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Layers: A Memoir

by Pénélope Bagieu

Following the Eisner-award winning Brazen, Pénélope Bagieu pens her first autobiographical work in this hilarious and bitter sweet graphic memoir.Pénélope Bagieu never thought she'd publish a graphic memoir. But when she dusted off her old diaries (no, really—this book is based on her actual diaries), she found cringe-worthy, hilarious, and heartbreaking stories begging to be drawn. In Layers, Bagieu reflects on her childhood and teen years with her characteristic wit and unflinching honesty. The result is fifteen short stories about friendship, love, grief, and those awkward first steps toward adulthood.

Habla / Speak (Spanish edition)

by Laurie Halse Anderson

Por primera vez en español para el mercado norteamericano, un clásico moderno conmovedor sobre el consentimiento y la capacidad de encontrar el coraje para hablar.«Alza la voz; queremos oír lo que tienes para decir.»Desde el minuto uno de su primer año en la Secundaria Merriweather, Melinda sabe que esto es una gran mentira, parte del sinsentido de la secundaria. No tiene amigos, es marginada, porque arruinó una fiesta de finales del verano cuando llamó a la policía, así que nadie quiere hablar con ella, y mucho menos escucharla. Con el paso del tiempo, se aísla cada vez más y prácticamente deja de hablar. El único consuelo lo encuentra en su clase de Arte, y es mediante su trabajo en un proyecto de arte que finalmente es capaz de enfrentar lo que pasó en realidad en esa terrible fiesta.Su proceso de sanación apenas comienza cuando tiene otro encuentro violento. Pero esta vez, Melinda no se calla.Laurie Halse Anderson's award-winning modern classic Speak is now in Spanish for the North American market as Habla, translated by Hercilia Mendizabal Frers.

Becoming a Critical Thinker: A Workbook to Help Students Think Well in an Age of Disinformation

by Julie Bogart

A practical resource to grow students&’ ability to think well in an age of information overloadAt a time when we&’re constantly flooded with contradictory information and opinions, critical thinking skills are more important than ever. This accessible workbook is full of valuable insights, thought-provoking questions, and useful exercises to help teens and preteens expand their perspectives, skillfully navigate thorny issues, recognize bias, identify misinformation, and become more comfortable with dissent and differences of opinion. Becoming a Critical Thinker offers essential tools for students to mature into thoughtful, curious, and empathetic learners.

Du, roboter

by Daniel Canals Flores

Du, roboter, bist eine ernste Warnung an die Menschheit. Beim Schreiben dieser Geschichte ging mir ein Schauer durch die Seele: Das Akronym I.A. (Künstliche Intelligenz) entsprechen denen des unbestrittenen Robotik-Genies Isaac Asimov. War dem Lehrer das bewusst? Dieses Buch ist eine Hommage an seine Arbeit und seine verstörende Zukunftsvision. Die vierte industrielle Revolution und der Egoismus einiger weniger werden das Monster hervorbringen, das am Ende das Universum beherrschen und die menschliche Spezies zerstören wird ...

Creando Éxito Personal: Encárgate de alcanzar tus Estrellas

by Francois Keyser

Sólo tienes una vida. Haz que cuente....... Cada segundo. Todos cometemos errores y aprendemos de ellos. Pero ¿y si pudiéramos evitar cometer algunos errores? ¿Errores que podrían tener un impacto muy duradero en nuestras vidas, especialmente si los cometemos a una edad temprana en nuestra educación terciaria o carreras? ¿Qué pasaría si alguien quisiera compartir los errores que muchos de nosotros cometemos para evitar hacerlos y llegar a donde queremos estar en la vida en una forma mucho más fácil, sino es que antes? En este libro, Francois Keyser comparte su experiencia de vida y los errores que muchos de nosotros cometemos personalmente o como resultado de nuestra crianza y educación para que podamos aprender sobre ellos lo antes posible y evitarlos en nuestras trayectorias educativas y profesionales. Francois también comparte sus ideas para el establecimiento de objetivos y la planificación de la vida. Este libro está escrito de forma simple y fácil de entender. Destaca los aspectos básicos que rara vez se nos cuentan. Aspectos que tienen un impacto importante en nuestra vida comenzando con el sistema educativo. Si quieres alcanzar tu estrella, considera leer este libro....


