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Showing 62,326 through 62,350 of 62,362 results

Computational Mechanics of Arbitrarily Shaped Granular Materials (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)

by Siqiang Wang Shunying Ji

This book focuses on discrete element methods for arbitrarily shaped granular materials, including super-quadric models, spherical harmonic functions and level set methods, and numerical analysis of the flow characteristics of non-spherical granular materials. This book is used as a reference book for scientific researchers engaged in dynamic analysis of granular materials and optimal design of equipment structures in the fields of engineering mechanics, applied physics, mechanical engineering, and chemical engineering, as well as for graduate students or senior undergraduates of related majors in institutions of higher education.

NanoCarbon: Volume 2: Fundamentals and Advancement for Energy Storage Applications (Engineering Materials)

by Ram K. Gupta

This book is part of a 2 volume book series that provides current, state-of-the-art knowledge, fundamentals of electrochemistry, design strategies, and future challenges in carbon-based materials for electrochemical energy production and storage devices. The key goals for nanocarbons based electrochemical devices are to provide safe operation, sustainability, high energy and power density, long working life, and reduced cost. This book describes the fundamentals and working principles of nanocarbons for basic to advanced applications for energy storage devices such as metal-ion batteries, supercapacitors, and flexible energy storage devices. The book is written by leading experts in these areas making this a suitable textbook for students and providing new directions to researchers and scientists working in science and technology areas.

NanoCarbon: Volume 1: Basics to Advanced Applications for Energy Production (Engineering Materials)

by Ram K. Gupta

This book is part of a 2 volume book series that provides current, state-of-the-art knowledge, fundamentals of electrochemistry, design strategies, and future challenges in carbon-based materials for electrochemical energy production and storage devices. The key goals for nanocarbons based electrochemical devices are to provide safe operation, sustainability, high energy and power density, long working life, and reduced cost. This book describes the fundamentals and working principles of nanocarbons for basic to advanced applications for energy storage devices such as photovoltaics, electrocatalyst, and fuel cells. The book is written by leading experts in these areas making this a suitable textbook for students and providing new directions to researchers and scientists working in science and technology areas.

Automated Diagnostic Techniques in Medical Microbiology

by Sunil Kumar Awanish Kumar

This book will explore the knowledge of current diagnostic automation techniques applied in the field of clinical microbiology, tropical diseases, POCT, etc. There is no such type of book related to this topic. This book will help clinicians, microbiologists, and researchers to make diagnostic algorithms for infectious diseases and help them in early diagnosis. Automation in clinical microbiology has revolutionized routine practice in diagnostic cum research in medical microbiology. This book covers the recent updates and advances in diagnostic microbiology and provides new techniques related to Genomic, Proteomic, and metabolomics in microbiology. This book will intensely discuss the new and innovative automation techniques available for diagnosis in the microbiology laboratory. This book is more focused on automation techniques, which are used in the early detection of infectious diseases even caused by rare microorganisms. Furthermore, this book has complied with the chapters that provide insights to readers with comprehensive and usable knowledge on automation techniques in diagnostic microbiology.

Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Green Building, Civil Engineering and Smart City (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #328)

by Wei Guo Kai Qian Honggang Tang Lei Gong

The book gathers the emerging technologies and applications in various disciplines involving green building, smart infrastructure and 3D Printing, which are presented in high-quality papers of GBCESC. Moreover, by sharing knowledge and experiences around emerging civil engineering and smart city, the book aims to provide readers with an overview of the emerging trends in the fields of green building, Civil Engineering and Smart City. The topics covered include Structural Engineering, Geological Engineering, Smart Cities, Urban Planning and Design, Construction Technology, green building technology, etc. This book will be useful for researchers and professionals in designing, building, and managing sustainable buildings and infrastructure.

