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La ropa en la cancha

by Horacio Varoli Federico Castillo

De los mismos autores del éxito editorial Hasta la última gota llega un texto que reconstruye la vida futbolística de Enrique Peña y Obdulio Trasante, dos personajes esenciales del fútbol de los años 80 y principios de los 90. Este texto es un homenaje al fútbol y jugadores de una época donde los jugadores dejaban la ropa en la cancha. «Peña y Trasante. Una marca registrada. Antes rivales, ahora socios. Antes rústicos jugadores de pierna fuerte, ahora actores. Antes campeones de América, ahora buscavidas. Otra vez la ficción cuerpeando a la realidad». Estos dos jugadores son la huella viva de una época del fútbol. Un tiempo más alejado de los millones de dólares, los esponsoreos y las redes sociales, pero una época exitosa del fútbol uruguayo a nivel mundial. Nacional y Peñarol campeones de América y el mundo y la selección uruguaya dejando su marcha de campeón por el continente. Castillo y Varoli hacen una exquisita literatura periodística con la vida de Peña y Trasante, que no es más ni menos sacrificada que la de cualquier jugador de fútbol, pero también la de cualquier hombre o mujer que vive de su trabajo y de sus sueños. El lector de La ropa en la cancha será testigo de los secretos de las concentraciones y vestuarios, las comidas y vinos antes de un partido definitorio, los entrenamientos y la intimidad de decenas jugadores de fútbol que marcaron un tiempo y la vida de un país. Este libro es una historia del fútbol y de la vida a la uruguaya.

Pasan la vida y los años: 120 gritos de gol del Club Nacional de Football

by Andres Reyes

A lo largo de la historia del Club Nacional de Football han pasado miles de jugadores, personajes e hinchas, en este libro el lector se podrá acercar a la visión de un hincha, sus vivencias y sentimientos en 120 goles De todos los sentimientos, aquel que une al hincha con su equipo acaso sea el único que se alimenta en igual medida de éxitos y fracasos, de amor correspondido y desencuentro, de pelotas que pegan en el palo y entran o salen. Ser hincha #no mero simpatizante# es permitir que nuestro estado de ánimo dependa del accionar de once hombres jóvenes a los que quizás nunca tengamos oportunidad de mirar a los ojos. Hombres que hoy están y quizás mañana se hayan marchado para siempre o a préstamo con opción, o que incluso regresarán con la misión de arruinarnos la existencia. Somos hinchas de esos tres colores atados con doble nudo a nuestra memoria emotiva como pocas cosas en la vida. Recuerdos que alimentan sueños que no saben de presupuestos o chances matemáticas, y que se renuevan cada vez que la tabla se resetea a cero y el entrenador de turno nos promete compromiso, austeridad, buen juego y apenas un refuerzo por línea. Que el pacto con los colores se renueve eternamente es parte de la magia que encierra el fútbol y que le estará negada a otras manifestaciones culturales seguramente mucho más ricas, pero con menor capacidad para marcarnos la vida. En las páginas de Pasan la vida y los años, Andrés Reyes nos invita a revivir 120 historias de tribuna, 120 gritos de gol que por alguna razón lograron dejar su huella en la memoria de un hincha de los que siguen concurriendo a la cancha con un único deseo: estar lo más cerca posible de la gloria.

Razones de la pelota

by Luis Fernando Iglesias

Narrados con humor e ironía, estos cuentos nos ponen frente al espejo de lo que somos, para devolvernos una mirada piadosa y compasiva. El fútbol condensa las emociones y sentimientos de los uruguayos hasta convertirse en cifra que explica todo lo humano, una metáfora obligada para interpretar cualquier fenómeno, un rasgo identitario. En las narraciones que componen este libro, Luis Fernando Iglesias sitúa a sus criaturas en un escenario futbolero como parte de una estrategia para hablar de otras cosas: del amor, de las relaciones humanas, de la necesidad de mentirse un pasado, de la amistad en tiempos turbulentos. En definitiva, es un libro que nos habla de nosotros mismos, con nuestras grandezas y miserias.

