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Hol Dir einen Stern (Lang Downs (Deutsch) #2)

by Ariel Tachna Anna Knaus

Buch 2 in der Serie - Lang DownsDer zwanzigjährige Chris Simms kann kaum den Kopf über Wasser halten. Nachdem er seine Mutter und sein Zuhause verloren hat, kämpft er darum, sich und seinen Bruder zu versorgen. Als er einem homophoben Angriff zum Opfer fällt, denkt er, dass sein Leben zu Ende ist. Aber er wird von den Jackaroos einer nahegelegenen Schafsstation gerettet. Er ist über das darauffolgende Jobangebot genauso erstaunt wie über die Tatsache, dass der Stationsbesitzer und der Vorarbeiter schwul sind. Für Chris ist Lang Downs ein Traum – einer, der noch besser wird, als er begreift, dass sein heimlicher Schwarm, der Jackaroo Jesse Harris, ebenfalls schwul und für einen Flirt zu haben ist. Alles geht gut, bis Chris klar wird, dass er mehr für Jesse empfindet, als ihr Deal erlaubt. Jesse ist ein Herumtreiber, der von Station zu Station zieht. Er sucht nicht nach etwas Dauerhaftem und da er überzeugt ist, dass Chris zu jung und zerbrechlich für eine richtige Beziehung ist, legt er Regeln fest, um die Dinge unverbindlich zu halten. Den Stationsbesitzer und seinen Vorarbeiter zusammen zu sehen, lässt Jesse darüber nachdenken, ob es nicht doch Vorteile hat, sich niederzulassen. Aber als er begreift, was Chris für ihn fühlt, gerät er in Panik. Er und Chris werden sich entscheiden müssen, ob die Möglichkeit zusammen glücklich zu werden, es wert ist, ein Risiko einzugehen, ehe das Ende der Saison sie trennt.

Onorare la terra (Lang Downs (Italiano) #5)

by Ariel Tachna Claudia Milani

Seguito di Domare le fiammeSerie Lang Downs, Libro 5Il sogno di Seth Simms non è mai stato di diventare un jackaroo, e in effetti, stando a quanto dice il suo miglior amico Jason Thompson, non lo è. Ha solo avuto la fortuna, dieci anni prima, di trasferirsi a Lang Downs insieme al fratello. La vita nella stazione gli ha dato la stabilità necessaria a finire la scuola e frequentare l’università, ma il giovane non ha mai pensato che Lang Downs potesse diventare per lui il porto sicuro che sembra essere per tanti altri. Sa di essere troppo incasinato e crede che nessuno sarebbe disposto a prendersi in casa qualcuno con tutti i suoi problemi. Sin da piccolo, Jason ha avuto un solo scopo nella vita: lavorare a Lang Downs come veterinario al bisogno e come jackaroo il resto del tempo. Può così approfittare delle sporadiche visite di Seth per stare con lui, anche se il sogno di passare da amici ad amanti sembra destinato a non avverarsi mai, visto che il ragazzo è etero. Quando Seth torna a casa all’improvviso con l’intenzione di rimanere, Jason accoglie la notizia con la gioia che merita, ma destreggiarsi tra la relazione con un altro jackaroo e l’amicizia con il giovane meccanico non si rivela facile, soprattutto quando scopre quanto profondi siano i problemi di Seth e con quali mezzi il ragazzo cerchi di tenerli a bada.

Ein weites Land - Unruhige Zeit (Geschichten aus der Ferne #3)

by Andrew Grey Regine Günther

Liam Southard hätte mit Sicherheit nicht erwartet, von zwei schwulen Ranchern aufgenommen zu werden, als er seinem gewalttätigen Vater endlich entkommen kann. Bald darauf hat er einen neuen Job, eine neue Sicht auf seine Sexualität und ein Leben, das sich in eine neue Richtung wendet. Doch dann zielt jemand mit einer Schusswaffe auf ihn. Zu Troy Gardeners Verteidigung; er weiß, dass das mit der Waffe ein Fehler war. Nach seiner gescheiterten Ehe lebt er in der abgeschiedenen Jagdhütte seines Onkels. Seine Nerven sind ein wenig angespannt, trotzdem möchte er sich bei Liam entschuldigen. Als er herausfindet, wie viel sie beide gemeinsam haben, möchte er sogar noch mehr. Dann taucht Liams Vater unerwartet bei ihnen auf und eine Bergbaugesellschaft bedroht die Wasserversorgung der Ranch. Das Leben hier wird garantiert nicht langweilig.