Automotive Human-Machine Interaction (Research on Automotive Intelligent Cockpit)

by Jun Ma Zaiyan Gong

This book focuses on the evaluation methodology for automotive human-machine interaction (HMI), which aim to reduce driving distractions, lower operational loads, optimize user experience design, and enhance user value.The book is divided into three parts. The first part, consisting of Chapters 1–3, introduces the evolution of automotive HMI and proposes a three-dimensional orthogonal evaluation system for automotive HMI that is comprehensive, systematic, and quantifiable. This evaluation system incorporates all evaluation items into a spatial matrix consisting of three dimensions: interaction tasks, interaction modalities, and evaluation indexes. The second part provides a comprehensive presentation and in-depth discussion of the evaluation indexes. The three rational evaluation indexes are utility, safety, and efficiency, which can be tested by the real-car driving simulator. The four emotional evaluation indexes are cognition, intelligence, value, and aesthetics. In orderto standardize the latter two subjective indexes, this book summarizes common differences in value between Chinese and European users and organizes typical aesthetic orientations in automotive UI based on art history research. The third part introduces the application of this HMI evaluation system in the automotive R&D process, including how to integrate the evaluation into a real product development process to achieve efficient product iteration.This book is suitable for intelligent cockpit and HMI designers, engineers, and researchers. It is also used as a reference for product managers and students in the field of intelligent connected vehicles.

Innovative Technologies for Printing, Packaging and Digital Media (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1144)

by Huihui Song Min Xu Li Yang Linghao Zhang Shu Yan

This book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 14th China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging (CACPP 2023), held in Beijing, China on November 24-26, 2023. The proceedings cover the latest findings in color science and technology, image processing technology, digital media technology, mechanical and electronic engineering and numerical control, materials and detection, printing and packaging technology, and so on. As such, the book is of interest to university researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students in the fields of color science, image science, materials science, computer science, digital media, network technology, smart manufacturing technology and printing and packaging.

Vegetable Oil-Based Composites: Processing, Properties and Applications (Composites Science and Technology)

by Showkat Ahmad Bhawani Anish Khan Mohmad Nasir Mohmad Ibrahim Mohammad Jawaid

This book presents the latest developments in the field of vegetable oil -based composites. It focuses on different vegetable oils such as castor, linseed, corn, soybean, olive, palm, and canola oils;, and fillers from inorganic materials and agricultural residues used in the preparation of vegetable oil -based composites. There are several advantages to vegetable oil-based polymer composites, due to their universal availability, inherent biodegradability, low price, and superb environmental credentials (i.e., low eco-toxicity and low toxicity towards humans). This book will be of is of interest to researchers working in the field of bio-based composite materials for the development of green and sustainable materials.

Inclusive Design and Accessibility Paradigms in Lebanon: University Built Environments Case Studies

by Itab Shuayb

This book describes the disability rights movement that started in the USA and its influence on the disability rights movement in Lebanon, which has led to the endorsement of the Lebanese Disability Act 220/2000. The book introduces the reader to the Lebanese Disability Act 220/ 2000, its definition of disability, and its relation to the medical and social models of disabilities and then articulate the Act articles. Then, it defines the inclusive design paradigm that acknowledges the needs of all people at each stage of their life cycle and presents the difference between inclusive design and accessibility and disability notions. Moreover, the book reviews the different international accessible design standards (American and French) that are adopted in Lebanon with the absence of a nationalized Lebanese design standard and its effect on eliminating barriers and enhancing accessibility at university buildings. Besides, the book presents students' experiences and their satisfaction with the university built environments. 6 university buildings case studies at the American University of Beirut are assessed and analysed to check whether they adopt the inclusive design approach and then propose inclusive design solutions for both heritage and modern university buildings. What makes the book unique is its combination of empirical and theoretical application of inclusive design. The last section, reflects the author’s inclusive design teaching pedagogy. In this section, the author shares samples of students’ class design project and provides recommendations and guidelines for teaching inclusive design so it becomes mainstream.

Functional Textiles and Clothing 2023: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Functional Textiles & Clothing 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Materials #42)

by Deepti Gupta Abhijit Majumdar Sanjay Gupta

This volume contains selected papers presented during the Functional Textiles and Clothing Conference 2023 held at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. The volume focuses on Design of Adaptive clothing for special populations such as people with visual impairment or motor disabilities and the elderly. Design of protective clothing for fire fighters, chemical protective clothing and comfort of protective clothing is discussed. Other topics include recent advancements in the field of sustainable dyeing and finishing, dyeing of natural fibres and use of natural dyes and surface functionalisation of textiles. New and emerging fibres from plant and animal sources, development of novel blends and their characterisation are other topics included in this volume. The book will serve as a good reference for researchers working in the emerging area of Functional clothing and Textiles.

