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Después del anochecer (En el momento perfecto #2)

by Mary Calmes

Un libro de historias "En el momento perfecto" Dos años después de cabalgar hacia el ocaso con Rand Holloway, el dueño de un rancho, Stefan Joss ha hecho las paces provisionalmente con su nueva vida, enseñando en una facultad de la comunidad. Pero el río del verdadero amor jamás fluyó tranquilo. Rand quiere que él se quede en casa, pero Stef necesita una vía de escape en caso de que Rand decida echarlo en algún momento. Finalmente, después de reconocer lo injusto que estaba siendo, Stef se compromete, y Rand está como loco de contento. Cuando Stef tiene la oportunidad de probar su devoción, no lo duda, a pesar de arriesgar su vida en el proceso, y Rand aprovecha la oportunidad para mostrarles a todos que a veces las mejores sorpresas de la vida suceden después de anochecer.

Cuando todo se calme (En el momento perfecto #3)

by Mary Calmes

Un libro de historias "En el momento perfecto"La vida previsible de Glenn Holloway terminó el día que le confesó a su familia que era homosexual. Como si eso no fuera suficiente, le echó sal a la herida al alejarse del rancho en el que había crecido para abrir el restaurante con el que siempre había soñado. Sin el apoyo de su padre y su hermano, y demasiado orgulloso para aceptar la ayuda de cualquier otra persona, tuvo que empezar de cero. Con el tiempo, todo salió bien: Glenn estableció con éxito un negocio sólido, creó un nuevo hogar y se forjó una vida de la que podía estar orgulloso. A pesar de su éxito, el distanciamiento de los Holloway sigue siendo una herida que no logra sanar del todo, y una llamada pidiendo ayuda se convierte en la peor pesadilla de Glenn. Atado a una promesa, Glenn vuelve a sus orígenes para lidiar con Rand Holloway y encontrándose cara a cara con Mac Gentry, un hombre demasiado atractivo para el propio bien de Glenn. Todo esto podría conducir al desastre, por la débil reconexión con su familia y por el deseo que no sabía que albergaba en su corazón.

Hard Road Back

by Andrew Grey

Rancher Martin Jamuson has a deep understanding of horses. He just wishes his instincts extended to his best friend, Scarborough Croughton, and the changes in their feelings toward each other. Martin may be the only friend Scarborough has in their small town, but Scarborough is a man of secrets, an outsider who’s made his own way and believes he can only rely on himself when the chips are down. Still, when he needs help with a horse, he naturally comes to Martin. As they work together, Martin becomes more determined than ever to show Scarborough he’s someone he can trust… maybe someone he can love. Even if it risks their friendship, both men know the possibility for more between them deserves to be explored. But when Scarborough’s past reemerges, it threatens his home, horses, career, and even their lives. If they hope to survive the road before them, they’ll have to walk it together… and maybe make the leap from cautious friends to lovers along the way.

Una prateria divisa (Storie della prateria #1)

by Andrew Grey

Storie della prateria: Libro 1Dopo un anno trascorso alla scuola di medicina, Dakota Holden ritorna a casa per prendersi cura degli affari di famiglia a tempo pieno e aiutare suo padre a convivere con la sclerosi multipla. Devoto alla sua famiglia, Dakota si concede solo una settimana di vacanza all’anno, che trascorre in luoghi esotici a divertirsi più che può. Durante una crociera, Dakota stringe con Phillip Reardon un’amicizia che riempie un vuoto nella sua vita. Quando Phillip decide di accettare il suo invito a visitare il ranch, Dakota è felice di rivederlo e di conoscere il suo amico veterinario, Wally Schumacher. Nonostante la tendenza di Wally ad aiutare i lupi a cui gli uomini di Dakota sparano per proteggere il bestiame, i due scoprono di avere molto in comune, inclusa una forte attrazione reciproca. Ma dovranno decidere se la prateria del Wyoming è grande abbastanza per il bestiame di Dakota, i lupi di Wally e il loro amore.

