of endeavour. Stories will be pulled directly from our most popular sections of the Our Canada magazine: Showcase: Celebrates the talents of everyday Canadians—from painters, dancers and singers to acrobats, deep-sea divers, racecar drivers and more. Valour: True stories that commemorate the sacrifices of our brave men and women in uniform. Produced in association with Veteran Voices of Canada along with Special Remeberance pages. Cause for Applause: A nod to “good works” and deeds that benefit others. Crafty Canadians: Arts and crafts, from the traditional to the avant-garde. Canadians Abroad: Ex-pat Canadians tell us where they’re at and what they’re up to. Community: Canadians celebrate their communities, lifestyle, passion, culture, and inclusivness. Adventure: From camping on the tundra to motoring cross-country, here are tall tales for the adventurer.

Our Deepest Desires: How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations

by Gregory E. Ganssle

As human beings, we are created with desires. We all long for meaningful relationships, lives that reflect goodness, engagements with beauty, and the freedom to pursue our lives with integrity. But where can our restless hearts find fulfillment for these universal longings? Philosopher and apologist Greg Ganssle argues that our widely shared human aspirations are best understood and explained in the light of the Christian story. With grace and insight, Ganssle explains how the good news of Jesus Christ makes sense of—and fulfills—our deepest desires. It is only in the particular claims of the Christian faith, he argues, that our universal human aspirations can find fulfillment and our restless hearts will be at peace.

Our Eternal Relationship: 10 Contemplations for a Connected Life

by Joseph V. McCarthy

Many years ago, Joseph V. McCarthy dreamed a revelation that shattered his world-view and altered his life direction forever. After nine years as a correctional officer in the prison system, Joe left for a monastic life at Tarrawarra Abbey in Victoria, Australia. He lived as a monk for six years, immersed in a life of spiritual contemplation. During this time, he was introduced to “A Course in Miracles”. It’s message of divinity as a tangible force in the world prompted Joe to reflect on its presence in the wider community beyond the cloister. Joe left the monastery and eventually became a training officer for emergency services in a rural/tourist area. While engaged in lost person searches; flood, cliff and car crash rescues; and more, he witnessed tragic misfortune and miraculous survival. His eyes were opened to the fragility of this precious life. In his role as a spiritual director, and later as pastoral carer in a hospital, Joe realised the deep longing in all human hearts for spiritual meaning and peace. He was inspired to write ‘Our Eternal Relationship’, which shares the key insights and contemplations that were so transformative in his journey. From prison officer to monk to emergency rescuer to pastoral carer for the sick and dying, Joseph V. McCarthy has not flinched from witnessing life’s darkest pits of despair. He believes, “There is not a person in this world who does not deserve our sympathy,” and he offers simple steps towards a life of spiritual integrity and contribution, free of religious dogma.

Our Grand Finale: A Daughter's Memoir

by Laraine Denny Burrell

Laraine Burrell gets the call to come back to England from the United States just in time to visit briefly with her father before he passes away. Following his death, she is overcome with grief, feeling that she has squandered the time she had with her father. Instead of staying close, she chose to travel the world and seek her own goals as a young woman, always thinking there would be time later on to tell her dad all the things she wanted to tell him—how much she loved him, and how he was her hero. Now, she realizes, it&’s too late. Wanting to do something significant for her father to make up for her neglect, Burrell reflects on the fascinating life her father, a Royal Yachtsman, led—and decides that the one thing she can do for him is to tell his exceptional life story and make sure he is not forgotten. Our Grand Finale is the culmination of that effort—an exploration of both the author&’s and her father&’s unusual life experiences, and a reminder that &“later&” doesn&’t always come.

Our Great Purpose: Adam Smith on Living a Better Life

by Ryan Patrick Hanley

Invaluable wisdom on living a good life from the founder of modern economicsAdam Smith is best known today as the founder of modern economics, but he was also an uncommonly brilliant philosopher who was especially interested in the perennial question of how to live a good life. Our Great Purpose is a short and illuminating guide to Smith's incomparable wisdom on how to live well, written by one of today's leading Smith scholars.In this inspiring and entertaining book, Ryan Patrick Hanley describes Smith's vision of "the excellent and praiseworthy character," and draws on the philosopher's writings to show how each of us can go about developing one. For Smith, an excellent character is distinguished by qualities such as prudence, self-command, justice, and benevolence—virtues that have been extolled since antiquity. Yet Smith wrote not for the ancient polis but for the world of market society—our world—which rewards self-interest more than virtue. Hanley shows how Smith set forth a vision of the worthy life that is uniquely suited to us today.Full of invaluable insights on topics ranging from happiness and moderation to love and friendship, Our Great Purpose enables modern readers to see Smith in an entirely new light—and along the way, learn what it truly means to live a good life.

