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by Ann Jacobs

Rand et Lily, deux amants adolescentes déchirées il y a plusieurs années, ont été réunies par un acte insensé de violence contre son père, son contremaître de longue date dans un ranch ... L’étincelle est toujours là, mais son père envoie un nouvel avertissement de la tombe, disant qu'ils ne doivent plus être impliqués. Malheureusement, son avertissement ne comprend pas de raison. Les deux réalisent, en travaillant ensemble pour régler les affaires de son père, que leur amour était réel. Est vrai. Un vieil instantané fournit un indice - mais tant qu'ils ne dévoilent pas des secrets de famille apparemment sans lien, ils n'osent pas ignorer ses avertissements cryptiques et trouver ensemble un bonheur heureux.

A reunião (Os Friessen #1)

by Lorhainne Eckhart

A família que você pensava conhecer. Uma reunião que você nunca vai esquecer. Um amor que durará para sempre. Esse romance irá reunir a família Friessen, uma família carregada de emoções, em uma reunião emocionante. —“Eu amo os homens da família Friessen. É incrível o amor puro e profundo que eles têm por suas esposas. Eles mostram o verdadeiro significado de família e estar junto.” – Leitor do Kindle —“Essa é uma família unida, junto com seu primo Andy e a esposa e filhos dele. O tipo de família que todos nós desejamos ter.” – Susan —“Essa é uma série que você vai querer poder voltar no tempo para ler e reler novamente. Lorhainne é aquele tipo de escritora, você ama as histórias dela sobre família e sua jornada.” – J. Moore. —“Apesar de todos os contratempos, essa família continua unida.” –A. Tinsley

Cœur à prendre (Histoires de cœur #2)

by Andrew Grey Eric Jansen Bénazet

Histoires de cœur, tome 2Le ranch des Holden et le ranch des Jessup sont voisins, mais ils n'entretiennent pas ce qu'on pourrait appeler des relations cordiales ; Jefferson Holden et Kent Jessup se détestent. En dépit des vieilles rancunes qui brûlent entre leurs pères, le jeune Haven Jessup ne peut se résoudre à cette haine, surtout après que Dakota Holden est venu à son secours lors d'une violente tempête. Dans la cohue, Haven fait la connaissance de Phillip Reardon, un ami de Dakota. Phillip est un homme tolérant et ouvert d'esprit, et il accepte Haven tel qu'il est, dès le début. Il ne tarde pas à découvrir le secret d'Haven, son attirance pour les hommes, et très vite, ils entament une relation secrète. Mais leurs sentiments les dépassent, et l'angoisse d'être découverts pèse sur leur couple. Des clôtures sabotées, des animaux blessés, des histoires mystérieuses et les secrets de la famille Jessup vont menacer le bonheur naissant d'Haven qui rêve d'un avenir avec Phillip.

Heredar el cielo (Lang Downs #1)

by Ariel Tachna M. J. Sánchez

Volumen 1 de la serie Lang DownsCaine Neiheisel está atrapado en un trabajo sin salida y una relación sin futuro cuando una oportunidad única cae en sus manos. Su madre hereda el rancho de ovejas de su tío en Nueva Gales del Sur, en Australia. Caine lo ve como una ocasión de empezar una nueva vida en el campo donde su tartamudeo no será un lastre y su buena disposición para el trabajo seguramente compensará su falta de conocimientos. Por desgracia, Macklin Armstrong, el capataz de Lang Downs, que debería ser el mayor aliado de Caine, tan pronto se comporta de manera fría como se muestra displicente, y los otros empleados están más entretenidos por su acento americano que conmovidos por la difícil situación en la que se ha metido... Hasta que se enteran de que es gay y su simpatía se convierte en desdén. Hará falta toda la determinación de Caine y un acto de cruel sabotaje por parte de un vecino hostil para unir a los hombres de Lang Downs, y que Caine y Macklin tengan una oportunidad en el amor.

