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The Traitor Prince

by C. J. Redwine

A dark epic fantasy inspired by The Prince and the Pauper and the fairy tale The False Prince, from bestselling author C.J. Redwine. A thrilling companion book in the Ravenspire series, The Traitor Prince is perfect for fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses series and The Wrath and the Dawn duology. Javan Najafai, crown prince of Akram, has spent the last ten years at an elite boarding school, far away from his kingdom. But his eagerly awaited return home is cut short when a mysterious impostor takes his place—and no one believes Javan is the true prince.After barely escaping the impostor’s assassins, Javan is thrown into Maqbara, the kingdom’s most dangerous prison. The only way to gain an audience with the king—and reveal Javan’s identity—is to fight in Maqbara’s yearly tournament. But winning is much harder than facing competitions at school, and soon Javan finds himself beset not just by the terrifying creatures in the arena but also by a band of prisoners allied against him, and even by the warden herself.The only person who can help him is Sajda, who has been enslaved by Maqbara’s warden since she was a child, and whose guarded demeanor and powerful right hook keep the prisoners in check. Working with Sajda might be the only way Javan can escape alive—but she has dangerous secrets.Together, Javan and Sajda have to outwit the vicious warden, outfight deadly creatures, and outlast the murderous prisoners intent on killing Javan. If they fail, they’ll be trapped in Maqbara for good—and the secret Sajda’s been hiding will bury them both.

The Traitor's Game: The Traitor's Game (The Traitor's Game #1)

by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Hearts and loyalties collide in this electrifying new YA series from New York Times bestselling author Jennifer A. Nielsen.Jennifer A. Nielsen's New York Times bestseller The Traitor's Game, which Entertainment Weekly called "the next big YA fantasy," is perfect for fans of the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard and the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. Kestra Dallisor has spent three years in exile in the Lava Fields, but that won't stop her from being drawn back into her father's palace politics. He's second-in-command to the cruel king, Lord Endrick, which makes Kestra a valuable bargaining chip. A group of rebels knows this -- and they snatch Kestra from her carriage as she reluctantly travels home.The kidnappers want her to retrieve the lost Olden Blade, the only object that can destroy the king, but Kestra is not the obedient captive they expected. One of the rebels, Simon, has his hands full as Kestra tries to foil their plot, by any means necessary. As motives shift and secrets emerge, both have to decide what -- and who -- it is they're fighting for.

The Traitor's Ruin (Traitor's Trilogy #2)

by Erin Beaty

A captain with a secret.A spy with a mission.A kingdom on the verge of ruin.After proving her worth as a deft spy and strategic matchmaker, Sage Fowler is now comfortably positioned in high society as the royal tutor. When she learns of a secret mission, she jumps at the chance to serve her kingdom once more—and to be reunited with her fiancé, Captain Alex Quinn. However, Sage’s headstrong insistence clashes with Alex’s gruff military exterior. And after a skirmish with a bordering kingdom, they're separated when tragedy strikes. Now in enemy territory, Sage desperately scrambles to complete Alex’s reconnaissance mission. Can she save her kingdom once more?An Imprint Book“A more YA-friendly Game of Thrones...Recalls classic novels such as Tamora Pierce's Alanna series and Robin McKinley's Blue Sword… should keep readers' appetites whetted for the third installment.” —Kirkus ReviewsPraise for The Traitor's Kiss:"One of the most hotly anticipated young adult fantasy reads of 2017” —Bustle "An action-packed, expertly plotted story, drenched in double crosses and intrigue, with an irresistible heroine and a sweet and sexy romance.”—Publishers Weekly, starred review "Complex characterization, deftly layered adventure story, and [a] balanced blend of political maneuvering, romantic interludes, and action scenes." —Kirkus Reviews "Beaty balances a taut web of deceit...readers will be carried away by the mystery." —The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (BCCB)

Tranquility Moon: A Freedom from Violence Science Fiction Fantasy

by Tom Skore

It was an unsettling week for Paul Connors onboard the International Space Station. A shooting at his son's high school left the astronaut feeling he was safer in space than his son felt in the classroom. This revelation became all the more significant when at week's end Paul found himself inexplicably on the Moon and greeted by an alien seeking his support in bringing an end to violence on Earth. Paul Connors never imagined he would one day be spokesperson for humankind's first encounter with aliens. But he was also a responsible citizen of Earth, and fear over the aliens' intentions was fueling a worldwide crisis for which Paul felt responsible. But what to do? Could the alien plan really get humankind past its dependency on violence to solve its problems, or would it only serve to make matters worse? Most importantly, was world peace even a remote possibility? “It's so hard to help your child make sense of senselessness when you can't even do it for yourself.”

Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Childhood in Contemporary Britain: Literature, Media and Society (Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present)

by Sandra Dinter Ralf Schneider

In the light of the complex demographic shifts associated with late modernity and the impetus of neo-liberal politics, childhood continues all the more to operate as a repository for the articulation of diverse social and cultural anxieties. Since the Thatcher years, juvenile delinquency, child poverty, and protection have been persistent issues in public discourse. Simultaneously, childhood has advanced as a popular subject in the arts, as the wealth of current films and novels in this field indicates. Focusing on the late twentieth and the early twenty-first centuries, this collection assembles contributions concerned with current political, social, and cultural dimensions of childhood in the United Kingdom. The individual chapters, written by internationally renowned experts from the social sciences and the humanities, address a broad spectrum of contemporary childhood issues, including debates on child protection, school dress codes, the media, the representation and construction of children in audiovisual media, and literary awards for children’s fiction. Appealing to a wide scholarly audience by joining perspectives from various disciplines, including art history, education, law, film and TV studies, sociology, and literary studies, this volume endorses a transdisciplinary and meta-theoretical approach to the study of childhood. It seeks to both illustrate and dismantle the various ways in which childhood has been implicitly and explicitly conceived in different disciplines in the wake of the constructivist paradigm shift in childhood studies.

Transforming Harry: The Adaptation of Harry Potter in the Transmedia Age (Contemporary Approaches to Film and Media Series)

by Kelly Turner John Alberti Vera Cuntz-Leng P. Andrew Miller Andrew Howe Cassandra Bausman Maria Dicieanu Katharine McCain Michelle Markey Butler Liza Potts Emily Dallaire

Transforming Harry: The Adaptation of Harry Potter in the Transmedia Ageis an edited volume of eight essays that look at how the cinematic versions of the seven Harry Potter novels represent an unprecedented cultural event in the history of cinematic adaptation. The movie version of the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, premiered in 2001, in between publication of the fourth and fifth books of this global literary phenomenon. As a result, the production and reception of both novel and movie series became intertwined with one another, creating a fanbase who accessed the series first through the books, first through the movies, and in various other combinations. John Alberti and P. Andrew Miller have gathered scholars to explore and examine the cultural, political, aesthetic, and pedagogical dimensions of this pop culture phenomenon and how it has changed the reception of both the films and books. Divided into two sections, the volume addresses both the fidelity of adaptation and the transmedia adaptations that have evolved around the creation of the books and movies. In her essay, Vera Cuntz-Leng draws on feminist film theory to explore the gaze politics and male objectification operating in the Harry Potter movies. Cassandra Bausman contends that screenwriter Steve Klove’s revision of the end of the film version of Deathly Hallows, Part II offers a more politically and ethically satisfying conclusion to the Harry Potter saga than the ending of the Rowling novel. Michelle Markey Butler’s "Harry Potter and the Surprising Venue of Literary Critiques" argues that the fan-generated memes work as a kind of popular literary analysis in three particular areas: the roles of female characters, the comparative analysis of books and films, and the comparative analysis of the Harry Potter series with other works of fantasy. While the primary focus of the collection is an academic audience, it will appeal to a broad range of readers. Within the academic community, Transforming Harry will be of interest to scholars and teachers in a number of disciplines, including film and media studies and English. Beyond the classroom, the Harry Potter series clearly enjoys a large and devoted global fan community, and this collection will be of interest to serious fans.