Nur ein Cowboy (Prärie Cowboys #2)

by Julia Talbot

Buch 2 in der Serie - Prärie CowboysIst es einem altmodischen Cowboy und einem jungen Mann auf der Flucht vor seiner dunklen Vergangenheit möglich, eine gemeinsame Zukunft zu haben? Herschel ist ein einfacher Viehzüchter, der daran glaubt, dass jeder eine zweite Chance verdient hat, weshalb er dazu neigt, Außenseiter einzustellen – wie Dalton, ein junger Cowboy, der jede Unterstützung und liebevolle Zuwendung braucht, die Herschel ihm geben kann. Dalton glaubt, dass man ihm das, was er getan hat, nicht verzeihen kann, aber Herschel scheint gewillt, es zu versuchen. Tatsächlich könnte er das Beste sein, was Dalton je passiert ist. Vielleicht ist er sogar derjenige, der ihm dabei helfen kann, wieder auf die Zukunft zu vertrauen. Doch gerade als er Herschel alles erzählen will, bricht die Hölle los. Herschel muss Dalton helfen, sich von all dem zu befreien, das ihn verfolgt oder sie beide enden einsam.

Les cowboys ne chevauchent pas de licornes (Ce que font les cowboys #Vol. 2)

by Tara Lain

Ce que font les cowboys, numéro hors sérieLe cow-boy Danny Boone – un nom qu’il a inventé une nuit d’ivresse et a regretté depuis – a un lourd passé et désire ardemment un futur léger. Une courte et brillante carrière en tant que champion monteur de taureau se termine lorsqu’il frôle la mort quand son père homophobe découvre qu’il est gay. Maintenant, Danny a très envie d’un lopin de terre où pouvoir construire un ranch, assez d’argent pour compenser une partie des études qu’il a manquées... et, secrètement, un mec efféminé magnifique qui aime dominer –une combinaison aussi rare qu’une licorne. Puis le ranch pour hôtes où travaille Danny attire le décorateur de San Francisco Laurie Belmont, un jeune homme si beau qu’il coupe le souffle des chevaux et si courageux qu’il tue presque l’agresseur de Danny. Laurie essaie de sortir de sous la coupe d’une mère autoritaire, d’un père impuissant et d’un riche petit ami privilégié. Mais peu importe l’attirance, leurs vies sont totalement différentes et les cow-boys ne chevauchent pas de licornes.

Half a Cowboy

by Andrew Grey

Ever since his discharge from the military, injured veteran Ashton Covert has been running his family ranch—and running himself into the ground to prove he still can. Ben Malton knows about running too. When he takes refuge in Ashton’s barn after an accident in a Wyoming blizzard, he’s thinking only of survival and escaping his abusive criminal ex, Dallas. Ashton has never met a responsibility he wouldn’t try to shoulder. When he finds Ben half-frozen, he takes it upon himself to help. But deadly trouble follows Ben wherever he goes. He needs to continue on, except it may already be too late. Working together brings Ben and Ashton close, kindling fires not even the Wyoming winter can douse. Something about Ben makes Ashton feel whole again. But before they can ride into the sunset together, they need to put an end to Dallas’s threats. Ben can make a stand, with Ashton’s help—only it turns out the real danger could be much closer to home.

Second Go-Round

by Andrew Grey

Former world champion bronco rider Dustin and rancher Marshall have been life partners for more than twenty years, and time has taken its toll. Their sex life is as dusty as the rodeo ring. Somehow their marriage hasn&’t turned out how they planned. But when a new family moves in up the road with two young boys, one very sick, Dustin and Marshall realize how deep their ruts are and that there might be hope to break them. After all, where they&’re from, the most important part of being a man is helping those who need it.A new common purpose helps break down the deep routines they&’ve fallen into and makes them realize the life they&’ve been living has left them both cold and hollow. Spending time with the kids—teaching them how to be cowboys—reignites something they thought lost long ago. But twenty years is a lot of time to make up for. Can they find their way back to each other, or are the ruts they&’ve created worn too deep?

