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Fishing Lessons: Insights, Fun, and Philosophy from a Passionate Angler

by Paul Quinnett

With honesty, wit and erudition, the acclaimed author of Pavlov’s Trout delves into the philosophical lessons learned from a lifetime of fishing.Despite its title, Fishing Lessons will not show readers how to fish. In fact, you don't even have to like to fish to enjoy and appreciate the latest book from renowned psychologist, fisherman, and essayist Paul Quinnett. Fishing Lessons is a rich mix of anecdotes, observations, essays, short stories, one-liners, and personal revelations from Quinnett's rich life and fishing journals. In his straightforward style, Quinnett rounds out the trilogy that began with Pavlov's Trout and Darwin's Bass, the first books ever written on the psychology of fishing. This time he tackles the philosophy of fishing—a philosophy of enjoying life. Over the course of its pages, Fishing Lessons provides satisfying essays that won't so much teach you about fishing as they will teach you about yourself.

Xander and the Slide

by Aminta Quintero-Jackson

Xander is afraid of the slide. After being bullied, he decides to adopt the identity of his twin brother, Alex. Will his friends believe his lie? Will Xander overcome his fear of the slide?

Hard Ball: The Abuse of Power in Pro Team Sports

by James Quirk Rodney D. Fort

What can possibly account for the strange state of affairs in professional sports today? There are billionaire owners and millionaire players, but both groups are constantly squabbling over money. Many pro teams appear to be virtual "cash machines," generating astronomical annual revenues, but their owners seem willing to uproot them and move to any city willing to promise increased profits. At the same time, mayors continue to cook up "sweetheart deals" that lavish benefits on wealthy teams while imposing crushing financial hardships on cities that are already strapped with debt. To fans today, professional sports teams often look more like professional extortionists.In Hard Ball, James Quirk and Rodney Fort take on a daunting challenge: explaining exactly how things have gotten to this point and proposing a way out. Both authors are professional economists who specialize in the economics of sports. Their previous book, Pay Dirt: The Business of Professional Team Sports, is widely acknowledged as the Bible of sports economics. Here, however, they are writing for sports fans who are trying to make sense out of the perplexing world of pro team sports. It is not money, in itself, that is the cause of today's problems, they assert. In fact, the real problem stems from one simple fact: pro sports are monopolies that are fully sanctioned by the U.S. government. Eliminate the monopolies, say Quirk and Fort, and all problems can be solved. If the monopolies are allowed to persist, so will today's woes.The authors discuss all four major pro team sports: baseball, football, basketball, and hockey. Hard Ball is filled with anecdotes, case studies, and factual information that are brought together here for the first time. Quirk and Fort devote chapters to the main protagonists in the pro sports saga--media, unions, players, owners, politicians, and leagues--before they offer their own prescription for correcting the ills that afflict sports today. The result is an engaging and persuasive book that is sure to be widely read, cited, and debated. It is essential reading for every fan.

Football And National Identities In Spain

by Alejandro Quiroga

This book investigates the use of football to create, shape and promote Spanish, Catalan and Basque national identities and explores the utilization of soccer to foster patriotic feelings, exposing the often dark vested interests behind the propagation of national narratives through soccer.

Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines: The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Guide

by R. C. Richard Davison Paul M. Smith James Hopker Michael J. Price Florentina Hettinga Garry Tew Lindsay Bottoms

Since its first published edition more than 30 years ago, the BASES (British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences) Physiological Testing Guidelines have represented the leading knowledge base of current testing methodology for sport and exercise scientists. Sport and exercise physiologists conduct physiological assessments that have proven validity and reliability, both in laboratory and sport-specific contexts. A wide variety of test protocols have been developed, adapted and refined to support athletes of all abilities reach their full potential. This book is a comprehensive guide to these protocols and to the key issues relating to physiological testing. With contributions from leading specialist sport physiologists and covering a wide range of mainstream sports in terms of ethical, practical and methodological issues, this volume represents an essential resource for sport-specific exercise testing in both research and applied settings. This new edition draws on the authors’ experience of supporting athletes from many sports through several Olympic cycles to achieve world leading performances. While drawing on previous editions, it is presented in a revised format matching the sport groupings used in elite sport support within the UK sport institutes. Building on the underpinning general procedures, these specific chapters are supported by appropriate up-to-date case studies in the supporting web resources.