Tras la pista invisible: 8 misterios sin resolver narrados por Paulettee

by Paulettee

Un libro para verdaderos Misters.. Una maleta abandonada en medio del zócalo en Ciudad de México, tres hermanos que salieron a la playa y nunca volvieron, la muerte de una reconocida actriz o el fatídico desenlace de una secta religiosa son apenas una parte de lo que los Misters podrán encontrar en Tras la pista invisible, el primer libro de relatos de Paulettee, la reina del misterio. La crítica ha dicho: 'Celebro y sigo el contenido digital de Paulettee desdesiempre porque tiene investigación y esfuerzo periodístico, y este libro es la prueba de ello: ocho historias, narradas de manera ágil, que dejarán los pelos de punta a quienes las lean. (Y a quienes aún tienen pelo, claro)'. Daniel Samper Ospina

Trashing the Planet: Examining Our Global Garbage Glut

by Stuart A. Kallen

On a global scale, humans create around 2.6 trillion pounds of waste every year. None of this trash is harmless—landfills and dumps leak toxic chemicals into soil and groundwater, while incinerators release toxic gases and particles into the air. What can we do to keep garbage from swallowing up Earth? Reducing, reusing, recycling, and upcycling are some of the answers. Learn more about the work of the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Ocean Cleanup Array, the zero waste movement, and the many other government, business, research, and youth efforts working to solve our planet's garbage crisis.

Tres promesas: Edición especial

by Lesslie Polinesia

Tres promesas, de Lesslie Polinesia, es un regreso al pasado de Lily, Pablo y Ana, pero al mismo tiempo un viaje al futuro que les permitirá comprender que el camino que creían trazado podría desviarse repentinamente. ¡Incluye vídeos inéditos de Lesslie Polinesia! Conscientes de que la vida y los planes pueden cambiar de un momento a otro. Que el destino es una fuerza poderosa que entrelaza a quienes parecieran ser los más distantes, los protagonistas de esta conmovedora historia tendrán que sanar las heridas a través de la lealtad, el perdón y el amor para alcanzar la verdadera felicidad. "Un dolor en el pecho me recordaba que estaba rompiendo las promesas que alguna vez le hice y con las que había vivido desde hacía tiempo, las mismas que marcaban nuestra relación, primero como amigos y luego como novios. También sentía que me estaba traicionando, a pesar de no estar haciendo algo malo o no tener la intención de dañarla. La gente cambia, yo estaba cambiando".

Una tribu

by Antonio Malpica

"Cada quién lleva un tatuaje distinto al de todos los demás en su interior. Y eso, a fin de cuentas, es su mayor fortaleza". "A veces siento que todo lo que impide al ser humano caminar descalzo por la hierba es una gran mentira." El gran jefe Tenaya y su pueblo habitan plácidamente el valle prohibido de Yosemite, a los pies del Capitán, el monolito preferido que hoy en día escalan los montañistas más atrevidos. Pero en 1850, aquella tribu tuvo que enfrentar una persecución sin tregua, una partida de ajedrez con los invasores del territorio piel roja. Petirrojo, hijo de Tenaya, sabe que su gente es de espíritu despreocupado, pero en su interior bullen las tribulaciones: la inseguridad frente a los talentos de sus hermanos, carismáticos y decididos; el temor de defraudar a su padre, y la vacilación ante el amor de Luz de Día, su amada desde niños. ¿Quién no ha temido quedar mal conquienes más le importan? A Tenaya le basta una vida simple y feliz para que su paso por la tierra sea provechoso, pero en ocasiones se necesita demostrar algo, a sí mismo y a los demás. Hasta ahora, Petirrojo no sabe para qué está en el mundo y se lo reprocha, pero se dará cuenta de que se necesita algo más que fuerza y astucia para vencer al enemigo, y poder así ser digno y libre. ¿Acaso una persona o una nación entera dejaría de existir si no alcanzara un sitio en la memoria del mundo? ¿Qué audacia tan grande se necesitará intentar en esta vida para que los demás te recuerden?