by Tamara Hart Heiner

Acuéstame Tamara Hart Heiner El sol ya se había puesto en el horizonte del cielo de Virginia cuando un cocheaparcó en laentrada delacasa vecina. Kylee no sabía nada acerca de coches, qué estilo o qué marca, pero supo por el sonido−o lafalta del mismo−mientras el vehículo frenaba, que era uno de los mejores. Un hombre salió del lado del conductor, pero la visión de Kylee se vio bloqueada por un camión de mudanza que aparcó junto alcoche. Sesentó maserguidaen el desmoronado escalón del porche. Vecinos. Nadie había vivido al lado de los Mansfields en años. Kylee miró por encima del hombro, a través de la mosquitera de la puerta. Podía oír la voz del zángano de su padrastro desde el cuarto de estar, las tímidas respuestas de su madre. Nadie le estaba prestando atención a ella.

Henry, Quebrando Padrões (Quebrando Padrões #1)

by P. D. Workman

Da autora best-seller do USA Today, P. D. Workman! “Você é um bom garoto, Henry.” Todos sabiam que ele era um bom garoto; nerd, responsável, esforçado. Henry havia sido forçado a lidar com muitas coisas no passado. No momento em que deveria estar focado na escola, preparando-se para seu futuro, é impedido pelos abusos, pelo desafio de criar seu irmão, pela depressão profunda de sua mãe e por um fantasma do passado que ele fez de tudo para esquecer. Porém, parece que Henry não consegue evitar o lado obscuro da vida. Por mais que ele tente, é um desastre atrás do outro e, cada vez mais, sua vida vai saindo do controle. Será que Henry é capaz de escapar dessa escuridão, ou está condenado a ser consumido por ela? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Uma história emocionante, triste e intensa que vai mantê-lo preso nas páginas até o fim… P. D. Workman tem um dom maravilhoso. Se você gosta de livros young adult contemporâneos, como John Green e Stephen Chbosky, dê uma chance para a série Quebrando Padrões, de P. D. Workman. Da autora de Tattooed Teardrops, vencedor do Top Fiction Award, no Margins Committee, em 2016, este relato comovente da vida de Henry sendo envolta pela escuridão tocará seu coração e te desafiará a ver os jovens criminosos com outro olhar. Comece sua jornada hoje mesmo!

Entre los Mundos: Tomo 1: Funambulista

by Auréane Desaysgam

No sabe nada de este mundo excepto la oscuridad y la oscuridad en la que ha vivido durante diez años. Sacudida por los gritos, alimentada por la violencia, deshumanizada, ha perdido toda noción de vida y de felicidad. Pero hoy, un rayo de esperanza ha traspasado la oscuridad que la habita. Hoy fue comprado. Hoy, finalmente dejará el infierno en el que creció y saboreará una apariencia de libertad. ¿Pero quién es el misterioso hombre que lo compró? ¿Podrá creerle cuando le diga que no espera nada de ella? Entre la desconfianza, la incertidumbre y el amor, déjate guiar en esta fantástica aventura.

You, robot

by Daniel Canals Flores

A Dystopic Description of the future of Humankind based on man's lack of interest in addressing climate change coupled with the obsessive desire for comfort and profit over other values. Mankind could fall into the trap of allowing machines to cater to his every need.

Un Lobo en su Camino (Crónicas del País de las Hadas #2)

by Anna Katmore

El feliz para siempre de Jack O Cuando Caperucita Roja aprendió que el amor no está atado a una corona He estado fuera del bosque por dos cortos días, y de repente todos están estupendamente contentos de verme otra vez. Jack ni siquiera puede soltarme. El beso fuerte que presiona mi boca está totalmente fuera de tiempo. ¡Diablos! ¿Qué se está creyendo él? ¿Qué puede detener mi búsqueda de mi príncipe en el baile? Él dice que yo no conocería el amor si me atropellara con un coche... o algo parecido. ¡Ja! Yo debería enseñarle algunas cositas del amor. ¡Yo iré en este viaje! Él puede venir conmigo o no. Oye, Jack otra vez... Mientras más lejos viajamos, más profundamente me ahogo en mierda de ogro. ¿Por qué diablos le pedí ayuda a Phillip con esta cosa de un príncipe? Podríamos empezar de nuevo, por favor. CRÓNICAS DEL PAÍS DE LAS HADAS 1. Un Príncipe para Caperucita Roja 2. Un Lobo en su Camino

