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Showing 36,751 through 36,775 of 36,775 results

Sink or Swim: Get Your Degree Without Drowning in Debt

by Sarah Deveau

Undergraduate fees for universities and colleges across Canada have more than doubled in every province over the past decade. Today, the average student debt load after graduation is almost twenty-thousand dollars. Individuals considering a post-secondary education are looking for intelligent, resourceful ways to fund their education without mortgaging their future. Those currently in school are trying to find ways to cut their spending, increase their income, and make it to convocation without incurring massive debt. Sink or Swim is the answer to their troubles. This book will guide students through their post-secondary education, encouraging them to live within their means by being creative with their lifestyle.

Small, Broke, and Kind of Dirty: Affirmations for the Real World (Solon Series #3)

by Hana Shafi

Let's get one thing straight: Small, Broke, and Kind of Dirty: Affirmations for the Real World is not a book of advice. You're not going to find a step-by-step guide to meditation here, or even reminders to drink lots of water and get enough sleep. Those things are all good for you, but that's not what Hana Shafi wants to talk about.Instead, Small, Broke, and Kind of Dirty—built around art from Shafi's popular online affirmation series—focuses on our common and never-ending journey of self-discovery. It explores the ways in which the world can all too often wear us down, and reminds us to remember our worth, even when it's hard to do so. Drawing on her experience as a millennial woman of colour, and writing with humour and a healthy dose of irreverence, Shafi delves into body politics and pop culture, racism and feminism, friendship, and allyship. Through it all, she remains positive without being saccharine, and hopeful without being naive.So no, this is not an advice book: it's a call to action, one that asks us to remember that we are valid as we are—flaws and all—and to not let the bastards grind us down.

Strange but True: Canadian Stories of Horror and Terror

by John Robert Colombo

This is a chilling collection of 50 accounts of truly unusual events and experiences that are told by the people who experienced them. Are there ghosts here? Yes. Are there strange coincidences here? Yes. Are there strange creatures of the forest here? Yes. Are there conspiracies here? Yes. Are there horors here aplenty? Yes, yes! The accounts come from many regions of Canada and cover the last hundred or so years. These fascinating first-person accounts originate in the columns of old newspapers or in the highly readable narratives derived from correspondence conducted by the author with present-day witnesses. Shake hands with your fears and dreads. Here are engrossing and unsettling occurences that are supernatural or psychical, paranormal, or parapsychological, all betweent he covers of one book. Not for the faint of heart! Highly exciting reading!

Terrors of the Night: Canadian Accounts of Eerie Events and Weird Experiences

by John Robert Colombo

Terrors of the Night is a collection of more than 100 accounts of eerie events and weird experiences that have been recorded by Canadians over the last 400 years. These incredible accounts come from all parts of the country and concern witchcraft, peculiar weather conditions, wild beasts, hardly human creatures, omens, prophecies, powers beyond ours, miraculous cures, and bizarre behaviour generally. The narratives, often in the words of witnesses themselves, are taken from the columns of old newspapers, journals, and correspondence. It is an engrossing and unsettling experience to read these stories because the reader keeps asking the question, "Could such things happen?"

Throw Your Stuff Off the Plane: Achieving Accountability in Business and Life

by Art Horn

A guide to making the leap from imposed accountability to personal commitment for both individuals and organizations. Accountability — we all want the people around us to be responsible, reveal genuine commitment, keep their word, and stay away from blaming others. But organizational systems that aim to institutionalize accountability don’t quite go all the way. People are people. They have their own wants and needs, their own psychological tangles, and they often don’t particularly want to be held accountable, let alone confront others who have let them down. Throw Your Stuff Off the Plane is here to help. It reveals the missing ingredient organizations usually overlook: personal responsibility. It’s an approach to self-improvement for each reader, centring on untangling the conflicting thoughts that block personal responsibility. And it’s a guide for every leader who wants to go all the way.

To Be a Friend: The Key to Friendship in Our Lives

by David E. Hunt

In today’s busy world, we may fail to realize that our need for friendship is as vital and important as our basic needs for food, air, and water. However, thanks to the high-stress environments people currently live in, they are now starting to realize how important friendship is to a healthy and full life. This book shows readers how to open the flow of friendship in their lives by learning to be friends. It offers activities that have proven helpful to participants in the author’s workshops, exercises that prompt readers to examine their personal beliefs about friendship and apply them in daily life. By following these activities, readers discover how to be friends with themselves, how to be friends with others, and how to strengthen existing friendships. Author David Hunt also describes his experiences with learning how to be a friend, including his successes and failures.

