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Autoliderazgo y el Líder al Minuto: Aumente su efectividad con un autolidera

by Ken Blanchard

En este nuevo libro Ken Blanchard revela clara y profundamente cómo el poder, la libertad y la autonomía son el resultado de tener la actitud correcta y las destrezas necesarias para responsabilizarse del éxito personal. <P><P>El clásico best seller de Ken Blanchard El mánager al minuto, explora las habilidades necesarias para convertirse en un líder personal eficiente. Ahora, en este nuevo libro revela clara y profundamente cómo el poder, la libertad y la autonomía son el resultado de tener la actitud correcta y las destrezas necesarias para responsabilizarse del éxito personal. En esta cautivadora parábola de negocios, Ken Blanchard, el autor best seller #1 del New York Times junto a Susan Fowler y Laurence Hawkins relata la historia de Steve, un joven ejecutivo de publicidad que está a punto de perder su empleo. <P><P>Durante una serie de conversaciones con una maga talentosa llamada Cayla, Steve se da cuenta del poder de aceptar la responsabilidad por sus circunstancias y no hacerse la víctima. Compartiendo la sabiduría que ha aprendido del mánager al minuto, Cayla le enseña a Steve las tres habilidades del autoliderazgo. <P><P>Estas tres técnicas no solo le otorgan el poder para mantener su trabajo pero le muestran lo que necesita saber para continuar creciendo, aprendiendo y alcanzando objetivos.Durante veinticinco años, millones de gerentes en empresas Fortune 500 y pequeños negocios en todo Estados Unidos han implementado el método gerencial de Ken Blanchard, incrementando así la productividad, satifacción laboral y prosperidad personal. <P><P>Descubre en este nuevo libro de Ken Blanchard las nuevas técnicas de liderazgo y experimenta la rentabilidad que se obtiene de aplicar estas lecciones gerenciales. Durante veinticinco años, millones de gerentes en empresas Fortune 500 y pequeños negocios en todo Estados Unidos han implementado el método gerencial de Ken Blanchard, incrementando así la productividad, satifacción laboral y prosperidad personal. Descubre en este nuevo libro de Ken Blanchard las nuevas técnicas de liderazgo y experimenta la rentabilidad que se obtiene de aplicar estas lecciones gerenciales.

El secreto: Lo que saben y hacen los grandes líderes

by Ken Blanchard

En esta nueva edición de su clásica fábula de negocios, Ken Blanchard y Mark Miller se convierten en el corazón de lo que hace que un líder sea exitoso. La joven ejecutiva Debbie Brewster, recientemente promovida pero luchadora, le pregunta a su mentor la única pregunta que necesita desesperadamente: "¿Cuál es el secreto de los grandes líderes?" Su respuesta - "los grandes líderes sirven" - la impresiona, pero con el tiempo revela las cinco formas fundamentales que los líderes tengan éxito a través del servicio. En el camino ella aprende: • Por qué los grandes líderes parecen estar preocupados por el futuro• Cómo la gente en el equipo finalmente determina tu éxito o fracaso• Qué tres arenas requieren una mejora continua• ¿Por qué el verdadero éxito en el liderazgo tiene dos componentes esenciales?• Cómo fortalecer intencionalmente o inconscientemente la credibilidad del liderazgo La edición del décimo aniversario incluye una autoevaluación de liderazgo para que los lectores puedan medir hasta qué punto lideran sirviendo y dónde pueden mejorar. Los autores también han agregado respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre cómo aplicar el modelo SERVE en el mundo real.Tan práctico como alentador, The Secret comparte la sabiduría de Blanchard y Miller sobre el liderazgo en una forma que cualquiera puede comprender e implementar fácilmente. Este libro beneficiará no solo a aquellos que lo lean, sino también a las personas que buscan orientación y las organizaciones a las que sirven.