Storie della prateria: Cofanetto 1 Libri 1-3 (Storie della prateria #8)

by Andrew Grey

Il ranch nel Wyoming di Wally e Dakota diventa l’approdo sicuro per chi ha bisogno di guarire, sia fisicamente che mentalmente. Questo include sia le persone che arrivano al ranch che i grandi felini di cui Wally si prende cura. Il veterinario e il medico costruiscono un luogo in cui ogni storia si conclude nel modo migliore.

Legacy Found: Paranormal Western Romance (Hell's Valley #4)

by Jillian David

"Ms. David's books grab me so deeply . . . definitely a series you will not want to miss!" ~Angels ReviewsThe Perfect Storm of Psychic Ranchers and Sexy Nights is brewing in the Wyoming Mountains in the Paranormal Romance, LEGACY FOUND, by Jillian David -- Copper River, Wyoming – Present Day --Following a traumatic accident in the Army, Kerr Taggart returns to Hell's Valley to come to terms with the man he’s become, so he can take the biggest chance of his life . . . asking the beautiful and forbidden Izzy Brand out on a date.But even if he achieves Mission Date Izzy Brand, Izzy’s family remains intent on destroying the Taggart family, and remains aligned with the rising supernatural creature plotting to steal Taggart land.Meanwhile, Izzy is chafing against her family's on-going vendetta, and rats out her own brothers to the Taggarts. A decision that turns the evil entity’s sights Izzy’s way.Now, to save the woman he loves, Kerr Taggart must find a way to overcome his own demons and use his psychic powers, because this time . . . failure is not an option.Publisher Note: Jillian David writes a unique blend of western romantic heat with a touch of the paranormal. Most appropriate for mature readers.". . . another fabulous paranormal series from Jillian David who makes her rural settings come to life with jaw-tensing reality." ~ 5 stars ~ Tome TenderThe Hell's Valley SeriesLegacy of LiesLegacy LostLegacy of DangerLegacy Found

Legacy of Lies: Paranormal Western Romance (Hell's Valley #1)

by Jillian David

“…brings tension to a fever pitch in the deep woods and plains of Wyoming.” ~5 stars, Tome TenderPresent Day, Copper River, WyomingGarrison Taggart’s psychic lie-detecting ability failed him when his ex-wife betrayed him. Until he can trust himself again, he’s sticking with a strict no-dating policy—that includes smart and sexy schoolteacher Sara Lopez—but one kiss from Sara makes him want to round up his insecurities once and for all.Sara Lopez left behind a checkered past in Copper River to obtain her teaching degree and a respectable reputation. If only her ex-boyfriend, Hank Brand, would leave her alone so she can focus on the surly but sexy rancher, Garrison Taggart.When a cross-valley rivalry between ranching families places Sara in the crossfire, Garrison must risk his deepest secret and his own life to save the people he cares for the most. But his heroics may cost him everything.Publisher Note: Jillian David writes a unique blend of western romantic heat with a touch of the paranormal. This series contains adult language and is best suited for mature readers."Make sure you have a few hours to spare when you start this book as you won't want to put it down!" ~5 stars Sweet and Spicy Reads"An awesome romance centering on ranching and horses and small town life with tiny hints of paranormal activity dotted throughout." ~5 stars Romance Authors that Rock"A wonderful story, filled with colorful characters and complicated situations that will keep the reader on the edge of their seat." ~4 stars, InDTale MagazineThe Hell's Valley SeriesLegacy of LiesLegacy LostLegacy of DangerLegacy Found

Legacy Lost: Paranormal Western Romance (Hell's Valley #2)

