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Showing 376 through 400 of 36,715 results

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

by Napoleon Hill W. Stone

THE SELF-HELP CLASSIC THAT HAS CHANGED MILLIONS OF LIVES! Your mind has a secret invisible talisman. On one side is emblazoned the letters PMA (positive mental attitude) and on the other the letters NMA (negative mental attitude). A positive attitude will naturally attract the good and the beautiful. The negative attitude will rob you of all that makes life worth living. Your success, health, happiness, and wealth depend on how you make up your mind! When motivational pioneer Napoleon Hill and millionaire CEO W. Clement Stone teamed up to form one of the most remarkable partnerships of all time, the result was Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, the phenomenon that proposed to the world that with the right attitude, anyone can achieve his or her dreams. Now you can take advantage of the program that has brought success to generations of people seeking -- and finding -- a better way to live.

The Tao Is Silent

by Raymond M. Smullyan

The Tao Is Silent Is Raymond Smullyan's beguiling and whimsical guide to the meaning and value of eastern philosophy to westerners."To me," Writes Smullyan, "Taoism means a state of inner serenity combined with an intense aesthetic awareness. Neither alone is adequate; a purely passive serenity is kind of dull, and an anxiety-ridden awareness is not very appealing."This is more than a book on Chinese philosophy. It is a series of ideas inspired by Taoism that treats a wide variety of subjects about life in general. Smullyan sees the Taoist as "one who is not so much in search of something he hasn't, but who is enjoying what he has."Readers will be charmed and inspired by this witty, sophisticated, yet deeply religious author, whether he is discussing gardening, dogs, the art of napping, or computers who dream that they're human.

Within You Is the Power

by Joseph Murphy

One of three classic reissues by the mega-selling author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind to inaugurate TarcherPerigee's exciting new line, The Joseph Murphy Library of Success!In this deeply practical and engaging guidebook, Joseph Murphy takes you into different cultures and ancient teachings from around the world to expose you to the unadorned truth of who you really are: a physical temple of cosmic power that is waiting to be unleashed by exercises, prayers, and techniques which have brought abudance and power to men and women across the ages.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Boss Lady: An Executive Woman Talks About Making It

by Jo Foxworth

In the United States when this was published (1978), as stated on the back cover: "College-educated men average $20,000 a year; college women get only $12,000. Our work force is over 40% female, yet women hold only 6% of the managerial positions. When a woman who has made a place in that 6% for herself is ready to tell you how--it’s smart to listen to the Boss Lady." The Boss Lady is Jo Foxworth, an American advertising executive who started as a copywriter in 1955, and then founded her own advertising firm in 1968. Although the times have changed since then, and the three-martini business lunch is no longer common practice, much has NOT changed for women in the business world. Writing in a straightforward, highly readable style, Ms. Foxworth offers up plenty of still-useful tips for women who strive to become successful business executives.

El camino menos transitado: Hacia una nueva psicología del amor

by M. Scott Peck

El clásico que permaneció diez años seguidos en la lista de más vendidos de The New York Times. El camino menos transitado es uno de los títulos que mayor impacto han producido en varias generaciones de lectores desde su aparición en 1978. Con más de siete millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo, y publicado en veintitrés lenguas, está considerado el primer libro que, con su mensaje atemporal, aunó la autoayuda y la espiritualidad. Hoy sigue ayudándonos a explorar la naturaleza de las relaciones amorosas y guiándonos hacia una nueva serenidad y plenitud existencial. Su autor, el mítico doctor Peck, nos lo advierte desde el principio: «la vida es difícil», pero no duda en acompañarnos a través del arduo y doloroso viaje hacia el verdadero yo. Con él aprendemos a distinguir amor de dependencia y a alcanzar un nivel más alto de autocomprensión, al tiempo que nos ayuda, con gran sensibilidad y empatía, a transitar el largo y a menudo penoso camino hacia el crecimiento espiritual. La crítica ha dicho:«Este no es solo un libro, sino un acto espontáneo de generosidad.»The Washington Post

El camino menos transitado: Hacia una nueva psicología del amor

by M. Scott Peck

El clásico que permaneció diez años seguidos en la lista de más vendidos de The New York Times. El camino menos transitado es uno de los títulos que mayor impacto han producido en varias generaciones de lectores desde su aparición en 1978. Con más de siete millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo, y publicado en veintitrés lenguas, está considerado el primer libro que, con su mensaje atemporal, aunó la autoayuda y la espiritualidad. Hoy sigue ayudándonos a explorar la naturaleza de las relaciones amorosas y guiándonos hacia una nueva serenidad y plenitud existencial. Su autor, el mítico doctor Peck, nos lo advierte desde el principio: «la vida es difícil», pero no duda en acompañarnos a través del arduo y doloroso viaje hacia el verdadero yo. Con él aprendemos a distinguir amor de dependencia y a alcanzar un nivel más alto de autocomprensión, al tiempo que nos ayuda, con gran sensibilidad y empatía, a transitar el largo y a menudo penoso camino hacia el crecimiento espiritual. La crítica ha dicho:«Este no es solo un libro, sino un acto espontáneo de generosidad.»The Washington Post

