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TDAH: Un cazador en un mundo de agricultores

by Thom Hartmann

• Explica que las personas con TDAH no tienen trastornos, sino que son &“cazadores en un mundo de agricultores&”; es decir, poseen un conjunto de habilidades mentales únicas que les habrían permitido prosperar en una sociedad de cazadores-recolectores • Ofrece métodos y prácticas concretas y sin fármacos para ayudar a los &“cazadores&”, y a sus padres, maestros y administradores, a aceptar sus diferencias, fomentar la creatividad y encontrar el éxito en la escuela, el trabajo y el hogar • Revela cómo algunas de las personas más exitosas del mundo pueden ser etiquetadas como cazadores con TDAH, incluidos Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison y Andrew CarnegieCon un 10% de los niños del mundo occidental que muestra indicios de tener trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad, o TDAH, y un número creciente de adultos autodiagnosticándose, después de décadas de lucha, debemos plantear la pregunta: ¿cómo pudo cometer tal &“error&” la naturaleza? En este libro, Thom Hartmann explica que las personas con TDAH no son anormales, desordenadas o disfuncionales, sino simplemente &“cazadores en un mundo de agricultores&”. A menudo muy creativos y resueltos en la búsqueda de un objetivo elegido por ellos mismos, las personas con síntomas de TDAH poseen un conjunto de habilidades mentales únicas, las cuales les habrían permitido prosperar en una sociedad de cazadores-recolectores. Como cazadores, habrían estado constantemente escaneando su entorno, buscando comida o amenazas (distracción); habrían tenido que actuar sin vacilación (impulsividad) y amado el entorno de alta estimulación y lleno de riesgos del campo de caza. Con nuestras escuelas públicas, lugares de trabajo de oficina y fábricas estructuradas, aquellos que heredan un excedente de &“habilidades de cazador&” a menudo se sienten frustrados en un mundo que no los comprende ni los apoya. Como muestra Hartmann, al reformular nuestra visión del TDAH, podemos comenzar a verlo no como un trastorno, sino como una diferencia y, en cierto modo, una ventaja. El autor revela cómo algunas de las personas más exitosas del mundo pueden ser etiquetadas como cazadores de TDAH, aparte de proporcionar prácticas y métodos concretos, sin fármacos, para ayudar a los cazadores, y a sus padres, maestros y gerentes, a aceptar sus diferencias, fomentar la creatividad y encontrar el éxito en la escuela, en el trabajo y en casa. Además de ofrecer una guía de &“supervivencia&” para ayudar a afinar sus habilidades naturales, en lugar de suprimirlas, Hartmann muestra que cada mente, ya sea cazadora, agricultora o en algún punto intermedia, tiene valor y un gran potencial a la espera de ser aprovechado.

Shadow Work for the Soul: Seeing Beauty in the Dark

by Mary Mueller Shutan

• Explains how your shadow develops and how your reactivity to specific people and situations reflects the ways you project your shadow onto others • Presents a wide variety of shadow work tools, emotional intelligence exercises, and self-inquiry practices to help you identify your shadow and heal and release any shadow-related traumas • Explores the concept of collective shadows, including online shadows and relationship shadows, and reveals how to free yourself from shadow projections Throughout our lives, we repress and deny the parts of our authentic selves that our families, peers, and the world told us were wrong, unlovable, or &“too much,&” and from this repression our shadow is born. By the time we reach adulthood, much of our authentic self is shadow. The connection we once had to who we truly are has been severed, and we no longer feel vibrant and enthusiastic about life. In this practical and trauma-informed guide to deep shadow work, Mary Mueller Shutan explains how to find compassion for your dark side, reconnect with the repressed and abandoned parts of yourself, and reclaim the resiliency and joy of your authentic, whole self. She reflects on the positive, protective role of the shadow and describes how it is composed not only of the trauma and darkness we have experienced, but also the light we have yet to absorb. She explains how your reactivity to specific people and situations—your &“triggers&”—reflects your own pain and the ways you project your shadow onto others and the outer world. Presenting a wide variety of shadow work tools and emotional intelligence exercises, the author teaches you how to identify your shadow projections and safely and skillfully work with the difficult emotions that may arise during shadow work. As you discover and understand more of your personal dark places, the author then introduces the concept of collective shadows that are created by society yet affect us individually, including online shadows and relationship shadows. She explains how to identify and free yourself from the projections of collective shadows to promote individual and collective health. Offering a self-directed process for healing trauma and reclaiming the eclipsed light of your shadow, Shutan shows how shadow work allows you to move beyond the restrictions you&’ve placed on yourself and others and see the beauty inherent in the dark places of the self.

