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Food & Society: Principles and Paradoxes

by Amy E. Guptill Denise A. Copelton Betsy Lucal

This popular text, now in a third edition, offers readers a vivid perspective on the cultural and social complexities of food practices and the current food system. Synthesizing insights from the multidisciplinary field of food studies, this book engages readers&’ curiosity by highlighting the seeming paradoxes of food: how food is both individual and social, reveals both distinction and conformity, and, in the contemporary era, seems to come from everywhere but nowhere in particular. Each chapter begins with an intriguing case study and ends with suggested resources and activities. Chapter topics include identity, restaurants and food media, health, marketing, industrialization, global food, surplus and scarcity, and social change. Updates and enhancements in this edition reflect new scholarly insights into how food is involved in social media, social movements, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout, the book blends concepts and empirical accounts to address the central issues of culture, structure, and social inequality. Written in a lively, accessible style, this book provides students with an unrivalled and multifaceted introduction to this fascinating aspect of social life.

Football For Dummies, USA Edition

by John Czarnecki Howie Long

Learn how to tell a first down from a touchdown and get up to speed on the latest trends in the sport Football For Dummies is a comprehensive fan’s guide to football and its many components. This updated edition includes coverage of new players, rules, and strategies. With deep explanations of every position, analysis of offense and defense, and detailed strategies for play, football legend Howie Long and established football analyst John Czarnecki present the basics of football for fans of all ages and experiences. Get the working knowledge that you need to follow the game of football and enjoy it with friends and family. The book covers everything you need to be the most knowledgeable spectator in the stadium! Learn the rules of football so you can follow what’s happening in the game Increase your enjoyment of football by discovering the nuances you don’t know Keep up with friends and family when you watch games together, in person, or on TV Get up to date on the latest players, rule changes, and top strategiesThis fun Dummies guide is for everyone who is interested in football and wants to get familiar with the sport, including its history, so they can watch games in person and on television, follow all the action, and enjoy football games to the maximum. It’s also a great reference for fans who need to settle bets about the official rules of play!

Forschungsmethoden der Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Martin Dempster Donncha Hanna

Eine aussagekräftige Stichprobe wählen, die richtigen Fragen stellen, ein Experiment professionell vorbereiten, eine Umfrage so gestalten, dass das Ergebnis repräsentativ ist ... Wenn Sie als Psychologe oder Sozialwissenschaftler forschen, gibt es eine ganze Reihe von empirischen Methoden, die Sie kennen sollten. Bei Experimenten, Befragungen, Beobachtungen und psychologischen Tests gibt es einiges zu beachten, damit die Ergebnisse auch aussagekräftig sind. Martin Dempster und Donncha Hanna begleiten Sie von der Wahl des Forschungsdesigns bis zur Präsentation des Ergebnisses, erklären den Unterschied zwischen qualitativen und quantitativen Ansätzen, zwischen interner und externer Validität und vieles mehr. Damit Ihr nächstes Experiment glückt und Ihre Befragung sinnvolle Ergebnisse liefert.

The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive: A Leadership Fable (J-b Lencioni Ser. #37)

by Patrick M. Lencioni

In this stunning follow-up to his best-selling book, The Five Temptations of a CEO, Patrick Lencioni offers up another leadership fable that's every bit as compelling and illuminating as its predecessor. This time, Lencioni's focus is on a leader's crucial role in building a healthy organization--an often overlooked but essential element of business life that is the linchpin of sustained success. Readers are treated to a story of corporate intrigue as the frustrated head of one consulting firm faces a leadership challenge so great that it threatens to topple his company, his career, and everything he holds true about leadership itself. In the story's telling, Lencioni helps his readers understand the disarming simplicity and power of creating organizational health, and reveals four key disciplines that they can follow to achieve it.