The Comeback

by Ryne Duren Robert Drury

The Man with the Coke-Bottle Glasses, Cazenovia: Learning to Pitch and Drink, From Beloit to the Bushes, Dust Storms in Texas: Coffee in Baltimore, Close But no Cigar, The New York Yankees, Hello Hollywood, The Beautiful People, A Sad Farewell to Baseball, Staggering On, DePaul and the New Beginning, The Media and the Message, The National Pastime, Today and Tomorrow.

Common Sense Training: A Working Philosophy for Leaders

by Arthur Collins

"The best book on military training from platoon to division level that has been published in any army."--Army Magazine

Cómo adelgazar follando (edición ilustrada): Toda la verdad sobre la comida y el sexo

by Richard Smith

El manual más divertido para perder esos kilitos de más y tonificar todo tu cuerpo, en una nueva edición con ilustraciones de Aleix Saló, uno de los autores gráficos más transgresores del momento. ¿Alguna vez te has planteado cuántas calorías pierdes cada vez que tu pareja te deja con las ganas? ¿Y cuando finges un orgasmo? ¿Y mientras os perdéis en el juego previo o en la limpieza posterior? En Cómo adelgazar follando encontrarás completísimas tablas del consumo calórico de todas las actividades sexuales que te puedas imaginar, desde las más suaves hasta las más surrealistas, desde el sexo oral hasta buscar una excusa cuando tu pareja te pilla in fraganti con tu amante. Además, incluye una lista de los mejores alimentos afrodisíacos para una buena sesión de placer apta para todos los gustos. ¡La dieta del cucurucho en su máxima expresión! Reseña:«Tú y tus amigos podéis leer este libro en voz alta mientras estáis sentados en la playa y perder un total de 10.000 calorías en 33 minutos. Sí, es así de divertido.»Glamour

Cómo adelgazar follando (edición ilustrada): Toda la verdad sobre la comida y el sexo

by Richard Smith

El manual más divertido para perder esos kilitos de más y tonificar todo tu cuerpo, en una nueva edición con ilustraciones de Aleix Saló, uno de los autores gráficos más transgresores del momento. ¿Alguna vez te has planteado cuántas calorías pierdes cada vez que tu pareja te deja con las ganas? ¿Y cuando finges un orgasmo? ¿Y mientras os perdéis en el juego previo o en la limpieza posterior? En Cómo adelgazar follando encontrarás completísimas tablas del consumo calórico de todas las actividades sexuales que te puedas imaginar, desde las más suaves hasta las más surrealistas, desde el sexo oral hasta buscar una excusa cuando tu pareja te pilla in fraganti con tu amante. Además, incluye una lista de los mejores alimentos afrodisíacos para una buena sesión de placer apta para todos los gustos. ¡La dieta del cucurucho en su máxima expresión! Reseña:«Tú y tus amigos podéis leer este libro en voz alta mientras estáis sentados en la playa y perder un total de 10.000 calorías en 33 minutos. Sí, es así de divertido.»Glamour

Fat Is A Feminist Issue

by Susie Orbach

Fat is not about food. Fat is about protection, sex, mothering, strength, assertion and love. Fat is a response to the way you are seen by your husband, your mother, your boss--and yourself. You can change that response by learning the difference between "mouth hunger" and "stomach hunger," by seeing weight loss as a good thing rather than a punishment, and by realizing that food is not your enemy. Author Orbach says most women respond to her new program by "maintaining or even gaining weight at first, as they learn to accept and like themselves. That's okay And that's just the beginning of this astonishingly effective new approach to weight loss through satisfaction. "THROW AWAY YOUR DIET BOOKS..."

Five O'Clock Comes Early

by George Vecsey Bob Welch

Bob Welch was twenty-three, a World Series star, and promising young pitcher with the Los Angeles Dodgers when he realized he was an alcoholic. He became one of the first prominent athletes to discuss his ongoing treatment for addiction. His description of his time at the rehab center and his daily struggle to stay sober has been a guiding light to more than a generation of people, young and old, who face addiction in themselves or their families.


by Eugene T. Gendlin

The classic guide to a powerful technique for personal transformation. Based on groundbreaking research conducted at the University of Chicago, the focusing technique has gained widespread popularity and scholarly acclaim.

