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The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ: A Lecture

by Gerald Massey

Unveil the profound and often contentious intersections between history and mythology with Gerald Massey's The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ: A Lecture. This thought-provoking work delves into the enigmatic figure of Jesus Christ, exploring the dual narratives of his existence as both a historical figure and a mythological archetype.Gerald Massey, a renowned poet, scholar, and Egyptologist, brings his extensive knowledge and critical eye to bear on the origins and development of Christian theology. In this compelling lecture, Massey investigates the evidence for the historical Jesus, examining ancient texts, historical records, and the socio-political context of the time. He juxtaposes this with the mythological dimensions of Christ, drawing parallels with earlier deities and religious traditions.The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ challenges conventional understandings of Christianity’s central figure, presenting a nuanced analysis that encourages readers to consider the synthesis of historical fact and mythic symbolism. Massey's eloquent and persuasive arguments invite readers to question long-held beliefs and to explore the deeper layers of religious narrative and tradition.Through this lecture, Massey explores themes such as the origins of Christian doctrines, the influence of pre-Christian myths on the story of Jesus, and the symbolic meanings embedded within the Christ narrative. His insightful approach provides a rich tapestry of historical and mythological scholarship, making this work a valuable resource for theologians, historians, and anyone interested in the intersections of religion, mythology, and history.

Method in Prayer

by W. Graham Scroggie

Deepen your spiritual practice with W. Graham Scroggie's Method in Prayer, a timeless guide designed to enrich and transform your prayer life. Drawing from the wisdom of Scripture and years of pastoral experience, Scroggie offers a structured and insightful approach to prayer that is both accessible and profound.W. Graham Scroggie, a distinguished pastor, and theologian, presents a comprehensive exploration of the principles and practices that underpin effective prayer. In Method in Prayer, he meticulously examines the various aspects of prayer, from adoration and confession to thanksgiving and supplication, providing readers with a balanced and holistic understanding of this vital spiritual discipline.The book delves into the biblical foundations of prayer, highlighting key passages and teachings that illustrate the power and importance of communion with God. Scroggie’s clear and thoughtful exposition helps readers grasp the deeper theological significance of prayer, encouraging them to develop a more intimate and dynamic relationship with the Divine.Method in Prayer also offers practical guidance for overcoming common obstacles and distractions that can hinder a fruitful prayer life. Scroggie addresses issues such as maintaining focus, cultivating a sincere heart, and aligning one’s will with God’s purposes, providing valuable tools for personal spiritual growth.This book is an essential resource for believers seeking to enhance their prayer practice, whether they are new to the faith or seasoned in their spiritual journey. Scroggie’s warm and pastoral tone, combined with his deep theological insight, makes Method in Prayer a treasured companion for anyone desiring to deepen their connection with God.

The Life of Martin Luther

by Julius Köstlin

Dive into the riveting story of one of history’s most transformative figures with Julius Köstlin’s The Life of Martin Luther. This meticulously researched biography provides an in-depth look at Martin Luther, the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, whose actions and writings reshaped the course of Western Christianity and European history.Julius Köstlin, a distinguished historian and theologian, offers a comprehensive and nuanced portrait of Luther, from his humble beginnings in Eisleben to his rise as a passionate reformer challenging the Catholic Church. Köstlin’s narrative captures the pivotal moments of Luther’s life, including his bold act of nailing the Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church, his excommunication, and his steadfast defense of his beliefs at the Diet of Worms.The Life of Martin Luther delves into the profound theological insights and revolutionary ideas that defined Luther’s work. Köstlin explores Luther’s teachings on salvation by faith alone, the authority of Scripture, and the priesthood of all believers, presenting them within the broader context of the religious, political, and social upheavals of the 16th century.The Life of Martin Luther is an essential read for historians, theologians, and anyone interested in the Reformation and its lasting impact on Christianity and the modern world. Köstlin’s authoritative work offers a richly detailed and engaging account of Luther’s legacy, making it a valuable resource for understanding one of the most influential figures in religious history.