Completa fiducia (Serie Rapporto Mattutino #2)

by Sue Brown Caterina Bolognesi

Seguito di Rapporto mattutinoSerie Rapporto Mattutino, Libro 2Per Tommy Bradley, un bracciante al ranch Lost Cow nel Texas rurale, ammettere la sua sessualità è impossibile, anche se i suoi capi, Luke e Simon, sono gay: ha passato tutta la vita nascondendo la verità ai suoi genitori omofobi. Poi Tommy incontra il pastore Noah Taylor nella stanza d'ospedale del padre di Luke e il suo segreto diventa ancora più difficile da mantenere. Noah è diverso da ogni altro uomo di Dio, o uomo in generale, che Tommy abbia mai incontrato. Innanzitutto, la sua congregazione è composta principalmente da appartenenti alla comunità GLBT e dalle loro famiglie. Poi, non ha paura dell'attrazione che prova per Tommy e rende le sue intenzioni molto chiare. Ma Noah non vuole celare la sua sessualità o quella del suo compagno, e non comincerà una relazione con Tommy se lui intende invece nasconderla. Dovendo scegliere se perdere Noah o uscire allo scoperto con i suoi genitori, Tommy fa il primo passo per ammettere chi è. Ma Tommy non è il solo a dover affrontare delle sfide. Grazie a un eccesso di odio da parte del Pastore Jackson e di un gruppo di proprietari terrieri, Noah dovrà affrontare la possibilità di perdere la sua chiesa e il suo sostentamento.

Una prateria per sé (Storie della prateria #5)

by Ernesto Pavan Andrew Grey

Storie della prateria: Libro 5Marty Green ama solo due cose: i cavalli e il basket. Un ictus durante il primo anno di università gli mette però i bastoni fra le ruote. Dopo mesi in ospedale, trascorsi a guarire sotto l'ala dei suoi genitori iperprotettivi, Marty si rende conto di avere bisogno di stare da solo. Quando un buon amico del suo medico gli offre un lavoro nel suo ranch, lui accetta con gioia. Quando l'assistente veterinario Quinn Knepper vede Marty, il suo cuore manca un battito. È un colpo di fulmine. Anche Marty sembra interessato a lui, per quanto sia timido. Ci sono solo due problemi: il padre di Quinn vuole che lui tenga nascosta la propria sessualità e quello di Marty è un senatore omofobo che non sa che suo figlio è gay, cosa di cui Quinn viene a conoscenza quando l'uomo propone un emendamento costituzionale che proibisce il matrimonio omosessuale. Due famiglie ostili sono un grande ostacolo, ma Quinn è intenzionato a costruire qualcosa di serio. Purtroppo, questo significa mettere in pausa la propria vita mentre Marty cerca di superare il proprio blocco emotivo, salvo che, naturalmente, non decida di sacrificare la propria felicità in nome dell'ambizione politica di suo padre e termini la loro relazione prima ancora che abbia inizio.

Hope on the Inside

by Marie Bostwick

In this compelling, heartwarming novel from New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick, one woman finds new purpose in a new phase of life . . . “Whatever comes your way, find the happiness in it.” Hope Carpenter received that advice from her mother decades ago. Now, with their four children grown, Hope and her husband, Rick, are suddenly facing an uncertain future, after a forced retirement strains both their savings and their marriage. Seeking inspiration and a financial boost, Hope gets a job teaching crafts to inmates at a local women’s prison. At first, Hope feels foolish and irrelevant, struggling to relate to women whose choices seem so different from her own. But with time, and the encouragement of the prison chaplain, she begins to discover common ground with the inmates, in their worries about their children and families, their fear of having failed those who need them. Just like her, they want to make something of themselves, but believe it might be impossible. Embarking on an ambitious quilting project, Hope and her students begin to bond. Together, piece by piece, they learn to defy expectations—their own and others’—and to see that it’s never too late to stitch together a life that, even in its imperfections, is both surprising and beautiful.