El oso soldado del Bosque de los Cien Acres

by Bradley Hall

Un libro basado en Winnie Pooh, de A. A. Milne y en la historia de Wojtek, el oso soldado polaco. Sumérgete en el increíble viaje de Winnie Pooh mientras cuenta su vida como Wojtek, el oso soldado. Esta historia conmovedora entrelaza la memorable vida de Wojtek, un soldado en el ejército polaco durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y su transformación en el entrañable Winnie Pooh que conocemos y amamos. A través de una narración cautivadora e imágenes vívidas, los lectores serán transportados al Bosque de los Cien Acres y a los campos de batalla, en donde descubrirán el poder de la amistad, de la resiliencia y de la esperanza. Una lectura imprescindible tanto para los fans de Winnie Pooh como para los entusiastas de la historia. Este encantador relato te dejará inspirado y te cambiará para siempre.

Addysgu Cemeg yn yr Uwchradd (Teaching Secondary Chemistry 3rd Edition Welsh Language edition)

by The Association Education

Enhance your teaching with expert advice and support for Key Stages 3 and 4 Chemistry from the Teaching Secondary series - the trusted teacher's guide for NQTs, non-specialists and experienced teachers.Written in association with ASE, this updated edition provides best practice teaching strategies from academic experts and practising teachers.- Refresh your subject knowledge, whatever your level of expertise- Gain strategies for delivering the big ideas of science using suggested teaching sequences- Engage students and develop their understanding with practical activities for each topic- Enrich your lessons and extend knowledge beyond the curriculum with enhancement ideas- Improve key skills with opportunities to introduce mathematics and scientific literacy highlighted throughout- Support the use of technology with ideas for online tasks, video suggestions and guidance on using cutting-edge software- Place science in context; this book highlights where you can apply science theory to real-life scenarios, as well as how the content can be used to introduce different STEM careersAlso available: Teaching Secondary Biology, Teaching Secondary Physics

Addysgu Bioleg yn yr Uwchradd (Teaching Secondary Biology 3rd Edition Welsh Language edition)

by The Association Education

Enhance your teaching with expert advice and support for Key Stages 3 and 4 Biology from the Teaching Secondary series - the trusted teacher's guide for NQTs, non-specialists and experienced teachers.Written in association with ASE, this updated edition provides best practice teaching strategies from academic experts and practising teachers.- Refresh your subject knowledge, whatever your level of expertise- Gain strategies for delivering the big ideas of science using suggested teaching sequences- Engage students and develop their understanding with practical activities for each topic- Enrich your lessons and extend knowledge beyond the curriculum with enhancement ideas- Improve key skills with opportunities to introduce mathematics and scientific literacy highlighted throughout- Support the use of technology with ideas for online tasks, video suggestions and guidance on using cutting-edge software- Place science in context; this book highlights where you can apply science theory to real-life scenarios, as well as how the content can be used to introduce different STEM careersAlso available: Teaching Secondary Chemistry, Teaching Secondary Physics

Enamorada del Gemelo Equivocado (High School Players #4)

by Anna Katmore

¡Nunca confíes en un gemelo! Sue quiere a Ethan, y Chris quiere a Sue. Atraída por Ethan e intrigada por Chris, Susan Miller se encuentra atrapada entre hermanos gemelos idénticos en su escuela. Cuando ambos comienzan a cortejarla al mismo tiempo, solo tiene que elegir. ¿Cierto? ¡Incorrecto! Ethan es reacio a besarla, y Chris la quiere por razones completamente equivocadas. Nada como su amable y dulce hermano, Chris Donovan tiene la palabra problema escrita sobre él. Él cambia a las chicas como otros chicos cambian las camisetas, y el próximo trofeo en su pequeña lista es Susan. Eso es lo último que quiere, pero se encuentra respondiendo a todos los mensajes de buenas noches y otros mensajes descarados que envía Chris. El chico tiene una forma de meterse debajo de su piel como nadie lo ha hecho antes. ¿Cuánto tiempo pasará hasta que Susan se enamore de su suave encanto y se meta en más problemas de los que posiblemente pueda manejar? ¿Y dónde deja eso a Ethan?