Free Markets and Food Riots: The Politics of Global Adjustment (IJURR Studies in Urban and Social Change Book Series #64)

by John K. Walton David Seddon

This book describes and explains the extraordinary wave of popular protest that swept across the so-called Third World and the countries of the former socialist bloc during the period from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, in response to the mounting debt crisis and the austerity measures widely adopted as part of economic "reform" and "adjustment". Explores this general proposition in a cross-national study of the austerity protests, or the 'IMF Riots' that have affected so many debtor nations since the mid-1970s Argues that modern austerity protests, like the classical "bread riots" in eighteenth-century Europe are political acts aimed at injustice, but acts that are an integral part of the process of international economic and political restructuring Evaluates how modern food riots are most important for what they reveal about global economic transformation and its social, and political, consequences Provides a general framework (drawing on comparative and historical material) and then trace the cycle of uneven development, debt, neo-liberal reform, and protest in Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe Focusses on the role of women in structural adjustment and protest politics and the features of seemingly anomalous cases which qualify the general argument

Freedom Teaching: Overcoming Racism in Education to Create Classrooms Where All Students Succeed

by Matthew Kincaid

Build an anti-racist and culturally responsive school environment In Freedom Teaching, educator and distinguished anti-racism practitioner Matthew Kincaid delivers a one-stop resource for educators and educational leaders seeking to improve equity and increase the cultural responsiveness of their school. In this book, you’ll discover the meaning and fundamentals of anti-racist education and find a roadmap to reducing the impact of systemic racism in your classroom. The author offers skills and tools he’s developed over the course of his lengthy career teaching anti-racist ideas to educators, providing readers with strategies that are effective at both the individual teacher and collective school community level. Readers will also find: ● A thorough introduction to the idea of Freedom Teaching and creating an education system that works for all students ● Strategies for building and maintaining anti-racist schools and classrooms ● Important social justice lessons from unsung activists An indispensable resource for educators, educational leaders, and anyone who wants to actualize change in our education system, Freedom Teachingbelongs in the libraries of the parents and families of students and teachers in training hoping for a better understanding on anti-racist concepts and ideas.

From Chaos to Concept: A Team Oriented Approach to Designing World Class Products and Experiences

by Kevin Collamore Braun

This book is written for product design, software development, graphic design, and UX professionals with a focus on creating measurably better user experiences. If you want to design solutions to meet business goals and delight your users, you can look to this resource which covers the following areas: Creating and documenting goals, strategies, objectives, and tactics Defining or refining personas based on your measurable objectives (OKRs) Creating and iterating on scenarios based your prioritized personas A team approach to defining the product and roadmap to address critical use cases Team based divergent ideation and solution exploration Team based convergent solution definition Wireframing potential solutions for rapid research and iteration Using quantitative and qualitative methods to understand usage and test with users Exploring approaches to taxonomy and information architecture Using psychology and human factors to drive your design decisions Developing performant, accessible, maintainable experiences Using analytics to measure the results and inform the next iteration How this process differs based on the size of the company or team that is employing it

From DNA to Social Cognition

by Soo Hong Chew Richard Ebstein Simone Shamay-Tsoory

Decision-making is an integral part of our daily lives. Researchers seek a complete understanding of the decision-making process, including the biological and social basis and the impact of our decisions. From DNA to Social Cognition fills a gap in the literature that brings together the methods, perspectives, and knowledge of the geneticists, neuroscientists, economists, and psychologists that are integral to this field of research. The editors' unique expertise ensures an integrated and complete compilation of materials that will prove useful to researchers and scientists interested in social cognition and decision-making.

From Health Behaviours to Health Practices: Critical Perspectives (Sociology of Health and Illness Monographs)

by Simon Cohn

A wide range of international contributions draw on theoretical and empirical sources to explore whether alternatives exist to both conceptualise and conduct research into what people do and don’t do, in relation to their health and experiences of illness. Presents a collection of international contributions that complement, as well as critique, dominant conceptualisations of health behaviour Includes a wide range of both theoretical perspectives and empirical cases Reasserts the unique contribution social sciences can make to health research Challenges assumptions about the usefulness of the concept of health behaviour A timely publication given the rise of chronic and lifestyle diseases and the resulting changes in global health agendas