The Lonesome Dove Series (Southwestern And Mexican Photography Series, The Wittliff Collections At Texas State University Ser.)

by Larry Mcmurtry

The timeless, bestselling four-part epic that began with the Pulitzer Prize-winning Lonesome Dove takes readers into the lives of Augustus McCrae and Woodrow Call, two tough-as-nails Texas Rangers in the heyday of the Old West.Dead Man's WalkAs young Texas Rangers, Augustus McCrae and Woodrow Call--"Gus" and "Call" for short--have much to learn about survival in a land fraught with perils: not only the blazing heat and raging tornadoes, roiling rivers and merciless Indians, but also the deadly whims of soldiers. On their first expeditions--led by incompetent officers and accompanied by the robust, dauntless whore known as the Great Western--they will face death at the hands of the cunning Comanche war chief Buffalo Hump and the silent Apache Gomez. They will be astonished by the Mexican army. And Gus will meet the love of his life. Comanche MoonTexas Rangers August McCrae and Woodrow Call, now in their middle years, are still figuring out how to deal with the ever-increasing tensions of adult life--Gus with his great love, Clara Forsythe, and Call with Maggie Tilton, the young whore who loves him--when they sign up to pursue the Comanche horse thief Kicking Wolf into Mexico. On this mission their captain, Inish Scull, is captured by the brutally cruel Mexican bandit Ahumado, and Gus and Call must come to the rescue, with the aid of new friends including Joshua Deets, Jake Spoon, and Pea Eye Parker, as well as the renowned Kickapoo tracker, Famous Shoes. Lonesome DoveGus and Call, now retired from the Texas Rangers and settled in the border town of Lonesome Dove running the Hat Creek Cattle Company, are visited by their old friend Jake Spoon, who convinces Gus and Call to gather a herd of cattle and drive them north to Montana in order to start a cattle ranch in untouched territory. Gus is further motivated by a desire to see the love of his life, Clara Allen (nee Forsythe), who now lives with her children and comatose horse-trader husband in Ogallala, Nebraska. On the way to Montana they travel through wild country full of thieves, murderers, and a lifetime's worth of unforgettable adventure. Streets of LaredoWoodrow Call is back in Texas, a Ranger once again and a general gun-for-hire, but increasingly a relic as the westward sprawl of the railroads rapidly settles the once lawless frontier. Hired by a railroad tycoon to hunt down a dangerous bandit named Joey Garza, Call sets out once again with a hapless Yankee named Ned Brookshire who works for the railroad company that hired Call. Call's old friend Pea Eye Parker--who initially refused to join the expedition because of his family--sets off with the Kickapoo tracker Famous Shoes to try to catch up with Call, until he runs into troubles of his own. The long pursuit of Garza leads them all across the last wild stretches of the West into a hellhole known as Crow Town and, finally, into the vast, relentless plains of the Texas frontier.

Unbridled (Long, Tall Texans #46)

by Diana Palmer

A lone wolf takes on the threat endangering everything he loves in an unforgettable story in the sensational Long, Tall Texans seriesWidowed Texas Ranger and single dad John Ruiz hardened his heart years ago. Day after day, he tracks the roughest criminals in the Lone Star State, leaving little room for love. So when John butts heads with the beautiful nurse who’s helping his young son, he’s floored by how quickly the sparks fly.Ever since her mother’s and brother’s brutal murders, Sunny Wesley has devoted her life to helping save others. Adorable Tonio Ruiz is just another youngster she’s trying to help—or so she tells herself. Little does she know he’s John’s son. When her life comes under fire, can one mysterious rancher rescue her?

Part Time Cowboy: A Creed In Stone Creek Part Time Cowboy (Copper Ridge #2)

by Maisey Yates

A onetime bad girl comes home to small-town Oregon in the first in a sexy, heartfelt new series from USA TODAY bestselling author Maisey Yates Sadie Miller isn't expecting any welcome-home parades on her return to Copper Ridge. Least of all from part-time rancher, full-time lawman Eli Garrett. The straitlaced, impossibly hot deputy sheriff glares at her as if she's the same teenage hoodlum who fled town ten years ago. But running from her demons has brought Sadie full circle, ready to make a commitment at last. Not to a man, but to a bed-and-breakfast. On Garrett land. Okay, so her plan has a tiny flaw... Eli works too hard to let a blonde ball of trouble mess up his town. But keeping an eye on Sadie makes it tough to keep his hands off her. And if she's so wrong for him, why does being with her feel so right?

