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Mi ruido azul

by Marina Jade

Marina Jade, la maravillosa exintegrante de Operación Triunfo, nos cuenta su vida. Me llamo Marina, mi nombre artístico es Marina Jade, y en estas páginas te voy a contar, en resumidas cuentas, mi vida. Desde mi infancia -cuando era «la gordita», «la empollona», «la de los brackets»- hasta que la música me salvó y se convirtió en mi felicidad. Aquí te explicaré lo importantes que son para mí mi familia y mis seres queridos, cómo salí del armario, lo que significa sufrir LGBTfobia y también cómo me sentí al cumplir el sueño de participar en Operación Triunfo. Bienvenida a mi libro. ¡Bienvenida a mi ruido azul!

¡Mi vecino es stripper!

by Melissa Hall

Una de las historias de amor de mayor éxito en Wattpad. Freya nunca llegó a imaginarse que su vida iba a cambiar por completo cuando decidió pasar el verano con su padre. Es más, un bloque de apartamentos alejados del centro de la ciudad se le antojaba como la cosa más aburrida del mundo... Pero, de repente, la rutina dio un vuelco cuando vio paseando desnudo a su vecino de enfrente a través de la ventana y descubrió, además, que era ¡un stripper! ¿Quieres saber cómo Ethan hizo enloquecer a la dulce y torpe Freya?

Mi verdad más oculta

by Jordi Rodriguez

Descubre en el primer libro de Jordi Rodríguez todo lo que aún no sabes. Su verdad más oculta. «El libro que tienes entre las manos no es el típico libro para fans. No voy a contarte exactamente mi vida, sino lo que la vida me ha hecho sentir a mí en distintos momentos. Este libro soy yo intentando conectar contigo. Soy yo buscando mi liberación completa. Lo que sí encontrarás en estas páginas son reflexiones íntimas, relatos de mi infancia, anécdotas de mi viaje a México, mis impresiones del día a día como influencer y, sobre todo, algo que estoy deseando compartir contigo. En las redes solo muestro una cara de mí, una parte de mi historia. Si quieres conocer mi verdad más oculta, este libro es para ti.»

Mi vida con los chicos Walter

by Ali Novak

La novela bestseller en la que se basa la nueva serie adolescente de Netflix. ¿Qué hace una alumna excelente y de comportamiento intachable viviendo con un rebaño de hermanos apestosos, escandalosos e insoportables? Si Jackie hubiera podido elegir, jamás habría terminado rodeada de doce chicos que ni siquiera entienden el concepto de privacidad, por muy guapos que sean los mayores. Pero el accidente de coche que han sufrido sus padres no le ha dejado elección: los Walter, tutores legales de los doce hermanos, también son ahora los suyos. Los chicos Walter son el desastre personificado. Jackie aspira a la perfección. Es más, se la debe a su familia. Se la prometió. ¿Cómo se las arreglará para encajar en esta nueva vida llena de caos... y de chicos? Una novela romántica al más puro estilo Wattpad que cuenta con millones de lecturas a nivel mundial.

Mía en el silencio (Confesiones de los Welltonshire #Volumen 2)

by Marión Marquez

Si los Bridgerton te han enamorado, los Welltonshire te dejaran sin respiración. Llega la segunda parte de esta apasionante saga. Confesiones de los Welltonshire es la nueva serie de regency romántica de la que todo el mundo hablará. Cuando Francis, Conde de Welltonshire, conoce a Melanie Hefferman, sabe que ella está en serios problemas, el misterio que la rodea es demasiado. Pero Francis está decidido a quitarle esa máscara y hacerla hablar. No importa si tiene que soportar a su horrible dama de compañía, acompañarla a la modista, o incluso, casarse con ella.

