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Bitter Trumpet

by Fred Grove

A SURVIVOR Jesse Wilder survived the horrors of Shiloh. He survived the hell of a Yankee prison camp and the shame of volunteering for the Union Army of the West-the only way to escape certain death in the camp. But when the war ended and he came home to Tennessee, word of his "treachery" preceded him, and Jesse found himself shunned by his neighbors and disinherited by his father. And so, like many survivors of the Confederacy, Jesse drifted west. In El Paso his drifting stopped. There he met Cullen Floyd, who ran weapons across the border to the Juaristas in Mexico. Cullen needed another gun against the marauding Apaches and the murderous banditos. Jesse needed a job. Before he knew it, Jesse was caught up in another desperate struggle, this time against the trained mercenaries of the Emperor Maximilian. But Jesse might have pushed his luck too far-this was one battle he might not survive.

The Road to Forgiveness

by Carol Cox

From the book: "Having my father shoot you was hardly my idea of how to keep you here." She tilted her chin up in a gesture that reminded him of Catherine when she faced the consequences of some misdeed. "But I have to admit I'm grateful." "Grateful." He felt an ominous calm settle over him. "Grateful that I've been turned into a useless cripple?" "Better a cripple than a corpse," Hallie retorted. Jacob stepped away from her. "What makes you so sure I would have gotten killed? I might have come back as an officer. At the very least, I'd know whether I could stand up to the sound of bullets whizzing past me without turning tail and running. I'd know that I'm a man." His tone grew rough. "And everyone else would know it, too." Hallie spoke in a voice thick with emotion. "I said my prayers were answered, and I meant it, even though I never would have asked for you to be hurt. God really does know what's best, if you'll just let Him be in control instead of trying to figure it all out on your own. "Why do men have to be so bullheaded and determined to do things their way?" She started to walk away, then looked back over her shoulder. "Don't you know God cares about you, Jacob? He loves you even more than I do." She strode away quickly, leaving Jacob standing alone in stunned silence.

Vengeance Rider (Buck Fletcher #3)

by Ralph Compton Joseph A. West

When a band of thieves steals Buck Fletcher's horse, he rides again to make wrong right--with Doc Holliday backing him up.

Showdown at Two-Bit Creek (Buck Fletcher #1)

by Ralph Compton Joseph A. West

Infamous shootist Buck Fletcher befriends a female victim of a range war and finds himself threatened by one side, courted by the other.

30,000 On The Hoof

by Zane Grey

The story of a new life in the Apache Territory.

Choctaw (The White Indian Series #11)

by Donald Clayton Porter

A fearless warrior worthy of his name, RENNO, descendant of the legendary White Indian of the Iroquois, welcomes the stunning new alliance between the noble Senecas, the vast Cherokee nation, and General Washington's triumphant patriots. A fearless warrior worthy of his name, RENNO, descendant of the legendary White Indian of the Iroquois, welcomes the stunning new alliance between the noble Senecas, the vast Cherokee nation, and General Washington's triumphant patriots. But inflamed to grisly hatred by a half-breed named Rattlesnake, the renegade Choctaws have donned fearsome black and white warpaint to strike a blow against freedom's defenders with swift arrows and blood lust. And like a viper hiding in the grass, a sensuous woman will use her beauty to blind the impetuous young Renno to the deadly betrayal in sultry, enticing eyes. A PROMISE OF GREATNESS--Chosen for a special destiny, Renno looks to his father Ghonkaba, mighty Sachem of the rebellious Seneca, for wisdom and to the celebrated heroism of his famous namesake, Renno, the White Indian, for courage in battle. But held spellbound by an obsessive passion, he fails to see the path chosen for him by the Manitou, sacred spirits of the Indian, until the sun-gold hair of a fighting man's daughter gives him a new vision of desire ...and drives him toward a decisive battle for honor and liberty in this glorious new land.