The Apocalypse A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ Vol. I [Revised Text] (The Apocalypse A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ [Revised Text] #1)

by Joseph A. Seiss

Dive into the profound mysteries of the Book of Revelation with Joseph A. Seiss's The Apocalypse: A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ. This seminal work offers an in-depth exploration of one of the Bible’s most enigmatic and compelling books, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its prophetic visions and theological significance.Joseph A. Seiss, a renowned theologian and biblical scholar, brings his extensive knowledge and insightful perspective to this series of lectures. With meticulous attention to detail and a deep reverence for the scriptural text, Seiss deciphers the complex symbolism and intricate imagery found in the Book of Revelation. He guides readers through its chapters, offering clear explanations and thoughtful interpretations that illuminate the apocalyptic messages conveyed by the Apostle John.The Apocalypse covers a wide range of themes, including the nature of divine judgment, the ultimate triumph of good over evil, and the promise of a new heaven and new earth. Seiss's lectures delve into the historical context of the Revelation, its place within the broader biblical canon, and its relevance to contemporary Christian faith and practice.Throughout the book, Seiss emphasizes the hope and encouragement that the Revelation offers to believers, portraying it not as a text of fear, but as a profound source of comfort and inspiration. His eloquent and accessible writing style makes complex theological concepts understandable, inviting readers to engage deeply with the spiritual truths of the Apocalypse.Join Joseph A. Seiss in unraveling the mysteries of the Book of Revelation and discover the powerful and enduring message of hope and redemption it contains. This timeless work continues to inspire and enlighten readers, offering a profound exploration of the ultimate revelation of Jesus Christ.

History of the Council of Nice: A World's Christian Convention, A. D. 325 (classic Reprint)

by Dean Dudley

Delve into one of the most pivotal events in the history of Christianity with Dean Dudley's History of the Council of Nice: A World's Christian Convention, A.D. 325. This comprehensive account offers an in-depth exploration of the First Council of Nicaea, a landmark gathering that significantly shaped the foundations of Christian doctrine and ecclesiastical structure.Dean Dudley, a respected historian, meticulously reconstructs the events leading up to and following the council, providing readers with a detailed understanding of its historical, theological, and political contexts. The book vividly recounts the assembly of bishops and church leaders from across the Roman Empire, convened by Emperor Constantine, to address the pressing theological disputes of the time, particularly the Arian controversy.History of the Council of Nice delves into the key figures, debates, and decisions that defined the council. Dudley offers insightful analysis of the theological arguments presented, the formulation of the Nicene Creed, and the establishment of critical precedents for church governance and orthodoxy. His narrative captures the intense intellectual and spiritual fervor that characterized the discussions and decisions of the council.Beyond the theological implications, Dudley explores the broader impact of the Council of Nicaea on the development of the Christian Church and its enduring legacy. The book examines how the council’s outcomes influenced subsequent councils, doctrinal developments, and the consolidation of Christian doctrine in the centuries that followed.This book is an essential resource for students of church history, theology, and anyone interested in the formative events of early Christianity. Dudley's scholarly yet accessible writing style ensures that History of the Council of Nice is both informative and engaging, providing a clear and thorough account of one of the most significant councils in Christian history.

Teaching and Addresses of Edward A. Kimball

by Edward A. Kimball

Explore the profound insights and transformative teachings of one of Christian Science’s most influential figures with Teaching and Addresses of Edward A. Kimball. This compelling collection brings together the essential writings and speeches of Edward A. Kimball, offering readers a deep dive into the spiritual wisdom and practical guidance that have inspired countless individuals on their spiritual journeys.Edward A. Kimball, a prominent Christian Science teacher and lecturer, was known for his clear and compelling articulation of the principles of Christian Science. This anthology captures the essence of his teachings, providing a comprehensive overview of his views on spiritual healing, faith, and the application of Christian Science principles to everyday life.Teaching and Addresses of Edward A. Kimball covers a wide range of topics, from the foundational beliefs of Christian Science to practical advice on how to live a spiritually enriched and healthful life. Kimball’s writings emphasize the importance of understanding the divine laws of God, the nature of true health and harmony, and the power of spiritual thought to effect positive change.The book is organized to present Kimball’s teachings in a coherent and accessible manner, making it an invaluable resource for both newcomers to Christian Science and those seeking to deepen their understanding of its principles. His eloquent addresses and insightful essays provide readers with a roadmap for spiritual growth, encouraging them to cultivate a closer relationship with God and to experience the healing power of divine Love.This Book is an essential addition to the library of anyone interested in Christian Science, spiritual healing, and the pursuit of a deeper understanding of divine truth. Edward A. Kimball’s legacy of wisdom and compassion continues to guide and uplift readers, offering timeless insights into the path of spiritual enlightenment and healing.

