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Cómo dar con tu alma gemela - Encuentra la felicidad y el amor duradero

by S. Zaragoza Sarah Goldberg

El motivo por el que no consigues dar con un amor duradero es que no estás haciendo las cosas bien en lo que se refiere a la búsqueda de tu alma gemela. Este libro te enseñará el modo de encontrar la felicidad en esa alma gemela que te mereces. ¿Sales a buscar a tu alma gemela por los bares? MAL. ¿Buscas en los portales de citas sin un objetivo claro? VUELVE A INTENTARLO. Mereces encontrar la felicidad y un amor duradero, y este libro te ensañará cómo dar con ello y ser, por fin, feliz. En este libro encontrarás las claves para aprender que: 1. Es posible dar con tu alma gemela. 2. A veces, nosotros mismos saboteamos nuestras posibilidades de conocer a nuestra alma gemela; aprende cómo evitar ese auto sabotaje. 3. El vínculo con tu alma gemela es tan fuerte que es imposible no reconocerlo. 4. Hay que limpiar de morralla emocional nuestra vida para dejar espacio al amor verdadero. 5. Es posible encontrar el amor en una web de citas online como; aprende los trucos que te harán evitar ser una perdedora 2.0. ¿Necesitas más razones para comprar este libro? He aquí una maravillosa: Dono el 5% de los beneficios de las ventas de mis libros a Reading Is Fundamental, la mayor y más respetada organización sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a alfabetizar niños en los Estados Unidos. Cuando compras este libro, ¡les ayudas a aprender a leer! Deja de salir con perdedores. Empieza a buscar el amor verdadero. Aprende cómo encontrar a tu alma gemela y compra este libro ya mismo.

El fin de la ansiedad

by Gio Zararri

El libro sobre la ansiedad que arrasa en internet. ¿Qué es la ansiedad y por qué aparece en nuestra vida? Existe una solución para superarla que nos ayudará a convivir con sus síntomas y a convertirnos en personas más fuertes y felices. Todo lo que necesitas para vencer la ansiedad lo tienes dentro de ti. En este libro encontrarás las herramientas para comprender por qué esta emoción se presenta en tu vida y aprenderás a ponerle remedio. Descubrirás que convivir con ella puede ser sencillo e incluso divertido. El fin de la ansiedades uno de los libros mejor valorados sobre este tema en internet, se ha posicionado en numerosas ocasiones entre los libros más vendidos de Amazony es recomendado en revistas web de psicología y estilo de vida. Su autor, Gio Zararri, a través de su propia experiencia con la enfermedad, nos ayudará a cambiar el modo de entender y superar uno de los problemas psicológicos más extendidos en nuestra época. Desde la cercanía y el humor, Zararri nos enseña que la ansiedad siempre llega debido a la necesidad inminente de realizar un cambio: el nuestro.

El fin de la ansiedad en niños y adolescentes: Cómo ayudar a tus hijos a gestionar los miedos, el estrés y la ansiedad

by Gio Zararri

El fin de la ansiedad, ahora para nuestos hijos. ¿Te preocupa que tu hijo pueda estar desarrollando problemas de estrés o de ansiedad y no sabes cómo ayudarle? ¿Te gustaría poder comunicarte con él o ella para ayudarles a aumentar su autoestima y valentía? Si te identificas con alguna de estas preguntas, este libro es perfecto para ti. Gio Zararri, el aclamado autor de El fin de la ansiedad -el best seller de referencia en castellano sobre la principal dolencia mental en el mundo-, te da las claves y herramientas de la ciencia y la psicología para ayudarte a comprender y gestionar este tipo de problemas emocionales. Pronto entenderás que educar a hijos valientes y felices puede ser más sencillo y divertido de lo que te imaginabas. «He creado este libro a partir de la experiencia y la investigación. Aquí encontrarás información relevante sobre el funcionamiento del cerebro, los miedos, el estrés y la ansiedad en niños y adolescentes. También hallarás ejercicios y herramientas que pueden ayudar a tu hijo a superar estos problemas». GIO ZARARRI