Führen mit Loa: 8 Storys für Leader in Transformationen

by Tanja Ineichen

Wir leben in einer Zeit des Übergangs - das Alte ist noch nicht weg, das Neue schon da. Bisherige Hierarchien, Strukturen, Werte und Handlungsweisen existieren parallel zu New Work und einer Aufbruchstimmung, die Augenhöhe, Achtsamkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und Sinn herbeisehnt. Menschen in Führungsrollen erleben in dieser Situation viel Verunsicherung. Es ist ihr Auftrag, im Außen Transformation zu gestalten und Orientierung zu geben, während sie im Inneren mit ihrer eigenen Transition und der Adaption an neue Bedingungen ringen. Das Buch von Tanja Ineichen vermittelt seine augenöffnende und ermutigende Botschaft anhand von acht Szenarien aus der heutigen Businesswelt. In jedem Kapitel wird ein Case im Rahmen einer Story erzählt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei Führungskräfte, die in einem Dilemma zwischen zeittypischen Polaritäten gefangen sind. Sie wissen in einer sich zuspitzenden Situation nicht mehr weiter. Deshalb wenden sie sich an Loa, die ihnen weise einen Weg zur Lösung zeigt. "Führen mit Loa" - das sind acht abgeschlossene Erzählungen mit unterschiedlichen Protagonisten und Protagonistinnen aus verschiedenen Ländern und aus Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Größen. Jede Erzählung beginnt mit einem spannend erzählten Grundkonflikt, der die jeweilige Hauptfigur an einen Punkt bringt, an dem es scheinbar keine befriedigende Lösung mehr gibt. Durch eine "magisch-realistische" Fügung wird sie auf Loa aufmerksam und trifft sie entweder an einem Ort mitten in der Natur oder in einer Stadt mit besonderem Flair. Im Dialog mit Loa findet sich schließlich die Lösung - mithilfe einer stets gleichen dialogischen Struktur, die die Lesenden lernen, auf ihre eigenen Themen anzuwenden.

The Future Internet: How the Metaverse, Web 3.0, and Blockchain Will Transform Business and Society

by Bernard Marr

A sneak peek at the future of the internet, from one of the web’s most prescient voices In The Future Internet: How the Metaverse, Web3, and NFTs Will Transform Business & Society, acclaimed futurist, author, and digital strategist Bernard Marr delivers a compelling and engaging discussion of the technologies driving the impending—and ongoing—transformation of the internet, including blockchain, augmented reality (AR), and more. In the book, you’ll explore the risks and opportunities presented by these game-changing techs and how they might impact you, your organisation, and community. The author explains how various sectors will be revolutionised by the future internet, as industries like sports, retail, energy, healthcare, education, and others feel the effects of paradigm-shifting developments in society and technology. He also discusses: Strategies for individuals seeking to leverage the coming changes in technology, employment, and culture The potential impact of the unprecedented combination of blockchain and AR technologies Techniques for getting in on the ground floor of a new internet that places a heavy premium on participation and immersive experiencesAn essential and incisive exploration of what our tomorrows might bring, The Future Internet is perfect for executives, managers, and other business leaders doing their best to get a head start on tomorrow’s digital economy.

The Future of Work

by Jacob Morgan

Throughout the history of business employees had to adapt to managers and managers had to adapt to organizations. In the future this is reversed with managers and organizations adapting to employees. <P><P>This means that in order to succeed and thrive organizations must rethink and challenge everything they know about work. The demographics of employees are changing and so are employee expectations, values, attitudes, and styles of working. <P><P> Conventional management models must be replaced with leadership approaches adapted to the future employee. <P><P>Organizations must also rethink their traditional structure, how they empower employees, and what they need to do to remain competitive in a rapidly changing world. <P><P>This is a book about how employees of the future will work, how managers will lead, and what organizations of the future will look like. <P><P>The Future of Work will help you: <br>Stay ahead of the competition <br>Create better leaders <br>Tap into the freelancer economy <br>Attract and retain top talent <br>Rethink management <br>Structure effective teams <br>Embrace flexible work environments <br>Adapt to the changing workforce <br>Build the organization of the future <br>And more <P> The book features uncommon examples and easy to understand concepts which will challenge and inspire you to work differently.