Decisions on the Rules of Golf

by R A Championships Limited

Whilst many claim to know the Rules of Golf, the fact is that every year golf's governing bodies receive thousands of inquiries about how to apply these Rules to the actual game. Decisions on the Rules of Golf 2016 clarifies any ambiguity that might arise from the Rules and allows you to correctly interpret the complete Rules of Golf, including all new and revised decisions made by the R&A's Rules Committee and the USGA that come into effect in 2016. The level of detail is staggering, covering everything from using bottled water to gauge a slope to what to do when your ball lands on a crawfish mound, and the new ruling on Anchored Putting, which has been so controversial. Whether in competition or everyday play, this book provides you with the necessary guidance to impartially apply the Rules in any situation encountered on the golf course.

Bulldogs University: Radio Heart (Bulldogs University #1)

by Noemie H. R

“Buonasera Università di Yale, come ogni sera, è Pixy che vi parla, quindi alzate il volume, faremo esplodere gli altoparlanti nelle vostre stanze. Ascoltate il buon vecchio sound dei Simple Plan e sentitevi liberi di commentare attraverso la nostra casella di posta elettronica o per telefono, vi aspetto.” Haley è la voce che ogni persona del campus di Yale sente ogni sera alla radio. Soprannominata Pixy, tiene segreta la sua identità e anima le feste degli studenti. Fredda, inavvicinabile, si rinchiude nel suo piccolo mondo per proteggersi e lascia entrare poche persone. Fino al giorno in cui, per una sfortunata combinazione di circostanze, Adam, quarterback dei Bulldogs, la squadra di football dell'università, si intromette nella sua vita ordinata. Haley odia i giocatori di football, soprattutto Adam, che la fa impazzire... Ma come dice il proverbio: l'amore inizia sempre con una lotta...

Bulldogs University: Radio Heart

by Noémie H. R

“Good evening Yale! Once again this is Pixy speaking, so turn up the volume, we’re gonna blow out your speakers. Listen to this good old classic sound from Simple Plan and don’t hesitate to react via our email or by phone – I’ll be waiting for your thoughts.” Haley is the voice that every person on the Yale college campus hears every night on the radio. Pseudonym Pixy, she keeps her identity a secret and livens up student parties. Cold, inaccessible, she protects herself by hiding in her own small world, which only a few may enter. Until the day when, through an unlucky set of circumstances, Adam, quarterback of the college’s Bulldogs football team, intrudes on her orderly life. Haley hates jocks, especially this Adam who messes with her head… But everyone knows the greatest love stories always start with an argument…

Una Navidad pegada al Hockey

by Noemie H. R

Hace cinco años que Amanda James, de 27 años, abrió la pastelería de sus sueños. Desgraciadamente, hace tiempo que no puede llegar a fin de mes, y necesita encontrar pronto socios financieros si no quiere ver su sueño truncado. Ethan Paulson, jugador profesional de hockey, nunca ha querido comprometerse, prefiriendo acumular conquistas. Se encuentra haciendo el papel de falso novio de Amanda en una noche importante para ella. Tienen hasta Navidad para unir sus fuerzas y encontrar una manera de salvar la pastelería. ¿Pero no es la Navidad la época de las sorpresas?

Un Natale tra hockey e pasticcini

by Noemie H. R

Sono passati 5 anni da quando Amanda James, 27 anni, ha aperto la propria pasticceria, il suo sogno. Purtroppo, da qualche tempo, non riesce a sbarcare il lunario ed è costretta a trovare rapidamente dei partner finanziari se non vuole vedere il suo sogno infranto. Ethan Paulson, giocatore di hockey professionista, non ha mai voluto impegnarsi, preferendo accumulare conquiste. Si ritrova, senza volerlo, ad interpretare il ruolo di finto fidanzato di Amanda in una serata importante per lei. Avranno tempo fino a Natale per unire le loro forze e trovare una soluzione per salvare la pasticceria. Ma il Natale non è il momento delle sorprese?