Respuestas a tu ansiedad: Todo lo que necesitas para superar la ansiedad y el miedo

by Gio Zararri

¿Sientes que las preocupaciones dominan tu vida? ¿No consigues entender qué te ocurre y todo ello aumenta tus miedos y tu ansiedad? Sé por lo que estás pasando, y también sé que si no respondes con calma a tus miedos, nada cambiará. En este libro encontrarás la respuesta a todas esas preocupaciones que complican tu vida o la de un ser querido. Te ayudará a comprender lo que estás sintiendo y cuál es la realidad de tu ansiedad, una verdad con la que entenderás que no tienes nada que temer, sino mucho que aprender. Este libro puede convertirse en tu mejor aliado contra la ansiedad, la mejor herramienta tanto si la sufres tú como si deseas ayudar a un hijo, a tu pareja o a un familiar o amigo que padece este trastorno. Gracias a Respuestas a tu ansiedad, pronto podrás responder, con calma y objetividad, a las muchas preocupaciones que genera este trastorno y que te llevan a sentir verdadero pánico. No esperes más para cambiar tu vida o la de un ser querido. No existe mejor momento para conseguirlo que ahora. Utiliza estas respuestas como el mejor remedio para eliminar esos miedos irracionales y sin sentido que acompañan tu vida.

Persigue tus sueños: Tú puedes cambiarte la vida

by Ricardo Zárate

Quien procura los deseos de su corazón llega a conocer todo aquello de lo que es capaz. "Al fin y al cabo, a eso había ido a Londres, a arriesgar lo que tenía y lo que no tenía, a propiciar una ruptura con la persona que había sido durante toda mi vida. Había ido a cambiar mi destino." De manos de su mejor amigo, un chico recibe el folleto de una reconocida escuela de cine en Londres y se entera de que ahí estudian los hijos de Spielberg y otros famosos, que de seguro llegarán lejos. A pesar de su amor por el cine y de que su mayor sueño en la vida es convertirse en guionista, se resigna a guardar el folleto en un cajón y se inscribe en la carrera de ingeniería. Pero años después, algo en su interior le impide enfocarse en su prometedor futuro como ingeniero y, con apenas unos cuantos billetes en el bolsillo, se lanza al vacío, como equilibrista sin malla de protección. ¿Su meta? Entrar, acomo dé lugar, en aquella escuela del anuncio que pasó tanto tiempo latente en el buró y cuya colegiatura es inalcanzable para él. Una travesía de inimaginables desventuras y golpes de la fortuna. Porque hay puntos de quiebre tan tremendos que o te apartas de los algodones del confort mental, o no llegarás vivo al final del viaje hacia ti mismo; sólo así podrás transformarte en quien siempre has querido ser.

Heart Care for Life: Developing The Program That Works Best for You

by Barry L. Zaret Genell Subak-Sharpe

More than 70 million Americans have some form of heart disease. For each of them, obtaining accurate information about the disease and the many options for dealing with it can be both empowering and life saving. In this book, cardiologist Dr. Barry L. Zaret and Genell Subak-Sharpe offer up-to-date facts about the best treatments available and an innovative approach that shows how treatment programs can be tailored to meet the needs of each unique patient. There are no short-term fixes and no one-size-fitsall programs, explain Zaret and Subak-Sharpe. Although certain characteristics are common to each form of heart disease and its treatments,these constants must be tempered against individual variables. The authors outline the constants for the full range of cardiovascular conditions, from angina and heart attacks to high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias. They then guide readers through the process of assessing personal variables to develop an individual treatment and life-style program. Written in a warmly reassuring style, this indispensable guide to heart care offers realistic hope and specific directions for designing a lifelong heart care program. Filled with practical advice, instructional case histories, a philosophy for controlling your health, self-tests to assess risk, and questions to ask your doctor, it looks toward an even better future for those with heart disease.

A Life Worth Living

by Robert Zaretsky

Exploring themes that preoccupied Albert Camus--absurdity, silence, revolt, fidelity, and moderation--Robert Zaretsky portrays a moralist who refused to be fooled by the nobler names we assign to our actions, and who pushed himself, and those about him, to challenge the status quo. For Camus, rebellion against injustice is the human condition.

Secrets of a Jewish Mother

by Jill Zarin

A Real Housewife of New York City reveals the Jewish mother's secrets to life, love and happiness. The Jewish Mother knows what she wants-and what you should want too. Here, readers will learn how to make her methods their own, and give and get love and happiness in great amounts. Jill Zarin, the breakout star of Bravo's hit series The Real Housewives of New York, teams up with her sister, Lisa Wexler, award-winning host of the daily radio program The Lisa Wexler Show, and her mother, the estimable Gloria Kamen, who made a splash on Jill's series last year. With real-life stories from the mother/daughter trio illustrating their wise and witty tips on dating, marriage, money, and more, Secrets of a Jewish Mother is all the advice readers didn't know they needed but will never forget.

