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Twice Dead (The Necromancer's Song #1)

by Caitlin Seal

In this imaginative debut perfect for fans of character-driven fantasies like Graceling and Daughter of Smoke and Bone, seventeen-year-old Naya Garth becomes one of the undead and an unlikely spy for her country.Naya, the daughter of a sea merchant captain, nervously undertakes her first solo trading mission in the necromancer-friendly country bordering her homeland of Talmir. Unfortunately, she never even makes it to the meeting. She's struck down in the streets of Ceramor. Murdered.But death is not the end for Naya. She awakens to realize she's become an abomination--a wraith, a ghostly creature bound by runes to the bones of her former corpse. She's been resurrected in order to become a spy for her country. Reluctantly, she assumes the face and persona of a servant girl named Blue. She never intended to become embroiled in political plots, kidnapping, and murder. Or to fall in love with the young man and former necromancer she is destined to betray."A high fantasy filled with adventure, espionage, and romance that envelops the reader in a world where the undead walk among the living."—Kirkus Reviews

Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns #3)

by Kendare Blake

#1 New York Times bestselling author Kendare Blake returns with the highly anticipated third book in the Three Dark Crowns series! And while Arsinoe, Mirabella, and Katharine all have their own scores to settle, they aren’t the only queens stirring things up on Fennbirn Island. Queen Katharine has waited her entire life to wear the crown. But now that she finally has it, the murmurs of dissent grow louder by the day. There’s also the alarming issue of whether or not her sisters are actually dead—or if they’re waiting in the wings to usurp the throne.Mirabella and Arsinoe are alive, but in hiding on the minland and dealing with a nightmare of their own: being visited repeatedly by a specter they think might be the fabled Blue Queen. Though she says nothing, her rotting, bony finger pointing out to sea is clear enough: return to Fennbirn. Jules, too, is in a strange place—in disguise. And her only confidants, a war-gifted girl named Emilia and her oracle friend Mathilde, are urging her to take on a role she can’t imagine filling: a legion-cursed queen who will lead a rebel army to Katharine’s doorstep.This is an uprising that the mysterious Blue Queen may have more to do with than anyone could have guessed—or expected.

Tying the Knot: A World History of Marriage

by Amber J. Keyser

For thousands of years, marriage was a business transaction between two families. Fathers chose husbands for their daughters to build power, wealth, and social status. Rules about acceptable spouses were strict. Interfaith and interracial marriages were often forbidden. Over the centuries, laws and traditions governing marriage have changed dramatically. In the United States, interfaith and interracial marriages are common. Same-sex marriages are legal there and in many nations. In some places, however, centuries-old customs are still firmly in place. Modern matrimony has its ugly sides, such as rape, forced marriages, and bitter divorces. Learn about the good and the bad, with people from around the world discussing the complexities and the joys of marriage.

Tyler Johnson Was Here

by Jay Coles

<P>The Hate U Give meets All American Boys in this striking and heartbreaking debut novel, commenting on current race relations in America. <P>When Marvin Johnson's twin, Tyler, goes to a party, Marvin decides to tag along to keep an eye on his brother. But what starts as harmless fun turns into a shooting, followed by a police raid. <P>The next day, Tyler has gone missing, and it's up to Marvin to find him. But when Tyler is found dead, a video leaked online tells an even more chilling story: Tyler has been shot and killed by a police officer. Terrified as his mother unravels and mourning a brother who is now a hashtag, Marvin must learn what justice and freedom really mean. <P>Tyler Johnson Was Here is a stunning account of police brutality in modern America.

UCLA Football Encyclopedia

by Spencer Stueve Johnathan Franklin

The history of UCLA football is a continuous story of highs and lows, ups and downs. Every year from 1919 to today, UCLA has fielded a team, and though the expectations have changed through the years, the goals have not. The single greatest goal in sports is to win your next game. When a team strings enough wins together, a magical season is born. In the UCLA Football Encyclopedia, Stueve doesn’t miss a beat in his coverage of all the magical seasons, as well as the not-so-magical seasons, from the inaugural one through 2017. He covers the UCLA coaches, as well as the players who have left a lasting legacy. Along the way, he captures all the details about the wins, the losses, the individual and team records, the assistant coaches, and the players that built the foundation of the program. The story of UCLA football is often a story of "almost," and in this book, readers will relive the times UCLA simply refused to settle for "almost." These tales feature legends Fred Cozens, Red Sanders, Tommy Prothro, Jim Mora, and countless other Bruins stars, past and present. Stueve also recounts the upbringing of Donn Moomaw and that of Maurice Jones-Drew. Complete with dozens of historical photographs, this is the most extensive book ever written on UCLA football and a must-read for every UCLA football fan nationwide.“My experience working with Skyhorse is always a positive collaboration. The editors are first-rate professionals, and my books receive top-shelf treatment. I truly appreciate our working relationship and hope it continues for years to come.” –David Fischer, author