The Gnosis or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures or The Wisdom in a Mystery: Or The Wisdom In A Mystery

by William Kingsland

Uncover the hidden layers of spiritual wisdom embedded within the Christian Scriptures with William Kingsland's The Gnosis or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures or The Wisdom in a Mystery. This enlightening work delves into the esoteric teachings and mystical insights that have been veiled in the sacred texts of Christianity, offering readers a profound exploration of the ancient wisdom tradition known as Gnosis.William Kingsland, a respected scholar of esoteric Christianity, presents a compelling argument that the teachings of Jesus and the early Christian writers are deeply rooted in the universal principles of Gnosis. Through meticulous analysis and thoughtful interpretation, Kingsland reveals how the Christian Scriptures convey profound spiritual truths and timeless wisdom that transcend orthodox religious doctrines.The Gnosis or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures illuminates key biblical passages, uncovering their deeper symbolic meanings and esoteric significance. Kingsland explores themes such as the nature of the divine, the process of spiritual awakening, and the journey of the soul, providing readers with a richer and more nuanced understanding of Christian teachings.Kingsland’s work bridges the gap between traditional Christian theology and the broader mystical traditions of the ancient world, highlighting the connections between Christianity and other wisdom traditions such as Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, and Eastern philosophies. By doing so, he invites readers to appreciate the universality of spiritual truths and the shared heritage of human wisdom.This book is an essential read for those interested in esoteric Christianity, comparative religion, and the mystical dimensions of spiritual practice. Kingsland’s erudite and accessible writing makes complex metaphysical concepts approachable, offering readers a pathway to deeper spiritual insight and personal transformation.

Mysteries of the Great Operas: Faust, Parsifal, The Ring Of The Niebelung, Tannhauser, Lohengrin

by Max Heindel

Unlock the esoteric and spiritual dimensions of some of the world’s greatest operas with Max Heindel's Mysteries of the Great Operas: Faust, Parsifal, The Ring of the Nibelung, Tannhäuser, Lohengrin. This insightful work explores the hidden meanings and profound spiritual lessons embedded within these masterpieces of musical drama.Max Heindel, a renowned mystic and founder of the Rosicrucian Fellowship, delves deep into the symbolic and allegorical content of these operas, revealing how they convey universal truths and spiritual teachings. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of esoteric traditions, Heindel provides readers with a new perspective on these timeless works.Faust explores the eternal struggle between good and evil, the pursuit of knowledge, and the quest for redemption. Heindel deciphers the symbols and themes in Goethe’s and Gounod’s adaptations, offering a spiritual interpretation that illuminates the inner journey of the soul.Parsifal, Richard Wagner’s final opera, is examined as a profound meditation on purity, compassion, and the quest for the Holy Grail. Heindel uncovers the spiritual significance of the characters and events, providing a deeper understanding of this mystical work.In The Ring of the Nibelung, Wagner’s epic cycle, Heindel interprets the complex narrative of power, greed, and redemption through the lens of esoteric philosophy. He reveals how the saga reflects the cycles of human evolution and spiritual awakening.Tannhäuser and Lohengrin are analyzed for their rich symbolic content and spiritual allegories. Heindel discusses the themes of love, sin, redemption, and the quest for spiritual purity, offering insights into the deeper meanings of these operatic tales.

The Apocalypse A Series of Special lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ Vol. III [Revised Text] (The Apocalypse A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ [Revised Text] #3)

by Joseph A. Seiss

Dive into the profound mysteries of the Book of Revelation with Joseph A. Seiss's The Apocalypse: A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ. This seminal work offers an in-depth exploration of one of the Bible’s most enigmatic and compelling books, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its prophetic visions and theological significance.Joseph A. Seiss, a renowned theologian and biblical scholar, brings his extensive knowledge and insightful perspective to this series of lectures. With meticulous attention to detail and a deep reverence for the scriptural text, Seiss deciphers the complex symbolism and intricate imagery found in the Book of Revelation. He guides readers through its chapters, offering clear explanations and thoughtful interpretations that illuminate the apocalyptic messages conveyed by the Apostle John.The Apocalypse covers a wide range of themes, including the nature of divine judgment, the ultimate triumph of good over evil, and the promise of a new heaven and new earth. Seiss's lectures delve into the historical context of the Revelation, its place within the broader biblical canon, and its relevance to contemporary Christian faith and practice.Throughout the book, Seiss emphasizes the hope and encouragement that the Revelation offers to believers, portraying it not as a text of fear, but as a profound source of comfort and inspiration. His eloquent and accessible writing style makes complex theological concepts understandable, inviting readers to engage deeply with the spiritual truths of the Apocalypse.Join Joseph A. Seiss in unraveling the mysteries of the Book of Revelation and discover the powerful and enduring message of hope and redemption it contains. This timeless work continues to inspire and enlighten readers, offering a profound exploration of the ultimate revelation of Jesus Christ.