Toward Wisdom

by Copthorne Macdonald

Toward Wisdom addresses the nature of wisdom, humanity’s need for it, and ways and means of developing it. The situation the world faces today is extremely complex. Long-cherished values have begun to conflict with each other: material comfort vs. an uncontaminated world; economic growth now vs. economic well-being for our grandchildren. Toward Wisdom takes the position that the only way to make the world a better place is to make it a wiser place. Wisdom is no longer an option or a frill. We, and the world, need wisdom-based analyses of our problems followed by wisdom-based action. In the past, becoming wise was left to chance; a few people became wise before they died, but most did not. This lackadaisical approach will no longer do. Wisdom can be developed intentionally, and Toward Wisdom shows us how. The book examines some of the key impediments to wisdom; what they are, how they work, how they came to be; and introduces us to techniques for getting beyond them.

True Tales of the Paranormal: Hauntings, Poltergeists, Near Death Experiences, and Other Mysterious Events

by Kimberly Molto

There are things in this world that we cannot explain, and occurrences that make us ponder the very nature of our existence. True Tales of the Paranormal is an intriguing examination of reincarnation, premonitions, and other spooky inexplicables from a scientific perspective, exploring modern scientific theories and current research. The author also provides suggestions on how to deal with paranormal experiences and where to go for help and information. Even readers who have never had psychic experiences will be drawn into the lives of those who have and will be left questioning the world as we know it.

Tyranny of Niceness: Unmasking the Need for Approval

by Evelyn Sommers

"I've got to stop being so nice." How often has Dr. Evelyn Sommers heard that from her clients over the years? The Tyranny of Niceness identifies and confronts our most fundamental social dysfunction - niceness. For over 15 years, Sommers, a Toronto psychologist, has treated many twisted lives created by being nice. She interweaves the case histories of her clients with her own observations to present a frightening, yet hopeful, picture of a society that promotes silence and obedience over individuality and honesty. Through her stories and analysis, we see that letting go of niceness, without being rude or uncivil, means a new way of relating to others and a new honesty with oneself.

The UFO Files: The Canadian Connection Exposed

by Palmiro Campagna

The UFO Files digs deep into the government’s archives to unravel the true story of Canada’s fascinating connection to the UFO phenomenon. Weaving together eyewitness accounts and secret government files, including newly declassified documents, Palmiro Campagna relates some startling episodes in Canadian UFO history; ranging from the revelations made to Wilbert Smith, a Canadian Ministry of Transport engineer, and the unexplained case of Stefan Michalak, whose close encounter with a strange, burning hot craft left him physically scarred. It also explores the United States’ so-called "black" program, which may have originated with the Avrocar (also known as the Project Silver Bug), the United States Air Force flying saucer built in Canada. The Toronto Star noted that The UFO Files provides "a detailed and convincing portrait presented with an astonishing array of archival evidence and photographs." While George Filer, New Jersey State director of the Mutual UFO Network, said this book "is well worth reading and helps unravel the true story of UFOs in Canada." As Palmiro Campagna demonstrates, the truth is indeed out there.

UFOs Over Canada: Personal Accounts of Sightings and Close Encounters

by John Robert Colombo

UFOs Over Canada presents in highly readable style sixty eye-witness accounts of UFO activity over Canada. For the first time, in one book, contributors from accross the country recount their personal experiences in their own words.

What Kind of Parent Am I?: Self-Surveys That Reveal the Impact of Toxic Stress and More (Scientific Parenting #2)

by Dr Nicole Letourneau

Toxic stress can occur in any home, rich or poor, regardless of age, education, or walk of life. Research has shown that adaptive, supportive parents are the best at insulating their children from all but the biggest catastrophes. Exposure to “toxic stress” in childhood can cause depression, alcoholism, obesity, violent behaviour, heart disease, and even cancer in adulthood. Parents who are less sensitive or attentive or who regularly misinterpret their children’s needs can let too much stress trickle through, or even cause it in the first place, which can carry on to the next generation. What Kind of Parent Am I? uses specially created surveys to identify problem areas for parents. With recommended resources and advice throughout, Dr. Letourneau informs and empowers parents to deal directly with their unique risks and challenges, helping them become the best parents they can be.