Gung Ho!: Turn On The People In Any Organization

by Ken Blanchard Sheldon Bowles

Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles, co-authors of the New York Times business bestseller Raving Fans, are back with Gung Ho! Here is an invaluable management tool that outlines foolproof ways to increase productivity by fostering excellent morale in the workplace. It is a must-read for everyone who wants to stay on top in today's ultra-competitive business world. Raving Fans taught managers how to turn customers into full-fledged fans. Now, Gung Ho! brings the same magic to employees. Through the inspirational story of business leaders Peggy Sinclair and Andy Longclaw, Blanchard and Bowles reveal the secret of Gung Ho--a revolutionary technique to boost enthusiasm and performance and usher in astonishing results for any organization. The three principles of Gung Ho are: The Spirit of the Squirrel, The Way of the Beaver, The Gift of the Goose. These three cornerstones of Gung Ho are surprisingly simple and yet amazingly powerful. Whether your organization consists of one or is listed in the Fortune 500, this book ensures Gung Ho employees committed to success. Gung Ho! also includes a clear game plan with a step-by-step outline for instituting these groundbreaking ideas. Destined to become a classic, Gung Ho! is a rare and wonderful business book that is packed with invaluable information as well as a compelling, page-turning story. Management legend Ken Blanchard and master entrepreneur Sheldon Bowles are back with Gung Ho!, revealing a surefire way to boost employee enthusiasm, productivity, and performance and usher in astonishing results for any organization. Raving Fans brilliantly schooled managers on how to turn customers into raving fans. Gung Ho! now brings the same magic to employees. Here is the story of how two managers saved a failing company and turned in record profits with record productivity. The three core ideas of Gung Ho! are surprisingly simple: worthwhile work guided by goals and values; putting workers in control of their production; and cheering one another on. Their principles are so powerful that business leaders, reviewing the manuscript for Ken and Sheldon, have written to say, "Sorry. Ignored instructions. Have photocopied for everyone. I promise to buy books, but can't wait. We need now!" Like Raving Fans, Gung Ho! delivers.

Servant Leadership in Action: How You Can Achieve Great Relationships And Results

by Ken Blanchard Renee Broadwell

Servant Leadership in ActionHow You Can Achieve Great Relationships and Results We've seen the negative impact of self-serving leaders in every sector of our society. Not infrequently, they end up bringing down their entire organization. But there is another way. Servant leaders lead by serving their people, not by exalting themselves. In this collection, edited by legendary business author and lifelong servant leader Ken Blanchard and his longtime editor Renee Broadwell, leading businesspeople, bestselling authors, and spiritual leaders offer tools for implementing this proven—but for some, still radical—leadership model. The book is organized into six parts. Part One, Fundamentals of Servant Leadership, describes basic aspects of servant leadership. Part Two, Elements of Servant Leadership, highlights some of the different points of view of servant leaders. Part Three, Lessons in Servant Leadership, focuses on what people have learned on a personal level from observing servant leadership in action. Part Four, Exemplars of Servant Leadership, features people who have been identified as classic servant leaders. Part Five, Putting Servant Leadership to Work, offers firsthand accounts of people who have made servant leadership come alive in their organizations. Part Six, Servant Leadership Turnarounds, illustrates how servant leadership can dramatically impact both results and human satisfaction in organizations.This is the most comprehensive and wide-ranging guide ever published for what is, in every sense, a better way to lead.

Simple Truths of Leadership Playbook: A 52-Week Game Plan for Becoming a Trusted Servant Leader

by Ken Blanchard Randy Conley

Leadership legend and bestselling author Ken Blanchard returns with trust expert and thought leader Randy Conley to present a structured playbook based on the bestselling Simple Truths of Leadership.The companion playbook to Simple Truths of Leadership expands on the book's 52 essential principles of servant leadership and trust building. This structured playbook provides weekly prompts and exercises to help you track your progress toward your leadership goals. It focuses on one Simple Truth per week and includes: A summary of each Simple Truth A game plan for using each truth in your workplace, including thought-provoking questions and exercises to challenge your thinking and cause you to consider new ideas about leadership A Call to Action to Try It This WeekWith so much of today's workforce feeling disengaged from the work they do, it's critical for leaders to move away from self-serving methods and embrace servant leadership to put their followers' needs before their own. And by journaling alongside servant leadership principles, you will be able to turn the common sense behind these simple truths into common practice for you and your organization.

Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager Revised Edition: Gain the Mindset and Skillset for Getting What You Need to Succeed

by Ken Blanchard Susan Fowler Laurence Hawkins

The co-author of the phenomenal New York Times bestselling classic The One Minute Manager® explores the skills needed to become an effective self leader in this essential work, now updated throughout.Just as Ken Blanchard’s phenomenal bestselling classic The One Minute Manager gives leaders the three secrets to managing others, so this follow-up book gives people the three secrets to managing themselves. In Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager, readers will learn that accepting personal responsibility for their own success leads to power, freedom, and autonomy.Through a captivating business parable, Ken Blanchard and coauthors Susan Fowler and Laurence Hawkins show readers how to apply the world-renowned Situational Leadership® II method to their own development. The story centers on Steve, a young advertising executive who is about to lose his job. Through a series of talks with a One Minute Manager protégé named Cayla, Steve learns the three secrets of self leadership. His newfound skills not only empower Steve to keep his job, but also show him how to ditch his victim mentality to continue growing, learning, and achieving. For decades, millions of managers in Fortune 500 companies and small businesses around the world have followed Ken Blanchard’s management methods to increase productivity, job satisfaction, and personal prosperity. Now, this newly revised edition of Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager empowers people at every level of the organization to achieve success.

The One Minute Entrepreneur: The Secret to Creating and Sustaining a Successful Business

by Ken Blanchard Don Hutson Ethan Willis

With so many start-ups struggling to survive beyond their first year of trading, what are the key things that will ensure a business makes the right start? Multi-million copy selling author Ken Blanchard returns with much-needed advice on how to create and sustain a successful business, delivered in the inimitable ONE MINUTE style. THE ONE MINUTE ENTREPRENEUR focuses on three key areas: 1. Finance and how to manage your money effectively 2. People and the importance of empowerment 3. Customers and how to take care of them Why one minute you may ask? Well, in the words of Ken Blanchard, the best advice we ever received was given in less than a minute. THE ONE MINUTE ENTREPRENEUR contains all the short but meaningful insights that we've come to expect from this publishing phenomenon, delivered in a highly accessible way and with a splash of wry humour.

The New One Minute Manager (One Minute Manager Ser.)

by Ken Blanchard Spencer Johnson

The New One Minute Manager offers a way for you to succeed sooner with less stress in changing times--both at work and at home.Based on the original book The One Minute Manager that helped millions of people around the world in organizations large and small, this new version of the classic story deals with a new world.The book will help you find meaning in your work and inspire you to discover new ways to help your organization adapt and prosper.The New One Minute Manager is a concise, easily read story that reveals three very practical secrets: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Re-Directs, the new third secret.The story is based on studies in the behavioral sciences and medicine that support why these apparently simple methods work so well with so many people.And by the book's end, you will know how to apply what you discover to your own situation and enjoy the benefits.ective manager is more relevant and useful than ever.

1001 Ways to Energize Employees

by Ken Blanchard Bob Nelson Barton Morris

Take the brakes off your business. In the perfect follow-up to 1001 Ways to Reward Employees, the innovative book that has sold over one million copies, Bob Nelson reveals what real companies across America are doing to get the very best out of their employees-and why it's the key to their success. Energizing is listening-AT&T's Universal Card Service's employee suggestion system yields 1,200 ideas a month and millions of dollars in savings. Energizing is encouraging risk-taking-Hershey Foods gives out The Exalted Order of the Extended Neck Award. Energizing is Starbuck's making employees partners, Saturn creating teams that function as independent small businesses, Springfield Remanufacturing's opening its books to all employees. With case studies, examples, techniques, research highlights, and quotes from business leaders, 1001 Ways to Energize Employees is invaluable for managers seeking to increase employee enthusiasm and involvement.