by Jillian David

"...the right amount of romance and action all rolled up into one. I can't wait to dive into book three. 5-stars!” Fallen Over Books ReviewsPresent Day, Copper River, WyomingGrowing up as an honorary Taggart, Eric Patterson has the family he’s always wanted. Almost. Somehow, he never managed to see the clan’s youngest and only daughter--stubborn spitfire Shelby--quite like a little sister. Now that she's grown, his long-suppressed feelings are determined to come to light.Too bad Shelby’s cursed. Her double-whammy psychic powers to read emotions and locate anyone anywhere have always made relationships impossible. But her echolocation skills are beginning to turn on her.Then a malevolent supernatural force invades the valley, threatening the Taggart family, homing in on Eric. Dare she risk using her powers, sacrificing her own life to find the one she loves, one more time?Publisher Note: Jillian David writes a unique blend of western romantic heat with a touch of the paranormal. This series contains adult language and is best suited for mature readers."Make sure you have a few hours to spare when you start this book as you won't want to put it down!" ~5 stars Sweet and Spicy Reads"An awesome romance centering on ranching and horses and small town life with tiny hints of paranormal activity dotted throughout." ~5 stars Romance Authors that Rock"A wonderful story, filled with colorful characters and complicated situations that will keep the reader on the edge of their seat." ~4 stars, InDTale MagazineThe Hell's Valley SeriesLegacy of LiesLegacy LostLegacy of DangerLegacy Found

The Thea Barlow Cozy Mysteries Box Set (A Thea Barlow Wyoming Mystery)

by Carol Caverly

Chicago Journalist Investigates Wyoming’s Old Rural Legends and Stumbles Into Modern-Day Murder and Mayhem in This Box Set Filled with Humor, History, and One Mean-Spirited Chicken.ALL THE OLD LIONS: On her first assignment—unravel the mystery of Halfway Halt, a defunct brothel in Hijax, Wyoming—Thea must ply townsfolk who don’t want their secrets revealed, and finger a murderer…if she wants to survive.FROGSKIN AND MUTTONFAT: In Wyoming with old flame Max Holman to interview the 82-year-old Kid Corcoran, last of the old-time bandits, Thea is caught up in a maelstrom of greed, murder, and revenge when a local reporter is found knifed to death in Thea’s room.DEAD IN HOG HEAVEN: In Hog Heaven to investigate the ruins of an old rural bordello, Thea stumbles upon a woman's body and is fingered for murder."Good stories, interesting characters, a touch of romance, and a little humor. Lots of fun!" ~Mysterious Woman"Blends Old West and New with humor, lore, and an admirable, entertaining heroine." ~The Poisoned Pen" engaging and cleanly told. Highly Recommended." ~Gothic JournalTHE THEA BARLOW WYOMING MYSTERIES, in orderAll the Old LionsFrogskin and MuttonfatDead in Hog HeavenDeath by Doodlebug

Death by Doodlebug (A Thea Barlow Wyoming Mystery #4)

by Carol Caverly

Death and Gold Haunt Thea's Search for Max in Death by Doodlebug, a Cozy Mystery from Carol Caverly.--Present Day, Garnet Pass, Wyoming--When Thea Barlow is left at the altar by her fiancé, Max, everyone, including the police, thinks she's been jilted.Thea's the only one who believes in Max, and she's determined to discover what happened to him. A note left on her door sends Thea and her best friend searching for a gold dredge known as a "doodlebug."The doodlebug is the beginning piece of the puzzle. The remaining puzzle pieces lead to family secrets, hidden gold, and violent prospectors.When bodies start to appear, fear dominates every turn on a path to an explosive finish.THE THEA BARLOW WYOMING MYSTERIES, in orderAll the Old LionsFrogskin and MuttonfatDead in Hog HeavenDeath by Doodlebug

The Cowboys of Copper River Boxed Set, Books 1 - 3 (Copper River Cowboys)

by Jillian David

Three Full-Length Wild Adventures Through Western Wyoming with Sexy Ranchers, Smart Women, and Otherworldly Forces-- Copper River, Wyoming – Present Day --Legacy of LiesGarrison Taggart’s psychic lie-detecting ability failed him when his ex-wife betrayed him. Until he can trust himself again, he’s sticking with a strict no-dating policy—that includes smart and sexy schoolteacher Sara Lopez—but one kiss from Sara makes him want to round up his insecurities once and for all.Legacy LostGrowing up as an honorary Taggart, Eric Patterson has the family he’s always wanted. Almost. Somehow, he never managed to see the clan’s youngest and only daughter—stubborn spitfire Shelby—quite like a little sister. Now that she's grown, his long-suppressed feelings are determined to come to light.Legacy of DangerProdigal son and MMA fighter Vaughn Taggart fled his family's ranch after his disasterous decisions destroyed his brother's marriage. But his sister's urgent plea for help and escalating threats from the rival Brand ranch have lured Vaughn back to Copper River, Wyoming—but nothing can make him stay where he no longer fits in.Publisher's Note: Jillian David writes a unique blend of western romantic heat with a touch of the paranormal. Fans of Christine Freehan, B.J. Daniels, Duane Boehm as well as Sam Scott, Dannika Dark and I.T. Lucas will enjoy discovering this series.