Tantric Sex for Lovers

by Diana Richardson Michael Richardson

A complete guide to tantric sex in a 3-volume set• Contains Tantric Orgasm for Women, Tantric Sex for Men, and Slow Sex• Explores Tantra from the female perspective and the male perspective and looks at how couples can make sex more fulfilling and use their love-making to strengthen their relationship• Shares foreplay practices, breathing exercises, position sequences, tantric meditations for increased sensitivity, and techniques to awaken the body&’s innate mechanism for ecstasyIn this three-volume boxed set, tantric sex teachers Diana and Michael Richardson present practices to help couples enrich their sex life with the spiritual, healing power of sex.In Tantric Orgasm for Women, Diana explores Tantra from the female perspective, sharing her more than 20 years of research and revealing how relaxation is the key to achieving deep orgasmic states. She looks at how receptive feminine energy influences the male-female exchange, provides ancient tantric meditations and breathing exercises for increased sensitivity and awareness, and explores the role of the clitoris, breasts, and vagina in achieving orgasm. In Tantric Sex for Men, Diana and Michael show men how to move beyond goal-oriented sex and relax into sex as a meditative union of complementary energies. They include foreplay approaches and diagrams of sexual position sequences, explore the relationship-strengthening benefits of deep sustained penetration, and explain how to perform soft penetration and avoid premature ejaculation.In Slow Sex, Diana provides a step-by-step guide for committed couples to explore the healing, spiritual power of slow sex and awaken the body&’s innate mechanism for ecstasy and pleasure. She explains how slow sex increases sensitivity and sexual vitality as well as creating and restoring love. Providing illustrations of different positions for eye contact, deep sustained penetration, and soft penetration, she shows how the practice of slow sex provides couples a way to reach a shared meditative state and use it as a vehicle to achieve higher consciousness.Enabling committed couples to develop a personal tantric sex practice, the authors reveal how to keep your sex life sustainable, fulfilling, and enjoyable for many decades to come as well as how to harness the power of sex to access extraordinary realms of sensitivity, sensuality, and higher consciousness.

Healing through Sound: Awakening Your Audible Body

by Vickie Dodd

• Shows how sound, even humming, can change the body&’s tissues, rearrange posture, and release long-held emotional trauma and stress • Explains how to listen deeply to the body and discover the rhythms of the areas to be treated as well as how to intuit the sounds required for healing • Offers practices to help you immediately release tension and explains how to use your voice to release emotional conflicts so your body can naturally heal You are made of sound. By listening deeply, you can hear the rhythms and stories of the audible body. With the power of the voice, you can heal the body layer by layer, awakening your cells while releasing long-held tensions, stress, and emotional trauma. In this guide to sound as bodywork, sound healer Vickie Dodd shares her system for addressing trauma locked in the physical body with the healing power of sound. Touching on the function of the nervous system and the parasympathetic breath, she reveals how sound travels the inner pathways of the body, eliciting responses from the body memory of tissues and muscles while bypassing the mind. Sharing examples from sessions with her clients across five decades, she explains how sound can change the body&’s tissues, rearrange posture, and release undigested emotional experiences. She teaches how to prepare the body for the work of sounding and releasing and explains the vocabulary of healing sounds, in particular the power of vowels to start the healing process. Presenting experiential exercises, the author explores how to listen deeply and precisely to the body&’s stories and discover the rhythms of the areas to be treated as well as how to intuit the sounds required for healing—your unique soundprint. She offers practices to help you immediately experience a release of tension and stress and explains how to use your voice to release emotional conflicts so your body can naturally heal. She explores how to sing love songs to your shadow, transform negative patterns into harmonious ones, and discover the grace and peace that arise as your body&’s stories and tissues come to rest. Revealing the vast potential of sound to heal and transform, Vickie Dodd shows how each of us can dialogue with our own body for release, restoration, and vitality.