Trilogía Culpables (pack con: Culpa mía | Culpa tuya | Culpa nuestra)

by Mercedes Ron

Reunidos en un pack, los tres libros de la exitosa trilogía «Culpables». Dicen que del amor al odio solo hay un paso... Peligro, pasión, amor y fuerza. Polos opuestos. Así es la relación de Noah y Nicholas, fuego y electricidad. Cuando están juntos saltan chispas. Una trilogía imposible de dejar a medias. Únete al fenómeno #Culpables_________________ Culpa mía Nicholas Leister ha sido creado para amargarme la vida. Alto, ojos azules, pelo negro como la noche... Suena genial ¿verdad? Pues no tanto cuando te enteras de que va a ser tu hermanastro y además representa todo de lo que has estado huyendo desde que tienes uso de razón. Peligro fue lo primero que me vino a la cabeza cuando lo conocí y descubrí que mantiene una doble vida oculta de su padre multimillonario. ¿Cómo terminé cayendo en sus redes? Fácil: con esos ojos es capaz de poner tu mundo patas arriba. _________________ Culpa tuya Cuando Noah se enamoró de Nick sabía que su relación no iba a ser fácil: son polos opuestos, fuego y electricidad, y cuando están juntos saltan chispas... en todos los sentidos. Hasta ahora, la pasión ha sido más fuerte que el orgullo, pero la diferencia de edad, la universidad, las fiestas, sus padres y los fantasmas que acechan a los dos les ponen a prueba una y otra vez, como una bomba de relojería que amenaza con hacerles estallar. ¿Está Noah realmente preparada para enfrentarse a sus miedos y volver a confiar en alguien? ¿Podrá Nicholas dejar atrás su pasado y abrir el corazón a una sola persona? _________________ Culpa nuestra La relación de Nick y Noah está pasando por su peor momento, y parece que nada podrá volver a ser como antes... Van a tener que pasar por muchas cosas para finalmente comprender si de verdad están hechos el uno para el otro o si por lo contrario, estar separados es lo que de verdad les conviene. Pero ¿acaso se puede olvidar un amor tan fuerte? ¿Cómo pueden borrarse los recuerdos tatuados en el corazón?

Trilogía Guardianes de la Ciudadela (pack con: El bestiario de Axlin | El secreto de Xein | La misión de Rox)

by Laura Gallego

La trilogía de «Guardianes de la Ciudadela» llega en formato estuche para disfrutar de la saga al completo. EN UN MUNDO LLENO DE MONSTRUOS,SOLO UN LIBRO PUEDE SALVARNOS El bestiario de Axlin Axlin ha crecido siendo consciente de que cualquier día le puede tocar a ella. Su gente ha sobrevivido a los monstruos durante generaciones y ha aprendido a evitarlos en la medida de lo posible. Pero un día Axlin descubre que existen muchos tipos de monstruos diferentes, que cada aldea se enfrenta a sus propias pesadillas y que hay criaturas que no conoce y ante las que no sabe cómo defenderse. Axlin es la escriba de su aldea, la única que sabe leer y escribir. Debido a ello, nadie de su entorno comprende realmente la importancia de su trabajo. Pero ella se ha propuesto investigar todo lo que pueda sobre los monstruos y plasmar sus descubrimientos en un libro que pueda servir de guía y protección a otras personas. Por eso decide partir con los buhoneros en una larga ruta para reunir la sabiduría ancestral de las aldeas en su precaria lucha contra los monstruos. No obstante, a lo largo de su viaje descubrirá cosas que jamás habría imaginado cuando partió. ________________________________ El secreto de Xein Axlin trabaja en la biblioteca y sigue recopilando información para completar su bestiario mientras investiga una presencia inusual de monstruos dentro de los muros de la Ciudadela. Además, al intentar ayudar a su amigo Dex con un problema personal se ve envuelta en un conflicto que implica a varias familias aristocráticas de la ciudad vieja. Xein, por su parte, se ha convertido en uno más de los Guardianes que protegen a los habitantes de la Ciudadela de los monstruos que los acechan. Su lealtad a la Guardia lo obliga a mantener sus nuevos conocimientos ocultos para el resto de la gente y especialmente para Axlin, lo cual levanta otro muro entre los dos. Todo ello causará enfrentamientos entre ambos cada vez que vuelvan a encontrarse, pero también hará saltar chispas que arderán con más fuerza a causa de su pasado en común. ________________________________ La misión de Rox Rox ha partido a la región del oeste en busca de una aldea perdida habitada por Guardianes. Mientras una riada de supervivientes acude a la Ciudadela en busca de un refugio seguro, tras sus muros florece un nuevo movimiento filosófico, la Senda del Manantial, cuyo líder predica el fin del mundo conocido... para bien o para mal. Xein, por su parte, ha sido enviado a la Última Frontera, de donde pocos regresan con vida. Pero Axlin se ha propuesto rescatarlo.