Getting Well Again

by Stephanie Matthews Simonton James Creighton O. Carl Simonton

Based on the Simontons' experience with hundreds of patients at their world-famous Cancer Counseling and Research Center, Getting Well Again introduces the scientific basis for the "will to live."In this revolutionary book the Simontons profile the typical "cancer personality": how an individual's reactions to stress and other emotional factors can contribute to the onset and progress of cancer -- and how positive expectations, self-awareness, and self-care can contribute to survival. This book offers the same self-help techniques the Simonton's patients have used to successfully to reinforce usual medical treatment -- techniques for learning positive attitudes, relaxation, visualization, goal setting, managing pain, exercise, and building an emotional support system.From the Paperback edition.

A Home Course In Nutrition

by Eric F Powell

This book provides lessons in nutrition which are intended as a helpful and practical guide to proper feeding, and cover the whole of the necessary matters connected with the subject. Food on the mind has not been neglected.Readers who carry out the suggestions made to the best of their ability will add greatly to life and happiness. Read and apply, and results are assured.

How To Ask For More and Get It

by Thomas Kiernan Francis Greenburger

"How To Ask For More And Get It is not, as the title might suggest, a book for the greedy, pursuing compulsive and unrealistic dreams of acquiring more worldly wealth. Rather, it is designed to help the average person get his due in the thousands of exchanges, both mundane and important, that punctuate his or her life," says Francis Greenburger and Thomas Kiernan.All of us are confronted daily with countless exchanges, both ordinary and extraordinary, the outcomes of which largely define the quality of our lives. In fact, the Exchange is the single most frequent and important process of our interpersonal existence. Negotiation is the art of consistently turning these exchanges to one's advantage, and this book shows how to master this art.Using examples from real-life situations, the authors show you how to develop your basic negotiating skills--how to state your criteria, who makes the first move, what tactics to use, how to set your goals and establish a strategy--in short, how to win!Whether you are an employee bargaining for a raise, the tenant applying for a lease, the homeowner planning an expansion, the spouse settling a quarrel, a man with an attractive young lady in mind...whether you are the layman or the professional, this book will teach you how to make the most of the exchanges which touch every facet of your life."Imagine yourself in any of the following situations:You are about to walk into a realtor's office to make an offer on your dream house or to rent the apartment you've finally found after months of searching...You are about to sit down with your spouse's lawyer to discuss the financial terms of your impending divorce...Tomorrow you are to appear for you final interview with a company you feel sure will offer you the job you have been seeking, at which your salary and other benefits will be decided...You are about to sit down with an auditor from the IRS...The "bottom line" of such exchanges is that we either gain or lose by them, financially and otherwise. Motivated by our innate self-interest, we naturally hope to acquire more than we give away. More often than not, however, we end up losing more than we gain. Why? Because we do not know how to negotiate our needs, our rights, our hopes, and our wishes..."Francis Greenburger operates an extremely successful New York real estate business--a milieu in which the negotiator's art is severely tested and sharply honed. Recently, he expanded his interest to include the publishing world and now operates an equally successful literary agency--another pursuit in which negotiating is the key to success. This is his first book.Thomas Kiernan was an editor for many years. He is also the author of fourteen previous books.

How to Read Slowly: Reading for Comprehension

by James W. Sire

Established in 1968, the Wheaton Literary Series provides insightful books for the thoughtful reader, inspiring imagination, and reflection. These beautifully produced volumes feature prose and poetry of high literary, academic, and artistic merit, written by and about Christian artists of significant stature.

Lo que dices, recibes: Tus palabras están cargadas de dinamita

by Don Gossett

Sus propias palabras pueden liberar el poder espiritual disponible para el creyente y darle amor, gozo, paz, felicidad, éxito y prosperidad. Aprenda cómo lograrlo en este fascinante libro.

Pearls of Wisdom: Little Pieces of Advice (That Go a Long Way)

by Barbara Bush

The best advice First Lady Barbara Bush offered her family, staff, and close friends. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #2c2c2c} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #2c2c2c; min-height: 14.0px} p.p3 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px Helvetica} p.p4 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px} span.s1 {color: #2c2c2c} First Lady Barbara Bush was famous for handing out advice. From friends and family to heads of state and Supreme Court justices, and certainly to her staff, her advice ranged from what to wear, what to say or not say, and how to live your life. She especially loved visiting with students of all ages, from kindergartners to college graduates. When she turned 80, she owned up to all her advice-giving and explained it this way: After all, in 80 years of living, I have survived 6 children, 17 grandchildren, 6 wars, a book by Kitty Kelly, two presidents, two governors, big Election Day wins and big Election Day losses, and 61 years of marriage to a husband who keeps jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. So, it's just possible that along the way I've learned a thing or two. At the end of the day, she taught all of us some valuable lessons. As First Lady, she made a point of cuddling a baby with AIDS and hugging a young man who was HIV positive and whose family had rejected him, showing us by example the importance of compassion and the myth of fear. As a mother, she made sure we all knew that your children must come first, and one of the most important things you can do is to read to them. As a friend and mentor, she showed that you had to be true to yourself, and even at the end of her life, she taught us how to die with grace.Full of Barbara Bush's trademark wit and thoughtfulness, Pearls of Wisdom is a poignant reflection on life, love, family, and the world by one of America's most iconic -- and beloved -- public figures.