Chicas en Tecnología®: Reiniciando el sistema

by Mariana Varela Carolina Hadad Sofía Contreras

La tecnología tiene un papel determinante en lo cotidiano: el trabajo, la educación y la vida social. Pero es un área desigual para las mujeres. Este libro da cuenta de la brecha de género en tecnología y de la invisibilización de las pioneras y las líderes, pero es también una invitación a reiniciar el sistema, a que las mujeres consideren a la tecnología como una aliada para mejorar el mundo. La tecnología tiene un papel determinante en lo cotidiano: el trabajo, la educación y la vida social. Pero es un área profundamente desigual para las mujeres. La disparidad comienza en la infancia -a las niñas les regalan una cocinita y a los niños, videojuegos- y continúa durante la escolarización, la formación profesional, la capacitación, en el ambiente laboral o cuando deciden emprender. Las mujeres chocan constantemente con la estigmatización, la mirada estereotipada, la brecha salarial, discriminación y violencia. Cuando en 2015 Sofía Contreras, Carolina Hadad, Melina Masnatta y Mariana Varela crearon la organización Chicas en Tecnología® con el objetivo de achicar la brecha de género en ese campo, el feminismo no tenía la fuerza de hoy en la escena pública, y si bien se ganaron derechos, aún falta mucho. Con datos, fuentes, investigaciones, análisis y la experiencia de las autoras, este libro evidencia las barreras que las mujeres enfrentan en el ambiente tecnológico, pero además propone cambios e ideas en educación, liderazgo, emprendedorismo, mentoreo. Rescata de la invisibilización a las pioneras y demuestra por qué es fundamental que haya cada vez más líderes mujeres y multiplicidad de voces. Chicas en Tecnología® es una invitación a reiniciar el sistema, a que las mujeres consideren a la tecnología como una aliada para mejorar el mundo.


by Hernan Alberto Vanoli

Cuentos de ciencia ficción política y biológica por uno de los autores jóvenes que más agitan la escena literaria argentina. Una empresa de carpooling convoca almas irredentas que son perseguidas por osos callejeros. Una pareja emprende novedosas técnicas de fertilización y logra sus propios bebés de Rosemary. Una logia mundial de cintas de correr planea una revolución. Y el copamiento de 1989 en La Tablada desemboca en una granja de trolls militada por tiernos ancianos. Las historias de Pyongyang hablan de un totalitarismo suave, cariñoso y veloz, donde hacer un duelo parece imposible, las máquinas nos odian y el progreso es la sagrada ideología oficial. Político y pospolítico, trágico e irónico, imaginativo y cruel, Hernán Vanoli es uno de los autores más singulares del panorama narrativo actual. «Su hiperrealismo lingüístico es un viaje por la sociedad, interesada como nunca en las tribus, los grupos, las fracciones, las camarillas y las bandas.» Beatriz Sarlo

Recuerdos de un médico rural

by Rene Favaloro

Favaloro analiza y describe su actividad como médico rural en un pueblodel oeste pampeano. Entre mediados de la década del 50 y principios del 62, René Favaloro,el médico más reconocido de la Argentina, trabajó como médico rural.Estos 12 años de trabajo fueron los que más lo marcaron, tanto en suvida profesional, como en su vida personal.El mismo médico que se volverá una eminencia años después en Cleveland,trabajando con los profesionales más destacados de la medicinainternacional, inició su carrera profesional en el interior de laArgentina, y fue esa base de trabajo, lo que más marcó su vocación.La reedición de este libro era muy importante para los lectores porqueFavaloro es una de las figuras más destacadas y queridas de nuestropaís.

De La Pampa a los Estados Unidos

by Rene Favaloro

El reconocido cirujano recuerda sus diez años de trabajo en equipo coneminentes personalidades de la medicina durante su estadía en laCleveland Clinic, que derivaron en las técnicas quirúrgicas para elimplante del by-pass de safena. La vida de los hombres oculta razones, decisiones y matices que solo losprotagonistas de esas vidas conocen a fondo. El testimonio del doctorFavaloro permite a los lectores adentrarse en una vida apasionante,tanto por las convicciones que la alientan como por los abundantesepisodios anecdóticos que ayudan a entenderla. La carrera profesionaldel médico argentino que viajó a Estados Unidos para perfeccionarse ylogró convertirse en un cirujano eminente está aquí junto a lasprofundas reflexiones de un hombre cuyos múltiples intereses provocancuriosidad, admiración y respeto.Nada de lo humano fue ajeno para quien eligió el oficio de mejorar lavida. El empeño vocacional a través del paso de los años, laespecialización y sus vínculos con la vida cotidiana, las obligaciones yel exilio, la libertad y el arraigo son temas que «De La Pampa a losEstados Unidos» aborda con deslumbrante lucidez.