Whatever It Takes: Stories From A Life Behind The Scenes In The Music And Television Worlds

by Stephen Stohn Christopher Ward Martin Gero

This book will change the way you think about success. Producer of television’s iconic Degrassi franchise Stephen Stohn tells stories from behind the scenes and of making it in the music and television world in this star-studded, rock ’n’ roll trip through a Canadian show business explosion. Stohn, who has been at the heart of the entertainment industry for over forty years, shares a lifetime of experience and unique insights into how dreams are turned into reality. “Whatever It Takes” — both a mantra and Degrassi’s theme song — has been heard millions of times all over the world. It embodies a philosophy of struggle and self-belief leading to accomplishment, as well as the story of an exploring mind, an adventurous pursuit of experience, ringing failures, and the willingness to see things in a different way.

Wheel of Wisdom: A Turtle & Hare Journey to Your Dream

by Angela Clubb

For anyone who has ever had a dream or longs to find one, Wheel of Wisdom will help put a great plan behind your dream.

While You Quit: A Smoker's Guide to Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

by Theodore Fenske William Dafoe

Smoking doesn’t have to leave you at a dead end. This unique book provides insight, whether you are a current or past smoker, on how to reduce your risk for heart attack and stroke before it’s too late. Rather than asking you to quit smoking, Dr. Fenske instead asks you to make changes in your life while you quit, by focusing on how the cardiovascular system is susceptible to disease, and how its healthy function can be optimized independent of smoking. Humorous and informative, While You Quit asks you to take a series of small, intentional steps toward vascular health. Armed with a state-of-the-art perspective on vascular biology, you follow Peter, an overweight, cigarette-addicted patient, as he takes these small strides. You will see clearly how each improvement directly impacts his vital statistics - just as they will for you, even if quitting isn’t on your road map yet.

Workday Warrior: A Proven Path to Reclaiming Your Time

by Ann Gomez

Reclaim control of your workday with a proven time-saving method.Life is busier than ever before. We are working longer hours to keep up with longer to-do lists. Yet we’re experiencing more stress and seem to fall further and further behind. Our so-called leisure time is punctuated with interruptions, constantly pulling us back to work. We are led to believe we can prioritize our way out of this, but prioritization is broken.In Workday Warrior, productivity expert Ann Gomez presents a fresh approach that smashes today’s time challenges: too many priorities, too many interruptions, and too much complexity. We don’t need more willpower, discipline, or hours in our day. Instead, we need a straightforward approach to help us reclaim our time and upgrade our work habits. We need to concentrate our priori ties, protect our time, and simplify our work to amplify our results. This book will help you become a Workday Warrior. Find more time in your day, play at a higher level, and feel more in control of your time. Your work (and life!) will never be the same.

A World of UFOs

by Chris A. Rutkowski

UF0s are a truly global phenomenon. Although many of the best-known cases have taken place in North America, amazing stories of witnesses encounters with strange disc-shaped objects (and their occupants) have come from every corner of the globe. From a floating platform watched by dozens in Indonesia, to a Saturn-shaped object that flew over a ship off the coast of Brazil, to a landing Down Under, UFOs have been baffling witnesses and making headlines around the world. What are some of the most interesting cases? Which ones seem most mysterious? And what can one of the worlds most active UFO researchers and investigators tell us about UFOs, from A to Z? Join Chris Rutkowski as he takes us on a tour of A World of UFOs.