La fabulosa historia de 8dedos

by Alejandro Landoni

Esta es la historia de 8dedos, un niño con un tiro al arco único. 8dedos es un niño como cualquier otro, solo que en cada pie tiene 4 dedos. Cuando sus compañeros lo descubren, comienzan las burlas, algo con lo que tiene que empezar a lidiar. Esto lo convierte en un niño muy solitario. Sus padres se preocupan, y aunque no es muy bueno jugando al fútbol, deciden llevarlo a Dolores de Panza, uno de los cuadros de la ciudad. Ahí empieza su carrera futbolística, que estará llena de alegrías, sorpresas, pero también frustraciones y malos ratos.

Del ferrocarril al tango: El Estilo del Fútbol Uruguayo, 1891-1930

by Aldo Mazzucchelli

Este parece un ensayo sobre fútbol, pero en realidad versa sobre las necesarias correcciones a la mitología nacional. Se abre así la posibilidad de rescatar otra historia acerca de lo que caracterizó tanto a Uruguay como nación en los veinte, como al fútbol uruguayo en los tiempos en que ganó tres de las cuatro estrellas que aún luce en su camisa celeste. ¿Qué inventó el fútbol uruguayo que lo hizo ganador y hegemónico en el mundo durante algunas décadas? ¿Cómo una docena de encumbrados políticos lo fueron incorporando a la identidad nacional de una sociedad de inmigrantes hace cien años, creando una épica que vertebró el imaginario de un país exitoso? ¿Cómo se fue entretejiendo el portentoso desarrollo de la ciudad, el recorrido de los tranvías y las plazas de deportes, con el surgimiento de los clubes de fútbol? ¿Cómo simultáneamente se dio el proceso de democratización de los clubes grandes, acompañando el proceso de la sociedad? ¿Cómo fueron los partidos decisivos de los tres campeonatos mundiales ganados en seis años? Cuando Uruguay realmente ganaba mundiales de fútbol, era un equipo proponedor, veloz, preciso, gambeteador y de cuidado toque de balón a ras del suelo. ¿Cómo se puede afirmar esto? Es muy fácil. Basta con ir y leer la abrumadora cantidad de testimonios y comentarios imparciales, generados por los especialistas europeos y por la abundante prensa regional. En este libro están las pruebas. Pero una vez que un mito se ha instalado, se vuelve conservador y se traiciona a sí mismo. Así los uruguayos han olvidado que ganaron con excelencia y creen que lo hicieron con «garra charrúa» y, por qué no, con juego sucio. Este libro argumenta que tal reducción de aquel lujoso fútbol, «científico y artístico» a la vez, al mero concepto de «garra», fue una maniobra de revisionismo histórico impulsada en los años 60. Coincidió con la crisis cultural del país, y resultó una simplificación tardía y empobrecedora.

Cebolla Rodríguez: Un hincha en la cancha

by Cesar Bianchi Javier Tairovich

Este libro recorre los claroscuros de un jugador excepcional, un hincha dentro o fuera de la cancha, un hombre de campo, un padre presente, un amigo leal y solidario. Al futbolista uruguayo más ganador de todos los tiempos no le gusta mirar fútbol. Cristian Gabriel Rodríguez —de oficio jugador de fútbol— ha ganado 26 títulos oficiales en Uruguay, Argentina, y sobre todo en la península ibérica. En equipos de Portugal y España fue multicampeón. Hay un denominador común en todas estas vueltas olímpicas: siempre las dio con una bandera o un gorrito del equipo de sus amores, Peñarol. El niño de Juan Lacaze, al que apodaban Cebolla como a su padre, tenía dos sueños a cumplir cuando fuera grande: tener muchos caballos y jugar en Peñarol. Hoy tiene más de cien equinos en su establecimiento «El Chichongo» y no solo llegó a jugar en Peñarol: fue campeón con la aurinegra tres veces, como juvenil y como capitán experimentado. Y antes de volver a radicarse definitivamente en el campo para darle de comer a las gallinas, quiere seguir jugando y ganando en Peñarol. Este libro recorre los claroscuros de un jugador excepcional, un hincha dentro o fuera de la cancha, un hombre de campo, un padre presente, un amigo leal y solidario.