Brokedown Cowboy: Shoulda Been A Cowboy Part Time Cowboy Brokedown Cowboy Bad News Cowboy A Copper Ridge Christmas (Copper Ridge #3)

by Maisey Yates

There are lines best friends shouldn't cross, but in Copper Ridge, Oregon, the temptation might be too much... If practice makes perfect, Connor Garrett should be world champion of being alone. Since losing his wife he's concentrated exclusively on his family's ranch. Until Felicity Foster needs a place to stay and Connor invites her to move in temporarily. That's what friends do. What friends don't do? Start fantasizing about each other in their underwear. Or out of it... Since high school, Liss has kept her raging crush in check. But helping Connor rebuild his life only reinforces how much she longs to be a part of it. One explosive encounter, and she'll discover that getting what you always wanted can feel better than you ever dreamed...There are lines best friends shouldn't cross, but in Copper Ridge, Oregon, the temptation might be too much... If practice makes perfect, Connor Garrett should be world champion of being alone. Since losing his wife he's concentrated exclusively on his family's ranch. Until Felicity Foster needs a place to stay and Connor invites her to move in temporarily. That's what friends do. What friends don't do? Start fantasizing about each other in their underwear. Or out of it... Since high school, Liss has kept her raging crush in check. But helping Connor rebuild his life only reinforces how much she longs to be a part of it. One explosive encounter, and she'll discover that getting what you always wanted can feel better than you ever dreamed...

Bon timing pour un Rodéo (Dans les temps #2)

by Mary Calmes Anne Solo

Suite de Mauvais timing Deux ans après s'être installé dans le ranch que possède Rand Holloway, Stefan Joss a réussi à trouver un équilibre dans sa nouvelle vie, il est professeur à l'université locale. Mais le grand amour n'a rien d'un long fleuve tranquille. Rand le voudrait à la maison, au ranch, tandis que Stef tient à garder son autonomie au cas où son cow-boy le flanque à la porte. Réalisant soudain que ses doutes sont injustes, il s'engage totalement, ce qui rend Rand fou de joie. Le jour où Stef voit sa chance de prouver son dévouement, il n'hésite pas, malgré les risques qu'il court. Et Rand profite de l'occasion pour démontrer que parfois, le meilleur de la vie surgit à l'impromptu.

Le rapport matinal (Le Ranch de la Vache Perdue #1)

by Sue Brown Chloé Storm

Le Ranch de la Vache Perdue, tome 1Dix ans se sont écoulés depuis leur tout premier baiser, et Luke Murray est chaque jour plus amoureux de Simon. Dirigeant en tandem La Vache Perdue pour le compte des parents de Luke, les deux hommes gardent profil bas et restent en bonne intelligence avec les habitants du pays, même si Luke conserve sa réputation de tête brûlée. Puis, un fameux matin, ils se heurtent au refus des commerçants du coin de continuer à les servir... Ils sont plongés dans un abîme de perplexité - jusqu'à ce que la mère de Luke, Pamela, leur apprenne que le nouveau pasteur a fait de leur couple l'exemple même de l'iniquité dans ses sermons haineux. Et, du jour au lendemain, voilà que Luke et Simon se retrouvent aliénés par ceux-là même qu'ils considéraient comme leurs amis, tandis que leur ranch essuie une série d'attaques. Et alors que la ville toute entière prend fait et cause contre eux, dans un flamboiement de haine et d'homophobie galopantes, Luke et Simon vont devoir affronter un dilemme cornélien : plier devant l'hostilité de toute une ville et disparaître, ou bien tenir bon et lutter pour défendre leur amour. Lutter pour survivre...