Cherokee (The White Indian Series #10)

by Donald Clayton Porter

A TEST OF BRAVERY-He sacrificed his heritage to support the American patriots. Now Ghonkaba, grandson of the White Indian, Renno, must lead his renegade Seneca band to a new homeland. Their future lies in the lush Tennessee valleys of the Cherokee. But fighting still rages on that wild frontier, as a sly British agent inflames the blood lust of the savage Choctaw and Creek. Only Ghonkaba, in a daring contest of strength and skill, can convince the proud Cherokee to welcome his people as brothers while war drums signal the deadly start of a new battle for possession of this beautiful land. A PLEDGE OF BLOOD-Strangers in a hostile land, the Seneca must prove their worthiness or perish, but treachery threatens to destroy their dreams of a union with the Cherokee. Only the dauntless courage of Ghonkaba, the defiant passion of an Indian maid, and the noble love of a young warrior can create a startling new brotherhood-one ordained by the sacred Manitous and bound by honor and by blood to support the fight for freedom's cause.

Leadville (Stagecoach Station, # #20)

by Hank Mitchum

With strikers and strikebreakers drawing battle lines, Leadville is a magnet for every guntough in Colorado, a mining town ready to explode. The mine owners want a railroad spur, which will put the Harper Stage Line out of business--leaving pretty Nan Harper hopelessly bankrupt. Griff Connors wants to help her but can't, because he's already in big trouble. A fugitive framed for robbery and murder, he has tracked the killers to Leadville. But how can he find them in this wild frontier town? Especially when he is caught between the striking miners and a ruthless mine owner who wants him out of the way. A showdown looms, and for Nan's sake Griff must stand and fight. The odds are long and the choices are few: a bullet or the noose. Whatever the cost, Griff will fight--for Nan and for his own good name.

Doomsday Rider (Buck Fletcher #2)

by Ralph Compton Joseph A. West

Buck Fletcher is facing a twenty-year sentence for a murder he didn't commit, but he just may have one chance at freedom.

The Outsider

by Penelope Williamson

from the back cover: A DAUGHTER OF THE FAITH - All through the years, Rachel Yoder had never been afraid, for the creed of the Plain People had been her strength. Then the day came when lawless men killed Rachel's husband in an act of blind greed. Now, in this long hour of fear, the outsider walked across her meadow and into her life. A STRANGER WITH A GUN: His name is Johnny Cain. He is bloody, near death, and packing two pistols and a knife. A man hardened by a violent past. Cain has never known someone like Rachel, a woman who offered him a chance to heal more than his physical wounds. A FORBIDDEN LOVE, Cain's lazy smile and teasing ways steal her heart and confound her soul. Soon Rachel is forced to choose between all she holds dear, her faith, her family, perhaps her very salvation, and the man they call the outsider.

The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge

by Michael Punke

Punke's novel opens in 1823, when 36-year-old Hugh Glass joins the Rocky Mountain Fur Co. on a venture into perilous, unexplored territory. A seasoned frontiersman, Glass is scouting ahead when he is attacked and savagely mauled by a grizzly bear. His wounds are grievous and his fellow trappers wait for his death. Three days later, he is still drawing breath. Facing hostile territory and the press of winter, the expedition's captain leaves two volunteers to stay behind and bury Glass when he dies. When Indians approach the camp, the volunteers abandon Glass, stealing his rifle, knife and flint and steel, taking the things that would have given him a chance on his own. Deserted, defeneseless and furious, Glass vows his survival. And his revenge.

Fargo (Stagecoach Station, # #21)

by Hank Mitchum

The Great Plains Overland Stage Company hired veteran agent Chance Dayton to push the stagecoach to Fargo, Dakota Territory, over a trail infested with gun-hung hardcases and violent Indians. For Chance it was a job--but it was to become much more than that with the beautiful Polly Temple at his side, counting on him to bring the stage safely home. On the way Chance would have to face two dangerous men: Black Claw, the notorious Oglala Sioux renegade fresh from the Little Big Horn triumph and thirsty for more blood, and Dakota Smith, the lightning-fast gunslick who'd pay any price or take any man's life to stay out of jail for his crimes. Vengeance and murder stood in his way, and Chance Dayton knew the trail to Fargo would be a trial in blood for him and the woman he had vowed to protect.