El arte de cuidarte: Descubre las herramientas de la felicidad, los mejores remedios para superar la ansiedad, la depresión y otros problemas emocionales

by Gio Zarrari

Diseña tu propia felicidad con el autor del best seller El fin de la ansiedad. Si existiese un manual avalado que incluyera las mejores herramientas para mantener la armonía y alejar los problemas y el dolor de tu vida, ¿qué harías para conseguirlo? Sonríe porque este manual existe y lo tienes ahora entre tus manos: Si trabajas en ti, se-guro que con él tendrás una vida más sana y feliz. Este libro te ayudará a alcanzar la mejor versión de ti mismo. Con él aprenderás cómo funciona el dolor y cómo este puede activar el cambio en tu vida. Respaldado por la ciencia y basado en la experiencia del propio autor, El arte de cuidarte te muestra las acciones simples y efectivas que puedes llevar a cabo en tu día a día para mantener alejados los conflictos emocionales, empezar a cuidarte y diseñar la vida que siempre has deseado. Hoy puedes convertirte en el mayor aliado de tu felicidad si aprendes a caminar ha-cia ella.

El fin de la ansiedad: El mensaje que cambiará tu vida

by Gio Zarrari

El libro sobre la ansiedad que arrasa en internet. ¿Qué es la ansiedad y por qué aparece en nuestra vida? Existe una solución para superarla que nos ayudará a convivir con sus síntomas y a convertirnos en personas más fuertes y felices. Todo lo que necesitas para vencer la ansiedad lo tienes dentro de ti. En este libro encontrarás las herramientas para comprender por qué esta emoción se presenta en tu vida y aprenderás a ponerle remedio. Descubrirás que convivir con ella puede ser sencillo e incluso divertido. El fin de la ansiedades uno de los libros mejor valorados sobre este tema en internet, se ha posicionado en numerosas ocasiones entre los libros más vendidos de Amazony es recomendado en revistas web de psicología y estilo de vida. Su autor, Gio Zararri, a través de su propia experiencia con la enfermedad, nos ayudará a cambiar el modo de entender y superar uno de los problemas psicológicos más extendidos en nuestra época. Desde la cercanía y el humor, Zararri nos enseña que la ansiedad siempre llega debido a la necesidad inminente de realizar un cambio: el nuestro.

Bannir Le Fouillis: Simplifiez Votre Vie En Seulement Un Week-end !

by Ayda Zarrouk Sarah Goldberg

Ce livre prend le lecteur à travers un week-end d'organisation et de nettoyage avec le produit final étant une maison ou un appartement organisé. Ce livre a été extrêmement bien reçu sur Amazon et dans Le top 100 des téléchargements gratuits pendant sa promotion gratuite. Il a atteint le #1 statut de Best-Seller de sa catégorie et il est encore un best-seller sur Amazon. Pour tirer parti de la promotion croisée, le livre est également disponible sur

Les Secrets de La Vie

by Ayda Zarrouk Bernard Levine

Une Inspiration que vous n'oublierez jamais ! Touchant les Cœurs Changeant les Vies

The Hoarder in You: How to Live a Happier, Healthier, Uncluttered Life

by Robin Zasio

We all have treasured possessions—a favorite pair of shoes, a much-beloved chair, an ever-expanding record collection. But sometimes, this emotional attachment to our belongings can spiral out of control and culminate into a condition called compulsive hoarding. From hobbyists and collectors to pack rats and compulsive shoppers—it is close to impossible for hoarders to relinquish their precious objects, even if it means that stuff takes over their lives and their homes. According to psychologist Dr. Robin Zasio, our fascination with hoarding stems from the fact that most of us fall somewhere on the hoarding continuum. Even though it may not regularly interfere with our everyday lives, to some degree or another, many of us hoard. The Hoarder In You provides practical advice for decluttering and organizing, including how to tame the emotional pull of acquiring additional things, make order out of chaos by getting a handle on clutter, and create an organizational system that reduces stress and anxiety. Dr. Zasio also shares some of the most serious cases of hoarding that she's encountered, and explains how we can learn from these extreme examples—no matter where we are on the hoarding continuum.