The World's Greatest Unsolved Mysteries

by Lionel And Fanthorpe

People disappear without a trace. Captain Briggs, his crew, and his family vanished from the Canadian built Mary Celeste. Ben Bathurst walked around the horses harnessed to his coach - and was never seen again. People appear without explanation Kaspar Hauser arrived in Nuremberg as inexplicably as if he’d materialised from some unknown dimension. Researchers of the paranormal have investigated cases where thought-forms seem to have acquired quasi-physical properties. Madame Blavatsky claimed to have done it. There were times when Nikola Tesla, the brilliant electrical experimenter, seems to have lived in an alternative reality where mental images of his machines became solid to him. Tesla expert, Oliver Nichelson, put forward a theory connecting Tesla’s awesomely strange apparatus at Wardenclyffe, Long Island, with the Tunguska explosion of 1908. Were similar strange forces responsible for moving the Barbados coffins around in their sealed vault? Where do poltergeists, like the one that haunted Esther Cox in Amherst, Nova Scotia, get their inexplicable energy? When scores of reliable witnesses continue to report their sightings of UFOs, ghosts, crop circles, lake monsters, enormous cat-like beasts, Yeti, and Sasquatch, how can their observations be explained? We live in an immeasurably strange universe, miraculously suspended in space and time: a universe that has room for the mysteries of the ancient British King Arthur, Merlin, and the Holy Grail; the Oak Island Money Pit in Canada; the undeciphered Glozel Alphabet, and the Priest’s Treasure at Rennes-le-Chateau in France; Mermaids and Sea Monsters; the Kingdom of Prester John; the Riddle of the Pictish Stones at Meigle in Scotland; the Vampire of Croglin Grange; Zombies and Wer-beasts; the Devil’s Footprints in Devonshire; the Green Children of Woolpit; Lost Cities and Sunken Islands; Pyramids and Stone Circles; Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, and Prophecy. The list is endless. The investigations fascinating. The World’s Greatest Unsolved Mysteries invites the reader to accompany Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe on their many intriguing investigations in Canada and worldwide and their years of research into the unexplained.

The World's Most Mysterious Castles

by Lionel And Fanthorpe

Castles are among the most mysterious buildings on earth. Their grimly silent stones are signposts to a past filled with high adventure, grim tragedies, and glorious victories. Ghosts, hauntings, and other paranormal phenomena are frequently reported from castles. Do strange paranormal powers lurk among their ancient ruins? The World’s Most Mysterious Castles takes you on a journey through hidden chambers and subterranean tunnels of castles all over the world. Their walls served the sinister needs of spies, traitors, and assassins. Do the spirits of attackers and defenders who died in long-forgotten sieges still linger where they fell? Screams of unbearable pain and despair were muffled within their deepest, darkest torture dungeons. Do they echo there still?

The World's Most Mysterious Murders

by Lionel And Fanthorpe

Reading of murder stimulates a powerful response. We are repelled by the horror of it, but, simultaneously, our natural curiosity is strongly aroused. We want to know who did it, and why.Most unsolved murders have no apparent motives - or too many motives. The murders of Sir Harry Oakes in 1943, one of the richest men in Canada, and Christine Demeter, found dead in a blood-soaked garage in Mississauga in 1973 - remain unsolved. In fact, history is full of unsolved murders. Who killed King William Rufus, Edward II, and the Princes in the Tower? Who was Jack the Ripper? Was James Hanratty really guilty of killing Michael Gregson? These mysteries and more are contained in The World’s Most Mysterious Murders.

The World's Most Mysterious Objects

by Lionel And Fanthorpe

Objects can carry romantic myths, embody dangerous curses, or provide links to our past. Some mysterious items, like the Hope Diamond, can still be found today, while others, like the Philosophers' Stone, have vanished into the mists of time. Gifted and sensitive psychometrists can apparently pick up an object and learn many things about its past and its previous owners. The World's Most Mysterious Objects provides a glimpse into these enigmas, exploring everything from psychic weapons and spiritual icons to alchemical experiments and strange devices. With this intriguing book, find out what secrets the world could be hiding.