Wiki Media Leaks: La relación entre medios y gobiernos de América Latina bajo el prisma de los cables de WikiLeaks

by Martín Becerra Sebastián Lacunza

<P>El explosivo archivo ofrecido por Julian Assange y su organización WikiLeaks ha sido leído y reinterpretado desde diferentes ángulos, y desde cualquiera de ellos sigue revelando una trama compleja y a menudo ocultada de las relaciones internacionales. <P>Este libro aborda en exclusividad el material inédito sobre las tensas relaciones (o acuerdos de convivencia, en algunos casos) entre dueños de medios, periodistas y editores influyentes con los gobiernos latinoamericanos y la Casa Blanca. Se lee también como un gran mapa para saber quién es quién en la red informativa de la región y cómo el periodismo, desde siempre, ha sido un agente más en la construcción del poder político. Los autores, Martín Becerra y Sebastián Lacunza, así lo explican: #Los roles se alternan y se confunden: los medios de comunicación y los políticos o diplomáticos pueden ser fuentes y recolectores de información indistintamente, retroalimentando las versiones que se originan en esos círculos herméticos. En términos de eficacia sistémica, el margen de error en la validez de la información que circula es muy alto, por la endogamia que practican los agentes protagonistas#. <P>En la América Latina del siglo XXI, con nuevas leyes de medios y redefinición del vínculo de los gobiernos con gigantes de las telecomunicaciones y emergentes en el campo periodístico, el material diplomático de las embajadas estadounidenses resulta una crónica documental esencial de las relaciones de fuerza de este tiempo singular. Su propio contenido explica los silencios que se han registrado a la hora de difundir los cables de WikiLeaks, que este trabajo aspira a iluminar.

Deep web: La parte oscura y peligrosa de internet

by Pablo Allegritti

Hace tiempo que el mundo digital llegó para quedarse y ser parte esencial de nuestras vidas, siendo Internet, la red de redes, el lugar desde donde se controlarán, hacia el futuro, casi todas nuestras acciones materiales. <P><P> Para una enorme mayoría de los seres humanos, Internet es solo aquel sector en el que navegan diariamente. Muchos no saben que esa parte es solo la punta de un iceberg comunicacional en el cual su mole sumergida multiplica muchas veces la red de acceso natural. Este sector es el llamado Deep Web (Internet Profunda) que contiene a su vez a la DarkNet (la Red Oscura), organizada en varios círculos, cada vez más profundos y con mayor dificultad de acceso, y donde solo se puede navegar con motores especiales de búsqueda. En ella se libran luchas planetarias de todo tipo entre imperios, terroristas y rebeldes, comercios ilegales, sórdidos vídeos y se replican amenazas constantes hacia la seguridad y el bienestar de la gente. <P> Entender esta parte de la existencia que se ha instalado entre nosotros es de capital importancia para proteger nuestras vidas. Nadie puede quedar al margen de estos conocimientos. La amenaza de Internet Profunda está entre nosotros y nos involucra a todos. Solo conociéndola en sus más recónditos espacios nos podrá prevenir, única manera de salvarnos de los peligros que encierra. Si usted quiere iniciar un viaje a las profundidades de la red, Deep Web es un libro imprescindible

Pacific Crossing

by Elizabeth Sinn

During the nineteenth century tens of thousands of Chinese men and women crossed the Pacific to work, trade, and settle in California. Drawn initially by the gold rush, they took with them skills and goods and a view of the world which, though still Chinese, was transformed by their long journeys back and forth. They in turn transformed Hong Kong, their main point of embarkation, from a struggling infant colony into a prosperous international port and the cultural center of a far-ranging Chinese diaspora. Making use of extensive research in archives around the world, Pacific Crossing charts the rise of Chinese Gold Mountain firms engaged in all kinds of transpacific trade, especially the lucrative export of prepared opium and other luxury goods. Challenging the traditional view that the migration was primarily a "coolie trade," Elizabeth Sinn uncovers leadership and agency among the many Chinese who made the crossing. In presenting Hong Kong as an "in-between place" of repeated journeys and continuous movement, Sinn also offers a fresh view of the British colony and a new paradigm for migration studies.