The Maze of Mormonism

by Walter Martin

Navigate the intricate beliefs and practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with Walter Martin’s The Maze of Mormonism. This critical examination provides a thorough analysis of Mormon doctrine, history, and theology, offering readers an insightful exploration of one of the fastest-growing religious movements in the world.Walter Martin, a renowned Christian apologist and expert on cults and new religious movements, meticulously unpacks the foundational teachings of Mormonism, comparing them with traditional Christian doctrines. Through detailed research and careful scrutiny, Martin addresses key aspects of Mormon belief, including the nature of God, the role of Jesus Christ, the authority of the Book of Mormon, and the church’s view on salvation and the afterlife.The Maze of Mormonism delves into the origins of the LDS Church, examining the life and claims of its founder, Joseph Smith, and the subsequent development of Mormon theology under leaders such as Brigham Young. Martin provides historical context and critical perspectives on the church’s unique scriptures and revelations, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of how Mormon beliefs have evolved over time.In addition to theological critique, Martin explores the sociological and cultural dimensions of Mormonism, highlighting the church’s practices, missionary efforts, and community life. He presents testimonies and experiences of former Mormons, shedding light on the challenges and controversies surrounding the church.This book is an essential resource for Christians seeking to understand Mormonism from an orthodox perspective, as well as for anyone interested in the complexities of religious belief and practice. Martin’s clear and accessible writing style makes The Maze of Mormonism a valuable tool for pastors, theologians, and laypeople alike, providing the information needed to engage thoughtfully and respectfully with members of the LDS Church.

The End of My Addiction

by Olivier Ameisen

"After years of battling uncontrollable addiction, I have achieved the supposedly impossible: complete freedom from craving."Dr. Olivier Ameisen was a brilliant cardiologist on the staff at one of America's top teaching hospitals and running his own successful practice when he developed a profound addiction to alcohol. He broke bones with no memory of falling; he nearly lost his kidneys; he almost died from massive seizures during acute withdrawal. He gave up his flourishing practice and, fearing for his life, immersed himself in Alcoholics Anonymous, rehab, therapy, and a variety of medications. Nothing worked.So he did the only thing he could: he took his treatment into his own hands. Searching for a cure for his deadly disease, he happened upon baclofen, a muscle relaxant that had been used safely for years as a treatment for various types of muscle spasticity, but had more recently shown promising results in studies with laboratory animals addicted to a wide variety of substances. Dr. Ameisen prescribed himself the drug and experimented with increasingly higher dosages until he finally reached a level high enough to leave him free of any craving for alcohol. That was more than five years ago. Alcoholism claims three hundred lives per day in the United States alone; one in four U.S. deaths is attributable to alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs. Baclofen, as prescribed under a doctor's care, could possibly free many addicts from tragic and debilitating illness. But as long as the medical and research establishments continue to ignore a cure for one of the most deadly diseases in the world, we won't be able to understand baclofen's full addiction-treatment potential.The End of My Addiction is both a memoir of Dr. Ameisen's own struggle and a groundbreaking call to action—an urgent plea for research that can rescue millions from the scourge of addiction and spare their loved ones the collateral damage of the disease.

Petros the Wonderful Building - A Sermon

by Joseph A. Seiss

Explore the profound spiritual and symbolic significance of one of Christianity's foundational figures with Joseph A. Seiss's Petros: The Wonderful Building - A Sermon. This insightful and eloquent sermon delves into the life and legacy of the Apostle Peter, illuminating his pivotal role in the establishment of the Christian Church.Joseph A. Seiss, a distinguished theologian and preacher, presents a deeply thoughtful analysis of Peter, whose name means "rock," as a cornerstone of the faith. In Petros: The Wonderful Building, Seiss examines the biblical narratives and theological implications surrounding Peter, shedding light on his transformation from a humble fisherman to a central figure in the early Christian community.The sermon explores Peter's strengths and weaknesses, his moments of doubt and faith, and his ultimate dedication to the mission entrusted to him by Jesus Christ. Seiss eloquently articulates how Peter's journey embodies the essence of spiritual growth and steadfastness, serving as an enduring example for believers.Petros: The Wonderful Building also delves into the metaphorical and prophetic significance of Peter's role in the "building" of the Church. Seiss connects Peter's experiences and teachings to the broader framework of Christian doctrine, emphasizing the importance of faith, perseverance, and divine grace in the life of the Church and its members.This work is an essential read for theologians, clergy, and anyone interested in deepening their understanding of apostolic foundations and the spiritual heritage of Christianity. Seiss’s powerful and inspiring words offer a fresh perspective on Peter’s legacy, inviting readers to reflect on their own faith journeys.