Riding the Circuit (Riding Cowboy Flats #3)

by Julia Talbot

Riding Cowboy Flats: Book ThreeRodeo cowboy Frost Barton spends most of his time on tour, and that’s the way he likes it. But when his dad dies suddenly, Frost returns to southern New Mexico to attend the funeral and help his mom decide what to do with their small family ranch. Frost is already considering retiring from bull riding and planting his itchy feet in the ground. Meeting horse trainer Matt Morales just adds another pull in that direction, though Frost still isn’t sure he’s ready to give up the circuit—even if Matt makes settling down look mighty tempting. Matt is old enough to know better, but he falls for Frost anyway. They only have so much time to spend together before Frost goes back on tour, but Matt believes they might have something special. He keeps the home fires burning while Frost earns his living, but Matt hopes he can convince Frost to come home—to stay.

Cut Hand

by Mark Wildyr

Far from the world he knows, he’ll find a home. Among strangers, he’ll find acceptance. And in the arms of an unexpected man, he’ll find love. Young Billy Strobaw comes West to escape the stigma of his Tory family. In the Dakota Territories, he encounters the Yanube warrior Cut Hand. Billy’s attraction to the other man is as surprising as the Yanube perspective on same-sex love. Unlike Europeans, the Siouan tribe celebrate such unions. Billy and Cut Hand can live as partners and build a life together, which Billy agrees to do. As Billy struggles to acclimate to a very different culture, quickly discovering the Yanube have as much to teach him as he has to impart to them, a larger struggle is brewing. The white man is barreling through the Great Plains, trampling underfoot anyone who stands in his way. As a leader of his people, Cut Hand must decide whether it will be peace or war. In a historical romance taking place against the epic backdrop of the early American West, where a single spark can ignite a powder keg of greed, lust for power, and misunderstanding, one man must find his place in history and his role in the preservation of all he has come to value.

Slip (Recovery #2)

by Ba Tortuga

Recovery: Book TwoLove is a fragile thing, and it can slip through your fingers if you don’t hold on tight…. When Zack Jung’s AA sponsor and friend commits suicide, he’s desperate to hold it together, and there’s only one place he can turn. He calls Josh and Kris, and they take him back to their ranch outside Santa Fe. A cowboy to the bone, Cimarron Duran cherishes his orderly life and routine. He likes his neighbors, Kris and Josh, but he has less than no interest in the hipster personal trainer who comes to stay with them—or at least, he plans to fight his interest in favor of his solitary life and his art. But some things are as inevitable as the weather, and when Zack and Cimarron finally come together, they find they don’t want to let go. It won’t be easy, though, for two men with pasts like theirs to forge a happy future together.

Le prétendant volé (Dreamspun Desires (français) Ser. #3)

by Eli Easton Myriam Abbas

Son futur était fixé jusqu’à ce qu’un voleur subtilise son cœur. Tout le monde à Clyde’s Corner, dans le Montana, sait que le dandy local Chris Ramsey va épouser Trix Stubben, la jeune veuve et héritière du plus riche ranch de la région. Mais une femme n’est pas très enthousiasmée par cette idée. Mabe Crassen veut mettre la main sur ce ranch, alors elle charge son fils aîné de courtiser Trix, et son plus jeune fils, Jeremy, de distraire Chris et de l’écarter du droit chemin. Jeremy Crassen pense que le plan de sa mère est dingue. Mais il veut désespérément aller à l’université, ce que Mabe acceptera – s’il séduit Chris. Comment le timide Jeremy, puceau et secrètement gay arrivera-t-il à séduire Chris, qui semble déterminé à faire ce qui est juste en épousant Trix ? Jeremy ne peut pas rivaliser avec *une* riche veuve. Ou peut-être que si ?