O Clube dos Cientistas 1: Os Contrabandistas de Cristais

by Maria Francisca Macedo

És curioso e fascinado por ciência? Então vem conhecer O Clube dos Cientistas! A Catarina, o Chico e o Carlos são três irmãos curiosos, fascinados pela ciência e sempre em busca de mistérios. Vais divertir-te a ler as suas histórias empolgantes e cheias de ação! Se fores como eles, não vais resistir a ler o Caderno de Experiências até ao fim e pôr mãos à obra. O fumo numa cabana abandonada despertou a curiosidade dos três irmãos. O que começou por ser apenas uma brincadeira, transformou-se numa grande aventura! Conseguirão eles resolver o mistério que têm em mãos? Junta-te ao Clube dos Cientistas e vem descobrir Os Contrabandistas de Cristais! Autora distinguida pelo GLOBAL TEACHER PRIZE 2018 (Prémio para o Melhor Professor de Portugal), com uma Menção Honrosa pelo elevado contributo para a Educação e Sustentabilidade Social.

Viver sem plástico: Um guia para mudar o mundo e acabar com a dependência do plástico

by Will McCallum

Um guia para mudar o mundo e acabar com a dependência do plástico. Todos os anos, cerca de 13 toneladas de plástico são largadas nos oceanos, matando mais de 1 milhão de aves e 100 000 mamíferos marinhos. Estima-se que, em 2050, o peso do plástico que invade os oceanos será superior ao peso do peixe que neles habita. A poluição pelo plástico é o flagelo ambiental da nossa era. Como podemos fazer a diferença? Neste guia claro e esclarecedor, Will McCallum, destacado activista antiplástico, vai ajudá-lo a levar a cabo pequenas mudanças que farão uma enorme diferença. Eis alguns conselhos práticos: - Lavar a roupa em sacos próprios, de modo a conter as microfibras de plástico, responsáveis por 30% da poluição por plástico nos oceanos - Substituir o champô vulgar por champô em barra - Evitar as embalagens de supermercado - Fazer festas de aniversário livres de plástico - Convencer os outros a juntarem-se a si nesta demanda O plástico não vai desaparecer sem dar luta. É preciso um movimento feito de milhões de pequenos gestos individuais, que juntarão pessoas de todas as origens e culturas, pessoas cuja vontade se fará sentir por toda a parte, desde a mais pequena aldeia ao mais alto dos arranha céus. Este é um apelo à luta: para unirmos forças, em todo o mundo, e acabarmos com a dependência do plástico.

La ciencia es cosa de mujeres

by Margarita Michelini

Las once científicas uruguayas retratadas en este libro cuentan sus sueños, su día a día, sus logros y sus peajes. No es casualidad que en el nivel más alto del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores haya una mujer por cada 3,4 varones. Tampoco que en los grados iniciales la participación femenina se equipare a la de ellos. Habla de una lógica de obstáculos y prejuicios, más o menos conscientes y vastamente estudiados, que lentamente va cambiando. Las once científicas uruguayas retratadas en este libro cuentan sus sueños, su día a día, sus logros y sus peajes. Estas páginas guardan la esperanza de contagiar a quienes se plantean seguir sus pasos y a los lectores todos, para que puedan darle a su labor el lugar que merece. Sin ellas, la ciencia tendría otro tinte. Trabajan con pasión, la mayoría en silencio, en temas que parecen lejanos y sin embargo repercuten en la vida de todos. Productos naturales que contrarres-ten el uso de plaguicidas, sistemas de información para cuidar el ambiente, el amor por partículas tan imperceptibles como poderosas, el tesón de una loca idea, la estadística aplicada para modelar el comportamiento del SARS-CoV-2 y la carrera para fabricar en Uruguay un kit para detectarlo se cruzan con una científica emprendedora, una doctora del clima especialista en enfrentar temporales, una experta en mecatrónica que hace hablar a las máquinas o una jugadora de elite en las matemáticas. Cuando la creatividad y las neuronas se conjugan con entrega, el resultado no tiene límites.