Universidad de los Bulldogs: Radio Heart (Universidad de los Bulldogs #1)

by Noemie H. R

"Buenas noches Universidad de Yale, como cada noche, les habla Pixy, suban el volumen, vamos a reventar los altavoces de sus habitaciones. Escuchad ese sonido tan auténtico de Simple Plan y no dudéis en responder a nuestro correo electrónico o teléfono, os estoy esperando." Haley es la voz que todos los habitantes del campus de Yale escuchan cada noche en la radio. Apodada Pixy, mantiene su identidad en secreto y es la anfitriona de las fiestas de los estudiantes. Fría, inaccesible, se encierra en su pequeño mundo para protegerse y deja entrar a poca gente. Hasta el día en que, por una desafortunada combinación de circunstancias, Adam, quarterback de los Bulldogs, el equipo de fútbol americano de la universidad, interfiere en su ordenada vida. Haley odia a los jugadores de fútbol americano, especialmente a Adam, que la vuelve loca... Pero como dice el refrán: el amor siempre empieza con una discusión...

Official Guide to the Rules of Golf

by R&A R&A

The essence of the Rules of Golf is the course as you find it and play the ball as it lies. However, given golf is played all over the world where the climate, topography and course conditions vary greatly, there are a myriad of situations that can happen when playing golf and players need to know how to deal with those. The Official Guide to the Rules of Golf is the Bible of Golf Rules. This edition is fully updated to include amendments that come into play from January 2023. The first section of the book contains the Rules of Golf with Clarifications, where the Clarifications provide additional explanations and in many cases examples to help the reader understand the more complex scenarios. The second section, titled "Committee Procedures", contains practical guidance for those involved in running day to day play at golf courses or running competitions at all levels of the game.

Official Guide to the Rules of Golf

by R&A R&A

The essence of the Rules of Golf is the course as you find it and play the ball as it lies. However, given golf is played all over the world where the climate, topography and course conditions vary greatly, there are a myriad of situations that can happen when playing golf and players need to know how to deal with those. The Official Guide to the Rules of Golf is the Bible of Golf Rules. This edition is fully updated to include amendments that come into play from January 2023. The first section of the book contains the Rules of Golf with Clarifications, where the Clarifications provide additional explanations and in many cases examples to help the reader understand the more complex scenarios. The second section, titled "Committee Procedures", contains practical guidance for those involved in running day to day play at golf courses or running competitions at all levels of the game.

The Whore of Akron: One Man's Search for the Soul of LeBron James

by Scott Raab

After 52 long years, the city of Cleveland finally has a new championship team, thanks to LeBron James and his Cavaliers. Scott Raab—Cleveland super-fan—has suffered for every one of those five decades of drought. In the tradition of Frederick Exley’s cult-classic sports book A Fan’s Notes, The Whore of Akron is Raab’s hilarious and unhinged plea for deliverance from all those years of pain. Traveling from Cleveland to Miami and back again, Raab heads out on an obsessive quest to uncover the soul of one of today’s greatest basketball players: LeBron James, the man who finally brought Cleveland out of sporting exile.

You're Welcome, Cleveland: How I Helped Lebron James Win a Championship and Save a City

by Scott Raab

"If I had a chance to return to Cleveland, and those fans welcomed me back, that’d be a great story." —LeBron James in 2010, days after "The Decision"You're Welcome, Cleveland is Scott Raab's big-hearted companion to his darkly comic "sports-jeremiad-slash-memoir" The Whore of Akron and follows the first two years of LeBron James’s return to Cleveland. Everybody just loves a good story of forgiveness—especially when you fulfill your promise and bring home an NBA Championship, the first major title for a Cleveland team since 1964.In 2010, when LeBron James announced to the world that he was leaving for Miami, he broke the collective heart of his native city and destroyed the hopes of an entire tortured generation.As LeBron headed south, unofficial spokesman Scott Raab sent him off with a middle-finger salute of his own—a deliciously obscene aria of sports fandom, Jewishness, and weight gain that became infamous as The Whore of Akron. Four years—and two NBA championships later—LeBron came home to the Rust Belt faithful who had vilified him mercilessly, none more so than Raab. You’re Welcome, Cleveland is the story of both LeBron’s and Scott’s redemption as they pursue the one thing they crave more than anything in life—an NBA title for the city that made them men.LeBron is back. So is Scott Raab. It’s a great story.You’re Welcome, Cleveland.