Unbroken Hearts (Unbreak My Heart #2)

by K-Lee Klein

Unbreak My Heart: Book TwoCountry singer turned rancher Brett Taylor fought his way out of the bottle so he could have JT Campbell in his life. JT's patience, intelligence, and humor broke through Brett's walls of depression, and now the once-isolated rancher and his young California guy in search of himself are together on Brett's Texas ranch. While Brett and JT are more in love than ever, they’re still dealing with past baggage and learning how to move forward. Brett’s former lover casts a long shadow over their lives—one JT tries to pretend doesn’t bother him. Can Brett soothe his fears with the sort of sappy, sentimental Valentine’s Day JT was taught to shun growing up—but secretly always wanted? When Halloween rolls around, a costumed night out at the local bar might lead to another romantic first. And on Christmas morning, JT awakes to some sweet loving and the most meaningful gift he could ever imagine. The New Year truly brings a new beginning—ushered in by some silly, sparkly, and sexy fun. One year. Four important holidays. Two men who have worked hard for the love and trust they share and the bright future that’s finally within their grasp.

Congedo assoluto (Serie Liberi #2)

by Emanuela Graziani Ba Tortuga

Serie Liberi, libro 2

Le rancher solitaire (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #4)

by Andrew Grey Pauline Tardieu-Collinet

Il est prêt à tout dévoiler pour sauver le ranch. Aubrey Klein a de gros ennuis : il a besoin d’argent au plus vite pour sauver le ranch familial. La solution ? Travailler comme strip-teaseur le week-end dans un club de Dallas. Chaque samedi soir, le temps de deux spectacles, il est le Rancher Solitaire. Il est la star. Un jour, il fait une découverte inattendue : à l’issue d’un spectacle, Garrett Lamston, un vieil ami d’enfance, l’aborde alors qu’il est toujours masqué, pour lui proposer de s’amuser… Aubrey n’avait jamais soupçonné que ce garçon était gay. Confrontés à des mères envahissantes qui veulent à tout prix leur trouver des épouses, les deux amis se rapprochent et deviennent de plus en plus intimes. Aubrey sait bien qu’entre le ranch et le club, sa vie n’est qu’un château de cartes. Il espère seulement tenir le coup suffisamment longtemps pour mettre l’exploitation familiale hors de danger, bâtir la vie à laquelle il aspire et trouver l’amour.

Quando si posa la polvere (Tempo al tempo)

by Mary Calmes N. A. M.

Un libro della serie Tempo al tempoQuando Glenn Holloway dichiara la propria omosessualità alla famiglia, la sua vita viene sconvolta. Per aggiungere al danno la beffa, se ne è andato via dal ranch in cui è nato e cresciuto per aprire il ristorante che ha sempre desiderato. Senza alcun aiuto da parte del padre e del fratello, e troppo orgoglioso per accettare una mano da chiunque altro, ha dovuto ricominciare da zero. Col tempo le cose hanno iniziato a funzionare: Glenn ha avviato un’attività di successo, si è costruito una nuova casa e ha creato una vita di cui essere orgoglioso. Nonostante i successi, però, il suo allontanamento dalla famiglia, gli Holloway, è ancora una ferita che non riesce a guarire. Rendere un favore si trasforma nel suo peggiore incubo. Per mantenere la parola data, infatti, Glenn ritorna alle sue radici, dove è costretto ad avere a che fare con il fratellastro Rand Holloway e si ritrova faccia a faccia con Mac Gentry, un uomo che lo affascina fin troppo. Tutto potrebbe finire in un disastro: sia i tenui legami familiari, sia quel desiderio che non sapeva di avere nel cuore.

À cœur perdu (Histoires de cœur #4)