From Lost to Found: Giving Up What You Think You Want for What Will Set You Free

by Nicole Zasowski

Being Lost is the First Step to Getting Found As a marriage and family therapist, one of Nicole Zasowski&’s greatest joys is helping her clients grow in emotional freedom. What she couldn&’t see for many years is that she was living her own life outside of that freedom, clinging to behaviors like shame, performance, and control in order to feel valued and safe.It was only when she was confronted with her own devastating pain and loss that Nicole realized her current way of life was failing her. She then discovered that sometimes God&’s rescue looks like prying our fingers off what we think we want so that we can receive what we truly need. And often, on the far side of pain we don&’t prefer, we find transformation we would not trade. In From Lost to Found, Nicole shares her story as she helps usname what we fear losing most,identify how our reactive behaviors are failing us,discover what joy we can find in letting go, andmove forward in the freedom God has for us.God is writing a story of redemption in your life too. Find out for yourself that sometimes the greatest joy is found when we are drained of all misplaced hope and shallow identities. In the midst of pain or transition, discover a surprising path to healing as you lose your grip on comfort and control—and fall right into God&’s transformative grace.Includes discussion questions for individual reflection or small group study

What If It's Wonderful?: Release Your Fears, Choose Joy, and Find the Courage to Celebrate

by Nicole Zasowski

What if my hope only leads to disappointment? What if I embrace joy only to have it ripped from my hands? What if my celebration is the cause of others' sadness? What if my joy takes me away from the God I knew so well in my pain?Author and marriage and family therapist Nicole Zasowski knows what it's like to take a blow that makes it difficult to look to the future with expectation and ask herself these questions. Yet, as she found the courage to celebrate, she discovered God is as present in our joy as He is in our pain.Yes, God's purpose for us is worked out in our struggles. But what if it is also worked out in our dreams and our delighted joy? In What If it's Wonderful? Nicole helps you:overcome the fears that keep you from looking toward the future with joy;let go of the lies you've believed about happiness and embrace celebration as a part of spiritual growth;approach life with an expectant heart and courage to trust God's good gifts.With a psychological and spiritual case for celebrating, Nicole challenges you to let go of the habit of practicing disappointment and fully embrace joy, beckoning you to ask yourself a new question: What if it's wonderful?

Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment (Ninth Edition)

by Charles Zastrow Karen K. Kirst-Ashman

Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman's UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT looks at lifespan through the lens of social work theory and practice, covering human development and behavior theories within the context of family, organizational, and community systems. Using a chronological lifespan approach, the book presents separate chapters on biological, psychological, and social impacts at the different lifespan stages with an emphasis on strengths and empowerment. As part of the Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series, this edition is completely up to date and thoroughly integrates the core competencies and recommended practice behaviors outlined in the 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).

Job Joy: Your Guide to Success, Meaning, and Happiness in Your Career

by Kristen J. Zavo

Find Success and Happiness by Doing Work That Matters.Job Joy author, Kristen Zavo, knows what it’s like to be successful by all outside measures, but still unhappy at work. Over the course of nearly two decades in traditional jobs, she’s tried it all in pursuit of career happiness and fulfillment. In this guide, she passes on the knowledge of her experience, so you can shortcut your way to career happiness. You’ll learn what worked (and what didn’t), and the exact process that she discovered – and now uses with clients – so that they too, can turn things around and once again become excited, passionate and fulfilled at work.Job Joy is the perfect guide for high achievers who feel stuck in their career - unsure of what to do next, and afraid it's too late to do anything different anyway. After reading Job Joy, you will have the tools to:Find meaning at work NOWDo more of what you love and less of what you don’t each day, and still make it to 6pm spin class Determine whether you should stay put or find a new job – or even an entirely new career Overcome the top fears and challenges that are stopping you from making a move – and a difference Create a plan to build a career that has meaning Why let yet another year go by, hoping for change to just happen? Take the first step towards experiencing success, meaning, and happiness in your career – get Job Joy today!

Chris Carmichael's Food for Fitness

by Kathy Zawadzki Chris Carmichael Jim Rutberg

The coach of one of the world's greatest athletes-Lance Armstrong-outlines his incredible nutritional program, which will help anyone take his or her fitness to the next level of peak performance. <P> Chris Carmichael's Food for Fitness provides the nutritional information any active man or woman needs to achieve his or her health and training goals. Along the way, Carmichael outlines his revolutionary eating program for everyone-from weekend warriors to those just trying to lose a few pounds and be more fit. <P> Most diets focus on treating a problem, pitting nutrient against nutrient in a battle over what can be eaten. Active men and women need to think of food as fuel that enables them to achieve their goals. In this context, all nutrients play integral roles and the emphasis is on consuming the right foods, in the right proportions and at the right times, to yield the energy we need to perform at an optimal level. <P> Chris Carmichael's Food for Fitness includes: <P> * step-by-step methods for matching your eating to your activity level;<P> * menu plans for home-cooked meals, restaurant dining, and on-the-go snacks;<P> * exercise plans that lead to improved fitness<P>