¡Cierre las brechas!: Diríjase a un desempeno mAs alto y ¡cons

by Ken Blanchard Dana Robinson

«Si un desempeño pobre está atacando a su empresa, no se deje atrapar. Saque provecho de ¡Cierre las brechas!». —Harvey Mackay, autor del best seller del New York Times Nada entre tiburones sin que te coman vivo «Este libro describe un enfoque, un marco para la acción y unas herramientas que pueden mejorar el desempeño general de una compañía mediante su personal. Este es un libro que tanto los gerentes de Recursos Humanos como los supervisores inmediatos deben leer». —Mike Woerner, director de Recursos Humanos, Wawa, Inc. Gracias a sus clásicos empresariales, como El nuevo mánager al minuto y El autoliderazgo y el ejecutivo al minuto, el autor best seller Ken Blanchard se ha convertido en un gurú de los negocios reconocido nacionalmente que presenta nuevos enfoques revolucionarios sobre la gerencia, el liderazgo, el servicio al cliente y más. Ahora, Blanchard trabaja en equipo con Dana y Jim Robinson para enfrentar el problema crucial del desempeño humano en ¡Cierre las brechas!, una divertida parabola de negocios que combina el talento de Blanchard para contar historias con el enfoque pionero de los Robinson sobre la resolución de problemas. Los gerentes de todos los niveles que laboran en las organizaciones a menudo identifican un problema y se lanzan de inmediato a resolverlo. Sin embargo, muchas veces la solución no resuelve el problema, porque el gerente no descubrió la raíz del asunto. Blanchard y sus coautores están aquí para enseñarle a evitar que caiga en esta... trampa destructora. En ¡Cierre las brechas!, Bill Ambers, el director de servicio al cliente en una firma de alta tecnología, se encuentra con un problema en la empresa: su centro de llamadas no está alcanzando el número de llamadas estipulados. Con la ayuda de Michael St. Vincent, jardinero y legendario jefe de Saint’s Nurseries and Landscaping, aprende a cavar sistemáticamente hasta encontrar la raíz del problema, y al hacerlo descubre tanto el enfoque de BRECHAS en cuanto a mejorar el rendimiento y una herramienta llamada Cerrador de brechas. Con su fascinante historia, sus ejemplos vívidos y su enfoque amistoso hacia el lector, ¡Cierre las brechas! es de lectura obligatoria para todo aquel que busca identificar y corregir los factores que impactan negativamente el desempeño, de tal manera que el impacto determinante es significativo y mensurable.

Refire! Don't Retire: Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

by Ken Blanchard Morton Shaevitz

Refire! Don't Retire asks readers the all-important question: As you approach the remainder of your life, what are you going to do to make it joyful and meaningful? Ken Blanchard and Morton Shaevitz point out that too many people see their later years as a time to endure rather than as an exciting opportunity. Both research and common sense confirm that people who embrace these years with gusto--rather than withdrawing or waiting for things to happen--consistently make the rest of their lives the best of their lives. In the trademark Ken Blanchard style, the authors tell the compelling story of Larry and Janice Sparks, who discover how to see each day as an opportunity to enhance their relationships, stimulate their minds, revitalize their bodies, and grow spiritually. As they learn to refire and open up to new experiences, Larry and Janice rekindle passion in every area of their lives. Readers will find humor, practical information, and profound wisdom in Refire! Don't Retire. Best of all, they will be inspired to make all the years ahead truly worth living.

We Are the Beloved: A Spiritual Journey

by Kenneth Blanchard

"My hope is to clear up your amnesia and help you remember what you once knew in childlike innocence: that there is something or someone out there bigger than you who has a divine purpose for your life. The first step in any spiritual journey is a longing for home, a yearning to reconnect with something bigger than you. The focus in this book is on "suiting up"- deliberately accepting on faith God's unconditional love for us as manifested in His gift of grace. ... Rather than trying to persuade you what to do, I'd simply like to share what I believe is an incredibly good deal. It answers the questions about self-esteem once and for all, for it's the realization that once you receive the Lord's forgiveness through grace, you have all the love you will ever need. No amount of striving for approval or achieving greater and greater things will give you more love and acceptance than you already have."

The On-Time, On-Target Manager

by Kenneth Blanchard Steve Gottry

Millions look to Blanchard for innovative approaches to management, leadership, customer service, and much more. Now, he has joined with noted business author Steve Gottry to explore one of the most common and insidious problems plaguing the workplace -- procrastination. The On-Time, On-Target Manager is the story of Bob, a typical middle manager who puts things off to the last minute. As a result, he misses deadlines because his lack of focus causes him to accomplish meaningless tasks before getting to the important things. Like many professionals, Bob rationalizes, justifies, and tries to explain. Luckily, Bob is sent to his company's CEO -- which stands for "Chief Effectiveness Officer" -- who helps him deal with the three negative side effects of procrastination: lateness, poor work quality, and stress to himself and others. Bob learns how to transform himself from a crisis-prone Last-Minute manager into a productive On-Time, On-Target manager. With this engaging parable, Blanchard and Gottry offer practical strategies any professional can put into practice to improve his or her performance.

