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The Unpredictability of Being Human

by Linni Ingemundsen

"If I got to be God for one day, I'd like to say I'd end world hunger and create world peace. But I wouldn't. Because if God could fix the big stuff, he'd have done it already."Malin knows she can't fix the big stuff in her life. Instead, she watches from the sidelines, as her dad yells, her brother lies, and her mum falls apart. At least after she meets Hanna, she has a friend to help her. Because being Malin is complicated – learning how to kiss, what to wear to prom, and what to do when you upset the prettiest, meanest girl in school.It's tough fitting in when you're different. But what if it's the world that's weird, not you?A beautiful, funny and honest coming-of-age story that never pretends life is perfect.

Unpunished Murder: Massacre at Colfax and the Quest for Justice

by Lawrence Goldstone

How the Supreme Court turned a blind eye on justice, stripped away the equal rights promised to all Americans, and ushered in the era of Jim Crow.On Easter Sunday of 1873, just eight years after the Civil War ended, a band of white supremacists marched into Grant Parish, Louisiana, and massacred over one hundred unarmed African Americans. The court case that followed reached the highest court in the land. Yet, following one of the most ghastly incidents of mass murder in American history, not one person was convicted.The opinion issued by the Supreme Court in US v. Cruikshank set in motion a process that would help create a society in which Black Americans were oppressed and denied basic human rights—legally, according to the courts. These injustices paved the way for Jim Crow and would last for the next hundred years. Many continue to exist to this day.In this compelling and thoroughly researched volume for young readers, Lawrence Goldstone traces the evolution of the law and the fascinating characters involved in the story of how the Supreme Court helped institutionalize racism in the American justice system.“Spotlighting an event seldom discussed in books for young people, Goldstone provides a complex, useful historical context for understanding issues surrounding race and justice.” —Booklist (starred review)“A unique look at not only the massacre in question, but also at the history and workings of the Supreme Court of the United States.” —School Library Connection“The book is, in large part, the story of how racism evolves, persisting in laws and politics despite major social advances.” —The Horn Book (starred review)

Unshakable Hope Promise Book

by Max Lucado

Get to know the God who keeps His promises. Unshakable Hope Promise Book, by bestselling author Max Lucado, explores the promises God made to His people throughout the Bible and how they are relevant to your life today. Get ready to discover the amazing plans and promises God has just for you!What would you do tomorrow if you had no fear? How would you live your life if you knew that the promises in the Bible are for you? What if God Himself put promises there meant for you and has an amazing plan for your life?In Unshakable Hope Promise Book: Student Edition, Max Lucado shows you how God has kept His promises in the lives of His people for all of history. Using examples from biblical characters and current examples from teens like you, Max will help you explore and understand the ways God has kept His promises then and how He keeps them now.Embrace an exciting faith-filled life as you work through stories, Scripture, and journaling questions in Unshakable Hope Promise Book.

Unstoppable Moses: A Novel

by Tyler James Smith

Moses and his cousin Charlie were best friends, wisecracking pranksters, unstoppable forces of teenage energy—until the night they became accidental arsonists and set in motion a chain of events that left Moses alone, guilt-stricken, and most likely trapped in his dead-end town. Then Moses gets a lucky break: the chance to volunteer as a camp counselor for week and prove that the incident at the bowling alley should be expunged from his record. And since a criminal record and enrollment at Duke are mutually exclusive, he’s determined to get through his community service and get on with his life. But tragedy seems to follow him wherever he goes, and this time, it might just stop him in his tracks.

The Unwanted: Stories of the Syrian Refugees

by Don Brown

Sibert Honor Medalist · New York Public Library Best Of 2018 · The Horn Book&’s Fanfare 2018 list · Kirkus Best Books of 2018 · YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction WinnerIn the tradition of two-time Sibert honor winner Don Brown&’s critically acclaimed, full-color nonfiction graphic novels The Great American Dust Bowl and Drowned City, The Unwanted is an important, timely, and eye-opening exploration of the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis, exposing the harsh realities of living in, and trying to escape, a war zone. Starting in 2011, refugees flood out of war-torn Syria in Exodus-like proportions. The surprising flood of victims overwhelms neighboring countries, and chaos follows. Resentment in host nations heightens as disruption and the cost of aid grows. By 2017, many want to turn their backs on the victims. The refugees are the unwanted. Don Brown depicts moments of both heartbreaking horror and hope in the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis. Shining a light on the stories of the survivors, The Unwanted is a testament to the courage and resilience of the refugees and a call to action for all those who read.