The Way of the Wild Soul Woman: 5 Earth Archetypes to Unleash Your Full Feminine Power

by Mary Reynolds Thompson

• Introduces five Earth Woman Archetypes along with in-depth initiations to help you to unleash your fullest, most authentic, and creative self• Includes rituals, exercises, meditations, and journal prompts to help you integrate each initiatory stage and embody the ways of a Wild Soul Woman• Explores how to overcome the core wounding of each Earth Archetype, how the Archetypes can empower you, and how to embody their wisdomAre you ready to become a force of nature? Trapped in a culture that shames and tames us, we often struggle to give full voice to our passions and purpose. But a Wild Soul Woman will not be silenced. Sourcing her strength from five Earth archetypes, she speaks her truth, stands up for her values, and becomes an eloquent defender of life. Award-winning author Mary Reynolds Thompson takes you on a groundbreaking journey, showing you how to unleash your full feminine power, as you discover and learn from:• Desert Woman—to let go of what no longer serves you• Forest Woman—to seed new dreams and nurture them in your depths• Ocean and River Woman—to ride the flow of your deepest longings• Mountain Woman—to rise up in service of a vision• Grassland Woman—to engage with community as your rewilded self Woven throughout with the author&’s personal story, the stories of other women who have blazed a trail, and enchanting illustrations, this is an inspirational how-to guide to exploring your inner nature. The Way of the Wild Soul Woman is also a blueprint for the next wave of feminism and its larger purpose—to reshape our culture and our institutions. Together, my sisters, we are about to change the world. We are wondrous. We are rising. We are wild.

The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read Your Birth Chart

by Alison Chester-Lambert

• Explains key astrological terms and concepts in an uncomplicated and easy-to-understand way, from the 4 Elements to the 12 Zodiac Signs to the Houses• Shows how to read a birth chart step-by-step with the methods of psychological astrology, allowing you to quickly identify personality traits• Includes sample charts and interpretations to help you get startedLearning to read a birth chart—to understand the patterns and interactions of the planets at the moment we were born—can be daunting, especially when studying astrology through traditional systems.Presenting a simple way to learn astrology, professional astrologer and astropsychologist Alison Chester-Lambert breaks down the complexities of a birth chart into easy-to-understand pieces, revealing how to quickly decode a person&’s strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities with psychological astrology. Simply noting the Masculine–Feminine balance of Zodiac Signs in a chart can already reveal much about a person. Focusing on Zodiac Signs and Houses, Alison explains how to interpret the Ascendant, or Rising Sign, in a birth chart as well as the meaning of each House and which Element it is ruled by. In addition, with each of the four Elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water ruling over specific Zodiac Signs, we can get insight into individual personality traits based on the Elements present in a birth chart. Personality keywords for each Element help shed light on the motivation behind a person&’s actions and choices.With psychological astrology not only revealing the spiritual structure of the Cosmos but also the intricacies of human behavior, this guide will enable you to begin reading charts right away.

Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life: How to Respond with Love to Life's Difficulties

by Selina Maitreya

• Shows you how to recognize and transform daily difficulties into opportunities, empowering you to use every challenge as a tool to find deeper peace• Offers a variety of practices, including exercises and action steps, to enable you to more fully integrate your spiritual beliefs into daily life• Emphasizes working with energy frequencies, rather than thoughts, as a means to reach inner healing, transformation, and self-empowermentIn this powerful guide, spiritual teacher Selina Maitreya shares a radical process of self-transformation that allows you to discover your highest potential. Drawing on her 25 years of experience as a spiritual teacher, Maitreya explores how to recognize and transform the challenges you experience into tools to raise your consciousness, thus empowering you to use each difficult life experience as a tool to create peace and build the foundation for a truly abundant life.Maitreya shares her own journey, when all her plans for her future ended in the blink of an eye, leading to the creation of this book. Pulled from her car with the Jaws of Life following a collision, she was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury that left her unable to live anything close to a normal life. Her physical and intellectual disabilities were huge and went on for the next four years. Yet she experienced a connection to Oneness during this time that she had never experienced before. In Oneness was the respite she had always sought, and all she had to do was close her eyes and breathe.Through simple, practical exercises, as well as inspiring transformational goals and action steps, the author emphasizes the importance of accessing and raising your inner vibration. She introduces you to your energetic systems and teaches how to respond to any life difficulty—from a small irritation to a major life tragedy—using the energy of love rather than the energy of fear. By focusing on energy frequencies, rather than thoughts or emotions, she demonstrates how working with the heart frequency can provide ways to understand, work through, and transform challenges that arise—better connecting you to the higher frequency state of your intuition. As your personal vibration rises, you attract the people, situations, and events that align with your unique path toward creating and living an extraordinary life.