Last Chance (Stagecoach Station, # #19)

by Hank Mitchum

The Butterfield stagecoach from Atchison to Denver was trouble just waiting for a place to happen. Indian uprisings had left a corpse-strewn trail throughout the Colorado territory. For lovely Kelly O'Brien, the stage to Denver represented a new life after the sudden death of her father. What she never expected was that along the way her heart would be stirred by rugged Dan Sullivan, a Civil War veteran blinded by a tragic rifle accident. Throughout the long arduous journey, against war-hungry Kiowa and ravenous wolves, Dan proves that his courage knows no handicap. But when Indians shoot the stage driver and shotgunner at Last Chance, Colorado, the fate of the entire stagecoach is left to Sullivan...and to the feisty Irish lass who now faces the most important decision of her life.

Blood, Bullets, and Buckskin (Gunsmoke, #1)

by Joseph A. West

Marshal Matt Dillon keeps Dodge City safe from rustlers, gamblers, and desperados-and rejoins Doc Adams, Kitty Russell, and all the cherished characters from the classic TV series.

El Paso (Stagecoach Station, # #23)

by Hank Mitchum

As a hub of transportation and commerce, El Paso had a reputation as a rough town. For the Lone Star Stage Company, that frequently spelled trouble. It was a sure bet that when a shipment of government gold was scheduled to ride the private line under heavy guard, more than one gang of greedy hardcases would be waiting on the trail. That's when Texas Ranger Branson Howard was called in to take on the near-impossible job of protecting the valuable shipment-- any way he saw fit. But Turk Killam, a big rancher and shadowy outlaw baron, would stop at nothing to take the gold for himself. Turk's stepdaughter Lucy Daniels, caught between the law and the lawless breed who infest the Killam ranch, saw what was coming. And it didn't look good for the man she loved: Branson Howard.

Western Union

by Zane Grey

A Harvard man heads west to meet his destiny when he meets up with a group of westerners who have a dangerous, thrilling dream to carry a thousand mile long iron wire for a company- Western Union.

Blizzard of Lead (Gunsmoke, # #3)

by Joseph A. West

When a killer winter storm traps a pack of murderous bank robbers in Dodge, they take hostages and try to wait it out. But Marshall Dillon and his deputies aren't so patient when it comes to justice.

A Rogue in Texas

by Lorraine Heath

Grayson Rhodes is a maverick, the son of an English duke who refuses to live by society's rules. He leaves the stuffy drawing rooms of London behind to seek his fortune in a rough, rugged land called Texas. There, he discovers a place where a man is as good as his word, where you earn your fortune--not inherit it. And there he meets Abbie Westland ... a woman whose fragile heart he dares not break. He seizes the chance to work her land ...and from the moment he first saw Abbie, he was determined to use his arms to work the farm by day and to soothe her through the nights in his strong embrace. Abbie, with her fiery determination, was different from the fragile beauties he'd known at home. In her, Grayson found an honest passion he'd never experienced before. But could their growing love survive the surprising reminder of her past that comes to haunt them? In A Rogue In Texas by Rita Award-winning author Lorraine Heath, you'll meet a powerful, passionate man who rediscovers the promise of love. ...

The Old Spanish Trail (Trail Drive #11)

by Ralph Compton

From the back cover: Ralph Compton brings this violent and magnificent time to life in an extraordinary epic series based on the history blazing trail drives. The Old Spanish Trail. For the ranchers riding with Rand Hayes, things had gone from bad to worse. The Santa Fe man who'd contracted five thousand head of cattle was dead, murdered by renegades. Now the Texans had a herd of longhorns and only one choice: cross two mountain ranges and the Mojave Desert to the gold-fevered market at Los Angeles. A trail blazed by ancient Spaniards, this was a route that would lead through a brutal, wondrous land, where a hostile Ute nation was only one danger the cattle drive faced, and California was a shooting war away.