Uf, ¿y para qué votar?

by Benito Taibo Rosa Beltrán Antonio Malpica Jorge Vargas B.

¿Te choca la política? ¿Acabas de cumplir 18? ¿Para qué te sirve la credencial de elector además de que te dejen entrar a los antros? El Instituto Nacional Electoral ha reunido a entrañables escritores que te cuentan en este libro sus experiencias con la democracia, cómo ha influido en su vida cotidiana y en su forma de ver el mundo, pues la idea de pactar entre todos funciona en el día a día y desde tiempos ancestrales. Mucha gente se siente decepcionada, hay quienes consideran no votar y regalan su poder de decisión a los demás. Pero la desesperanza te inmoviliza, y es justo ahí donde lo que no nos gusta surge con más fuerza. Además, para lograr lo que queremos en la vida personal se necesitan buenas condiciones en la vida pública. Por eso es vital que ejerzas tu derecho a decidir. Que tu voz sea escuchada. Sobretodo tomando en cuenta lo que de veras importa en la comunidad. Participar vale la pena porque significa apostarle a solucionar nuestros conflictos y porque la voluntad es el motor de la historia. No te dejes llevar por el sentimentalismo ni por la víscera entre bandos, aun a pesar de que sea precisamente ese fuego emotivo al que por desgracia se le arroja más combustible en casi todas las campañas electorales. Tampoco te apantalles con los anuncios que apuestan por el miedo y el desencanto, ni siquiera por los que pretenden ser inspiradores. La reflexión es lo que cuenta. Ilustraciones de Santiago Solís

UI 101

by M. K. Claeys

Welcome to the University of Illington, where higher education doesn’t always take place in the classroom...Southwestern bohemian beauty Rae, Midwestern punk rocker Ryn, and intellectual Southern Belle Mitzy meet for the first time on the wild ride that is college life. At UI, they encounter everything from being haunted by the past to having brand-new starts, going from the dean's list to being on academic probation, and dealing with dorm-room drama that becomes finding friendship where they least expect it. So what happens when the place you were terrified of becomes your home and the crew of misfits on your floor becomes your family? You discover that the most important lesson is that where you are may be exactly where you belong.

La última casa en la montaña

by Xavier M. Sotelo

A veces, el verdadero terror llega cuando sobrevives... Un terrible accidente automovilístico cambia para siempre la vida de los pequeños Max y Poncho, así como la del oficial Esteban Rey. Para los niños, perder a sus padres tal vez no sea la mayor desgracia que enfrentarán, pues se verán obligados a vivir con una pariente que jamás han conocido: la tía Carmen, cuyas ideas y convicciones son más horrendas que los fantasmas de la casa que habitarán. Esteban Rey, mientras tanto, está demasiado atormentado y cegado por su propia pérdida, y hará caso omiso de las advertencias que recibe. No detendrá su investigación hasta descubrir las verdaderas causas del accidente, y se irá convirtiendo en el mejor aliado de los niños en su intento por sobrevivir la pesadilla de la última casa en la montaña.

The Ultimate Survival Guide to Being a Girl: On Love, Body Image, School, and Making It Through Life