The Cape of the End of the World II: Revenge (The Cape of the End of the World Saga #2)

by G. Vicente-Arche

"No one humiliates a Frabont and lives to tell about it. An endless path of pain and suffering awaits you, you will be victims and executioners of your own incompetence. And when grief over your mistakes drives you to the brink of suicide, then we will end your pathetic lives." This is the sinister threat posed by the General in Command of an incredible underground military base before turning his gigantic planet into a nuclear wasteland. The evil game devised by one of the most advanced races in the Universe to destroy the Earth and with it the group of Atlanteans who thwarted their macabre plans to exterminate the human race, begins. Now, they only have one objective: REVENGE

The Blood Lie: A Novel

by Shirley Reva Vernick

Years before WWII begins, latent hostility against the Jews erupts in a blood lie when Daisy, a young Gentile girl from Massena, New York, disappears in the woods.It's September 22, 1928, Jack Pool's sixteenth birthday. Jack's been restless lately, especially during this season of more-times-at-the-synagogue than you can shake a stick at. If it wasn't Rosh Hashanah, then it was Yom Kippur, and if it wasn't Yom Kippur, it was the Sabbath. At least going to temple is good for some things. It gives him lots of time to daydream about a beautiful but inaccessible Gentile girl named Emaline. When Emaline isn't on his mind, he's thinking about his music and imagining himself playing the cello with the New York Philharmonic. Yup, music is definitely his ticket out of Massena, New York. It's nothing but a remote whistle-stop town, and he doesn't want to be stuck there one more minute. But Jack doesn't realize exactly how stuck he is until Emaline's little sister Daisy goes missing, and he and his family are accused of killing her for a blood sacrifice. The Blood Lie is inspired by a real blood libel that took place when a small girl disappeared from Massena, New York, in 1928, and an innocent Jewish boy was called a murderer.

Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety: A Complete Guide to Your Child's Stressed, Depressed, Expanded, Amazing Adolescence

by Dr. John Duffy

A Week of Delicious Keto Meals in One Hour of Meal Prep with This FlavCity Cookbook#1 Best Seller in Heart Healthy; Health, Fitness, & Dieting; Macrobiotic Nutrition; Food Allergies; and Individual Chefs & Restaurants With over 1,000,000 fans, FlavCity is known as the go-to spot for low-carb, healthy meal prep, and keto recipes that help you lose weight and actually taste good. Bobby Parrish has been featured on The Rachael Ray Show and the Food Network and is proud to call himself a home cook, just like you.Tired of eating bland, boring, healthy food? Bobby and Dessi Parrish know good food. On their hit YouTube channel, they’ve shown you can lose weight on the keto diet without sacrificing the joy of delicious food. In this FlavCity cookbook, the Parrish duo show you how to maximize your time and prepare seven days of healthy meals in one evening―and maintain your ketogenic diet. You’ll spend less time cooking and more time enjoying.Easy, creative, tasty meals. This FlavCity cookbook includes over 125 low carb recipes full of flavor. Meet your weight loss goals with dishes perfectly calibrated to the ketogenic diet. Each easy-to-follow recipe can be prepped in advance, so when you’re tired and hungry, a healthy meal is just minutes away. Mix and match the base recipes and your meal combinations are endless.Inside find:50 keto meal prep recipes, 2–3 components each25 keto-approved recipesDetailed macros and carb countsAllergen index for nuts, dairy, and eggs, with Paleo designationVideo tutorials live on YouTubeTips for becoming a meal prep bossFan reviews and more!If you liked Simply Keto, The Easy 5-Ingredient Ketogenic Diet Cookbook, The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners, or Keto Made Easy, you’ll love Keto Meal Prep. Also try the latest FlavCity cookbook, FlavCity’s 5 Ingredient Meals.Please note: recipes indicated as being “Whole30 diet compliant” have not been independently evaluated for compliance by Thirty & Co., LLC d/b/a Whole30®