Perseguir las estrellas (Lang Downs #2)

by Ariel Tachna M. J. Sánchez

La secuela de "Heredar el cielo"Volumen 2 de la serie Lang Downs Chris Simms, un joven de veinte años, apenas logra salir adelante. Después de perder a su madre y su hogar, lucha para ganar a duras penas lo suficiente para sobrevivir con su hermano menor. Cuando un grupo de homófobos le ataca, piensa que su vida ha acabado, pero es rescatado por unos empleados de un rancho de ovejas de la zona. Se queda muy sorprendido de que le ofrezcan un trabajo y aún más al enterarse de que el dueño y el capataz son gais. Para Chris, Lang Downs es un sueño hecho realidad, que no hace más que mejorar cuando descubre que el hombre que le gusta, Jesse Harris, es gay y está abierto a tener una aventura. Todo va bien hasta que Chris se da cuenta de que se está enamorando de Jesse más profundamente de lo que su acuerdo permite. Jesse va de rancho en rancho y no busca nunca nada permanente. Convencido de que Chris es demasiado joven y frágil para una relación, pone las normas para tener una interacción sin compromiso. Ver juntos al dueño del rancho y al capataz le hace pensar en los posibles beneficios de echar raíces, pero cuando se da cuenta de los sentimientos de Chris le entra pánico. Chris y él tendrán que decidir si vale la pena intentar alcanzar juntos la felicidad antes de que el final de la temporada los separe.

Fallon: A Novel (Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures)

by Louis L'Amour

As part of the Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures series, this edition contains exclusive bonus materials!Macon Fallon had never needed more than a deck of cards, a fast horse, and a ready gun; he was counting on those things now as he led an unsuspecting group of settlers to an abandoned mining town. But while Fallon prepared to pass the ghost town off as a gold mine in the making, a funny thing happened: a real-life community started to take shape in the town he’d christened Red Horse. So when a band of vicious outlaws and a kid who fancied himself a gunslinger threatened to rip Red Horse apart, Fallon found himself caught in one predicament he’d never gambled on. He had come to Red Horse to make a quick fortune, but now he might have to pick up a gun and risk his life for a place he never wanted to call home.Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures is a project created to release some of the author’s more unconventional manuscripts from the family archives. In Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures: Volumes 1, Beau L’Amour takes the reader on a guided tour through many of the finished and unfinished short stories, novels, and treatments that his father was never able to publish during his lifetime. L’Amour’s never-before-seen first novel, No Traveller Returns, faithfully completed for this program, is a voyage into danger and violence on the high seas. These exciting publications will be followed by Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures: Volume 2. Additionally, many beloved classics will be rereleased with an exclusive Lost Treasures postscript featuring previously unpublished material, including outlines, plot notes, and alternate drafts. These postscripts tell the story behind the stories that millions of readers have come to know and cherish.

The Cowboy Meets His Match (The Haywire Brides #2)

by Margaret Brownley

"A great story by a wonderful author." —DEBBIE MACOMBER, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, for Left at the AltarHis first mistake was marrying her. His second was falling in love.Chase McKnight will do anything to secure his family's ranch—but marriage to a complete stranger? That's a hard pill to swallow. Yet the will is clear: Chase needs a wife by his side if he wants to keep his home, so he meets his veiled lady at the courthouse steps and reluctantly says "I do."Too bad he married the wrong bride.When Boston runaway Emily Fields agreed to marry a Texas stranger to escape her family's scandal, she wasn't prepared to get hitched to the wrong cowboy! Stuck in a secret compromise, she has one year to learn the ways of the ranch and convince Chase's family they're happily married. But when the lie becomes true, the past catches up to them and they must save the love they never expected...Haywire Brides Series: Cowboy Charm School (Book 1)The Cowboy Meets His Match (Book 2)What People Are Saying About Margaret Brownley: "Delightful, humorous...packed with engaging characters, loads of action, several mysteries—all enough sizzle to satisfy her fans." —RT Book Reviews for A Match Made in Texas "A sweet, touching love story." —Kirkus Reviews for Left at the Altar"Lively and warm. A welcome addition to a sparse yet popular subgenre." —Booklist for Left at the Altar