El camino es la recompensa

by Horacio Lopez

Integridad, trabajo, resistencia a la frustración, visión estratégica,toma de decisiones, son los componentes fundamentales que cimientan su concepción del deporte y de la vida. El camino es larecompensa da cuenta de ello. Dos figuras del deporte se encuentran en este libro, el Maestro Oscar W.Tabárez y Horacio Tato López. Este libro es el resultado de muchascharlas entre el técnico de la selección uruguaya de fútbol y el exbasquetbolista, quien ofició de entrevistador.López consigue entrar en contacto con la esencia del Maestro Tabárez.Mediante un diálogo constructivo, se van develando los secretosdetrás de los resultados deportivos que han devuelto el orgullo y laconfianza al fútbol uruguayo.Página a página, se recorren las diferentes etapas de la vida deTabárez, los valores que lo marcaron desde la infancia, susaprendizajes, su historia. Se abordan también temas vinculados a suactividad profesional, así como su visión a largo plazo, susexpectativas de futuro para el deporte nacional.En diversos momentos del diálogo, se intercalan otras voces que ayudan ala construcción de la figura de Tabárez desde ópticas diferentes: sufamilia, sus compañeros de ruta, los jugadores dirigidos por él, asícomo importantes personalidades de la política.

Simplemente Tony

by Sergio Vasconcelos

Este libro va desde la infancia hasta el momento difícil que vivió eljugador cuando debió irse de Peñarol. Habla de sus años en Europa y su pasaje por Argentina. Transmite lo que piensan muchos de loscompañeros que ha tenido a lo largo de su carrera como futbolista, sus amigos y familiares. Y también los que lo adoran desde lastribunas de los estadios. "Es un ídolo", "un gran jugador", "un símbolo de Peñarol", "un buentipo", "un padre maravilloso", "un gran hijo", "un excelente compañero","es Peñarol". Antonio Pacheco es esto para quienes lo idolatran, loquieren y lo sienten. Es el deportista, es el hombre, es el hijo, padrey hermano, y todo eso se resume a simplemente Tony.Él es un jugador de fútbol, pero todos en su entorno aseguran que tienealgo especial. Uno de ellos está tan convencido de eso que decidiómostrarnos lo que no se ve en la cancha. Sergio Vasconcelos transmite eneste libro todo lo que ha sido la vida de Pacheco, los buenos momentos,sus sueños, alegrías y éxitos. Pero también los tiempos difíciles, dedolor y tristeza.Vasconcelos entrevistó al jugador durante horas, y esas reuniones quecomenzaron siendo extrañas e incómodas para el protagonista, por suhumildad y por no sentirse merecedor de un libro, terminaron siendo encuentros entre dos amigos."Perdoname hermano, juro que me sabía todas las respuestas, pero esocambió. Yo me quedo con tu imagen en mi corazón. No podré olvidar esebeso al escudo de la camiseta que te ama y que vos tanto amás, que a míme eriza y que a mi [hijo] Pablo Javier emociona y lo hace pararse en elCentenario y sumarse al coro de ?olé, olé, olé, olé. Tony, Tony?.Tampoco podré olvidar este tiempo de conocerte, que me ha obligado adejar el alma en lo que escribo, a respirar a partir de esto que meha dado tanta felicidad, porque sentía que no te podía fallar".SERGIO VASCONCELOS

Historia de Nacional

by Andres Reyes

La rica historia de Nacional, contada de un modo ameno y divertido, contestimonios de los protagonistas y recuerdo de los relatos de los golesque conmovieron a la hinchada. Y apelando al humor y a la ironía paraatenuar los tragos amargos o gozar al rival de todas las horas. Historia de Nacional es una investigación detallada, para los hinchas deuna institución que forjó la grandeza del fútbol uruguayo. Dividido endos partes, la primera destinada a evocar los hechos más salientes delos primeros 80 años de vida del club y la segunda una crónica másexhaustiva de las últimas tres décadas.La cuarta edición ha sido revisada y ampliada hasta el año 2013. La rica historia de Nacional, contada de un modo ameno y divertido, contestimonios de los protagonistas y recuerdo de los relatos de los golesque conmovieron a la hinchada. Y apelando al humor y a la ironía paraatenuar los tragos amargos o gozar al rival de todas las horas. Historia de Nacional es una investigación detallada, para los hinchas deuna institución que forjó la grandeza del fútbol uruguayo. Dividido endos partes, la primera destinada a evocar los hechos más salientes delos primeros 80 años de vida del club y la segunda una crónica másexhaustiva de las últimas tres décadas.La cuarta edición ha sido revisada y ampliada hasta el año 2013.