Whale Done!: The Power of Positive Relationships

by Kenneth Blanchard Thad Lacinak Chuck Tompkins Jim Ballard

A compendium of straightforward techniques on how to accentuate the positive and redirect the negative, increasing productivity at work and at home.What do your people at work and your spouse and kids at home have in common with a five-ton killer whale? Probably a whole lot more than you think, according to top business consultant and mega-bestselling author Ken Blanchard and his coauthors from SeaWorld. In this moving and inspirational new book, Blanchard explains that both whales and people perform better when you accentuate the positive. He shows how using the techniques of animal trainers -- specifically those responsible for the killer whales of SeaWorld -- can supercharge your effectiveness at work and at home. When gruff business manager and family man Wes Kingsley visited SeaWorld, he marveled at the ability of the trainers to get these huge killer whales, among the most feared predators in the ocean, to perform amazing acrobatic leaps and dives. Later, talking to the chief trainer, he learned their techniques of building trust, accentuating the positive, and redirecting negative behavior -- all of which make these extraordinary performances possible. Kingsley took a hard look at his own often accusatory management style and recognized how some of his shortcomings as a manager, spouse, and father actually diminish trust and damage relationships. He began to see the difference between "GOTcha" (catching people doing things wrong) and "Whale Done!" (catching people doing things right). In Whale Done!, Ken Blanchard shows how to make accentuating the positive and redirecting the negative the best tools to increase productivity, instead of creating situations that demoralize people. These techniques are remarkably easy to master and can be applied equally well at home, allowing readers to become better parents and more committed spouses in their happier and more successful personal lives.

Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest: The Coaching Secrets Top Executives Depend On

by Scott Blanchard Madeleine Homan

Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest eliminates the stupid stuff that distracts you and gets in your way. It shows you how to take full advantage of -- Leverage! -- your strengths and most positive qualities, while at the same time discarding or getting around -- Ditch! -- whatever gets in your way.Scott Blanchard and Madeleine Homan, co-founders of, share their groundbreaking program, honed by fourteen years of high-level executive coaching and consulting. They offer new perspectives on how to spend your precious and limited resources, time, emotions, passions, and energy to generate the best results.The three-part process begins with a twenty-five-question self-assessment, then moves on to the Three Perspectives -- major life queries that focus on how you are perceived, your own self-image, and self-imposed limitations. The final step, the Seven Leverage Points, offers fresh insight into the choices you make and how you conduct yourself in business and in life. You will find immediately applicable tools to appraise and manage your work environment and personal gifts. You will be guided to make tiny but crucial shifts in getting needs met and drawing boundaries.

El Secreto De Invertir Por Ingresos

by Carlos Blanco Richard Stooker

Mientras los mercados financieros se derrumban... Al fin, Ud. también puede descubrir el método antiguo --sin embargo, actualmente revolucionario (y actualizado para siglo 21)-- de los "Huevos de Oro", Secretos de Invertir por Ingresos para los inversionistas que no se quieren complicar la vida. A pesar de seguir el conocimiento financiero convencional, muchos ciudadanos de la tercera edad se están preguntando ¿qué pasó con la vida fácil y sin preocupaciones que se prometieron a ellos mismo luego de toda una vida de trabajar duro? Muchas personas en sus 50 y 60 años se están preguntando cuando --e incluso si-- podrán retirarse algún día. ¿Cuál es la alternativa? Invertir para obtener ingresos. Aprenda como hacer dinero sin importar si la bolsa sube, baja o va de lado. Descubra como evitar los escollos financieros y el estrés emocional de depender de la bolsa de valores produzca una apreciación de los precios --ganancias de capital. Llegan --a veces-- pero también desaparecen. El Promedio Industrial Dow Jones (The Dow Jones Industrial Average) se encuentra ligeramente por encima del máximo alcanzado hace seis años. En estos días la estrategia de comprar y sujetar requiere un montón de paciencia. Este libro aboga por premiarse Ud. mismo inmediatamente con un ingreso corriente derivados de los dividendos de las acciones y el interés de los bonos. Le muestra los mejores y más confiables tipos de inversiones por ingresos --y como minimizar los riesgos. Así que invierta ahora en el libro que puede guiar su cartera de inversiones para su retiro a generar grandes ingresos en el largo plazo.

Please Stop Laughing at Me: One Woman's Inspirational True Story

by Jodee Blanco

While other children were daydreaming about dances, first kisses, and college, Jodee Blanco was trying to figure out how to go from homeroom to study hall without being taunted or spit upon as she walked through the halls.This powerful, unforgettable memoir chronicles how one child was shunned-and even physically abused-by her classmates from elementary school through high school. It is an unflinching look at what it means to be the outcast, how even the most loving parents can get it all wrong, why schools are often unable to prevent disaster, and how bullying has been misunderstood and mishandled by the mental health community.You will be shocked, moved, and ultimately inspired by this harrowing tale of survival against insurmountable odds. This vivid story will open your eyes to the harsh realities and long-term consequences of bullying-and how all of us can make a difference in the lives of teens today.