Trouble Never Sleeps

by Stephanie Tromly

Happily Ever After gets a serious makeover in this swoony, non-stop, thrill-ride of a conclusion to the Trouble Is a Friend of Mine trilogyDigby and Zoe have been skirting around each other for so long that you might think they'd lose their magic if they ever actually hooked up. But never fear--there's all the acerbic wit, steamy chemistry, and sarcastic banter you could possibly hope for.Now that Digby's back in town he's plunged Zoe (and their Scooby Gang of wealthy frenemy Sloane, nerd-tastic genius Felix, and aw-shucks-handsome Henry) back into the deep end on the hunt for his kidnapped sister. He's got a lead, but it involves breaking into a secret government research facility, paying a drug dealer off with a Bentley, and possibly committing treason. The schemes might be over-the-top but this Breakfast Club cast is irresistibly real as they cope with regular high school stuff from social media shaming to dating your best friend, all with a twist no one will see coming."I'm in awe of Tromly because of what she has pulled off. . . this book sings."--Jesse Andrews, author of Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and The Haters on Trouble Is a Friend of Mine


by Catherine Barter

When she was three, Alena's activist mother died. She's been raised by her half-brother and his boyfriend in East London, which is being targeted by a lone bomber. Alena desperately wants to know about her mother, but her brother won't tell her anything. Alena's played by the rules all her life, but that's over. When she starts digging up information herself and does something that costs her brother his job and puts the family in jeopardy, Alena discovers she can be a troublemaker—just like her mother. Now she must figure out what sort of trouble she's willing to get into to find out the truth.

The True Queen (The Impostor Queen #3)

by Sarah Fine

Using fire and ice magic, Elli and Ansa must bring their people together to fight a common enemy in this epic conclusion to the Impostor Queen trilogy, which is a perfect fit for “fans of Victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen” (School Library Journal).Now that Ansa knows she is the destined queen of Kupari, she is desperate to find a permanent home for her people, the Kriegere, in the Kupari lands. But as the small band of warriors crosses into the foreign territory, Ansa loses her fragile grip on her newly-acquired—and violent—fire and ice magic and puts everyone, including her love Thyra, in danger. Inside the walls of Kupari, Elli maintains the facade that she is the magical queen, with her secret—that she has no magic at all—on the brink of exposure every day. But as she tries to prepare the citizens to protect themselves from another invasion, unrest spreads as wielders like her beloved Oskar begin to lose control of their powers. As Kupari grows increasingly unstable, with the land literally crumbling beneath their feet, and a common enemy once again threatening everything, these two young women on a collision course with destiny must find a way to save the realm and their people from total destruction. In this epic conclusion to the Impostor Queen series, Sarah Fine’s sweeping tale of two fierce leaders imbued with unimaginable power and called to unthinkable sacrifice finally answers the question: who has the strength to be the True Queen?