An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey

by Peter A. Levine

• Shares the author&’s personal journey to heal his severe childhood trauma as well as his breakthroughs on the path to create Somatic Experiencing• Explores how he came to view Einstein as his personal spirit guide and mentor, only to discover a profound real-life connection to him through his mother• Explains how the SE method is derived from the author&’s studies of animals in their natural environments, neurobiology, and 50 years of clinical observationsIn this intimate memoir, renowned developer of Somatic Experiencing, Peter A. Levine—the man who changed the way psychologists, doctors, and healers understand and treat the wounds of trauma and abuse—shares his personal journey to heal his own severe childhood trauma and offers profound insights into the evolution of his innovative healing method.Casting himself as a modern-day Chiron, the wounded healer of Greek mythology, Levine describes, in graphic detail, the violence of his childhood juxtaposed with specific happy memories and how being guided through Somatic Experiencing (SE) allowed him to illuminate and untangle his traumatic wounds. He also shares the mysterious and unexpected dreams and visions that have guided him through his life&’s work, including his dreamlike visitations from Albert Einstein, whom he views as his personal spirit guide and mentor.Explaining how he helped thousands of others before resolving his own trauma, he details how the SE method is derived from his studies of wild animals in their natural environments, neurobiology, and more than 50 years of clinical observations. Levine teaches us that anyone suffering from trauma has a valuable story to tell, and that by telling our stories, we can catalyze the return of hope, dignity, and wholeness.

Dragons and Serpents: Earth Mysteries and the Time of Change

by Stefan Broennle

• Explains how dragons and serpents are bearers of the elemental and archetypal energies of the Earth • Examines myths, legends, and symbols of dragons and serpents in many cultures, including their positive associations in Asia and their often misinterpreted negative meanings in Christianity • Reveals the geomantic meaning of dragon energy and how to reconnect to it for supporting the Earth in these times of change Revealing how dragons and serpents are deeply embedded in the story of humankind and the Earth itself, from prehistory to the present, Stefan Broennle takes us on a journey through the myths, legends, symbols, and geomantic powers of dragons in different cultures around the world. He shows how the ancient image of the dragon and the serpent are closely connected with each other. He explains how dragons are archetypes of the elemental force of the Earth, while the serpent, which can change its skin and regenerate, carries the elemental force of rebirth and is also connected to the Earth through its relationship with the feminine. Looking at lore from Europe and Asia, he shows how in Christian cultures, dragons and serpents were often connected to dark and evil forces whereas in Asia the dragon is considered the bearer of culture, the founder of countries, or even the primal father of the people. The author examines ancient pictorial representations of dragons on buildings and in paintings, interpreting their different forms and unveiling their hidden meanings. Illuminating the meanings of dragons in geomantic symbolism, he explains the differences between dragon paths, soul paths, and ley lines, which form an energetic network all over the globe. He shows how our ancestors recognized the dragon-earth energies of these energetic lines and identified them with dragon place names or sculptures at precise geographical points. He explains how dragon portals can be opened through geomantic work and includes a powerful exercise to awaken the dragon energies within you and connect more deeply to the Earth. Presenting a gateway into the ancient power of dragons, this book reveals how reconnecting with the archetypal Earth energies of dragons and serpents is crucial not only for our individual growth and transformation but also for the fate of humanity and the Earth during our present times of great change.

Currently Away

by Bruce Tate

The walls were closing in on Bruce and Maggie Tate. Isolation forced on them by the pandemic, combined with America's growing political factionalism, threatened their bonds with community and family. Something had to change. Maggie's surprising answer: buy a boat, learn to pilot it, and embark on the Great Loop. For nine months Bruce and Maggie navigated rivers, coastal waters, lakes, locks, and loss. Against all odds, they conquered the Loop, and along the way found common cause across political divides with new friends while blowing the walls off their world. Bruce and Maggie Tate were spiraling downward. Normally outgoing and cheerful, Maggie was broken down by pandemic isolation. Bruce, facing asthma, heart disease and Covid-related professional issues, was sure that the virus and his comorbidities would kill him. And the plant-based diet he had just started made him wish it would hurry up. Meanwhile, their country seemed to be crumbling into warring factions. That was when Maggie made a life-changing decision. With no experience, knowing little about seafaring, inboard motors, or navigation, she and Bruce and the family dog decided to take on the Great Loop, a six-thousand-mile journey down inland rivers, around the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, and across the Great Lakes. They had to navigate canals and locks, were threatened by dangerous seas, and even had to deal with heartbreaking loss. But along the way, they made new lifelong friends and were forever changed. When, in a time of great divisiveness, two broken people took on the challenge of their lives, against all odds they found common cause across political divides and made themselves whole again.