Please Stop Laughing at Me . . .: One Woman's Inspirational Story

by Jodee Blanco

Discover how beloved author and activist Jodee Blanco ignited a grassroots movement in the nation&’s schools to fight against bullying in this timely update of the seminal classic Please Stop Laughing at Me. In this timely update of the seminal classic, author and activist Jodee Blanco reveals how she simply set out to share her story—and ended up igniting a grassroots movement in the nation&’s schools. The first survivor of school bullying to look back on those experiences as an adult, Jodee brings you up to speed on her life and work since the book&’s initial release with a new chapter, all-new Letter to My Readers, and Reader&’s Guide. She also offers the latest information on digital and cyberbullying, the Adult Survivor of Peer Abuse, her in-school antibullying program, INJJA (It&’s NOT Just Joking Around!™), and provides discussion questions for schools.While other children were daydreaming about dances, first kisses, and college, Jodee Blanco was trying to figure out how to go from homeroom to study hall without being taunted or spit upon as she walked through the halls.This powerful, unforgettable memoir chronicles how one child was shunned—and even physically abused—by her classmates from elementary school through high school. It is an unflinching look at what it means to be the outcast, how even the most loving parents can get it all wrong, why schools are often unable to prevent disaster, and how bullying has been misunderstood and mishandled by the mental health community.You will be shocked, moved, and ultimately inspired by this harrowing tale of survival against insurmountable odds. This vivid story will open your eyes to the harsh realities and long-term consequences of bullying—and how all of us can make a difference in the lives of teens today.

¡¿Me quieres ver la cara?!: Aprende del rostro y de la numerología para nutrir tu alma

by Lucía Blanco

En ¡¿Me quieres ver la cara?! la experta Lucía Blanco propone la lectura de rostro y la numerología como dos herramientas de autoconocimiento y desarrollo personal a partir de la autoconciencia, la reflexión y la autoestima. ¿Qué dicen de ti unas cejas juntas y una nariz recta? ¿Qué significa que tu pareja tenga un 7 en su numerología? Descubre tus rasgos, conoce tus oportunidades y desarrolla tus habilidades para alcanzar tus metas y comprender a tu prójimo mejor. Destaca ciertos elementos que te permitirán nutrir el alma tomando como base su comprensión y que detonarán la construcción de relaciones de largo plazo, en que identifiques tus pensamientos, tus emociones y las palabras que más dices, o en todo caso las que más escuchas a tu alrededor. De esta forma, podrás reconocer tanto tus propias habilidades como las de los otros, así como las afines y complementarias en una relación personal o laboral, y sacar provecho de cada una de ellas para que tengas una vida más plena.

Anti-Inflammatory Eating for a Happy, Healthy Brain: 75 Recipes for Alleviating Depression, Anxiety, and Memory Loss

by Jeffrey Bland Michelle Babb

New from the author of Anti-inflammatory Eating Made Easy, this cookbook shows how to use diet to improve your state of mind. The latest research shows the connection between a healthy gut and a healthy mind. Inflammation markers are frequently found in the blood of people with anxiety and depression, proving a food-mood connection. In this book nutritionist Michelle Babb shows how reducing that inflammation and balancing the flora in the gut results in a healthy mind. Based on the success of her clients, Babb first explains the science behind this eating plan, then delivers 75 tasty recipes that range from simple to easy gourmet that will satisfy your taste buds, your microbiome, and your mood.

7 Principles of Transformational Leadership: Create a Mindset of Passion, Innovation, and Growth (The\transformational Coach Ser.)

by Hugh Blane

Learn to flourish as a leader so that a mindset of growth, optimism, and positivity spreads to your employees and shows up in the customer experience. In the world of work, the single greatest asset of successful individuals, teams, and organizations is their mindset—what happens in between their ears. It&’s not the corporate strategy, the sales compensation plan, or the market segments they&’re pursuing. It is what each leader, team member, and employee chooses to focus on, believe, and create for themselves and others.7 Principles of Transformational Leadership presents the fundamental concepts whose implementation will result in dramatic revenue, performance, and relationship growth. Specifically, leaders will learn to: Live their professional and personal lives with unbridled purpose and passion. Execute strategic priorities more effectively and with accelerated results. Retain the brightest and best talent. Have employees, key stakeholders, and managers enthusiastically follow them. Be exemplars of innovation, growth, and positive mindsets. Cascade excellence throughout their organizations. You may have employees with all the talent in the world, but you&’ll never achieve remarkable results until you change your employees&’ mindset. 7 Principles of Transformational Leadership will help you convert your human potential into accelerated business results.