Vaccination Investigation: The History and Science of Vaccines

by Tara Haelle

Vaccines are biological substances that cause the human immune system to build up its defenses against specific diseases. Public health officials recommend a series of vaccines for all children, as well as some vaccines for teenagers and adults. But not everyone gets the vaccines they need. Many poor nations don't have the resources to deliver vaccines to every community. Some parents refuse to have their children vaccinated because they don't believe the evidence proving that vaccines are safe. The effort to wipe out diseases using vaccines continues. Vaccine Investigation recounts the fascinating history of vaccines, their important role in protecting community health, and the excitement of cutting-edge research.

El valle del dragón: Gran temblor I (Gran Temblor #Volumen 1)

by Scarlett Thomas

Si tuvieras poderes mágicos secretos, ¿cómo lo sabrías? Primera entrega de la serie «Gran Temblor», donde un grupo de niños está destinado a salvar el mundo en un reino maravilloso donde la magia existe y el mal acecha. Un cataclismo de proporciones colosales, ocurrido hace cinco años y recordado como el Gran Temblor, ha acabado con los avances tecnológicos que la humanidad había desarrollado a lo largo de las últimas tres décadas. El planeta ha vuelto al pasado, internet es un recuerdo lejano y nadie sabe ya el significado de palabras como «wifi» o «blog». En esta nueva realidad se desenvuelve Effie Truelove, una niña de once años muy especial que estudia en el Colegio Tusitala para Dotados, Problemáticos y Raros. A Effie le gusta la escuela, pero cuando su adorado abuelo Griffin sufre un ataque violento, no duda un instante en saltarse las clases paraacudir a su lado. El anciano, agonizante, encarga a su nieta que proteja su biblioteca de la codicia de un tal Leonard Levar, un turbio coleccionista de volúmenes antiguos. Pero cuando éste se hace con ella, Effie se siente obligada a embarcarse en una aventura repleta de peligros: ha de viajar al Altermundo, descifrar el significado de un libro llamado El Valle del Dragón y enfrentarse a los terribles diberi, un grupo secreto cuyos planes maléficos amenazan con destruir el universo. Reseñas:«Deslumbrante. [...] Una de las fantasías más brillantes que he leído.»Neil Gaiman «Ingeniosa y original.»Philip Pullman «El debut más prometedor en ficción juvenil desde Harry Potter. Entretenido, absorbente y emocionante a la vez.»Joanne Harris

Venators: Magic Unleashed (The Venators Series #1)

by Devri Walls

The dark unknown beckons three young adventurers in this&“fast-paced and supernaturally entertaining&” YA fantasy series debut (Addison Moore, New York Times bestselling author of the Celestra series)When their college dorm is infiltrated by creatures from another realm, Rune Jenkins, her twin brother Ryker, and their friend Gray Malteer face otherworldly dangers beyond imagining. While Rune and Gray are able to escape, Ryker is kidnapped and taken to Eon—an alternate world where monsters and magic thrive.With the help of a supernatural guide, Rune and Gray must now travel to Eon to save Ryker—and discover the surprising truth about their own ancestry. They are Venators: genetically enhanced protectors between Earth and this new world of fae, vampires, werewolves, and wizards. But as Rune and Grey attempt to find their way through Eon, and learn to accept the responsibility of their inherited powers, they are being set up as pawns in a very dangerous game…

La venganza de las palabras bonitas

by Victor Mengual

A veces los corazonesse incendiany las palabras no encuentranuna salida de emergencia. <P><P> #LaVenganzadelasPalabrasBonitas Víctor Mengual, más conocido como @Bordelicado, se ha hecho conocido en las redes sociales por pintar sus versos sobre la piel. <P><P>Cada uno de sus versos es una declaración de intenciones, sus frases y sus palabras invitan al lector a dejarse llevar. Como el mismo autor dice: «Vivir no es coger aviones. Vivir es despegar.»