Mia the Melodramatic (Mia Fullerton #2)

by Eileen Boggess

Young Adult Fiction, Humor, Action Summer has finally arrived, but Mia Fullerton doesn’t have much to celebrate. Her best friend, Lisa, is spending the summer at a Mensa camp, and her boyfriend, Tim, will be at his grandparents’ house in Maine. So, stuck with a choice of spending the next two months hanging out with her younger brother, Chris--who has declared a prank war on her--or taking a job on the stage crew at a local children’s theater group, Mia chooses the lesser of two evils and begins working at Little Tyke’s. The moment she meets the other student members of the stage crew, Mia realizes she’s not at St. Hilary’s anymore. There’s Zoe, a Goth punk rock singer with fifteen facial piercings; Henry, a caffeine addict with the self-declared ability to predict people’s coffee preferences; and Eric, a former childhood friend who’s definitely outgrown his shy ways and geeky appearance. At first, Mia’s mortified when she’s forced to perform for audiences dressed as Playtime Pal--the clown who introduces the plays--or be a last-second stand-in for a kid who’s just tossed his cookies on stage (after she has cleaned it up, of course) or is abruptly hauled off for a family vacation. But as the summer progresses, Mia realizes something very strange--she actually enjoys acting! As Mia begins to explore this less meek version of her former self, Tim does something that destroys her trust in him and shatters her heart. This act of betrayal ultimately sends Mia into the arms of the easy-going, Adonis-like, and very willing Eric. And when the summer comes to an end, bringing Tim back into her Des Moines, Iowa life, Mia has a tough decision to make: Should she return to Tim and her former shy ways, or should she continue to let this new Mia grab some of her own? In this sequel to the much-loved Mia the Meek, readers will again enjoy spending time with Mia Fullerton, watching as she navigates the next stage of adolescence, one humorous and memorable fiasco at a time. Mia the Meek, the first book in the Mia Fullerton series is in the Bookshare library.

Micah: The Good Girl #2 (Flyy Girls #2)

by Ashley Woodfolk

Meet the Flyy Girls. The group of girls who seem like they can get away with anything. Veteran author Ashley Woodfolk pens a gorgeous and dynamic series of four Harlem highschoolers, each facing a crossroads of friendship, family, and love. Micah Dupree had always liked being the "good girl." She was happy painting, going to church, and acing her school projects. After all, she had a perfect older brother to live up to. But when he unexpectedly dies, Micah's world is turned upside-down. With her anxiety growing, a serious boyfriend in the picture, and new feelings emerging, Micah begins to question what being the "good girl" really means...and if it's worth it, anyway. With simply stated text and compelling characters, Flyy Girls is a series that's perfect for readers of any level.

Micah Johnson Goes West (Get Out #2)

by Sean Kennedy

Sequel to The Ongoing Reformation of Micah JohnsonGet Out: Book TwoMicah Johnson is living two separate lives. On the field he’s making a name for himself as a rookie with the AFL football team the Fremantle Dockers—at just eighteen. But when he steps off the field, Micah is a mess: confused, away from home for the first time, and feeling isolated from family and friends three thousand kilometres away. The foster family he’s staying with is nice, but Micah isn’t ready to open up to them about what he’s going through. Distracting himself with hookups and partying seems like a good idea until a friend’s life is changed by misfortune and Micah’s own health is threatened by his behavior. Micah knows he has to make a change, that he can’t do it alone, and that maybe there’s no shame in reaching out to others.

Michael and Ganesha

by Uma Sivaraman

Embark on a fantastical journey where the divine and the mundane intertwine in the most unexpected ways. Why do the snakes around Lord Shiva’s neck flick their tongues at Mike? What is the reason behind Mata Kali’s enigmatic smile towards him? These mysteries are just the beginning of a series of extraordinary encounters. Experience the warmth of an unlikely friendship that blooms between gods and humans, revealing that help can come from the most divine places. Discover Lord Vishnu’s ingenious solution to the world’s plastic crisis. But beware, for Durvasa, the Sage known for his rage, is on the prowl for his magic wand – a moment that calls for everyone to take cover! This book invites you to embrace your inner greenie. Learn why goat-mowers are the eco-friendly alternative to gas-mowers, providing the bonus of natural lawn fertilization. And when wild weather brings gloom, find out where to seek solace. As global warming presents a daunting challenge, even the gods are perplexed. Can they stop Heavenly warming without first addressing Earth’s climate crisis? Witness the ingenuity of the world’s children as they lead the way in environmental stewardship. Join us on this whimsical adventure where Lord Bairava’s B-dog challenges Darwin’s theories, and pigs might just have giraffe legs. ‘Godly Solutions to Worldly Problems’ is not just a read; it’s a journey that will make you laugh and think, offering divine answers to earthly dilemmas.