Conscious Moving: An Embodied Guide for Healing, Learning, Contemplating, and Creating

by Christine Caldwell

Conscious Moving extends from one transformative belief: we feel more human, more empowered, and more ourselves when we live from that place within us—and all around us—that simply moves. And when we examine and trust in the emerging and evolving movement of our minds and bodies, we can better harness the tools needed to expand our creativity, wellbeing, and learning.Body-based psychotherapist, movement specialist, and renowned author-educator Christine Caldwell (Oppression and the Body) offers a radically ambitious mode of somatic awareness and inquiry—and shows how designing our own conscious movement practices can improve not only our own lives, but our relationships, communities, and culture.This anthology explores how movement practices can help us be more present; more grounded and intentional in responding to and working with experiences in the moment; and claim our own bodily autonomy. Caldwell and contributors explore these key benefits and applications in four critical areas:CreativityContemplationHealingLearningRooted in both ancient and modern scientific ways of knowing, Conscious Moving imparts fundamental principles and tools applicable to a broad spectrum of fields and professions. Topics explored in partnership with conscious movement practice include: Trauma and Oppression, Isolation and Loneliness, Addiction, Group Therapy, Sexuality, Creative Arts, and Grief.Encouraging each reader to pay attention to—and honor—their own embodied intuition, Conscious Moving is a non-prescriptive guide to accessing body-based wisdom for personal growth, community impact, and widespread social change.

Crash Course: A Self-Healing Guide to Auto Accident Trauma and Recovery

by Diane Poole Heller Laurence S. Heller

Trauma following automobile accidents can persist for weeks, months, or longer. Symptoms include nervousness, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, and sexual dysfunction. In Crash Course, Diane Poole Heller and Laurence Heller take readers through a series of case histories and exercises to explain and treat the health problems and trauma brought on by car accidents.

Las 16 leyes indiscutibles de la comunicación: Aplícalas y saca el máximo provecho de tu mensaje / The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication

by John C. Maxwell

Se ha dicho que hablar en público es el miedo principal de la mayoría de las personas; el segundo es la muerte. El comediante Jerry Seinfeld dijo: «Esto significa que, si eres una persona promedio y estás en un funeral, preferirías estar en el ataúd que compartiendo unas palabras sobre el difunto». ¿Cómo puedes superar el miedo o la ineficacia como comunicador? ¡Aprende las leyes de la comunicación! El Dr. John C. Maxwell ha sido orador y maestro motivacional por más de cincuenta años. Es una de las ocho personas del planeta que han sido galardonadas con el premio Golden Gavel de Toastmasters e incluidas en el Salón de la Fama de la Asociación Nacional de Oradores. En Las 16 leyes indiscutibles de la comunicación, el autor comparte lo que ha aprendido en toda una vida como comunicador. Aprende cómo:• Hablar con convicción • Preparar tu contenido y prepararte tú mismo para comunicar • Encontrar y utilizar tus fortalezas personales y de comunicación • Enfocarte en tu audiencia y conectar con ella • Contar mejores historias • Leer la sala y crear energía y expectación • Agregar valor a la vida de las personas• Inspirar a las personas a actuar Todos tienen un mensaje que compartir. Ya sea que desees mejorar tu capacidad para inspirar a los empleados, hablar en las reuniones de la asociación de padres y maestros, presentar un informe ante el consejo directivo, enseñar a estudiantes, dar un sermón, dirigirte a un grupo pequeño, hablar desde un escenario o ante un estadio lleno de gente, este libro puede ayudarte. Aprende de uno de los mejores comunicadores del mundo y empieza hoy mismo a sacar el máximo provecho de tu mensaje.