Shine: An Entrepreneur's Journey for Building a Highly Successful Business and a Healthy Life

by Adam Zbar

Discover real success—from the inside out. How do you go from hitting your lowest low to living the life of your dreams? Shine tells the story of one entrepreneur's inspiring journey to rebuild his life, find health, happiness, and become the creator of one of America's most successful healthy meal delivery companies. At the age of 39, Adam Zbar was 50 pounds overweight, in the middle of a divorce, and stressed out as his start-up ran out of money. Today, in the best shape of his life, Adam helps millions of Americans eat better and live healthier through his company Sun Basket. On a mission to empower others to achieve optimal health and happiness, Adam shares his life story and his paradigm for creating success, and shows you how you can shine from the inside out. The Shine paradigm for success starts with YOU: You—Harmonize your soul, mind, and body and they'll guide you to your greatest successes. Your Tribe—Build a support group and invest time and energy in friends and family. Your Mission—Be driven by the positive impact your work has on the world. Your Universal Connection—Discover true happiness and freedom by aligning you, your tribe, and your mission to a greater cause. Be the person who tackles obstacles as opportunities for personal growth and achievement—Shine lights the way.

The Only Constant: A Guide to Embracing Change and Leading an Authentic Life

by Najwa Zebian

Most people want something in their life to change, whether it's their job, their personal relationships, or their ability to live authentically. And sometimes, unwanted change comes all too swiftly. In The Only Constant, celebrated poet and educator Najwa Zebian guides her reader through the changes we must make (or those we need to endure) on the journey to our most authentic lives. She quiets the noise, teaches us to accept ourselves as we are now, and focuses on the necessity and beauty of those messy transitional times.This is a profound guide to embracing the impermanence, and celebrating the fact that change is what puts the life in life. Written with poetic wisdom, Najwa shares her personal experiences with change (for example, rejecting her culture's definition of what constitutes a "good woman" so that she could live more honestly). She guides us through the changes we choose, like embarking on a new career or setting boundaries, and changes we don't choose, like the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or a job.Ultimately, Zebian teaches that the purpose of change is to step into the world as your most authentic self. A highly practical guide to unfamiliar terrain, The Only Constant is here to assure us that uncertainty is natural. Yes, change is scary. But it's the path to living as your true self.

The Only Constant: A Guide to Embracing Change and Leading an Authentic Life

by Najwa Zebian

Most people want something in their life to change, whether it's their job, their personal relationships, or their ability to live authentically. And sometimes, unwanted change comes all too swiftly. In The Only Constant, celebrated poet and educator Najwa Zebian guides her reader through the changes we must make (or those we need to endure) on the journey to our most authentic lives. She quiets the noise, teaches us to accept ourselves as we are now, and focuses on the necessity and beauty of those messy transitional times.This is a profound guide to embracing the impermanence, and celebrating the fact that change is what puts the life in life. Written with poetic wisdom, Najwa shares her personal experiences with change (for example, rejecting her culture's definition of what constitutes a "good woman" so that she could live more honestly). She guides us through the changes we choose, like embarking on a new career or setting boundaries, and changes we don't choose, like the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or a job.Ultimately, Zebian teaches that the purpose of change is to step into the world as your most authentic self. A highly practical guide to unfamiliar terrain, The Only Constant is here to assure us that uncertainty is natural. Yes, change is scary. But it's the path to living as your true self.

The Only Constant: A Guide to Embracing Change and Leading an Authentic Life

by Najwa Zebian

A wise and tender guide to coming to terms with impermanence and recognizing that change is the force that allows you to become you—from the celebrated author of Welcome Home&“I&’ve always known that change is hard, whether it&’s a change I choose, or one life chooses for me. I&’ve also always known that change is one of life&’s only constants. Not just that, change is one of life&’s most beautiful truths. Change is what puts life in our lives. Change is the gateway to authentic transformation.&”Whether it&’s your job, your relationships, or just the way you move through the world, if you&’re like most people you have something in your life you&’d like to change. And sometimes, unwanted change comes all too swiftly: a breakup, a death, an upheaval to the everyday reality you thought you could rely on. Dr. Zebian guides you through the changes we must make and those we must endure on the journey to our most authentic lives. She quiets the noise, teaches us to accept ourselves as we are now, and helps us focus on the necessity and beauty of those messy transitional times.With timeless wisdom, Najwa shares her personal experiences with change (for example, rejecting her culture&’s definition of what constitutes a &“good woman&” so that she could live more honestly). She guides us through the changes we choose, like embarking on a new career or setting boundaries, changes we don&’t choose, like the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or a job.Ultimately, Dr. Zebian teaches that the purpose of change is to step into the world as your most authentic self. A highly practical guide to unfamiliar terrain, The Only Constant is here to assure us that uncertainty is natural. Yes, change is scary. You may want to hide from it by clinging to your past. But embracing change is the path to shedding old ideas of who you are and living your life as your true self.