Life of Saint John of God Founder of the Order of Hospitallers

by Jean Girard De Villethierry

Immerse yourself in the inspiring and transformative story of one of the most revered saints in Christian history with Jean Girard De Villethierry's Life of Saint John of God: Founder of the Order of Hospitallers. This detailed biography offers an intimate and comprehensive portrait of Saint John of God, a man whose life of compassion and service left an indelible mark on the world.Jean Girard De Villethierry, a distinguished historian, meticulously traces the life journey of John of God, from his humble beginnings in Portugal to his profound spiritual awakening and his ultimate mission to care for the sick and poor. This biography captures the essence of John of God's character, his unwavering faith, and his extraordinary dedication to humanitarian service.Life of Saint John of God delves into the pivotal moments of his life, including his dramatic conversion experience, his founding of the Order of Hospitallers, and his tireless work in establishing hospitals and caring for those in need. Villethierry's narrative brings to life the trials and triumphs of John of God, highlighting his deep empathy, relentless perseverance, and the miraculous events that marked his ministry.The book also explores the broader historical and social context of the 16th century, providing readers with an understanding of the challenges and opportunities that shaped John of God's mission. Villethierry's scholarly yet accessible writing offers insights into the saint's spiritual philosophy, his approach to healthcare, and the lasting impact of his work on the Christian tradition and beyond.Life of Saint John of God is an essential read for anyone interested in the lives of the saints, the history of Christian charity, and the enduring power of faith in action. Jean Girard De Villethierry's biography is a testament to the remarkable legacy of Saint John of God, whose life continues to inspire acts of compassion and service around the world.

A Miracle in Stone or The Great Pyramid of Egypt

by Joseph A. Seiss

Embark on a fascinating exploration of one of the world's most enigmatic structures with Joseph A. Seiss's A Miracle in Stone: Or, The Great Pyramid of Egypt. This compelling work delves into the mysteries and marvels of the Great Pyramid, offering readers an insightful and thought-provoking examination of its construction, purpose, and significance.Joseph A. Seiss, a respected scholar, brings his keen analytical mind to bear on the ancient wonder of the Great Pyramid. In A Miracle in Stone, Seiss meticulously investigates the architectural precision and astronomical alignments of the pyramid, proposing that it is not merely a tomb, but a monumental embodiment of divine wisdom and ancient knowledge.The book presents a comprehensive analysis of the pyramid’s dimensions, geometric proportions, and symbolic meanings, exploring how these elements reflect profound scientific and spiritual truths. Seiss delves into the historical context of the pyramid’s construction, examining the theories about its builders and the advanced technological capabilities required to erect such a colossal structure.A Miracle in Stone, also explores the pyramid's potential connections to biblical prophecy and its significance within the context of ancient and modern religious thought. Seiss's narrative weaves together archaeology, theology, and mythology, providing readers with a rich tapestry of insights into the enduring mystery of the Great Pyramid.Join Joseph A. Seiss on a journey through the ages as he uncovers the secrets of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, revealing its significance as a miracle in stone and a testament to the ingenuity and spiritual vision of its creators. A Miracle in Stone: Or, The Great Pyramid of Egypt is a timeless exploration of one of humanity's greatest architectural achievements and its profound implications for our understanding of history and spirituality.

Bible Proof of Universal Salvation: Containing The Principal Passages Of Scripture That Teach The Final Holiness And Happiness Of All Mankind (classic Reprint)

by J W Hanson

Explore the profound and transformative doctrine of universal salvation with J. W. Hanson's Bible Proof of Universal Salvation. This compelling work presents a thorough and convincing argument that the Bible, when interpreted correctly, supports the belief that all souls will ultimately be reconciled with God and attain eternal salvation.J. W. Hanson, a respected theologian and scholar, meticulously examines key biblical passages and themes to uncover the scriptural foundations for universal salvation. Through careful analysis and thoughtful interpretation, Hanson demonstrates how the teachings of Jesus, the writings of the apostles, and the overarching narrative of the Bible consistently point towards a God of infinite love and mercy, whose ultimate plan includes the redemption of all humanity.Bible Proof of Universal Salvation delves into the historical and theological context of universalism, addressing common objections and misconceptions. Hanson engages with traditional interpretations of hell, judgment, and damnation, offering alternative readings that emphasize God's restorative justice and boundless grace. His scholarly yet accessible approach makes complex theological concepts understandable and compelling for readers of all backgrounds.Bible Proof of Universal Salvation is an essential read for theologians, pastors, and anyone interested in exploring the depths of God's love and the ultimate destiny of humanity. Hanson's insightful and compassionate work invites readers to reconsider long-held beliefs and embrace a vision of salvation that encompasses all people.Join J. W. Hanson on a journey through the Scriptures and discover the biblical basis for universal salvation, a doctrine that offers profound hope and reassurance of God's unwavering commitment to the redemption of every soul.