Truly Devious: A Mystery (Truly Devious #1)

by Maureen Johnson

New York Times bestselling author Maureen Johnson weaves a delicate tale of murder and mystery in the first book of a striking new series, perfect for fans of Agatha Christie and E. Lockhart. <P><P>Ellingham Academy is a famous private school in Vermont for the brightest thinkers, inventors, and artists. It was founded by Albert Ellingham, an early twentieth century tycoon, who wanted to make a wonderful place full of riddles, twisting pathways, and gardens. “A place,” he said, “where learning is a game.”Shortly after the school opened, his wife and daughter were kidnapped. The only real clue was a mocking riddle listing methods of murder, signed with the frightening pseudonym “Truly, Devious.” It became one of the great unsolved crimes of American history. <P>True-crime aficionado Stevie Bell is set to begin her first year at Ellingham Academy, and she has an ambitious plan: She will solve this cold case. That is, she will solve the case when she gets a grip on her demanding new school life and her housemates: the inventor, the novelist, the actor, the artist, and the jokester. But something strange is happening. Truly Devious makes a surprise return, and death revisits Ellingham Academy. <P> The past has crawled out of its grave. Someone has gotten away with murder. The two interwoven mysteries of this first book in the Truly Devious series dovetail brilliantly, and Stevie Bell will continue her relentless quest for the murderers in books two and three.

The Truth and Lies of Ella Black

by Emily Barr

From the author of the "unputdownable" international hit The One Memory of Flora Banks comes a fast-paced cross-continental journey of identity, family, darkness and light, and the ways in which we define ourselves.Ella Black has always had dark inclinations. She's successfully hidden her evil alter ego from her family and friends, but Bella is always there, ready to take control and force Ella to do bad things. When Ella's parents drag her out of school one afternoon and fly across the globe to Rio de Janeiro with no believable explanation, Bella longs to break free--and so does Ella. Because for all that her parents claim to be doing what's best for her, Ella knows there is something going on that they're not divulging, and she is determined to find out what.Once in Rio, Ella learns a shocking truth about her family that gives way to a mission through the streets and beaches of Brazil in search of her authentic self. But the truth has many layers, and as Ella uncovers more and more about her own history, she struggles to come to terms with just where it is that she came from.

The Truth and Lies of Ella Black

by Emily Barr

From the author of the "unputdownable" international hit The One Memory of Flora Banks comes a fast-paced cross-continental journey of identity, family, darkness and light, and the ways in which we define ourselves.Ella Black has always had dark inclinations. She's successfully hidden her evil alter ego from her family and friends, but Bella is always there, ready to take control and force Ella to do bad things. When Ella's parents drag her out of school one afternoon and fly across the globe to Rio de Janeiro with no believable explanation, Bella longs to break free--and so does Ella. Because for all that her parents claim to be doing what's best for her, Ella knows there is something going on that they're not divulging, and she is through with being treated like a child. Once in Rio, when Ella learns the truth--that the couple she's always called Mom and Dad are actually her adoptive parents--she runs off through the streets and waterways of Brazil in search of her true self. But the truth has many layers, and as Ella uncovers more and more about her own history, she struggles to come to terms with just where it is that she came from. Perfect for fans of Ellen Hopkins and Kathleen Glasgow, The Truth and Lies of Ella Black will have readers on the edge of their seat until the shocking, satisfying end.

The Truth Lies Here

by Lindsey Klingele

Stranger Things meets Men in Black in this funny and eerie young adult novel.WHAT’S GOING ON IN BONE LAKE? THE TRUTH WILL SURPRISE YOU.In small town Michigan, Penny Hardjoy, an aspiring journalist, teams up with the nerdy boy next door and the town’s star quarterback to find her conspiracy theorist father after he goes missing and several other people turn up dead in the woods. The deeper she digs, the weirder things start to get. Townspeople repeat the same phrases—verbatim. Men in black suits stroll around Main Street. Chunks of Penny's memory go missing.Pretty soon, her research leads her to the long-ago meteorite crash in Bone Lake’s woods, and she’s going to have to reconsider her definition of “real” if she wants answers. . . .

The Truth of Different Skies: Book 3 (Ventura Saga #3)

by Kate Ling

What makes you abandon your world? How do you say goodbye when it's forever? A heart-breaking story about survival, love and hope. For fans of Meg Rosoff and Beth Revis.'I've always feared this place would keep me rooted forever . . . but now, without gravity, I'm flying, floating, falling' Bea feels trapped. Having never left her small town and with no money or anyone to rely on, she faces the inevitable future of a dead-end job - forced to survive, rather than live. When a message arrives from space, a mission is planned to travel to its source. Bea knows she has to be chosen to go, no matter what it takes, even though it means leaving Earth forever. Her life has to matter. Except she didn't plan on falling in love before she left . . .