by Andrew Grey Julie Bénazet Éric Jansen

Histoires de cœur, tome 4Le chanteur country Willie Meadows est un imposteur. Il n'est jamais monté sur un cheval, et ses vêtements « western » proviennent d'une boutique de Los Angeles. Pas étonnant que Wilson Edwards, le véritable homme de ces bottes d'opérette, souffre d'un blocage créatif. Déterminé à retrouver l'inspiration, Wilson achète un ranch dans le Wyoming afin d'apprendre le véritable quotidien d'un cow-boy, même s'il n'a aucune intention de gérer son entreprise. C'est alors qu'apparaît Steve Peterson, désespéré, démuni et affamé après avoir échappé aux griffes de la secte de son père qui gère un hôpital de « déprogrammation » pour homosexuels. Steve était censé entraîner des chevaux pour l'ancienne propriétaire du ranch, mais le travail a disparu avec son futur employeur. Heureusement, Wilson a une solution temporaire : Steve peut gérer le ranch tandis qu'il ira régler ses affaires à Los Angeles. Mais lorsqu'il revient, c'est à peine si Wilson reconnaît l’endroit. Il y a des chevaux dans l'écurie, et le ranch est en parfait état. Soudain, il se trouve inspiré non pas par le mode de vie des cow-boys, mais par Steve lui-même. Mais la secte est encore après Steve, et la peur du scandale de Wilson signifie qu'il est encore dans le placard. En sortir pourrait tuer sa carrière – mais nier ses sentiments pour Steve pourrait tuer la seule partie de lui qui est réelle.

Wenn der Staub sich legt (Timing (Deutsch))

by Mary Calmes Heike Reifgens

Ein Titel der Timing SerieGlenn Holloways berechenbares Leben endete an jenem Tag, als er seiner Familie gestand, dass er schwul ist. Dass er kurz darauf die Ranch, auf der er aufwuchs, verließ, um das Restaurant zu eröffnen, von dem er immer geträumt hatte, streute nur noch Salz in die Wunde. Ohne die Unterstützung seines Vaters und seines Bruders und zu stolz, um Hilfe von anderen zu akzeptieren, musste er ganz von vorne anfangen. Doch im Lauf der Zeit wendete sich das Blatt: Glenn führte sein Restaurant zum Erfolg, schuf sich ein neues Zuhause und ein Leben, auf das er stolz sein kann. Doch trotz seines Erfolges ist die Entfremdung von den Holloways eine Wunde, die nicht richtig heilen will, und als er sich gezwungen sieht, einen erwiesenen Gefallen zurückzuzahlen, findet er sich in seinem schlimmsten Albtraum wieder. Gefangen in seinem einst gegebenen Versprechen kehrt Glenn zu seinen Wurzeln zurück, um seinem Halbbruder zu helfen, Rand Holloway, und wird mit Mac Gentry konfrontiert, einem Mann, der viel zu verlockend für Glenns Seelenfrieden ist. Es könnte alles in einer Katastrophe enden – einer Katastrophe für die zarten Annäherungen an eine Wiederversöhnung mit seiner Familie und für das Verlangen, von dem Glenn nicht einmal wusste, dass es in seinem Herzen ruht.

Kein Coming Out für Cowboys (Cowboys tun das nicht)

by Tara Lain Teresa Simons

Ein Titel der Cowboys tun das nicht SerieRand McIntyre begnügt sich mit ausreichender Zufriedenheit. Er liebt seine kleine Ranch in Kalifornien, seine Pferdezucht und den Reitunterricht mit den Kindern, die er vergöttert – für eigene Kinder und einen geliebten Menschen in seinem Leben müsste er sich outen und damit alles, was er sich erarbeitet hat, aufs Spiel setzen. Dann begleitet er trotz seiner Flugangst seine Eltern zu einem Urlaub nach Hana in Hawaii, wo er den dunkelhaarigen, geheimnisvollen Kai Kealoha kennenlernt, einen echten hawaiianischen Cowboy. Rand mag Kais junge Geschwister und lechzt nach Kai, doch der Mann ist stachliger als eine Krötenechse und undurchschaubarer als seine exotische Heimat. Kai hat sich ein zurückgezogenes Leben aufgebaut, in dem er „seine“ Kinder beschützen kann, und sollte sich zu seinem und ihrem Wohl von dem großen, gut aussehenden Cowboy fernhalten. Nur wie viel Schaden kann ein **Haole** bei einem kurzen Urlaub schon anrichten? Als jedoch Kais schlimmste Befürchtungen und Rands dunkelste Albträume Wirklichkeit werden, gibt es nicht viel Hoffnung für zwei Cowboys, die sich nicht outen können – oder wollen.