Historia de Nacional

by Andres Reyes

La rica historia de Nacional, contada de un modo ameno y divertido, contestimonios de los protagonistas y recuerdo de los relatos de los golesque conmovieron a la hinchada. Y apelando al humor y a la ironía paraatenuar los tragos amargos o gozar al rival de todas las horas. Historia de Nacional es una investigación detallada, para los hinchas deuna institución que forjó la grandeza del fútbol uruguayo. Dividido endos partes, la primera destinada a evocar los hechos más salientes delos primeros 80 años de vida del club y la segunda una crónica másexhaustiva de las últimas tres décadas.La cuarta edición ha sido revisada y ampliada hasta el año 2013.

Josh Allen: The Inspiring Story of One of Football's Star Quarterbacks

by Clayton Geoffreys

In Josh Allen: The Inspiring Story of One of Football’s Star Quarterbacks, you'll read about the inspirational story of football’s star, Josh Allen. Allen played college football at the University of Wyoming. He began his career as the backup quarterback to the Buffalo Bills and has come a long way since. <p><p>Josh Allen rose to stardom after his winning performance against the Minnesota Vikings. He proceeded to lead his team to a 10-win season. Allen was the runner up to the 2020 NFL MVP Award and also was named a Pro Bowler. After this 2020 breakout season and being awarded the Pro Football Writers of America's Most Improved Player, it will be interesting to see how Josh Allen perform in the next NFL seasons to come. Pick up this unauthorized football biography today to learn the inspiring story behind star football quarterback, Josh Allen! This is the perfect football chapter book for sports fans of all ages.

The Gift

by Bob Moseley

Tommy Browning is hopelessly trapped in his baseball dream. Wallowing in Single A with Macon Peaches, he doesn't know if he'll ever make The Show---the major leagues---or if his dream of a professional career is even worth pursuing. But fate steps in and the 21-year-old pitcher is launched on a roller-coaster ride that he can't control, much less understand. He has "The Gift," but can he keep it?

Moon San Juan Islands: Best Hikes, Local Spots, Weekend Getaways (Moon U.S. Travel Guide)

by Don Pitcher Moon Travel Guides

'Island time' isn't just for the tropics: Escape to evergreen forests, rocky shorelines, and the glittering sea with Moon San Juan Islands. Inside you'll find:Flexible itineraries like a 10-day best of the islands and a weeklong family camping trip, with coverage of gateway towns such as Anacortes, Whidbey Island, and Bellingham, plus nearby Seattle Unique experiences and can't-miss sights: Picnic on cliffs overlooking the ocean or paddleboard on a tranquil lake. Visit local farms filled with fragrant lavender or fluffy alpacas and sip wine or cider at island vineyards. Savor the flavors of the Pacific Northwest at incredible farm-to-table restaurants, sample oysters fresh from the sea, or browse your way through quirky bookstores and funky antique shops The best outdoor adventures: Go sea kayaking or glide through glimmering nighttime waters during a bioluminescence tour. Marvel at the islands' marine life, including orcas, humpback whales, porpoises, and seals, during a whale-watching trip. Sail around the islands or fish for salmon, cod, and halibut. Take a forest hike, spot rare birds, or bike through rolling farm country and along the stunning shorelines Expert advice from former wilderness ranger Don Pitcher on when to go, how to get around, and where to stay, from romantic B&Bs to stunning campsites Full-color photos and detailed maps throughoutThorough information on the landscape, climate, wildlife, and history With Moon's practical tips and local insight, you can experience the San Juan Islands your way. Exploring more of the Pacific Northwest? Check out Moon Coastal Oregon or Moon Columbia River Gorge & Mount Hood.About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell—and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you. For more inspiration, follow @moonguides on social media.