The Future-Proof Workplace: Six Strategies to Accelerate Talent Development, Reshape Your Culture, and Succeed with Purpose

by Linda Sharkey Marshall Goldsmith Morag Barrett

Face the future on the crest of the wave while the rest are pulled under The Future-Proof Workplace is a survival guide for the new realities of business. The future is no longer some far-off destination; it is here, right now, and already changing the way we work. Historically, the sea-changes have advanced humanity and inspired us to reach even further; from the Dark Ages to the Age of Enlightenment, from agrarian to industrial societies—and today is no different. But only those who are ready for the changes will come out thriving. This book highlights the changes already taking place around us: the transition from skills to knowledge, the neuroscience approach to leadership and motivation, galloping technical advances, and more. Whether you're a CEO, a leader or manager, or just trying to survive the chaos, this invaluable guide is your wake-up call—the future is now. The new forces emerging must be understood now if your organization is to succeed. This book details the transformation every business must make to turn upheaval into opportunity. Discover how emerging technologies and neuroscience research are already impacting the way we work Learn how yesterday's biases are being replaced by modern values, culture, and relationships Consider the "heart" of your organization, and whether it can stand up to the purpose-driven paradigm of the future Find new achievement in the new organizational structure, and examine models that are already emerging Everyone knows that changes are needed—and fast. The question is: which changes, and how? The Future-Proof Workplace maps the transformation, and gives you an itinerary for each step of the way.

The Gamification of Society

by Stéphane Le Lay Emmanuelle Savignac Pierre Lénel Jean Frances

The applications of gamification and the contexts in which game elements can be successfully incorporated have grown significantly over the years. They now include the fields of health, education, work, the media and many others. However, the human and social sciences still neglect the analysis and critique of gamification. Research conducted in this area tends to focus on game objects and not gamification's logic as its ideological dimension. Considering that the game, as a model and a reference, laden with social value, deserves to be questioned beyond its objects, The Gamification of Society gathers together texts, observations and criticisms that question the influence that games and their "mechanics" have on wider society. The empirical research presented in this book (examining designers' practices, early childhood, political action, the quantified self, etc.) also probes several different national contexts – those of Norway, Belgium, the United States and France, among others.

Gefangen am runden Tisch: Klarheit schaffen, entschlossen verhandeln, Leistung freisetzen

by George Kohlrieser

Der Klassiker neu aufgelegt! Wer Konflikte und schwierige Situationen anpackt und mit der Macht des Dialogs löst, schafft es, das eigene Potenzial und das der Mitarbeiter auszuschöpfen. So kann vermieden werden, dass das Unternehmen, das Team oder die eigene Person an den schwelenden Konflikten zerbricht oder durch die - meist nur in den Köpfen existierende - Ausweglosigkeit dauerhaft gelähmt wird. George Kohlrieser, der sein enormes Wissen nicht nur aus seiner Arbeit als klinischer und als Organisationspsychologe, sondern auch aus seinen Erfolgen als Verhandlungsführer bei Geiselnahmen schöpft, vermittelt dem Leser Schritt für Schritt, wie man selbst immer Herr der Lage bleibt. Anhand von realen Geiselsituationen beschreibt der Autor die Schlüsselfaktoren, die den Leser befähigen, mentale Blockaden zu beseitigen, die uns alle immer wieder zu Gefangenen werden lassen. Führungskräfte erfahren, was sie tun müssen, um eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit und eine positive, engagierte Einstellung im Team zu erreichen: - Sprechen Sie die Situation klar an. - Bauen Sie echte Beziehungen auf - auch zum "Feind". - Denken Sie niemals wie eine Geisel. - Nutzen Sie die Macht von Dialog und Verhandlung. - Seien Sie selbst eine verlässliche Basis und bilden Sie so Vertrauen. - Verstehen Sie, dass eine Person niemals das Problem ist. - Richten Sie Ihr geistiges Auge auf Erfolg.

Gen BuY

by Jayne O'Donnell Kit Yarrow

Discover the forces driving the decisions of today's most sought after consumersAccording to recent statistics, members of Generation Y shop 25 percent to 40 percent more than the average consumer. In Gen BuY, Yarrow and O'Donnell argue that these voracious and fearless consumers have revolutionized the way Americans shop by turning traditional sales and marketing strategies upside down. Based on solid research, the book offers an in-depth look at what motivates these young people to buy certain products and reject others. The authors reveal what makes these consumers tic-how they define power, why they loath manipulation, and why they rely on technology-and show marketers how they can tap into the buying power of this burgeoning group of consumers.Shows what it takes to successfully woe and win young consumers with purchasing powerFilled with surprising insights into the psyche of Gen Y buyersWritten by an expert in consumer research and a well-connected media consumer authorGen Buy is a must-have resource for marketers, advertisers, retailers, and manufacturers who want to understand the new generation of consumers.