Un verano en Abril

by Ceci Saia

Una historia de amor y misterio que te atrapa hasta la última página. Abril tiene veinte años y su vida es bastante maravillosa: estudia medicina para convertirse en pediatra, como su papá; está de novia con su amor del secundario y sueña con casarse y formar la familia perfecta; tiene muchos amigos; una familia que la banca, todo es como debe ser. Hasta que un día, una pieza de su rompecabezas se rompe y la imagen perfecta que ella tenía de su vida se desmorona estrepitosamente. Su novio decide que ya no quiere seguir con ella y Abril cae en una profunda crisis y tristeza que no logra superar. De pronto, nada tiene sentido. En un intento por escapar de su realidad que tanto la hiere, Abril decide pasar el verano en la antigua casa de campo de la abuela de su amiga Marina, donde pasó tantos veranos de felicidad. Pero allí también las cosas se desmoronan: una obra de remodelación y su arquitecto la sacarán de la paz y el letargo y le moverán el piso (literal y simbólicamente). Allí descubrirá un diario del bisabuelo de su amiga, un famoso escritor muerto ya hace décadas y la búsqueda personal mutará a una intensa investigación donde la clave no será tener todas las respuestas sino tener la valentía para hacerse todas las preguntas.

La verdad y las mentiras de Ella Black

by Emily Barr

La trepidante lucha de una joven por conocer su identidad y liberarse de las ataduras que coartan su personalidad. Bajo la apariencia de una vida normal, Ella Black esconde un rasgo de carácter inquietante: en su interior anida un impulso destructor -al que llama Bella, contracción de Bad Ella- que se apodera de sus actos y causa estragos en su día a día. Sin embargo, esta batalla íntima no es su único secreto: tras verse forzada por sus padres a un precipitado e inexplicable viaje a Brasil, descubrirá que su existencia se cimenta sobre un engaño. Disgustada y confundida, Ella se lanza a una búsqueda desesperada que la conducirá al lugar más insospechado, las favelas de Río de Janeiro, con el propósito de desvelar las verdades y mentiras que, como dos fuerzas contrapuestas, iluminan y ensombrecen lo más hondo de sí misma. Un relato trepidante que se desarrolla en escenarios casi cinematográficos y con un ritmo vertiginoso deEmily Barr, autora del aclamado éxito de ventas El último recuerdo de Flora Banks. Reseñas:«Emily Barr evoca de forma precisa las intensas emociones de la adolescencia: la embriaguez del primer amor, la sensación de temor ante lo desconocido y la ira frente al engaño de los adultos. [...] Este libro es un digno sucesor de su maravilloso debut, El único recuerdo de Flora Banks.»Daily Mail «Una dramática y vibrante búsqueda de la identidad.»The Guardian «Escenario original y trama trepidante, con un toque de novela negra que te encantará.»Heat

Verdigris Deep

by Frances Hardinge

“Deliciously shiver-inducing . . . Fans of dark fantasies such as Neil Gaiman’s Coraline will find this tale irresistible”—from the award-winning author (School Library Journal).Verdigris (n.): a blue-green rust that tarnishes aging and forgotten copper coins, altering them entirely . . .Ryan feels invisible: At school, he’s in a class with students older and cooler than him, and at home, he’s largely ignored during his parents’ petty arguments. And then he meets Josh. Josh is popular in the way that only beautiful boys can be—he’s almost electric. Both Ryan and his chatterbox sidekick, Chelle, fall under Josh’s spell, and the three soon become inseparable.One summer afternoon, they sneak off to the troubled town of Magwhite. Trapped without bus fare for the ride home, Josh convinces his less mischievous companions their only solution is to steal coins from the infamous wishing well. Soon after, each develops a unique, sinister power. When the well witch appears, she gargles demands of her three new servants. Ryan, Josh, and Chelle have robbed her and now must obey her . . . and the wishes rotting at the bottom of her well.“A deliciously creepy tale . . . There is a vividness and energy to Hardinge’s imagination that makes almost every moment of this absorbing story shine with light or glossy darkness.” —The Horn Book (starred review)“Inescapably chilling . . . a dark, polished gem.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)“There’s no denying Hardinge’s power as a storyteller, her ability to create beautiful, precise imagery, or her expectation that her readers will grasp the subtle ideas and reflections woven into the novel.” —Booklist (starred review)