Moon Zion & Bryce: Hiking & Biking, Stargazing, Scenic Drives (Moon National Parks Travel Guide)

by Maya Silver

Spark your sense of wonder and immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring landscape of Utah's five national parks. Inside Moon Zion & Bryce you'll find:Flexible Itineraries: Unique and adventure-packed ideas ranging from one day in each park to a week-long road trip covering all of them, designed for outdoor adventurers, road-trippers, families, and more The Best Hikes in Utah's National Parks: Individual trail maps, mileage and elevation gains, and backpacking options for Zion, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches, Capitol Reef, and Grand Staircase-Escalante Experience the Outdoors: Trek between the thousand-foot walls of the Narrows, hike Angels Landing to unbelievable canyon views, and marvel at hoodoos in Bryce. Soak up the serenity of winter on cross-country skis or take a week-long road trip to hit every park on your list. Contemplate ancient Indigenous rock art throughout the parks, mountain-bike through the desert in Moab, and stay late to spot constellations in the dark sky How to Get There: Up-to-date information on gateway towns like Moab, park entrances, park fees, and tours Where to Stay: Campgrounds, resorts, and more both inside and outside the parks Planning Tips: When to go, what to pack, safety information, and how to avoid the crowds, with full-color photos and easy-to-use maps throughout Expertise and Know-How: Utah-based outdoorswoman Maya Silver shares her tips for travelers who want to backpack, mountain bike, raft, rock climb, hike, and more Find your adventure in Zion and Bryce with Moon. Visiting more of North America's incredible national parks? Try Moon USA National Parks, Moon Yellowstone & Grand Teton, or Moon Best of Grand Canyon. Hitting the road? Try Moon Southwest Road Trip. About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell—and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you. For more inspiration, follow @moonguides on social media.

Moon Best of Glacier, Banff & Jasper: Make the Most of One to Three Days in the Parks (Travel Guide)

by Becky Lomax Andrew Hempstead Moon Travel Guides

Whether you're stopping for a day hike or spending a long weekend under the stars, escape to the great outdoors with Moon Best of Glacier, Banff & Jasper. Inside you'll find:Easy itineraries for one to four days in Glacier, Banff, and Jasper national parks, from a scenic drive along Going-to-the-Sun Road, to a day of hiking through glacial valleys, to a weekend exploring the best of all three parks with mix-and-match itinerariesThe top hikes in Glacier, Banff, and Jasper: Whether you're looking to stretch your legs for a couple hours or challenge yourself to an epic trek, you'll find trailheads, detailed trail descriptions, individual maps, mileage, and elevation gains Can't-miss experiences: Make it the perfect getaway for you with the best views, picnic spots, and more. Trek through fields of alpine wildflowers, walk beneath waterfalls, get your adrenaline pumping on the Glacier Skywalk, and spot wild moose or grizzlies roaming the mountainside Stunning full-color photos and maps throughout, plus a full-color foldout mapEssential planning tips: Find out when to go, where to stay, and what to pack, plus up-to-date information on entrance fees, border crossing, reservations, and safety advice Know-how from outdoors experts Andrew Hempstead and Becky LomaxMake the most of your adventure with Moon Best of Glacier, Banff & Jasper. Visiting more of North America's incredible national parks? Try Moon USA National Parks. Spending more time in Glacier? Try Moon Glacier National Park.About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell—and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you.

Moon Best of Zion & Bryce: Make the Most of One to Three Days in the Parks (Moon Best of Travel Guide)

by Maya Silver Moon Travel Guides

Whether you're stopping for a day hike or spending a long weekend under the stars, escape to the great outdoors with Moon Best of Zion & Bryce. Inside you'll find:Easy itineraries for one to three days in Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, from a morning hike to Weeping Rock, to a day of river rafting, to a weekend exploring both parks with mix-and-match itinerariesThe top hikes in Zion & Bryce: Whether you're looking to stretch your legs for a couple hours or challenge yourself to an epic trek, you'll find trailheads, detailed trail descriptions, individual maps, mileage, and elevation gains Can't-miss experiences: Make it the perfect getaway for you with the best views, picnic spots, and more. Snap a pic on a sunrise hike or get your adrenaline pumping on a white-water rafting excursion down the Colorado River. Explore the beautiful remains of ancient Native American rock art throughout the parks and learn about the Indigenous culture of the area Stunning full-color photos and maps throughout, plus a full-color foldout mapEssential planning tips: Find out when to go, where to stay, and what to pack, plus up-to-date information on entrance fees, reservations, and safety advice Know-how from Zion and Bryce expert Maya SilverMake the most of your adventure with Moon Best of Zion & Bryce. Spending more time in the parks? Check out Moon Zion & Bryce.About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell—and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you.