The Widow Jane Parker (Hearts of Texas #1)

by Judy McGonagill

Twice widowed, Jane Parker faces her dream of independence while her heart longs for Major Seth Armstrong, a military man with his own plan.Texas, Early 1900’sTwice Widowed, Jane Parker finally has the opportunity to fulfill her dream of owning a business and building a future for her three children. Befriended by her grateful employer, Jim Armstrong, and his caring wife, Bea, the Armstrongs are moving from East to West Texas and helping Jane get established in a business all her own.When two rogue outlaws seek to take advantage of Jane, she holds one at gunpoint while sending her ten-year-old son, Sam, to the Armstrongs for help. When help arrives, included is Armstrong’s son, Seth, who recently returned from the army. Jane can’t help to appreciate Seth’s rugged masculine charm and twinkling brown eyes.Seth Armstrong falls hard for the attractive woman in her early thirties with long, satiny, auburn hair and sparkling blue eyes. Willing to take on the responsibility of a ready-made family with two sweet-natured girls and one adventurous boy, his marriage proposal meets with fear and turmoil in Jane’s eyes.Torn between a life she loves and the hope of love for a lifetime with Seth Armstrong, Jane battles with fear, faith, and past losses. Now, she must risk everything she thought she wanted for everything she’d dare hope to have.Publisher’s Note: Readers who enjoy heartful tales of life, faith, and romance will not want to miss this endearing series set in West Texas, highlighting the struggles and delights of life in the early 1900s.Hearts of Texas SeriesThe Widow Jane ParkerThe River RiderThe Twelve Mile School

Forever Angels (Enchanted Love #1)

by Trana Mae Simmons

A Bumbling Guardian Angel's Sneeze Causes Disappearance of Prominent NYC Attorney in Forever Angels, an Enchanting Time Travel Romance from Trana Mae SimmonsAdirondack Mountains, New York State, 1994 Oklahoma Territory, Eastern Oklahoma, 1893The day after her broken engagement, rising star attorney Tess Foster sets off into the Adirondack Mountains in New York State to backpack away her broken heart.Guardian Angel Michael's job is to protect her, but when she breaks her ankle and falls off the mountain, his inadvertent sneeze sends Tess back in time 101 years, into the arms of Stone Chisum, the ultimate broad-shouldered rancher/cowboy.Her heart heals as she falls in love with Stone and his two lovely Indian children, but neither knows whether their love is doomed if Tess finds herself transported back to her former life, a life she no longer desires.Stone Chisum has enough on his mind, trying to make a go of his ranch and keeping the town busybodies from taking the children he loves, the son and daughter of Stone's former love. He doesn't need a beautiful city woman from another time, used to luxuries he can't provide.Despite how hard Stone fights against it, he can't deny his growing feelings for Tess, and with a little angelic help, the newly formed ranching family might have a chance at love.About the Author:T. M. Simmons lives in a haunted house on the edge of the East Texas Piney Woods, which she and her husband share with various pets and paranormal residents. In between writing cozy mysteries and other stories, she delights in scaring herself silly during otherworldly encounters and visits haunted buildings and graveyards during dark and full moons. Her husband goes along sometimes to protect her from the bumps in the night, although he's been known to spy a ghost and retreat rather than confront it. She also pursues paranormal entities with her real-life Twila, Aunt Belle Brown, who are Lead Investigators of the Supernatural Researchers of Texas paranormal investigative team. SRT's motto is "Leave Peace Behind," and the team seeks to leave peace for the people who are dealing with troubled hauntings, as well as for the ghosts. Simmons is extremely willing to discuss her experiences with anyone she can corner.