A Very Catty Murder (Wicked Waffle Paranormal Cozy #9)

by Carolyn Q. Hunter

Frank and Sonja are having a garage sale! The newly married couple are looking forward to a weekend of sitting out in the warm sun, eating waffles, drinking coffee, and selling off some of Frank's old treasures. When an old flame drops by to say hello, however, the weekend quickly goes south, and Sonja is left to pick up the pieces. An already awkward situation escalates when a murder is committed, and Sonya is convinced that something supernatural is involved. Strange happenings have the amateur sleuth looking for ghosts at every turn, and wondering why there is always a mysterious black cat at her heels.

A Very Large Expanse of Sea

by Tahereh Mafi

Longlisted for the National Book Award for Young People's Literature! <P><P>From the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Shatter Me series comes a powerful, heartrending contemporary novel about fear, first love, and the devastating impact of prejudice. <P><P>It’s 2002, a year after 9/11. It’s an extremely turbulent time politically, but especially so for someone like Shirin, a sixteen-year-old Muslim girl who’s tired of being stereotyped.Shirin is never surprised by how horrible people can be. She’s tired of the rude stares, the degrading comments—even the physical violence—she endures as a result of her race, her religion, and the hijab she wears every day. <P><P>So she’s built up protective walls and refuses to let anyone close enough to hurt her. Instead, she drowns her frustrations in music and spends her afternoons break-dancing with her brother.But then she meets Ocean James. He’s the first person in forever who really seems to want to get to know Shirin. It terrifies her—they seem to come from two irreconcilable worlds—and Shirin has had her guard up for so long that she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to let it down. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Very, Very, Very Dreadful: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918

by Albert Marrin

From National Book Award finalist Albert Marrin comes a fascinating look at the history and science of the deadly 1918 flu pandemic--and the chances for another worldwide pandemic.In spring of 1918, World War I was underway, and troops at Fort Riley, Kansas, found themselves felled by influenza. By the summer of 1918, the second wave struck as a highly contagious and lethal epidemic and within weeks exploded into a pandemic, an illness that travels rapidly from one continent to another. It would impact the course of the war, and kill many millions more soldiers than warfare itself.Of all diseases, the 1918 flu was by far the worst that has ever afflicted humankind; not even the Black Death of the Middle Ages comes close in terms of the number of lives it took. No war, no natural disaster, no famine has claimed so many. In the space of eighteen months in 1918-1919, about 500 million people--one-third of the global population at the time--came down with influenza. The exact total of lives lost will never be known, but the best estimate is between 50 and 100 million. In this powerful book, filled with black and white photographs, nonfiction master Albert Marrin examines the history, science, and impact of this great scourge--and the possibility for another worldwide pandemic today.

El viaje al país del hielo: . (El Club de los Exploradores del Oso Polar #Volumen 1)

by Alex Bell

Stella siempre ha escuchado con fascinación las historias su padre le cuenta al regresar de sus expediciones por tierras lejanas. Ahora ha llegado el momento de vivir sus propias aventuras. Desde pequeña, Stella ha escuchado con fascinación las historias increíbles que Felix, su padre, le cuenta al regresar de sus expediciones por tierras lejanas. Pero ahora, llegado el momento de vivir sus propias aventuras, resulta que los clubs de exploradores sólo aceptan hombres en sus filas. Sin embargo, decidida a demostrar su valía, Stella logra convencer a su padre para que la deje unirse en un viaje al País del Hielo. La expedición parte con sus suministros de lobos, trineos, unicornios y demás enseres a prueba del frío más extremo, pero, una vez que el barco llega a su destino, Stella y otros tres jóvenes -Ethan, Shay y Habichuela- quedan separados del resto de la tripulación. Solos en el páramo helado, deberán aguzar su ingenio y explotar sus habilidades para afrontar con éxito los peligros que esconde el hielo. Tras encontrarse cara a cara con hadas, reinas de las nieves, forajidos y repollos carnívoros, por fin podrán acreditar que ya son consumados exploradores.