by Christina De Witte

Addressing the struggles of young girls everywhere, this hilariously relatable comic guide to life provides real advice and encourages a new generation of teen girls to find confidence and embrace individuality.With friends, love, social media, body image, and more--navigating young adulthood can seem impossible. The Ultimate Survival Guide to Being a Girl provides humorous and highly relatable guidelines for all of the struggles young girls face, presented in author Christina De Witte's signature comic style and told from the point of view of her lovable Instagram and Internet character, Chrostin. A Hyperbole and a Half for the young adult audience, the book includes comics and hands-on advice about serious issues like mental health and self-care, and also deals with questions on every young girl's mind, like "Can you survive on pizza alone?" Quirky, hilarious, and sincere, The Ultimate Survival Guide to Being a Girl empowers young women to challenge society's unrealistic standards of beauty and embrace their individuality. This is sure to be a favorite for teen girls. Table of Contents Chapter One: Mental Stuff Chapter Two: The Beauty of the Human Booty Chapter Three: On Food Comas and Food Babies Chapter Four: Fashion No-No or Fashion Guru? Chapter Five: Friends and Family Business Chapter Six: Love Is Beautiful/Sucks Chapter Seven: School and Work, Work, Work, Work, Work Chapter Eight: The Internet of Things Chapter Nine: Society vs. Me Chapter Ten: United in Diversity

Umbertouched (Rosemarked #2)

by Livia Blackburne

The mission was a failure. Even though Zivah and Dineas discovered a secret that could bring down the empire, their information is useless without proof. Now, with their cover blown and their quest abandoned, their only remaining hope is to get home before Ampara brings the full might of its armies against their peoples.As Shidadi and Dara alike prepare for war, Zivah and Dineas grapple with the toll of their time in the capital. After fighting alongside the Amparans against his own kin, can Dineas convince the Shidadi-and himself-where his loyalties lie? After betraying her healer's vows in Sehmar City, can Zivah find a way to redeem herself-especially when the Dara ask her to do the unthinkable? And after reluctantly falling in love, what will the two do with their lingering feelings, now that the Dineas from Sehmar City is gone forever? Time is running out for all of them, but especially Zivah whose plague symptoms surface once again. Now, she must decide how she'll define the life she has left.Together, healer and warrior must find the courage to save their people, expose the truth, and face the devastating consequences headed their way.

Un any fora de casa! (Sèrie New York Academy #Volumen 1)

by Ana Punset

«Pensar que estic creuant l'Atlàntic per passar un any sencer a Nova York m'il·lusiona però també m'enfonsa. Sí, em moro de ganes de començar les classes a la millor academia d'art del país. Sí, és increïble pugui viure en una resi a Brooklyn. Però no, no vull separar-me de les meves amigues, ni vull que es pensin que aquest viatge és una excusa per allunyar-me... d'ell.» #NewYorkAcademy Gràcies al seu blog de poesia, a la Sofia li han donat una beca per fer un curs d'escriptura en una prestigiosa acadèmia americana. Ni més ni menys que a Nova York! Increïble! La Sofia es mor de ganes d'anar a aquesta acadèmia per convertir-se en una gran escriptora, però la veritat és que els canvis li fan una mica de por. I conèixer a gent no és un dels seus punts forts, precisament... Quan la Sofia arriba a la seva nova llar, una residència per a estudiants, coneix a un munt de nois i noies que, comella han, estat becats per les seves diferents disciplines artístiques: ball, fotografia, pintura, interpretació... La Sofia encara no ho sap, però els seus companys de residència estan a punt de convertir-se en persones indispensables al llarg de l'any que li canviarà la vida.

The Unbinding of Mary Reade

by Miriam McNamara

A clever, romantic novel based on the true story of a girl who disguised herself as a boy to sail with the infamous pirates Anne Bonny and Calico Jack—and fell in love with Anne Bonny. There’s no place for a girl in Mary’s world. Not in the home of her mum, desperately drunk and poor. Not in the household of her wealthy granny, where no girl can be named an heir. And certainly not in the arms of Nat, her childhood love who never knew her for who she was. As a sailor aboard a Caribbean merchant ship, Mary’s livelihood—and her safety—depends on her ability to disguise her gender. At least, that’s what she thinks is true. But then pirates attack the ship, and in the midst of the gang of cutthroats, Mary spots something she never could have imagined: a girl pirate. The sight of a girl standing unafraid upon the deck, gun and sword in hand, changes everything. In a split-second decision, Mary turns her gun on her own captain, earning herself the chance to join the account and become a pirate alongside Calico Jack and Anne Bonny. For the first time, Mary has a shot at freedom. But imagining living as her true self is easier, it seems, than actually doing it. And when Mary finds herself falling for the captain’s mistress, she risks everything—her childhood love, her place among the crew, and even her life. Breathlessly romantic and brilliantly subversive, The Unbinding of Mary Reade is sure to sweep readers off their feet and make their hearts soar.