The Gender Order of Neoliberalism

by Smitha Radhakrishnan Cinzia D. Solari

What do mompreneurs, angry working-class men, and migrant domestic workers all have in common? They are all gendered subjects responding to the economic, political, and cultural realities of neoliberalism’s global gender order. In this ambitious book, Radhakrishnan and Solari map the varied gendered pathways of a global hegemonic regime. Focusing on the US, the former Soviet Union, and South and Southeast Asia, they argue that the interconnected histories of imperialism, socialism, and postcolonialism have converged in a new way since the fall of the Soviet Union, transforming the post-war international order that preceded it. Today, the ideal of the empowered woman – a striving, entrepreneurial subject who overcomes adversity and has many “choices” – symbolizes modernity for diverse countries competing for status in the global hierarchy. This ideal bridges the painful gap between aspiration and lived reality, but also spurs widespread discontent. Blending social theory, rich empirical evidence, and a multi-sited understanding of neoliberalism, this book invites all of us to question taken-for-granted knowledge about gender and capitalism, and to look to grassroots international movements of the past to chart the path to a fairer future.

Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics #651)

by Charles E. McCulloch Shayle R. Searle John M. Neuhaus

An accessible and self-contained introduction to statistical models-now in a modernized new edition Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models, Second Edition provides an up-to-date treatment of the essential techniques for developing and applying a wide variety of statistical models. The book presents thorough and unified coverage of the theory behind generalized, linear, and mixed models and highlights their similarities and differences in various construction, application, and computational aspects. A clear introduction to the basic ideas of fixed effects models, random effects models, and mixed models is maintained throughout, and each chapter illustrates how these models are applicable in a wide array of contexts. In addition, a discussion of general methods for the analysis of such models is presented with an emphasis on the method of maximum likelihood for the estimation of parameters. The authors also provide comprehensive coverage of the latest statistical models for correlated, non-normally distributed data. Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest developments in the field, the Second Edition features: A new chapter that covers omitted covariates, incorrect random effects distribution, correlation of covariates and random effects, and robust variance estimation A new chapter that treats shared random effects models, latent class models, and properties of models A revised chapter on longitudinal data, which now includes a discussion of generalized linear models, modern advances in longitudinal data analysis, and the use between and within covariate decompositions Expanded coverage of marginal versus conditional models Numerous new and updated examples With its accessible style and wealth of illustrative exercises, Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models, Second Edition is an ideal book for courses on generalized linear and mixed models at the upper-undergraduate and beginning-graduate levels. It also serves as a valuable reference for applied statisticians, industrial practitioners, and researchers.

Geographical Information and Urban Transport Systems

by Arnaud Banos Thomas Thévenin

Urban transport systems need to be analyzed from various perspectives: the offer on one hand, the demand on the other hand, but also their negative externalities (risks of transport systems). These three dimensions are rarely apprehended in an integrated perspective. This book provides a large collection of chapters dealing with these specific dimensions, each written by recognized specialists in their domain, and articulates them in an integrated way.

Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

by Jorge Mateu Ramón Giraldo

Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis Explore the intersection between geostatistics and functional data analysis with this insightful new reference Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis presents a unified approach to modelling functional data when spatial and spatio-temporal correlations are present. The Editors link together the wide research areas of geostatistics and functional data analysis to provide the reader with a new area called geostatistical functional data analysis that will bring new insights and new open questions to researchers coming from both scientific fields. This book provides a complete and up-to-date account to deal with functional data that is spatially correlated, but also includes the most innovative developments in different open avenues in this field. Containing contributions from leading experts in the field, this practical guide provides readers with the necessary tools to employ and adapt classic statistical techniques to handle spatial regression. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the spatial kriging methodology when working with functions A detailed exposition of more classical statistical techniques adapted to the functional case and extended to handle spatial correlations Practical discussions of ANOVA, regression, and clustering methods to explore spatial correlation in a collection of curves sampled in a region In-depth explorations of the similarities and differences between spatio-temporal data analysis and functional data analysis Aimed at mathematicians, statisticians, postgraduate students, and researchers involved in the analysis of functional and spatial data, Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis will also prove to be a powerful addition to the libraries of geoscientists, environmental scientists, and economists seeking insightful new knowledge and questions at the interface of geostatistics and functional data analysis.