Our House: Visual and Active Consulting

by Antony Williams

In this innovative book, Antony Williams establishes a 'House' as the basic analogy for approaching many business issues, and its 'Rooms' as places to focus specialist consulting interventions. He details unique visual and active processes for each Room, and provides sturdy guidelines for conducting interventions based on vision, stage, role and action. Our House has many 'Rooms', ushering complex business issues into one area at a time. They engineer attention to task and help your clients see, think and feel their way through issues. The reader is shown how to deal with specific organisational processes in each Room: memory and the past in the Attic; business foundations in the Cellar; preparing a meal the customer would love in the Kitchen; suppliers, maintenance and low-hanging fruit in the Garden; refreshing and making good the business in the Laundry; elimination and waste goes into the Toilet; frank talk and alignment at the Dining Table; the big systems picture on the Balcony; analysis in the Study; and conversation and connection in the Living Room. A vital guide for professionals, Our House shows readers how to manage simple action methods that are vivid, clarifying, engaging and lead to high levels of alignment.

Our Iceberg Is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions

by John Kotter Holger Rathgeber

A new edition of the classic business parable that has sold more than a million copies since 2006. Our Iceberg Is Melting is a simple fable about doing well in an ever-changing world. Based on the award-winning work of Harvard's John Kotter, it is a story that has been used to help thousands of people and organizations. The fable is about a penguin colony in Antarctica. A group of beautiful emperor pen­guins live as they have for many years. Then one curious bird discovers a potentially devastating problem threatening their home--and pretty much no one listens to him. The characters in the story, Fred, Alice, Louis, Buddy, the Professor, and NoNo, are like people we recognize--even ourselves. Their tale is one of resistance to change and heroic action, seemingly intractable obstacles and the most clever tactics for dealing with those obstacles. It's a story that is occurring in different forms all around us today--but the penguins handle the very real challenges a great deal better than most of us. Our Iceberg Is Melting is based on pioneer­ing work that shows how Eight Steps produce needed change in any sort of group. It's a story that can be enjoyed by anyone while at the same time providing invaluable guidance for a world that just keeps moving faster and faster.From the Hardcover edition.

Our Iceberg Is Melting

by John Kotter Holger Rathgeber

A new edition of the classic business parable that has sold more than a million copies since 2006. Our Iceberg Is Melting is a simple fable about doing well in an ever-changing world. Based on the award-winning work of Harvard's John Kotter, it is a story that has been used to help thousands of people and organizations. The fable is about a penguin colony in Antarctica. A group of beautiful emperor pen­guins live as they have for many years. Then one curious bird discovers a potentially devastating problem threatening their home--and pretty much no one listens to him. The characters in the story, Fred, Alice, Louis, Buddy, the Professor, and NoNo, are like people we recognize--even ourselves. Their tale is one of resistance to change and heroic action, seemingly intractable obstacles and the most clever tactics for dealing with those obstacles. It's a story that is occurring in different forms all around us today--but the penguins handle the very real challenges a great deal better than most of us. Our Iceberg Is Melting is based on pioneer­ing work that shows how Eight Steps produce needed change in any sort of group. It's a story that can be enjoyed by anyone while at the same time providing invaluable guidance for a world that just keeps moving faster and faster.From the Hardcover edition.

Our Iceberg Is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions

by Holger Rathgeber John Kotter

A new edition of the classic business parable that has sold more than a million copies since 2006. Our Iceberg Is Melting is a simple fable about doing well in an ever-changing world. Based on the award-winning work of Harvard’s John Kotter, it is a story that has been used to help thousands of people and organizations. The fable is about a penguin colony in Antarctica. A group of beautiful emperor pen­guins live as they have for many years. Then one curious bird discovers a potentially devastating problem threatening their home—and pretty much no one listens to him. The characters in the story, Fred, Alice, Louis, Buddy, the Professor, and NoNo, are like people we recognize—even ourselves. Their tale is one of resistance to change and heroic action, seemingly intractable obstacles and the most clever tactics for dealing with those obstacles. It’s a story that is occurring in different forms all around us today—but the penguins handle the very real challenges a great deal better than most of us. Our Iceberg Is Melting is based on pioneer­ing work that shows how Eight Steps produce needed change in any sort of group. It’s a story that can be enjoyed by anyone while at the same time providing invaluable guidance for a world that just keeps moving faster and faster.From the Hardcover edition.

Our Lady of the Lost and Found

by Diane Schoemperlen

One Monday morning in April, a middle-aged writer walks into her living room to water the plants and finds a woman standing beside her potted fig tree. Dressed in a navy blue trench coat and white Nikes, the woman introduces herself as "Mary. Mother of God. . . . You know. Mary. " Instead of a golden robe or a crown, she arrives bearing a practical wheeled suitcase. Weary after two thousand years of adoration and petition, Mary is looking for a little R & R. She's asked in for lunch, and decides to stay a week. As the story of their visit unfolds, so does the story of Mary-one of the most complex and powerful female figures of our time-and her changing image in culture, art, history, as well as the thousands of recorded sightings that have placed her everywhere from a privet hedge to the dented bumper of a Camaro. As this Everywoman and Mary become friends, their conversations, both profound and intimate, touch upon Mary's significance and enduring relevance. Told with humor and grace, Our Lady of the Lost and Found is an absorbing tour through Mary's history and a thoughtful meditation on spirituality, our need for faith, and our desire to believe in something larger than ourselves.

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