Moon Best of Yosemite: Make the Most of One to Three Days in the Park (Moon Best of Travel Guide)

by Ann Marie Brown Moon Travel Guides

Whether you're visiting the park for a day hike or spending a long weekend under the stars, escape to the great outdoors with Moon Best of Yosemite. Inside you'll find:Easy itineraries for one to three days in Yosemite National Park, from a morning drive along the Tioga Pass Road, to a day hike along the Panorama Trail, to a full weekend exploring the park The top hikes in Yosemite: Whether you're looking to stretch your legs for a couple hours or challenge yourself to an epic trek, you'll find trailheads, detailed trail descriptions, individual maps, mileage, and elevation gains Can't-miss experiences: Make it the perfect getaway for you with the best waterfalls, views, picnic spots, and more. Ride the open-air tram through Yosemite Valley or hike downhill from Glacier Point past roaring waterfalls. Admire the towering trees in the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias, or spot black bears and bighorn sheep Stunning full-color photos and detailed maps throughout, plus a full-color foldout mapEssential planning tips: Find out when to go, where to stay, and what to pack, plus up-to-date information on entrance fees, reservations, and safety advice Know-how from outdoorswoman and Yosemite expert Ann Marie BrownMake the most of your adventure with Moon Best of Yosemite. Spending more time in the park or expanding your trip? Try Moon Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon. Visiting more of North America's incredible national parks? Try Moon USA National Parks.About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell—and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you. For more inspiration, follow @moonguides on social media.

Moon Florida Gulf Coast: Best Beaches, Wildlife, Everglades Adventures (Moon U.S. Travel Guide)

by Joshua Lawrence Kinser Moon Travel Guides

Whether you're kayaking through mangroves, bodysurfing with manta rays, or sunbathing with a piña colada in hand, soak up the Sunshine State with Moon Florida Gulf Coast. Inside you'll find: Flexible itineraries including a 5-day family vacation, a baseball spring training trip, and a 10-day road trip covering all 700 miles of the Florida Gulf Coast The best spots for outdoor adventures like kayaking, hiking, biking, bird-watching, and fishing, and the best beaches for swimming, sunsets, and seclusion Top activities and unique experiences: Discover the vibrant performing arts scene in Sarasota or stroll through quaint riverfront towns and secluded island enclaves. Unwind on shell-scattered beaches or spot gators in the swampy Everglades. Ride the coasters at Busch Gardens, browse art galleries in Naples, or catch a college baseball game during Spring Training. Sail through the canals of Tampa, kick back at a beachfront oyster bar, and sip a local brew as the sun sets over the ocean Expert advice from Florida local Joshua Lawrence Kinser on where to stay, what to eat, and how to get around by car, bus, or boat Full-color photos and detailed maps throughoutBackground information on the Gulf Coast's landscape, wildlife, history, and culture Experience the best of Florida's Gulf Coast with Moon. For more of the Sunshine State, try Moon Florida Keys.About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell—and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you. For more inspiration, follow @moonguides on social media.

Baseball Biographies for Kids: Stories of Baseball's Most Inspiring Players (Sports Biographies for Kids)

by Dean Burrell

Get to know the game with inspiring baseball biographies for ages 8 to 12!It's the bottom of the ninth, bases are loaded, and your team is down by three—who do you want coming up to bat? Discover the most talented players in every position on the field with Baseball Biographies for Kids! This lineup shows you what it takes to be a real MVP, with a run-down of stories, stats, and achievements of the best players in baseball, from the 1960s through today.Legends of the league—Get inspired by the players who defined the game, like Hank Aaron, Sandy Koufax, and Ichiro Suzuki.Key career stats—Each biography in this baseball history book includes the player's life story, as well as their major statistics like games played, ERA, hits, and more.Draft your own all-star team—Fill out the included starting lineup sheet with your favorite picks for each position.Whether you're an aspiring athlete or just a big fan, this book of baseball stories for kids is sure to give you a greater love of the game!