Texas Nights: Caroline's Child\Dr. Texas (Heart of Texas)

by Debbie Macomber

Welcome to Promise, a small town in the heart of Texas where the neighbors are friendly and you might just find love.Caroline’s ChildEveryone in town is curious, but no one’s ever asked who the father of Caroline Daniels’s child is—and they never will. The people of this tight community are protective of her and little five-year-old Maggie. They care. Especially rancher Grady Weston, who’s beginning to realize he cares even more than most…Dr. TexasThey call her Dr. Texas. Jane Dickinson, a newly graduated physician from California, will be working at the Promise clinic—but just for a couple years before heading home. They call him Mr. Grouch. Cal Patterson was left at the altar by his out-of-state fiancée, and he’s not over it yet. Too bad Jane reminds him so much of the woman he’s trying to forget.

Last Stage to Hell Junction (A Caleb York Western #4)

by Mickey Spillane Max Allan Collins

New York Times bestselling author Max Allan Collins again brings to life the legacy of crime-writing legend Mickey Spillane in another explosive chapter in this now-classic western saga. Caleb York has a tin star, a blazing gun, and plenty of courage. All he needs is a little luck to deliver big justice . . .On a lively night at the Victory saloon in Trinidad, New Mexico, Sheriff Caleb York interrupts his poker game to settle a minor dust-up that raises the stakes into major trouble. The wounded miscreant he ushers to the hoosegow spills the secret behind the mysterious disappearance of a certain stage coach.Bound for Denver, the stage carried three important passengers—beautiful ranch owner Willa Cullen, lovely temptress Rita Filley, and wealthy banker Raymond L. Parker. The two women are rivals for the lawman’s love, while Parker is a key investor in Trinidad’s future. But all are gone, with only the corpses of fellow passengers as bullet-ridden clues.York follows a trail of blood to a ghost town known as Hell Junction. To rescue his lady friends and the banker, he must infiltrate an outlaw den . . . and pray no one among the thieves, killers, and kidnappers will recognize him. With only his desert rat deputy to back him up, York must free the captives, round up the badmen—and, whenever necessary, send them straight to Hell.

Sweet-Loving Cowboy: A Kinky Spurs Novel (Kinky Spurs #2)

by Stacey Kennedy

From USA Today bestselling author Stacey Kennedy comes the next riveting and sexy addition to the Kinky Spurs series, Sweet-Loving Cowboy.Harper McKinney finished culinary school with big dreams. Right now, she’s a bartender at Kinky Spurs. While she’s content with her life, her brother is determined that she make a name for herself, because he wants her far away from what he deems a trashy bar. But Harper refuses to go anywhere. She’s in love with her brother’s best friend, Chase Blackshaw, and that love is keeping her in River Rock. After the death of Chase’s father, he’s the one responsible for running the construction of the Blackshaw Cattle Company’s guest ranch. Back in the day, he had dreams of opening a construction company, but lack of finances kept him working for the family’s cattle ranch. Now with the responsibility of his family’s guest ranch on his shoulders those dreams seem far away. Though he has bigger problems. His build is failing the inspections. Now Chase has more trouble on his hands. Harper, the woman he’s forbidden to ever touch has decided to move to Las Vegas. She isn’t so little anymore, and Chase is finding her all too tempting. She’s also not shy about what she wants. Him. Naked. And giving her some sweet lovin’ in all the kinky ways he craves. But neither Chase nor Harper can anticipate the fate that awaits them if they dare give in to their desires, as Chase soon learns there is something far worse than not being able to live out his dreams. It’s being given the chance to live out his dreams but having to watch Harper lose hers.

How the West Got Wild

by Tori Telfer

Chummy and Sandra Bee were the rowdiest little kids in Ruby, Arizona. But when they helped start the gold rush in Ruby, people stopped calling them "wild" and "rambunctious" and started calling them "plucky" and "clever."