Poems for a world gone to sh*t: the amazing power of poetry to make even the most f**ked up times feel better

by Quercus Poetry

DISCOVER THE AMAZING POWER OF POETRY TO MAKE EVEN THE MOST F**KED UP TIMES FEEL BETTERA beautiful little book of short, simple, classic and contemporary poems to dip into, to make life feel better.From Shakespeare and Shelley to Lemn Sissay and Kate Tempest, poets have always been the best at showing us we're not alone, however sh*t things might seem.Funny, reflective, romantic and life-affirming - here is an anthology of poems to remind you to keep on looking at the stars: from that first 'what the f*ck' moment to empowering you to do something about this sh*t and ultimately realising that life is still beautiful after all.Rediscover old favourites and find some new treasures - you might be surprised just how much poetry can help. For fans of The Poetry Pharmacy, The Reading Cure and The Emergency Poet.

Pulling Your Own Strings: Dynamic Techniques for Dealing with Other People and Living Your Life As You Choose

by Wayne W. Dyer

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer reveals how we all can prevent ourselves from being victimised by others and begin to operate from a position of power at the centre of our own lives. Asserting that we alone are responsible for how much we will be controlled by others, Dyer offers his practical plan for developing new attitudes toward the most common sources of victimisation and manipulation, such as family members and authority figures in the workplace. For example, families can be tremendously coercive and demanding, but they can also be an immensely rewarding part of your life. Dyer shows how to cope with the negative side and contribute to the positive. Also, in their working life many people stay in unfulfilling jobs because they feel constrained by their present experience or because they fear change. Dyer shows that by being enthusiastic and flexible, you can find the work that makes you happy. In this modern-day classic, Dyer shows you how to stop being the victim in all aspects of everyday life and to take charge of your destiny.

Reliving Past Lives: The Evidence Under Hypnosis

by Helen Wambach

Tells of how to recall and learn from your past lives using techniques such as hypnosis.

Responding to Drinking Problems (Routledge Library Editions: Alcohol and Alcoholism)

by Stan Shaw Alan Cartwright Terry Spratley Judith Harwin

In the 1970s family doctors, social workers, researchers and administrators had been aware of the inadequacy of the response to drinking problems for some time. However, there had been no systematic examination of why such agents felt negatively about drinkers and disinclined to respond to them. Originally published in 1978, this book develops a radical new perspective on the prevalence and causes of drinking problems, combining reviews of historical and contemporary literature with the authors’ own research studies. This perspective is then linked to the need for an integrated response from both medical and social services, with a particular accent on the need for a community response. By focusing on the relationship between helper and helped a solution is sought to the question which has troubled the field for many years: why are agents like family doctors and social workers so inadequate in recognising and responding to people with drinking problems? The crucial aspects within the therapeutic relationship are pinpointed and experimental studies are described which show how training, casework, supervision and the redeployment of expertise can help improve recognition rates and responses to individual drinkers. This book thus expresses the need for major changes both in our attitudes and understanding of people with drinking problems and the difficulties of agents who try to help them. It should still be of historical interest to social scientists and those involved in helping people with drinking problems.

The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth

by M. Scott Peck

Perhaps no book in this generation has had a more profound impact on our intellectual and spiritual lives than The Road Less Traveled. With sales of more than seven million copies in the United States and Canada, and translations into more than twenty-three languages, it has made publishing history, with more than ten years on the New York Times bestseller list. Now, with a new Introduction by the author, written especially for this twenty-fifth anniversary deluxe trade paperback edition of the all-time national bestseller in its field, M. Scott Peck explains the ideas that shaped this book and that continue to influence an ever-growing audience of readers. Written in a voice that is timeless in its message of understanding, The Road Less Traveled continues to help us explore the very nature of loving relationships and leads us toward a new serenity and fullness of life. It helps us learn how to distinguish dependency from love; how to become a more sensitive parent; and ultimately how to become one's own true self. Recognizing that, as in the famous opening line of his book, "Life is difficult" and that the journey to spiritual growth is a long one, Dr. Peck never bullies his readers, but rather guides them gently through the hard and often painful process of change toward a higher level of self-understanding.

The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth

by M. Scott Peck

Ways in which confronting and resolving our problems, and suffering through the changes, can enable us to reach a higher level of self-understanding.

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