The Victorian Era in Twenty-First Century Children’s and Adolescent Literature and Culture (Children's Literature And Culture Ser.)

by Sara K. Day Sonya Sawyer Fritz

Victorian literature for audiences of all ages provides a broad foundation upon which to explore complex and evolving ideas about young people. In turn, this collection argues, contemporary works for young people that draw on Victorian literature and culture ultimately reflect our own disruptions and upheavals, particularly as they relate to child and adolescent readers and our experiences of them. The essays therein suggest that we struggle now, as the Victorians did then, to assert a cohesive understanding of young readers, and that this lack of cohesion is a result of or a parallel to the disruptions taking place on a larger (even global) scale.

Vidas que cambian vidas: 40 historias inspiradoras anteriores a la tuya

by Cristina Nuñez Rafael Romero

De los autores de Emocionario: di lo que sientes, 40 historias inspiradoras anteriores a la tuya En este libro encontrarás historias fascinantes de exploradores, luchadoras, magos, escaladoras, escritores, pianistas..., de personas que han salvado el mundo o alcanzado más de lo que se propusieron. Sus vidas son tan inspiradoras que nos empujan a perseguir nuestros sueños. Ilustrado por Raquel Cané.

Vides que canvien vides: 40 històries inspiradores anteriors a la teva

by Cristina Nuñez Rafael Romero

Dels autors d'Emocionari: digues el que sents, 40 històries inspiradores anteriors a la teva. En aquest llibre hi trobaràs històries fascinants d'exploradors, lluitadores, mags, escaladores, escriptors, pianistes..., de persones que han salvat el món o arribat més enllà del que s'havien proposat. Les seves vides són tan inspiradores que ens empenyen a perseguir els nostres somnis. Il·lustrat per Raquel Cané.

Villain (Gone #8)

by Michael Grant

Acclaimed author Michael Grant’s globally bestselling Gone series continues with Villain, where old foes return and new ones rise, with action-packed scenes, gory battles, and plot twists that will leave readers scrambling for more. It’s been four years since the events of GONE. The Perdido Beach dome is down, but the horrors within have spread. The alien virus-infested rock that created the FAYZ is creating monsters—monsters that walk the cities and countryside, terrorizing all.There are tanks in the street and predator drones in the sky, doomed efforts to stop the disintegration of civilization. Into this chaos comes a villain with the power to control anyone with just the sound of his voice. Dillon Poe wanted to be a comedian once…but everyone made fun of him. Dillon the loser. Dillon the freak. Now he’s sending thousands to their death. Who’s laughing now? The only people who can stop a superpowered villain are superpowered heroes. Dekka, Shade, Cruz, Malik, Armo, and a new mutant with unmatched powers, are all that stand in Dillon’s way. But when the lines begin to blur between hero and villain—some begin to wonder who’s really the monster.Praise for the Gone series:“Exciting, high-tension stories. I love these books.” —Stephen King“Intense, marvelously plotted, paced, and characterized.” —ALA Booklist (starred review)

Villano (Monstruo #Volumen 2)

by Michael Grant

El aclamado autor Michael Grant nos ofrece una impresionante continuación de la saga Olvidados. Monstruo, villano, héroe. es el momento de escoger. El virus alienígena que creó la ERA sigue generando monstruos que extienden el pánico allá donde van y amenazan los mismos cimientos de la civilización. Por si fuera poco, en medio de este caos, aparece un villano capaz de controlar a cualquiera solamente con el sonido de su voz. Ahora, los únicos que pueden detener a un villano con superpoderes son héroes con superpoderes. Solo Dekka, Shade, Cruz, Malik, Armo y una nueva mutante con habilidades increíbles están preparados para interponerse en el camino del enemigo. Pero cuando las líneas entre héroe y villano se difuminan, es hora de preguntarse quién es realmente el monstruo.