The River Rider (Hearts of Texas #2)

by Judy McGonagill

A brother and sister escape their abuser and struggle to find purpose and love in West Texas.Texas, Early 1900sIn 1916, 14-year-old Luke O'donnelly took on a man's responsibility when he and his 12- year-old sister, Naomi, fled their abusive brother-in-law. Before leaving, Luke deems to kill the despicable man but spares his life in exchange for $500 and three of his best horses.Luke and Naomi strive together for two years earning enough money to buy land for a place of their own. Barely started, their dreams shatter, and the two must move on.Leaving his sister in nearby Castroville with a minister's family, Luke has no choice but to head west to the Sycamore Creek Ranch. He works searching for stray cattle and horses amid the inhospitable terrain and venomous snakes found along the Rio Grande River. There, he falls in love with a Mexican girl, promised to another man.Left behind to fend for herself, Naomi toils, dreaming of a day when she and Luke will unite to fulfill their dream of owning land and taking control of their destinies. But a chance at love forces Naomi to choose between her dreams and her heart.Publisher's Note: Readers who enjoy heartful tales of life, faith, and romance will not want to miss this endearing series set in West Texas, highlighting the struggles and delights of life in the early 1900s.Hearts of Texas SeriesThe Widow Jane ParkerThe River RiderThe Twelve Mile School

The Twelve Mile School (Hearts of Texas #3)

by Judy McGonagill

A schoolteacher finds love, loss, and happiness in West Texas.Val Verde County, Texas, 1916Weary of her family's relentless pursuit of a suitable husband for her, twenty-two-year-old Ester Hammon responds to an advertisement seeking a teacher for Twelve Mile School, a small county school far away from her overprotective Dallas family. But nothing prepared her for what she faced when stepping off the train in the small, dusty town of Del Rio, Texas.Living with a ranching family three miles from the school, Ester learned how to shoot, in case of a raid by Pancho Villa, a skill that quickly proved useful, causing Ester to question whether she was meant for such a wild place.Rancher, Grant McKey had no time for love. As a single parent, the schoolteacher living on his ranch was just there for his six-year-old daughter, but adversity has a way of bonding disparate hearts.Attacked by the Villistas, Ester's bravery saves Grant, but a shocking proposal will forever change their future.Publisher’s Note: Readers who enjoy heartful tales of life, faith, and romance will not want to miss this endearing series set in West Texas, highlighting the struggles and delights of life in the early 1900s.Hearts of Texas SeriesThe Widow Jane ParkerThe River RiderThe Twelve Mile School

Honor Versus Lies (Hearts of Texas #4)

by Judy McGonagill

In the rugged expanse of West Texas, a timeless tale of love, loyalty, deception, and redemption unfolds against the backdrop of the early 1900s Texas Panhandle. Meet Trent Sanderson, a man as striking as the untamed landscapes he commands, dedicated to his sprawling ranch and the loyal cowboys who tend to it. Within the bounds of the ranch, respect is earned, and trust is sacred—except when it comes to the women in his life.Helen, once a vibrant spirit, now confined to a wheelchair, will do anything to protect Trent from unsuitable, money-hungry women, even if it means weaving a web of lies.Flossy seeks to ensnare Trent in her web of desire. But when her intentions turn to marriage, Helen's lies spiral out of control.Sassy, a sweet young woman with a secret past, resorts to deceit when Trent questions her about his personal life. Her prayers for forgiveness echo through the vast prairie.Patsy, the pretty teacher, and Angel, Trent's younger sister, also harbor secrets, further complicating the tangled web of deception that surrounds Trent.Trent's world is shaken in the wake of a devastating tornado, testing the limits of his strength and love. As he faces the aftermath, he questions his own feelings and seeks the elusive truth of genuine love. As secrets unravel and hearts collide, Trent's journey toward authenticity takes center stage as honor clashes with love.Publisher’s Note: Readers who savor heartfelt tales of life, faith, and romance will not want to miss this endearing series set in early 1900s West Texas, where the struggles and joys of a bygone era come to life.Hearts of Texas SeriesThe Widow Jane ParkerThe River RiderThe Twelve Mile SchoolHonor Versus Lies