Addysgu Cemeg yn yr Uwchradd (Teaching Secondary Chemistry 3rd Edition Welsh Language edition)

by The Association Education

Enhance your teaching with expert advice and support for Key Stages 3 and 4 Chemistry from the Teaching Secondary series - the trusted teacher's guide for NQTs, non-specialists and experienced teachers.Written in association with ASE, this updated edition provides best practice teaching strategies from academic experts and practising teachers.- Refresh your subject knowledge, whatever your level of expertise- Gain strategies for delivering the big ideas of science using suggested teaching sequences- Engage students and develop their understanding with practical activities for each topic- Enrich your lessons and extend knowledge beyond the curriculum with enhancement ideas- Improve key skills with opportunities to introduce mathematics and scientific literacy highlighted throughout- Support the use of technology with ideas for online tasks, video suggestions and guidance on using cutting-edge software- Place science in context; this book highlights where you can apply science theory to real-life scenarios, as well as how the content can be used to introduce different STEM careersAlso available: Teaching Secondary Biology, Teaching Secondary Physics

Addysgu Bioleg yn yr Uwchradd (Teaching Secondary Biology 3rd Edition Welsh Language edition)

by The Association Education

Enhance your teaching with expert advice and support for Key Stages 3 and 4 Biology from the Teaching Secondary series - the trusted teacher's guide for NQTs, non-specialists and experienced teachers.Written in association with ASE, this updated edition provides best practice teaching strategies from academic experts and practising teachers.- Refresh your subject knowledge, whatever your level of expertise- Gain strategies for delivering the big ideas of science using suggested teaching sequences- Engage students and develop their understanding with practical activities for each topic- Enrich your lessons and extend knowledge beyond the curriculum with enhancement ideas- Improve key skills with opportunities to introduce mathematics and scientific literacy highlighted throughout- Support the use of technology with ideas for online tasks, video suggestions and guidance on using cutting-edge software- Place science in context; this book highlights where you can apply science theory to real-life scenarios, as well as how the content can be used to introduce different STEM careersAlso available: Teaching Secondary Chemistry, Teaching Secondary Physics

A Sea of Wolves

by Sarah Street

Set in the same world as A Curse of Salt, a heartbreaking sapphic romantasy inspired by Little Red Riding Hood.A broken treatyA wolf in sheep's clothing And a love that will need to defy all odds to survive HER RED HOOD CAN'T PROTECT HER HEART . . .A fifty-year-old treaty between pirates and the city of Bray lies in tatters, so Mersey sets out to free her city - and herself - from the clutches of the Heartless King. But when her reckless plan fails, she finds herself captured by the world's most notorious pirate crew.As Mersey battles between fighting for Bray's safety and falling into the arms of the ship's cold-blooded first mate, Golde, she's soon caught up in the beginnings of a war; one she knows will have disastrous consequences for the people she loves, but just might be the thing to set her free. Amid lies, betrayal and a blossoming love for someone she is supposed to want dead, Mersey is torn between two lives.Uncover lurking wolves prepared to pounce and a sweeping romantasy in this enemies-to-lovers fairytale twist set upon stormy seas. Perfect for fans of Lies We Sing to the Sea and Marissa Meyer.

A Sea of Wolves

by Sarah Street

Set in the same world as A Curse of Salt, a heartbreaking sapphic romantasy inspired by Little Red Riding Hood.A broken treatyA wolf in sheep's clothing And a love that will need to defy all odds to survive HER RED HOOD CAN'T PROTECT HER HEART . . .A fifty-year-old treaty between pirates and the city of Bray lies in tatters, so Mersey sets out to free her city - and herself - from the clutches of the Heartless King. But when her reckless plan fails, she finds herself captured by the world's most notorious pirate crew.As Mersey battles between fighting for Bray's safety and falling into the arms of the ship's cold-blooded first mate, Golde, she's soon caught up in the beginnings of a war; one she knows will have disastrous consequences for the people she loves, but just might be the thing to set her free. Amid lies, betrayal and a blossoming love for someone she is supposed to want dead, Mersey is torn between two lives.Uncover lurking wolves prepared to pounce and a sweeping romantasy in this enemies-to-lovers fairytale twist set upon stormy seas. Perfect for fans of Lies We Sing to the Sea and Marissa Meyer.