Michael Ende – Poetik und Positionierungen (Abhandlungen zur Literaturwissenschaft)

by Thomas Boyken Thomas Scholz

Die Beiträge untersuchen Michael Endes Poetik und das Verhältnis des als Kinder- und Jugendbuchautor wahrgenommenen Autors zum literarischen und intellektuellen Feld der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Dass sich Ende während seiner gesamten Schriftstellertätigkeit um die Anerkennung des literarischen und intellektuellen Feldes der Bundesrepublik bemüht hat, ist dokumentiert und Bestandteil des feuilletonistischen und akademischen Ende-Diskurses. Welche Strategien und Verfahren Ende für diesen Zweck einsetzte und in welchen Wechselbeziehungen diese zu seinem literarischen Werk stehen, wird hier erstmals systematisch untersucht. Dabei greifen die Beiträge sowohl auf Endes literarische Texte als auch auf seine (literatur-)theoretischen Reden aus, um Endes Poetik und seine Positionierungsstrategien zu konturieren.

Michael Vey 3: Battle of the Ampere (Michael Vey #3)

by Richard Paul Evans

The hair-raising action continues for Michael Vey in this charged third installment of the #1 New York Times bestselling series.Michael, Taylor, Ostin and the rest of the Electroclan have destroyed the largest of the Elgen Starxource plants, but now they’re scattered across the Amazon jungle. The Elgen have joined forces with the Peruvian army to capture the Electroclan, and only Michael has managed to remain free. With his friends due to stand trial for terrorism—a charge that may carry the death penalty—Michael will need all his wits and his abilities if he’s to save them. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Dr. Hatch and his loyal Electric Children have seized control of the E.S. Ampere—the super yacht the Elgen use as their headquarters. With the Elgen fleet now under his control, Hatch heads back to Peru to pick up his army and then begin his quest for global domination. Michael will have to free his friends then find a way to stop Hatch, but the organization behind the mysterious voice that has guided him to this point has been compromised. Hatch knows Michael and the Electroclan are coming. And he’s ready for them. Can the Electroclan win the battle of the Ampere? Or has Michael’s luck finally run out?

Michael Vey 4: Hunt for Jade Dragon (Michael Vey #4)

by Richard Paul Evans

Michael and his friends must rescue a child prodigy as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying fourth installment of the New York Times bestselling series!Michael, Taylor, Ostin and the rest of the Electroclan head to China in search of a girl who may have discovered why Michael and his friends became electric. Her name is Lin Julung, or Jade Dragon, and she’s a child prodigy with an IQ higher than Einstein’s—and Ostin’s. But Hatch gets to her first, and the Elgen are holding her prisoner in their Taiwan Starxource plant. Now the Voice wants Michael and the Electroclan to go to Taiwan and free her before Hatch can realize his dreams of an army of electric children. The hunt for Jade Dragon is on, and it’s a race against time!

Michael Vey 6: Fall of Hades (Michael Vey #6)

by Richard Paul Evans

Michael and his friends try to recruit Hatch&’s Electric Youth to their side as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying sixth installment of the New York Times bestselling series!Michael and the Electroclan are about to embark on their deadliest mission yet. Some of them may not make it back. The head of the resistance, known only as the voice, believes that the best way to wipe out the Elgen is to steal their money. That means capturing the Joule, the Elgen boat that serves as a floating treasury. To do this, Michael and his friends need help…a lot of help. They’ve learned about a highly placed member of the Elite Elgen Guard named Welch, who wants to defect. They also know that Hatch has condemned three of his electric youth to death. If the Electroclan can get to Welch before the Elgen do, and if they can rescue Quentin, Torstyn, and Tara, they just might be able to steal the Joule. But it’s a big “if”… The stakes have never been higher, and Michael and his friends are about to be tested in ways they never imagined.

Michael Vey 7: The Final Spark (Michael Vey #7)

by Richard Paul Evans

Michael Vey is missing and it&’s up to the Electroclan to find him in this shocking seventh installment of the New York Times bestselling series!The Electroclan is facing a devastating loss: Michael is missing. He made the ultimate sacrifice to save his friends and now he&’s gone. What is next for them and the resistance? The battle on the island of Hades ended with a devastating explosion that left the island a smoking ruin and much of Hatch&’s Elgen army dead. However, Hatch survived and while his plans have certainly suffered a setback, he&’s more determined than ever to bring the world&’s governments under his control. But first, he wants to wipe out those who stand against him and capture the remaining members of the Electroclan. As Hatch&’s forces storm into action, it seems nothing can stand in their way. The Electroclan is divided. The voice is captured, and Michael&’s mother is being used as bait to lure the leader of the Resistance out of hiding. Can anything—or anyone—stop the Elgen? Or is this the end?