Bees, Honey and Beekeeping in the United Arab Emirates

by Denis L. Anderson Ihsan Abu Alrub

Bees and Beekeeping in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) marks the first publication in the UAE of a book focusing on bees, honey bees, and beekeeping. Wild and managed bees are known as "keystone species" because of their significance as pollinators of flowering plants in nature and agriculture, but despite this, little is known about bees in the UAE. This book is designed to captivate a broad audience, blending general knowledge about the diversity, significance, and conservation of bees with specific insights into challenges unique to honey bees (Apis mellifera) in the UAE. Key topics include sustainable beekeeping practices, managing hives in hot, arid environments, and identifying and addressing major pests and diseases. Special attention is given to the wild dwarf honey bee (Apis florea), a prevalent species in the UAE. While not a basic guide to beekeeping, this book offers valuable information for both novice and experienced beekeepers.

Einstein en Uruguay: Crónica de un viaje histórico

by Diego Moraes

Un exhaustivo trabajo de investigación en el que Diego Moraes reconstruye el viaje de uno de los personajes más importantes en la historia de la humanidad y un Uruguay a la vanguardia de la cultura y el pensamiento. En 1925 el famoso físico alemán Albert Einstein realizó una histórica visita al Uruguay. Casi cien años han pasado desde entonces pero, en la actualidad, ¿qué sabemos los uruguayos sobre aquel episodio? Una estatua ubicada en la Plaza de los Treinta y Tres, en el Centro montevideano, recuerda el momento más famoso de aquella visita: el célebre encuentro mantenido en ese mismo sitio entre Einstein y el filósofo Carlos Vaz Ferreira. Sin embargo, es poco más lo que se conoce, en términos generales. ¿Qué vino a hacer Einstein al Uruguay? ¿Quién lo invitó a nuestro país y por qué? ¿Qué personajes prominentes de la sociedad uruguaya conoció durante su estadía? ¿Dónde se alojó? ¿Qué actividades realizó durante la semana que permaneció en suelo uruguayo? ¿Qué impresión dejó entre los compatriotas de 1925? E, inversa mente, ¿qué opinión guardó luego de su paso por estas tierras? Estas son solo algunas de las preguntas que este libro aspira a responder.

Technology Studies: Design And Technology class 9 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

Designed for Grade 9 students following the National Curriculum Framework for Nine-Year Continuous Basic Education, this textbook delves into the realm of Design and Technology. Covering various topics such as Green Design, Pictorial Projection, and Material Technology, its primary focus is to cultivate students’ understanding of design concepts, technological appreciation, and practical skills in bringing designs to life. Structured with clear learning objectives, engaging activities, and hands-on projects, the textbook adopts an incremental approach to learning, ensuring students grasp concepts progressively and can apply them effectively. Through this pedagogical framework, students are encouraged to explore the intersection of creativity and technology, fostering a deeper appreciation for the role of design in shaping the world around them.

Technology Studies: Food And Textiles Studies class 9 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

Aligned with Mauritius' National Curriculum Framework for Grades 7, 8, + 9, this textbook is a cornerstone of the Nine-Year Continuous Basic Education initiative. It prioritizes the development of cognitive skills through contextualized materials, ensuring engagement without compromising educational quality. Structured into units spanning topics like Nutrition and Health, Food Technology, and Textiles, the content is tailored for Grade 9 students, with clear learning objectives and activities. Beyond theoretical knowledge, practical application is emphasized through projects and activities, equipping learners with essential skills for real-life challenges. By fostering critical thinking, creativity, and responsible teamwork, this textbook not only educates but also empowers students to navigate and contribute to the complexities of the modern world.

Physics class 9 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The textbook offers a comprehensive overview of Grade 9 Physics from the Mauritius Institute of Education, specifically focusing on the Measurement in Science unit. It includes information on contributors involved in the textbook's creation and review, curriculum alignment with national standards, and an emphasis on incremental content development and scientific skills from previous grades. Learning tools provided encompass inquiry-based activities, summaries, "Find out" features, "Did you know?" sections, project work suggestions, unit summaries, and concept maps for effective learning and assessment. The unit itself covers the measurement of physical quantities such as length, volume, mass, time, and temperature, offering detailed explanations, error avoidance techniques, and practical activities to aid comprehension.

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