Love, Like Water

by Rowan Speedwell

Three years undercover with one of the worst gangs in the country left FBI agent Joshua Chastain shattered. Battling nightmares and addiction, he leaves the concrete jungle for New Mexico horse country, hoping to start over on his uncle's ranch. Foreman Eli Kelly spends his life rehabilitating abused animals, and Joshua is just another lost soul. But as Joshua slowly begins to put his life back together, Eli realizes that Joshua is a lot more than his newest project. Joshua's plan seems to work--maybe a fresh start was just what he needed. Then, just when he has finally found a sense of peace, crime and hatred nearly destroy all his hard work, forcing him to reevaluate what he wants out his relationship with Eli and his own life.

Cœur de loup (Histoires de cœur #1)

by Andrew Grey Éric Jansen Bénazet

Histoires de cœur, tome 1Après une première année en fac de médecine, Dakota Holden est contraint de revenir dans le Wyoming de son enfance pour reprendre le ranch familial et s'occuper de son père, atteint d'une sclérose en plaques. Dévoué à sa famille, il ne s'autorise qu'une semaine de vacances par an. Sept jours, sept petits jours qu'il passe le plus loin possible du ranch, et durant lesquels tous les interdits du reste de l'année tombent enfin. Lors de ses dernières vacances sur une croisière, il fait la connaissance de Phillip Reardon, qui va jouer un rôle important dans sa vie. Lorsque Phillip décide d'accepter l'invitation de Dakota de venir lui rendre visite dans son ranch, Dakota est heureux de le revoir et de rencontrer son ami vétérinaire, Wally Schumacher. Le problème, c'est que Wally n'a très vite qu'une seule idée en tête, protéger les loups que les hommes de Dakota sont obligés de chasser afin de protéger le bétail. Mais malgré leurs différends, Dakota et lui se trouvent de nombreux points communs et très vite, une forte attirance s'installe entre eux. Il leur faudra alors décider si les terres du Wyoming sont assez grandes pour le troupeau de Dakota, les loups de Wally, et leur amour.

Bully for You

by Catt Ford

What could be hunkier than a cowboy? Not much, according to Martin Du Bois. He convinces two friends that a visit to the rodeo is every gay man's wet dream, and so the three of them gaily (and I do mean gaily) set off to watch cowboy asses in action. A visit to a bar after the event gets Martin closer to the action than he ever thought possible, and he meets Jesse Cumberland, the man who caught his eye in the ring and made his rhinestones sparkle. Instant attraction leads to a one-night stand that gets under Martin's insouciant skin and causes him to rethink his determination not to get involved emotionally. When Jesse invites Martin to his ranch, the visit is almost derailed by Martin's realization that they lead very different lives. As a flaming city queer, he sees no way to fit with the solid, athletic Jesse. It's up to Jesse to see if he can change Martin's mind.

Morning Report (Morning Report Series #1)

by Sue Brown

Morning Report: Book OneA decade on from their first kiss, Luke Murray is more in love with Simon every day. Running the Lost Cow ranch for Luke's parents, they keep their heads down and get along with the locals, even if Luke is known for being a hothead. Then one day they discover the local store owners refuse to serve them. They're bewildered until Luke's mom tells them the new pastor has targeted the couple in his sermons. Suddenly Luke and Simon find themselves alienated from people they called friends, and their ranch comes under a series of attacks. As the town's hatred and homophobia turns on them, Luke and Simon will face a critical choice: give in to the town's demands and disappear, or stand and fight for themselves and their love.

Texas at Dusk (A Coldwater Texas Novel #6)

by Delores Fossen

The hottest cowboy in Coldwater is about to steal her heart a second time…Too fast, too young—that sums up Ryland Ross’s marriage to Nova Carson. Ten years after their divorce, Ryland has his own horse ranch and an uncomplicated life…until the past blows everything up. Risqué photos of Ryland and Nova taken years ago resurface. And while Ryland is willing to help his ex smooth over the situation, he’s blindsided by the desire that springs back to life.If her boss’s weaselly son makes the photos public, Nova could lose the photography job she loves. But reconnecting with Ryland is a risk. The hot, charming cowboy has always known how to get under her skin…and into her bed. Maybe it’s the lure of ex sex. Or maybe it’s time to admit that when a cowboy lassos your heart, there’s no escape…

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