Michael Vey 8: The Parasite (Michael Vey #8)

by Richard Paul Evans

Michael Vey is back with an electrifying eighth installment of the award-winning, #1 New York Times bestselling series. Join Michael and the Electroclan as a new threat arises even more terrible and calculating than the Elgen.Michael and his friends learn that returning to a normal life is not only more difficult than they imagined, but that normal doesn&’t last. Like the mythical Hydra, cutting off the head of the global Elgen only created more enemies. Michael Vey fans worldwide will celebrate the return of this exciting series with the world&’s greatest team of electric superheroes.

Michael Vey 9: The Traitor (Michael Vey #9)

by Richard Paul Evans

In this electrifying ninth installment of the award-winning, #1 New York Times bestselling Michael Vey series, the Electroclan must fight a former friend to save their captured ally!With Tara still in the clutches of the Elite Elgen Guard Unit the Chasqui and their malevolent leader, the Sovereign Amash, Michael Vey and the Electroclan have no choice but to continue the fierce battle that has been waging since their arrival in Peru. But saving one of their own means battling a onetime teammate, as Jack has turned traitor and joined forces with Amash and his men. At the same time, the clan must work with the Alpha Team to act before the Chasqui can put their plan to destroy the city of Arequipa into motion. And when Taylor makes a bold yet dangerous move to save her sister, the urgency climbs even higher. With so many lives at stake, the Electroclan has no time to waste, and no room for error as they take on this latest growing threat.

Michi Challenges History: From Farm Girl To Costume Designer To Relentless Seeker Of The Truth: The Life Of Michi Weglyn

by Ken Mochizuki

A powerful biography of Michi Weglyn, the Japanese American fashion designer whose activism fueled a movement for recognition of and reparations for America’s World War II concentration camps. The daughter of Japanese immigrants, Michi Nishiura Weglyn was confined in Arizona’s Gila River concentration camp during World War II. She later became a costume designer for Broadway and worked as the wardrobe designer for some of the most popular television personalities of the ’50s and early ’60s. In 1968, after a televised statement by the US Attorney General that concentration camps in America never existed, Michi embarked on an eight-year solo quest through libraries and the National Archives to expose and account for the existence of the World War II camps where she and other Japanese Americans were imprisoned. Her research became a major catalyst for passage of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, in which the US government admitted that its treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II was wrong. Thoroughly researched and intricately told, Michi Changes History is a masterful portrayal of one woman’s fight for the truth—and for justice.

Mick & Michelle

by Nina Rossing

Fifteen-year-old Mick Mullins has a great life: his parents are sweet, his sister is tolerable, and his friendships are solid. But as summer descends on Queens, he prepares to turn his carefree existence upside down by disclosing a secret he has kept long enough. It’s time to work up the courage to reveal that he is not a boy, but a girl—and that her name is Michelle. Having always been the perfect, good boy, Michelle is terrified that the complicated truth will disappoint, hurt, or push away the people closest to her. She can’t continue hiding for much longer, though, because her body is turning into that of a man’s, and she is desperate to stop the development—desperate enough to consider self-medicating with hormones. Most of all, Michelle fears that Grandpa, who is in a nursing home after a near fatal stroke, won’t survive the shock if he finds out that his favorite grandchild, and the only boy, is a girl. If she kills her beloved Grandpa by leaving Mick behind, she isn’t sure embracing her real identity will be worth the loss.