The Voice of Nature in Ted Hughes’s Writing for Children: Correcting Culture's Error (Routledge Environmental Humanities)

by Lorraine Kerslake

Despite the fame Ted Hughes’s poetry has achieved, there has been surprisingly little critical writing on his children’s literature. This book identifies the importance of Hughes’s children’s writing from an ecocritical perspective and argues that the healing function that Hughes ascribes to nature in his children’s literature is closely linked to the development of his own sense of environmental responsibility. This book will be the first sustained examination of Hughes’s greening in relation to his writing for children, providing a detailed reading of Hughes’s children’s literature through his poetry, prose and drama as well as his critical essays and letters. In addition, it also explores how Hughes’s children’s writing is a window to the poet’s own emotional struggles, as well as his environmental consciousness and concern to reconnect a society that has become alienated from nature. This book will be of great interest to not only those studying Ted Hughes, but also students and scholars of environment and literature, ecocriticism, children’s literature and twentieth-century literature.

Voices in the Air: Poems for Listeners

by Naomi Shihab Nye

<p>Acclaimed and award-winning poet, teacher, and National Book Award finalist Naomi Shihab Nye’s uncommon and unforgettable voice offers readers peace, humor, inspiration, and solace. This volume of almost one hundred original poems is a stunning and engaging tribute to the diverse voices past and present that comfort us, compel us, lead us, and give us hope. <p>Voices in the Air is a collection of almost one hundred original poems written by the award-winning poet Naomi Shihab Nye in honor of the artists, writers, poets, historical figures, ordinary people, and diverse luminaries from past and present who have inspired her. Full of words of encouragement, solace, and hope, this collection offers a message of peace and empathy. <p>Voices in the Air celebrates the inspirational people who strengthen and motivate us to create, to open our hearts, and to live rewarding and graceful lives. With short informational bios about the influential figures behind each poem, and a transcendent introduction by the poet, this is a collection to cherish, read again and again, and share with others. </p>

Vuelos nocturnos (Mortal Engines #Volumen 0)

by Philip Reeve

Antes de Tom y Wren... estaba Anna Fang. Vuelos nocturnos es un Spin Off de la tetralogía «Mortal Engines», una trepidante y original historia llena de misterio, con una ambientación única en un mundo futurista y postapocalíptico. Las novelas en las que se basa la superproducción cinematográfica de Peter Jackson. Vuela. Lucha. Vive. En un peligroso futuro donde enormes ciudades motorizadas se atacan y devoran entre sí, Londres es un depredador que caza donde ningún otro se atreve. Pero Anna Fang, piloto, aventurera y espía, no conoce el miedo. Vuelos nocturnos es un Spin Off de la tetralogía fantástica escrita por Philip Reeve «Mortal Engines». Se compone de tres relatos que cuentan las aventuras más emblemáticas de la vida de Anna Fang: cómo planeó huir de Arkangel siendo una joven esclava, una aventura en los cielos embrujados del continente muerto y su peligrosa misión en Pulau Pinang como espía de la Liga Antitraccionista. Las increíbles ilustraciones de Ian McQue llenan de vida el mundo de ciudades carnívoras de «Mortal Engines» en estas tres nuevas historias sobre la audaz y rebelde Anna Fang.

A Walk in Our Cleats: 25 Athletes Who Never Gave Up

by Steven Johnson Jr. Paul Cartwright

A Walk in Our Cleats is an exciting, inside look at 25 notable NFL players and their faith journeys. Each player has faced unique circumstances in staying fit, pursuing their dreams, and getting to play in the NFL, but all have one thing in common: the power of Jesus Christ in their lives.A Walk in Our Cleats, 25 Athletes Who Never Gave Up is an inspiring, genuine, real-time read with never-before-seen photographs that will appeal to American football fans everywhere. Featuring an eye-catching four-color interior, readers will be drawn in by the short, personal entries written by each player. Fans can jump in throughout the book to browse photos and pick up inspiration from each NFL player’s unique perspective on God’s amazing grace. Each player entry includes a relevant message, their favorite Scripture passages, and an encouraging life application to encourage and motivate you in your own faith journey.Decorated and popular NFL players included in A Walk in Our Cleats are: Benjamin Watson, Ben Roethlisberger, Manny Ramirez, Miles Killebrew, Chris Harris Jr., David Bass, Lorenzo Alexander, Tyson Alualu, Jordan Matthews, Shamarko Thomas, Matthew Slater, Chris Clark, Don Carey, Arthur Moats, Derrick Morgan, Will Johnson, Wesley Woodyard, Ryan Shazier, Charles Johnson, Brandon Marshall, Tyler Patmon, Sam Acho, and Ben Garland.

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