The World's Most Mysterious People

by Lionel And Fanthorpe

Did Rasputin, the mad monk of Tsarist Russia, possess supernatural powers? Who was the mysterious prisoner in the Bastille who has gone down in history as "The Man in the Iron Mask"? Did he possess a priceless secret which Louis XIV desperately wanted to learn? Victorian Britain was terrorized by a weird super-athlete known to the popular press of those days as "Spring-heeled Jack." Was he just an eccentric gymnast, or could he have been an alien? Who or what was the mysterious man known as the Count of St. Germain whose abnormal powers seemed to defy both time and space – and is he still with us today? What strange powers of prophecy did Coinneach Odhar, the famous Brahan Seer, really possess? Was Bérenger Sauniëre, the enigmatic Priest of Rennes-Le-Château, one of the last guardians of a secret older than the Sphinx? Could the sinister Aleister Crowley have been merely a pathetic victim of self-deception and his own inflated ego, or did he really possess magical powers? What amazing secrets did electrical engineer Nikola Tesla control? Gurdjieff – one of the most amazing men of his time – has never been fully understood: what was the true meaning behind his strangely ambivalent messages? Was Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky a genius with strange paranormal powers, or merely a charlatan and a sensation-seeker? Francis Dashwood of Medmenham Abbey, leader of a sect of the wildest debauchees who roared their way across the eighteenth century, was an expert in the Black Arts. All of these strange, mysterious, and intriguing characters – and many others – are described, examined, and analyzed in The World’s Most Mysterious People. This is a collection of remarkable and mysterious people, from all ages and places – including our own. Some the authors have met, others were researched carefully from reliable archives. Some are Canadian, others are from the US, the UK, and all over the world. All are mysterious; all are intriguing; all are worth studying. Can anyone learn to use mysterious powers like theirs? To update what a great thinker once said: "The proper study of people is other human beings." And the more mysterious those human beings are, the more we shall learn from studying them.

You Can Say That Again!: A Fun Approach to Sounding Better When You Open Your Mouth to Speak

by Bruce Rogers

You Can Say That Again is Bruce Rogers’ light-hearted look at the the English language. It examines the origins, history, and peculiarities of the language, and provides instruction on how to speak effectively. It sets the record straight on how to pronounce some of the most troublesome words and names. It examines the standards of the electronic media and finds them wanting. And it offers tips on preparation and presentation for platform speakers and broadcasters. You Can Say That Again has a language quiz in every chapter, along with lists of origins, political and business terms, sports and science bloopers, puns, limericks, and euphemisms. There’s a pronunciation guide for major languages. And there is help for those who want to join the battle against jargon, slang, and cliches. Vocal confidence is essential for personal success. You Can Say That Again can help you sound better when you open your mouth to speak.

You Could Live a Long Time: Are You Ready?

by Lyndsay Green

Are you ready to live a long time, or do you dread it? Recent medical advances mean we could live longer, but doesn’t guarantee the quality of that life. In the words of one senior, "We’re not living longer, we’re dying longer." The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Getting older doesn’t have to mean living a limited life. Author Lyndsay Green has interviewed forty successful seniors to talk not just about the problems of old age but its strength and benefits. These seniors were from all walks of life and from all over the country, living in Victoria, Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal, Kingston and Halifax, aged 75 to 100. They have been identified as the self-reliant seniors we would like to be and they share their wisdom and strategies for independent and happy living. The book combines their advice with cutting edge research, to arrive at specific suggestions for what we should be doing now to prepare for old age, and includes resources to help us implement the advice, including:Money isn’t everything, and won’t cure ill-health or loneliness.Cultivate new friendships now.To keep your dignity, give up your pride.You need a work plan, instead of a retirement planTo keep a home, consider leaving your house.If you push too hard to stay young you’ll get old faster.The unique message is that we should not try to avoid old age. Instead of trying to do the impossible to stay forever young, Green comes to the radical conclusion that in order to get as much as possible out of our old age we will need to embrace it.

Your Body Is a Revolution: Healing Our Relationships with Our Bodies, Each Other, and the Earth

by Tara Teng

It’s time to fully inhabit our lives, to reclaim what has been stolen from us, and to embrace the wisdom our bodies long to share.Too many of us are living disconnected from our bodies, chasing a constantly moving target of ideal, and accepting the societal narrative about which bodies are deserving of safety and protection. In an effort to keep ourselves safe, we shame, push aside, and assimilate parts of ourselves that don't align with the cultural norm. In turn, we are disconnected from our bodies and therefore from our humanity, losing sight of the true nature of who we are.Embodiment coach Tara Teng helps us untangle ourselves from centuries of body-based oppression built into our societal systems or masquerading as religion. When we embrace our relationship with our bodies, we come into alignment with all things: ourselves, each other, the earth, and our spirituality. When we embrace ourselves, we can take back what society says is too much — too loud, too feminine, too masculine, too gay, too worldly, too unique. Now is the time to journey back to our bodies and to celebrate our whole selves.

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