Emerging Drugs in Sport

by Olivier Rabin Ornella Corazza

Athletes are always aiming to be faster, better, stronger. New techniques to enhance their sporting performance have increasingly been linked to use of novel psychoactive substances (NPS) and other hard-to-detect substances like performance-enhancing drugs. This book offers a timely analysis of the new challenges posed by this phenomenon in the anti-doping community. The authors present the first comprehensive perspective on the rapidly shifting doping scenario and reflect on use, regulation, policy, and market structure of NPS used in sports. They highlight the challenges with the list of prohibited substances and methods in and out of competition. They also evaluate how methods to detect new drugs present an ongoing battle for doping control as they have to be adapted constantly. Topics covered within the chapters include:Contamination of Sports Supplements with Novel Psychoactive SubstancesUntested Supplement Use Among Athletes: An Overlooked Phenomenon?International Drug Control: Protecting the Health of the AthleteAnalysis of New Chemical Entities in a Sport Context Emerging Drugs in Sport establishes a clear benchmark on the policy discussion, drawing from available evidence and sources, including athletes' personal experiences, to generate a fact-based resource that informs a research as well as wider audience. The book is essential reading for those working in anti-doping, substance misuse, sports, ethics, and human enhancement. It also is useful for policy-makers, legislative personnel, and other professionals with an interest in protecting clean sport.“Doping is one of the greatest threats to the integrity of sport. We must never be tempted to turn our back on the problem and hope it will disappear. The benefits and values of clean sport have never been more important to the world. That is why this book with its wide-ranging approach is so valuable.” Thomas Bach, President, International Olympic Committee“Physical activity is vital to a healthy living, which is why doping is not just an assault on fair competition, but also on health. I strongly commend this book for compiling advanced knowledge on performance-enhancing drugs and promoting health through sport.” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization

Walking the Land: A History of Israeli Hiking Trails (Perspectives on Israel Studies)

by Shay Rabineau

Israel has one of the most extensive and highly developed hiking trail systems of any country in the world. Millions of hikers use the trails every year during holiday breaks, on mandatory school trips, and for recreational hikes. Walking the Land offers the first scholarly exploration of this unique trail system. Featuring more than ten thousand kilometers of trails, marked with hundreds of thousands of colored blazes, the trail system crisscrosses Israeli-controlled territory, from the country's farthest borders to its densest metropolitan areas. The thousand-kilometer Israel National Trail crosses the country from north to south. Hiking, trails, and the ubiquitous three-striped trail blazes appear everywhere in Israeli popular culture; they are the subjects of news articles, radio programs, television shows, best-selling novels, government debates, and even national security speeches. Yet the trail system is almost completely unknown to the millions of foreign tourists who visit every year and has been largely unstudied by scholars of Israel. Walking the Land explores the many ways that Israel's hiking trails are significant to its history, national identity, and conservation efforts.

Roy of the Rovers: The Official Autobiography of Roy of the Rovers

by Roy Race

Ten league titles. Eleven FA Cups. Three European Cups. 481 goals across a 38-year playing career. A surprisingly high number of kidnappings. An assassination attempt. Not one, but two narrow escapes from earthquakes. A career-ending helicopter crash.My name is Roy Race. You know me as Roy of the Rovers. This is my story. From the five terrifying kidnappings that threatened to blight his playing career to the stomach-churning murder attempt in 1980, which left Roy in a life-threatening coma; from the sickening car bomb attack that tragically killed eight of Roy's team-mates while on a pre-season tour of Basran to the horrific helicopter crash in 1993 that resulted in the amputation of Roy's legendary left foot: this is the shocking tell-all autobiography of one of England's greatest ever sportsmen.Candid, emotional, optimistic, strangely repetitive, full of crushing lows and dizzying highs, and bearing an inexplicable resemblance to the plot structure of old comic strips, Roy's autobiography shines as brightly as the Melchester Rovers legend himself. Sit down, kick back, and treat yourself to the greatest football fairytale story of all time.**except for Leicester