Sky & Ty 1: Howdy, Partner!

by Steve Breen

Meet the new cowgirl and her T. Rex pardner delivering delightful laughs and rollicking adventure along with their packages from a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner. Perfect for young chapter book graphic novel fans who love Narwhal and Jelly and Unicorn and Yeti.Meet the best delivery service this side of the Mississippi, run by no-nonsense cowgirl Sky and her slightly goofy, but always dependable pardner, T.Rex Ty. No task is too big or two small for this dynamic duo. And they&’ve never missed a delivery yet. But learning to work together hasn't always been easy for them. Saddle up as Sky and Ty figure out they both can help solve a little bear problem. And teamwork and some speedy thinking save the day when they tackle getting thier first package to its destination just in time.The first book in this funny and warm young chapter book graphic novel series by two-time Pulitzer Prize Winner Steve Breen features two stories rendered in vibrant three-color art, interspersed with fun facts, jokes, and activities.A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection

Straw Dogs of the Universe: A Novel

by Ye Chun

A harrowing and redemptive immigrant story for readers of PachinkoA Chinese railroad worker and his young daughter—sold into servitude—in 19th century California search for family, fulfillment, and belonging in a violent new land"Heaven and earth do not pick and choose.They see everything as straw dogs." A sweeping historical novel of the American West from the little-seen perspective of those who helped to build it, Straw Dogs of the Universe traces the story of one Chinese father and his young daughter, desperate to find him against all odds.After her village is devastated by famine, 10-year-old Sixiang is sold to a human trafficker for a bag of rice and six silver coins. Her mother is reluctant to let her go, but the promise of a better life for her beloved daughter ultimately sways her. Arriving in America with the profits from her sale and a single photograph of Guifeng, her absent father, Sixiang journeys across an unfamiliar American landscape in the hopes of reuniting her family. As she makes her way through an unforgiving new world, her father, a railroad worker in California, finds his attempts to build a life for himself both upended and defined by along-lost love and the seemingly inescapable violence of the American West. A generational saga ranging from the villages of China to the establishment of the transcontinental railroad and the anti-Chinese movement in California, Straw Dogs of the Universe considers the tenacity of family ties and the courage it takes to survive in a country that rejects you, even as it relies upon your labor.

Hunting a Killer

by Edward Kendrick

When the police call the slaughter of his mother and brother a home invasion gone bad, Mika doesn't believe it. Because he has no way to prove otherwise, he closes down, refusing to talk about what happened.That is until Buck, a bouncer at a local bar Mika visits, convinces Mika to open up to him. When he does, Buck not only learns about the murder, but also that Mika grew up living off the grid until his father died, two years previously, at which point his family moved to the city.They begin to bond as they try to figure out the reason behind the murders, which may revolve around the family property in the mountains. All they have to do is prove it, without being killed in the process. Only if they can will they take a chance and move their growing friendship on to something more.

Two Hearts

by David Connor E. F. Mulder

Following a lightning strike that causes his nervous system to go haywire, Frank is left unable to touch another living thing. Though resigned to being a lonely freak, he ever hopes that someone, somewhere, might love him.But his life goes from bad to worse when someone does ...

Cowboy Blues

by Jamie Craig

As a rising star on the professional rodeo circuit, Spencer Cole risks his life every night in his quest to become one of the most elite bull riders in America. That all changes on a devastating Fourth of July when a terrible accident brings his future into sharp question.For five years, Rebecca Rankin's annual trysts with Spencer have been the high point of her Independence Day celebrations, but the timing was never right to seek out more. Now, she's thrust into the role of nursemaid for a bitter, angry cowboy who believes he's lost everything.But Spencer needs more than a nurse. He needs somebody to show him his life didn't end when his career did. Because courage isn't about how long the bull ride is. It's about getting back up after the ride is over.

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