The Only Constant: A Guide to Embracing Change and Leading an Authentic Life

by Najwa Zebian

You can become the change driver of your own life. The celebrated poet, educator, and author of Welcome Home shows you how in this practical, wise, and tender guide to all of life&’s changes.&“Change is hard—but Najwa shows you what&’s on the other side, and she&’s the one you want to lead you through it.&”—Melissa Urban, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Boundaries In The Only Constant, Najwa Zebian guides you through the changes we must make and those we must endure in life, offering support, stabilizing practices, and step-by-step guidance to make it through the uncertainty. With timeless wisdom, Najwa shares stories of change from her own life, including the bonds to the past she needed to break so that she could live more honestly, the loss of a loved one, and accepting the changes required to manage chronic illness. She also guides you through changes like:• The end of a romantic relationship or friendship• Setting boundaries with a friend or family member• Changing your educational and career path• Grieving the death of a loved one• Breaking trauma bonds • Venturing outside of your survival mode• Living an authentic life• Practicing radical acceptance A highly practical guide to unfamiliar terrain, The Only Constant teaches that the purpose of change is to be true to yourself. Zebian simplifies change, teaches us to accept ourselves as we are now, and helps us focus on the necessity and unexpected beauty of those messy transitional times. And she guides you through it so that you can not only reach the better life that awaits you on the other side, but also so that you can take the wheel and become the driver of change in your own life.

Welcome Home: A Guide to Building a Home for Your Soul

by Najwa Zebian

From the celebrated poet, speaker, and educator comes a powerful blueprint for healing by building a home within yourself.In her debut book of inspiration, poet Najwa Zebian shares her revolutionary concept of home—the place of safety where you can embrace your vulnerability and discover your self-worth. It&’s the place where your soul feels like it belongs, where you are loved for who you are. Too many of us build our homes in other people in the hope that they will deem us worthy of being welcomed inside, and then we feel abandoned and empty when those people leave. Building your home inside yourself—and never experiencing inner homelessness again—begins here. In Welcome Home, Zebian shares her personal story for the first time, powerfully weaving memoir, poetry, and deeply resonant teachings into her storytelling, from leaving Lebanon at sixteen, to coming of age as a young Muslim woman in Canada, to building a new identity for herself as she learned to speak her truth. After the profound alienations she experienced, she learned to build a stable foundation inside herself, an identity independent of cultural expectations and the influence of others. The powerful metaphor of home provides a structure for personal transformation as she shows you how to construct the following rooms: Self-Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Clarity, Surrender, and The Dream Garden. With practical tools and prompts for self-understanding, she shows you how to build each room in your house, which form a firm basis for your self-worth, sense of belonging, and happiness. Written with her trademark power, candor, and warmth, Welcome Home is an answer to the pain we all experience when we don&’t feel at peace with ourselves. Every human deserves their own home. Welcome Home provides the life-changing tools for building that inner space of healing and solace.

Welcome Home: A Guide to Building a Home For Your Soul

by Najwa Zebian

From the celebrated poet, speaker, and educator comes a powerful blueprint for healing by building a home within yourself.In her debut book of inspiration, poet Najwa Zebian shares her revolutionary concept of home - the place of safety where you can embrace your vulnerability and discover your self-worth. It's the place where your soul feels like it belongs, where you are loved for who you are. Building your home inside yourself - and never experiencing inner homelessness again - begins here. In Welcome Home, Zebian shares her story for the first time, powerfully weaving memoir, poetry and deeply resonant teachings into her storytelling, from leaving Lebanon at sixteen, to coming of age as a young Muslim woman in Canada, to building a new identity for herself as she learned to speak her truth. After the profound alienations she experienced, she learned to build a stable foundation inside herself, an identity independent of cultural expectations and the influence of others. With practical tools and prompts for self-understanding, she shows you how to build each room in your house, which form a firm basis for your self-worth, sense of belonging and happiness.Welcome Home provides the life-changing tools for building that inner space of healing and solace.

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