Heal Thyself: A Doctor at the Peak of His Medical Career, Destroyed by Alcohol—and the Personal Miracle That Brought Him Back

by Olivier Ameisen

Heal Thyself is the paperback edition of The End of My Addiction—a memoir of Ameisen's struggle and a call to action."[This book is] the story of the dazzling discovery of a cure that could soon be within reach of all . . . you must read this book." —David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PHD, author of Healing Without Freud or Prozac and AnticancerWhen Olivier Ameisen's book was first published, Barbara Fisher noted in The Boston Globe that "this is not your usual memoir of addiction, degradation, and redemption." His story is indeed unusual—not because he was a brilliant cardiologist who developed a profound addiction to alcohol, or because he tried numerous treatment options and none helped. His story was the story of millions of alcoholics—until he decided to take his treatment into his own hands.Searching for a cure for his deadly disease, he happened upon baclofen, a safe muscle relaxant that had recently shown promising results in studies with laboratory animals addicted to a wide variety of substances. Ameisen experimented with increasingly higher dosages until he reached a level that left him free of any craving for alcohol. That was more than six years ago.In the past year, a growing number of researchers and doctors have been inspired by Ameisen and begun prescribing baclofen and lobbying for wide-scale studies into how the drug works. Last spring, no less an authority than the leading medical journal Alcoholand Alcoholism endorsed the book. Hailing Dr. Ameisen as "a remarkable medical researcher," it summed up its assessment strongly and directly: "This book is to be recommended."

Creative Prayer

by Emily Herman

Discover the transformative power of prayer with Emily Herman's Creative Prayer. This insightful and inspiring work explores the dynamic and creative aspects of prayer, offering readers a profound understanding of how prayer can be a vibrant and enriching part of their spiritual lives.Emily Herman, a respected author and spiritual teacher, delves into the essence of prayer, presenting it not just as a routine practice but as a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth. In Creative Prayer, Herman encourages readers to explore prayer as a creative act that can deepen their connection with the divine, enhance their spiritual awareness, and bring about positive change in their lives.The book provides practical guidance on how to cultivate a more meaningful and engaging prayer life. Herman explores various forms of prayer, including contemplative, intercessory, and expressive prayers, and offers insights into how each type can be adapted to suit individual needs and circumstances. She emphasizes the importance of authenticity and spontaneity in prayer, encouraging readers to approach prayer with an open heart and a creative spirit.Creative Prayer also addresses common challenges and obstacles to effective prayer, providing strategies for overcoming distractions, doubts, and feelings of spiritual dryness. Herman’s compassionate and supportive approach helps readers navigate these challenges and find new ways to connect with the divine presence in their everyday lives.Rich with personal anecdotes, spiritual wisdom, and practical exercises, Creative Prayer is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their prayer practice and experience the transformative power of prayer. Whether you are new to prayer or looking to reinvigorate your existing practice, this book offers inspiration and guidance for making prayer a dynamic and life-enhancing part of your spiritual journey.

The Fallen Angels and The Heroes of Mythology: The Sons Of God And The Mighty Men Of The Sixth Chapter Of The First Book Of Moses

by John Fleming

“In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth. Soon thereafter, however, the harmonious communion that God intended for mankind to live within was interrupted by a sinister intervention from the enemy. As days turned into years, this ancient agenda of corruption continued to intertwine even more deeply with the human story affecting the very makeup of mankind. And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Who were these sons of God, and daughters of men? This and many parallel questions are what author Rev. John Fleming researched and addressed nearly a century and a half ago in this thorough, antiquarian work. Finally, this extensive work is available to the main-stream collector, who may again access these ancient writings, gaining the ability to:*Understand what scripture is really telling us about the genetic trend taking place in Genesis 6 when it says: And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years*Explore who the Sons of God and daughters of men really were according to the ancient writings that trace these key phrases back to their original Greek and Hebrew translation.*Compare popular theories using Flemings concise, thorough review of many differing concepts and interpretations of these scriptures as construed through Greek mythology, Mendelssohn’s View, the Jewish or Filii Magnatum Interpretation, the Sethite Interpretation, and the Angel Interpretation.”-Print ed.