There Must Be a Better Explanation: God, Jesus, Christianity, Life, and Death

by Chris R Korte

This book uses a recent writing given by Jesus called, A Course in Miracles, to explain and correct the Christian understanding of God, Jesus, Heaven, the Bible, and the World. After 2000 years we have thousands of Christian denominations with differing theologies and rituals. A Course in Miracles clears up these inconsistencies and contradictions in Christianity and the Bible to present a unified message of love, peace, and forgiveness.A Course in Miracles answers questions like:Why are we even here?What is our purpose? How can I live a happy and peaceful life regardless of what is happening in the world?What parts of Christianity are true? What is God&’s will for us?Why is there so much suffering?What is God&’s true nature?What was Jesus&’ real message?What is salvation and how do I get to Heaven?If God wills that none shall perish, why will so many perish and how can I make sure I&’m not one of them?Many practicing Christians, non-practicing Christians, and those leaving the faith are dissatisfied with how the Bible and Christianity explain the purpose of life. Christianity comes up wanting as an explanation for the evidence of life in this world and eternity in Heaven. There Must Be a Better Explanation: God, Jesus, Christianity, Life, and Death, provides answers to life&’s questions that are plausible, comple

Immaculate Conception: Sophia Light Codes for Modern Sacredness

by Thalia Amma Sophia

Miracles and phenomena of mystery between black magic, miracles and phenomena and religion. The first and last parts of Immaculate Conception tell the story of how a girl of the light becomes a real woman and let her wings unfurl. Through trials and tribulations, the reader is invited to reflect on testimonials of an initiate in a patriarchal society of dogma.At its core, this is a tale of a young woman in search of a life filled with love, spirituality, and the simple joys of existence, all while embracing her soul&’s destiny. Her story unfolds amidst the backdrop of stress, drama, &‘a-ha!&’ moments, and deep-rooted family traditions, guided by the steadfast presence of God&’s apostles.The second part is packed with rituals, channelled prayers, affirmations, and angelic protection invocations, to call on for a while or at various times. Special Key phrases have Sophia Codes that are lately coming to humanity for co-creating, healing, and expanding. With the support of Mother Mary and Archangels, Thalia Amma Sophia opens you to receive grace, brings you alignment and activation of your Higher Self; to neutralize the magnets pulling you into dysfunctional behaviour and past Life overlays!Prepare to awaken your innate ability to manifest desires and nurture creative ideas. Immaculate Conception extends an invitation to embark on a transformative journey where miracles, faith, and the boundless power of the human spirit intersect, promising the potential for grace, fulfilment, and profound transformation.

Butterflies: An Anthology Of Writings

by Hermann Hesse

This volume gathers the most alluring stories, recollections, contemplations and poems on butterflies by Herman Hesse. "I have always had a connection with butterflies and other fleeting and ephemeral beauties, while I have never succeeded in maintaining permanent, committed and so-called solid relationships," writes Hermann Hesse in a letter from 1926. This preference, occasionally resembling an elective affinity, for "flowers and butterflies, that are of everlasting things, a fleeting allegory" – as he says in one of his poems, has left its mark on Hesse’s entire oeuvre.

Don't Ask the Blind Guy for Directions: A 30,000-Mile Journey for Love, Confidence and a Sense of Belonging

by John Samuel

After a diagnosis of a degenerative eye disease, John Samuel’s life—and his chance at success—started to vanish. In a world systemically unequipped for accessibility, disability inclusion is often left out of conversations about diversity. For people with disabilities, it can feel impossible to adapt and thrive when you’re already set up for failure. A more accessible world is possible—when we see the amazing opportunities in our differences. From traveling the world and hiking mountains to finding love and raising a family, Don't Ask the Blind Guy for Directions shares Ablr CEO and cofounder John Samuel’s inspirational journey against his inevitable blindness as he searched for acceptance. A powerful story for both professionals with disabilities and individuals working to create an inclusive culture at any organization, this memoir will empower you to accept yourself and others, break down barriers, and rebuild a world where everyone belongs. You’ll discover A heartfelt, insightful perspective of someone who is visually impaired and his day-to-day challenges. How to embrace your diagnosis or disability as an advantage for achieving your dreams. The incredible value those with disabilities can bring to organizations, no matter the business or industry. How anyone can be an ally and help remove organizational, digital, and performance barriers in the workplace. How to plan and implement a disability inclusion strategy within your company. Embracing disabilities can lead to the greatest triumphs. Get Don't Ask the Blind Guy for Directions and start seeing acceptance as a powerful resource for change.

Lover Girl

by Raegan Fordemwalt

Lover Girl follows the story of a lover girl, who is learning how to live with heartbreak, loneliness, and jealousy, until finally acceptance and love. This fully illustrated story highlights how love can both bring someone apart but also put them back together. If you are struggling with heartbreak and learning how to move on, Lover Girl can help you feel seen. Written and illustrated by Raegan Fordemwalt and edited by Mikayla Gillespy.

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