Mickey: The Cat Who Raised Me

by Helen Brown

Bestselling pet memoirist Helen Brown has enthralled readers with tales of the cats in her life. Readers all over the globe have fallen in love with Cleo, Jonah, and Bono alike. But now, Helen is taking her readers back to where it all began: her childhood pet, Mickey. This is a memoir about growing up, with the help of a very special cat. The youngest daughter of an eccentric engineer and a musical theater fanatic, Helen Brown grew up in the New Zealand coastal town of New Plymouth in a crumbling castle overrun by nature, and overshadowed by nearby, beautiful Mount Taranaki. It&’s 1966, the Pacific islands are being used for atomic bomb testing, and her parents and siblings are swept up in their own lives. Twelve years old, struggling in school, and facing eye surgery—for the second time—Helen feels lonely and lost. . . . Until her father gives her a three-month-old, gray-and-brown tiger-striped tabby with extra toes on each paw. Noticing an M design on the cat&’s forehead, Helen names her new companion Mickey. Inquisitive, rambunctious, clever, and skittish, Mickey disrupts the already quirky household with his mischief. But Helen finds love, joy—and herself—in learning what it means to care for a living creature who needs her as much as she needs him. Praise for Helen Brown&’s Books&“The next Marley & Me.&” —Good Housekeeping&“An absolute must.&” —Cat World

Microcosmic God: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Volume 2

by Theodore Sturgeon

Volume 2 of the complete stories of Theodore Sturgeon, one of sci fi's greatest masters

Microcuentos de amor, lluvia y dinosaurios (Colección #BlackBirds)

by Microcuentos

Microcuentos de amor, lluvia y dinosaurios es una antología de los microrrelatos que usuarios de todo el mundo han mandado a la cuenta @microcuentos, un proyecto literario colaborativo que está arrasando en Twitter. Un pequeño libro-joya que no podrás olvidar, habitado por reflexiones sobre el amor, intensas expresiones de melancolía y breves historias de fantasía, seleccionadas por Lenin Pérez Pérez e ilustradas por Elizabeth Builes. #BlackBirds un refugio íntimo de papel. Libros irresistibles para leer, guardar y compartir. Es una nueva colección de espíritu indie y juvenil con contenido de no-ficción moderno: poesía, microcuentos, reflexiones, diarios... Su diseño rompedor y la colaboración de conocidos ilustradores, bloggers e instagrammers dan vida a estos libros que son pequeñas obras de arte, caprichos, que todos querremos tener, leer y atesorar. Los lectores dicen...«De repente te golpea y te crea un universo entero en la cabeza.» «Un libro para soñadores, una belleza hecha texto y dibujo, un viaje al verdadero sentido de la literatura. PRECIOSO.» «El libro es una delicia. La edición está muy cuidada, los temas están bien separados y se lee en un suspiro. Es ideal para cuando tienes poco tiempo o te apetece algo ligero. Los microrelatos son geniales. Te deja con ganas de más y más.» «Súper chulo y las ilustraciones que lo acompañan molan mucho.»

The Middle Ages

by Jane Shuter

How did people in the Middle Ages live? What were their social, economic, political, and cultural lives like? This title answers these questions and more with informative text, colorful photographs and original source materials, and clear maps and diagrams to show readers what life was like in ancient civilizations.

Middle Grade Science 2011 Cells And Heredity:student Edition

by Prentice Hall

Introduction to Cells Cell Processes and Energy Genetics: The Science of Heredity The DNA Connection Human Genetics and Genetic Technology Evolution

The Middle of Everywhere

by Monique Polak

Noah Thorpe is spending the school term in Kangiqsualujjuaq, in Quebec's Far North, where his dad is an English teacher in the Inuit community. Noah's not too keen about living in the middle of nowhere, but getting away from Montréal has one big advantage: he gets a break from the bully at his old school. But Noah learns that problems have a way of following you—no matter how far you travel. To the Inuit kids, Noah is a qallunaaq—a southerner, someone ignorant of the customs of the North. Noah thinks the Inuit have a strange way of looking at the world, plus they eat raw meat and seal blubber. Most have never left the George River area—and it doesn't even have its own doctor, let alone a McDonald's. But Noah's views change when he goes winter camping and realizes he will have to learn a few lessons from his Inuit buddies if he wants to make it home.

Middle Row (Orca Soundings)

by Sylvia Olsen

Things have changed since Raedawn and Vince started going out and the racial boundaries in town have slipped a bit. But when Dune, who never took sides, disappears, Raedawn is determined to find out where he has gone—or what happened to him. Fighting against ignorance and hate, they track Dune down and find he is in more trouble than they thought and that nothing is black and white.

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