Basketball Biographies for Kids: Stories of Basketball's Most Inspiring Players (Sports Biographies for Kids)

by Matt Chandler

Get to know the game with inspiring basketball player biographies for ages 8 to 12Basketball is filled with inspiring stories of world-class athletes working hard and overcoming challenges to shine on the court. Discover the most talented players from each position with Basketball Biographies for Kids! This lineup shows you what it takes to be a WNBA or NBA superstar with the amazing stories, stats, and achievements of the best players from the last 60 years.Legends of the leagues — Learn about the players who changed the game, like Lebron James, Kawhi Leonard, and Sue Bird.Key career stats — Each biography covers the player's history, as well as important info like games played, points, rebounds, assists, and blocks.Draft your own all-star team — Evaluate the statistics and create your fantasy team by filling out the blank sheet at the back of the book.Brush up on your basketball knowledge with the ultimate, slam-dunk collection of sports biographies!

The 2,003-Yard Odyssey: The Juice, The Electric Company, and an Epic Run for a Record

by Joe Zagorski

&“It was a season where the impossible became possible. It was a season where the hard to believe became believable.&”--Marv Levy, Pro Football Hall of Fame Coach.The 1973 Buffalo Bills made pro football history. They had an offense that broke several important rushing records during that memorable year. And they had a superstar running back by the name of O.J. Simpson, who broke a glass ceiling of sorts by becoming the first man -- and indeed the only man -- to ever rush for more than 2,000 yards in one 14-game regular season. That glory-filled accomplishment provided the celebrated culmination to this epic tale of a week-by-week journey from an initial goal to its triumphant ending.In The 2,003-Yard Odyssey: The Juice, The Electric Company, and an Epic Run for a Record, several members of that Buffalo Bills team recall their memories of that year. They discuss how that 1973 season began with a bunch of question marks, then how a boast by one of their offensive linemen led to a challenge for the whole squad to address. A major focus in this book are the feats of the incomparable O.J. Simpson, who earned pro football fame and glory with his record-breaking 1973 performance. This story recounts how Simpson set a mark that was thought of by most people to be impossible to achieve. It was an odyssey unlike any other in NFL annals, and it is explored in concentrated depth and detail within these pages. Joe Zagorski is a member of the Pro Football Writers of America and the Pro Football Researchers Association. He has written several previous books about various teams and players of the NFL. He is also a contributing writer to the website Pro Football Journal and the administrator of the Facebook page, The NFL in the 1970s. He resides in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.Marv Levy, who wrote the foreword for this book, is a coaching legend in both the United States and in Canada. He led the Buffalo Bills to four straight Super Bowl appearances from 1990 to 1993. He is also an honored member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.


by Eric Goodman

A star rookie pitcher is making a statement in his first major league season—but will the secret he&’s been keeping derail everything he&’s been working toward?&“Eric Goodman&’s Curveball dwells in its details in the most fascinating way—and it reaches far beyond its baseball setting to become a first-rate intergenerational drama as well as a delightful read.&” —T.C. Boyle &“Goodman does a fine job depicting the conflicts of a young player… In this knowing, compelling novel…&” —George Vecsey, Jess Singer, pitching prodigy and son of the infamous Jewish Joe Singer—who starred on the mound for the same MLB team twenty-five years earlier—is blessed with a plus-plus curveball, possesses immense athletic abilities, and is on the fast-track to stardom. But he&’s harboring perhaps the most potent secret a professional athlete can possess: his sexual preference. In this briskly paced, highly entertaining novel following three generations of Singers during Jess&’s first year in The Show, Eric Goodman imagines what life might be like for a gay baseball player. Will Jess live in a confined closet or do what no baseball player has done yet? Goodman charts Jess&’s path with tremendous sensitivity and grace, while detailing a season as riveting as watching your favorite underdog take their shot at the golden ring. Written with Goodman&’s usual flair, humor, and zing—not to mention his deep knowledge and love of baseball—Curveball is a feel-good love story in which virtue and a wicked curve triumph over considerable adversity. &“Fast and fun, Curveball, like its predecessor, In Days of Awe, is the best kind of sports story—gripping, poetic, and down-to-the wire. Even the non-fan will get swept away. This isn&’t just a story about’s about family and secrets and love, and about what&’s passed on from one generation to the next. I don&’t know anyone who writes about baseball like Eric Goodman. He&’s got the savvy of an old pro, and the velocity of a young prospect.&” —Rajiv Joseph