Making Peace with the Things in Your Life: Why Your Papers, Books, Clothes, and Other Possessions Keep Overwhelming You—and What to Do About It

by Cindy Glovinsky

A guide to understanding why your possessions keep overwhelming you and what to do about it, written by a professional organizer and psychotherapist.Do you spend much of your time struggling against the growing ranks of papers, books, clothes, housewares, mementos, and other possessions that seem to multiply when you're not looking? Do these inanimate objects, the hallmarks of busy modern life, conspire to fill up every inch of your space, no matter how hard you try to get rid of some of them and organize the rest? Do you feel frustrated, thwarted, and powerless in the face of this ever-renewing mountain of stuff? Help is on the way. Cindy Glovinsky, practicing psychotherapist and personal organizer, is uniquely qualified to explain this nagging, even debilitating problem -- and to provide solutions that really work. Writing in a supportive, nonjudmental tone, Glovinsky uses humorous examples, questionnaires, and exercises to shed light on the real reasons why we feel so overwhelmed by papers and possessions and offers individualized suggestions tailored to specific organizing problems. Whether you're drowning in clutter or just looking for a new way to deal with the perennial challenge of organizing and managing material things, this fresh and reassuring approach is sure to help. Making Peace with the Things in Your Life will help you cut down on your clutter and cut down on your stress!

Bread Therapy: The Mindful Art of Baking Bread

by Pauline Beaumont

&“To knead dough mindfully is a way of slowing down, of giving ourselves the opportunity to be in the present moment.&” Bread Therapy is a self-help book that celebrates baking bread; a practice that not only produces delicious loaves, but also improves mental health and wellbeing. As the world feels ever more dangerous and unreliable, there is something soothing and grounding about basic human activities such as baking. Breadmaking provides an ideal opportunity to develop mindfulness skills by forcing you to concentrate on what you can see, hear, feel, and smell. Escape your mind and connect with your body by kneading a classic sourdough, or even just by tasting fresh bread straight out of the oven. Featuring delicious recipes and how-tos that will inspire everyone from the bread baking beginner to a seasoned pro, this book is part guide, part cookbook, and the perfect gift for anyone that has discovered the joy of bread (or still needs to!). This delightful meditation on the intrinsic power of baking will fill your stomach and calm your mind.

A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Workbook

by Stephanie Covington

Women's recovery can differ from men's, and each person's recovery is in many ways unique. That's why Stephanie Covington has designed the A Women's Way Through the Twelve Steps Workbook to help women and gender-expansive people each find their own path—and find it in terms especially suited to the way women experience not just addiction and recovery but also relationships, self, sexuality, and everyday life.Deepening and extending the lessons of a book that has helped countless women and gender-expansive people, this workbook makes A Women's Way Through the Twelve Steps that much more measured, meaningful, and clear. Unlike many ''rewritten'' Twelve Step interpretations for women, this workbook begins with the original Step language, preserving its spirit and focusing attention on its healing message. In sections devoted to each of the Twelve Steps, Covington blends narrative, self-assessment questions focused on women&’s definitions of terms such as ''powerlessness'' and ''letting go,'' guided imagery exercises, and physical grounding activities. Designed to be used in conjunction with A Women's Way Through the Twelve Steps, this workbook helps deepen and extend the lessons taught there and further empowers each woman to take ownership of her recovery process as well as her growth as a person. It is also designed to be used in conjunction with A Woman&’s Way through the Twelve Steps Facilitator Guide in facilitated groups in residential or outpatient treatment programs for substance use disorder or other addictive disorders.