Tu a Sants i jo a Mollerussa: Una novel·la d'amor, banderes i urnes

by Jordi Sierra i Fabra

Jordi Sierra i Fabra rememora la setmana prèvia a l'1-O a través d'una història d'amor entre dos protagonistes amb ideals polítics enfrontats. La Meritxell i en Pau es coneixen en una nit boja. Al matí la Meritxell s'adona horroritzada que ell és «unionista» i en Pablo descobreix, no menys espantat, que ella és «indepe». Dos pols oposats que viuran al límit del 22 de setembre fins a l'1 d'octubre de 2017, debatint-se entre la passió i els ideals. Jordi Sierra i Fabra rememora aquesta setmana crucial amb una divertida però contundent història portada al límit per dos personatges superats per les circumstàncies però units per la bogeria de l'amor . Serà possible la pau?

Tú primero: La felicidad comienza cuando decides ser tú misma

by Lola Ortiz

El libro de Un rincón maravilloso, un blog de experiencias, de momentos, en los que Lola Ortiz reivindica lo bello que es vivir. Tú primero nace de la ilusión de una chica amante de las palabras, de las historias que te ponen los pelos de punta y de todo eso que te hace vivir de verdad. Nace de un sueño, de esa clase de sueños en los que te das cuenta de que sólo se cumplen cuando vas a por ellos. Nace para aprender a quererte a ti mismo, animarte cuando no puedes más, reír y también llorar, para saber que no eres la única persona que pasa por ciertas situaciones y que hay alguien ahí fuera que te entiende. Y nace de la mano del blog Un rincón maravilloso, para que encuentres en estas páginas lo que a veces casi no se puede decir, pero que, de una forma u otra, llega al corazón.

Turn It Up!: Practice Makes Pitch Perfect

by Jen Calonita

From the author of the Fairy Tale Reform School and the Belles series comes a contemporary YA that sings with hilarity and fun.The Nightingales are in a serious funk. Bradley Academy's all-girl a cappella group used to be the pride of the sunshine state, but the Nightingales have recently fallen out of harmony. Best friends and co-captains Lidia Sato and Sydney Marino haven't been speaking ever since a boy came between them. And not just any boy-none other than Griffin Mancini, the lead singer of Bradley Academy's smug all-boy a capella group, the Kingfishers. The Nightingales have no chance of making it to the big state final if their captains are at each other's throats. Their only hope is new girl Julianna Ramirez. But in addition to her serious pipes, she has some serious stage fright. The Nightingales will have to come together if they want to shine at the upcoming competition and restore the group to its former glory.Turn It Up! follows Lidia, Sydney, and Julianna through the ups and downs of friendship, romance, competition, and finding the perfect song!

The Turnaround (Mason Falls Mysteries)

by R. T. Martin

Justin has always been a big fan of Mason Falls High School's baseball team, the Lions—even though they are the worst in their division. But this season, the Lions are playing surprisingly well under the new coach. Almost too well to believe. Justin wonders if the new coach has simply whipped the players into shape, or if something else is responsible for the team's drastic turnaround.

Twelve Steps to Normal

by James Patterson Farrah Penn

James Patterson presents this emotionally resonant novel that shows that while some broken things can't be put back exactly the way they were, they can be repaired and made even stronger.Kira's Twelve Steps To A Normal Life1. Accept Grams is gone.2. Learn to forgive Dad.3. Steal back ex-boyfriend from best friend...And somewhere between 1 and 12, realize that when your parent's an alcoholic, there's no such thing as "normal." When Kira's father enters rehab, she's forced to leave everything behind--her home, her best friends, her boyfriend...everything she loves. Now her father's sober (again) and Kira is returning home, determined to get her life back to normal...exactly as it was before she was sent away. But is that what Kira really wants?Life, love, and loss come crashing together in this visceral, heartfelt story by BuzzFeed writer Farrah Penn about a girl who struggles to piece together the shards of her once-normal life before his alcoholism tore it apart.

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