Unbreakable: Unblemished, Unraveling, Unbreakable (The Unblemished Trilogy #3)

by Sara Ella

Sara Ella masterfully takes readers to new worlds in the jaw-dropping finale to the Unblemished trilogy. With the fate of the Reflections at stake, Eliyana must destroy the Void . . . but at what cost?Eliyana Ember is a reluctant queen. As vessel of the Verity—the purest of souls—only she can lead the fight against the wicked magnetism of the Void. If she fails, the paths between Reflections will cease to exist, and those she loves will remain plagued by darkness.After falling through a draining Threshold and suffering near-death, Eliyana awakens to a Shadowalker-ridden Venice, Italy. From there, she must learn to navigate mysteries of time and space. Traveling across the seven Reflections, Eliyana seeks one thing: the demise of the Void.But something else is at stake—the fate of her heart. Kyaphus Rhyen and Joshua David, brothers in arms, duel to win her hand. Ky remains ensnared and tortured by the Void. Joshua, though well-meaning, harbors dark secrets. Meanwhile, Eliyana finds herself torn, her mind and memories leading her in one direction, but her heart pulling her toward a man she knows she shouldn’t trust.How can she discern whom to believe when she cannot even depend on her own fragmented memories?Traversing the realms of fantasy and reality through a labyrinth of plot twists, Unbreakable delivers a thrilling conclusion to Sara Ella’s Unblemished Trilogy.

Unbroken: 13 Stories Starring Disabled Teens

by Marieke Nijkamp

This anthology explores disability in fictional tales told from the viewpoint of disabled characters, written by disabled creators. <P><P>With stories in various genres about first loves, friendship, war, travel, and more, Unbroken will offer today's teen readers a glimpse into the lives of disabled people in the past, present, and future. <P><P>The contributing authors are awardwinners, bestsellers, and newcomers including Kody Keplinger, Kristine Wyllys, Francisco X. Stork, William Alexander, Corinne Duyvis, Marieke Nijkamp, Dhonielle Clayton, Heidi Heilig, Katherine Locke, Karuna Riazi, Kayla Whaley, Keah Brown, and Fox Benwell. Each author identifies as disabled along a physical, mental, or neurodiverse axis—and their characters reflect this diversity.

Unclaimed Baggage

by Jen Doll

Doris—a lone liberal in a conservative small town—has mostly kept to herself since the terrible waterslide incident a few years ago. Nell had to leave behind her best friends, perfect life, and too-good-to-be-true boyfriend in Chicago to move to Alabama. Grant was the star quarterback and epitome of "Mr. Popular" whose drinking problem has all but destroyed his life. What do these three have in common? A summer job working in a store called Unclaimed Baggage cataloging and selling other people's lost luggage. Together they find that through friendship, they can unpack some of their own emotional baggage and move on into the future.

Uncommon Criminals: Book 2 (Heist Society #2)

by Ally Carter

Katarina Bishop has worn a lot of labels in her short life: Friend. Niece. Daughter. Thief. But for the last two months she's simply been known as the girl who ran the crew that robbed the greatest museum in the world. That's why Kat isn't surprised when she's asked to steal the infamous Cleopatra Emerald so it can be returned to its rightful owners. There are only three problems. First, the gem hasn't been seen in public in thirty years. Second, since the fall of the Egyptian empire and the suicide of Cleopatra, no one who holds the emerald keeps it for long - and in Kat's world, history almost always repeats itself. But it's the third problem that makes Kat's crew the most nervous, and that is...the emerald is cursed. Kat might be in way over her head, but she's not going down without a fight. After all, she has her best friend -- the gorgeous Hale - and the rest of her crew with her as they chase the Cleopatra around the globe, dodging curses and realizing that the same tricks and cons her family has used for centuries are useless for this heist. This time, Kat's going to have to make up her own rules...