Get in the Game: How to Level Up Your Business with Gaming, Esports, and Emerging Technologies

by Jonathan Stringfield

An essential guide for marketers and execs wishing to integrate their brands with modern games and esports In Get in the Game: How to Level Up Your Business with Gaming, Esports, and Emerging Technologies, decorated gaming and social media research and marketing executive Jonathan Stringfield delivers a roadmap to understanding and navigating marketing and business integrations into the gaming ecosystem: who plays games (and why), how modern games are created and oriented around the world of esports, and where brands can get involved with modern games. This book explains the breadth and depth of the gaming audience, describing the rapidly changing demographics of modern games and the various motivations gamers have for playing games. It also unpacks the history of gaming and how it has impacted the creative processes and output from the industry. Finally, it offers a practical guide for brands wishing to integrate themselves into new gaming environments, with an emphasis on maximizing success for marketers, developers, content creators, and fans. Get in the Game provides: A thorough introduction to why marketers and executives must pay closer attention to gaming, as well as existing roadblocks to understanding the gaming industry Comprehensive explorations of the psychology and motivations of gaming, and implications towards messaging and brand safety. Practical discussions of gaming as a competitive platform or streaming viewing experience. In-depth examinations of gaming ad placements, deep marketing integrations between companies and games, and future directions for the industry and how it relates to the emergence of the metaverse.Perfect for marketing strategists, brand managers, and Chief Marketing Officers, Get in the Game will also earn a place in the libraries of executives seeking to connect with the misunderstood yet largest segment in consumer entertainment.

Getting Even

by Robert J. Bies Thomas M. Tripp

Tripp and Bies educate employees and managers about the right and wrong ways to deal with workplace conflict, specifically revenge. The authors have amassed dozens of lively stories, insights and counter-intuitive truths to bring to the book. Not only will managers and employees find this information useful and entertaining, but most readers will find applications in their home lives as well as in their work lives.The core argument is that revenge is about justice. Avenging employees are not unprofessional, out-of-control employees; rather, they are victims of offenses who feel compelled to seek justice on their own. The authors address specific questions, such as:What kinds of offenses result in revenge?Why do some victims respond more aggressively to harm than others?What role does the organization play in how victims respond to offenses?What's the best advice for managers who wish to prevent their employees from seeking revenge?Most employees experience the desire for revenge, and are ready to settle their own scores at work when management won't enforce justice.This book offers a model that sequences avengers' thoughts and behaviors, from the beginning of the conflict to its end. The model is grounded in scientific research and organizes disparate findings into a whole.

Gewaltfreie Kommunikation für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Al Weckert

Möchten auch Sie einfühlsamer kommunizieren? Al Weckert erläutert Ihnen die vier Schritte der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation nach Marshall B. Rosenberg: urteilsfreie Beobachtung, Gefühle, Bedürfnisse, Bitten, die eine wertschätzende Kommunikation mit dem Gegenüber ermöglichen. Sie erfahren anhand vieler Beispiele und Übungen, wie die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation im Beruf, in der Partnerschaft und der Erziehung Konflikte entschärft und hilft, Lösungen zu finden, in denen die Belange aller Beteiligten berücksichtigt werden. Außerdem gibt er denen, die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation weitergeben wollen, zahlreiche Hinweise zur Aus- und Weiterbildung.

Globalization and Dynamics of Urban Production

by Natacha Aveline-Dubach

Over the last 20 years, urbanization processes have undergone profound transformations under the growing influence of private actors, particularly in the financial sector. This has exposed the physical environment of various cities to global capital flows, which has generated an overall rise in real estate values on a global scale. This is often disconnected from the financial capacities of local actors – primarily households – which then increases the inequalities and vulnerabilities of societies regarding financial and environmental risks. This book offers the keys to understanding these new dynamics of capital accumulation in the general built-up environment of cities by taking into account the diversity of their configurations, their intensity and their urban effects according to national contexts. Beyond the cases involving the major Western countries, the initial centers of the financial industry and the theorizations on the urban, this book addresses the particular contexts of real estate production in four major regions: Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and West Africa.

Globalizing Cities: A New Spatial Order? (IJURR Studies in Urban and Social Change Book Series)

by Peter Marcuse Ronald Van Kempen

This exciting collection of original essays provides students and professionals with an international and comparative examination of changes in global cities, revealing a growing pattern of social and spatial division or polarization.

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