A Sea of Wolves

by Sarah Street

Set in the same world as A Curse of Salt, a heartbreaking sapphic romantasy inspired by Little Red Riding Hood.A broken treatyA wolf in sheep's clothing And a love that will need to defy all odds to survive HER RED HOOD CAN'T PROTECT HER HEART . . .A fifty-year-old treaty between pirates and the city of Bray lies in tatters, so Mersey sets out to free her city - and herself - from the clutches of the Heartless King. But when her reckless plan fails, she finds herself captured by the world's most notorious pirate crew.As Mersey battles between fighting for Bray's safety and falling into the arms of the ship's cold-blooded first mate, Golde, she's soon caught up in the beginnings of a war; one she knows will have disastrous consequences for the people she loves, but just might be the thing to set her free. Amid lies, betrayal and a blossoming love for someone she is supposed to want dead, Mersey is torn between two lives.Uncover lurking wolves prepared to pounce and a sweeping romantasy in this enemies-to-lovers fairytale twist set upon stormy seas. Perfect for fans of Lies We Sing to the Sea and Marissa Meyer.

Lord of the Fly Fest

by Goldy Moldavsky

Influencers trapped on a deserted island with a murder suspect in their midst—what could possibly go wrong? Fans of White Lotus will love Lord of the Fly Fest, a hilarious and gripping take on Lord of the Flies from New York Times bestselling author Goldy Moldavsky. Rafi Francisco needs a splashy case to put her true-crime podcast on the map. Her plan? A murder investigation, of course. She’s heading to Fly Fest, an exclusive music festival on a Caribbean island, to interview River Stone, the pop star who rocketed to fame after his girlfriend’s mysterious disappearance. And her interview is going to expose him as the killer she’s sure he is.But when Rafi—and hordes of influencers—arrive at Fly Fest, the dreamy Caribbean getaway they were promised turns out to be a nightmare. Soon, Rafi is fighting for her life against power-hungry beauty gurus and spotty WiFi. And as the festival from hell continues with no end in sight, and Rafi finds herself growing closer to River, she begins to discover that his secrets have much bigger consequences than she ever imagined.

Vampires Never Get Old: Tales with Fresh Bite (Untold Legends #1)

by Zoraida Córdova Natalie C. Parker

Eleven fresh vampire stories from young adult fiction’s leading voices fill this bestselling anthology—including V.E. Schwab's First Kill, now a major Netflix adaptation! "Boundary-pushing... Stories that stake a new claim on old tropes." —Publishers Weekly, starred review In this delicious new collection, you’ll find stories about lurking vampires of social media, rebellious vampires hungry for more than just blood, eager vampires coming out—and going out for their first kill—and other bold, breathtaking, dangerous, dreamy, eerie, iconic, powerful creatures of the night.Welcome to the evolution of the vampire—and a revolution on the page.Vampires Never Get Old includes stories by authors both bestselling and acclaimed, including Samira Ahmed, Dhonielle Clayton, Zoraida Córdova and Natalie C. Parker, Tessa Gratton, Heidi Heilig, Julie Murphy, Mark Oshiro, Rebecca Roanhorse, Laura Ruby, Victoria “V. E.” Schwab, and Kayla Whaley.An Imprint Book"Vampire fans, sink your teeth into this satisfying collection." —Kirkus Reviews

Forestfall (World at the Lake's Edge Duology #2)

by Lyndall Clipstone

At the lake's edge, I made my promise. In the forest, I will fall.The curse that haunted Lakesedge Estate has been broken, but at great cost. Violeta Graceling has sacrificed herself to end the Corruption. To escape death, Leta makes a desperate bargain with the Lord Under, one that sees her living at his side in the land of the dead. And though he claims to have given her all he promised, Leta knows this world of souls and mists hides many secrets. When she discovers she is still bound to Rowan, Leta goes to drastic lengths to reforge their connection. But her search for answers, and a path back home, will see her drawn into even more dangerous bargains, and struggling to resist the allure of a new, dark, power in Forestfall by Lyndall Clipstone.

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