Les cowboys se murent dans le silence (Ce que font les cowboys)

by Tara Lain Laura Brohan

Ce que font les cowboys, numéro hors sérieRand McIntyre se contente d’une vie satisfaisante. Il aime son petit ranch en Californie, élever des chevaux et apprendre à monter aux enfants – mais pour avoir ses propres enfants et une personne à aimer, il serait obligé de révéler son homosexualité et cela mettrait en péril tout ce qu’il a construit. Un jour, malgré sa phobie de prendre l’avion, il part en vacances à Hana, Hawaii, avec ses parents et rencontre le ténébreux et mystérieux Kai Kealoha, un vrai cowboy hawaiien. Rand se prend d’affection pour le petit frère et la petite sœur de Kai autant qu’il s’éprend du jeune homme, mais Kai est plus piquant qu’un lézard à cornes et plus mystérieux que le territoire exotique dont il est originaire. Kai tient à son intimité et vit pour protéger ses « enfants ». Pour le bien de tout le monde, il vaut mieux qu’il garde ses distances avec le beau et grand cowboy – mais comme cet homme n’est qu’un *haole* venu prendre de courtes vacances, peut-il vraiment causer des dommages ? Quand les plus grandes peurs de Kai et les cauchemars les plus atroces de Rand deviennent réalité, il y a peu d’espoir pour une relation entre deux cowboys qui ne peuvent pas – ou ne veulent pas – se révéler au grand jour.


by Anna North

In the year of our Lord 1894, I became an outlaw. The day of her wedding, 17 year old Ada’s life looks good; she loves her husband, and she loves working as an apprentice to her mother, a respected midwife. But after a year of marriage and no pregnancy, in a town where barren women are routinely hanged as witches, her survival depends on leaving behind everything she knows. She joins up with the notorious Hole in the Wall Gang, a band of outlaws led by a preacher-turned-robber known to all as the Kid. Charismatic, grandiose, and mercurial, the Kid is determined to create a safe haven for outcast women. But to make this dream a reality, the Gang hatches a treacherous plan that may get them all killed. And Ada must decide whether she’s willing to risk her life for the possibility of a new kind of future for them all. Featuring an irresistibly no-nonsense, courageous, and determined heroine, Outlawed dusts off the myth of the old West and reignites the glimmering promise of the frontier with an entirely new set of feminist stakes. Anna North has crafted a pulse-racing, page-turning saga about the search for hope in the wake of death, and for truth in a climate of small-mindedness and fear.

Magic Words

by Gerald Kolpan

In a riveting novel of love and adventure, young Julius Meyer comes to the New World to find himself acting as translator for the famed Indian chief Standing Bear.Young Jewish immigrant Julius comes of age surrounded by the wild world of 1867 Nebraska. He befriends the mysterious Prophet John, who saves his life when the two are captured by the Ponca Indian tribe. Living as a slave, Julius meets the noble chief Standing Bear and his young daughter, Prairie Flower, with whom he falls in love. Becoming the tribe&’s interpreter—its &“speaker&”—his life seems safe and settled. But Julius has reckoned without the arrival of his older cousin, Alexander—who, as the Great Herrmann, is the most famous young magician in America. Nor does he suspect the ultimate consequences of Alex&’s affair with Lady-Jane Little Feather, a glamorous—and murderous—prostitute destined to become the most scandalous woman on two continents. Filled with adventure, humor, and colorful characters, Magic Words is a riveting adventure about the nature of prejudice, the horror of genocide, and a courageous young man who straddles two worlds to fight for love and freedom.

The Devoured and the Dead (Splatter Western)

by Kristopher Rufty

Three families traveling through the mountains of North Carolina to claim their share of the gold rush become stranded deep in the forest, overwhelmed by the unrelenting snow and frigid temperatures. It doesn't take long for the food supply to run out, for desperation and harmful intentions to set in. When one of their own dies, they commit a depraved act to survive, a depraved act that unleashes a curse that will not stop until every one of them is either devoured...or dead!

Human-Shaped Fiends (Splatter Western)

by Chandler Morrison

LOS ANGELES, 1854. Felipe Alvitre and a band of teenage outlaws set out on a brutal, seemingly random killing spree across the San Gabriel Valley, ignighting the ire of the Los Angeles citizens. Sheriff James Barton wrestles with a rapidly escalating crime rate and a populace that demands more from their corrupt, do-nothing legal system as the bodies continue to pile up. The crimes of the young Alvitre gang become symbolic of a greater frustration, and the sheriff faces mounting pressure to bring the outlaws to justice. His greatest battle, however, comes from within, and his responsibilities soon play second fiddle to his struggles with addiction and his toxic, unrequited love for a mysterious prostitute.LOS ANGELES, 2021. Self-obsessed, pretentious, womanizing novelist Chandler Morrison has been contracted to write a Western. He knows what kind of book his fans want, but he's torn between his commitment to the craft and the "brand" to which he believes he is expected to adhere. As he sinks deeper into deluded self-importance while juggling a number of surface-level relationships, the line separating fiction from reality becomes increasingly blurred.