Relationshift: Unleash the Surprising Power of Relationships to Change Yourself, Remake Your Life, and Achieve Any Business Goal

by Justin Blaney

Learn to leverage your relationships so you can dream bigger, achieve whatever you want, and build a life that makes you happier with each passing day.No greater force for change exists than the people we surround ourselves with. Relationshift explores how the people in your life have colored your worldview, how this limits or expands your options, and what to do about it. Through the stories of British explorer Gertrude Bell, abolitionist hero Frederick Douglass, music icons the Beastie Boys, and many others, this book will help you: Learn how to connect with high-caliber people who can help you go further in life.Understand the rules of life as handed down through countless generations—then learn how to recognize which ones can be bent.Grow in happiness, thankfulness, peace, and contentment while eliminating the power of negative emotions.Explore how our minds reject new concepts like our bodies reject viruses.Build a personal tribe that can help you achieve any goal in work, health, or relationships.Make better choices by learning to see your options more clearly and honing your ability to move quickly with less information.Identify relationships that have the most impact on your wellbeing, for better or worse.Discover and refine the direction of your life by exploring wisdom from twenty experts on purpose. With dozens of illustrations and practical examples, Relationshift will help you take greater control of your life and uncover a path to your best possible future.

Good Company

by Arthur M Blank

Featuring an introduction by President Jimmy CarterThe Home Depot cofounder and owner of the NFL's Atlanta Falcons and MLS's Atlanta United shares a vision and a roadmap for values-based business. Arthur M. Blank believes that for good companies, purpose and profit can-and should-go hand in hand. And he should know. Together with cofounder Bernie Marcus, Blank built The Home Depot from an idea and a dream to a $50 billion-dollar company, the leading home improvement retailer in the world. And even while opening a new store every 42 hours, they never lost sight of their commitment to care for their people and communities. In fact, in 2001, The Home Depot was voted America's most socially responsible company. Blank left The Home Depot that same year with a burning question: Could the values and culture that made that company great be replicated? Good Company takes readers inside the story of how he did just that-turning around a struggling NFL team, rebooting a near-bankrupt retail chain, building a brand-new stadium, revitalizing a blighted neighborhood, launching a startup soccer club, and more. "When good companies put the wellbeing of their customers, their associates, and their communities first, financial success will follow," Blank writes. "The entrepreneurs and business leaders of today and tomorrow have an extraordinary opportunity: to prove that through upholding values we can create value-for the company, for the customer, and for the community."

Big Big Love: A Sourcebook on Sex for People of Size and Those Who Love Them

by Hanne Blank

At last, a book that covers the how-tos and why-tos of sexuality from the point of view of big folks and those who love them! "Big Big Love" is a no-holds-barred, yet lighthearted, overview of sex for everybody from the chubby to the supersized. Detailed and realistic information on improving self-image, partner-finding, sexual positions and activities, resources for toys and clothing and much more. "Big Big Love" is essential reading for women, men and transfolk. . . gays, bisexuals and heterosexuals. . . and anyone else who's ever been told that sex is only for the slender!

Big Big Love, Revised: A Sex and Relationships Guide for People of Size (and Those Who Love Them)

by Hanne Blank

Love, Romance, and Great Big Sexuality for Everyone Big Big Love is the only one-stop-shopping handbook on relationships, sexuality, and big sexy confidence for people of all genders, sizes, and sexual orientations who know that a fantastic love life doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the number on the bathroom scale. Covering everything from dating to sex toys to getting on top, this guide also features tips on navigating tricky topics like making peace with your belly, coping with weight-related prejudice, and creating a happy, satisfying sex life in a culture where no body is ever perfect enough. This freshly illustrated update of the 2000 cult classic features new interviews with body-acceptance activists, health coaches, psychologists, and more, plus hundreds of quotes from fat folks and those who love them selected from a survey conducted exclusively for the book. From taking your clothes off to BDSM to fat admiration to tips for successful long-term relationships, Big Big Love's savvy, sane advice can help you tackle every hot-button issue you may confront in the bedroom and in love.

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