Don't Look Back In Anger: The rise and fall of Cool Britannia, told by those who were there

by Daniel Rachel

The nineties was the decade when British culture reclaimed its position at the artistic centre of the world. Not since the 'Swinging Sixties' had art, comedy, fashion, film, football, literature and music interwoven into a blooming of national self-confidence. It was the decade of Lad Culture and Girl Power; of Blur vs Oasis. When fashion runways shone with British talent, Young British Artists became household names, football was 'coming home' and British film went worldwide. From Old Labour's defeat in 1992 through to New Labour's historic landslide in 1997, Don't Look Back In Anger chronicles the Cool Britannia age when the country united through a resurgence of patriotism and a celebration of all things British. But it was also an era of false promises and misplaced trust, when the weight of substance was based on the airlessness of branding, spin and the first stirrings of celebrity culture. A decade that started with hope then ended with the death of the 'people's princess' and 9/11 - an event that redefined a new world order. Through sixty-eight voices that epitomise the decade - including Tony Blair, John Major, Noel Gallagher, Damon Albarn, Tracey Emin, Keith Allen, Meera Syal, David Baddiel, Irvine Welsh and Steve Coogan - we re-live the epic highs and crashing lows of one of the most eventful periods in British history. Today, in an age where identity dominates the national agenda, Don't Look Back In Anger is a necessary and compelling historical document.

Don't Look Back In Anger: The rise and fall of Cool Britannia, told by those who were there

by Daniel Rachel

The nineties was the decade when British culture reclaimed its position at the artistic centre of the world. Not since the 'Swinging Sixties' had art, comedy, fashion, film, football, literature and music interwoven into a blooming of national self-confidence. It was the decade of Lad Culture and Girl Power; of Blur vs Oasis. When fashion runways shone with British talent, Young British Artists became household names, football was 'coming home' and British film went worldwide. From Old Labour's defeat in 1992 through to New Labour's historic landslide in 1997, Don't Look Back In Anger chronicles the Cool Britannia age when the country united through a resurgence of patriotism and a celebration of all things British. But it was also an era of false promises and misplaced trust, when the weight of substance was based on the airlessness of branding, spin and the first stirrings of celebrity culture. A decade that started with hope then ended with the death of the 'people's princess' and 9/11 - an event that redefined a new world order. Through sixty-eight voices that epitomise the decade - including Tony Blair, John Major, Noel Gallagher, Damon Albarn, Tracey Emin, Keith Allen, Meera Syal, David Baddiel, Irvine Welsh and Steve Coogan - we re-live the epic highs and crashing lows of one of the most eventful periods in British history. Today, in an age where identity dominates the national agenda, Don't Look Back In Anger is a necessary and compelling historical document.

Don't Look Back In Anger: The rise and fall of Cool Britannia, told by those who were there

by Daniel Rachel

Read by Paul McGann, Louise Brealey, Tania Rodrigues, Shvorne Marks, Jot Davies, David John, Dean Williamson and Charles Armstrong. Introduced by Daniel Rachel, and featuring audio-exclusive extracts from Daniel's source interviews.The nineties was the decade when British culture reclaimed its position at the artistic centre of the world. Not since the 'Swinging Sixties' had art, comedy, fashion, film, football, literature and music interwoven into a blooming of national self-confidence. It was the decade of Lad Culture and Girl Power; of Blur vs Oasis. When fashion runways shone with British talent, Young British Artists became household names, football was 'coming home' and British film went worldwide. From Old Labour's defeat in 1992 through to New Labour's historic landslide in 1997, Don't Look Back In Anger chronicles the Cool Britannia age when the country united through a resurgence of patriotism and a celebration of all things British. But it was also an era of false promises and misplaced trust, when the weight of substance was based on the airlessness of branding, spin and the first stirrings of celebrity culture. A decade that started with hope then ended with the death of the 'people's princess' and 9/11 - an event that redefined a new world order. Through sixty-seven voices that epitomise the decade - including Tony Blair, John Major, Noel Gallagher, Damon Albarn, Tracey Emin, Keith Allen, Meera Syal, David Baddiel, Irvine Welsh and Steve Coogan - we re-live the epic highs and crashing lows of one of the most eventful periods in British history. Today, in an age where identity dominates the national agenda, Don't Look Back In Anger is a necessary and compelling historical document.