They built a Gallows for You and Me (Splatter Western)

by Cody Higgins

Was the threat of death all we needed to die?When smiles act like monsters in the dark who are pretending to be friendly, it's hard to know where to put your trust. As a mysterious sickness starts killing the children in the town of Salinas, the townsfolk find themselves distraught and searching for answers. A new family in town seemed to bring forth the illness. Did they bring it with them? Are they causing it to happen? Or did the family stumble into something dark and sinister, something with witchcraft on its lips?

The Thirteenth Koyote (Splatter Western)

by Kristopher Triana

An evil has returned to the town of Hope's Hill. When a grave robber unearths the corpse of Jasper Thurston, a piece of the body is stolen, one that will call the Koyotes from across the plains. They are a vicious company of outlaws, part madmen and part wolves. Their leader is Glenn the Dreadful, and he's out to gather the power of the Menhir, a particle from an ancient evil. The fate of Hope's Hill—and perhaps the world—rests in the hands of unlikely heroes. A rugged U.S. Marshall, a teenage girl out for revenge, an emancipated slave, a nun with a dark secret, and a mysterious half-breed with the number thirteen tattooed on his neck. The Thirteenth Koyote is a werewolf western from Splatterpunk-Award-winner Kristopher Triana, author of Gone to See the River Man and Full Brutal. Filled with gunfights as well as ghouls, it is a horror epic as big as the open range.

Shadow of the Vulture (Splatter Western)

by Regina Garza Mitchell

As Americans move west towards their manifest destiny, they disrupt lives, steal, and murder. What happens when that brutality clashes with witchcraft and the supernatural in the small town of Soledad?A powerful witch goes to the extreme to protect the land. A young woman weaves protective spells into clothing, but what she wants to do more than anything, is soar with the vultures. An ex-soldier accompanied by her dead friend looks for another battle to fight and will do anything to make the American invaders pay in the bloodiest ways possible. When they come together, Texas will never be the same. Power clashes between witches, warriors, brutes and innocents, and over it all hovers the shadow of the vulture.

DUST (Splatter Western)

by Chris Miller

1879: An unknown and timeless evil descends on East Texas. James Dee, bestowed with knowledge from beyond, moves through time and space, pursuing age-old horrors and ending their reign. As he seeks the hidden town of Dust to continue his lifework, another is hot on his heels, and will stop at nothing to rip the divine knowledge from Dee.As these opposing forces collide, Dee becomes both hero and villian in his quest against the Elders.He doesn't have time to be sorry--THERE ARE GODS TO KILL

Red Station (Splatter Western)

by Kenzie Jennings

There is a house overlooking the vast, rolling plains. A home station where a traveler will be welcomed with a piping hot meal and a downy bed.It is a refuge for the weary. A beacon for the lost.A place where blood and bones feed the land.For four stagecoach passengers......a doctor in search of a missing father and daughter......a newlywed couple on the way to their homestead......and a lady in red with a bag filled with secrets...Their night at the Station has only just begun

The Magpie Coffin (Splatter Western)

by Wile E Young

The year is 1875 and outlaw Salem Covington has spent the last twenty years collecting stories, possessions, and lives. Nicknamed "The Black Magpie" for his exploits during the war, Salem has carved a bloody trail across the western territories. Informed that his mentor, Comanche shaman Dead Bear, has been murdered. Salem vows vengeance on the perpetrators. Enlisting the help of an army scout and preserving the body of his mentor in a specially made coffin, he sets out in pursuit. But the choices of Salem's past that earned him the moniker "Black Magpie" are riding hard behind him and the only weapon that can kill him might not be as far away as he thinks.The Magpie Coffin is an unrelenting tale of revenge, with precise brutality and extreme violence.

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