Unconventional Warfare (Special Forces #1)

by Chris Lynch

"All the sizzle, chaos, noise and scariness of war is clay in the hands of ace storyteller Lynch." -- Kirkus Reviews for the World War II seriesDiscover the secret missions behind America's greatest conflicts.Danny Manion has been fighting his entire life. Sometimes with his fists. Sometimes with his words. But when his actions finally land him in real trouble, he can't fight the judge who offers him a choice: jail... or the army.Turns out there's a perfect place for him in the US military: the Studies and Observation Group (SOG), an elite volunteer-only task force comprised of US Air Force Commandos, Army Green Berets, Navy SEALS, and even a CIA agent or two. With the SOG's focus on covert action and psychological warfare, Danny is guaranteed an unusual tour of duty, and a hugely dangerous one. Fortunately, the very same qualities that got him in trouble at home make him a natural-born commando in a secret war. Even if almost nobody knows he's there.National Book Award finalist Chris Lynch begins a new, explosive fiction series based on the real-life, top-secret history of US black ops.

Undead Girl Gang

by Lily Anderson

Veronica Mars meets The Craft when a teen girl investigates the suspicious deaths of three classmates and accidentally ends up bringing them back to life to form a hilariously unlikely--and unwilling--vigilante girl gang. <P><P>Meet teenage Wiccan Mila Flores, who truly could not care less what you think about her Doc Martens, her attitude, or her weight because she knows that, no matter what, her BFF Riley is right by her side. <P>So when Riley and Fairmont Academy mean girls June Phelan-Park and Dayton Nesseth die under suspicious circumstances, Mila refuses to believe everyone's explanation that her BFF was involved in a suicide pact. <P>Instead, armed with a tube of lip gloss and an ancient grimoire, Mila does the unthinkable to uncover the truth: she brings the girls back to life. <P>Unfortunately, Riley, June, and Dayton have no recollection of their murders. But they do have unfinished business to attend to. <P>Now, with only seven days until the spell wears off and the girls return to their graves, Mila must wrangle the distracted group of undead teens and work fast to discover their murderer...before the killer strikes again.

The Underdog Parade

by Michael Mihaley

"[Protagonist] appealing, and readers will applaud his small triumphs."--Booklist “A treasure for readers of any age, The Underdog Parade promises to be an instant classic reminiscent of works like To Kill a Mockingbird. Crack open this book, and you will not put it down!”--Gary R. Brown, author of The Coney Island Fakir“I fell in love with Michael Mihaley’s band of misfit characters. They show us anything is possible with a little bit of faith and a whole lotta heart.” --Barbara J. Taylor, author of All Waiting Is LongIt’s the summer of the drought, but thirteen-year-old Peter “Nemo” Grady has bigger problems on his mind than the weather. He hates his new home in the exclusive golf club community Willow Creek Landing. His parents are always fighting and he can’t escape the memory of his last seizure—when he flopped around the gymnasium floor like a fish out of water—earning him his dreaded nickname. To top it all off, Peter has no friends, but he receives plenty of unsolicited attention from Chipper, the boy scout super-bully who also happens to be a resident of Willow Creek. His only companion is his little sister, CJ, who thinks she is Wonder Woman. Peter is all too aware that you don’t need rain in the forecast to have dark clouds overhead. Things change when he meets his new neighbor, the mysterious Joshua, who predicts the drought will end with a storm of biblical proportions. Peter looks to his visiting, wheelchair-bound Uncle Herb, and his neighbors, Mr. James and Mr. Terry, for guidance as Josh prepares for imminent doom. With each passing day, Peter realizes that sooner or later he will have to rely on the strength of the lamest, most jelly-weak individual he knows—himself.

Underneath It All: A History of Women's Underwear

by Amber J. Keyser

For most of human history, the garments women wore under their clothes were hidden. The earliest underwear provided warmth and protection. But eventually, women's undergarments became complex structures designed to shape their bodies to fit the fashion ideals of the time. In the modern era, undergarments are out in the open, from the designer corsets Madonna wore on stage to Beyoncé's pregnancy announcement on Instagram. This feminist exploration of women's underwear reveals the intimate role lingerie plays in defining women's bodies, sexuality, gender identity, and body image. It is a story of control and restraint but also female empowerment and self-expression. You will never look at underwear the same way again.

Understanding God’s World

by Dawn Mereness

The Author describes GOD's creation in his books, about Science, Insects, Plants, Birds, Water, Air, Weather, Sound and Hearing. Geology, Planet Earth, Oceanography, Wonders of the Sea and Astronomy.