Cutting Loose: Why Women Who End Their Marriages Do So Well

by Ashton Applewhite

For women contemplating divorce or for those who have already divorced, Ashton Applewhite’s insightful book sheds light on what to consider before making the decision to end your marriage, how to protect yourself—both financially and emotionally—and how much your life will change.One out of every two modern marriages ends in divorce, and 75 percent of those divorces are initiated by wives. Author Ashton Applewhite is one of these women, having sued for divorce after enduring an unfulfilling ten-year marriage. Cutting Loose is an essential resource for women who want to leave their marriage but fear the consequences.Shattering the media-generated image of the lonely, deprived and financially strapped divorcee, Applewhite provides a much needed reality check. Cutting Loose introduces 50 women, varying in age, race, class and predicament, who have thrived after initiating their own divorces. Their fears of financial, emotional and romantic ruin were never realized; on the contrary, their lives improved immeasurably, and their self-esteem soared.Cutting Loose also answers the crucial questions: How do you finally decide to make the big break? What is getting divorced really like? What are the shortcomings of the legal process? What about custody and child support? Financial and emotional survival? And how does a woman's self-image change during and after divorce? "Ending any kind of oppression takes belief in self. Cutting Loose offers moving evidence of how such belief works, whether in a relationship or walking the road alone. Perceptive, realistic, and wise, the book is of enormous practical value to both women and men who aspire to more equal and fulfilling relationships."—Laura Day, author of Practical Intuition

Chicken Soup for the Soul 30th Anniversary Edition: All Your Favorite Original Stories Plus 30 Bonus Stories for the Next 30 Years

by Amy Newmark

The classic New York Times bestseller that started it all— and according to USA Today, one of the top five books in the past quarter century &“that leave a legacy.&” The Classic Original... with 30 new bonus stories for the next 30 years!Everyone is still talking about it. Thirty years after its creation, this bestseller continues to change lives around the world. Rediscover the power of inspiration with timeless stories about the everyday miracles that illuminate the best of the human spirit. Whether you&’re discovering Chicken Soup for the Soul for the first time, or you are a long-time fan, this book will inspire you to be a better person, reach for your highest potential, overcome your challenges, improve your relationships, and embrace the world around you. Read your favorite original stories plus 30 bonus stories, including ones by: MK Asante • Rev. Michael Beckwith • Gabrielle Bernstein • Jack Canfield • Kris Carr • Deepak Chopra • Lori Deschene • Tony D&’Urso • Pat Farnack • Eric Handler • Mark Victor Hansen • Robert Holden • Tory Johnson • Mastin Kipp • Rabbi Steve Leder • Joan Lunden • Brad Meltzer • Amy Newmark • Deborah Norville • Nick Ortner • Zibby Owens • Tony Robbins • don Miguel Ruiz • Sophfronia Scott • Jane Wolfe Chicken Soup for the Soul books are 100% made in the USA and each book includes stories from as diverse a group of writers as possible. Chicken Soup for the Soul solicits and publishes stories from the LGBTQ community and from people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and religions.

Get Rich, Lucky Bitch: Release Your Money Blocks and Live a First-Class Life

by Denise Duffield-Thomas

Are you ready to get rich? Learn how to break through your money blocks, attract more abundance and start earning what you're really worth.So you want to manifest more money this year. You're not alone. But why does it feel so freaking hard? It's weird and frankly bewildering that the most talented women in the world are often the ones struggling to make fabulous money from their talents. Too many female entrepreneurs sabotage their income and work too hard for too little.Why do most women settle for pennies instead of embracing true wealth? It's not because you're not smart or ambitious enough. You've just been programmed to block your Universal right to wealth with guilt, shame or embarrassment. Even if you're unaware of these blocks and fears, you're probably not earning what you're worth.In Get Rich, Lucky Bitch! you'll learn how to unlock your hidden potential for abundance and upgrade your life forever. Join Lucky Bitch author Denise Duffield-Thomas on a journey of self-discovery so you can smash through your abundance blocks and join a community of women all around the world who are learning to live large and become truly lucky bitches.

E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

by Pam Grout

For the 10th anniversary of the #1 New York Times bestseller, a new release complete with a brand-new Manifesting Scavenger Hunt.E-Squared could best be described as a lab manual with simple experiments to prove once and for all that reality is malleable, that consciousness trumps matter, and that you shape your life with your mind. Rather than take it on faith, you are invited to conduct nine 48-hour experiments to prove there really is a positive, loving, totally hip force in the universe. Yes, you read that right. It says prove.The experiments, each of which can be conducted with absolutely no money and very little time expenditure, demonstrate that spiritual principles are as dependable as gravity, as consistent as Newton&’s laws of motion. For years, you&’ve been hoping and praying that spiritual principles are true. E-Squared lets you know it for sure.NEW in this edition: A note from Pam Grout on the 10th anniversary of E-Squared, plus a brand-new Manifesting Scavenger Hunt with even more opportunities to prove your manifesting mojo."I absolutely love this book. Pam has combined a writing style as funny as Ellen DeGeneres with a wisdom as deep and profound as Deepak Chopra's to deliver a powerful message and a set of experiments that will prove to you beyond a doubt that our thoughts really do create our reality." — Jack Canfield, co-creator of the New York Times best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series

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