Five-Star Trails: Tucson

by Rob Rachowiecki

Tucson lies in a saguaro-studded desert basin surrounded by four mountain ranges and book-ended by two national parks. In an hour you can drive from an arid canyon in the Arizona-Sonora desert to a pine-forested mountain at 9000 feet. Hiking trails are plentiful and as varied as the terrain. Five-Star Trails: Tucson by Rob Rachowiecki guides you to diverse hikes suitable for anyone from wheelchair-using nature lovers to hikers looking for an all-day workout.Each trail has been thoroughly researched, recently hiked and includes a detailed description, trail profiles and map. At a glance categorical ratings, such as Scenery, Trail Condition, Difficulty, Solitude and kid-friendliness, let you quickly select a trail that fits your tastes and ability. Other key information such as fees, restrictions for dogs on the trail as well as advice on when to visit offers you the best information so you can plan your trip with ease.Sized to fit in a pocket, this guide is convenient to keep in the car or toss into a backpack. Driving directions direct hikers to the nearest trailhead parking areas, and GPS trailhead coordinates get them to the start of the trail.

Salt, Sweat, Tears

by Adam Rackley

The true-life adventure of two men who rowed across the Atlantic Ocean and the history of those who came beforeMore people have climbed Mount Everest than have rowed across the Atlantic. For more than seventy days, Adam Rackley and his rowing partner ate, slept and rowed in a boat seven meters long by two meters wide, in one of the world's most extreme environments. This is his story of adventure, endurance, and self-discovery.They were following in the wake of pioneers. In 1896 George Harbo and Frank Samuelsen, a pair of Norwegian fisherman, crossed the 2,500 miles in a wooden fishing dory--and their record stood for 114 years. John Fairfax, a smuggler, a gambler, and a shark hunter, was the first to complete the feat singlehandedly in 1969. Others have followed; some have not survived the attempt. This is their story, too.

The Immortals of Australian Soccer

by Lucas Radbourne

The Immortals of Australian Soccer celebrates the greatest players from the round ball game to form a best-of-the-best XI from our country's storied past. It takes the Immortals concept made famous elsewhere in the sporting world and applies it to soccer. Football journalist Lucas Radbourne selects his team of 11 Immortals and delves into the careers of icons Johnny Warren, Craig Johnston, Tim Cahill, Sam Kerr and others. These are heroes who are not just high achievers but influential identities who set a new benchmark and changed the game forever. The book tells the remarkable stories behind each Immortal's rise, from the pioneers to modern-day mainstream heroes - Socceroos, Matildas and other controversial Australian footballers. The Immortals of Australian Soccer is the fifth instalment in Gelding Street Press's Immortals of Australian Sport series.

Functional Training for Athletes at All Levels: Workouts for Agility, Speed and Power

by James C. Radcliffe

FUNCTIONAL TRAINING IS THE FASTEST, MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO GET AHEAD OF THE COMPETITIONPush your muscle development and athletic abilities to incredible new heights with Functional Training for Athletes of All Levels. Functional training conditions your body to respond to the strenuous demands of athletic competition. This method goes far beyond standard isolation movements, done sitting down, that simply increase muscular bulk. Functional training coordinates you muscles to work together to produce explosive power, tightrope-walker balance and cat-like agility.With over 100 exercises-illustrated with step-by-step photos-and 20 sport-specific workouts, Functional Training for Athletes at All Levels will help you acquire the athletic movement skills necessary to maximize your performance in any sport.Develop a rock-solid core for supreme stabilityStrengthen your trunk for explosive powerSharpen fast-twitch muscles for lightning-quick responsesCoordinate your muscles for full body controlEnhance your stabilizers for quick, agile movementFunctional Training for Athletes at All Levels customized sport-specific workouts for: Baseball Basketball Bicycling Football Golf Gymnastics Hockey Lacrosse Rugby Skiing Soccer Softball Swimming Tennis Track & Field Volleyball Wrestling

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