Core: A Science-Backed Approach to Exercising and Understanding Our Central Anatomy

by Owen Lewis

A holistic, in-depth guide to understanding 'core' strength for therapists, movement professionals, and serious enthusiasts seeking advanced insights into functional training for mental and physical healthHealth magazines, gym-class instructors, and YouTube fitness experts frequently speak of the importance of a strong &“core,&” the muscles at our body&’s center that provide stability and support our movement. We know that improved core function can reduce symptoms of low back pain and pelvic pain, incontinence, and breathing issues. But while the core may be well-known, it is still poorly understood: there is no universally agreed-upon definition of the core or the muscles it comprises. Core adopts a holistic yet practical approach to demystifying the core, considering this crucial muscle group for its physical importance to bodily movement as well as our emotional and spiritual center. Physical therapist Owen Lewis digs into a wide range of metaphors and frameworks used to understand the core—from the Japanese concept of hara, a central storehouse of energy, to the set of specific muscles referenced in fitness studios everywhere. While physical therapy and core-exercise regimens tend to emphasize strength building and stable posture, Lewis argues for an approach that is also flexible, fluid, and adaptable: the same exercises may not be appropriate for every person, and may need to be changed up over time. In some cases, a &“weak&” core may be the result of muscles that are overworked and stressed, and &“good&” posture may create more pain than it prevents. Lewis clearly explains how the core works to manage and transfer the force of movement through the center of the body, building on principles of biotensegrity (how the tension and compression of different muscles creates a balanced structure which distributes stress and strain). The final chapters of the book provide a range of useful, functional training exercises suitable for lay readers but especially helpful as examples for therapists and trainers to use with clients.Lewis emphasizes functional training and underlying principles over a static list of exercises, providing the groundwork for tailored, individual training to improve core function. Supplemented throughout with color photos and a diverse range of models, Core makes it easy to understand the anatomy of this crucial region of the body, as well as key principles for more effective and safe exercises and training regimens.

On Pace: Discover How to Run Every Race at Your Real Limit

by Matt Fitzgerald

Bestselling author and coach Matt Fitzgerald explains how to train for and execute a perfect race. Master the art of pacing and run your next 5K, 10K, half-marathon, or marathon at your real limit. Every runner knows pacing is critical. It can be the difference between a breakthrough workout and a backbreaker, between a PR and a DNF. In On Pace, acclaimed running coach Matt Fitzgerald reveals how conventional training and device overdependence keep runners from accessing the full power of pacing. With a mix of fascinating science and compelling stories from every corner of the sport, Fitzgerald shows that pacing is the art of finding your limit—running at a pace to finish the workout or cross the finish line completely out of gas. This quintessential running skill unlocks hidden potential and transforms the sport, enabling runners of all experience and ability levels to run free. Training plans for 5K, 10K, half-marathon, and marathon events will hone your pacing skill through improved body awareness, judgment, and toughness. Choose from four plans, novice to expert, for each race distance. On Pace equips you mentally and physically to become a better runner, capable of knowing and executing your best effort on any given day.

80/20 Endurance: The Complete System for High-Performance Coaching

by Matt Fitzgerald

Build a sustainable coaching business with this proven method of balancing training intensity and cultivating peak performance in endurance athletes of all abilities. As a coach you equip athletes to achieve big goals. Your role can be as challenging as the goal itself, presenting countless decisions that need to be made according to the needs of each individual athlete. The 80/20 Endurance training method applies the best practices of the world's top endurance athletes in a complete system that cultivates high performance in all athletes. Training intensity is where most athletes go wrong. They spend too many hours training at moderately-high intensity, which compromises performance. 80/20 Endurance outlines the core principles that facilitate good decisions and take athlete performance to new heights. In this comprehensive guide, coaches and athletes will learn how to customize training according to the proven 80/20 Endurance method. As the impetus for 80/20 Endurance Coach Certification Course, this book gives you the keys to unlock performance in your athletes while also building a coaching business that is both successful and sustainable. Guiding athletes for their best performances is an incredibly rewarding pursuit. Commit to the practice of high-performance coaching with 80/20 Endurance and see where the next season takes you.80/20 Endurance is the complete system to high-performance coaching: • balancing training intensity, • measuring and manipulating training load, • periodization and peaking, • coaching the mind, • strength and mobility training, • ethical coaching, and • the business of coaching. Supplemented by additional resources and curriculum at

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