Unearthed (Unearthed #1)

by Amie Kaufman Meagan Spooner

From the New York Times best-selling author duo Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner comes a "literally breathtaking" new sci-fi series about a death-defying mission on an alien planet. When Earth intercepts a message from a long-extinct alien race, it seems like the solution humanity has been waiting for. The Undying's advanced technology has the potential to undo environmental damage and turn lives around, and their message leads to the planet Gaia, a treasure trove waiting to be explored.For Jules Addison and his fellow scholars, the discovery of an ancient alien culture offers unprecedented opportunity for study... as long as scavengers like Amelia Radcliffe don't loot everything first. Despite their opposing reasons for smuggling themselves onto the alien planet's surface, they're both desperate to uncover the riches hidden in the Undying temples. Beset by rival scavenger gangs, Jules and Mia form a fragile alliance... but both are keeping secrets that make trust nearly impossible.As they race to decode the ancient messages, Jules and Mia must navigate the traps and trials within the Undying temples and stay one step ahead of the scavvers on their heels. They came to Gaia certain that they had far more to fear from their fellow humans than the ancient beings whose mysteries they're trying to unravel. But the more they learn about the Undying, the more Jules and Mia start to feel like their presence in the temple is part of a grand design--one that could spell the end of the human race...


by David Anderson

High school twins Nick and Nora are hired by businessman Julius Wheeler to look after guests at his remote vacation home, deep in the Canadian wilderness. When the boat they’re travelling on nearly sinks, Nick and Nora are stranded at the luxury cabin with eight unhappy, squabbling adults. Then, after stumbling across a massive meteorite hidden in the forest, members of the group begin to change and disappear. Instead of adventure and summer earnings, Nick and Nora must survive for the next seven days. As the dangers increase, the twins realise the terrible truth – a malevolent alien presence is taking control of the guests’ minds and bodies. The remaining uninfected guests must quickly learn to set aside their differences and fight the deadly threat. Can reluctant leader Nick and resourceful Nora stay free of the invader? And can they figure out a way to destroy it before it’s too late?

The Unknown

by J. W. Lynne

Eight kids, ages nine to seventeen, awaken to find that almost everything they have ever known has been stolen from them. They were ripped from their beds in the middle of the night and transported to an unfamiliar and unforgiving new world where there are strict rules, and they are punished if they refuse to obey. <p><p> As the kids grapple with their mysterious new reality, they struggle with disconcerting questions. Where in the world are they? Why were they taken away from their families? Will they ever get to go back home? And the most frightening question of all: Will this be the place where they die?

An Unofficial Encyclopedia of Strategy for Fortniters: Duos and Squads Strategies (Encyclopedia for Fortniters)

by Jason R. Rich

In addition to the Solo game play mode (which pits each gamer up against up to 99 others in a real-time battle), the Duos mode allows gamers to team up with one friend in a quest to defeat all other gamers during a match. Meanwhile, the Squads mode allows teams of four players to enter into a match and work together as they battle against up to 96 other gamers. The Duos and Squads game play modes are permanent features built into the game, and they’ve proven to be extremely popular, since Fortnite: Battle Royale is, for the most part, cross-platform compatible. Thus, someone experiencing the game on a PS4 can team up with a PC user, for example, to play against a random section of other gamers, in real-time. An Encyclopedia of Strategies for Fortniters: Duos and Squads Strategies will be the first book in this unofficial strategy guide series to offer in-depth coverage of Fortnite: Battle Royale’s team-oriented game play modes. Thus, this unofficial strategy guide will be chock full of proven strategies and game play tips designed to help teams achieve victory in the Fortnite: Battle Royale matches they participate in. This expanded (approximately 176-page) guide will include a comprehensive overview of the Fortnite: Battle Royale game, with a special focus on the game’s team-oriented game play modes. The full-color book will appeal to readers age 8 and up, regardless of which gaming platform they’re using. Throughout each match, gamers must: Focus on survival Avoid the deadly storm Explore the island Gather resources Build structures and fortresses Find, collect, and utilize weapons and ammunition Acquire and use loot items Engage in combat against enemy soldiers with the goal of becoming the last person alive at the end of the match When experiencing any of the team-oriented game play modes, cooperative gameplay (teamwork) and communication with team members become vital. An Encyclopedia of Duos and Squads Strategies will soon be an indispensable resource for gamers experiencing the Duos or Squads game play modes (or any of the other team-oriented game play modes added to Fortnite: Battle Royale on a temporary basis).

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