The Gauntlet

by Max Brand

FIRST TIME IN PAPERBACK! Max Brand's novels and stories-certainly among the greatest in Western fiction-are always peopled with true, realistic characters and marked by a sense of authenticity few other authors could match. Three of the best examples of this are the short novels found in this collection, each painstakingly restored to Brand's original version. The opening novel tells the tale of a legendary friendship between two men who could take on a whole saloon of tough frontiersmen, but who run into trouble with beautiful Kate Malone. "The King of Rats" features the man known as Reata, a master of the rawhide rope, a man caught between his sense of duty and his love for a gypsy girl. And in the title novel, Joseph Larrimee finally makes a gold strike that would prove his worth to his family . . . but he's willing to give it all up to rescue a mysterious woman from a gang of hardcases.

The Deadwood Trail (Trail Drive #12)

by Ralph Compton

From the back cover: For veteran ranchers Nelson Story of Montana, and Benton McCaleb of Wyoming. It was an opportunity a man did not pass up. In gold camps of the Black Hills, miners were hungry for beef, at boomtown prices. But within the two outfits were Indians, gunmen, Texans, lovesick cowboys, and high spirited women. Worse, the drive would pass through Crow and Sioux territory, when Custer's defeat at the Little Big Horn was just hours away. The drives were tangled by violent grudges, stampeding herds, and dangerous deception. The two brawling outfits had one thing in common, a deadly surprise awaiting them at the end of the trail.

The Fleecing of Fodder City

by Pierce Mackenzie

T. G. Horne was a gambling man who'd bet his bankroll on his poker hand and his life on his trigger finger. Fodder City looked like a sure bet to him, but nothing was quite what it seemed...

San Antonio (Stagecoach Station, # #25)

by Hank Mitchum

As Mexico seethed with turmoil, American convict Wolf Bixler awaited the hangman's noose in a stinking prison south of the border. Then, unexpectedly, he was offered a chance to escape with his life. Only a hard case like Bixler could lead the children of President Tejada across hundreds of miles of savage wilderness to safety in San Antonio. If he succeeded, he'd collect a fortune in gold. But rebels and road agents stood in his way--as did U.S. Marshal Stu Jarrell, who had sworn to capture Bixler alive if possible, dead if necessary. And even if Bixler did make it to San Antonio with his charges, gun trouble awaited him there--more than even he, a man who lived by and for violence, had ever bargained for.

The California Trail (Trail Drive #5)

by Ralph Compton

From the back cover: The only riches Texans had left after the Civil War were five million maverick longhorns and the brains, brawn and boldness to drive them north to where the money was. Now, Ralph Compton brings this violent and magnificent time to life in an extraordinary epic series based on the history blazing trail drives. THE CALIFORNIA TRAIL Gold fever had hit California, and suddenly, the land was full of hungry pioneers. For Gil and Van Austin, two Texas brothers, it meant the chance to sell well grazed longhorns after years of hard ranching and a treacherous cattle drive up through Mexico. The only trouble was that California was on the other side of a searing desert, swollen rivers, a barrage of Indian attacks, and a whole passel of outlaw trouble. And while the Texans and their men were ready and willing to take it all on, there was one thing they weren't prepared for, the ultimate act of treachery and deceit in a land of schemes, dreamers and gold!

A Veiled Reflection (Westward Chronicles #3)

by Tracie Peterson

From the book jacket: Upon arriving in Pintan, Arizona, Jillian Danvers is confronted the magnitude of the task before her. Though an exact reflection of her sister, Judith, assuming her sister's identity is anything but easy. Not only are her attempts to fumble her way through the strict regulations and routines of the Harvey House feeble at best, Jillian finds she must also fend off the well-meaning acts of matchmaking on the part of her mother. Inadvertently discovering her secret, Dr. MacCallister is drawn to Jillian and her sweet innocence. When he witnesses their common interest in the plight of the Navajo people, Mac wonders if he can cast aside the pain of his past. But when the ruse of Jillian's identity causes her to seek his aid, Mac creates a plan of his own.

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